Wesleyan Moves News Rankings
_ I Coffee, caffeine, cramming - - Confidence, Women's welcome to college, kids! teamwork key soccer pulls ... Features, p. 5 for volleyball in together Augustana Mother Teresa second in through rough ATM surcharges steal victory triangle of deaths week students' money ... Sports, p. 11 ... Sports, p. 14 .. Opinion, p.8 ... Opinion, p. 8 Poet Derek Walcott explains the Wesleyan moves "moments that move our lifetime" to No. 54 in U.S. By Laura Flannery Staff Writer News rankings "In every lifetime there are moments that By Shelly Manning Colleges, however, reclassified move our lifetime, although we may not realize Staff Writer some schools a couple of years it at the time. For many of you, this may be one ago. IWU then was listed under of those moments." With that, Illinois U.S. News & World Report National Liberal Arts Colleges Wesleyan University President Minor Myers, recently released the 1998 rank- and is moving its way up within jr., planted a seed in the minds of the IWU ings for colleges and universities those rankings. community at Westbrook Auditorium on around the United States. "Being reclassified is to our Wednesday for the President's Convocation. Illinois Wesleyan University, in advantage because it allows us to Derek Walcott, a 1992 winner of the Nobel the category of National Liberal be compared to the best schools," Prize for Literature was the keynote speaker at Arts Colleges, placed in the Jim Ruoti, Dean of Admissions, the Convocation. In addition to reading some Second Tier along with other said. of his poems, he received an honorary doctor- Illinois establishments such as Because vast criteria are used, ate of humane letters.
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