Beer Parish News May 2016 CHURCH DIRECTORY VICAR Rev. JEREMY TREW 20391 The Vicarage, Colyford Rd, Seaton, EX12 2DF [email protected] St Gregory’s Office [email protected] 23656 Churchwardens: Mr P. Dormor, Far End, Common Hill, Beer 20003 Mrs G. Chapple, Sunnymead, Higher Meadows 20756 Treasurer: Mr K. Izzard, Sunningdale, Common Hill, Beer 625181 Secretary: Mrs Jean Smith 625607 Sacristan Mrs L. Bees 21723 & Head Server: Altar Guild: Mrs P. Bewick 21954 Mrs Y. Hawker 22191 Choir: Dr G. Butler (Practice Wed 6-7pm) 21375 Organist: Dr G. Butler, Mullions, New Road, Beer 21375 Children’s Society: Mrs P. Edmunds, West Ebb, Common Hill, 23659 Beer EX12 3AQ Families Worker Kathryn Radley [email protected] Children’s Team: Mrs J. Smith 625607 Mrs J. Ross Mrs L. Molony Assistant Cleric Rev. Brian McMahon 22988 Worship Team: Mr P. Dormor (sec) 20003 Mrs G. Chapple, Ms M. Hirons, Mrs L. Molony, Mrs L. Bees, Rev. B. McMahon Pastoral Team: Mrs G. Chapple (sec) 20756 Mrs Y. Hawker, Mrs S. Aplin, Mrs P. Bewick, Mrs E. Singleton, Mrs A. Vaughan, Mrs S. Anderson Beer Parish News Dr Henry Jaggers, Green Bank, 9 Clinton Rise, 20858 Editor: Beer. Email: [email protected] In an emergency, parishioners should contact either of the Churchwardens (see above for addresses and phone numbers). The P.C.C. of St Michael's Church, Beer, holds the copyright to articles written by its members. Please ask for permission before you use them. Other than articles written by church members, we do not own the copyright to any of the materials herein. Publication of items herein, including advertisements, does not imply endorsement by the P.C.C. www.coastalchurch.org.uk St MICHAEL’S 2016 MAY CALENDAR Sun 1 st 8:00am Communion 11:00am Joint Rogation service (starting at St Michael's) 4:00pm Cafe Church @ 4 Tues 3rd 7:00pm Archdeacon's Court of Visitation at Sidmouth All Saints Wed 4th 10:00am Communion with healing ministry 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Thurs 5th TBC Ascension Day Service? 10-11:30am "Growing in Prayer" St Gregory's Church, Seaton Sat 7th 4:00pm ~ Visiting Organists from Exeter Sun 8th 9:30am Communion Wed 11th 10:00am Communion 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Fri 13th 9:30 ~ 11:00am St Mickey's Music Makers Sun 15th 8:00am Communion 9:30am Morning Praise Pentecost Mon 16th 2:00pm PCC Meeting 3:30pm Worship Team Meeting Wed 18th 10:00am Communion 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Thur 19th 10~11:30am"Growing in Prayer"St Gregory'sChurch, Seaton Sat 21st 2:00pm ~ Visiting Organists from Torbay Sun 22nd 9:30am Communion Wed 25th 10:00am Communion 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Sun 29th 9:30am Joint Communion Service at St Michael's Sometimes we have to make changes at short notice so the only way to be really sure of what’s going on is to come to church! -- 3 -- Jeremy writes... As I write the campaigning for the EU referendum is really getting going. I must admit, this is one of the most confusing campaigns I have ever witnessed. Both sides make audacious claims about their own position. Both sides decry the other for scare- mongering. Both sides are reluctant to admit they just don’t know what exactly is five years down the road for the UK if we vote with them. I suspect you could actually take the publicity material for either campaign, simply substitute in the name of the other side, and be left with a document which made about as much sense. Of course, if your mind is already made up then there is probably little the campaigners could say to make you change it. However, this election may hang on the last minute decision of the undecideds. This whole electoral process may not be very revealing about Britain’s best stance vis-a-vis Europe, but it certainly is revealing about the state of politics in this country. Decisions are made, not by politicians bending to the will of the many, but to the wishes of the powerful undecided few. To them the campaigners will resort to all sorts of twistings and distortions of the truth in order to gain their vote. It is not a pretty sight, and it is certainly not an edifying one. I suspect that no-one can say with any great degree of certainty what either decision will mean for Britain in the long run, whatever they may be hoping for, and whatever they may be claiming (the two need not be related). I suspect that this referendum actually has far less to do with hard fact (which despite its alleged certainty can be damnably difficult to find) than it does with simple faith (which although normally so frustratingly elusive, speaks strongly from our guts, if not our minds). We commonly view ourselves as having two seats of knowledge: feelings come from the heart and facts from the mind (yes, I know they’re all electro-chemical exchanges in the brain, but let’s allow a bit of poetry for pity’s sake). That’s why we draw hearts as a symbol -- 4 -- of love and lightbulbs over heads to represent thought. We do, however, have scrappy remnants of a third seat of knowledge: an idea going back to ancient times. We speak of gut feelings: that sense from deep within us that something is simply right or wrong; and this may be in conflict with what the facts in our head tell us or what our hearts want to believe. I suspect that many will decide how to vote on the 23rd June on a gut feeling. I think they might be right. Certainly, that is how faith works. Go on, try it. You never know… Jeremy From the Registers Thanksgiving: 27th March William Adkin Wedding: 26th March Sarah Tyler & Dave O’Reilly Baptism: 3rd April Bonnie Foster Funerals: 30th March Mr Gordon Perkins 87 12th April Mrs Betty Sawyer 88 15th April Mr Colin Kettle 77 Julian Meetings usually take place on the second Monday of each month, 7.30 for 7.45pm at St Gregory’s Church Centre, Colyford Road, Seaton. We are a small group who meet regularly in order to grow in the practice of Contemplative Prayer in the Christian tradition. Julian Meetings welcome people of ALL denominations, or none. For more information contact: Sue Price, Reader at St Gregory’s Seaton on 01297 22314, or Liz Molony at St Michael’s Beer. -- 5 -- To WAREHAM on Wednesday, 8th June Pick up points in Beer (The Square) & Seaton (St Gregory’s Church Hall) Departing at: 9:15am (from Beer) 9:30am (from Seaton) Approximately 3 hours free time in Wareham (for boat trip, lunch, ‘walking the walls’ or general exploring etc) before meeting for short act of worship at Lady St. Mary Church (optional) Then back to LULWORTH COVE (Visitor Centre/Museum/Tea) Then heading homeward to arrive at approximately 5:30pm Price £12 (includes driver’s tip!) If you would like to join this outing please sign up on the list at the back of church or phone Gayle Chapple (01297 20756) OPEN TO ALL The Mission Community of St Gregory’s & St Michael’s -- 6 -- Secretary: Pat Edmunds 01297 23659 Many thanks to all who helped with the Spring Coffee Morning on 16th April. It was held in Church for the first time and we were pleased it went well. £278 was raised for Church funds. A reminder for flower arrangers that Pentecost is on 15th May and window arrangements should be red and white. A flower festival is being planned for 9th – 11th July with a royal theme to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday. It should make for some interesting displays! Date of next meeting: Tuesday 10th May 10am St. Michael’s Bookshop VARIED SELECTION of secondhand books at our bookstall in St Michael’s Please bring us any books which you wish to donate. GOOD paper backs and good small hard back books only please! - No Readers Digest volumes, no large hard backs, and no magazines as we do not have room to store them. Cover photo: The Pentecostal Dove, stained glass window from Servant’s Community Church, Grand Rapids Michigan. Editor -- 7 -- Beer W.I. Newsletter, April 2016 At our meeting we focused on voting for the NFWI Resolutions which will be decided at the AGM in Brighton, in May. We also made preparations for our own AGM, also in May, including the annual Treasurer, Secretary and President Report as well as elections for the President and committee. We were delighted to welcome Sioux White, who has written a book on two of Beer’s entrepreneurial Lace Makers, Jane and Ida and she made their histories come to life. Several of our members are accomplished lace makers and Jan Smith brought a selection of her lace collection, including samples of her own lace which was greatly admired. Jenny Eagles won the Limerick competition and Anne Gladstone, the decoration, which when amalgamated, will be entered into the Spring Group Meeting at Musbury and Whitford, to celebrate The Queen’s 90th Birthday. We will be enjoying lunch this month at The Dolphin and a coffee outing to Sidmouth. EDDC have kindly agreed to take over the upkeep of the WI plots in the Jubilee Gardens, so they should be looking presentable again soon for ourselves and visitors alike. Look out for forthcoming details of a fund-raiser event, “Drive Safer for Longer,” which should be of interest to many of us in the village! Our AGM is for members only but guests will be welcome to join us again in June.
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