Chapter 5 The Beatitudes How does the giving of the Beatitudes compare/ contrast to the giving of the Law to on Mount Sinai? (note 5:1)

What are the meanings of the following beatitudes? Blessed are: The poor in spirit (note 5:3) Those who mourn (note 5:4) The meek (note 5:5) Those who hunger and thirst (nt. 5:6) The merciful (note 5:7) The pure in heart (note 5:8) The peacemakers (note 5:9) Those who are persecuted (nt. 5:10)

Salt & Light In the Sermon on the Mount, calls “Father” 17 times. Why is this important? (note 5:16)

The Fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets What is the meaning of the following passage: “For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Note 5:20)

Concerning Anger What is the significance of the “Six Antitheses” when Jesus cites the Old Law “you have heard that it was said” and responds “But I say to you?” (note 5:21-48) What is the deeper meaning of “thou shall not kill?” (note 5:21).

Concerning Swearing Oaths What does Jesus mean by swearing false oaths? (note 5:33)

Concerning Retaliation Was is meant by the saying “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”? (note 5:38).

Chapter 6 Concerning Almsgiving What were the three traditional works of mercy honored by Jews? (note 6:1-18)

Concerning Prayer What is the relationship between private prayer and communal prayer? (note 6:6)

What is the importance of the “Our Father” prayer? (note 6:9-13)

Chapter 7 Judging Others What is the difference between judging the act and judging the person? (note 7:1-6)

Chapter 8 Jesus Cleanses a Leper How does the cleansing of a leper and the Mosaic Law on ritual cleanliness relate to the Sacrament of Reconciliation? (note 8:4)

Would-be Followers of Jesus What does Jesus mean when he says, “leave the dead to bury their own dead”? (note 8:22)

Jesus Calms the Storm at Sea How does this miracle compare / contrast to the experience of Jonah in the Old Testament? (note 8:22-37)

Chapter 9 Jesus Heals a Paralytic Forgiveness of sins in the Old Testament was available only through the sacrificial system of the . Is Jesus superior to the Old Covenant system established by Moses? (note 9:3)

Does Jesus give this authority to forgive sins to men? (note 9:8)

The Call of Matthew What is meant when Jesus says “I desire mercy and not sacrifice for I came not to call the righteous but sinners?” How does Jesus subtly rebuke the Pharisees by citing the prophet Hosea? (note 9:13)

Questions About Fasting What is the meaning of the old garment and the old wineskins as it relates to the new garment and wineskins? (note 9:16, note 9:17)

Harvest is Plentiful the Laborers are Few What is the meaning of the word sheep and shepherd in the Old Testament? (note 9:36)

Chapter 10 The Twelve Disciples What is the significance of choosing twelve apostles? (note 10:2)

The Mission of the Twelve Why did Jesus send the twelve out only to the of ? (note 10:5)

Coming Persecutions What is the meaning of the following passage: “When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel, before the Son of man comes.” (note 10:23)