Conditions of the Effective Formation of Legal Consciousness of Students

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Conditions of the Effective Formation of Legal Consciousness of Students The Fifth International Luria Memorial Congress «Lurian Approach in International Psychological Science» Volume 2018 Conference Paper Conditions of the Effective Formation of Legal Consciousness of Students By Means of Psychological Training Rustam Muslumov and Anna Pecherkina Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (RUSSIA, Yekaterinburg) Abstract The article considers the conditions of the effective formation of legal consciousness of students through psychological training. The study included ascertaining and formative stages. 60 students aged 20 to 22 took part in it. At the ascertaining stage, R.R. Muslumov’s method of study of legal consciousness of personality was used to determine the levels of formation of the legal consciousness components of students. It was established that the formation of all components Corresponding Author: of legal consciousness among students (legal knowledge, legal attitudes, attitudes Rustam Muslumov [email protected] towards law, and attitudes toward legal institutions, legal activity and legal motivated cognition) was at an average and high level. Received: 25 July 2018 At the formative stage, psychological training was used, which was aimed at Accepted: 9 August 2018 Published: 1 November 2018 developing legal consciousness and legal competence of students. The authors note that the most effective means of forming legal consciousness is psychological training Publishing services provided by based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, which suggests that a person can learn Knowledge E new social skills, emotions and new ways of thinking through the learning mechanism. Rustam Muslumov and Anna Within the framework of the training, the work is focused on behavioral reactions and Pecherkina. This article is distributed under the terms of internal attitudes. As a result, qualitative positive results were obtained on the scales the Creative Commons ”legal activity” and “motivated cognition”. Attribution License, which Conditions for the effective formation of legal consciousness (which include permits unrestricted use and interactivity, reality, relevance, success, emotionality and modernity) were redistribution provided that the original author and source are generalized and identified in the group work. While recognizing the importance of credited. educational work, the authors point out that the development of legal consciousness of students also depends on other external (family, conditions in a particular Selection and Peer-review under the responsibility of the university, friends, etc.) and internal (character, personality characteristics, etc.) Fifth International Luria factors. It is not enough simply to form legal knowledge - it is important to nurture Memorial Congress Conference the legal consciousness, legal beliefs, lay the foundation of behavior on the basis of Committee. law observance. Keywords: Legal consciousness, legal competence, legal activity, legal socialization, legal motivated cognition, legal attitudes, psychological training. How to cite this article: Rustam Muslumov and Anna Pecherkina, (2018), “Conditions of the Effective Formation of Legal Consciousness of Students By Means of Psychological Training” in The Fifth International Luria Memorial Congress «Lurian Approach in International Psychological Science», KnE Page 625 Life Sciences, pages 625–636. DOI 10.18502/kls.v4i8.3321 The Fifth International Luria Memorial Congress 1. Introduction The problem of formation of the legal consciousness of students is due to the com- plex criminal situation in the country, the wide spread of legal nihilism and criminal subculture. A number of studies establish that there is an increase in the ”risk group” among students and that flaws in legal consciousness are common. Therefore, one of the urgent problems of vocational education is the formation of legal behavior of the future specialist, which is inextricably linked with the level of legal consciousness. A number of studies show that the complexities of legal socialization of students can be caused by a whole complex of factors and ultimately can lead to deformations of the legal consciousness, including manifestations of extremism [16]. Legal consciousness is a complex socio-psychological phenomenon, which includes philosophical, legal, socio-political and moral aspects. However, it should be noted that legal consciousness is also a subjective, social and psychological phenomenon. It is more correlated with the essence of law, with a subjective understanding of lawfulness and legal feasibility than with individual legal norms [4]. S.S. Alekseev emphasizes that the key point of legal consciousness is the recognition of the values of natural law, human rights and freedoms, as well as ideas about the current positive law and how it corresponds to natural law, legal values and ideals [1]. For a psychological analysis of the concept of ”legal conscience”, let us turn to the works of A.N. Leontiev, in which sensual tissue, meaning and personal sense stand out as constituents in the structure of consciousness. Sensual tissue is defined as the ”matter of the image” - the images are ”woven” from it and cannot exist without it. It is a system of all sensations of a person from different senses. Meanings exist in the consciousness of the individual as a generalized reflection of the most essential properties of the world, ”an ideal form of existence of the objective world, its properties, connections and relationships, revealed by the cumulative social practice” ([8], p. 141). Sense is determined by A.N. Leontyev as ”meaning to me”, i.e. as subjective-personal significance of a phenomenon for the subject, conditioned by their need-motivational sphere. A.N. Leontiev writes: ”... if external sensibility connects meanings with the reality of the objective world in the mind of the subject, then the personal sense connects them with the reality of the subject’s life in this world, with its motives. The personal sense creates the bias of the human consciousness” ([8], p. 134). V.P. Zinchenko added another component to A.N. Leontiev’s idea of the structure of consciousness - the ”biodynamic tissue” of movements and actions, which he under- stands as a generalized expression of various characteristics of objective action, which DOI 10.18502/kls.v4i8.3321 Page 626 The Fifth International Luria Memorial Congress is the ”matter” not of the image itself, but of the objective actions and movements that build this image. Structure of consciousness by V.P. Zinchenko includes two layers of consciousness: 1. existential consciousness (consciousness for being), including biodynamic prop- erties of movements, experience of actions and sensual images; 2. reflective consciousness (consciousness for consciousness), including meaning and sense. Meaning is the content of social consciousness assimilated by man –operational, subject, verbal meanings, everyday and scientific meanings - con- cepts. Sense is the subjective understanding and attitude to the situation, infor- mation. The epicenter of consciousness is the consciousness of one’s own self. Separation of one’s self from the non-self is the main criterion for the beginning of the formation of consciousness and personality [5]. Consciousness is understood not as a passive contemplation, but as an active quality, which gives the person the opportunity to transform the world. Each act of conscious- ness always contains three components: cognition, experience and attitude. Each of these components can play a certain role in various acts of consciousness, but the essence of consciousness is that these three components are always merged in any mental act. The aforementioned structures of consciousness allow the study of con- sciousness as an ideal image of the world and a psychological process. Within the framework of this study, we proceed from the basic principle of the psychological science - the unity of consciousness and activity. This principle consists of the fact that consciousness develops in the process and as a result of activity and realizes, manifests itself in it. With regard to the issue at hand, it means that the struc- ture of individual legal consciousness can be learned by the results of functioning, its final products, i.e. it is necessary to consider the functional and psychological structure of legal consciousness In scientific literature, this position was expressed and applied for the first time in the studies by G.H. Yefremova and A.R. Ratinov [10–12]. The structural components of the legal consciousness of the individual are: 1. cognitive (legal thinking, legal views and beliefs, the amount of legal knowledge and skills); 2. emotional-value (legal feelings, legal values, legal value orientations); 3. active-practical (motivation of lawful behavior, legal attitudes, habits and skills of lawful behavior) [6]. DOI 10.18502/kls.v4i8.3321 Page 627 The Fifth International Luria Memorial Congress Before becoming an incentive and a regulator of lawful behavior, legal knowledge should find its place in the individual’s values, tie with the emotions, become an inner conviction, gain a foothold in the habitual form of behavior [13]. Of course, legal consciousness in real life is not structured. The determination of structural elements in legal consciousness contributes only to an understanding of its role and place in the life of man and society [1]. The social environment is given spe- cial importance in this case, since it connects psychophysiological and social
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