Manufacturing Cost and Installed Price Analysis of Stationary Fuel Cell Systems 30 September 2015 By: Brian D. James Daniel A. DeSantis Revision 3 1 Sponsorship and Acknowledgements This research was conducted under Subcontract Number AGB-0-40628-01 and AGB-0-40628-03 to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory1 (NREL) under Prime Contract Number DE-AC36-08GO28308 to the US Department of Energy. The authors wish to thank Dr. Bryan Pivovar of NREL and Mr. Jason Marcinkoski of DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) for their technical and programmatic contributions and leadership. Authors Contact Information Strategic Analysis Inc. may be contacted at: Strategic Analysis Inc. 4075 Wilson Blvd, Suite 200 Arlington VA 22203 (703) 527-5410 The authors may be contacted at: Brian D. James,
[email protected] (703) 778-7114 Document Revisions Rev 1 September 2015 Original document Rev 2 October 2015 Minor formatting corrections Rev 3 August 2016 Correction of installation costs as applied to all three fuel cell technologies 1 Actual subcontract is with the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC which is the management and operating contractor for NREL. 2 Table of Abbreviations AC alternating current ATS automatic transfer switch BOL beginning of life BOM bill of material BOP balance of plant CCB customer critical bus CFCL Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited (of Australia) CO carbon monoxide CPU central processing unit DC direct current DFMA Design for Manufacturing and Assembly DI