SJSU wrestlers More prepare to battle Letters Bakersfield State to the Rivalry renewed Editor tonight See page 6 tAICI

Serving the San Jose State University Community since 1934 Volume 79, No 58 luesday. November 23, 1982 Trying to hide from those stormy clouds New garage threatens to doom facility Social Science complex in danger

By Ken Carlson It looks like the Social Science publication. Building is doomed. Unless a new Meanwhile, a grievance against parking garage planned for the the university is being considered by building's site is not approved and faculty in the building. exceptions made in California State The faculty wants to keep the University policy, the two-story building because of its peaceful converted apartment building at setting and roomy accomodations. Fourth and San Carlos streets will be destroyed. "We think it helps create a neat That was the word from Henry community between students and Orbach, associate executive vice faculty," said history professor president for facilities development David Eakins. "I can't conceive of and operations, who is spearheading anything to replace it." the project. Pending final decision Eakins also said a new garage from the CSU board of trustees, the would increase traffic congestion building will be razed next summer. around the school. Jon Willnons Progress on the garage awaits approval from an updated en- Barbecues and other social As d anending classes on Monday weren't bad enough An SJSU student protects herself horn the ram between the Student Union and the Bakery. vironmental impact report. Orbach events are regularly held at the would not comment on the con- building facilities. The building is clusions of the report before accented by palms and a fountain set in a spacious courtyard. However, the building is con- sidered a "temporary facility" and thus falls under CSU mandate to phase out all such structures. Ac- Library receiving more furniture cording to Orbach. the building does not meet certain safety standards By Jacques Toth and is not accessible to handicapped Clark Library will become furnished and 1,132 chairs, Hill said. Jones Campbell Co. of Central Valley and The new furniture was purchased with students. according to university plans next month -- University officials originally planned to Bob Maloy Associates of San Francisco -- funds allocated to the original Clark Library Because of its status, only minor almost a year after its opening in February - purchase the furniture prior to the library's were awarded the library furniture contract. furniture fund which was a "little over $1 repairs on the building are allowed. - if shipments of new furniture continue to opening from Correctional Industries, a state According to Hill. 1,132 padded, fabric- million," he said. "Half the faculty in the building arrive on schedule. agency, but the company withdrew from the covered chairs were ordered from Jones Although the Clark Library will remain is inaccessible to handicapped Truckloads of chairs, carrels, tables, agreement. Campbell at a cost of $91.262. The first open while the remainder of the furniture is students." said Gerald Wheeler, counters and desks worth approximately A furniture supplier was sought again in shipment of 486 chairs was expected installed, there may be times when limited dean of the School of Social Sciences. $340,000 should continue to arrive at SJSU February, but none of the companies that bid yesterday. service is available, according to Library Wheeler said he is going ahead through the end of this month, said Jim Hill, for the contract complied with the univer- All the other wooden furniture ( including Director Past me. with relocation procedures. SJSU purchasing officer. sity's specifications, Hill said. carrels, tables, counters and reference desks ) Last week, some bound periodicals were The faculty is schedulee to move to '-Everything should be here and in place As a result, many of the chairs and tables was ordered from Bob Maloy Associates for displaced because of the installation of new new offices by the end of spring. by the first week in December," he said. installed in the library at its opening were $240,666, Hill said. shelves and partitions, and the library's book The new carrels ( three-sided desks ) and borrowed from Walhquist Library, he said. Approximately two-thirds of these items location terminals were disconnected. Space is being arranged in reader tables will increase the reader space Purchase of new furniture was further are in place in the library, but the university Dudley Moorhead Hall and the in the Clark Library by nearly 50 percent, delayed in March when Gov. Edmund G. expects one or two more truckloads to All three terminals were operational Buisness tower, he said. according to Library Director Maureen Brown Jr. ordered a state hiring and pur- complete the order, he said. yesterday, however, and the periodical stacks "It's been a comfortable Pastine. chasing freeze. Hill said. were in order. existance for them, ) the faculty in The shipments will also include reference The bidding procedure was opened again Book stacks, which were installed last Fliers notifying students of the furniture the building)," Wheeler said. desk units, counter-high shelving for indexes in July, however, and two companies -- year, were purchased for $349,929. Hill said. installation are posted throughout the library raminese en pp I 'Pepper'cornrnercial fizzes into $115 debt

By Ken Carlson In I ',prier wasn't much interested in a commercial be "PePPers." the tape was sent to Dr. Pepper with expectations of in- Hiley baked some cakes for a bake sale, which lopped demo produced by dorm residents and activity council So last fall the council, headed by Root then too, stant success. $76 off the debt. members last year. As it turned out, the residents may be decided to lend the "peppers- money to produce a demo Dr. Pepper rejected the commerical. Apparently the As the new council convened this fall, however, the more suitable for the People's Court. for a Dr. Pepper commercial. company was interested only in the students as con- $115 was still outstanding. Root said by now the dispute Perhaps the television show would call it the case of. According to Root, the council lent the group $191 with sumers. had created hard feelings between the once-happy I'm a "pepper", you're a "pepper", wouldn't you like to the understanding that the money would be reimbursed Success having passed them by, the group lost in- "peppers" and when Hiley denied responsibility for the be financially responsible, too. when the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. accepted the com- terest in being "peppers" and apparently in paying back debt, the council voted to set a court date. Sonya Hiley, wife of residence hall director John mercial. there was also an "understanding" (Judge Gene the $191 as well. Some moved out of the dorms, or even out The "peppers" were scheduled to face off in Small Hiley wanted to be a pepper, and wanted her daughter to Wopner would listen hard to this part ) that if the com- of San Jose, to seek fortunes elsewhere. Claims Court Dec. 14. be a "pepper" too. Hiley presented the Moulder Hall mercial fell through, the "peppers" would have a fund- As spring rolled along, Hiley asked then-treasurer At the council's last meeting, the matter seemed activitYcouncil with the idea, convincing current council raiser to repay the money. Bob Grant and Root to organize a fund-raiser to settle the finally settled when Hiley agreed to make $50 in- president Lisa Root, and other members of the council to A student video crew was hired to film the demo and account. Root said. stallments: the first to be paid yesterday the last in Cawkwal ea pp I

Engineers Resumes: first step in job search seek to help black students education and experience to a potential employer. It is an This article is one in an occasional series on career Black Students of Engineering is preparation; making the contacts, getting the interviews and advertisement of the writer. providing social and academic the job "A resume is a whole sales campaign," said Margaret help Wilkes, a career advisor at SJSLI's career planning and tn SJSU students It is also ()Hering placement center. tutoring tor engweerma mapors as By Julie Bonds Unfortunately, there is no sure-fire format to guarantee well as related meters Robert Job students' minds. Whether they successful resume every time, Wilkes said. hunting is on many a Stone. president of the club said, are getting a late start on a job after the fall semester ends. "A resume is a personal thing," she said. "The best one "although we're or whether they seek an early lead on other summer job is the one that works for you. If it sells you and gets you the an engineering club applicants, students are starting to worry. interview, then that's all that counts." we invite al meters The natural place to start a job quest is with a resume. Wilkes said there are no rules for Careers and the college student A resume is more than an introduction of interests, Continued on page 5 See page 4 321).11eZICA14

L2 FORUM November 23, 1982 EDITORIAL A.S. should dump yearbook

ssociated Students should realize when Even the voting bloc that elected the A.S. A its time to jump a sinking ship. board of directors is shying away from The financially troubled A.S. yearbook shelling out the $18. project at best would serve a minute portion of Granted, the yearbook never was sup- the SJSU community. posed to make any money this year. After all, to buy At worst it would lose thousands of dollars students shouldn't be expected to flock absent on campus and potentially send A.S. down the financial a yearbook that has been tubes. for 13 years. The yearbook is projected to cost $16,640 But now is the worst time to attempt such with losses to supposedly be offset by sales of a project, because A.S. cannot afford to ab- the $18 yearbooks. sorb any financial losses. The way A.S. and yearbook officials figure A.S. officials cannot be criticized for their it, they only have to sell 1,000 yearbooks to enthusiasm for their "pet project." wipe out any loss plus make a profit. But facts are facts. And the fact is, A.S. But then there is reality. which anticipates having only $6,476 in the semester, cannot afford any So far, only 68 yearbooks have been general fund next sold through pre-sales. costly projects. \;.1 reportedly I There would be no way to cover a loss of \ liAlk&I And even if 300 books are sold, A.S. will . to absorb a loss of $11,648. thousands of dollars. still have Xtt.N.CIAsa:14 .- however, there is the _ - A.S., which consists primarily of dorm Finances aside, finances to serve, at residents and Greeks, is attempting to market issue of draining A.S. students and faculty. sipap". the yearbooks to the 2,000-member com- most, 1,000 SJSU That would leave about 24,000 not 7 munity they belong to. AWNIVN benefitting from A.S. funds. . . ' The idea is that house residents are more about the social aspects of the campus than A.S. has until Dec. 10 before any costs will commuters and would be more inclined to buy be incurred and A.S. will be committed to the a yearbook. project. 'THE EXCA'zeOi"37" The strategy is a good one. But it isn't But today would be soon enough to dump working. the yearbook. Death in the ring; pre-meditated murder or occupational hazard? Two views on the sometimes fatal punches boxers receive in the arena There was a time w hen a turned down thumb meant Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini was a bruised and bloody certain death in the pit. But times have changed and no Con champion minutes after he knocked out challenger Duk- Pro longer does our society allow murderous deaths to occur Koo Kim to retain the WBA lightweight championship two simply for the pleasure of the spectator, like it did during his 65-year-old mother, Sun-Yeo Yang agreed to pull the weeks ago. But what happaned to Mancini can in no way paralyzed from the neck down due to a vicious hit he Roman civilization. plug on his life support system. She donated his organs to compare to what happened to Kim. received from then Oakland Raider safety Jack Tatum in Today we have become organized in our games. We science in order to save another nerson's life, even though Only one day after Aaron Pryor destroyed challenger 1978. have made rules to insure the fairness of both opposing she had just relinquished her mi. son's. Alexis Arguello with a flurry of uncontested punches to People can die in almost all sports. A baseball player teams in their desire to compete against one another. Kim is dead. And for what? retain the junior welterweight title. Kim lay dying from a can be hit in the bead from a pitched ball and die. A football player can be tackled hard, fall on his neck and In our society we judge on man's superiority over die. Deaths in sports are not restricted to boxing. another man by how hard he hits and how large his biceps are. Boxing is indeed a very violent sport, one of the most violent sports that exists. There is no denying that. In a By Rose Zamudio Is this a true judgment of greatness? boxing match the two opponetits have one thing in mind -- It apparently is in our society When a Staff Writer because v.,e awarded hurt the opponent worse than he hurts you. Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini with big bucks after he fighter cuts his opponent he goes after that cut to make it bashed the brains out of another boxer. worse. It is a brutal sport but the public loves it and will not accept it being stopped. Since World War II. the Ring Record Book lists 337 People love to see two grown men stpe into a ring toe- professional fighters who have died of injuries suffered to-toe, trying to bash each others brains in. They love to through the sport of boxing, while 120 of those boxers have blood clot in his brain due in all probability to one see the fighter they support stagger his opponent and We have also regulated certain sports to insure the actually died from hits suffered in the ring. safety of all the powerful Mancini punch. The 23-year-old Korean boxer knock him out cold. During the Mancinci-Kim fight, the players. Or have we? This is outrageous. It should not be allowed to con- died a few days later. knocked Kim to the canvas The truth of the matter is we haven't thoroughly tinue. crowd cheered when Mancini regulated contact sports. If we would have there would not The death of Kim and the brutal beating that Arguello with what could have been the punch that killed him. Of be so many injuries and deaths occurring each year. There is absolutely no sense in seeing one man beat received have had people up in arms to slope the sport of course they had no idea that Kim would die from it, but We cannot call ourselves a civilized society as long as another man to a pulp. And anyone who derives pleasure boxing, to put an end to it before it puts an end to anymore they still cheered that he was hurt. we allow two men to step into a ring and fight like dogs out of seeing this happen ought to have his head examined. fighters. But boxing will not be stopped, nor should it be. Boxers are some of the best trained athletes in the until one of them is dead. Boxing fans have got to be the same people who Boxing has existed for more than 1(10 years. During world. Boxers know the risks involved when they step into During a recent title fight, thousands upon thousands rubberneck at traffic accidents in order to catch a "hot that time sports fans have been shown some of the the ring. They know what happened to Kim , who was in of people crammed into the Las Vegas convention center shot of some blood." greatest confrontations in sports history. Think of the excellent shape before the fight, could just as easily great confrontations like Dempey vs. Tunney, Robinson to cheer on two lightweight boxers. In one man's quest for excellence, in a field of sheer happen to them. But they are willing to take that chance. vs. LaMotta, Louis vs. Schmeling and of course the classic stupidity and disgust. he kills a man. No one is forcing them to step into the ring, it is entirely The barbaric crowd screamed and cheered like they Ali vs. Frazier. People died in the ring long before any of It only took 14 rounds for "Boom Boom" to slam Kim their own decision. wanted to see gruesome bloodshed, brutality and sen- these great fighters stepped into it. It would have been a to the canvas with a devastating right during the There have been suggestions of safety for the fighters. seless punches against the two contenders' bodies. great tragedy if boxing had been stopeed long before these nationally televised fight. such as headgear and gloves with no thumbs. I can go great fighters battled against each other. This battle resulted in one of the opponents, Duk-Koo along with the glove idea, but the headgear idea will never And then we, as a so-called civilized society, award People have died in other sports without people Kim. lying in a Las Vegas hospital connected to a life be accepted because the public doesn't want it. him and call him a victor. He becomes our hero and world calling for an end to them. There was a not a great support system that sustained his vegetable-like body. lightweight champion boxer. uprising to end auto racing when Swede Savage. Mark The death of Duk-Koo Kim was indeed a very tragic Kim used to pump iron, but after the fight the only While Duk-Koo Kim will never smell a rose again. Donahue, Gilles Villeneuve and John Peterson died incident, one of the most tragic in the history of sports. thing that continued to pump so fiercely was a nerve next Some believe this is a true test of one man's behind the wheel. But the sport of boxing will live on, it must. Kim was not to his ear. superiority over another man, but in truth it is outright The sport of football is still being played even though the first boxer to die in the ring, and sadly, he won't be the Doctors, last week diagnosed Kim clinically dead and premediated first-degree murder. New England Patriot wide receiver Darryl Stingley is last. But one death should not condemn an entire sport.

Do you think your car is safe in the parking garage?'

Asked at the Seventh Street parking garage.

Y , After si C there is It's safer than it would (It's) relatively safe. No. Because anyone Yes. I really do. Mostly someone walking around at be on the streets. The I've had no problems with who wants to can get to it because I park in the all times till 11. Campus streets aren't safe around it. They provide good with very little trouble. I disabled parking spot. police keep an eye on the here at all. I think one enough security during the think the guards help, but I which is close to the guard garage after that. I've reason I like it is because I week, but not on weekends don't think they can stop station. I used to live in the never seen any problems in can see the guards go in The only time I've heard anyone who .-eally wants to dorms and I parked here the garage since I've been and I know someone is they've had problems is on get in for one year, and I found working here, and that's watching. It is very in. weekends. Woo Nahif that as long as you lock since the start of the convenient for me to park .14444111/41, Illoolsisl WIMP your doors you're all right. semester. It's safer than here, after all Win kiran There are guards always parking on the street. Sally Canape walking around. I know OMANI Crawl Health Caf aflafalffilial people have had problems, indeolorsi SIMS but it's no worse than anywhere else SUP Sarnmairotl Or.tupshonal Therapy Sa01111 111 FORUM November 23, 1982 Page 3 GUEST OPINION Reading literature is not general education, but basic education By Franklin R. Rogers Emboli Professor On Oct. 28, you printed an article by ventures of Huckleberry Finn or that Tolstoy "Contemporary.' literature, "American" seems a simple substitute for "replete," but If a man, in Bacon's sense of the word. Professor George Grant, Department of was a Russian novelist of the same century literature, or "Russian" literature, so long as as one chews and digests the phrase, another forsees dealings with Russians, he must study English, in which he decried that concept of who wrote a long, sometimes exhausting. it is indeed literature and the student is taught sense emerges, one most important for the Russian literature lest he be dangerously general education which deprives the student boot, War and Peace, about Napolean in in the study of it to perceive that which makes present discussion. "Full" also means incomplete in his dealings. And who among us of the opportunity to gain general education Russia, I suppose, then, this purpose being it literature. "having reached the greatest development. can claim to have no such dealings? If a credit for the study of such writers as ToIstoy, superficial enough, literature rightfully has The perceptions so gained are of value, no size, extent, intensity, etc." In this sense, specialist would be a full man, the specialist Dostoevski, Sholokhov. and Solzhenitsyn. I its place in "general education." And, in the matter how "exotic" the exemplar, because reading maketh not only a replete man but must seek out and master all those literatures wish, if you will permit me. to expand on that relative rankings of the exotic within the they provide a key to the reading of all also a complete man which are germane to his speciality. argument. generality, Russian literature is far enough literature. These terms make clear the frightening A corollary to this conclusion is that a The first point that comes to mind as a removed from the common to be dropped dangers of a lack of such reading, for the lack university that would be complete must offer consequence of Professor Grant's com- from favor. leaves us with none but incomplete men to a sufficient scope of literature to provide the In its literature, a carry on the business of the world. Lest munication is one concerning the very con- But no serious student of completion vital to the student, and the literature, in- Bacon's word "man" here be misinterpreted cept of "general education" and the role of deed, no truly literate person university, by its regulations, must make it would maintain culture keeps faith in the light of modern issues, I should point literature within what one designates will' that such is the purpose feasible for the student to gain that com- behind the study of out that Bacon, good humanist that he was, that phrase. A study of the adjective literature. There are two major in itself. pletion. Thus. again. the study of literature purposes. used the word in its most fundamental sense, "general" in the dictionary produces as both of which strongly suggest becomes a matter of basic education for all that the study as a synonym for "human being," a use of literature belongs not in the who would be complete as well as literature. category of The second reason for classifying the clearly visible in a contemporary theological "general education" but in the And in the case of Russian literature, given category of study of literature with basic education is that comment, "The Lord had put but one pair of basic education. Literature not only reason to which Professor Grant appeals. In men in Paradise" 11597). What at fist glance If a nuclear blast makes us replete, The first of these, not in importance, but his essay "Of Studies," Francis Bacon wrote, may seem an attempt at a biblical in the sequence of this argument, has to do "Some books are to be tasted, others to be justification for homosexuality is merely a doesn't destroy us, but also complete. with a very basic issue indeed, that of literacy swallowed, and some few to be chewed and straight -forward statement that the Lord itself. Currently the university is demon- digested; that is, some books are to be read placed only two human beings in Paradise, a illiteracy will. strating in various ways its dismay at the only in parts, others to be read, but not pair, one male and one female. level of literacy to be found in the general curiously, and some few to be read wholly and And what, then, one must ask, makes a awareness that the phrase "general student body. The university is attempting to with diligence." And, he continued the the present confrontational attitudes of the complete student? For a professor in that education" carries with it a strong suggestion remedy the situation by demanding more and reading of those few which are to be chewed two superpowers and the hideous con- of area of studies called humanities, it would be the superficial, for in the dictionary more writing courses; we pile them one on top and digested, in his phrase, "maketh a full sequences of a miscalculation, the study of easy to reply, "That which develops that definition, in those parts of it most applicable of the other in an academic version of the man. Russian literature becomes almost a matter to the concept embodied in the phrase, one student's humanity." That, in general, is of survival. Tower of Babel -- and the babble does not Bacon's gastronimic metaphor points to finds "concerned with the main or over-all indeed it. But to state it that way is to be The two aspects of literacy, writing and cease. Why? One answer, I believe the most the flaw in that other gastronmic metahpor, features; lacking in details; not rather too vague; that is, such a revonse reading, are inextricably linked with another valid answer, is that the university is offering "smorgasbord," popular here at San Jose specific. . . hence vague: not precise." The harks back to the vagueness implicit in the vital concern, fullness. To lose sight of the only half a remedy: it adds more and more State in discussions of general education. The intent, then, of "general education" is to give phrase "general education." linkage in the generality of comment on writing courses but at the same time drops smorgasbord metaphor makes courses such the student "a vague idea" of the realm of general education is in a very real way to risk more and more literature courses from the as Russian literature dainty, delicate, and A much more precise answer is that the knowledge outside his Me area of our very extinction, for if a nuclear blast does list of those approved for general education. perhaps somewhat frivolous; Bacon's study of the various national literatures is of specialization. not do it. illiteracy will. There is. of course, a metaphor makes such courses a matter of inestimable value, basic value. for those But when the concept is couched in these The Board of General Studies fails to third aspect to literacy which I have not dealt meat and potatoes, or should I say "of bacon whose specialities in any way bring them into terms, some very disturbing thoughts begin recognize a truism which is self-evident to with here. It is important, Bacon did not and wheat cakes?" -- a matter, at any rate, contact with those nationalities. to creep in, the most disturbing of which any professor of literature. He who would forget it, and in the essay from which I have not of the hors d'oeuvres but of the main appears in the question "Is it sufficient that a write well must learn to read well. And one In an ironic mood, T.S. Eliot said, "Our quoted, he included it in a memorable phrase course. The "full man" to whom Bacon refers would-be literate person haw 'a vague idea' can learn to read well only by studying that literature is a substitute for religion. . . " but which will garnish my conclusion: of literature?" Why. precisely, does one, or which is well written, in short by studying is filled, not with the flatulence of hors behind the irony lies a truism. In its literature d'oeuvers without substance, but with the should one, read literature? If one studies it in that which we call good literature. A literate a culture keeps faith with itself. It follows, "Reading maketh a full man, conference solid nourishment of a substantial meal. order to discover that Mark Twain was an person is one who both writes and reads well. then, that if one would know the national (conversation) a ready man. and writing an American novelist of the 19th century who For this purpose, the basic purpose of In addition, one should be aware of the "faith" and how that one relates as a human exact man." wrote hilarious humor in such books as The literacy, it matters little whether the doubled meaning in Bacon's word "full." At being to that "faith," one must know the Readiness is important, but fullness and Adventures of Tom Sawyer or The Ad- literature read is "World" literature, first glance, as it functions in the metaphor, it national literature. precision are indispensible. LETTERS those that may wish to present a happiness ery often depends upon sidered unclean or unholy. A of bringing a child into the world, and should not be converted into a Sex is a moral moral point of view on the issue. the careful cultivation of these husband and wife should practice The major scriptures of the play with the senses. At first glance it might appear virtuous qualities. moderation in the use of sex and world warn against the misuse of Teience P Ryan issue for some that sexual promiscuity would be When we take a close look at should consider sex to be a righteous sex. The creative instinct is nature's bocincal Engineering Ether: natural for man since we see that in promiscuous behavior, we see that of creation used for the sole purpose means of continuing the human race woo. Your recent article by Carolyn nature, the sex urge is a powerful the aforementioned qualities fail to Kennedy entitled, "Sex no moral force inherent in everything that manifest in the relationships of those issue for today's strdents" gave the lives. "Man," we say, "is fun- that indiscriminately engage in sex indication that sexual per- damentally an animal -- so why not for the experience of temporary missiveness is accepted by most appease theses impulse?" pleasure. Why? Because when students at SJSU and that relatively Well, such reasoning might couples use sex in this manner, their few individuals or groups do not seem valid but will not suffice to let thoughts become preoccuppied with accept it. us off the hook. We know that man carnal lust and they begin to view ' This may be true but why was cannot be likened unto animals in as one another as sex objects. After a, there no opinion solicited from the much as man has been endowed with while, they get bored with each other people who oppose sexual freedom? the unique qualities of love, loyalty, and separate. I urge you to give "equal time" to respect, trust, etc; and that man's Now sex should not be con- Is world's fittest man really fit? Elam In the Nov. 4 and 9 both should check your cited in Sokol's claim to excel at endurance events. issues of the Spartan Daily, sources before making stardom. However, Really now, leg lifts, you ran articles on Steve such wild claims. If it was mention of his placing is jumping-jacks and such Sokol, the pretentious self- 137 miles as reported, then again conspicuously ab- aren't exactly Olympic proclaimed "fittest man in the event referred to is the sent. With all due respect to events, hotly contested the the world." I feel a com- Mount Hamilton Sokol and Moke Jones, I world over. Do these ac- pelling need to take issue Challenge, a metric double have no doubt that Sokol complishments really with several of the century (200 km ) again, has unequalled ability for compare with Bruce misleading and downright strictly non-competitive in sit-ups, leg lifts, jumping- Jenner's record -setting fallacious statements nature. The real Mount jacks and burpees. But Decathalon at the Montreal therein. Hamilton race is 70 miles let's face reality. These Olympics? As a three-time par- long. complete with of- are, at least by your ar- The least Jones and ticipant in the Davis double ficials, support vehicles, a ticle. his only valid claims Sokol could do is give their and Sequoia Century mass start, placings, to "fittest man in the audience the opportunity to bicycle races), I vivdly prizes, and real racers world." decide exactly what con- recall 13-year-olds, 55- all elements of real It is to this injustice stitutes "world's fittest," year -old grandmothers, racing. If indeed Sokol did that I take offense. What to even attempt such a and a thousand others also compete in this prestigious about Eric Heiden's five definition for the masses is successfully completing event, then his name was Olympic gold medals, absurd, as the title is the distance. conspicuously absent from Sheila Young's dual world completely subjective, so These events are social the top 15 finishing championships ( speed - subjective that even true gatherings for recreational positions. skating and cycling), or the champions such as those cyclists; the riders cover a This might be ex- other multi -talented mentioned above rarely given distance at their own plained, however, because athletes that compete in stick their necks out so far leisurely pace. he "raced" an extra 67 worldwide, head-to-head as to lay claims to "world's Some riders do ride for miles -- as Sokol claims to competition and in doing so greatest." Perhaps the a "time," but, if this is the have "raced" 137 miles -- manage to avoid adopting only claim Sokol has "race" Sokol refers to, another one competitor presumptuous titles? Or evidence to support is where does his time fit in event for his record. how about Lon Haldeman's "world's most pompous " 5 nights deluxe lodging with the sub-nine hour The lronman nine and a half day, coast- km Gary times regularly turned in Triatholon is a great test of to-coast bicycle ride? After Rum 5 days lift tickets by so many lesser mortals? overall fitness, and is also all, Sokol does claim to holly As for the Mount Hamilton All taxes and service charges "race" that he allegedly competed in, perhaps you Coors Ski Team events: 10% * Ski Jamboree Party Spartan Daily Challenge Cup Race s,., n. St. Jam 501. CalintVIV STUDENT' Mountain Picnic SSet dt.14 11/01 MUM DISCOUNT! ,. ,.nd class postage paid al San CONDO: S175.00 California Member of Hotel: S159.00 t alilornia Nea ',paper Publishers ASROCIatIOn and the SAN JOSE'S ROUNDTRIP TRANSPORTATION: S90.00 Published Associated Press ART AND GRAPHIC dails by San JIM' Slate 11niersity. during the college FINE PAPERS HEADQUARTERS opinions expressed in year The DOWNTOWN FOR MORE the paper are not necessarily FINE ART SUPPLIES FOR those of the Department oil & OFF CAMP( IS INFORMATION Journalism and Mass Corn FINE WRITING iniversuly munical ions. the CALL: Administration or an sl ode., INSTRUMENTS tat inn M M -F or (atollsorga ni Hours: 9-7 a 1-800-325-0439 subscriptions accepted on ENGINEERING basis remainder id semester 10-5 Sat Each Full academic year. 115 GRAPHICS & SUPPLIES campus semester. e7 50 Off 12-5 Sun prIce per cop). 15 cents Ori INTAGLIO campus deliver) paid l,,r Students at through Associated AIRBRUSHING PrIr11111q1 CLARA NI per participating 34W. SANTA Editorial 277 student "Phnne FRAMING URI Advertising 277 ii. (408) 292-6748 Press Printed by rtclie-Parks MAT & I BOARD ,319.1\LEs_21\:CI r_Lediff Per FEATURE IER November 23, 1982 Page 4 More than an engineering organization Club caters to needs of black students By KWhNeu Warren n the wake of the threatened termination of Afro- time or six months full-time while a student is still American Studies and the high unemployment enrolled at the university. rate of black youth. there's one organization on "I made lots of money," Stone said of the program in campus catering to the needs of black students. which he participated. "but the important thing is job' Black Students of Engineering fills that bill. relatedexperience -- something you can put on your "The original goal of the organization was to cater to resume." the specific needs of black engineering students," said Black Students of Engineering will be offering a Robert Stone. president of the club. He said those needs scholarship to its students soon. include the social and academic spheres, as well as life on "It's been in the works for awhile," Stone said. He campus. said proposals have been written by past officers for Stone is a senior in electrical engineering and will engineering companies and the amount of the scholarship graduate this May. will be between $1,000 and $2,000. It will be named the "As an organization, we want to give black "Ben Da rdi n Award." engineering students a better feel for what's going on in "He was the most recent black engineering in- class, as well as on campus," Stone said. He added the structor," said Stone. Dardin left the university in 1977, club is a place to go for new students who are away from and according to Stone. there hasn't been another black home for the first time. instructor I part-time or full.timel since. "We answer their questions and try to make them feel more comfortable," Stone said. He said students are also Sponsor convention advised as to who to talk to and where to get information. In 1980, the Black Students of Engineering helped Black Students of Engineering offers tutoring for sponsor the National Society of Black Engineer's Sixth engineering majors, as well as related majors. National Conference in Atlanta. "We have a list of people who are available to do More than 1,000 engineers from all over the country tutoring and the subjects and times they're available," attended and the SJSU club made a $1,600 profit. Stone said. The club also provides a study file, including Job listing and Coop programs aren't the only career old notes and tests for majors relating to engineering, aids the club advises students about.

located in theslub's headquarters: Engineering 148, West engineers, especially for Or Coop program. Loft. The Coop program infolves work in the industry part "We're not trying to provide a tutorial service," Stone "We're trying to gel a resume book together to sell to Photos by Wale Stanton said. "There's ASPIRE and EOP for that. We're trying to Clara Valley," Stone said. He said the book will be Santa Robert Stone is president of the Black Students of Engineering engineering students a better feel for what's going on in class, bring people in the same classes together so they en an- sold to engineering companies and potential employers in as well as on campus socially, as well as academically." swer each others questions." order to make money for the club. club. He says the organization wants to "give black "When we visit companies or they visit us, they get a Soliciting students free copy," Richards said. are $5 per semester or $9 The general cosensus is that the Black Students Currently. they are asking black students, while they interests of the club. The dues of The engineers point out that the media is helpful Engineering is a club which proves beneficial to all who are signing up for classes, to come over and find out who is per year. toward their club. venture into it. taking the same class. "They're aren't that many black magazines and to Their motto? "What we're doing right now while students are 'Invite all majors' have one geared toward black college students is a "Together in Living. Together in Learning." signing up for classes, is trying to gel black students to "Although we're an engineering club, we invite all rarity," Stone said. majors," Stone said. come over and find out who's taking the same classes so The Black Engineers receive copies of the Black we can form a network, support and study groups," said "They invite you up when they see you in the building Collegian, Graduating Engineer and Umoja Sasa, the or hear you're an engineering major in a conversation," Malcus Richards, club member and a sophomore in magazine of the National Society of Black Engineers. electrical engineering. said Mark Beasley, a senior in political science. He said "They are recruitment magazines," Stone said. students in the club have helped in his basic and fortran " We're trying to get a "We have a whole bulletin board especially assigned "Their advertisements are specifically for graduating for job listings," Stone said. programming courses, and in return he helps them with students." Stone said the Black Collegian also deals with political science courses. resume book together Hewlett Packard, Cal Trans, the U.S. government and minority issues. the Santa Clara Water District are only a few of the Stone said a student may join the club by showing up / listings. The Navy is actively recruiting all types of at one of the meetings and if he or she shares common to sell to Santa Clara Dancers/Singers Wanted: Valley ...When we visit Auditioning for a Semi-Professional 1920's Musical Review. companies, they get COME AND JOIN TRW'S "THINK TANK" Student Artists call: (415) 435-4491 or (415) 332-5297 a free copy," - Stone

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By Tim Dutton Being expected to direct a $1 million fund-raising At Washington, McDonnell was involved in several "Unfortunately, those are the kind of programs that effort in a new job might faze some people. But not Tony event -type fund-raisers, including the "Washington are getting cut," he added. "I hope while I'm here I don't McDonnell, the new executive director of the Spartan McDonnell said he thinks Invitational" in which track team members were see any of that stuff being cut back, and I hope we can Foundation. sponsored money for each lap they ran around the track raise the kind of money to ensure that these sports can McDonnell, who will take over Muts Horikawa's the visibility of events A jog-a-rhon last year raised $65,000 for the school's become more established and do the types of things position Dec. 13, said he knows what the foundation must track program," McDonnell said. they'd like to do." do to raise $1 million in his first year on the job. encourages people to Washington also had a "Women's Athletics Week," which highlighted the women's athletic program. It "Work pretty hard," he said. "Put in a lot of long donate money to a culminated with a 100-mile relay, with 100 women hours. Meeting the right people and getting things athletes running one mile each. McDonnell estimates Currently, most of the organized. that the athletes broke the world record for a 100-mile "The people ( in the foundation ) I've met really work university. relay by about 27 minutes. really hard, so I don't see that being a problem." money raised by the One could safely call McDonnell an optimist, and Finding donors with good reason. Last year, with the 29-year-old Mc- McDonnell decided to do his graduate work in Seattle. McDonnell said he thinks the visibility of events foundation is collected Donnell as assistant director of fund raising, the While getting his master's degree in physical encourages people to donate money to a university. University of Washington alumni organization raised education-sports administration at the University of during an annual drive $1.4 million for athletics. Washington, McDonnell did not hesitate to inform school "I feel that once you get people involved in McDonnell said he is looking forward to having officials of his desire to assume full-time status in sports programs like these, they'll keep coming back," he said held in April and May. more control of fund raising in his job at SJSU. adminstration. "That's (getting new donors) the hardest thing," he "When I moved to Seattle from Detroit I just talked explained, "approaching people that may or may not "I wanted an opportunity to direct fund-raising to the athletic director there and said, 'Hey, here are have any interest or ties to the university." plans." he said, "and I think this position gives me more some things I've done and I think I have some things to Along with holding several fund-raising events, Adjusting to SJSU of an opportunity." offer you, and you have some things to offer me, so let's McDonnell said he wants to make fund raising at SJSU a McDonnell was hesitant to specify his plans for try to work something out.'" year-round activity. Currently, most of the money raising money at SJSU. Years in Washington raised by the Spartan Foundation is collected during an "I have some ideas that I think might work here." McDonnell has risen to his post as executive director After getting his degree in 1979, McDonnell worked annual drive held in April and May. he said. "but I really hate to say anything because I of the foundation after three and a half years in fund at Washington until he resigned earlier this month to The team concept, in which groups of alumni raise really need to get a feel for the way things are run here." raising, which began in Washington. come to SJSU. money for the sport they want, is different from the McDonnell said he should be adjusted to the "I've always been interested in athletics," said fund-raising incentives that McDonnell was involved operations of the Spartan Foundation in a few months, After receiving his bachelor's degree in com- McDonnell, who ran cross country and track in college. with at Washington, he said. and added, "I'm sure by the time we have our annual munications from Wayne State University in Detroit, "I just wanted to get back into it some way, and just felt Contributors at Washington were given priority drive ( in April) I'll be ready for that." that I would have a better chance and would be happier seating for the Huskies' home games, McDonnell said. Meanwhile, McDonnell sees the $1 million goal as a on the adminstrative level." But Washington's stadium held 57,000 spectators. Wtih step to ensure the survival of collegiate athletics. The Spartan Foundation raised $193,447 for athletics Spartan Stadium's seating capacity of only 22,000, "That's the hardest thing, in 1981-82. according to a budget report by Academic McDonnell said this type of fund-raising incentive "I'd like to be able to help the Spartan Foundation Vice President Hobert Burns. With a $1 million goal for wouldn't work at SJSU because of a lack of seats. r iise that kind of money." he said, "because I think with approaching people that the upcoming year, one can assume McDonnell has the legislators and the money given to public education plans for the foundation to raise money. 'Smaller' sports getting smaller and smaller, it's important to go to the may. . . not have any McDonnell's main responsibility was to raise money private sector for support. Fund-raisers for non-revenue sports, which he said included almost "That's what is going to be our saving grace in the "I believe strongly in event-type fund-raisers," he all the sports except men's basketball and football. future, because those public funds are going to get taken interest or ties to the said. "I think to do one or two major events a year can do "I think they (smaller sports) have just as much away." a lot of things for your program. It can bring you the right as football to participate," McDonnell said. "I But before McDonnell begins his job of directing the university."-- McDonnell visibility you need to bring more people into your group, think those athletes in tnose other sports are just as effort to raise $1 million, he needs to do one thing: find and at the same time help you raise additional funds." dedicated as they are in football. an apartment in the area to live in. RESUME Commisd kom piss 1 writing a resume. Wilkes said. A emphasizes specific ac- usually their education." looking at the total per- to use different references as height, weight and letter which is tailored to a "Just make sure that chronological resume complishments without Wilkes said. son." for different jobs, so it is martial status, are op- specific company and a the resume is clear, easy to presenst desired regard to date and time. Wilkes added that the References can either best to furnish them on tional, as are professional specific job. The cover read, concise and has a background in Wilkes said this style is writer must not be afraid to be included or furnished request. objectives. letter gives you a chance to good physical ap- chronological order with used mainly by those "taot his own horn." upon request. Frequently, Wilkes added that Most resumes are personalize the resume, pearance," she said. "It the most recent events seeking a job outside their "You'd be surprised Wilkes said, students want personal information such accompanied by a cover Wilkes said. takes about seven to 10 listed first . present field but one that hlw many students with seconds for the employer to A functional resume is utilizes past job skills. high GPA's forget to in- glance over it and make up usually used by those with Regardless of format clude that in their his mind. If you lose him in much work experience who or content each resume resume," she said. 21 SJSU students to compete the first seven seconds then are looking for jobs in the should begin with the If a resume is weak in you've had it." same field. This format writer's strong point. Of one aspect of the three There are three 'styles divides similar ex- the three basic com- main components, that is in resume writing: periences into categories ponents, education, work OK, Wilkes said. in 'Oral Interpretation' contest chronoligical, functional, and disregards experience and extra- "Not every person can and the analytical or skills chronological order. curricular activities, the have outstanding By Toni Cocco resume. The third format, resume writer should begin education, work ex- The preliminary competition in the Dorothy Kaucher According to Mathis. the tradition is that students use The chronological analytical or skills resume, with that which relates perience and ex- Contest for Excellence in Oral Interpretation will be at the book in the presentation, although the piece is usually resume is preferred by is a modification of the most to career goals. tracurricular activities," 3:30 today in the Studio Theater. Hugh Gillis Hall, rm. 103. memorized. She said the student must "interpret, rather most college gradutes, functional resume. It "For stuaents, that is she said. "The employer is Admission is free. than be it or act it." Twenty-one students from various departments on Mathis reflected on her participation in the com- campus will be competing for a chance at the $100 cash petition. "It was worse than going on stage and doing a prize. role, hiding behind a character. You're putting a lot of you Beverly Mathis, winner of the contest last semester, into it. I tend to select things that reflect the inner me." will be mistress of ceremonies as the field of entrants will She said she won the competition on her third try. "It be narrowed to the finalists, who will compete Dec. I. took some work to make it second nature," she said. Mathis won the cash prize last spring with her in- terpretative reading of "Mrs. Daily Has a Lover," a one- Another Kaucher Contest winner is Charmaine The SJSU Students for Peace will have a meeting The Humanities Club will show a film, "Aristotle's act play by William Hanley. Sanders who won the prize last fall with her interpretation from 7 to 10 p.m. today in the S.U. Montalvo Room. For Theory of Happiness," from 5 to 7 p.m. today in the S.U. Mathis is also the Dorothy Kaucher Fellow this of "The Funeral Sermon" by James Weldon Johnson. more information call Chastain at 926-9687. Almaden room. For more information call Angela at 739- semester, and winner of the $1,000 fellowship also offered Sanders said the piece students chose "should have 5184. under the Kaucher endowment. She also played Madame universal appeal," and be one that the student "can A meteorology seminar will be held at 11:30 a.m. Ranevskaya in last month's University Theater identify with. The closer you feel to your piece, the better tomorrow in Duncan Hall, rm. 614. For more information The Bluegrass Club will meet to "jam" from 5:30 to production of "The Cherry Orchard." you can interpret. I feel that was an asset of my particular call 277-2311. 7:30 p.m. today in the S.U. Pacheco Room. For more She said that . any winners are from outside the piece. It makes death beautiful." information call Jim at 253-8149. Theater Arts Department. Entrants must be SJSU According to Sanders, the difficulty in the competition El Concilio will meet at 5 p.m. today in the S.U. students. is "finding the thin line between acting and oral com- Montalvo Room. For more information call 287-1283. The Physics Department will hold a seminar Today's preliminary competition requires a three- munication, not acting it out. featuring Dr. Jeffry Scargle from NASA Ames Research month excerpt from the seven-minute reading the "I'm a trained actress," she said. "I've been taught to The Gay and Lesbian Student Union will have a wine Center at 1:30 p.m today in the Old Science Building, rm. students have prepared. get rid of the script . The book is like a barrier I wish and cheese social at 5:30 p.m. today in the Social Science 253. For more information call Patrick at 277-2949. "It helps if the piece is of literary quality," Mathis could get rid of. I had to find a way to make the book a Building, at Fourth and San Carlos streets. Bring wine said, "something that you really like yourself. You can do prop and work for me, not against me." and cheese to share. For more information call Lisa at ALMAS and MEChA will meet with professors from original work, but it doesn't usually carry as much clout Students can choose short stories, monologues, 277-2047. MACS at 3 p.m. today in Dudley Moorhead Hall, rm. 208. as William Shakespeare. The Bible always does very poems, plays, excerpts from novels or virtually anything For more information call Roger at 277-2634. well." that "moves" them. The Campus Ministry will have a fellowship supper at 30 p.m. today at the Campus Christian Center. For more information call Natalie Shiras at 298-0204. 0.41 1101a4 14TH ANNUAL The Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists will have a meeting at 5:30 p.m. today in the Engineering ALI,-Campus 4 Building, room 162. For more information call Rene Lovato at 280-1232. ok TABLE SOCCER TOURNAMENT 04 ..,... AIESEC will meet for elections at 5:30 p.m. today in Cd Business Classroom 4. For more information call 277-3458 4 ,0(s' .,§N c . (zy.... . The Campus Crusade for Chirst will have a meeting at 0 c., more , . 7:15 p.m. today in the A.S. Council Chambers. For information call Rich 280-5012. qfP,z,c,c. TWO The Public Relations Student Society of America will Tuesday 42, discuss the "National Conference Wrap-up" at 7 p.m Nov. 30 PLAYERS (= 0 today in the S.U. Costanoan Room. For more information 416 ,2)C 44 c" PER A4 0 C) call Jerry at 244-7290. 7:00 p.m. i.0 \041 Ni ...--. ' ION, I TEAM re, Ae' 6 0 0 0 Ski (’-’ A Round Robin or Double Elimination Competition Entry-$5.00 per player 41' Bear Valley Winning team receives trophies & will <<'t represent SJSU at the ACU-I Regional ,11)44, . trip Recreation Tournament ( Feb. 18-20) at CSU, Fullerton . , Round Bus fare A V' All day lift pass kop..4 4,05:kop A". 277-3226 \A $45/Person 0Q

-- T. J. Kerr I heard it live on the radio and I was as confused as the commentators were. I saw it again on replay at least five "It's friendly competition," SJSU coach "I' J Kerr times and I am still amazed on how it could have hap- said. "We respect each other. It's kind of a big meet for a pened. Yet there is one thing that is a fact . . California- lot of people. We get a chance to see what each other has beat Stanford 25-20 last Saturday on a final play which Bakersfield State, the defending Division II cham- people will be talking about as long as the Big Game. the pion, will be wrestling in its 1982 debut. SJSU won last exists. be o year's home meet 21-18, but lost 37-5 at Bakersfield. In case anyone was on a mountain retreat in the "They know how big the meet is," Kerr said about the coai Spartans. "There's a lot of pressure. It's going to be a Himalayas last weekend and didn't hear it, Cal beat Stanford in the 85th Big Game on a play that people will be be a close meet." to d Here are the tentative matchups in each weight class talking about until the 185th Big Game. In a way it ended sort of tragic for it knocked Stanford out of the Hall of tonight. SJSU wrestlers are listed first: of t Fame Bowl and for all purposes blew away any chances 118: David Ciprian vs. Adam Cuestas (46-3 last year ) elm Stanford quarterback John Elway had at the Reisman or Tim Vanni, a I05-pound world champion. the 126: Brad Gustafson ( 1-0 this year) vs. Mel East. Trophy. 134: Tim Porter, replacing an injured Albert Perez coul kneel vs Brian Stevens or John Loomis. Here's how the strange play occurred. Trailing 19-17, Elway led the Cardinal from their own 20 to the California hay 142: David Barnes (1-0, one in(O or John Mittlestead fry vs. Mike Burch or Ray Hammond. 18-yard-line where with only four seconds left, kicker Mark Harmon booted a 35-yard field goal that in any 150: Jay Slivkoff (0-1) or Randy Hood vs. Craig Noble rormal game would have won it. But this game was Jo) or Jesse Reyes. anything but normal. real 158: Pat Huyck (1-01 vs. Woody Smith ( 11-15 last year or Troy Osborne. On the ensuing kickoff, Harmon squibbed the ball to 167: Michael Hairston (1-0) vs. Scott Teuscher ( 32-12 Bear reserve defensive back Kevin Moen, a name to bet:. last year) or junior college transfer Dennis Reed. immortalized on the pages of California football. Five: 177: Marvin Jones ( 1-0) or Chris Atkinson vs. Mark laterals later, Moen found himself with a 57-yard kickoff:- Loomis, a Division II champion. return for a touchdown, the last 20 yards through the: 190: Andy Tsarnas (1-01 vs. Mike Blaske, a national SJSU heavyweight wrestler Jerry Morrison has teammate Andy Tsarnas in the pinch in the Spartans recent BluelGold meet in the Stanford marching band, and a 25-20 California win. junior college champ last year. Spartan gym. Both Morrison and Tsamas will lead the Spartans into tomghts meet against rival Cal State Bakersfield. Morrison will be Heavyweight: Jerry Morrison (1-0, one pin ) vs. Roger wrestling at heavyweight while Tsarnas will be wreAing at 190 pounds. After looking over that final play over and over again: - very closely, I have come to the decision that Stanford:-. Hairston 127-10 last year I, who was sixth in Division II. _ - In other wrestling news, the Spartans sent their was wronged. freshmen squad to the Biola Invitational last Saturday 4-1, three pins; Don Knox 3-2; Atkinson 3-2, Eric Mit- Atkinson, Mittlestead and Monroe and won four of five matches. SJSU wrestlers and their tlestead 5-0, two pins and Michael Monroe 5-0, two pins. Kerr's reason for using his freshmen against other I didn't see anything wrong with the laterals, but what:t. records are Dan Cola 3-2; Matt Ceglia 2-3; David Gruss 4- The SJSU freshmen also powered past Fullerton State varsity schools: "We are a development program. This I questioned is if the play should have been blown dead.- 1: Bill Newton 4-1, Matt Toves 5-0, four pins: Darrell Pope 31-13 last Sunday. Winners were Cola, Newton, Knox, gives them a lot of wrestling time." When Moen got the ball he pitched to Richard Rodgers -1, Rodgers, in trouble, pitched to Dwight Garner. Going::, down under a sea of Cardinal jerseys, Garner pitchecC::. back to Rodgers, who pitched to Mariet Ford, who made: - St. Mary leads an incredible behind-his-head pitch to Moen, who ran it irC- hoopsters in season openers for the score. By Michael McIntyre SJSU's Lady Spartan Senior forward Natalie coaching here.'' steals and shot 61 percent Gauchos. court and she picked up the The controversy occurs when Garner had the ball. basketball team won two of St. Mary led the Lady Chatman also em- irom the floor for the three In the loss to Arizona slack well." Many Stanford people are up in arms that his knee was. : three games last weekend Spartans with excellent phasized that St. Mary's games. State last Friday, SJSU down and the play should have been dead. Well, maybe his The slack to which at the Cal Poly Classic defensive and offensive contributions were not Chatman was equally almost pulled off a major knee was down, that is a judgment call. I don't question Chatman referred was the tournament in San Luis performances in each of limited to offensive pleased with the play of the upset. The Lady Spartans that. I question if his forward progress was stopped.. absence of Shelia Brown, Obispo to achieve a third. the three contests. production. rest of the Lady Spartans. led the contest most of the Garner was hit by at least two Cardinal defenders and was. the Lady Spartans' leading place finish behind tour- St. Mary, who was "She does so many "For this early in the way, including a 15-point going down. While going dcwn, he pitched the ball to scorer a year ago. The nament champion Arizona named to the all - things which don't show up season," Chatman said, "I advantage with just eight Rodgers where all of the fun began. It seemed quite ob- seine junior guard did not make State and runner-up tournament first team, set in the box score," Chatman was surprised and happy minutes to play. vious that Garner was going down and the referee should the trip due to personal Pacific. school records for scoring said. "She works ex- with our play. Offensively, However, SJSU's have blown the play dead. You can bet if a Cardinal player problems, but is expected Coach Sharon Chat - 136 points against Cal Poly tremely hard on the boards we're far ahead of where I inexperience surfaced, had hit Garner while he was going down that he would to make major con- man's squad defeated UC SLO) and steals 112 in the and is probably the best thought we would be at this resulting in numerous have been called for a late hit. It seemed like the officials A tributions to SJSU's Santa Barbara 81-58, lost to same game). denfensive player on our point. But we still need lots turnovers and chaotic were as confused as anyone was. 12th ranked Arizona State "She was simply team, if not the entire organization. basketball fortunes this of work on defense and Ilit 59-58 and finally stopped phenomenal." Chatman league." rebounding." Arizona State went on season. It was when Garner appeared stopped that the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo said. "She played the best The Stockon native SJSU's first match of to whip UOP 90-65 for the Stanford players and band began to celebrate and go onto 74-55 to conclude the three games I've seen any totalled 80 points, 40 1982 saw the Lady Spartans championship. In the tournament the field. The Stanford players were very stupid, doing weekend. player have since I've been rebounds, eight assists, 19 easily whip the UC Santa "We were taking good finale last Saturday. SJSU this. They know never to go onto the field until the play is Barbara Lady Gauchos shots," Chatman said, "but stomped Cal Poly -S1.0 by officially dead. The play was never blown dead so the last Thursday. St. Mary's they just wouldn't fall. It amassing a 14 -point players had no right at all to go onto the field. team -high 24 points were was a shame because we halftime bulge and then FREE HAIRCUT, CONDITIONING, AND STYLING nicely complimented by were in control most of the coasting to victory. sophomore center Rhoda game." As for the Stanford band, what they did was inex- with every $50. permanent, regular $65 Chew's 16 points and St. Mary again led the Augmon produced cusable, The band, of course, did not lose the game, but freshman forward Diane Lady Spartans in scoring another 17 points, while they had no business whatsoever to be on the field while Razor Cuts Only $6., Regular $12.50 Augmon's 14 points. with 20 points, while grabbing nine rebounds. St. play was still in progress. They caused a great deal of the Chatman expressed Augmon notched another Mary had 14 rebounds in confusion not only for the players but for the officials as Plus, Free Professional satisfaction at Augmon's 12. addition to setting the well. collegiate Skin and Hair Analysis play, the first Against the Lady Sun school record for scoring action for the Palo Alio Devils, freshman Dana and steals It is really a shame to see a game as big as the No Appointment Neeessaryi resident. Gloria Foster, Chatman's top California v. Stanford game ending the way it did. The Ask for "She did a very good recruit, tallied her first The Lady Spartans' strangeoutcome overshadowed the great play of the two The Ideal Salon job for us," Chatman said. collegiate points on a first- next game action will be as quarterbacks. Elway completed 25 of 39 passes for 330 "It was a big surprise, but half field goal. hosts of the annual yards and two touchdowns while the Bears' Gale Gilbert For You a good one." Chatman said she was Anheuser Busch Classic on was 17 of 31 for 289 yards and two touchdowns. Coupon expires J an . 1, 1983 , Jackie Burress, a happy with Foster's effort. Thursday, Dec. 1 and But the game is history now and the score is in the forward/center from "She did a good job." Friday, Dec. 3. Par- books. But this game will provide a great trivia question Pomona. also reached Chatman said. "Point ticipants will be Stanford, - name the Cal player who returned a kickoff that was double figures with II guard is probably the most UC Santa Barbara. Texas lateralled five times with only four seconds left to give the NEXUS REDKEN FOCUS points against the Lady demanding position on the Tech and SJSU Bears a 25-20 win over Stanford in the 85th Big Game. L. Coupon A Robbins takes first in Turkey Trot X-C COMPLETE By Brion Wong Robert Robbins Keys finished second in a Chris Clarke 12:24, Kevin and -over Bob Roman, 18: Monday/Wednesday Flynn 12:31, Hugo Miller ( women's 25-and -under) covered the 2.3-mile course time of 11:21, while Jim men -- F.C. Cologne 2-0-1. in 11 minutes, nine seconds 12:46 and Ray Fish 12:53. Kinney. ) Waldron's 11:52 was good Amy (fraternity Liverpool 1-1-1, The to win the Leisure Services- for third. The rest of the top Winners in the dif- Ray Fish. ( team ) Hoover Wanderers 0-1-1 ; ferent categories were: sponsored Turkey Trot last 10 consisted of Mathew Hall's Reza, Garcia, Keith Tuesday/Thursday men -- Thursday. Scott 11:25, Joseph Reza I men's 25 -and -under) Robinson. Scott Smith and Moulder Hall's David 12:06, Joe Garcia 12:24. Robert Robbins, (men's 25- Carl Scott. Virgin Killers 2-0, SAE 1-1, Winners of free turkeys Washburn Hall 0-1-1, ATO in a raffle were Alice 0-0-I. First Air M.C. 0-0-I; ...... Louie, Smith, Waldron, Miller, Sandy Zobel and Tuesday/Thursday coed -- Keith Kwasney. Mutant Energy 1-0, In- Spartan Basketball Standings in in- ternational Center 1-0, Tips off with Spirit Week! tramural soccer as of Nov Washburn Hall 0-0-1. $2.00 Student Tickets pen. Allstate's new office: THE NORTH FACE offers one -stop outfitting for 2 for 1 each night! all your cross country needs. Ski equipment Sat. Nov. 27 Puget Sound 97 E. San Antonio St. at 3rd and clothing that fitsthe hard and the soft. one block from campus. THE NORTH FACE has the most complete Mon. Nov. 29 Idaho State selection of rental equipment. Let THE NORTH Fri. Dec. 3 Nevada-Reno 'a-- FACE help you learn to love ski touring, now! 500 pom-pons available at the Auto, motorcycles Puget Sound game for those wearing Renters Life their Spartan Blue and Gold colors. Ilomeowners CAMPBELL All games at the Civic Auditorium 8:05 PM 995-5522 349 E Campbell Ave (408) 374-5205 Tickets available at the Athletic Ticket office Allstate lin& in good hand. Stop in and meet us. and Spartan Bookstore. Call 277-3241 for info. **** ****** * **** **** or** **** * * * * * * * * **** ** RiovemOet z3, twit PUN COMICS Spikers await playoff word MARTIN THE SPARTAN DEAN FORTUNATI 1 after NorPac season ends SJSU takes third in league, hopes for NCAA berth

Ily Brion Wong The Lady Spartan volleyball team completed its down a little bit and they jumped on it." regular season last Saturday and now must sit back and The Lady Spartans led 2-1, but could not pick up one hope for an at -large berth in the NCAA playoffs. more game. "Give them credit," Montgomery said. "Cal SJSU placed third in the NorPac Conference tour- dug down deeper than we did." SCOTT nament at Berkeley behind champion California and Lisa Ice, who was selected to the all-tournament BENCHLY SAAVEDRA runner-up University of the Pacific. Only California team, had 20 kills against the Bears. Jodi Breding had 12 ot...\ THERst receives an automatic spot in the playoffs, which begin kills, while red-hot Linda Fournet contributed five service SO,,, ARE Yo4-1,, JUST t.:10.N.IA_yX CAN Dec. 3. aces and three digs. corno4C.1 4cenE COME" 140tA cs.1/414416 Ice hit .357 Saturday as SJSU beat Oregon State 15-3, (ANT AMA 7-15, 15-6 to capture third place. Gayle Olsen's hitting IT 2 NA%IE 'I think we outplayed them percentage was .375 with eight kills. Breding and Sprout ,..lere-e-Kb had four digs apiece. icte. Dv ,HotAE- (Cal). We could have won.' Montgomery will give the Lady Spartans this week woR.K.. cArfr off, hoping to round up his squad Nov. 29, the day the -- coach Dick Montgomery NCAA plans to announce its playoffs selections. "We'll let the girls get away and let the smoke clear." II Montgomery said. "We'll come back Monday and by then The NCAA will select 10 at-large schools to complete we hope to know." the 28-team field. The Lady Spartans, 20-9 overall, want to CAMPUS GREENS KEVIN YEAGER be one of those squads. I WANT To KNOW WILT WELL ,IA, mos coAKT MOSGTER WOULD Vcd) /ALINE A MiDGA,T) "I'd be disappointed if we didn't make it," SJSU 8Arf he HAPPENED HERE! THE 0007e6 RIPPED 001.15 11460008 ,AND THEN windA 8Ase &ALL at coach Dick Montgomery said. "I don't think there should 88,08614 AND ONE ROOM AA MESS! 410141541011 TM. CAMP Ie/PliN be be any way we couldn't get one of those berths. We'll have Ex-Spartans shine in ,TLAIE.17 to do some politicking." of Montgomery will probably tell NCAA officials that all semi-pro tourney es of the Lady Spartans' losses were to top 20 teams, in- cluding a 15-5, California in an 14-16, 12-15, 1511, 15-10 loss to Three former SJSU basketball standouts led the Santa the first round of the NorPac tourney Friday night. Cruz Mountains, a semi-pro hoop team, to the cham- "I think we outplayed them," Montgomery said. "We pionship of the third annual Sacramento Gold Rush could have 7, won, but the difference was experience. We tournament Sunday have never been in a match where we were under the Ex-Spartan hoopsters Mike Mendez, Doug Murray frying pan. They really wanted to win." and Ed Saunders all starred in the Mountains title game "It was the most tense match I've ever been in," ly victory over C. Orr Enterprises of Sacramento 73-58. is Joyce Sprout added. "It was so important. Emotions were Mendez was named the weekend's most valuable SJSU graduate. Sacramento 84-77 on Sunday to quality for the cham- really high. we broke We played really well. Mentally player, while Murray and Saunders were both members En route to the title, Wilson's troups beat Oliver's of pionship match. to of the first team all -tournament squad. Stockton 101-97 and Budweiser of Oakland 113-85 on The Mountains next tournament will be at Van- r The Mountains are coached by Charlie Wilson Jr., an Saturday, Nov. 13, and squeezed by Parish Contractors of denberg Air Force Base in Lompoc on Dec. 17, 18, and 19. VALUABLE tr COUPON he: ANNOUNCING MrECONOMY SaN c 10". on WIVE IMPORTS TYPING WORD PROCESSING e 2 ** gal of your stueP ".. TERM PAPER or REPORT nts JAPANESE AND EUROPEAN CAR it- G.T. WINFIELD COME TO SWEENEY HALL RN 210 JOBS AND TRUCK PARTS flours: 10-4 (408) 370-2687 493 5. FIRST STREET Iranlating Languages FOR ADVISEMENT ON ADVANCE SAN JOSE. CA 95113 offer old after Greek Ass.) rime Fars' (408)998-5060 Yr: December 7.1952 Asian Indian Philipino IS,, STUDENT - REGISTRATION OR CALL 277-3634 Call Debbie 35.1-6622 DISCOUNTS irt:

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Fair cond TYPING Term papers husoness IMters on service charges We accept Diets No 1511, No rock,' J1.1 a spaced page Phone 923 3901 for Christmas 1800 CM Pal. 293 6410 etc Chor Is return Si 50/p IBM maim credit cards We offer 1) 41,$111 eilletivi right Intoned war ACCURATE TYPING Fast C011.1,1111, 8.110.11, sr,15 various personal.. serstre Call us tor to lose weight Groops or private dependable conscientious Sales 68 VW BUG custom rehollt Almost type halls Call Vegmte al 227 details or slop hy We condo 011001 uowiew Call Jowl Holler 293 Avatlahle 7 day, a week IBM perfect 11600 277 3069 From 103S 4fly 111114 111 trey& soda, would 5ll051near .11114111/ Electrons 7368900 7 AM PM PROFESSIONAL STENO TYPING appreciate your business Park SERVICE Fest eccimite typmg TECHNICAL TYPING disserletions Plata Travel 811/V1CP 140 W San 1411515 AGNOSTICS TYPING OR WORD PROCESSING on E ed dependable Rear. 104041 by Stanford University Cr.. So Mem in the piiMir man FREE THINKERS Yon'.e 'Tot atom IBM Seim II or Xerm 820 1001 Sales W111 1-01,611 sec y in my San Jose hon. von Meer i San Jose CA 95113 Loll 251 3031) Humerus, C..,'. put*, Reasonable rates well spelling grammar Call Linde al close to SJSU Pat days 497 14081 292 1613 Mon to Fri 9 moony of San -11111. prompt pmfesstonal service Near 260 4504 3311eyen 297 1731 no 6 p SJSU 275 9285 R ATE YOUR OWN BUT TONS SERVICES PERSONAL GRAF FIT TI It so f YPING Vialow Glen area Student and 1,11, Jost lake 310 in pow of Business reports resumes Ilse paper draw n 2 1 4,n recto in the 267 5247 FEEL CHEATED, Oben lawyer 'n Ad Rates 1111111.1 Theo mon, colored pens Prat Your Ad Herr. care OS,, Any problem punt tette ,, rer draw your diengn anthem I YPING Accuracy, neatness and Illitimws Me buss se on by approximately 30 1e1101 f11111.1111.1.1 for ttttt I notNng is too smell Sieve !Count mite a...age Mad your name deadlines quwanteed Expertencfrit Each Wetlesen Ally Reasonable tees address photo no emit art work in theses reports disown... One Two Three FIVP Em. 377 4443 31011161.1 1 111 1111111111111111111111 trolli S1 00 4111, 501 Approved by SJSU Graduate Day Days Days Da. Days Day handl., pm lemon to The Bolton Stud. 011ie, IBM Sal II Seeith BICYCLE REPAIRS Fest inexpensive 3 hoes 53 10 53 BO 54 15 54 35 54 SO 5 80 Gallery 91 ...Po OP Sen Antrim" San Jrise,Blossom Valley ante Call 11111111111111111111111111 and odd (10. Pick up and 41,.,,,. 13 80 14 50 54 84 55 05 65 20 95 Sooty 11 Sao Jose CA 95113 Janet at 227 9525 NO.,. dekvery Coll Garry, 377 3082 6 Slone, 54 50 $520 $555 55 7S SS 90 51 10 .4081 2101 7378 We also do 2 9a to and 9P m 11111111111111111111111111 pm 1131im S1 1 4.,. photo tttttt on, mi semi Your 6 brim $5 20 1590 56 25 $6 4', 56 60 7S ttttt in., PROMPT EL ECTROI 0515 CLINIC Unwanted 1111111111111111111111111 typing Reasonable rates evening. En, tl adde ttttt Imo add 70 hair removed per menently A weekends toM liar,. 265 3325 Conlidentoal try appoEntrnen. only .111.1111.0 fsb Same.p, 247 7486 335 9 Baywood Rates All Issues, TYPING DONE IN my hon. Accurate Am.. Ben Jose CA Slew. 840 00 10 Imes 555 00 15 Itoro 570 0(1 Address reasonable Sunnyvale sous Lynn 738 1911 Rum 2771175 City FIFtP WANT! D BARE IT ALL. Stop shavInp wowing For rweesIng or tieing chemIcal TYPING EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Molitor.% Lel me permanently x PRI l'ARER espereinred 11.011111 .11 type ell reports resumes remove 01/01 unwanted hoe Iclan /11.104 141.4w. 11151. Part theses etc Selector or ciente 101.0. tummy moustache etr 1 15 woe toll hero, Cell 848 edema satislactIon guaranteed S. discount to student, and SEND CHECK. MONEY ORDER 1.11 The hem tor lets' from ST 00 per Cleatilkol Desk towed MO& X297 lomat, Cog bef. Nov 30 1981 Closed., Mine pay. Call Pam 247 2681 Circle a OR CASH TO: end gel your lest sm. St", Pere evemng Er weekends Located in Help Wanted Per tttttt Unwonted him reseppeers with 40111111111,004111, SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Overflew Two day, prior bi alio, Santa Cl,,. near San Thomas lop RN I OFTICIAI S omitted Ire my care 559 3500 Gwen A motive Housing 8.1V11.1, 'fowl San Jose State University C1.111.011111.0 puha. p Inm.111115 and Monroe Nemo mo Gone rot in ttttt 11411A ,,,,,, 411 Drop Iry Chelgion RI 'Hee Today For Sale I $1.1011 San Jose, California 95192 NO /lortch on rime Alert all.. se es term to poli Apply 1..A Tomorrow 1645 5 Ave .110111. 7172912 SM. C Campbell Calif 95009 November 23. 1982 Page 8 BUILDING Calle tune tr on, we 1 Trot' leader of the Save Our Structures com- 'Turkey mittee, said that because of declining V1 heeler said that the faculty have five enrollment and rising fuel costs the garage times the space alloted to other instructors would not be widely used. interests 40 on campus " Some offices are three-room According to John Brazil, executive suites with bathrooms," he said. assistant to SJSU President Gail Fuller- According to Eakin, many of the ton. the plan was delayed because of hardy students teachers have not been notified of their divided support from the campus com- market at new off ice locations. munity and by an anemic bond By Cheryl Greggans Anthropology. Asian American that time. The damp skies of a gloomy day did nothing to and sociology department offices Vs Studies dampen the spirits of the 40 entrants in SJSU's annual located in the facility. New The parking problem this year. are currently Turkey Trot on Thursday. locations for these departments have not however, was intensified when the city- Rain or shine, they were ready to start the 2.3-mile been found. owned garage at Third and St. John streets OM race, which began on Ninth Street outside the In- The structure was first occupied in was closed last month because it does not dustrial Studies Building. 1967 during a marked increase in faculty meet earthquake standards. But before they did, Pete Vadney, interim coor- members. Sale of bonds for the $7.2 million dinator for Leisure Services, explained the route one The new garage has been a part of the project has already been approved by the final time and warned the runners to be careful at all university's expansion plan for two years. board of trustees in Long Beach. An CSU intersections because of the weather, even though San In 1980, the proposed garage created an updated environmental impact report was Jose Police. University Police, and leisure service uproar among Social Science Building required and is almost complete. officials were stationed along the route. faculty and students. garage is built. the use of the dirt If the The runners were eager to start, and as the rain A vocal audience of 75 attended an would stop, Orbach lots at Fourth Street slowed to a drizzle, then stopped, they were off. EIR hearing in March of that year and said. The pack of runners proceeded around the many expressed skepticism as to the need The garage could be completed within Business Tower and turned left on 10th Street, intent on for the garage. three years of groundbreaking. accoridng the route, which continued up 10th to San Antonio, up The opposition, led by Michael to J. Handel Evans, executive vice San Antonio to 16th Street, right on 16th to Williams Medina. then -A S attorney general and ()resident. Street Park, once around the park, and back the same way. The race was divided into categories of men under 25 years old, men over 25, women under 25, women Chicano library center over 25, dorms and fraternities. Teams were also eligible to participate with as many members as they wanted but only the times of the first four runners unrecognized by A.S. finishing for the team were averaged. About 11:09 after the race started, Robert Robbins. the first man under 25, crossed the finish line. Robbins support cited was followed by Bob Homan. the first man over 25. at Lack of board's official 13:42. The first woman under 25 to finish was Amy By Karol Warner Kinney at 13:06. There were no women over 25 in the Student leaders center. pletely in favor of the 111110010158$ event. Associated represen- criticized "A.S., the center and the A.S. is The dorm winner was David Keys of Moulder Hall Student officials Friday for tative body of the students. supportive as well," he at 11:21. Ray Fish of Kappa Sigma was the fraternity recognizing recognized the not formally have not said. '-Now that it has been winner at 12:53. Hoover Hall had the winning team. Library dedication or the opening of the Chicano brought to our attention. A turkey drawing was held after the race. The center this year," Arias Resource Center, the we will send a represen- runners were divided into six groups of seven and a through the Andy Arias, president said. "All tative to formally turkey was awarded to the winner in each group. (an process of getting this (the of El Concilio recognize the Chicano Turkey winners were Jim Waldron. Hugo Miller. center ) established the organization encompassing Resource Center." Sandy Zobel, Alice Louie. Scott Smith and Keith been supportive, teh 13 Chicano groups on A.S. has Paul, after receiving Kwasney campus) and former A.S. but now that it's the resolution, said, "We vice president, said established. I guess they the support ot appreciate Amy Kinney, te first woman to finish Thursday's Turkey Trot, community members, feel they're through with the Academic Senate and faculty members and some it." hope it will spark facult cleans the mud from her shoes in the Ninth Street gutter. com- students have recognized Arias made his interest in Chicano Kul Kopp the new center but the A.S. ments after he and three scholarship." did not Academic Senate The center, which was representatives gave Jell dedicated on Nov. 5. is in Paul. Chicano Center Wahlquist Library and coordinator, a resolution contains books, pamphlets, expressing faculty Bureaurcracy a problem, counselor says periodicals and microfilm members' support of the INI about Chicanos. center. Greg Ruppert. A.S By Patidt Hays Jim Rowen. student director of academic af- One of the most serious problems, if not the most handling these problems by getting at their social causes. saying public employees have as much right as anyone Academic Senator and fairs, said "not coming serious, facing the United States today is bureaucracy, The organization which resulted from this paper, the else tube involved in politics. former A.S. director of Cal- down and officially according to Joel Fort, founder of the Fort Help Coun- Center for Special Problems, still exists within the Health Fort said the organization of bureaus is un- State Affairs, said A.S. has recognizing the center was seling Center in San Francisco. Department in San Francisco. although Fort was fired democratic. When he started Fort Help, after beingfired been passing resolutions not done intentionally. it Fort, speaking to Professor Jeanne Crank's public long ago, for being "too independent," he said. While he by the San Francisco health department one of his main supportive of the center has merely been an policy seminar on Nov. 14, said the problem with was there, the center used holistic health care (no drugs, goals was to avoid an administrative hierarchy. Everyone since 1978 and yet they oversight." bureaucracy is that it encourages mediocrity in its no surgery, just diet and lifestyle changes to treat health on the staff, from doctors to janitors, has an equal chance halve not come to look at the "I. for one, am com- workers. Government bureaus don't want any workers problems ) and other non-medical, non-psychological to be involved in the running of the agency, he said. The setting too high a standard, or questioning the way things treatments. Now, he said, the center focuses primarily on ones with the most say in how things are done are the la are run, he said. crime and violence. people most willing to give time to running the center. fa "In general, the least able people are in charge of the Fort also angered his superiors by opposing the war Fort said. He calls this system institutional democracy. government," he said. "Excellence is not only not sought that time, he Fort Help is intended to be an alternative to govern- on hippies that San Francisco was waging at a( "Pepper" for, but is to be avoided." said. There were ideas at that time to put up signs saying ment health agencies, Fort said. Its philosophy is to offer Fort qualified his statement by saying that some in "Hippies not welcome," he said. City officials also alternative treatments, and allow individuals a choice. government are doing what needs to be done, but they are dislikes his opposition to laws prohibiting drug use, he Fort Help avoids labeling people, as sick or as an addict Continued horn pro 1 of in the minority. said. He was finally fired. for example, and tries to treat each as an individual, with December. Five of the fees paid by residents and re Fort's own experience with bureaucracy began in "The first social implication was that the PTA individual problems, Fort said. "We try to treat clients as "peppers,"included Root. the start of the semester, C( 1965, when he returned to the United States from a job withdrew its invitation for me to speak before them." he if they were guests in their living room," he said. also agreed to pay $2.50 as well as money from with the United Nations, and was offered a job as director said. "I suspect neither Jesus nor Socrates would be in- each for their involvement fund-raisers. la of the alcoholism and care unit in San Francisco, he said. vited to too many speeches." estimated the A unique feature of the institutional democracy at in the affair. Root Fort wrote a paper outlining his plan to change the last year. Government employees were not even allowed to Fort Help is that no one can "pass the buck." because Further complications. fund at $800 focus of the alcoholism and care unit. It said that all drug become involved in politics outside the agency until he everyone is responsible for the care of everyone, Fort however, dissolved the although actual figures abuse, from tobacco to alcohol to heroin, should be seen as agreement, but then John were not available. won a lawsuit. he said. While he was working for a county said. No one can say, "I'd like to help you, but my superior having the same causes, and should be treated essentially clinic in the early '605, he actively supported some won't allow me to do what you ask," he said. Riley, the husband of the same. The paper also proposed to handle sexual The case ot the political candidates, in violation of a state law which Another feature is that everyone on the staff must do Sonya. stepped forward to problems, by responding to what each person who sought disenchanted "peppers" forbade public employees from any politics except his or her own paperwork. Fort said. There are no resolve the conflict. The help thought was wrong with him or herself. may at last be privately expressing their opinions and voting, he said. secretaries or clerks. money was to be paid solved, but if The paper also detailed how to solve crime, violence not, they may have When he was fired for his activities, he filed suit. In "It's amazing how much less the paperwork becomes Monday. Root said. their and obseity. Fort said he saw all these problems as having day in court. 1967 the California Supreme Court found in his favor, when people have to do their own." Fort said. By Sunday, however. social, rather than psychological, origins. He suggested the members of the council no longer wanted to discuss the matter. The Hileys didn't want to talk about the issue at all. Speaking for his wife. John said Friday: "The situation is resolved. I have no other comments." WHAT'S Roger Lee. vice president of the activities council, who had 11 possession of the council YOUR "SAY"? minutes, said, "We (the activities council) (-Welded we don't want to talk about it any more. It's all in the GRADUATING The Associated Students has positions past now." Lee would not open say whether Hiley would now in: The Budget Committees, Library pay the money Monday. SOON? Committees, Election Board, Data Processing, Voting members of the council are elected by the Affirmative Action and many others dorm residents and organize dormitory social events, such as spaghetti Come up to the A.S. office in Student Union feeds and dances. The activities council and give us your application for these fund consists of money from optional activities positions.

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RECRUITERS NEXT WEEK ON CAMPUS Wed .-Fri. ,Dec 1-3 Info table Student Union kinkol copies Interviews Seniors, grad students make 13 P3te0 On San 1ntome appointments, pick up applications 1514330 before interview. at Career Planning 411 E San Carlos St. and Placement. Bldg Q Rm 251 S511 studen s