The London Gazette, February 22, 1887
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944 THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 22, 1887. order that there may be no difficulty In announcing Admiralty, 21st February, 1887. them to His Royal Highness. THE undermentioned Navigating Lieutenants The State Apartments will be open for the • •have been promoted to the rank of Staff Com- reception of Company coming to Court at half- mander in Her Majesty's Fleet:— past one o'clock. LATHOM, Herbert John Dockrell, Dated 9th February, Lord Chambexloht* 1887. Herbert Roxby. Dated 13th February, 1887. Engineer William Henry Matthews has been (PLEUKO-PNEUMONIA.) promoted to the rank of Chief Engineer in Her IT the Council Chamber,* Whitehall, the 22nd Majesty's Fleet. Dated 5th February, 1887. A day of February, 1887. By Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Commission signed by (he Lord Lieutenant of the Council. County of Bedford. Lords and others of Her Majesty's Most James Poole Wagstaff, Esq., to be Deputy Lieu- JL Honourable Privy Council, by virtue and in tenant. Dated 17th February, 1887. exercise of the powers in them vested under The Contagious 'Diseases (Animals) Acts, 1878 to 1886, and • of every other power enabling them TENDERS FOR LOANS ON TREASURY in this behalf, do order, and it is hereby ordered, BILLS. as follows : 1. THE Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's 1. The following Area (namely), —in the Treasury hereby give notice that Tenders will be Birmingham Division of .the county of Warwick received at the Chief Cashier's Office at the Bank comprised within the following boundaries, that of England, on Wednesday, the 2nd proximo, at is to say, on the north the New-road leading to one o'clock, for Treasury Bills to be issued under Hodge Hill ending at the Common including the the Act 40 Vic., cap. 2, to the amount of Stechf ord-lane from its junction with the turnpik'e- £2,486,000. road near the Fox and Goose Inn down to Stech- 2. The Bills will be in amounts of £1,000, ford Bridge on the river Cole, on the south the £5,000, or £10,000. They will be dated the 9th river Cole, on the west the London and North- March, 1887, and will be payable at three or Western Railway and the lane from the Railway six months after date (at the option of the persons to the New-road aforesaid, including also the farm tendering), viz.:—on the 9th June or 9th Sep- buildings, rick-yard, and a pasture field adjoining tember next, respectively. thereto being a portion of a farm called Little 3. The Tenders mu*t specify the net amount Bromwich farm in the occupation of George per cent, -which will be given ftr the amounts Henry Tomlinson, and on the east the pasture applied fur; and the Tenders of private individuals lands of the Castle Bromwich' farm, — which was must be made through a London Banker. declared by Order of Council to be an Area 4. The Bills will be issued and paid at the Bank infected with pleuro-pneumonia, is hereby declared of England. to be free from pleuro-pneumonia, and that Area 5. The persons whose Tenders aro accepted shall, as from the commencement of this Order, will be informed of the same on Thursday, the cease to be an Area infected with pleuro-pneu- 3rd proximo, and payment in full of the amounts monia. of the accepted Tenders must be made to the 2. This Order shall take effect from and imme- Bank of England not later than three o'clock, on diately after the twenty-ihird dscy of February, Wednesday, the 9th proximo. one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. 6. The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's C. L. Peel. Treasury reserve the right of rejecting any Tenders. Treasury Chambers, February 17, 1887. St. James's Palace, February 21, 1887. THE Queen has been pleased to appoint TREASURY WARRANT. Alexander Hugh, Lord Balfour of Burleigh, to WE, the Commissionerc of Her Majesty's be one of Her Majesty's Lords in Waiting in Treasury, in pursuance of the Acts relating to Ordinary, in the room of William Hillier, Earl Her Majesty's Post Office, and in exercise of all of Onslow, resigned. powers enabling us in this behalf, do, by this Warrant, made on the representation of Her Majesty's Postmaster-General (testified by his signing the same), and under the hands of two of Crown Office, February 22, 1887. us, the said Commissioners, order, direct, and MEMBER, returned to serve in the present declare as follows :— PARLIAMENT. Definitions. Borough of Burnley. 1.' In this Warrant:— John Slagg-, Esq., in the place of Peter Rylands, (1.) The expression " Parcel" means a Postal Esq., deceased. Packet which is posted as a Parcel in accor- dance with the provisions of this Warrant, or any Warrant amending the same. (2.) The expression "United Kingdom" in- Admiralty, [Qth February, 1887. cludes the Channel Islands and the Isle of THE undermentioned Boatswains have been Man. promoted to the rank of Chief Boatswain in Her Places between which Parcels may be Transmitted. Majesty's Fleet:— 2. From and after the date when this Warrant William Stanlak'e. comes into operation, Parcels may, subject to the Henry Lee. provisions of this Wamint, be transmitted by Dated 17th February, 1887. post between the United Kingdom and British THhi LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 22, 1887. 945 Honduras, and, by way of the United Kingdom such times and in such manner as may be directed and the several routes specified in the schedule by the Postmaster-General. hereto, between British Honduras and the several Mode of Posting. countries mentioned'in such schedule. 9. Except as otherwise provided in this War- Rates of Postage between United Kingdom and rant, all Parcels shall in the United Kingdom be British Honduras. posted by being handed in at a Post Office in 3. On all Parcels posted in the United King- the manner hereinafter provided, within the hours dom addressed to British Honduras, or posted in during which such office shall be open to the British Honduras addressed to the United King- public for the posting of Parcels. dom, and transmitted by post under this "Warrant, Posting at Post Offices. there shall be charged and paid the following 10. The following provisions shall apply to the rates of postage, tliat is to say:— posting of. Par eels at any Post Office in the On every Parcel not exceeding one pound in United Kingdom, that is to say :— weight eight pence. (I.) It shall be the duty of the person bringing On every Parcel exceeding one pound and not a Parcel to hand it to an officer on duty at exceeding eleven pounds in weight, for the the counter in such office. first pound eight-pence, and for every addi- (2.) Such Parcel must be accompanied by or tional pound or fraction of a pound in weight have affixed to it a declaration of such kind, eight pence. and stating the contents of the Parcel in such manner and form, and with such other parti- Maximum Dimensions and Weight of such Parcels. culars as the Commissioners of Customs and 4. No Parcel posted in the United Kingdom the Postmaster-General may prescribe. addressed to British Honduras, or posted in British (3.) Such Parcel shall be measured and weighed Honduras addressed to the United Kingdom, the by such officer, and (if such Parcel do not dimensions of which shall exceed in length three exceed the limits of measurement or weight feet six inches or in length and girth measured hereinbefore mentioned) the postage thereof, together six feet (such girth being measured according to the rates hereinbefore men- round the thickest part of such Parcel), or which tioned, shall be prepaid as hereinbefore pror shall exceed in weight eleven pounds, shall be vided, and shall be verified by such officer, conveyed or tendered for conveyance by post and no such Parcel shall be forwarded by the under this Warrant. Post without being accompanied by or Iiaving Rates of Postage from British Honduras to Places affixed thereto such declaration as aforesaid ; in Schedule, via United Kingdom. and until such Parcel has been so measured 5. On all Parcels transmitted by post under and weighed, and the postage chargeable this Warrant from British Honduras to any thereon shall have been properly paid; and country mentioned in the schedule hereto by way if any such Parcel shall be left at a Post of the United Kingdom, there shall be charged Office without being accompanied by or and paid according to the route of transmission having affixed thereto such declaration, and and weight of such parcels respectively the several without being so measured and weighed and rates of postage specified in such schedule. the postage chargeable thereon properly paid as aforesaid, such Parcel shall be detained Maximum Dimensions and Weight of Parcels and may be returned or given up to the between Places via United Kingdom. sender thereof, or otherwise dealt with or 6. No Parcel, the dimensions of which shall disposed of in any manner authorized by this exceed in any direction two feet, or which in the Warrant. case of Parcels posted in or addressed to Austria- Collection of Parcels. Hungary, Denmark, Heligoland, Switzerland, 11. The Postmaster-General may, if he think Germany, Italy, or Sweden, shall exceed six fit, from time to time authorize such officers as he pounds in weight, or in the case of Parcels posted may direct to receive Parcels for the Post under in or addressed to Belgium, the Netherlands, such regulations and conditions as he may from Luxemburg, or .Norway, shall exceed eleven time to time prescribe.