
Beer Parish News May 2016 CHURCH DIRECTORY VICAR Rev. JEREMY TREW 20391 The Vicarage, Rd, Seaton, EX12 2DF [email protected]

St Gregory’s Office [email protected] 23656 Churchwardens: Mr P. Dormor, Far End, Common Hill, Beer 20003 Mrs G. Chapple, Sunnymead, Higher Meadows 20756 Treasurer: Mr K. Izzard, Sunningdale, Common Hill, Beer 625181 Secretary: Mrs Jean Smith 625607 Sacristan Mrs L. Bees 21723 & Head Server: Altar Guild: Mrs P. Bewick 21954 Mrs Y. Hawker 22191 Choir: Dr G. Butler (Practice Wed 6-7pm) 21375 Organist: Dr G. Butler, Mullions, New Road, Beer 21375 Children’s Society: Mrs P. Edmunds, West Ebb, Common Hill, 23659 Beer EX12 3AQ Families Worker Kathryn Radley [email protected] Children’s Team: Mrs J. Smith 625607 Mrs J. Ross Mrs L. Molony Assistant Cleric Rev. Brian McMahon 22988 Worship Team: Mr P. Dormor (sec) 20003 Mrs G. Chapple, Ms M. Hirons, Mrs L. Molony, Mrs L. Bees, Rev. B. McMahon Pastoral Team: Mrs G. Chapple (sec) 20756 Mrs Y. Hawker, Mrs S. Aplin, Mrs P. Bewick, Mrs E. Singleton, Mrs A. Vaughan, Mrs S. Anderson Beer Parish News Dr Henry Jaggers, Green Bank, 9 Clinton Rise, 20858 Editor: Beer. Email: [email protected] In an emergency, parishioners should contact either of the Churchwardens (see above for addresses and phone numbers). The P.C.C. of St Michael's Church, Beer, holds the copyright to articles written by its members. Please ask for permission before you use them. Other than articles written by church members, we do not own the copyright to any of the materials herein. Publication of items herein, including advertisements, does not imply endorsement by the P.C.C. www.coastalchurch.org.uk St MICHAEL’S 2016 MAY CALENDAR

Sun 1 st 8:00am Communion 11:00am Joint Rogation service (starting at St Michael's) 4:00pm Cafe Church @ 4 Tues 3rd 7:00pm Archdeacon's Court of Visitation at All Saints Wed 4th 10:00am Communion with healing ministry 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Thurs 5th TBC Ascension Day Service? 10-11:30am "Growing in Prayer" St Gregory's Church, Seaton Sat 7th 4:00pm ~ Visiting Organists from Exeter Sun 8th 9:30am Communion Wed 11th 10:00am Communion 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Fri 13th 9:30 ~ 11:00am St Mickey's Music Makers Sun 15th 8:00am Communion 9:30am Morning Praise Pentecost Mon 16th 2:00pm PCC Meeting 3:30pm Worship Team Meeting Wed 18th 10:00am Communion 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Thur 19th 10~11:30am"Growing in Prayer"St Gregory'sChurch, Seaton Sat 21st 2:00pm ~ Visiting Organists from Torbay Sun 22nd 9:30am Communion Wed 25th 10:00am Communion 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Sun 29th 9:30am Joint Communion Service at St Michael's

Sometimes we have to make changes at short notice so the only way to be really sure of what’s going on is to come to church!

-- 3 -- Jeremy writes... As I write the campaigning for the EU referendum is really getting going. I must admit, this is one of the most confusing campaigns I have ever witnessed. Both sides make audacious claims about their own position. Both sides decry the other for scare- mongering. Both sides are reluctant to admit they just don’t know what exactly is five years down the road for the UK if we vote with them. I suspect you could actually take the publicity material for either campaign, simply substitute in the name of the other side, and be left with a document which made about as much sense. Of course, if your mind is already made up then there is probably little the campaigners could say to make you change it. However, this election may hang on the last minute decision of the undecideds. This whole electoral process may not be very revealing about Britain’s best stance vis-a-vis Europe, but it certainly is revealing about the state of politics in this country. Decisions are made, not by politicians bending to the will of the many, but to the wishes of the powerful undecided few. To them the campaigners will resort to all sorts of twistings and distortions of the truth in order to gain their vote. It is not a pretty sight, and it is certainly not an edifying one. I suspect that no-one can say with any great degree of certainty what either decision will mean for Britain in the long run, whatever they may be hoping for, and whatever they may be claiming (the two need not be related). I suspect that this referendum actually has far less to do with hard fact (which despite its alleged certainty can be damnably difficult to find) than it does with simple faith (which although normally so frustratingly elusive, speaks strongly from our guts, if not our minds). We commonly view ourselves as having two seats of knowledge: feelings come from the heart and facts from the mind (yes, I know they’re all electro-chemical exchanges in the brain, but let’s allow a bit of poetry for pity’s sake). That’s why we draw hearts as a symbol

-- 4 -- of love and lightbulbs over heads to represent thought. We do, however, have scrappy remnants of a third seat of knowledge: an idea going back to ancient times. We speak of gut feelings: that sense from deep within us that something is simply right or wrong; and this may be in conflict with what the facts in our head tell us or what our hearts want to believe. I suspect that many will decide how to vote on the 23rd June on a gut feeling. I think they might be right. Certainly, that is how faith works. Go on, try it. You never know… Jeremy

From the Registers Thanksgiving:

27th March William Adkin Wedding: 26th March Sarah Tyler & Dave O’Reilly Baptism: 3rd April Bonnie Foster Funerals: 30th March Mr Gordon Perkins 87 12th April Mrs Betty Sawyer 88 15th April Mr Colin Kettle 77

Julian Meetings usually take place on the second Monday of each month, 7.30 for 7.45pm at St Gregory’s Church Centre, Colyford Road, Seaton. We are a small group who meet regularly in order to grow in the practice of Contemplative Prayer in the Christian tradition. Julian Meetings welcome people of ALL denominations, or none. For more information contact: Sue Price, Reader at St Gregory’s Seaton on 01297 22314, or Liz Molony at St Michael’s Beer.

-- 5 -- To WAREHAM on Wednesday, 8th June

Pick up points in Beer (The Square) & Seaton (St Gregory’s Church Hall)

Departing at: 9:15am (from Beer) 9:30am (from Seaton)

Approximately 3 hours free time in Wareham (for boat trip, lunch, ‘walking the walls’ or general exploring etc) before meeting for short act of worship at Lady St. Mary Church (optional) Then back to LULWORTH COVE (Visitor Centre/Museum/Tea)

Then heading homeward to arrive at approximately 5:30pm

Price £12 (includes driver’s tip!) If you would like to join this outing please sign up on the list at the back of church or phone Gayle Chapple (01297 20756)

OPEN TO ALL The Mission Community of St Gregory’s & St Michael’s

-- 6 -- Secretary: Pat Edmunds 01297 23659 Many thanks to all who helped with the Spring Coffee Morning on 16th April. It was held in Church for the first time and we were pleased it went well. £278 was raised for Church funds. A reminder for flower arrangers that Pentecost is on 15th May and window arrangements should be red and white. A flower festival is being planned for 9th – 11th July with a royal theme to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday. It should make for some interesting displays! Date of next meeting: Tuesday 10th May 10am

St. Michael’s Bookshop VARIED SELECTION of secondhand books at our bookstall in St Michael’s Please bring us any books which you wish to donate.

GOOD paper backs and good small hard back books only please! - No Readers Digest volumes, no large hard backs, and no magazines as we do not have room to store them.

Cover photo: The Pentecostal Dove, stained glass window from Servant’s Community Church, Grand Rapids Michigan. Editor -- 7 -- Beer W.I. Newsletter, April 2016 At our meeting we focused on voting for the NFWI Resolutions which will be decided at the AGM in Brighton, in May. We also made preparations for our own AGM, also in May, including the annual Treasurer, Secretary and President Report as well as elections for the President and committee. We were delighted to welcome Sioux White, who has written a book on two of Beer’s entrepreneurial Lace Makers, Jane and Ida and she made their histories come to life. Several of our members are accomplished lace makers and Jan Smith brought a selection of her lace collection, including samples of her own lace which was greatly admired. Jenny Eagles won the Limerick competition and Anne Gladstone, the decoration, which when amalgamated, will be entered into the Spring Group Meeting at and Whitford, to celebrate The Queen’s 90th Birthday. We will be enjoying lunch this month at The Dolphin and a coffee outing to Sidmouth. EDDC have kindly agreed to take over the upkeep of the WI plots in the Jubilee Gardens, so they should be looking presentable again soon for ourselves and visitors alike. Look out for forthcoming details of a fund-raiser event, “Drive Safer for Longer,” which should be of interest to many of us in the village! Our AGM is for members only but guests will be welcome to join us again in June. See our notice board for details.

Seaton Garden Club Outings 12th May - Bowood House, Wiltshire 14th July - Coleton Fishacre, near Paignton 8th September - Heligan Gardens, Cornwall. For more details, contact Laurie Phillips 01297 21869 -- 8 -- I’m writing this in advance of our next rock pooling session when we hope to find more residents for the tanks. Keep an eye on our website, or look for the posters, for details. As a guide, we usually arrange safaris to take advantage of low spring tides. The designer who is planning the new displays hopes to start work soon. We won’t be competing with Seaton Jurassic, but hope to complement the story being told there. This is our way of celebrating 10 years since our new building was opened. We are planning a “Clean for the Queen” on Saturday 11th June. Look out for details, and come and join us for a special Beach Clean. We usually work for an hour and then have a well deserved cuppa. Come and join us. Look out too for another initiative for keeping the beach clean – more details in due course. Beer Village Heritage was set up to celebrate the past, present and future heritage of the village. Most of you will know that the fishermen have been working with a charity called Blue Marine to deliver sustainable, high quality and traceable fish for the market. Over the last couple of years they have taken cool boxes to sea so that their catch can be landed in the optimum state for sale. More recently they have set up Reserve Seafood which takes their catch direct to London where they have a guaranteed market. The project has been nominated for an international award – Natura 2000. You might like to vote for the project. You will find more information on this website www.bluemarinefoundation.com . The link for voting for Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve is:- http://natura2000award-application.eu/finalist/1102 Our partnership with the Jurassic Coast Trust continues to keep us busy. We ran an activity day for youngsters on holiday at Ladram Bay during the Easter holidays, and we have done a number of walks and talks. We have just taken delivery of an “Activity Day” kit which includes several other activities, such as plaster ammonites to paint, as well as the fossil box which we’ve looked after for some years. The kit is available for other groups in the area to borrow. We’re looking forward to helping at the Fossil Festival in Lyme Regis over the May Day weekend. There is an exhibition – Talking Waves – by Sam Rose and Nicola Taylor in the Bomb Shelter over the May Day weekend. This is a new collaboration between an artist and photographer. If you’d like to be invited to special events, then do join up as a member by paying the annual subscription (£2.50) to one of our regular helpers such as Henry, Chris, Nick, Mike, Carol, Trevor, Jean or Norah. www.beervillageheritage.org.uk -- 9 -- P ar t y ! Come and celebrate with the Villagers of Beer the Queen's Official Birthday

Music & Entertainment

-- 10 -- MARINERS’ HALL, BEER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Registered charity no. 300760 A fantastic turnout of over 200 enjoyed the song sheet of the Beatles, as tribute band the Fab Beatles made their second appearance to the Mariners’ Hall. The energy and enthusiasm from the band encouraged a lot of lip-synching and turning back the clock and taking to the dance floor. To compliment the Beer village website, a website dedicated to the Mariners’ Hall is under construction. The aim is to provide online details of forthcoming events, together with links for booking enquiries and promote the variety of uses of the hall from group coffee mornings to large weddings. If you have any photographs old or new of times spent in the hall we would love to see them. Digital photos can be emailed to [email protected] originals to Norah Jaggers or any other member of the committee. (Of course photographs will be returned after copying). At the last committee meeting two draws of our 50 Club were made producing two sets of £40 and £20 winners. Taking part provides valuable funds to the Hall whilst at the same time gives participants a 2 in 50 chance of a winning. We are still looking for someone to help with hall bookings. Do you have a few hours a week to help with this important role? Don’t forget Puffins are holding a Charitable Race Night on May 13th. DO YOU LIKE CHILDREN? Could you spare 1 hour twice a term? J a M (Jesus and Me) is a lunchtime club every Monday lunchtime for Key Stage 2 children (8-10 year olds) at Beer Primary School. The children play a game, have a Bible based story and do some crafts which often leads to some very interesting discussions! Kathryn Radley (our Families Worker) plans, organises and leads the session but regulations state she must have another adult present. If you are available from 12:30 - 1:30pm on a Monday during term time to join our committed team of volunteers, or if you would just like some more information please contact Kathryn on 07599292449 or email [email protected] And please don’t feel you have to be a ‘regular’ church goer - you don’t - just someone who enjoys spending an hour once or twice a term with some delightful & well behaved children.

-- 11 -- Beer Parish Council News - April 2016 This month was our Annual Parish Meeting - it is a legal requirement to hold this meeting to provide an opportunity for all electors to ask questions and hear about what the Council is doing. Please note that the Council encourages parishioners to come to any monthly meeting as we always start with 15 minutes public participation, during which any matters can be raised which are within the remit of the Parish Council The Council has had several complaints about the flooding at the top of Hollyhead Road and mud on the road causing hazardous driving conditions. As a result a meeting was arranged with the local farmer and the Estates Manager from Clinton Estates. The local farmer was able to clarify arrangements for the rotation of fields and advised that the existing field entrance will actually be closed. The farmer also wanted to advertise that Gatcombe Farm will be taking part in the "Open Farm Sunday" event which is on the 5th of June 2016 – everyone is welcome to visit and see how the farm works. Please note that DDC Highways have also scheduled emergency drainage works to help prevent the flooding problem in the future. A road closure will be in place for as long as necessary. The Police come along to most of our monthly meetings and on this occasion they reported that the crime in and around Beer is very low, with no crimes reported last month. The Police will hopefully be holding their regular ‘Have Your Say’ surgeries in conjunction with the monthly Parish Council surgeries held in the Mariners’ Hall. The next surgery will be on 14 May at the Beer Village Heritage coffee morning at the Mariners’ Hall. The "dog mess" topic is nearly always brought up at our surgeries. The Parish Council can provide stickers for household bins which encourage dog walkers to bag and bin dog mess. Using household bins which are accessible from the street effectively helps to increase the number of dog bins available. The year ahead is a very exciting one for Beer as the Parish Council is working with EDDC to try and transfer village assets into the ownership of the Parish Council. This will give us much more control over the village assets and how we manage them. Your council is looking to co-opt new members, so if you are interested and have skills and enthusiasm to offer please get in touch. Formal co-option of new members will take place at the Annual Meeting on 3 May. If you would like further information about becoming a Parish Councillor, contact the Parish Clerk [email protected] or visit the latest news page of the website for information and an application form www.beerparishcouncil.org.uk -- 12 -- AXE VALLEY AND WEST DORSET RING AND RIDE from your own front door his service has been in operation since September 2001 and is Ta registered charity running community transport for the and West Dorset areas. It is provided for people with a special need for transport facilities because they are elderly, disabled, parents with young children or people living in isolated areas. The door-to-door service offers passengers security and comfort, taking a lot of the strain out of shopping. The fares are very reasonable with morning shopping trips to places like , Bridport, , Sidmouth and Chard costing just £5.00 return. Word of mouth proves over and over again to be the best source of advertising and many of the Ring and Ride passengers have told both neighbours and friends who have subsequently joined. There is also a Passenger Club for each zone that offers a weekly afternoon trip and a day trip on one Saturday each month and is very popular with members. The subscription fee is just £10 and gives the opportunity to visit destinations such as Otter Nurseries, Sherborne, Portland, the Somerset Levels and Abbotsbury Swannery with day trips to , Glastonbury, Wells, Swanage and many others. The service covers an area from Beer to Bridport and Beaminster to Membury encompassing many tiny rural areas in between and offers a lifeline to many who may find other forms of transport inappropriate or simply lacking. For further information and details about any of the trips available please contact our office on 01404 46520 and we shall be happy to assist you. more details overleaf… -- 13 -- Do you have difficulty using or accessing local bus services? Are you an elderly person? Do you have a mobility problem? If so then try the AXE VALLEY & WEST DORSET RING & RIDE

Axmouth, Beer, Colyton, ZONE 1 Seaton, .


Monday 4th Bridport Monday 1st Bridport Monday 7th Bridport Monday 11th Sidmouth Monday 8th Sidmouth Monday 14th Sidmouth Monday 18th Bridport Monday 15th Bridport Monday 21st Bridport Monday 25th Sidmouth Monday 22nd Sidmouth Monday 29th Honiton


Monday 4th Sidmouth Monday 9th Bridport Monday 6th Sidmouth Monday 11th Bridport Monday 16th Sidmouth Monday 13th Bridport Monday 18th Sidmouth Monday 23rd Bridport Monday 20th Sidmouth Monday 25th Honiton Monday 27th Honiton

Shopping trips first pick up 9.00am To book your journey return 12.00pm or to enquire about (Times are approximate) the service please ring FARES £5.00 Single or Return 01404 46520

The bus mobile numbers are Richard - 07563 718 712 Alan - 07984 399 914 For out of office hours use only 2016 -- 14 -- Axe Valley and West Dorset Ring and Ride Service Ltd Parish Office, St Paul's Church, High Street, Honiton, EX14 1PE , Tel: 01404 46520 “RING & RIDE PASSENGER CLUB” TRIPS FOR 2016 - ZONE 1 Registered Charity No. 1098002 Supported by a grant from Seaton Town Council Please pay for your trip on the day directly to the driver. Saturday Trips: First pick up 9.30am Return 4pm (Times are approxi- mate) Friday Trips: First pick up 1.30pm Return 5pm MAY Friday 6th Oathill Farm, Clapton, Crewkerne £6 Enjoy a drive and then visit Lucy’s Tea Room in a beautiful old farmhouse for a delicious cream tea and then wander in the grounds. Friday 13th Hestercombe Gardens, Taunton £6 + entry £9.50 50 acres of temples, lakes and formal beds, joint work of design greats Gertrude Jekyll and Sir Edward Lutyens. House and Gallery, Café, Shop and plant centre. Saturday 14th Wareham and the Blue Pool £15 Take a drive to Wareham and enjoy lunch in the town, then to the nearby magical Blue Pool for tea. Gift shop, museum and plant centre. Friday 20th Wye Vale Garden Centre, nr Dorchester £6 Also Restaurant with freshly prepared food and outlets including farm shop, crafts and Edinburgh Woollen Mill. Friday 27th Mystery drive with a stop for tea £6 JUNE Friday 3rd West Bay £6 The Golden Gateway to the Jurassic coast. Have a stroll along the seaside and harbour which are predominantly level. Enjoy some fish and chips! Friday 10th Otter Nurseries Garden Centre £6 Saturday 11th Dartmoor £15 Enjoy a drive over beautiful Dartmoor, stops for shopping and refreshment. Friday 17th Portland £6 Visit the Isle of Portland, a wonderfully isolated coastal area. Lighthouse and café for tea. Friday 24th £6 Stroll along the promenade – or do some shopping and then enjoy a relaxing cup of tea.

-- 15 -- Seaton Beer and District Branch Seaton Beer and District Branch thank eveyone who attended our Easter Bingo at Winstons', Seaton on Thursday 24th March. We thank the people who attended on a wet and stormy night and the total raised was £82. We thank Winstons' for hosting the event and Pete Perryman who did an excellent job as the caller. There were many donated raffle prizes including a selection of wines from Lyme Bay Winery and a Meal Voucher from Winstons'. Our next event is part of the RNLI Mayday Appeal 2016. Events are being held around the country from the 26th April to the 2nd May. Details of our collection at Tesco Seaton on Friday 29th April from 9am to 6pm will be available in the next Beer Parish News. The day included a yellow and Yellow Wellington Boot theme. There was a "Decorated Wellington Boot Competition" people were invited to bring along their old Wellington Boots decorated any way they want. There was also a "Welly Art Competition". People were also invited to bring along a Drawing, Painting or Collage on a Wellington Boot theme. The competition was open to all ages and there were prizes for the winning entries. We are also planning a MayDay Appeal Walk on Sunday 15th May. Further details will be available nearer the time. Please contact Secretary Wendy Cummins at [email protected]. Our next event at Beer is our Beer Lifeboat Week. This year includes on Saturday 2nd July our Annual Street Collection, Brew for the Crew and Quiz Night. Sunday 3rd July our 11th Annual Duck Race Day including a collection at the Craft Fair, a visit at 2.30pm by Lyme Regis Lifeboat (weather and operational requirements permitting). The Duck Races down Beer Brook start at 3pm. There will also be the Duck Art Competition and we hope to have other Duck competitions and stalls on a Duck theme. Friday 8th July is Music Night in the Long Bar, Dolphin Hotel. Further details of all events nearer Beer Lifeboat Week. We thank everyone for their support. Wendy Cummins,Secretary,Seaton Beer and District Branch RNLI

-- 16 -- Tuesday opportunity club…Beer Best Years Club! Beer Tea & Cake Best Years Accessible and Club inclusive activities For those aged 50+ & families are welcome Time: 2pm - 4pm Venue: Dates: Mariners hall, 10 & 24 May Beer 7 & 21 June 12 & 19 July

Seated Vitality

For more information about the day contact Annie | T: 0129721305 E: [email protected]

Activities: Table Tennis, Seated Vitality, New Age Curling, Bowls and Hand Massage

Facebook: Active Devon | Twitter: @activedevon | @OutreachLED

-- 17 -- Beer Film Society On Monday 16th May Steamers Restaurant “Bridge of Spies” (Cert 12A) Drama, History, Thriller Director: Steven Spielberg Starring: Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance (Oscar winner) During the Cold War, an American lawyer is recruited to defend an arrested Soviet spy in court, and then help the CIA facilitate an exchange of the spy for the Soviet captured American U2 spy plane pilot, Francis Gary Powers.

Doors open 7-00pm, Film 7.30pm Admission: Members £3.50 General Public £5.00 The bar will be open for ice cream, drinks & coffee. Our AGM and next film is “Brooklyn” on 20th June Beer Film Society www.beerfilmsociety.org.uk -- 18 -- BEER ALBION FC QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 14th May 7.30 pm at the Clubhouse Entry: £10 per team (max 4 persons) Contact Mike Adkin for further details 07873 326847 [email protected] Fixtures left for May are: 2nd: 1st Team away to Bow AAC 2nd: 2nd Team home to Town 2nds 4th: 1st Team away to Honiton Town 7th: 1st Team home to Hatherleigh Town 14th: 1st Team home to Feniton The Football Dinner is on 21st May, in the Mariners’ Hall.

-- 19 -- -- 20 -- Advertisement(s) [ page 21 ]

Will Fortnight 9th- 20th May In aid of Hospiscare A great opportunity to make or update your Will and support your local hospice. Seaton - Beviss & Beckingsale Paul Watkins, 01297 626950 Sidmouth - Everys Lisa Todd, 01395 577983 To find out more about how the scheme works and other solicitors who are participating this year, please contact Elizabeth on 01392 688020 or [email protected] or go to www.hospiscare.co.uk

Beer Pharmacy REPEAT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE COLLECTION & HOME DELIVERY FREE Express Prescription Collection & Delivery Service FREE Weekly Medicine Tray AlI Types of Prescriptions Dispensed

Your local independent Pharmacy Beer Pharmacy Fore Street Beer EX12 3JJ TEL: 01297 21823 Advertisement(s) [ page 22 ]

Registered Charity No. 1140676 Working locally to support anyone affected by cancer face to face www.forcecancercharity.co.uk Telephone 01392 406151 [Charity Advertisement]

[Charity Advertisement]

Visit www.beerparishcouncil.org.uk and look under “News” to find the current edition of BEER PARISH NEWS in full colour ! Editor Advertisement(s) [ page 23 ]



STEAMERS RESTAURANT Steamers is open throughout the year; Tuesday to Saturday: Morning coffee - 10.30am to 2pm, Lunch - 12pm to 2pm & Dinner - 6.45pm to 9pm NOW OPEN FOR SUNDAY LUNCH FROM 11.45am to 2.15pm Monday: Closed except for special events Tel: 01297 22922 STEAMERS, New Cut, Off Fore Street, Beer EX12 3DU Email: [email protected] www.steamersrestaurant.co.uk Advertisement(s) [ page 24 ]

Fore Street, Beer


For All Your ● TREES ● HEDGES ● LOGS ● LAWNS Please call:- MICHAEL WEST Your Local Fully Qualified TREE SURGEON AND GARDENER 07747 483316 Beer Post Office is now part of Rock Villa Off-Licence Richard Scott Fore Street, Beer Chimney Sweeping 07752 113854 Brush and vacuum sweeping Service available seven days Sweeping certificates issued a week during the store’s 01297 24157 opening hours - 07870 891581 [email protected] Mon – Sat 9am to 8pm; Sunday: 11am to 7pm Advertisement(s) [ page 25 ]

FUNERAL SERVICE Private Chapels of Rest at Beer and Seaton Colin Comber Trudy and Dave Rodgers Office “Bay View”, Trevelyan Road, Seaton, Devon EX12 2NL Tel 01297 22538 (24 hours) email [email protected]



Dine in the bar or in our dining room

Beer Village Stores Fore Street, Beer Groceries & Household Goods - Frozen Goods Cold Drinks & Snacks - Fresh Bread Welcome to The Anchor! Beer, Wine & Spirits - Sweets & Confectionery Dry Cleaning & Laundry Agent - DIY

Magazines Open 7 days a week NewspapersFor enquiries call 01297 21782

Magazines, Tobacco, Confectionery, Stationery, Specialist Cards, National Lottery Agent, Beers, wines, & spirits YOUR “ LOCAL” CONTACTS Parish Council Martin Richards 01297 23422 Chairman Darren Clinch 01297 20068 Vice Chairman Mandy Graham 01297 20369 Mike Green 01297 20623 Louise Harrison 012974 24152 Ursula Makepeace 01297 23377 Geoff Pook 01297 24649 Louise Vine 07974 528540 Maureen Westlake 01297 23850 Clerk to the Council: Annie Dallaway 01297 680244 [email protected] East Devon District Council Geoff Pook Brereworde House, New Road, Beer, EX12 3HS Mobile: 07966 490429 Telephone: 01297 24649 [email protected] Jim Knight 4 Maple Close, Seaton EX12 2TP Telephone: 01297 792084 Mobile: 07732 001383 [email protected] Member of Parliament Neil Parish Parliamentary matters - House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tel: 020 7219 7172 [email protected] Constituency matters - 9C Mill Park Industrial Estate, White Cross Road, Woodbury Salterton, Exeter, EX5 1EL Telephone: 01395 233503

-- 27 -- Dates in May From Beer Village Diary 1st East Devon Craft Fair Mariners Hall 11.00-5.00pm 4th WI Meeting Balcony Room Mariners Hall 7.30pm 5th East Devon Elections Mariners Hall All Day 8th East Devon Craft Fair Mariners Hall 11.00-5.00pm 10th Beer Best Years Club Mariners Hall 2.00-4.00pm 13th Puffins Race Night Mariners Hall 7 for 7.45pm 15th East Devon Craft Fair Mariners Hall 11.00-5.00pm 16th Mariners Hall Committee Meeting Balcony Room 7.30 pm 21st Beer Albion FC Dinner/Dance Mariners 7.30-11.30pm 22nd East Devon Craft Fair Mariners Hall 11.00-5.00pm 24th Beer Best Years Club Mariners Hall 2.00-4.00pm 27th Fish & Chip Night Beer Sailing Club 7.00 for 7.30pm 29th Roger Hann Craft Fair Mariners Hall All Day 30th Roger Hann Craft Fair Mariners Hall All Day 31st Horticultural Society Cream Teas Mariners Hall 2.30-4.30pm REGULAR CLUBS in Mariners Hall BADMINTON CLUB Mondays and Wednesdays 6.00-8.00pm SHORT MAT BOWLS Tuesdays and Thursdays 7.00-9.00pm WI 1st Wednesday of month in Balcony Room 7.30pm Dates & details of all events or changes to events should be sent to The Diary of Village Events:- Liz Fahey - 01297 22797 email [email protected] or Annie Boalch (01297) 21305


Copy for June 2016 to the Editor by Monday 23rd May, please. [email protected] 01297 20858 Green Bank, 9 Clinton Rise; or put in pigeon hole at back of Church, or leave at Beer Post Office.