SOTBX: Progress and More Work Ahead POSTAL WOE pg 2 Foul odor to blame in troubled Van Cott Station’s current closure

Stagg Defends Bedford Pk. Properties pg 6

DWC Could See Another H.S.

Photo by David Greene pg 9 A NORWOOD RESIDENT attempts to enter the Van Cott Post Of ce at 3102 Decatur Ave. off East 204th Street on Feb. 21 which had closed its doors.

By DAVID GREENE office will remain closed for “safety and sanitation.” In fered, “No, it’s closed. I don’t For the third time in three indefinitely—and Norwood a follow-up email several days know, it’s a smell.” Asked if months the Van Cott Station residents bracing for a lon- later, Hernandez did not elab- an animal could have become of the U.S. Postal Service ger walk to another nearby orate what those safety and trapped and died within the (USPS) located at 3102 Deca- post office say this closure sanitation concerns were. building’s walls, the worker tur Ave. off East 204th Street “stinks” to high heaven. The day after the tem- replied, “I don’t know, they closed, with a temporary mo- USPS spokesman Xavier porary closure, a USPS em- just told me it was a smell. It’s bile office providing limited Hernandez confirmed the ployee removing the day’s open with the mobile truck. services during the interim. temporary closure that began mail left at the temporary That’s going to be the office pg 18 The small, but popular post on Feb. 21, citing a concern truck into the building, of- (continued on page 19) 2 • February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Vol. 32, No. 5 Vol. 27, No. 10 NorwoodVol. News 27, published 10 State of the Bronx Pores Over Decade of Change bi-weekly on Thursdays by MosholuNorwood Preservation News Corporationis published (MPC) By JOSEPH KONIG a summer sleep away camp in the Hud- Norwood3400 Reservoir News isOval published East son Valley that will bring hundreds bi-weekly on Thursdays by With some subtle and not-so-subtle bi-weeklyBronx, New on ThursdaysYork 10467 by hints at his quest for City Hall, Bronx of kids upstate each year. Run by the MosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 4998Corporation Mosholu Preservation Corporation Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. gave not-for-profit Fresh Air Fund, funding 3400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval2917 East E-mail: [email protected] Reservoir Oval East his 10th State of the Borough speech on for the camp will come from the Fund, Bronx, New York 10467 Web.:Bronx, New York 10467 Thursday, taking credit for nearly a de- Diaz’s office and the New York State De- cade of dramatic crime reduction and partment of Parks. Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 increased economic investment. “His candle was dimmed too soon,” Phone: 718 324 4998 Mosholu PreservationFax: 718 324 Corporation 2917 Diaz also cited the challenges of Diaz said of the murdered youth, “but he Fax: 718 324 2917 E-mail: [email protected] housing, transit, education and other is- can be a shining light for generations.” SeniorE-mail: Director [email protected] of MPC Melissa Web:Cebollero sues that he said face both the borough Web: The Odd Couple Executive Director of MPC and the city. Jennifer Tausig He also indirectly distanced himself Noticeably absent was the borough from anti-gay comments recently made president’s father, City Councilman PublisherEditor-in-Chief, NorwoodCEO, News Mosholu Publisher CEO, Mosholu by his father, who did not attend the Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr., who lost his MosholuDavid Cruz, Preservation [email protected] 3UHVHUYDWLRQ Mosholu Preservation City Council committee chairmanship Corporation Corporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ speech. ProofreaderCorporation Corporation “The Bronx is thriving,” the bor- after saying earlier this month that the Editor-in-ChiefJudy Noy Roberto S. Garcia Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia ough president proclaimed, recalling gay community controlled city politics. DavidInterns Cruz his first State of the Borough speech Diaz Sr. still refuses to apologize despite StephanieDavid Cruz Garcia, Alondra Vasquez, almost 10 years ago in which he spoke Photo by David Greene calls for him to resign. At the time, Diaz Emily Suzanne Lever, Sha-Nia Alston &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ about “the need for better paying jobs, BRONX BOROUGH PRESIDENT Ruben Jr. stopped short of asking his father to Regular&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ Contributors Dawn McEvoy to fight crime in our streets, encourag- Diaz Jr. breaks down the progress made resign, but called on him to apologize. DavidDawn McEvoyGreene, Adi Talwar ing new development of all types, and The BP also made sure to mention $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH for the borough over the last nine years in Contributors the need to unite as one Bronx.” the LGBTQ community minutes into Dawn$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH McEvoy his latest State of the Borough address. JosephDawn McEvoy Konig, Jose A. Giralt, his speech on Thursday, saying: “We are ProofreaderBob Kappstatter Listing Accomplishments a colorful kaleidoscope of men, women, Proofreader pardoning and expunging marijuana Judy Noy Speaking to supporters and elected mothers and fathers, families, gay and Judy Noy convictions,” and ensuring “that mar- 3URGXFWLRQ officials at the campus of the former ginalized communities have a chance to straight, people who have spent their For Display Advertising entire lives here, and new immigrants Neil3URGXFWLRQ deMause Samuel Gompers High School in Mott profit from a new cannabis market.” CallNeil deMause Janet Geller at Haven, Diaz listed the delivery of his With the gradual planned closing of alike who are looking to build a better 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV original promises, citing six straight the Rikers Island jail, Diaz also reiter- life.” David(646)5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, 581-0399 Adi Talwar David Greene, Adi Talwar years of less than 100 homicides, an un- ated his support of the Mott Haven com- Bodega Boys Back Boro Boss InternsSupport Your employment rate slashed in half, and munity’s opposing the possible siting of Interns large-scale projects such as the planned One of the highlights of the event ShaylaCommunity Love, Paolo Newspaper! Mossetti, Justin McCallum, a new jail at the NYPD tow pound there, andShayla Chelsea Love, George Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, East Bronx Metro-North access project pushing instead for building a new jail was a promotional video featuring the Theand NorwoodChelsea George News is a not-for-profi t and ongoing revitalization of Orchard borough president, made by Desus Nice publication and relies upon the support of next to the Bronx Hall of Justice. For display advertising, call (718) 324-4998. Beach. and Joel Martinez, known as The Kid itsFor advertisers display advertising, and readers call to(718) produce 324-4998. a quality community newspaper. To support Still, with the opioid epidemic, NY- Camp Junior Mero, two Bronx-based comedians who have leveraged their popular podcast, Supportyour paper, Yourbecome a member and receive a CHA mismanagement and a flounder- Seated in the front row with guest subscriptionSupport Your for one year. ing MTA, Diaz said there is still much speaker U.S. Senator Charles Schumer Bodega Boys, into multiple TV shows Community Newspaper! work to be done. That includes “any and most of the borough’s delegation to and a late-night talk show on the pre- TheSimplyCommunity Norwood mail check News Newspaper! orLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE money order for $40- to: money collected through congestion mium cable channel Showtime that de- NorwoodThe Norwood News, News 3400LVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE Reservoir Oval East,- Albany, including Assembly Speaker lication and relies upon the support of its pricing” being earmarked for New York buted Feb. 21. Bronx,lication NYand 10467. relies upon the support of its Carl Heastie and Bronx Democratic advertisers and readers to produce a quality City Transit, as well as the city taking .In the video, the comedians suggest advertisers and readers to produce a quality County Committee Chairman and As- community newspaper. To support your paper, over the transit system from the state. Diaz might be interested in pursuing Norwoodcommunity News newspaper. is not responsible To support yourfor paper, semblyman Marcos Crespo, was Lean- becometypographical a member errors. and Opinions receive expresseda subscription in a run for the White House. “No,” Diaz become a member and receive a subscription dra Feliz, the mother of Lesandro “Ju- forsigned one year.letters and bylined columns represent Justice and Jails responds, “but I would like to go to an- for one year. nior” Guzman-Feliz. the sole opinion of the author and are not On criminal justice reform, he re-af- other house perhaps on the East Side of necessarily those of Mosholu Preservation In honor of the 15-year-old killed Simply mail check or money order for $40 firmed his support for ending cash bail , called Gracie Mansion.” CorporationSimply mail checkor Montefi or money ore orderMedical for Center. $40 outside a Belmont bodega by Trini- to: Norwood News, 3400 Reservoir Oval East, and bringing reforms with the legaliza- With additional reporting by Bob Editorialsto: Norwood represent News, 3400the views Reservoir of the Oval editor East, tario gang members last June, Diaz an- Bronx,only. The NY newspaper 10467. reserves the right tion of marijuana, including “the state nounced the creation of “Camp Junior,” Kappstatter toBronx, limit NYor refuse 10467. advertising it deems Norwoodobjectionable. News Advertisements is not responsible appearing for typo- graphicalinNorwood this paper errors.News cannot isOpinions not be responsible used expressed without for in typo signed- thegraphical written errors. permission Opinions of the expressed Norwood in signed lettersNews. andLetters bylined to the columns editor representare subject the to sole opinionletters and of the bylined author columns and are represent not necessarily the sole Public and Community Meetings condensationopinion of the authorand editing. and are Writers not necessarily should thoseinclude of theirMosholu affi liation Preservation or special Corporations interest if 52ND PRECINCT COMMUNITY COUNCIL RU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHSany.those Anonymous of Mosholu lettersPreservation are not Corporations published - The meets Feb. 28 at 3400 Paul Ave. at 7 p.m. For resentbutRU0RQWHÀRUH0HGLFDO&HQWHU(GLWRULDOVUHS your the name views can of thebe editorwithheld and/or upon publisher - more information, call (718) 220-5824. only.request.resent The the newspaper views of the reserves editor and/or the right publisher to limit oronly. refuse The advertisingnewspaper it reserves deems objectionable. the right to limit Advertisementsor refuse advertising appearing it deems in this objectionable. paper cannot The BEDFORD MOSHOLU COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION meets March 6 at 8 p.m. at 400 E. Mo- beMosholuAdvertisements used without Preservation theappearing written Corporation inpermission this paper is a of non-cannot Nor- profibe used t support without corporation the written permissionof Montefi oreof Nor- sholu Pkwy. So., Apt. B1 (lobby floor). For more information, email [email protected]. woodMedical News. Center. Letters to the editor are subject towood condensation News. Letters and toediting. the editor Writers are should subject to condensation and editing. Writers should LQFOXGHWKHLUDIÀOLDWLRQRUVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWLIDQ\ NYPD’S BUILD THE BLOCK AnonymousLQFOXGHWKHLUDIÀOLDWLRQRUVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWLIDQ\ letters are not published but your The meeting for Fordham and University Heights residents living nameAnonymous can be letters withheld are if not requested. published but your within the 52nd Precinct jurisdiction takes place March 7 at 6 p.m. at the Bronx Family Federa- name can be withheld if requested. tion, 2628 Davidson Ave. For more information, call (718) 220-5824.

Mosholu Preservation Corporation is a QRWSURÀWVXSSRUWFRUSRUDWLRQRI0RQWHÀRUHMosholu Preservation Corporation is a MedicalQRWSURÀWVXSSRUWFRUSRUDWLRQRI0RQWHÀRUH Center. Medical Center. February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News • 3 EDITORIAL The Lessons Amazon Could’ve Learned from the Kingsbridge Armory Project

Much of the talk across the city Ice Center (KNIC), the plan will lainized for it. placed in an infrastructure fund has been focused on its failed at- ultimately see nine Olympic-size It’s the CBA, agreed upon well to improve streets and sidewalks tempt to keep Amazon locked into ice-skating rinks and a 5,000-seat before the New York City Council surrounding the Amazon cam- a deal that would have brought a arena built into the cavernous approved the project in December pus. But that agreement is not the state-of-the-art campus to Long project. Total cost of the project 2013, that locked in existing com- same as a document directly out- Island City, Queens. runs $355 million. munity support. And it’s intended lining community needs. Critics wanted more than the Skepticism surrounded the to activate the moment the project But progressives take umbrage estimated 25,000 jobs it promised project, which was picked over an- is up and running. when big companies won’t speak to bring. The outright resentment other commercial project dubbed It’s clear that the KNIC project directly to the very people who over how the deal was rushed Mercado Mirabo. In the end, has been stuck in first gear for live there, opting instead to talk to through with very little input the KNIC project had won over the last six years. In March 2018, lawmakers whose aspirations for from the existing residents who the community, thanks to devel- Parker sent a letter to support- higher office meant they wanted live in New York City, accord- oper Kevin Parker’s agreement ers telling them that the project to see this deal passed badly. Ne- ing to reports, riled progressive to a Community Benefits Agree- would see shovels in the ground gotiating a deal in a smoke-filled Democrats to organize. Hindsight ment (CBA) pushed largely by 8 to 10 months later. So far noth- room, especially in New York City, being 20-20, perhaps Amazon’s the Northwest Bronx Community ing’s happened. But finances and doesn’t bode well. Bronx progres- stakeholders could’ve headed to & Clergy Coalition as a way of progress aside, the project was sives can tell you that. the northernmost borough in the avoiding displacement while also embraced by the community, city to find how communities are offering existing residents, many thanks to the CBA. won over by massive projects. who feared evictions in the long Amazon, one of the richest com- It’s in the Bronx where the term, a chance to reap some of the panies on the planet, could’ve of- WWW. Kingsbridge Armory is poised, al- proposed benefits. This included fered some variation of this to ap- NORWOODNEWS. beit in the slowest possible man- a living wage of $10 ($11 for those pease the progressive movement ner, to become the world’s largest without insurance), and guar- that single-handedly reversed the ORG ice skating rink, at least that’s anteed jobs for Bronx residents. deal. They slightly did through its the last the paper has heard. Amazon never outlined a compre- payments in lieu of property taxes, Dubbed the Kingsbridge National hensive plan and was severely vil- where half the payments would be

for New York City residents would go But Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, on without any significant adverse im- who’s the richest man in the world, pacts. Funding for the Office of Pub- needed a $3 billion tax break to come ,ETTERS4O4HE%DITOR lic Advocate would be better spent on here? He’s fanatically anti-union and more critical municipal services such his warehouse workers have been as transportation, police, fire, sanita- known to [relieve themselves] in cups PA Office Useless? their respective name identification tion or education. because they’re not given enough time Any public opinion poll can tell with voters and grease the wheels for Larry Penner to go to the bathroom. you that the average citizen believes running for another public office. Long Island Amazon is at least as bad as Wal- taxpayers would be better off if the New York City will have a $92 bil- mart. But since Bezos gives money to useless Office of Public Advocate was lion budget in fiscal year 2019 with Amazon Fallout Democrats, that makes him okay? abolished. “Special Election for NYC over 230,000 employees. This is greater Governor Andrew Cuomo claims Cuomo says of the failed Amazon Public Advocate’s Race Set for 2/26” (In than most states and many nations. that “Losing Amazon was bad govern- deal, “What happened is the greatest The Public Interest by Joseph Konig Members of each 59 community plan- ment. It makes me sick to my stom- tragedy that I have ever seen since I 2/14 - 2/27/19). It has only provided ning boards, their district managers, ach.” I have never voted for Cuomo for have been in government.” Really? temporary employment for past pub- along with every municipal agency, governor, nor would I give him a vote Worse than 9/11, the Iraq War or mass lic advocates Mark Green, Betsy Got- provide better customer service to for president. The thought of doing so shootings? baum, Bill de Blasio and most recently, residents than any public advocate makes me sick to my stomach. Is it worse than 9/11 victims again Letitia James. All four used this office does. The same is true for New York Senator Bernie Sanders introduced having to beg Congress to provide ad- as a stepping stone to run for higher of- City Council members, borough presi- legislation last year calling on Amazon equate funding for the 9/11 Victim fice, either New York Mayor or State dents and city comptroller who also to pay living wages because their work- Compensation Fund? Is it worse than Attorney General. periodically conduct audits of munici- ers currently need federal assistance all the veterans who are not getting All engaged in a nonstop series of pal agencies. The Office of Public Ad- for food, housing and health care. Am- the medical help they need? All other press conferences, news releases, issu- vocate just duplicates these functions azon responded with raises of 25 cents western democracies provide health ance of various reports, letters to the with taxpayers paying twice for the to 55 cents an hour. One worker who care for all. We don’t even take care of editor, guest columns in newspapers same services. had not gotten a raise in years got a our heroes. and publicity stunts for years. All of No one would notice if the Office of 40 cent jump up to $13.15 an hour. Still Richard Warren this was at taxpayers’ expense to raise Public Advocate was abolished. Life a poverty wage. Van Cortlandt Village

Get Results of NYC Public Advocate’s Race at 4 • February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER By DAVID GREENE This week we asked readers their thoughts on Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.’s State of the Borough address and their thoughts on the borough’s state.

The speech was good, but life in the It’s great that the Bronx is up, man. I’ve I found it so inspiring. As a lifelong I thought it was an excellent speech. Our He gave a great speech because he borough could be better because in been a Bronx native most of my life. Still resident of the Bronx, I found the borough borough president has improved the Bronx described what the Bronx has gone this borough there still are numerous here and I’m glad the Bronx is moving president’s speech to be very enlightening, in so many ways. I’ve been here forREGEIS many through and how it’s improving every day, train stations that still aren’t wheelchair- up. That’s the most important thing; that empowering and it just wants you to do years and when I travel through theCARE Bronx, especially CENTER how business and housing is I’m proud to be in the Boogie Down Bronx. accessible. There are some railroad we’re getting things done. I know my more to give back to our community. A five starexpanding. facility One thingproviding he said that was stations that are wheelchair-accessible. neighborhood is great. Things that he Education is important and learning about He’s helping to improve NYCHA, he’s true: we don’t need a jail here. We want to He mentioned bringing the Metro-North said, there’s so much going on and we the H.E.R.O.REGEIS school [Health, Education working with the seniors and our childrenexcellent build care more housing,in the have Bronx more businesses New Haven Line to this borough. No. need more. Even though I’m in a safe and Research Occupation H.S.] and how improving their education. He believesand Westchesterfor people because areas it’s important. We That should be a subway train line, not a neighborhood, I still would like to see more the young people can spend six years in education and that’s the best part I can build an Amazon, even though I was railroad train line, because that means we police on my block. There should be more to work on theirCARE associate’s degree, CENTERlove about him, because he knows that against it. It’s better to have a business will have to pay a premium fare. He also of a presence at the train station and even I thought that was interesting. Also we must make it possible for the youth like that than a jail. The state of the Bronx needs to advertise these events on his though it’s a low-crime area, they’re still housing is a big problem, especiallyPersonalized with to know that care it’s possible - Skilled that they rehabilitation can is strong. - Professional staff website. This [State of the Borough] event not there. NYCHA, especiallyA thefive conditions star that our become facility something. providingPascual Gomez was e-mailed to me, but not advertised on Eugene Goldstein neighbors live in and improvements that Barbara Gibson-Lagrant Hunts Point his website. Pelham Bay are required.excellent careWilliamsbridge in the Bronx William Stamford, Jr. Thalia Lindquist Van Cortlandt Village Longwood and Westchester areas

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3200 Baychester Avenue Bronx, NY 10475

T. 718-320-3700 F. 718-671-2554 February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News • 5 6 • February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News NEWS BRIEFS

By ALONDRA VASQUEZ And DAVID CRUZ Man Shot in Car According to the 52nd Pre- cinct, on Feb. 16 a 27-year-old man was shot while sitting inside of his parked car. The incident hap- pened on East 199th Street and the Grand Concourse in Bedford Park. NYPD needs help identify- ing the shooter, described as a His- panic or white male, around 20 to 30 years old. The victim was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital in criti- cal but stable condition. If you have any information regarding this incident, call NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at (800) 577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, (888) 57-PISTA (74782). All calls are kept confidential.

Photo by José A. Giralt Hair Bias Illegal CB7 CHAIRMAN JOHN SNIDER (r) oversees a meeting of Community Board 7’s Housing, Land Use, & Zoning Committee. The The New York City Commis- meeting was held inside CB7’s office on Feb. 21. sion on Human Rights has made it illegal to discriminate against someone based on their hair- CB7, Serving as Mediator, Looks for style. The enforcement rules now “protects the rights of New York- ers to maintain natural hair or Resolve in Stagg/Tenants Feud hairstyles that are closely asso- ciated with their racial, ethnic By JOSÉ A. GIRALT 12 but was rescheduled because of a and Simpson were dismissed in Bronx or cultural identities.” Anyone Community Board 7 is finding itself snowstorm that produced icy condi- County Housing Court, with a judge discriminating against some- in the middle of a tug-of-war between tions. Even though both tenants and saying the claims had no validity. one with locs, cornrows, twists, tenants from 2985, 2987, and 2999 Web- Stagg Group representatives were in- As a push for resolve grows, the braids, Bantu knots, and fades, ster avenues, collectively named The vited to the original meeting, no one Stagg Group sought to clarify some commonly worn by persons of Bedford Park Manor, and its build- showed up at the Feb. 21 gathering. complaints published in previous ar- color, can now face fines upwards ings’ owner, the Stagg Group. At issue Tenants hoped to address complaints ticles by the Norwood News. of $250,000. are conditions inside the properties they filed recently against the three In a meeting with a Norwood News that opened four years ago, leading the properties, which included the pres- reporter on Feb. 22, three members Weiner Released in Bronx recent trend of major development for ence of bedbugs, a growing mold prob- from the Stagg Group explained that New York Post reported An- the Norwood/Bedford Park area. lem, sporadic power outages, and the they are aware of the complaints, have thony Weiner, the 54-year-old ex- At the last meeting of CB7’s Hous- loss of heat and hot water. responded to them, and look forward congressman, has been released ing, Land Use, & Zoning Committee In January, Shannon Terrell took to attending the next meeting of CB7 from prison. After serving 15 meeting on Feb. 21, chairman John her complaint of shoddy repairs to the housing committee in March. months of his 21-month federal Snider made clear that tenants from Bronx Housing Court. Led by Zxavier Austin A. Graham, director of busi- prison sentence for sexting with the buildings have been heard from Simpson, a tenant at 2985 Webster ness development at the Stagg Group, a 15-year-old, Weiner will now but representatives from the Stagg Ave., residents are organizing to in- emphasized that the real estate firm serve the next three months in a Group have yet to appear in person. crease pressure on the Stagg Group to takes “complaints seriously. We al- Fordham halfway house. He will “We need to hear from them [the Stagg improve their response to complaints. ways have our tenants’ back.” be released on May 14 for good Group], we want to hear from them,” In an email to the Norwood News, The Stagg Group recently rolled out behavior, which took off three said Snider. Mark Stagg, owner of the Stagg Group, a web app to stay updated on mainte- months of his sentence. In 2011 The meeting was to be held on Feb. said all five HP actions filed by Terrell (continued on page 14) Weiner resigned from Congress after he was forced to admit he Norwood Dog Beater pled guilty to Aggravated Cru- family members, later punching sent graphic photos to women he Sentenced elty to Animals for the incident the dog so hard it sent her up in met online. In 2016 he had an on- A Norwood man has been that happened Feb. 21, 2018 at the air and hitting a brick wall. line relationship with an under- sentenced to two years in jail the corner of Wayne Avenue and Smith cannot own an animal age teen from North Carolina, for beating a dog so badly it lost East Gun Hill Road in Norwood. for 10 years and must register leading to a guilty plea that sent an eye while suffering severe Smith had gotten into an argu- with the New York City Animal him to prison. injuries. Dwayne Smith, 28, ment with the dog’s owner and Abuse Registry. February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News • 7 Arrests Made in Teen’s Stabbing Death, Homeless Man Missing First Homicide for 52nd Pct. in ’19 From Norwood Shelter By BOB KAPPSTATTER later pronounced dead. said Flores is believed to have Two young men were un- Detectives believe the stab- been the actual stabber. der arrest as police hunted bing involved revenge against Pompey was killed where an- for a third suspect in connec- the victim, who was arrested other teen was killed two blocks tion with what police sources in December for allegedly away. That killing was also called a revenge stabbing slashing another youth on gang-related, police said at the death of a Fordham teenager the wrist and left hand. He time. earlier this month. was charged with assault and It was also less than a mile Seventeen-year-old criminal possession of a knife, away from where knife and ma- Pompey “Blizz” Pernell be- and was awaiting trial. chete-wielding suspects of the came the 52nd Precinct’s first Hector Calderone, 20, and deadly Trinitarios gang mem- homicide victim of the year Jason Ramirez, 20, both of 215 bers dragged Lesandro (Junior) after he was attacked by three E. 197th St., were arrested a Guzman-Feliz from a bodega young males shortly after few days after the attack on last summer and stabbed and 7 p.m. on Feb. 13, near East Pompey and charged with slashed him to death. The youth 193rd Street and Decatur Av- second degree murder, man- managed to stagger two blocks enue, a known gang and nar- slaughter, and criminal pos- to St. Barnabas Medical Center, cotics sales area in the pre- session of a weapon. They where he was later pronounced cinct. were ordered held without dead. Police said the three at- bail at their arraignment in Pompey’s death marks the A homeless man living in a Norwood shelter was reported missing on Jan. 6 at 10 p.m. Clemente Garcia, 53, was last seen tackers surrounded Pompey Bronx Criminal Court on Feb. first reported homicide for the at 3600 Jerome Ave., a homeless shelter that opened more than and one of them stabbed him 18. precinct covering Norwood, a year ago. According to the 52nd Precinct, Garcia is described multiple times in the chest. A police source said Bedford Park, Fordham, Kings- as Hispanic, 5’9’ tall, and weighing 130 lbs. Anyone with infor- He staggered down the block Pompey’s attackers are affili- bridge Heights, and University mation in regard to Garcia’s disappearance can call NYPD’s into a corner bodega where ated with the 94Bloods gang. Heights. It comes two months Crime Stoppers Hotline at (800) 577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish he collapsed. Pompey, of 2554 Police said they are still earlier than last year’s first ho- (888) 57-PISTA (74782), or texting tips to hotline 274637. Calls Marion Ave., was rushed by seeking Justin Flores, 19, of micide in the Five-Two, which are kept confidential. ambulance to St. Barnabas 315 E. 187th St., as a suspect happened on April 23 at 3152 –Sha-Nia Alston Medical Center, where he was in the attack. A police source Hull Ave., off East 204th Street. Stop Work Orders Issued at 2 of 4 New Norwood Projects 8 • February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News Bronx Connections:the HEALTH impact Part 1 of 5 The Norwood News, WFUV Radio, and BronxNet Television present a fi ve-part series on health-related struggles affecting residents of the Bronx. At $1200 a Month, Managing Diabetes Puts a Dent on Bronx Family’s Budget

By THERESA SCHLIEP of the bloodstream and the body essen- tially shuts down. The Bronx has some of the highest rates of diabetes in the country. Ac- Elbia Cabral of Highbridge knows cording to the New York City Depart- a lot about insulin. She knows the dif- ment of Health and Mental Hygiene, ferent kinds of long acting and short 16 percent of Bronx residents have lasting insulin, the cheap brands, been diagnosed with diabetes. Most and the pricier brands. It’s been a people with diabetes in the borough year and a half since 12-year-old Eliz- have Type 2, which is less insulin- abeth was diagnosed with Type 1 dia- dependent but still requires routine betes. And it’s been an adjustment for maintenance and blood sugar test- the whole family. Now, Elbia worries ing. about her daughter’s health, and has Elbia said navigating health insur- plenty of questions on her manage- ance policies makes managing dia- ment. betes even more difficult. She argues “[I]s she going to be doing her with representatives on the phone to Image still by BronxNet Television insulin herself?” asked Elbia, won- ELIZABETH CABRAL AND her mother Elbia inside their Highbridge home. Elbia holds get more insulin and other supplies be- dering if her daughter will forget several packs of insulin Elizabeth regularly takes. cause their insurance company under- her insulin pen if she goes out with estimates what Elizabeth needs every friends. group with the American Diabetes Julianne Dimaio says she’s seen month. Elizabeth has changed her insu- Elizabeth has since gotten used Association, insulin prices tripled diabetics struggle to afford insu- lin three different times to keep up with to monitoring her blood sugar and from 2002 to 2013. And they’ve dou- lin and other medications. She’s the what her insurance company prefers. pricking her finger. As an added way bled again since then. Back when Diabetes Clinical Program Manager “I don’t think parents like to say how of ensuring she stays healthy, the Elizabeth was diagnosed, she didn’t for the Institute for Family Health. hard it is to have a child with diabetes, family adopted a diabetes assist dog, have health insurance. The family They have offices throughout New but it goes beyond what anyone can Flower, who can smell scents in Eliz- paid roughly $4000 a month for all of York City and operate Bronx Health imagine,” she said. “Having the right abeth’s blood sugar. her supplies. REACH, working to combat health access to medication makes things bet- They’ve also had to adjust their Elizabeth has health insurance disparities in black and Latino com- ter. It’s not easy if you’re running out of lives to afford the insulin and medi- now, and Elbia said she’s grate- munities. medication.” cation Elizabeth needs. At around ful for the coverage. But even with Dimaio and her team work to help Some in Washington D.C. are con- $1200 a month, or $14,400 a year, the insurance—covering long- and patients navigate diabetes and man- cerned about the rising cost of insulin. her care competes with the price of short-acting insulin, lancets, test- aging their health. But she said it can The Congressional Diabetes Caucus rent in some neighborhoods. So, the ing strips, pumps, alcohol, lotions— be tricky for patients to get what they has suggested a number of legislative family downsized and cut corners. the price of staying healthy is quite need. actions to improve price transparency They moved out of their own apart- expensive. Elbia said this monthly “There are all these roadblocks and promote competition amongst the ment into their immediate family’s expenditure has caused the family fi- for the patient to pick up the insulin, producers of insulin. Minnesota filed apartment to save on rent. Elizabeth nancial stress. that then the office has to deal with,” a lawsuit last year against the three dropped tennis, piano lessons and “It’s frustrating. I was at a point she said. “Meanwhile, the poor pa- main producers of insulin for “decep- cheerleading; she didn’t mind the pi- where I was like, ‘you know what, I tient who wants to take the insulin tive” price hikes. ano lessons or tennis, but does miss can’t,’” she said. She ended up taking and needs it, can’t get it.” For now, many people with diabetes cheerleading. And Elbia perused a personal leave from work for three There are serious repercussions struggle to pay for the medication they eBay for cheaper testing strips. months. for those who do not or cannot take need. Elbia says lower insulin prices “We overused our credit cards The Cabrals aren’t alone. She care of their diabetes. Type 2 diabet- are crucial to improving the lives of in the beginning. That was the only knows other Bronx parents of diabet- ics who mismanage their treatment those living with diabetes. way,” said Elbia. “So we ended up ics who have to reuse testing strips, in the long-term frequently develop “The way the rules are laid down with a lot of debt for something that or at least ration their insulin. A re- kidney, eyesight, and heart prob- are not humane,” said Elbia. “Here is a wasn’t her fault, not our fault, no- port in the Journal of the American lems. This mismanagement can be parent with a child who has been given body’s fault. But there we were.” Medicine Association Internal Medi- the result of inaccessible treatment. a lifelong diagnosis that now has to be- Insulin prices have gone up dra- cine shows as many as one in four One deadly consequence of insuffi- come a lawyer and fight back everyone matically over the past decade. Ac- with diabetes in the United States cient insulin in the body is diabetic to get what should already be given to cording to a report from a working have rationed their insulin. ketoacidosis, when acid builds up in these kids.” February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News • 9 DOE Mulls Another High School Within DeWitt Clinton H.S. Campus Tax Preparation Day By DAVID CRUZ contract by the United Federation of FREE for eligible residents of the Bronx* And ALONDRA VASQUEZ Teachers with the City of New York. DeWitt Clinton High School’s “You are planning to put the pro- alumni association is troubled over gram in [DeWitt Clinton] where staff, a proposal by the city Department of students, and parents have worked so Education to add a special education hard to restore the school to visibility,” high school to the campus for the next wrote Barbarette in his letter to Porter school year. While the group doesn’t on Feb. 7. “DWC can only be hurt by object to the program, they’re worried curtailing its space.” it will significantly diminish the Nor- Barbarette has identified 37 schools wood school’s presence as it begins to around the Bronx that can easily take hit its stride. in more students, including Lehman DOE spokesman Doug Cohen con- High School, Longwood Preparatory firmed to the Norwood News the agen- Academy, and the School for Tourism cy’s consideration, writing in a state- and Hospitality. ment that it will “continue to work The news comes as the storied closely with the [Community Educa- school overlooking Mosholu Parkway tion Council] and the entire school South comes off receivership—those community throughout this process to schools that rank in the top five per- address any feedback and ensure we’re cent of worst-performing schools—al- You must bring with you: meeting the needs of all our students.” lowing the city to remove teachers or This doesn’t sit well with DeWitt make them reapply for their jobs. The • Photo IDs Clinton Alumni Association Inc. Presi- hope was to turn the school’s reputation • Social Security Cards or ITIN for everyone named on dent John Babarette, who, in a letter to around, which narrowly succeeded, the Tax Return the borough’s Executive Superinten- avoiding the city to turn control over • W-2 and/or 1099 Statements for all jobs held in 2018 • If claiming child care expenses, bring documentation dent for the Bronx, Meisha Ross Por- to the state. Its graduation rate saw and care provider Tax ID Number ter, outlined some concerns. Among an increase of 62 percent, climbing 16 • Last year’s Income Tax Return and any other relevant them is the placement of 150 high-need percentage points from 2017. Roughly tax information students into the building that will au- 450 freshman students are expected to • Form 1095A (if applicable) tomatically take up 16 classrooms in enroll next year, according to Barba- • Bank account information for direct deposit (account the building’s first floor. Barbarette rette. and routing numbers) said that classroom sizes for DeWitt Co-located schools need to be ap- Clinton High School—which shares its proved by the Panel for Educational four-story building with Bronx Collab- Policy. Over the last few years the need orative and World View High School— for District 75 seats in District 10 has Saturday, March 9th will go from 25 to 34 students. The grown. The DOE estimates there are 10:00 am - 4:00pm classroom size would maximize the 670 extra seats available. allowable number of students per high Additional reporting by Sha-Nia Al- Community Board 12 school class, according to the current ston 4101 White Plains Road Bronx, NY 10466

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*You are eligible for a FREE 2018 tax preparation if you are single with no dependents and earn less than $30,000, or you file with dependents and earn less than $55,000. Tax preparation services are provided by Ariva, a non-profit organization. Ridgewood Savings Bank makes no representation regarding Photo by Alondra Vasquez and is not responsible in any way, for the Ariva tax preparation services. 2018 DEWITT CLINTON’S CAMPUS could see a new high school within its four-story Federal & NYS Tax Returns prepared by an IRS Certified VITA Volunteer building (pictured) overlooking Mosholu Parkway South. Preparer. Member FDIC 10 • February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡FREE


Photo by José A. Giralt Photo courtesy Bronx Roots in Motion (L-R) LORITA WATSON, education director, and Elizabeth Quaranta, founding mem- (L-R) BOMBAYO, MILLIE Foster, and Bronx Roots in Motion organizers Miriam Qui- ber of Friends of Mosholu Parkland, man a display table at the 25th annual Bronx nones (a freelance photographer for the Norwood News) and Samelys Lopez, travel Parks Speak Up community networking conference held inside the Music Building at cheerfully along St. James Recreation Center during the third annual Kingsbridge Cul- Lehman College on Feb. 23. “We’ve secured over $3 million in funding for improve- tural Festival on Feb. 23. The daytime celebration started with a jam session on the ments to Kossuth Playground. With this project we hope to keep making Mosholu stylings of Afro-Caribbean music before participants took to the streets, spreading Parkway cleaner and greener,” said Quaranta. musical joy around the neighborhood.

Photo by David Greene Photo courtesy Mosholu Preservation Corporation VOLUNTEERS CLEAN UP at Williamsbridge Oval Park’s Dog Run in Norwood while PATRONS AT THE Giant Laundry at 2861 Webster Ave. got their fi rst wash on the spending time with Norwood pet “Kid” Cudi, who enjoys a good run alongside the house, courtesy of Mosholu Preservation Corporation on Feb. 10. The promotional volunteers. The dog run was created fi ve years ago. On Feb. 23, volunteers maintained offer was intended to draw more customers to two merchant strips--the East 204th the space by collectively picking up garbage with shovels and rakes and placing it into Street/Bainbridge Avenue Merchants Association and Webster Avenue Merchants black bags. Association--that cover Norwood and Bedford Park.

Photo courtesy Montefi ore Health System THE PEDIATRIC HEART Center at the Children’s Hospital at Montefi ore (CHAM), pro- viding treatment to children with heart conditions, recognized American Heart Month Photo courtesy Offi ce of the Bronx Borough President along with Harboring Hearts, celebrating past and present patients, and their families-- BOROUGH PRESIDENT RUBEN Diaz Jr. hosts his annual Sweethearts Luncheon on celebrating life at an “Incredible Heart” party. Pictured are CHAM Pediatric Heart Cen- Feb. 14 at Villa Barone Manor honoring over 65 couples married for 50 years and more. ter staff, and patients, Joe Guance-Sandoval (front center) and Gabriel Hernandez (r). Diaz Jr. (standing) poses with guests David and Delores Jenkins. 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡ February 28-March 13, 2019 • FREENorwood News • 11 With Desus


t3FBDIOFBSMZ SFBEFST JOUIF#SPOY t5BLFBEWBOUBHFPG-08SBUFT t0VSQSJDFIBTZPVSBEJOUIFQBQFS GPSUXPXFFLT (L-R) KID MERO, Norwood News reporter Sha-Nia Alston, and Desus Nice at the Showtime premiere of “Desus & Mero” on Feb. 21. t3BUFT/&(05*"#-& By SHA-NIA ALSTON KM: Don’t beat around the bush. Tell DeWitt Clinton High School alum- me what you’re trying to say straight nus Kid Mero of Morris Heights, up. That’s what Bronx people do. We’re whose birth name is Joel Martinez, not going to be like “here’s a deodor- TO3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡ ADVERTISE IN FREETHE and his co-host Desus Nice of Wake- ant, maybe you should use it.” They field, whose birth name is Daniel going to be like, “yo fam you stink. Baker, have had a lot of success these Maybe you should take a shower.” days, branching from Twitter to their podcast, the “Bodega Boys,” and now NN to KM: While you were at ORWOODQ EWSQ N     PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N     a late night television program on DeWitt Clinton High School, what Showtime. Norwood News reporter is one of your craziest memories? Sha-Nia Alston sat down with the CALL JANET GELLER pair, ahead of their Showtime pre- KM: You know how high school miere Feb 21. for a brief Q&A that fo- people have balloons for their birth- cused on their Bronx roots. days? Shorty was feeling herself with her balloons and flowers and what- (646) 581-0399 NN: Who are Kid Mero and ever. And Clinton has that long stair- Desus Nice? Describe yourself. case, so she takes a wrong step on one. Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 She fell down like 85 stairs. I asked her 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡FREE DN: We’re just two guys from the if she was good?3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡ She like, “I am fine.” FREE Bronx talking about comedy and poli- Meanwhile, your eyeball hanging out

ORWOODQ EWSQ tics, keeping it real, bringing a little of your head. N     PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N     Vol 32, No 2 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION • JANUARY 17-30, 2019 ORWOODQ EWSQ N     PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N     Bronx flavor to the world. FREE NN: What would you attribute INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: STATE OF THE CITY: DE BLASIO KM: We introducing the Bronx, your success to? GOV’T. SHUTDOWN | PG. 4 OUTLINES PLANS FOR BX. | PG. 10 there’s no mask, there’s no persona. It’s just us. KM: Not wanting to be poor any- more. STAGG TENANTS BATTLE DN: If you from the Bronx and heard us talk we sound very famil- NN: What would you tell those New 5-2 CO Attacks iar. fans who are unhappy with their FOR QUALITY OF LIFE Crime Spike of ‘18 9-5? Vocal tenants ramp up demand for fi xes at Webster Ave. bldgs. pg 2 NN: What is something from the Bronx you want to share with DN: Consistency is key. If you’re not at your viewers? least trying you can’t possibly get that big break. There’s going to be some- DN: Our attitude, especially in this thing there out there for you. Bodies found in Two political climate [is] you got to be a lit- Separate Norwood Incidents | pg 7 tle cynical, you got to ask questions, KM: You got to keep doing what you got to be like “wait a minute.” As you’re doing. Get in front of the right New Yorkers that’s what we do best. people, stay consistent, work your As Bronx people, we definitely don’t charm, work your angles, work your believe anything. A Bronx person connects. Do not spam; that is the could ask what color is the sky, you number one turnoff to anybody. If you Achieving Student could be like “blue.” A Bronx person have someone who might be interested Balance at PS/MS 95 pg 8 be like, “are you sure?” That little in you and you’re just spamming them, Photo by Adi Talwar NEIGHBORS ZXAVIER SIMPSON (l) and Shannon Terrell (r) inside Terrell’s third oor apartment at 2985 Webster Ave. Terrell has  led skepticism helps with the relaying in- they’re just going to blow you off. Let papers at Bronx County Housing Court for an HP action, violations and alleged harassment against her landlord. formation piece. your product speak for itself. By DAVID CRUZ and ary. fight waged by tenants over responsive and made im- JOSEPH KONIG The Stagg Group, a con- conditions at the buildings provements to the properties, Residents of three fairly struction and development at 2985, 2987, and 2999 Web- known collectively as Bedford new buildings on Webster Av- company with multiple ongo- ster Ave. Since the Norwood Park Manor. enue that are owned and oper- ing projects in Bedford Park News originally covered the “I’m pro-tenant,” Stagg ated by The Stagg Group have and Norwood, told the Nor- story in October, tenants say said in a phone interview. He gotten the ear of Community wood News they will be send- their safety and quality-of-life argued the complaints come Board 7, which plans to hear ing a representative to the concerns have not been fully from only a handful of people from residents at its next meeting to hear out the ten- addressed. Stagg Group CEO and he has already worked Housing, Zoning & Land Use ants’ concerns. and founder, Mark Stagg, ar- to correct some of the initial pg 18 Committee meeting in Febru- The news is the latest in a gues his company has been (continued on page 19) 12 • February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News For Tenants, a Bill to Question Rent Histories Beyond Four Years By EMILY SUZANNE LEVER where it’s abundantly clear that a brace for a legislative battle ahead Almost eight years ago, Nor- landlord provided false informa- of June, when many of New York wood resident Iris Vega-Ortiz was tion to DHCR,” said Dinowitz. “It State’s rent laws are set to expire. reportedly awarded $33,000 after bothered me that a tenant had no Andrew Laiosa, a tenant advo- the state housing agency found her right to seek justice.” cate for the Bedford Park-based landlord had overcharged her by Dinowitz added he was confident group West Bronx Housing, said Di- $400 a month on rent for several that the progressive coalition in the nowitz’s bill was necessary but not years. State Assembly would pass the bill- quite enough, since the burden of A new bill proposed by Assem- -the latest in a series of attempts go- proof remains on tenants. blyman Jeffrey Dinowitz might ing back at least to 2016 to extend or When it comes to the current make Vega-Ortiz’s case more of a remove the statute of limitations. legislation, “any tenant would say common occurrence. The assemblyman also sought to four years is a joke,” Laiosa said. Dinowitz, a Democrat who rep- pre-empt criticism from landlords “I cannot tell you the heartbreak resents Norwood, Riverdale, Kings- angry that the bill would retroac- that people are going through in bridge, Wakefield and Woodlawn, tively make them legally responsi- our neighborhoods and it’s totally has introduced a bill to change the ble for a unit’s entire rent history. related to this four-year statute of state law when it comes to tenants He pointed out that a landlord in limitations.” who wish to file a rent overcharge that situation would still be profit- But even if there were no statute complaint. Currently, tenants can ing from an illegal rent hike, even of limitations, filing a rent over- request their rent history from the unknowingly. charge complaint against your land- state Department of Housing and “It’s only just, it’s not a puni- lord isn’t that simple, Laiosa cau- Community Renewal (DHCR) and tive thing,” he said. “Why should tioned. file a complaint if they see their anyone be allowed to profit from “If they’re being given a preferen- rent was increased beyond the legal fraud?” tial rent, the last thing you want to limit within the last four years. The bill--which has been co- do is challenge the landlord because Dinowitz’s bill would remove sponsored by Assemblywoman upon lease renewal what’s hanging that statute of limitations, making Karines Reyes, and is making its over you is a noose,” he said. “They may Photo courtesy Offi ce of Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz any rent overcharge, no matter how way through the Housing Commit- be undocumented, English may not be ASSEMBLYMAN JEFF DINOWITZ has intro- long ago the illegal rent increase tee, with no equivalent in the State their first language--there are a million duced a bill that will make it easier for renters to happened, fair game. Senate as yet--comes as tenant ad- reasons why a new tenant would not recoup any rent overcharges beyond the current “We’ve had too many cases vocates and landlord advocates challenge the rent. They’re afraid.” statute of limitations of four years. St. Patrick’s Home Rehabilitation & Health Care Center

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Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday thru Saturday Evening Performances Begin at 8 PM. LOOKING TO MAKE AN EARLY EVENING OF IT? Sunday Evening Performances Begin at 7 PM – OUT BY 9:30 PM! GROUP SALES (914) 592-2225 BOX OFFICE (914) 592-2222 LUXURY BOXES (914) 592-8730 1 BROADWAY PLAZA ELMSFORD, NEW YORK 10523 A Proud Sponsor of WBT GPS: 75 CLEARBROOK ROAD, ELMSFORD, NY DOWNLOAD THE WBT APP 1HƂEKCN$CPMQH9$6 FOR SPECIAL “APP ONLY” OFFERS Limit 1 per person. Cannot be combined with any other offer. AMERICAN EXPRESS / VISA / MASTERCARD / DISCOVER The management reserves the right to make schedule or program changes if required. All sales final. No cash or credit card refunds. A TASTE OF BROADWAY AND FINE DINING AWAITS YOU AT THE WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE 14 • February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News CB7, Serving as Mediator, Looks for Resolve in Stagg/Tenants Feud

(continued from page 6) nance complaints and their status. Ac- cording to Michael Brabazon, market- ing director and rental coordinator at the Stagg Group, employees can check immediately when a tenant files a com- plaint and follow through to its com- pletion when the tenant signs off on the repair. Those without Internet ac- cess can also make regular complaints to the on-site super during business hours, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. “When they complain to the super it gets logged on to our system and we can track its progress,” Brabazon said. It’s unclear who tenants without Internet access can file a complaint to after hours. Graham isn’t the only one following the complaints’ status. Javier Monroy is the property manager for the build- ings on Webster Avenue. “I’m always communicating with Michael and the Photo by José A. Giralt super on maintenance requests,” said JAVIER MONROY, PROPERTY manager at the Bedford Park Manor at 2985, 2987, and 2999 Webster Aves., shows the app he Monroy, showing his cellphone screen uses to stay current with maintenance and repair requests in a meeting with the Norwood News on Feb. 22. with an open order from a tenant. “All three of us stay connected through the The Norwood News asked the Stagg Both the Stagg Group representa- scheduled a March 1 meeting with Os- repair process on our cell phones and Group for an on-site tour of the prop- tives and tenants have expressed their wald J. Feliz, an attorney who doubles we can even see a photo of the finished erties in order to see the maintenance intent to attend the next CB7 Housing, as the state committeeman for the 78th work that the tenant signs off on,” said request app in action and is awaiting Land Use & Zoning committee meeting Assembly District, which covers Bed- Monroy. a response. on March 12. Meantime, tenants have ford Park. February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News • 15


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5-Bedroom home on 2 lots, huge rooms, $899,000.

5-Bedroom solar home, mint-condition, $995,000. February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News • 17 NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES

Heating Assistance Right to Counsel Applications for the Home Right to Counsel (RTC)— Energy Assistance Program which assigns a free attor- (HEAP) for older adults and ney to those sued for evic- low- and middle-income New tion in housing court and in Yorkers will be accepted NYCHA termination of ten- by local departments of so- ancy hearings and who are cial services. Eligibility is income eligible—is avail- based on income, house- able to tenants who live in hold size and how the home Bronx zip codes 10457, 10467, is heated. Residents can ap- and 10468. If a tenant is not ply online at https://on.ny. income-eligible, they have gov/2Fn062M and mail it to the right to a one-off legal NYC DSS/HRA/ HEAP, P.O. consultation or advice ses- Box 1401, Church Street Sta- sion. Tenants facing evic- tion, New York, NY 10008. tion or harassment from For more information, call management can call Nova (212) 331-3126. Lucero at the Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Free Tax Prep Coalition for support at (917) Mosholu Montefiore Com- 952-5494. munity Center, 3450 DeKalb Ave. offers free tax return Crime Victims Support service Mondays through Crime Victims Support Fridays from 4 p.m. Those Services, a 501(c)3 group at who made $54,000 or less in 1138 Neill Ave., offers vic- 2018 and have children, or tims help in navigating the $30,000 or less without chil- criminal justice system. dren, qualify for the free Free confidential services service. For more informa- include claim assistance, tion or to make an appoint- case follow-up, crisis coun- ment, call (718) 882-4000. seling, and victim advocacy. The group accepts dona- Free Legal Services tions. For more information, for Immigrants call (718) 823-4925. Low-income immigrants can receive free legal advice Seal Criminal Conviction from volunteer attorneys Individuals convicted of through the New York State a crime committed more Liberty Defense Project and than 10 years ago are eligi- Catholic Charities of the ble to request their crimi- Archdiocese of New York. nal records sealed through For more information, visit the New York State Uni- CatholicCharitiesNYPro- fied Court System. Several or call (800) 566- forms must be filled out and 7636. If you are interested in not all convictions will be volunteering, visit catholic- sealed. Requests must be made at the Bronx District Attorney’s Office, 198 E. Free Pre-K 161st St., 4th floor. For more Children born in 2015 are information, visit https:// eligible for free universal pre-K. Application deadline is March 15 for school year Small Business Services starting September 2019. The office of Council Enroll your child at the Member Fernando Cabrera Family Welcome Center at offers free services for local 1 Fordham Plaza on the 7th small businesses on the sec- floor, or apply online with ond and fourth Tuesday of My Schools application at each month at 107 E. Burn- https://www.myschools. side Ave. For more informa- nyc/en/. For more informa- tion, call (347) 590-2874 ext. tion, call (718) 935-2009. 209. 18 • February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News work of Bronx-born native Rochelle Feinstein, through March 3. For more information, call (718) 681-6000.

Cuban Art Show free exhibition, We Have Ire: Afro-Cuban in the U.S., is scheduled through March 9, at the Compiled by JUDY NOY Casita Maria Gallery, 928 Simpson St., 6th floor, weekdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. It documents the stories of four Cuban artists, focusing on EDITOR’S PICK their influences and dreams. Alive performance of excerpts will be held on March 9 from 2 to 2:45 p.m. Free Flea Market combined with a Family Storytelling Workshop from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Bedford Mosholu Community Association is sponsoring a free flea For more information, call (718) 589- market at Saint Mary’s Orthodox Church of India (corner of Bedford Park 2230. Boulevard and Decatur Avenue), March 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Available will be new and used items including gifts, china, bric-a-brac, jewelry, Library Events books, toys, housewares, electronics and more. Homemade cakes and cookies as well as a raffle will be available. For more information, visit THE BRONX COUNTY Historical So- Bronx Library Center, 310 E. [email protected]. ciety presents a film screening of “A Kingsbridge Rd., presents for adults: Bronx Tale,” starring Chazz Palminteri film: “Ant-Man & the Wasp,” March and Robert DeNiro (see Events for de- 2 at 2:30 p.m. Children can enjoy: Onstage Events tails). Family Storytime at 3 p.m.: (ages to 5 years), stories, songs, and dance, March 2, 3, 9 and 10. Teens/young Lehman College’s Center for the Wave Hill, a Bronx oasis at 675 W. information, call (718) 881-8900. adults can attend: Creatures of the Performing Arts, 250 Bedford Pk. 252nd St. in Riverdale, offers Family Night, to see live owls, mammals, Blvd., W., presents Currents by Art Projects: Mapping Histories Exhibits frogs, toads, and insects, March 14 Mayumana, directly from Israel, Through Seeds, Beans and Grains, at 4 p.m. Job seekers may visit the March 3 at 4 p.m., inspired by battle to map your family history and make New York Botanical Garden presents Career Services Health Care & of currents between Thomas Edison a mosaic with seeds, legumes and Annual Orchid Show, in the Enid A. Maintenance Career Expo: job fair and Nikola Tesla in their quest for grains, March 2 and 3; and Patch It Haupt Conservatory, paying tribute to (dress professionally and bring multiple finding energy resources for the world Up – Nature Heals, to create patches Singapore, through April 28. For more copies of your resume), March 4 from (tickets: $25 to $45; $10/to age 12). by making stamps from upcycled information, call (718) 817-8135. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (preregistration For more information, call (718) 960- Styrofoam, then pin them on your required; info: ext. 4260). For more 8833. favorite jacket or iron them onto Bronx Documentary Center, St. Mary’s information, call (718) 579-4244/46/57 clothes, March 9 and 10; both in the Annex, 364 E. 151st St., presents free or visit JASA Van Cortlandt Senior Center, WH House, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Grounds Where Love is Illegal, through March 3880 Sedgwick Ave. presents Make admission is free until noon Tuesdays 24, featuring stories of lesbian, gay, Mosholu Library, 285 E. 205th St., Up Sunday with Perrin Grace Jazz and Saturdays all year. For more transgender, bisexual and intersex offers for children: Crafty Fridays at Trio performing at 2 p.m. preceded by information and a schedule of events individuals in locations where this 11 a.m.: (ages 5 to 12), crafts, March lunch at 1 p.m.; and folksinger Laura including tours and walks, call (718) is illegal. For more information and 1 and 8; Toddler Storytime at 11 Wetzler performing a varied program 549-3200. a detailed schedule, visit www. a.m.: (ages 18 months to 3 years), of folk and international music at 1 interactive stories, action songs, p.m. preceded by lunch at 12:15 p.m. The Bronx County Historical Society’s fingerplays, and crafts, March 7 and For more information, call (718) 549- Archives, 3309 Bainbridge Ave., Bronx River Art Center (BRAC), 1087 14; and Dr. Seuss Birthday Party: 4700. presents film,“A Bronx Tale,” March E. Tremont Ave., presents River (all ages), includes storytime and light 1 at 7 pm. ($5/donation). For more Rising, through June 30, featuring an exposition of science, art and refreshments, March 1 at 3 p.m. Teens/ technology, located in Starlight Park; young adults can enjoy: film: “Mission and Material With Meaning, featuring Impossible: Fallout,” March 8 at NY artists whose international roots 1:30 p.m. Adults can attend Knitting include Nigeria, Mexico, El Salvador, Circle: Thursdays at 3 p.m. For more and China, through March 16. For information, call (718) 882-8239. more information, call (718) 589-5819. Jerome Park Library, 118 Eames The Museum of Bronx History, 3266 Place (near Kingsbridge Road, offers Bainbridge Ave. (208th Street), for adults: Computer Basics at presents Women’s Suffrage and New noon: March 7 and 14. Children can York City: A Centennial Celebration, enjoy: Bilingual Birdies - Spanish: through April 11; and His Muse: The (to ages 12 years), including live Women of Edgar Allan Poe’s Life, music, movement, dance and through April 7. Also scheduled is A puppetry, March 8 at 11 a.m. For more History of the Bronx Latino, ongoing. information, call (718) 549-5200. For more information, call (718) 881- 8900. NOTE: Items for consideration may be mailed to our office or sent to [email protected], and File photo Adi Talwar Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1040 Grand should be received by March 4 for the THE BEDFORD MOSHOLU Community Association will host its annual flea mar- Concourse (167th Street), presents next publication date of March 14, ket on March 9 (see Editor’s Pick for more information). Image of an Image, featuring the 2019. February 28-March 13, 2019 • Norwood News • 19 Decatur Avenue’s Postal Woes (continued from page 1) last year. I think it was like 10 days Minority until they figure it out.” and then they reopened. Oh I hope An employee supervisor later they’ll return, it’s a wonderful sta- or Woman said, “Some of the customers were tion. I live right down the block,” he getting sick, we were getting sick. I said. Business have asthma, so it was affecting my Hernandez estimated that the asthma.” The unidentified supervisor building is expected re-open in early Owner? described the smell, explaining, “It’s a March. combination of like a dead animal and Buggeln was among a group of lo- the sewage backed up or something cals who fought to keep the station like that. We’re not sure exactly, but open a decade ago when the federal some customers are saying it smells government was looking to close like dead animals, other custom- some post offices due to budget cuts. Make NYC your ers are saying it smelled like sewage “We need it. I mean, who could go to backup. People started saying they Gun Hill Road?” he asked. were getting sick as soon as they came Rakia King, another customer, next customer. into the building.” found the post office closure incon- The closure marks the third time venient for heavy users. “[S]ome the troubled Van Cott Station post of- people can’t get to another post of- fice closed, with issues brewing as fice, and say it’s something impor- Find out how the early as November when a roof col- tant like going to court or paying Department of lapsed, shutting it down for more than the rent, and the line is always so Small Business a week and causing mail to be diverted long,” she said, referencing the East Services can help you to the Williamsbridge Station at 711 E. Gun Hill Road post office. “It’s ri- get certified. Gun Hill Rd., a 20-minute walk from diculous,” she added, “I don’t know, the Decatur Avenue site. Two other sometimes they’re old in age, but the post offices—The Mosholu Post Of- mind is underdeveloped.” Call 311 or visit fice at 3464 Jerome Ave. and another Another resident who arrived be- at 2815 White Plains Rd. in Allerton— fore the 4 p.m. closing time fumed. had also temporarily closed, putting “If I get a package and it isn’t deliv- added pressure to area post offices ered it ends up at the Gun Hill Road that were open. The Van Cott Station post office. I’ve had to go there a cou- saw its doors once again closed on ple of times and it’s a madhouse. Ev- Jan. 22, following a burst water pipe. erybody was pissed off and yelling Neighborhood resident Jim Hawk- at the people behind the counter,” ins dropped his letter in the mailbox said the customer. positioned between the shuttered post Another customer turned away office and the shuttered mobile office, by the locked door asked, “Huh? Is before 4 p.m., the station’s normal clos- that why they’re closed?” The un- ing time. Hawkins recalled, “I worked identified woman said, “No, this for the post office years ago and that’s is the first time this has happened why I stopped working for them. The to me. Is it going to be closed for a bureaucracy and all kinds of s--t. It’s a long period of time? Are they sell- lousy place to work and everyone was ing stamps in the truck? I could go angry.” a little longer without stamps, but Arthur Buggeln, 88, a regular I’ve got to mail letters and a bunch visitor to the Van Cott Station was of stuff. I just hope my letters get forced to walk to the Botanical sta- there, now I’m scared to trust this tion at 2963 Webster Ave. in Bedford mailbox. I’ll go to another mailbox.” Park, carrying a chair, only to re- A review of city building records turn without the special protective shows that on April 13, 2018, workers envelopes he was looking to pur- hired by Claremon Lee 204th LLC chase. He’d learn that they would of Long Island replaced a 50-foot, have to be ordered special. He asked, 1-inch gas line, running from the ex- “Why do they even advertise it?” isting gas meter on the first-floor of On the Van Cott Station closing, the Van Cott station that connects to Buggeln hoped the station’s prob- an existing HVAC unit on the roof, lems will be behind it soon. “Oh no, that had a reported leak the previ- this post office has to come back, ous November. they’ve got to. I’m hoping they re- Along with the Williamsbridge open soon. I asked her [supervisor] Station, customers have been advised when do you think you’ll reopen and to go to the Botanical Post Office or she said, ‘one to two weeks.’ That’s the Esplanade Post Office at 2488 Wil- how it was the last time at the end of liamsbridge Road in Allerton. G&T forceINEQUITIES hears strengths and weaknesses of gifted and talented programs

Mixed Feelings For Stagg’s Mosholu Site pg 5

Norwood Sewer Project Approved For Night Work | pg 6 REACH 40,000 testifi es before a panel focusing on the problems of the city Department of Education’s gifted and tal- by Bronx Borough President Potential Customers In The Bronx Ruben Diaz Jr. and his Brook- Monte Pilot Program n counterpart, Eric Adams, ld its first session on March The panel heard from Ma- Photo by Adi Talwar Streamlines Access sura Tidjani, a mother of two at the Bronx High School African-American boys in To Developmental cience, a specialized high School District 9 who qualified supposed to have the program Care | pg 11 ol where entry becomes a for a G&T program for the past for the past two years but did -long goal for parents. The two years. On the first day3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡ of Proudlynot have Serving any programs Bronx becauseCommunities Since 1988FREE member panel heard from one of her son’s G&T class, Ti- they don’t have enough stu- s frustrated by a system djani was told that PS 199x The dents to open a class,” Tidjani SG&T seatsFREE are few in the Shakespeare School had can- told panelists, who sat jotting celed it for the school year. notes. “According to the DOE, N you have to have at least 25 chil- “When I spoke to the princi-    ORWOODdren in order to open a gifted pal she Vol told me30, that No they 6 • were P Q PUBLISHEDand talented class.” UBLISHED BY INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: BYHer M MsonOSHOLU re-took the test, scoring aboveOSHOLU 97 percent, PRESERVATION which TRUMP’S TRAVEL BAN 2.0 | PG. 4 PRESERVATION (continued on page 15) C CORPORATION N ORPORATION  EWS • MQ   pg 14ARCH 16-29, 2017

KNOWING BRONXYOUR LEGAL BARRIERS: RIGHTS | PG. 9 INCREASE SALES RENT ROLLS When Advertising In The Award Winning QUESTIONED rd Park housing group questions legitimacy of tenants’ rent

Elevator Planned For B/D Bedford Pk. Subway Line | pg 6 NORWOOD NEWS

St. Ann’s School Teachers Want The ONLY Newspaper Covering The Stories That Answers | pg 8 Concern You In YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ector of West Bronx Housing (r), and her colleague Andrew Laiosa (l), compile rent history forms alleging

thoroughly double check ether a landlord’s rent Study: Trains Loaded Photo by Adi Talwar rease on a tenant is jus- listing the help of elected With Fatty Food Ads ble. o f f i c i a l s . T h e g r o u p h a s Pg 11 est Bronx Housing, now zeroed in on an apart- tive director of West Bronx quartered in Bedford ment building in River- Housing, has noticed an dale, where rent histories Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 has since been col- 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡uptick in these suspect rent FREE are suspect. They’re now these statements histories amid an afford- requesting these forms to FL/DR-1.0 forms able housing crisis that’s FREE tenants living in Norwood Spatterns while en- to making living in New York and Bedford Park. N City, including the Bronx, Sally Dunford,    ORWOOD execu- almost impossible for the Vol 30, No 5 • P Q PUBLISHEDworking class. UBLISHED BY M INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: (continuedBY M OSHOLU on page 15) OSHOLU PRESERVATION THE BRONX’S RAT PROBLEM | PG. 4 PRESERVATION CORPORATION N CORPORATIONpg 14  EWS • MQ   ARCH 2-15, 2017 NEW RATES FOR 2019! THE CAMPAIGNCIVIC ENGAGEMENTBRONX BARRIERS: CRISIS | PG. 9 TO DOWNZONE Community Board 7 backs downzoning of Mosholu Pkwy. Prices for all sizes CVS to Close in March pg 3 have been DRASTICALLY Fordham Nonprofi Looks Out for Teens t pg 7

y Van Cortlandt Avenue East (pictured) is among the streets community activists hope to ha . borders as a way to preserve reduced by 30% ts character while stemming urther development. munity it will assess the look Photo by Adi Talwar State of the Bronx The group won a victory of the neighborhood. A mo- ve downzoned the latest CB7 Land Use/ tion presented before the full Blasts City and Trump turned from what some called using Committee meet- board at its Feb. 28 meeting a nonstarter to a mayoral is- pg 8 on Feb. 15 when the New was passed, with board mem- sue,” civil activist Anthony City Department of City bers agreeing to revisit the Rivieccio, who proposed the ing (DCP), charged with proposal by the fall. The board Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFH‡idea for a blanket rezoning of FREE It’s for a limited time only. Inquire mining the character of first needs to finalize another Mosholu Parkway and its im- orhoods across the five separate independent study FREE mediate side streets, told the Shs, assured the com- it had commissioned last No- Norwood News vember. N T h e p l. a n , b a c k e d b y l o - “InVol five 30,     months NoORWOOD 4 it’s • P been cal legislators and residents, QP UBLISHEDUBLISHEDlooks to prevent overdevelop- B BY INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: Y MOSHOLU MOSHOLU (continued P on page P 15) about our free creative setup. BAG FEE BAGGED FOR NOW | PG. 4 RESERVATIONRESERVATION CORPORATION CORPORATION N • Fpg 14  EWS EBRUARYQ 16-M   ARCH 1, 2017 ST. ANN SCHOOLA NN-WFUVBRONX COLLABORATION BARRIERS: | PG. 9 TO CLOSE DOORS ws comes two years after parish church closed CALL 718-324-4998 or EMAIL

Trump Travel Ban Impacts Norwood pg 5 [email protected]

Veterans Honored At CB7 Breakfast pg 7