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THE DIAN J F IT;: EC.sNi IS Organ .of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics) - Vol. VIII AUGUST 1953 No. 2 CONTENTS Page NOTES AND COMMENTS FIELDS vs. FARMS • • • • • • •• • • Manilal B. Nanavati NOTES ON SOME ASPECTS OF RURAL EMPLOYMENT .. 19 M. L. Dantwala. AGRICULTURAL INCOME AND ITS DISTRIBUTION IN BIHAR _ S. R. Bose • CATTLE PROBLEMS OF GUJARAT, SAURASHTRA AND KUTCH 44 J. K. Desai REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICUL- TURAL AND CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT • • .. .. 60 RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS .. 64 NOTE ON , BOOK REVIEWS (see inside cover) .. • • • • •. .. 84 Rs. 4/- BOOK REVIEWS Theodore W. Schultz, The Economic• Organization of Agriculture - M. L. Dantwala • • 84 Henry C. and Anne Dewees Taylor, The Story of Agricultural Economics in the United States A. Correia-Afonso 85 K. N. Naik, Co-operative Movement in the Bombay State V. P. Varde 86 • United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Mobilisation of Domestic Capital in certain Countries of • Asia and the Far East Phiroze Medhora .• 87 Giuseppe Medici, Land Property and Land Tenure in Italy Manohar V. Hate 90 Mario Bandini, Land Reform in Italy H. B. Shivamaggi 91 Karuna Mukerji, Land Reforms H. B. Shivamaggi 92 Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India, Agri- cultural Legislation in India, Vol. Hi: Agricultural Pro- duction and Development P. S. Sanghvi • • 94 Surendra J. Patel, Agricultural Labourers in Modern India and Pakistan K. D. Shah 95 Oscar Lewis, Life in a Mexican Village: Tepoztlan Restudied A. R. Desai 97 Bhabatosh Datta, The Economics of Industrialisation: A Study of the Basic Problems of an Underdeveloped Economy V. V. Bhatt - • • • • 99 Frank Adams, FAO, Community Organisation for Irrigation in the United States I. G. Acharya • • 101 The Reserve Bank of India, All-India Training Classes in Co-operation K. N. Naik • • .. 102 International Labour Office, An Introduction to Co-operative Practice Kishori C. Shah 103 , EDITORIAL COMMITTEE of The Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics PROF. J. J. ANJARIA (Chairman) DR. G. D. AGRAWAL SHRI K. G. SIVASWAMY DR. M. B. DESAI (Managing Editor) NOTE ON RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS During the last few years considerable progress has been made in research in agricultural economics in India. We felt that if a census of all such research work is compiled and published, it would be of immense value to research workers and would open up new opportunities for mutual co-operation and co-ordination. Therefore, with a view to collecting information on the subject, we issued, last year, a brief question- naire to Vice-Chancellors of 27 Universities; Chief Secretaries of 18 Part A and Part B State Governments; and 19 other Institutions doing research in agricultural economics. We received in all 49 replies to our questionnaire. Out of 13 State Governments and 14 Universities which responded to the questionnaire, six Governments and six Universities stated that no research work had been done in their respective areas. However, some of the State Govern- ments and Universities directed our questionnaire to some of the educa- tional institutions and Departments in their areas. We received in all 22 replies from educational and other research institutions out of which five stated that no research work had been undertaken by them. We had thought of releasing the results of this enquiry at the time of our last Annual Conference held at Trivandrum. But as we did not get adequate number of replies in time, we had to withhold publication of the same. We now publish the information in the form of a statement giving the names of Institutions and the research undertaken by them. It will be seen that during the last ten years, considerable research work has been done in University Departments, Colleges, Government and other Research Institutions. It is particularly gratifying to note that agricultural economics has attracted the attention of many research students studying for various post-graduate •degrees of the different Universities. A number of Universities and Governments, however, do not still have separate research departments with adequate facilities for conduct' ing research in agricultural economics. Another point that deserves t° be noted is that much of the research work done remains unpublished, probably due to paucity of funds. Systematic editing and publication of the research would undoubtedly be an invaluable addition to the available literature on agricultural economics. In this connection, we would like to invite the attention of all research workers to our Journal which would always welcome articles based on research in this subject. We do hope that research workers will avail themselves of this facility. We take this opportunity to thank all those who were good enough to respond to our questionnaire. It is our intention to publish fr0111 time to time a statement of research work done in agricultural economics in India. We, therefore, request all Institutions doing research in agri- cultural economics to communicate to the Society every year about the new enquiries completed, as well as, on hand. 70 72.• 's "e -6 RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS IN INDIA Hand Serial Name of the Institution Past Enquiries Enquiries on No. Food (A) UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (1) Working of the Growth of Crops Act and the Levy System in (1) Enquiry into the Working Of InduS- in Bombay 1. The S'Cli•O' ol. bf Eci;;titnic.s and Socio- Gujarat (1947). trial Co-operatives logy, University of Bombay, Bombay. (2) Enquiry to Ascertain the Nature of Karnatak. Information Contained in Govern- ment's Land 'Records in Gujarat (1949). (3) Enquiry into the Method of Co-ope- rative Farming in• Maharashtra (1948). (4) A Study of the Economic and Social Conditions of the Halis. (On 'be- half of the Government of Bombay, 1948). ' (5) Enquiry into the Resources of Cultivators of Uneconomic Holdings in Maharashtra (1949). rivrnrinniv (6) Study of Land Transfers in Karna- tak (1947). (7) Enquiry into the Obstacles to Grow •• More Food (1950). (8) A Socio-Economic Survey of Prohi- soiwomoaa soiwomoaa bition in Rural Areas. (On behalf of - the Government of Bombay, 1947).. (9) Enquiry into the Economic . and Social Conditions of Agricultural Labourers in Gujarat (1951). (10) Study of the Working of the Agri- cultural Produce Markets Act. (On behalf of the Government of Bom- bay, 1951). Serial Name c-4 of the Institution Past Enquiries - Enquiries on Hand No. (11) Enquiry into the Effects of Mergers on the Rural Economy of Gujarat. (12) Study of the Nature and Extent of Non-Farm Employment in Rural aILL Areas. 2. Agricultural Economics Section, Col- (1) Enquiry into Costs and Receipts of (1) Scheme for Checking and Tabulat- lege of NVICINI Agriculture. Poona. Individual Crops (Crop as a Unit) ing Costing Data about Crops in 1925-28. Bombay State. (2) Costs and Receipts of Farming Busi- (2) Resurvey of some Deccan Villages. ness (Farm as a Unit) ,1928-30. (3) Costs and Receipts of Farming Busi- ness in a Composite Area-1930-33. (4) Costs' and Receipts of Mixed Farm- ing in a Composite Tract with Dairy- ing as a Subsidiary Occupation- 1933-38. • (5) Farm 'Family Budgets-1938-39. IP (6) Cost of Production of Vegetables- 1945-46. (7) Enquiry into the Nature of Data Pertaining to Cost of Production of Cereals-1947-49. 3. Lucknow 'University, • tucknow.f (1) Agriculture During the Great De- (1) Studies ' in the, DisintegratiOn of 0 pression. Indian Feudalism -.• . since the 18th Century. tprl (2) Agricultural Credit in Rajputana. (2) Rural Income and Employment in U.P. .,„ (3) Rural Labour and Wages in U.P. (3) Price and Income Policies in Agri- culture—with special reference to Serial Name of the Institution Past Enquiries Enauiries. nn 1-1/7.17d. Serial Name of the Institution Past Enquiries Enquiries on Hand No. (4) Economics of Animal Husbandry in (4) Economic Impact of Abolition of Rajputana. Zamindari. (5) Co-operative Marketing of Agricul- (5) Rehabilitation of Co-operative Move- tural Produce in U.P. - ment in U.P. (6) Changing Patterns of Rural Economy (6) Rehabilitation of Co-operative Move- in U.P. ment in Punjab. (7) Agricultural Planning in India. (7) Community Life in 3 Villages of U.P.—a Comparative Survey. (8) Social and Economic Conditions of (8) Possibilities of Mechanised Farming Agricultural Population in Oudh. in U.P. • ' 4. Economics Department, Madras Uni- (1) Survey of Some South Indian (1) A Study in the Planning' of Madras versity, Madras. Villages. Agriculture. (2) Resurvey of the Same Villages. 5. Balwant Rajput College, Agra. (1) Land Utilization in U.P. (1) Land Utilization in Jamuna Charn- • bal Tract. (2) Value and Output of Some Minor (2) Enhancement of Farm Production. Agricultural Products. IC (3) Cost Studies. 6. Agricultural College and Research (1) Rural Economic Conditions of the (1) Rural Economic Conditions of the Institute, Coimbatore. Coimbatore District in 1951-52. Coimbatore District for 1952-53. (2) Economic Survey of Vedapatti (2) Economic Effects of Sub-division Village. and Fragmentation of Holdings in Some Villages of the Coimbatore Taluka. (3) Role of Electricity in Agriculture in Coimbatore. Survey àf Taltore 7. Department of Rural Reconstruction, (1) Enquiry into the Agricultural Eco- ,(1) Socio-Economic • ) Visva-Bharati University, Sriniketan. nomy of 15 Villages near Sriniketan 2Village in Birbhum. (1942). (2) Study of the Conditions of Barga- (2) Resurvey of Village Ballavpur. dars near Sriniketan. Serial Name of the Institution Past Enquiries Enquiries on Hand No. (3) Study of Cultivation, Production, (3) Diet Survey of a small Group of and Disposal of Paddy in 15 Villages Families in Goalpara Village. (1942-45). (4) Enquiry into Nature and Extent of Double-Cropping (1945-46). (5) Enquiry into Rural Indebtedness in Birbhum (1948).