June | July 2019 Bankstown Orchid Society BULLETINBULLETIN June | July 2019 (Volume 50, Issue 3)

PATRON PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER NEWSLETTER Doug Sheddon Veronica Clowes Ernest Taylor Lyn Donald Toni Benton 9750 9226


Printed and Published by Bankstown Orchid Society Inc. PO Box 5397 Chullora 2190 Web: http://www.bankstownorchidsociety.org.au

Bankstown Orchid Society Inc disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage which may be attributed to the use or misuse of any materials published in this bulletin.

June | July 2019

President's Report June-July 2019

Hello again everyone

Those of you who missed our meeting last night also missed a very good and informative talk by Daniel Webb on growing Phalaenopsis (in the heated glasshouse or inside the home) I’m sure he will be invited to speak at many societies as a result…need his email address? Give me a call.

Right now it’s all about our first show at Lidcombe Shopping Centre. We are setting up from 7am on Thursday 25th July, and pulling down around lunchtime on Sunday 28th July. So: 1. Show gear to be loaded at our hall on Sunday 21st July at 2.30pm (will take approx 1 hour… please help) 2. Entry via rooftop carpark at Lidcombe Shopping Centre, John St Lidcombe. Ramp to roof top carpark is on John St entrance. 3. Setup of tables, cloths, class plates etc to be completed by 9am when businesses open for trade. 4. Benching begins once tables are ready, and continues all day Thursday (no ‘duty’ hours today) 5. Sales table stocking and opening for business…….10 per member per day (members need to watch flow of sales table and act accordingly – many plants sold- restock quicker………sales slow? hold of bringing more until room available) 6. Australian native plants must have relevant tags and form completed, checked in with Ernest or May, also checked out at end of show. 7. Show Conditions and Show Schedule were published in our last bulletin, and will be strictly adhered to. Remember ‘if in doubt’ ask a committee person for help or advice 8. Duty hours x4 may be completed on Friday and Saturday only, please help with the late shift if you are able (we need to be present for security until 10pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights) 9. Pack up will be in an orderly fashion around lunch time on Sunday (determined by the President) We need assistance with dismantling the tables etc and packing the trailer to go back to the hall. (Then help to unpack the trailer at the hall) This is our first show at Lidcombe…AND….we need to show management how great our shows are, and how helpful and safety aware we are too. Remember, we may never get Bass Hill again and we need to give good impressions wherever we go! Cymbidium growers are going to call me on Wednesday 24th July with expected show numbers….Tel 0424 070 75. See you at Lidcombe, Veronica

Fees are now due from 1st July 2019 BANKSTOWN SHOWS & MAJOR EVENTS 2019  $15 per person  $25 per couple only if benching in both  25-28 July - Lidcombe Shopping Centre names  9-11 August - National Orchid Extravaganza  $10 for paper version of The Bulletin which is to be picked up at the next  16-18 August - St Ives Orchid Fair meeting after it has been published.  11-13 October - Southern Orchid Spectacular  $15 for Bulletin for 5 issues via Australia Post

PLANT BENCHING At monthly meetings all plants must be benched by 7:20pm. Rewrite those labels if they are illegible. No plant is to be removed before supper is served or points won that night will be forfeited.

2 June | July 2019

Winter Orchid Show Schedule 2019 25-28 July Lidcome Shopping Centre

Setup Details  Table Setup: Thursday 25 July from 7.00 am  Plant Benching & Show Set Up: Thursday 25 July following table set-up  Judging: Friday 26 July at 9.30 am  Dismantling Sunday 28 July from lunch time (please be present from 12 noon)

Major Prizes

Grand Champion: $75 and Sash Reserve Champion: $50 and Sash Champions: $20 and Sash Cymbidium | | Australasian Native Species/Hybrid | Cypripedioideae Species/Hybrid Oncidiinae | Species | Any Other Genera | Seedling | Novice Prize Money all Classes: 1st $10.00 | 2nd $5.00 For further information please contact: President Mrs Veronica Clowes 9029 2305 Show Marshalls Mr Stephen Lee 9644 8760 Mr Max Redman 9607 3022 Judge's Convenor Mrs Veronica Clowes 9029 2305 Treasurer Ms Lyn Donald 0402 256 920 Secretary Mr Ernest Taylor 9750 9226

MEMBERS ARE REMINDED THAT YOUR ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED FOR SHOW SECURITY!!! Open Classes Class 1 Best white, cream, yellow or green Cymbidium greater than 90mm Class 2 Best red or pink Cymbidium greater than 90mm Class 3 Best any other colour Cymbidium greater than 90mm Class 4 Best white, cream, yellow or green Cymbidium 60mm to 90mm Class 5 Best red or pink Cymbidium 60mm to 90mm Class 6 Best any other colour Cymbidium 60mm to 90mm Class 7 Best white, cream, yellow or green Cymbidium up to 60mm Class 8 Best red or pink Cymbidium up to 60mm Class 9 Best any other colour Cymbidium up to 60mm Class 10 Best nominated Seedling Class 11 Best Exhibition over 110 mm Class 12 Best Laeliinae Exhibition 65mm to 109mm Class 13 Best Laeliinae Exhibition 64mm or less Class 14 Best Laeliinae Cluster type Class 15 Best Oncidiinae hybrid over 65mm Class 16 Best Oncidiinae hybrid up to 65mm Class 17 Best Cypripedioideae hybrid (Paphs/Phrags) Class 18 Best Cypripedioideae hybrid (novelty/primary hybrids) Class 19 Best Dendrobium Hybrid/Species Class 20 Best Pleurothallidiniae hybrid/Species Class 21 Best Australian/Australasian native hybrid Class 22 Best Any other Genera Class 23 Best Species Laeliinae Class 24 Best Species Oncidiinae Class 25 Best Species Cypripedioideae Class 26 Best Species Americas Class 27 Best Species Asian/other Class 28 Best Australian/Australasian species Cym. Death Wish (V Petrovski) Novice Classes Class 29 Best Species Class 30 Best any other Genera

3 June | July 2019


1. Initial class places are tentative until all results are collated and finalised the following day. 2. Entries are received upon the basis that the Society and/or its sponsors shall not be responsible for any loss, destruction nor damage to such exhibits and the exhibitor shall have no claim against the Society or Sponsors. 3. Entries are accepted on condition that they are disease free. The decision of the President or Show Marshal shall be final. 4. All competitive entries shall have been owned and in the possession of the exhibitor for the preceding six months. 5. All competitive entries should be correctly and clearly labelled with the name of the plant. 6. There shall be no restriction to the number of entries by an exhibitor in any class. Entries in joint names will be accepted. Only financial members may exhibit. 7. The Show Marshall and Committee reserve the right to reject, remove or rearrange any exhibit without giving any reason for that action and to reclassify any plant if necessary, prior to judging. 8. All plants shall be booked in and in position ready for judging by 12 noon on the day of judging. 9. Entries are eligible for judging in one class only, except where stated otherwise in the schedule. 10. If in the opinion of the Judges no exhibit in any class warrants a prize, none may be given. At the discretion of the Show Marshall additional classes may be created where warranted. 11. Plants for special prizes shall be selected from all exhibits in the show unless otherwise specified. 12. Judging shall be by a panel of Judges nominated by the O.S.N.S.W. Registrar and shall be in accordance with the standards and by-laws laid down by the O.S.N.S.W. Inc. The Judges decision shall be final. 13. No exhibit may be dismantled or removed prior to closing time of the show at 1pm on the final day of show. 14. 'Novice' shall mean: Any exhibitor until she/he has won either a champion award in one of our society shows, the yearly point score in the monthly competition of this society, or becomes an open class competitor in any other society. 15. ‘Seedling' shall mean the complete plant grown from seed and flowered for the first time. Plants that have been grown on or divided prior to being exhibited on the show bench are not eligible to be shown as seedlings. For exhibition purposes seedlings shall retain their status of ‘Seedling' throughout the flowering season in which they first flower. Mericlones are not eligible as seedlings. 16. 'Miniature species' are defined as Orchids with flowers 15mm or under in size across the widest part of the flower, regardless of the number of flowers, and distance of <200 from 1st to last flower. All miniature species will be judged in this class. 17. 'Miniature Cymbidium Hybrids' are defined for the purpose of this schedule as Cymbidiums where the flowers are 55mm or less, to be measured horizontally across the visible limits of the flower without manipulation and are miniature in habit. 18. 'Laeliinae Alliance' classes shall include all combinations and not only those hybrids with Cattleya in their parentage. E.g. Epidendrum, Sophronitis, , Hawkinsara, Cattleyatonia, Leptotes etc. 19. Staking shall be in accordance with the rules of O.S.N.S.W. i.e. flowers may be supported in the best possible manner for presentation. This supporting should be in such a manner so as not to be obtrusive and distract from the overall beauty and charm of the plant. With single flowered genera e.g. Paphiopedilum, Lycaste, etc., ties or support shall be no higher than immediately below the ovary. If it is necessary to tie above the bottom flower or top branch, the judges are permitted to penalise, or temporarily remove such tie for the purpose of judging. 20. The cover for plants under protection for humidity must be transparent. 21. Champion seedling is not to be considered for Grand Champion unless it has already won the Champion in its class. 22. Plants offered for sale at the show must be free of disease and pests, offered at a maximum rate of $100 or less and sold or rejected for sale at the discretion of the President or the Presidents representative. 23. Only members who have benched a suitable number of plants in this show (at the discretion of the President or representative) may offer plants for sale. The commission charged by the Bankstown Orchid Society for the sale of member’s plants will be 15% from those members who provide a minimum of 4 hours supervision at the venue, or 25% from members who do not attend for the required length of time. The supervision required to avoid the extra commission will not include the day of set up or the day of dismantling. Please ensure that you sign on and off in the attendance book, and report to the Committee member 'in charge' at that time. 24. Members attending shows including benching must have name badge on or Bankstown Show Badge.

4 June | July 2019



5 June | July 2019

STENOGLOTTIS LOGIFOLIA (and others) by Jim Brydie (Courtesy the Monthly Bulletin of the Ku-Ring-Gai Orchid Society Inc)

Would you like to hear the story about the first time I saw this orchid? It comes from Africa, I am from Australia, and I saw it in Japan. Isn't the world a wonderful place? At the time, I was what we called a 'computer engineer'. I wasn't really an engineer, but those who worked on the old mainframe computers, that could occupy the whole floor of a building, called ourselves engineers. it sounded so much better than technician, and we were rather highly trained. Anyway, like many of my kind, I was lucky enough to receive training on various machines overseas, because that was where all the training was in the early stages. Anyway, in the '70's', thinking I might quit computers and get into the nursery industry I studied Horticulture at Technical College. During my final year, I was introduced to orchids. I was hooked from the start, but by then I also realised that I couldn't afford to get out of computers and into plants so I joined this orchid society instead. In the late 1970's, I was working for the Japanese company Fujitsu and travelled to Japan to train on a computer. One of my mentors in japan knew that I was interested in orchids, and one weekend, he arranged for us to visit an orchid nursery down on the coast. during that visit I was fascinated by a beautiful, delicate, lacy little pink flowered orchid that they had arranged all along their glasshouse garden walk in their visitors display area. I had never seen it before and at first I couldn't believe it was even an orchid. There was no way I could bring plants home, but I made sure I found out what it was for future reference. Luckily for me, Stenoglottis longifolia is quite common in orchid collections in Australia and easily obtained. Stenoglottis longifolia comes from South Africa, and is found along the coastal areas of Natal and Swaziland provinces. It grows as a quasi terrestrial in humus or on mossy rocks and rock outcroppings, at elevations of 300 to 1300 metres. the latitude of these areas is about the equivalent in east coast Australia, of Byron Bay to Brisbane, so this is a relatively mild temperate zone, and not tropical. Natural habitats up to 1300 m in this zone means these are quite cold tolerant orchids in our Sydney climate. S. longifolia has soft textured leaves in a rosette format at ground level. On average the leaves are about 20cm long and 2cm wide, slightly fleshy, and have a slightly undulate (wavy) edge. Erect, 35cm flower spikes occur in Autumn, each carrying about 40 lilac/pink flowers with purple spots. The flowers are about 2cm long. Stenoglottis plants are season growers. they are basically deciduous, although in mild conditions they may not lose all their leaves before they begin to sprout a set of new fresh leaves each spring. As the leaves are a little soft textured they can be prone to physical damage if handled roughly. They may also suffer from dead leaf tips if they are over fertilised or underwatered, but I don't want to make you think these orchids are hard to grow. this is a reliable, easily grown, and beautiful orchid. Every grower should have a pot. In nature, it grows as more or less a terrestrial, but it is not a soil grower. It occurs in humus or in moss on rocks, so in culture it prefers something like the kind of semi-terrestrial bark

6 June | July 2019 mixes that many Paphs require, but perhaps a little more moist. the first pot full I ever bought was potted in a mix of huge chopped up lumps of an old foam box mixed with shreds of sphagnum moss. It was about 70% foam, 30% sphag. When I had to repot it, I couldn't reproduce that odd but successful mix, so I converted it to a finer bark mix with some added perlite and coco fibre chunks, and a fair proportion of crumbled styrene foam. I have since tried a range of semi terrestrial mixes, including peat and perlite, and they all worked, just some a little better than others - it isn't all that touchy. However, the books advise that 'they should be disturbed as infrequently as possible, but as they are intolerant of sour conditions around the roots, they should be repotted if the medium becomes stale. Repotting is best done with the plant is dormant'. I would never be without a pot of Stenoglottis or two in the shadehouse, but it didn't take long for me to wonder about other Stenoglottis. I found that there are perhaps 4 or 5 Stenoglottis species, depending on your source. they are mostly around the east coast of South Africa but one species (fimbriata) extends right across to Gabon near the Congo in the tropics, and S. zambesiaca extends the east coast all the way to Tanzania and inland to Zimbabwe. The plants grow singly or in groups on the forest floor, of both higher altitude and coastal forests, and in some locations can be fairly common. Apart from longifolia, the other two species that we regularly see benched in Sydney are S. fimbriata and S. woodii. S. fimbriata is a smaller species than longifolia. It flowers in spring and summer, and being smaller, it has a shorter spike than longifolia, and fewer but very similar shaped flowers. It has distinctively spotted leaves, though the spotting varies considerable between individuals (see the pictures). It grows as an ephiphyte on tree trunks, as a lithophyte on damp, shady rocks, or as a terrestrial in upland rainforests. Although part of its range is tropical, it occurs at elevations around 850 to 2000m, is deciduous like the others, and can be grown in Sydney without heat. Woodii is smaller again than fimbriata and has no spots on the leaves (or at least not as far as I know anyway). It comes from the SE corner of Africa, in Zimbabwe and S. Africa, as a terrestrial or on rocks in mosses. It occurs from sea level all the way up to 1500m, and is also deciduous, so also grows cold. Its leaves are slightly smaller and narrower than fimbriata, and lacking undulation on the edges. It flowers in the spring with a 20cm inflorescence and up to 40 flowers, each about 1 to 1.5cm tall. From plants I have seen, the flowers usually seem to be white or very pale pink, but I know that other, much darker forms exist. There is spotting in the centre of the lip but it is paler and less bold than the other two. I suspect that the ready availability of longifolia among local growers, has led to it not being available very often via orchid nurseries, but at recent orchid fairs, I noticed that Tinonee Orchids had some cute seedlings of Committee - 2019 Stenoglottis Venus, the hybrid between longifolia and fimbriata. Ray Clement's President: Veronica Clowes catalog says it has bigger and brighter Vice-President: Max Redman flowers than longifolia so keep your eye Secretary: Ernest Taylor Treasurer: Lyn Donald out at his next sale, and if you really want Registrar: Stephen Lee one, perhaps contact Ray in advanced to Editor/Web: Toni Benton get him to bring one down to St Ives for you. Committee: Joseph Chow Jim Cootes S. woodii Diana Carvey May Chin Marge Yabsley Rosa Sessa Lorraine Grey Terry Thompson

7 June | July 2019

Results of Meeting 3 June 2019

73 plants were exhibited at the meeting Phalaenopsis Classic Shape (over 80mm) 1. T Thompson Phal. unknown Best Orchid Phalaenopsis Classic Shape (80mm & under) M Chin C. perciviliana 'Summit' 1. S Lee Dtps. Jiuhbao Red Rose x Tiannong Duke Papiopedilum/Phragmipedium (Species) 1. J&N Janz Paph. insigne var. sanderae 2. T Thompson Paph. insgine 3. J&N Janz Paph. insigne Dendrobium Species Australian 1. Crosby&Costa Dock. cucumerina 2. J&FFetherston Den. moorei Vanda (large) 1. J Chow V. Pachara Delight Monopodial Species 1. Crosby&Costa Ang. comorense Dendrobium Hybrids 1. V Petrovski Den. (Chao Praya Candy x Best Foliage Penang Candy) x Autumn 1st & 2nd S Lee Show 3rd R Sessa 2. V Petrovski Den. Yashiga Fantasy 3. S Lee Den. macrophyllum x Open Section tapininense Intermediate Cymbidium (60-85mm) Species Dendroibum 1. L&I Friese Cym. Butterfly Kisses 'Viridian' 1. J&FFetherston Den. alexandrae Miniature Cymbidium (<60mm) Oncidiinae Species 1. L&I Friess Onc. ornithorhynchum 1. J&N Janz Cym. Sweet Heart 'Fragrant Orchid' Dendrobium Hybrids Australian 1. Crosby&Costa Den. Issy's Summer x Aussie Exhibition Cattleya Victory 1. V Petrovski C. RJC Chunyeah 'Good Life' 2. Crosby&Costa Den. Issy's Summer x 2. L Valli Blc. Enid Moore x Lc. Starting Barbara Tullock Point 3. Crosby&Costa Den. Hilda Poxon 'G100' 3. L Valli Blc. Panama Queen Sarcanthinae Hybrids Australian Miniature Cattleya (65mm—110mm) 1. Crosby&Costa Sarco. Velvet x Amelia 1. L Valli Lc. Angel Heart Hihimanu Species the Americas 2. L Valli Lc. Secret Love 1. J Chow Coelia bella 3. R Sessa C. Angel Walker 'Encanto' 2. Crosby&Costa Isa. pulchella Cocktail Cattleya (Under 65mm) 3. T Thompson Rstp. ophiocephala 1. T Thompson Slc. Duckitt Ruby HQ Supreme Species Any Other Laeliinae Other 1. J&FFetherston Egm. coelogyne 1. J Costa Sgr. Yokosuka Story 2. J&FFetherston Coel. fuscescens 2. L Valli Slr. Little Mermaid 'Janet' 3. S Lee Ddc. saccolabium 3. R Sessa Ctna. Brandi 'OC' Any Other Genera Laeliinae Species 1. V Petrovski Bulb. Elizabeth Ann 1. M Chin C. percivaliana 'Summit' 'Buckleberry' x fascinator 2. J&N Janz C. percivaliana 'Summit' 2. Crosby&Costa Lyc. Lucianii 3. L&I Friess L. anceps Pleurothallidinae Hybrids Oncidiinae Hybrid (up to 65mm) 1. V Petrovski Masd. Copper Wing 1. L&I Friese Colm. Wildcat 'Red Cat' 'Sunburst' x Latin Bride 2. Crosby&Costa Wils. Tan Treasurers 'Puppy 'Sunset Boy' Pleasure' 2. Crosby&Costa Masd. Copper Wing x 3. Crosby&Costa Wils. Eye Candy 'Pinkie' macrura Pleurothallidinae Species Oncidiinae Hybrid (>65mm) 1. Crosby&Costa Rstp. brachypus 1. V Petrovski Onc. unknown 2. T Thompson Bnfd. Gilded Tower 'Mystic Maze'

8 June | July 2019

Results of Meeting 1 July 2019

64 plants were exhibited at the meeting Laeliinae Other 1. J&F Fetherston Epi. dinema Best Orchid Oncidiinae Hybrid (up to 55mm) V Petrovski Den. Yashiga Fantasy 1. H Arnatovic Onc. Aloha Iwanaga

2. T Thompson Onc. unknown

3. T Thompson Onc. Twinkle 'Fragrant Fantasy'

Oncidiinae Hybrid (> 55mm) 1. Crosby&Costa Bak. Sea Snake 'Unforgettable'

2. T Thompson Bnfd. Gilded Tower 'Mystic


3. Crosby&Costa Colm. Wildcat 'Zebra'

Phalaenopsis Classic Shape (>80mm)

1. T Thompson Phal. unknown

Phalaenopsis Classic Shape (Under 80mm)

1. H Arnatovic Phal. Taisykles

Paphiopedilum/Phragmipedium (Species) 1. T Thompson Paph. insigne 2. J&N Janz Paph. insigne 3. Crosby&Costa Paph. wardii Paphiopedilum/Phragmipedium (Complex Hybrids) 1. V Petrovski Paph. Mildred Hunter x Vio- Padra 'Tall Frog' 2. A Kallis Paph. (Highland 'Melody' x Linda McCubbin) x [(Sparsholt x Best Fern R Sessa Grandblend) x British Bulldog] Best Foliage R Sessa 3. V Petrovski Paph. Future World

Phalaenopsis Novelty/Primary Hybrids Open Section 1. J&N Janz Paph. Nitens Standard Cymbidium (over 100 mm) 2. M Chin Paph. Nitens 1. P Azzopardi Cym. Lunar Bullion 'Sunburst' x Dendrobium Hybrids Amber Harvest 'Dural' 1. V Petrovski Den. Yashiga Fantasy Small Standard Cymbidium (85mm) Dendrobium Species 1. V Petrovski Cym. Death Wish 1. V Petrovski Den. macrophyllum Intermediate Cymbidium (60-85mm) Oncidiinae Species 1. V Petrovski Cym. Lerwick x Valley Splash 1. T Thompson Onc. sotoanum 'Teisha' 2. J&N Janz Cym. Peggy Foo 'Madge' Dendrobium Hybrids Australian Miniature Cymbidium (<60mm) 1. Crosby&Costa Den. Korawin x Barbara Tulloch 2. J Chow Den. Avril's Gold 'Vanessa' 1. V Petrovski Cym. Kiwi Midnight 'Geyserland' 3. V Petrovski Den. Jonathon's Glory 'Dark Exhibition Cattleya Joy' 1. J&N Janz Blc. Donna Kumura 'Asa' x Lc. Sarcanthinae Hybrids Australian Mildred Rivers 'Orchid Glade' 1. Crosby&Costa Sarco. Velvet 'Red Yellow' x 2. J&N Janz Blc. Sylvia Fry 'Supreme' x Amelia 'White Spots' Tribute 3. L Valli Cat. unknown Pleurothallidinae Hybrids Cluster Cattleya 1. Crosby& Costa Masd. Magic Dragon 'Peachy 1. T Thompson Slc. Duckitt Ruby HQ 'Supreme' Stripe Delight' Miniature Cattleya (65mm—110mm) 2. Crosby&Costa Masd. Peppermint Glow 1. V Petrovski Cat. unknown 3. Crosby&Costa Masd. Big Wine 2. J&N Janz Blc. Burdekin Bells x Sc. Lana Pleurothallidinae Species Coryell 3. J&N Janz Cat. unknown 1. Crosby&Costa Rstp. antenniferu Cocktail Cattleya (<65mm) 2. Crosby&Costa Rstp. trichoglossa 1. M Chin Sc. Beaufort 'Sha' x Aussie 3. Crosby&Costa Rstp. schlimii Sunset 2. Crosby&Costa C. Mini Surprise 'Merrigum'

9 June | July 2019

Minutes of the General of the Bankstown Orchid Society held at the Scottish Hall, 4 Weigand Avenue, Bankstown, on 3rd June 2019

The meeting was opened by President Veronica Clowes at 7:35pm. Correspondence: Flyers for Sutherland Shire Orchid Soc – Winter Show, Mingara Orchid Show, and Tinonee Orchids Open Day. Visitors: Gary Hodder. Welcome: Good evening everybody! Once again we welcome Gary Hodder, tonight he will discuss Australian Dendrobiums – excluding Dendrobium biggibum. New Equipment So another big thank you to Joseph for his generous donation, and our May Auction success. See here our New Sound System will hopefully will allow everyone to hear me and our future guest speakers clearly. We now have two wireless microphones (look! No cord) a handheld and a lapel mic for our guest speakers – which can be operated together and so allow the questions from you to be heard during talks. For our talk tonight we will be using our new digital projector which will allow us to use an iPad, or iPhone to share powerpoint presentations. (Sincere thanks to Toni and Mick Benton for assistance with this evening’s presentation). After these purchases we still have a little money left over for ‘rainy day’. Auburn I am more than a little disappointed by the lack of support shown by our members at our Auburn display and sales. If you don’t want us to promote our Society, and provide an outlet for the sale of your plants, then please tell me because three days spent there by our ‘usual’ crew of a few – could be better spent tending our own plants. My thanks go to Dimitrios and Kathy, and to Hami and Faha (the only members who turned up), and our loyal crew of Max, Stephen, Lyn, Ernest, Joseph, May, and Rosa. With very few plants we were able to mount a nice display which was admired by Centre Management (we have been warmly invited back for next year) and by the public. If members are not enthusiastic about these short displays and sales opportunities, we won’t bother – it’s up to you!!! Please talk to someone on committee and voice your opinion….soon! Lidcombe is our next show – setup all day Thursday 25th July starting as soon as we can gain access to the venue. Lidcombe Shopping Centre takes up the entire block bounded by John, Hastings, and Nyrang Streets, and Parramatta Road. Entrance to the Upper carpark is from John Street via a ramp, it is from this level that we will setup/take down, and all deliveries (plants for show/sales plants) should be made from this carpark. Judging will be on Friday 26th July at 9:30am, our first morning judging in sometime, which is good as the Judges are fresh. Take down will commence at 1:00pm on Sunday 28th July. Space at the Sales table will be limited - unlike our stall at Bass Hill, so it will be necessary that people bringing plants for sale stagger them over the two to three days of the Show. Your four-hour security duty will only apply to Friday and Saturday – which is as normal. The three Cafes on that level of the shopping centre, all trade till 10pm/7 days, so we will need help on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, with out this help we cannot do this show. As we get closer to the show I will need to know the numbers of Cymbidiums to expect for the show bench AND for expected sales. I want to make this show a memorable one for management of this new venue and for those who visit this new location. I am waiting to sign the Contract with Centre Management and should have the time for setting up at the next meeting. Other News Phil Spagnolo spoke to me last night about the reduction of space at the sales table and the sellers need to restock plants over the days of the show…….points put forward are: Limit the number of plants (especially Cymbidiums because of their size) each grower can bring at a time, so that a fair number can be allocated to all of our Cymbid sellers, and encourage Cymbidium growers/sellers to provide more assistance to sales table (or ‘come along and sell your plants’). We will make decisions about the above before our July meeting……but it is VITAL that I have approximate numbers of Cymbids for both show and sale so that levels may be set.

After a short break Gary Hodder gave his presentation on Australian Dendrobiums, which was well received by members….thank you again Gary. I believe Gary has new talk ‘in the pipeline’ so I’m sure we will see him back soon. Monthly Benching A reminder to everyone that we have a ‘rule’ about removing plants from the show bench during monthly meetings. At last month’s meeting I am informed that some plants were removed from the bench even before the break. We have the ‘break’ so that members are able to look at the benched plants and learn about which plants are superior to others by their placings. If the winners are ‘gone’ members do not get to see all the winners. Therefore, the Committee have decided that plants which are removed prior to Supper will not receive points in the Annual Points Competition. Future Events th  Bunnings Villawood Sausage Sizzle on Sat June 15 and once again I appeal for assistance from our members. I would remind you that it is the money from these events that helps keep the Society afloat and keeps fees down. \The Committee gets paid the same as you do for the day?? . . . Think about it, and spare us a couple of hours. Ernest will look into organising a Sausage Sizzle for late in October or early November.  Lidcombe Shopping Centre ** new venue** entrance from the upper level carpark. Our show will be located in the Anaconda corridor and we have secured an area of approximately 50 feet. Set-up will be early (no time available for the doors to the carpark to be open) on 25th July – benching all of Thursday and Judging will at 9:30am on Friday 26th July. Pack-up will be as usual on Sunday 28th. We may do another display/sale during August/September .  Southern Orchid Spectacular will be held in the new venue Sutherland Basketball Stadium, Waratah Park, Old Princes Highway, Sutherland 11-13 Oct. but am delighted to announce that we can set-up our display on Wed 9th, I am happy to set-up on that date (time to be decided) So! If you want to enter the competition you need to get together and share duties and help with the pack up.  Next meeting 1st July - speaker will be on cymbidiums. Plant of the Night: Open: Cattleya perciviliana ‘Summit’ owned by May Chin. Congratulations to tonight’s winner. Following supper and the raffle draw, Veronica thanked the kitchen staff, and Joseph for the raffle plants, the meeting closed at 9:15 pm.

10 June | July 2019

Minutes of the General of the Bankstown Orchid Society held at the Scottish Hall, 4 Weigand Avenue, Bankstown, on 1st July 2019

Opening: The meeting was opened by President Veronica Clowes at 7:30pm. Correspondence: Flyers for Berry Gardens Festival, and Sutherland Entertainment Centre. Visitors: Daniel and Mrs Webb Welcome Good evening everybody and welcome to the new financial year which means that FEES are now due. We have very welcome surprise tonight courtesy of our own Jim Cootes. We welcome Daniel Webb to talk to us about growing Phalaenopsis. Jim heard Daniel’s talk at Campbelltown society and suggested I contact him as his talk was very good. Tonight, for Daniel’s presentation we will be using our own Audio-visual equipment. You will remember at last month’s meeting we were trying to use an Ipad for Gary’s presentation – this worked well but we were unable to use a pointer. So Toni and I scoured EBay and found a laptop, which was exactly what we needed, and it was only $119.00. It was from the 1980’s and was ex Education Department. The problem with the pointer lay in the fact that it used a USB port and my Ipad didn’t have one. Boat Trip Sunday was a great day, we were blessed with perfect winter weather despite a dire prediction of rain and cold temperatures. The company was great, the lunch excellent, and the ANZAC bikkies to die for. I think all the members who went were very happy with the day. We will do another outing soon!!! Lidcombe Shopping Centre Show Trailer packing will be at 2:30pm on Sunday 21st July 2019 at the Hall, please come and help out it will only take an hour or so. Table set up will start at about 7am on Thursday 25th July, and should be finished by 9am when businesses open, benching will be all day Thursday – no benching will take place on Friday. Judging will be at 9:30am on Friday. As I said last month Thursday will not count as ‘security duty’. As I also mention last month the cafes in the area close at 10pm so for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night we will need people to support us. So if you have and evening free please come along and help. The Conditions of Show and the Show Schedule were in the last Bulletin and will also be seen in this issue. At the last meeting I asked everyone to let me know; if possible, how many Cymbidiums that they would have available for the Show as we have limited space. In regard to space I also mentioned that the Sales Table will be smaller probably on three tables so we will need to restrict the numbers each day so that we don’t overload the area. It would be appreciated if you could stagger the plants you bring in over the three days of the show. I would also remind you that those of you who are selling plants that have and Australian native as part or all of their make up you will need to fill in a sales form and the plant will need to have a sticker placed on the name tag – if you have a doubt about a plant please contact Ernest and he will look it up for you. After a short break Daniel Webb gave his very entertaining, and educational talk on Phalaenopsis – which was appreciated by everyone. Seedling Competition A number of people brought their plants in for assessment by Stephen Lee. At the moment May Chin is in the lead by 1 point. Next assessment will be at the September meeting……..so where are the rest of the plants? Surely they aren’t all dead? Keep up the good work. Future Events  Lidcombe Shopping Centre **** new venue ++ entrance from the upper level carpark. Our show will be located in the Anaconda corridor and we have secured an area of approximately 50 feet. Set-up (tables) will be from 7 – 9am on 25th July – benching will take place after that all of Thursday and Judging will at 9:30am on Friday 26th July no benching on this day. Pack-up will be as usual on Sunday 28th.  We may do another display/sale during August/September .  Southern Orchid Spectacular will be held in the new venue Sutherland Basketball Stadium, Waratah Park, Old Princes Highway, Sutherland 11-13 October. Set-up on Wed 9th. So! If you want to put on a display you need to get together and share duties and help with the pack up.  Ernest will look into organising a Sausage Sizzle for late in October or early November. Labels for Native Orchid Sales Labels are available from Lyn at meetings and at the Show. If you have queries regarding a plant Ernest can be contacted, and he will look up OrchidWiz and try to determine if your plant is a NSW species/hybrids. Plant of the Night: Open: Dendrobium Yashiga Fantasy, owned by Vic Petrovski. Congratulations to tonight’s winner. Ernest will bring you your voucher which can be redeemed for goods from the Pot table. Next Meeting 5th August Following supper and the raffle draw supplied by Joseph Chow and John Janz, Veronica thanked the kitchen staff, and Joseph, Hami and John for the raffle plants, the meeting closed at 9:00pm.

11 June | July 2019

BANKSTOWN ORCHID SOCIETY INC BULLETIN If undeliverable, please return to: PO Box 4405 WINMALEE NSW 2777 June | July 2019