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£TAe fletmbA 3£obfiita/ o£ SPt. SBtmih 216 SOUTH KINGSHIGHWAY Divisions-. The Jewish Hospital, Jewish Medical Social Service Bureau, Jewish Sanatorium, Miriam Rosa Bry Convalescent-Rehabilitation Hospital. Vol. 5—No. 6 December 1956 — January 1957 OUR NURSES WIN AGAIN! $536,650 PLEDGED TO HOSPITAL Fifty-five civic and philanthropic leaders pledged $536,650 for the "Wrap-Up" cam- paign to "finish the job of building one of America's finest medical institutions," at a dinner in the Mark C. Steinberg Hospital auditorium on Tuesday, December 4th, sponsored by Harry Edison, Sydney M. Shoenberg, Millard A. Waldheim, Richard K. Weil, and Charles H. Yalem. I. E. Goldstein served as chairman of the "Wrap-Up" Campaign Committee. Mem- bers of the committee were Major B. Ein- stein, John M. Shoenberg, Louis Tiger, Millard A. Waldheim, and Richard K. Weil, President of the Hospital. The limited drive, authorized by the Jew- ish Federation of Saint Louis, has a goal of $1,050,000. $750,000 of this amount is re- quired to complete financing of the basic building and remodeling program, and an additional $300,000 is needed to provide such essential additions as air conditioning and soundproofing the Mark C. Steinberg Memorial Hospital wing, construction of a surgical pathology laboratory, improvements in the Division of Obstetrics and Gynecol- ogy, and installation of special equipment which will qualify the Hospital for a $100,000 government grant. Nurses Capped Feb. 14 The traditional "Candlelight Service" of the Jewish Hospital School of Nursing will be held on Thursday, February 14th at 8 P.M. in the United Hebrew Temple audi- torium, 225 South Skinker. At this cere- mony, caps will be conferred on those stu- dents who have satisfactorily completed their six-month "pre-clinical" period. The ceremony will be conducted by the Student Nurses' Council of the School of Nursing. In addition, Mr. Richard K. Weil, President of the Board of Directors, Dr. David Littauer, Executive Director, Miss Edna E. Peterson, Director of the School of Nursing and Nursing Service, and members Continuing as unbeaten basketball champs for the 1956-57 season, Jewish Hospital student nurses of the board committee of the School of scored 48-42 over St. Johns on Jan. 17. Shown above in a dramatic scene from the Jewish- Nursing and Nursing Service will also DePaul game of Jan. 10, Captain Beverly Dale (#6) receives from Lola Faith (#7) for a final score participate. of 50-46. Coached by St. Louis Billiken player Bill Harless, the girls are participants in the Third Three Franc Honor awards will be pre- District Student Nurses Basketball League. After a final game with Deaconess at DePaul on Jan. 24, the nurses close their season with a challenge to the JH Faculty All-Stars on Feb. 1. Letter awards sented to students showing outstanding abil- and a party follow afterwards. ity, kindness and participation. EMPLOYEES GIVE $2,800.00 DAVEY BOLD AT HOLIDAY PARTY A "floor show" featuring comedian Davey "Nose" Bold highlighted the annual Em- ployees' Holiday Party held on Thursday, December 20, 1956, in the gymnasium of the Shoenberg Memorial. Theme of the event was "Winter in Old New Orleans." Over 500 guests were served refreshments by volunteer hostesses, and danced to the music of Jack Field and his orchestra. Mr. Field also served as master of ceremonies. Feats of magic were performed by Dr. Stan- ley Burris, and Margie Muser captivated everyone with her fire baton-twirling. Bar- bara Parker, soloist, and the Nurses' Choir, under the direction of Mr. Alvin Burmeister, Purchasing Agent, provided musical enter- tainment. The antics of Rudolph, the Red- Nosed Reindeer (alias Sandra Nonn and Sandra Rader, student nurses) were a con- stant source of amusement. Mr. Richard K. Weil, President of the Hospital, and Dr. David Littauer, Executive Director, presented awards to employees with 10, 15, and 30 years of service. Attendance prizes, which included hams, turkeys, and fruit baskets, were awarded throughout the afternoon. Members of the Holiday Party Commit- tee were: Wilhelmina Beard and Alvin Shown above are team captains of the Hospital's successful 1956 United Fund drive. With almost Burmeister, Co-Chairmen, Gerry Binns, Ken- 70% participation, over $2,800.00 was contributed. George Home, Pharmacist, was Chairman. neth Cohen, John Fordon, Hazel Hall, Standing against "thermometer" are (left to right): Betty Vaughn, Margaret Engelmeier, Verna Romike, Irene Herman, Ruth Ely, Dorothy Howard, Joe Wright, George Home, Shirley Ludwig, George Home, Robert Kelly, Milton Kentes, Katherine Ellebracht, Deanie Davis, Christ Yungerman, Audrey Drinkard, Helen Bell, Margaret Rush, Martha Meger, Carol Nemeth, Grace Tie- Donn Sparks, Lois Heifetz, Estelle Miller. Absent when picture was taken were Bernard Styles, man, and Shirley Stoving. Marge Peteler, Robert Karsh, Martha Meger, and Doris Page. Stone and Barrett Depart HOSPITAL MAKES $29,300 HEART Mr. Robert Stone, Assistant Director, has CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS GRANT AWARDED resigned to assume a new post at the Griffin Work is progressing rapidly in comple- Receipt of an additional $29,300 from Hospital in Derby, Connecticut. Mr. Stone, tion of the out-patient clinic and pharmacy the National Heart Institute of the Public who also served his residency in hospital on the ground floor and the clinical labora- Health Service for cardiovascular research was announced by Dr. Sol Sherry, Director administration at JH, served as secretary of tories on the first floor. Early in January, patients on Ward 19 of the Division of Medicine. the House Staff and Education Committee, The money will be used to extend cur- the Medical Records Committee, and the (female medical) were moved to the fifth floor of the Mark C. Steinberg Memorial rent studies on the mechanisms of blood Medical Library Committee. His duties also Hospital while alterations to the ward were clot dissolution, with particular emphasis included administrative supervision of the begun in preparation for rehabilitation on the fibrinolytic enzyme of blood. The Rehabilitation Division, the out-patient de- patients. National Heart Institute is already support- partment, the medical records room and Alterations to the kitchens are about half- ing research in this field in the Division of the medical library, and house staff. He is way completed, and as soon as this work Medicine to the amount of $10,350 per a graduate of Columbia University. is finished it will be possible to alleviate year. Mr. John Fordon, Public Relations Direc- many existing problems of food service. Dr. Anthony Fletcher and Miss Norma tor, will assume responsibility for house Installation of a central oxygen system Alkjaersig are associated with Dr. Sherry in this research project. staff administration and will serve as secre- has been completed. This system provides tary of the House Staff and Education oxygen to the operating department, the NADAH CLUB HONORED Committee. Mr. David A. Gee, Associate post-anesthesia recovery room, new patient rooms on 5-C, 3-C, and 2-C, patient rooms The Noshim Rachmonioth Mothers' and Director, will take over administration of in the Steinberg Building, and the new Babies' Welfare Society held a luncheo^^ the Rehabilitation Division, the medical nursery on 4-C. on Monday, January 14th at the Shoenberl^ records room and the medical library, Memorial, honoring the Nadah Club, a and will serve as secretary of the Medical Ident-A-Bands service group which works closely with the Records and Medical Library Committees. For the past few years the Hospital has Society on many of its projects. Mrs. Dorothy Rigdon, Administrative As- been using a relatively simple means of The N. R. Society, which is celebrating sistant, will be responsible for routine clinic identification for mothers and babies on the its 50th anniversary this year, provides administration. Maternity Division, consisting of plastic money for research in obstetrics and gyne- Mr. David A. Barrett, Resident in Hos- bands, serially numbered and fastened to cology through the Frances D. Israel Re- pital Administration, has completed his the wrist. A card insert together with the search Fund established in 1946. The group year of field training and has returned to serial number affords positive identification has also pledged $15,000 to equip and Columbia University to finish his studies. at all times. furnish newborn and premature nurseries During his stay here, he participated in the This Ident-A-Band system has now been and formula rooms on the new maternity work of the operating department, dietary expanded to use throughout the Hospital floor. The Nadah Club is donating funds department, purchasing, management en- for the benefit of all patients, personnel, and to furnish the fathers' waiting room in this gineering, etc. the Medical Staff. suite. "2/6" SCENES FROM THE HOLIDAY PARTY Jr. Richard K. Weil, President, and Dr. David Jftauer, Executive Director, present awards to Employees with 10, 15, and 30 years of serv- ice. Those receiving awards were: (10 Years) Mrs. Sadie Adams, Mrs. Thelma Griffie, Mr. Arnold Huskey, Miss Ida Johnson, Mr. Fred Krahman, Miss Mary McKeever, Mrs. Rose Anna Range, Mrs. Beulah Sanders, Miss Mary Schaef- fer. Miss Nelle Sicher, Mrs. Edna Smith. (15 Years) Mr. Richard Denson and Mrs. Margaret Engelmeier. (30 Years) Miss Marjorie Boulton, Mr. Joseph Byrnes, Mr. Joseph Jennings, Miss Rose McClellan. December 1956 — January 1957 DONOR IN MEMORY OF DONOR IN MEMORY OF Contributions to the David Baron M. Erwin Bry Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Blustein Anne Cohen Mrs. Alvin Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Dankner Mrs. Milton Berger Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Jaffe Mr. Cohen Jewish Hospital Dr. & Mrs. William Herman Dr. & Mrs. William Berman Morris M. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Bettman, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Bortnick Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Bettman Dr. & Mrs. Leon Foster Tribute Fund David J. Biller Dr. & Mrs. Max S.