FIRST VATICAN COFFIN CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS FIRST VATICAN COFFIN CONFERENCE 19-22 JUNE 2013 VATICAN COFFIN PROJECT Reparto Antichità Egizie e del Vicino Oriente Laboratorio di Diagnostica per la Conservazione ed il Restauro Scientific secretary Mario Cappozzo, Egyptian Dept. Musei Vaticani
[email protected] Organization Event Dept. and Web-Dept. Musei Vaticani Progetto grafico e impaginazione Giulia Angelini
[email protected] Referenze fotografiche Foto © Musei Vaticani Stampa Tipografia Vaticana © Governatoriato SCV - Direzione dei Musei Vaticani Città del Vaticano Massachusetts Chapter THANKS TO Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums The Vatican Museums, in collaboration with the Musée du Louvre and the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden, is organising this First Vatican Coffin Conference. It is the very first edition of a series of conferences planned by the Vatican Coffin Project. Set up in 2008 by the Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Vatican, launched and developed by Alessia Amenta, in collaboration with the Diagnostic Laboratory for Conservation and Restoration of the Vatican Museums, directed by Ulderico Santamaria, this Project was joined in 2011 by the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden and in 2012 by the Musée du Louvre in Paris. Serving Egyptology, the Vatican Coffin Project has the advantage of engaging in the most exhaustive material study of a large corpus, coherent although dispersed in various European collections. Beginning with those coffins belonging to our respective collections, the purpose of our collaborative research is to carry out a special revision of TIP coffins using the most sophisticated scientific technology and according to a joint protocol. We decided to cooperate in this Project as we became aware of the importance and significance of the joint forces of our three museums as institutional collaboration has turned to be indispensable.