WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1 ^ .! FAbE THIRTY-SIX Average Daily Net Press Rna The Weather F o r tto> W eek E i ^ MlM Karol E. Knoees, daugh­ Mias. Linda Oi^teOi of 2 VU- Wm wltaeasea to ac­ Paztly eloudy tonight aikl Hartiloi;d County Association Greater Hartford Toutti for MctUbeni of Suiwet and La- Nursery School ter o f Mir. and Mra. G ootge lege St is on the dean’s Vet at cident OB West' Street mmA Febniary 19,1966 of Medical Assistants will meet Christ will have a rally Satur­ kota Ooundla, Degree at P o- tenunrow, low' toadgM 99-8^ Knoese of 37 Autumn St, Is on Southern Connecticut State Daley Circle, BdckVIlle. About Town Monday at 8 p.m. at the Ann day at 7:80 p.m. at BatcheMer oMiontaa, viM meet tosnorrow Need Surveyed Ugh tmnonrow itMUk School, 757 New Britain Ave., at 8:45 pzn. at the W. P- Quish the dMn’S'list at Northampton College, New Haven. OB Sat, Feb. 36th at 6 14,582 The executive board of the St. YWCA, Harttord. A repre­ (Maas.) Commercial OoOege South Methodist Church Is sentative from the Narcotics Hartford. Dr. Charles E. Hum­ Funeral Home, 385 Main SL, to p.Bi. please call ^8-6888. Junior Century Club will meet for the flrat semester. She is The British American Club conducting a survey to deter­ M anthester^A City o f Viliage Charm nmrsday at 8:S0 p.m. at- the Division of the Hartford Police mel, president of Barrington pay liMpecto to the late Mra Myra FltngeraM, a paet Poca- nmjoring in data prooeseing. win have a St Patrick’s Dance mine whether sufficient interest, home.j^f Mrs. N. U Rraecella, Department will speak and show College, will speak on "Is Chris­ (OaMlfled AdveirtiBlag on Page 16). PRICE SEVEN CENH hontea and Webooeh of Sun­ Saturday for meipbers and exists to begin nursery school ^EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 Sn Porter St. Kra. James Spen- a film . tianity a Strait Jacket?" yota. i x x x y , n o . 135 The Couples Club of Center gueata. Charlie Varrick’s Or­ classes there next fall. The pro­ eer will be od-hostese. set OounoQ. The Master’s Club of Friend­ Congregational Church will chestra win play for dancing posed classes would be held at Charlee Austin Joy od 58 the church Sun^y school build- ship Lodge ot Masons will meet Robertson School PTA will meet Saturday at 7:45 p.m. at from 8 -p.m. to 1 a.m. A* buffet The Golden Age Club wiU Walker St"is on the dean's list at 7:30 tomorrow night in the meet tonight at 7:45 in the W oodruff HaU. qf the church. will be served. 'Tickets may be ing. GEORGE N. meet Thursday at 2 p.m. at the ,at the college of WilHam and school cafeteria. Gilbert Hunt, C. Donald Brtggs Jr. of Shear- purchased at the club. Children from surrounding Three and Out Mary, WilHamsburg, Va., for small lodge room , the bride’s golden coach to the Potomac and Hudson Riv- It was not known Immediately S&W Tuna 3 cans 99c Halo $L00 size Shampoo 65c to Dr. John A, Langford High School, honoring the late superintendent of NEW SEASON FAMOUS NAME SIZES 9 Mos. - 12 Mos. fV was thinly enveloped in smpke. ers in the group that will get where the few rescued survivora But thousands of Dutchmen top attention, schools. The protestors sang songs, shouted football cheers, waved a few signs were taken. PINEHURST GROCERY, INC. Regular 7.99 waved flags and cheered the 28- Recalling his visit here last and said they would demonstrate again in front of the Town Hall this evening. Ool. William McKean, corn- HANDBAGS DUNGAREES year-old "smiling princess” and September—when he traveled mander of aU Special Forces la CORNCR MAIN & TURNPIKE DACRON her bridegroom as the royal upstream by boat from Say- the area, said: ‘'We sent in a SIZES 3 -6 X procession moved through Am- brook to Hartford with Gov, AND Regular 10.99/ whole flock of heUcoptera but Regular $6 If Perfect 8.90 aterdam. John N. Dempsey, Son. Abra- the ceiling closed right in on c o n o N 3.49 The government had pro- bam RlbiooBf and Secretary of Viet Nam Official Ousted them .’ ’ BLEND SIZES 7 -1 4 claimed a national holiday, but the Interior Stewart ti. Udall— A heavy doud cover had pre­ Crushed vinyls, leathers, fabl Royal Couple Smile on Wedding Day the turnout fell far short of what' Crafts said “the beauty of the vented effective «dr support or JAMAICA LENGTH Regular 16.99 13.90 palace officials had hoped for. river and the wiMemess of Its relief since the battle started at rics. All the wanted spring the triangvtor mud and log fort colors, pink, beige, blue, black. Some observers estimated about Wtoreline came as a revelation Without Causing Crisis 80,000 lined the five-m ile route, to me.** If Perfect 2.79 2.19 (See Page Eight) SPRING Quality frames, unusual lin­ Knits, wool blends and 100% wool fabrics in the Police said tiiat 250,000 could Classic Pumps ings. . Choose from many group. Solids, textures, tweeds, checks or plaids. SAIGON South Viet Nam bring mdMtary commaiidcr, he central government. K waa felt Sanforized denim in green, berry, UAC Plans Expansion be accommodated. Coliseum Planned styles. tan or blue. Some laminated, all beautifully lined. Adorable (A ^ -^ a v o r (AP)/ A >-D\ - S(Juth VViet d A f ^Nam’s l a W I ' d l Wyoung k l i n O ’ was W W » ggovernment w w a a a zz zw eew administrator Ih such quarters that the Mtlto SKIRTS The Dutch radio announced NEW HAVEN (AP) , Mayor iAiT) y * ^for the -emon.region. would Increase the capacity of details, in wonderful spring colors. Navy, light that___ one - of the . , . young _ demon- Richard C. , Lee announced to- military government ousted one His removal from his post as the government to deal with Its Expert Doubts blue, maize, pink, green or.white! fliratora who tried to mar

as OP f)lA toe Nguyen __ CJao. a. Ky . . . — had •____ ■ maesed______n would ever permit any unifica­ • POPULAR A-LINE ation said the expenditures are Whitney Aircraft, Hamdlton traces of nervousness during toe »Ports. convention and exhl- gupport to fire Lt. G6n Nguyen tion of Viet Nam to serve as a buffer state In Southeast Asia. Regular 4.99 to Increase capacity, reduce standard and Vector divlslonfl. ceremony. But once the Wtinod JERSEYS ...... From 1.19 to 1.79 manufacturing costs ton- report showed sales and mayor pronounced them man England." , erson sto Regular 6.95 spray with steam — not just police unite in the city. that appeared on Calcutta’s _ .p ~ ^ .. About 150 Negro Ugh sohoU water-for better, faster, e ^ ir The mota turned wild after streets were stoned. U.S. Medicine—1966 ironing. pottce kill^ a student demon­ The anmy was called out at LlC iO im stu d e n ts pu^b lelt dasaw today and TWICE strator. About 10 persons were Ristira, about 10 m iles from m T V U T » M.M. "teged a protaat march Polished cottons, dacron and cotton blends, a wash PUSH-BUTTON CONTBOIS. keported killed in toe rampage Calcutta, where atxiut 5,060 t o H o ld oO yC O tt through Hertford, vdiere loat and wear fabric. Newest shades of olive, gray and Spray; Steam; Spray-steam; night about 300 Negro dem- charcoal. Waist sizes 29-42. Scoop up this terrific • FABULOUS *CRESLAN BLEND FABRIC THE ' at rioting end oieon. demonstrators set fire to 18 cars ^ Dry. Wide renie of settinn iwb- Railway tradw were ripped of an express train traveling to Vast Needs Among Poor Old U t llin illg fla ils onstrators were dispersed value whilq the sdection is cmnplete! 50% Creslan Acrylic, 48%.2iantrcd Raycm, 2% Acetate -up hi many places end some Howrah, one of Calcutta’s mein ~ with tear gas and fire hooes. SrrORRS (AP)—It’s not a fast No attempt was made to arw *Cynamid T.M. for Acrylic Fiber. W ASH ’EM deanoostratora squatted in front railway ternfinate. \ Various reas set fire to a national air travelers stranded better for entering school. tal Insurance systems. The beds ^ready are occupied by The boycott began in a small Regular 1.99 in a 9416-niUIioa foreign aid, railway office there idso were at the (Calcutta aiiport. ^ ' One-third of them, medical charge is even made ]^t pa'tiewts over 66. way at South Hall, a women’s authorization for TTet Nam •OLIVE -GRAYS • BROWNS • BUCKS Injured in the.firing. Sant Fateh Singh, the maJOr esGeminera found, had som e ma­ “ m any poor people Just (lOT’t dormitory, Wednesday. Then toe Sikh leader in. In ^ , welcmned jor medical defect, or emot...nal More demand for medical and other trouble apata. tllie ii SPRAY VENT. * XfoUce also fired • wtficb-the Punjabi laqguag6 of health needs, mostly unmet, boycott, to b e ^ tonight. amendment by Sen. Wayne' liuatrous B lack.....U JS todta la gr^ipati IV a food the nation’s medical system will expand their programs of b ^ to knit Jetaey. OmitrasUng blnd- TnKTVRC...UITirUIIY bis paopie woidd be dominant. am ong mUHons at poor people Nearby reetaurants are hiring Moroe, D-Ore., die moat noto ing. Chooae from pc^ular q;>ring Gteaming ’W hite....ftJt Mioriaga and maiw agMaton, be challenged more than ever. care for all toe nertly and medi­ He eatd in a statement issued In b$g cities and many rural ar- extra help to handle the expect- spoken foe of adminlatntton catora. Sizes a, m, 1. xL • FREE CUSTOM ALTERATIONS IWSTISPIM/nEMlRM paittculorly lefUote, have been Medicare will bring part of cally needy in each state, by M ^’s—Main Floor In the Punjabi city at JuHundur .ees, needs unmet dqapHe hospi­ e anUgovenunent this new testing, since many tint the wishes of ISndi-speidc- tal clinics and phyaiciam’ io - and fraternity houses are also Latin America, to out fee h a lf; 3 demanatratianB charging it has elderly peracjis living on'limited (See Page Two) ing people of the Punjab’s Hary­ Dated ttma. ptanning to take in toe hungry, ttie $36 imUli«m PraoideBk) ialed to deal adequacy with ana dlslrict win be respected. Johnaon requested ior Ihfii fiw pM U em . . - Ifiea Fafis fievantoe^.. Domlnkaa Bapidinet - f j(Bee F*fi» TBaaO^

• r-> T'D :■ 'T , ’,2 t - d JIANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 PAGE t o E B ^ PAGE TWO MANCHEStEE EVENING HERALD,'MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 Asaociatkm Men’s Fellowship 21, who was killed In action their historic and • religious developed the For SoSfem Indian Rioters 1 ToUand Far.East Topic backgromiids. She said toat 800 th®*ne in toe table decor. U S. Medicine—1966 C^nieral Motors Sheinwold on Bridge Dinner Moroh 15, are to be March 4 in Viet Nam, said n Rose Plays rrKvde with WlUtem E. Ander- funeral 'services for their son Of Y Speaker A. D. had been the high point ^ Set Train Afire « son. by Sunday. 'wiU not' be held for two weeks Denies Annoying of culture in the . area, and April 18. WORK ON YODB SIDE SUIT 8 aa0t ' (Omtinued from Page One) ^ TE^ Given Sole RigUt “ ^Uchaiti SteinfOld and a they have been InfwTned his Tt is likely that recent up-' showed slides of historic monu- . '*______• ■ Work WeU - Corvair Critic BEFtmE DRAWING TRUMPS chamber music grotq> from the body will not arrive before then. It Still Vast Needs risings in Indonesia are not the ^robodur ipATERWAY NOT FEASIBLE provol of the proposal 1 9 y The Baby Has^ BY J(«N OBUBEB By ALFRED SHEINWOLD Uiriverelty of Oonneotlcut will H _ ^ _ __ __ i.n.I ,i'.■ f 1 n 1 n 1 111., wa. u. n nfi. i.nn♦ iSuddhlst Shrlnc Ui Jsva and WASHINGTON (AP) — Sav-, toe present Punjab State into !* DETBOIT (AP) -T- Auto ertUe - 5 1 To Represent Teachers Leonard Rose provided Overtricks are as pr^ous as D A 1 0 9 4 perform as part of a serim of Mm^ester E ve^g ^ ^ the Temple of Dawn in Baiig- ingB mti»lo» tri. 875-28«, solo pesaages of Bloch'J For Old and Poor in LojiisvIUe, but you play for WEST night recognized the ‘Tolland Blnheimer, and Mrs. members of the Y-Wednesday slides and music, dramhtic ^ waterway connecting toe Hud- sect o f 1 1 million, have been « *Bf United States and Canadian government patrol was reported Hartford Symphony, but he poverty—"without intervention, one ia cfaoiged tor visits. Pre­ * AKE43 ^ - ed toe procedures for hiring Church. Interest in the fOrma- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Oohun, 65 Harlan St. Her pa­ necticik lawyer, congressional immediately drew three Veteran’s Funeral While Ckuiada imports about 225 sively about Malaysia, Thai- lection of wood carvings, jewel- govermnente which had re- ambushed Wednesday and gov- seemed to have Increstfed his the poor'gets sicker and the sick vention of UtoesB is emphasized. witness and autoor. __ ___ West North M substitute teachers outlined in tion of such a group arose from ternal grandmother is Mrs. Doris Mazzoli, 134 Henry St. stature mightily last evening. "It is their health center,” Dr. rounds ot trumps. When East Pass 1 O , > V reports received from the two the Project PYmd Drive for toe Mr. and Mrs. Raymond planes from U. S. manufactur- land, Canvbodia, Laos, Java ry, batik and relevent books, quested toe study. A public ernment garrisons were report- get poorer,” says Dr. H. Jack GM’s statemei* Wednesday ‘ j;^ ed wt, Souto made a face * • • • • Other compoeers have taken Geiger streseed. "We believe 2 92 D ow Vam principals, Donald Parker and new church building. Blanchette, parents of Lance era, Australia’s annual orders and Btili. She showed slides of Mrs. Ralph Maher and Mrs. hearing on toe report Is sched- ed holding but in three places. Geiger of Tufts University Med­ foUowed a Senate speecto TMes- j^e ace and king of Tedford, Thomas John, son of Milton P. and Elizabeth toe people of Columbia Point F s i . 4 * M l Bernard Ellis. Both said a too countries after explaining Richard Reichentoauth to make Dally QaestioEi principals outline the minimtim * • * * • ute to thda kind of idea and pro­ standards for a satisfactory dom was proverbial, and to tne health of the poor—a pro- said press reports indicated Na- ^ instead. West dis- Pariiier opens with one einb, Onslunaa, lisa Rae, daughter of William M. and Joan gram .” whpm the brok of Eioclesiaetes gram contaiMng seeds for in­ der, of Wtosted, Conn., hod been ^ diamond. and toe next ^yer passes. Ton- ■ubstltute teacher. Winters Cushman, 23 Beelzebub Rd., Wapping. She was bom is often falsely attrttnited. creasing health manix)wer jobs The association members The- board approved a re. Feb. 28 at Hartfored Hospital. Her maternal grandparents subjected to harassing telephone |«ck bold: Spades, 6-6-S-2; Bearis, J- Mr. Rose provided a sensl- among the poor themselves, decided that families should pay quest from Bailey Brenn, chair­ are Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Winters, 107 Delmont St. Her pa­ calls and investigation by prl- ^ hand without using up 6-2; Diamonds, K-7-6-2J CSnbs, live and philosofAical inter- Sponsored by the medical $3 a year to' membership dues, man of the Industrial Develop­ ternal grandmother is Mrs. Catherine Cushman, Windsor. partly to help equip the center. vote detectives since Mb appear- trump. Tliat left West Q-8. What do you aayt ; • • • • • pretation that managed to por- schoM, wMh an initial grant of ance as a witness. ^ trump and a diamond Answer: Bid one toamond. ment Commission to erect a $1,166,000 in poverty program "We asked why fS was sign encouraging the location Oronda, Robert, son of R. John and Jean Coffey Oron- tray what Bloch himself once Ribicoff said tods implied to take toe last two tricks, Down With 6 points in high cards 3rou funds, the program is setting up decided upon and someone said: of industry in ToUand. The sign < da, 165 Loomis St. He was bom March 1 at Manchester called "the complex, glowing, someone was seeking to discred- have toe values for a response two comnumity health centers, ‘Because that’s toe cost of just vtill be on the property of the Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Mrs. Frank agitated soul.” In short, it was it Nader or influence him not .' cSear Danger at the level of one. Bid your^ one in Boston, aviother to come one taxi-rtde to toe middle of new high school bordering 1-84. T. Coffey, Hartford. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. beautiful. to testify further. South should discard a dia- suit, such as it la. in a rural Southern area. toe night to a hospital emergen­ Board Chairman David Cook Rayniond Oronda, Hartford. He has two brothers, Stephen, And in short the remindap. of Prior to General Motors’ state- „n toe second heart, ruff Copyright 1966 The Boston CMiter, at the cy room toat we wxm’t have to said the property was still un­ 9, and Richard, ; and three deters, EUzabeth, 10, Teresa, 7, the program offered last eve­ ment. Ford Motor Oo. wd the third heart and lead out toe General Features Oorp, 8 make when a health center is der the control of the high and Patricia, 3. ning by Mr. Winograd and Ids OolumMa Faint housing devel­ Chrysler Oorp. officials dis­ right here.’ ” top club before touching school building committee, but • • • • • cohorts was pretty bad, sotne opment, Is operating. In its first claimed knowledge of any in- tnunps. When toe queen drops, fou r weri( , children and To augment medical manpow­ agreed with the board to per­ DeOrattobk Daniel Patrick Jr„ son of Daniel and o f it dis tr essin g ly so. 8 000 vesttgation or alleged harass- the danger of a bad trump break adults in toe housing develop­ er—mostly womanpower—the mit the erection of the sign, if Mary Klapatch DeGruttola, T5S Edgerton St. He was bom TWnga got under way with -ment of Nader. very clear. West started with ment came tor diognoeie and center provides some jobs for Brenn was satisfied it was in March 1 at S t FVancls Hospital. Hia maternal grandparents Barber's Overture bo "The OM did not dledose any re- three hearts and oidy two clubs, treatm ent. residents as heedto aides, as DELICIOUS are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Klapatch, New Britain. His paternal School tor Soendal.” This was suite of its investigation jjjj^t he Is likriy to have as the board’s province to author­ "We hadn’t expected toat receptionists, as nwse aides, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DeOnittola, Hartford. aooorded a mediocre petfbrm- Company spokesmen said GM „ ^3 trumps, ize it. Harding noted that due amount of demand until next home aides who know the peo­ to leg^islative action taken last He liM two sisters, Lisa, 5, and Jill, 4. ance ttvat reflected little of the ple and their problems, as med' undertook toe investigation in Souto continues with a third RAVIOLI • • • • * June," Dr. Geiger said, showing year, the commission should be h e e d s //' qualities wMch have made ical stenographers. Other jobs "extr^e criti- club, and - this time West can­ a visitor through an area of toe referred to as the Economic De­ Moriarety, Thomas Francis IV, son of Thomas F. Jr. Sheridan’s play a sort of cias- may cwite along.' * ^ Corvair. They said _____not' gain_____ by______refusing^ to ruff. If Ccmdioiil, M iV W and Anna Marie Refowlch Moriarty, 63 Clyde lU. He was atc. I bousing project converted into velopment Commission, adding toe health center. "That reflects "We hope some of toese peo- West returns a trump. South bom Feb. 25 at St Francis Hosplt^. His maternal grand­ Then came an taiexcusably pie will leave us to go on to similar publicity by at- draw trumps and run toe he hoped the new sigpis would the pent-up need.” Hlnestront parents are*'Mr. and Mrs. John Refowlch, HazeRon, Pa. His w r e t c h e d pettormanoe of include the new committee Tufts suppliee toe small Staff similar jobs elsewhere, or. tor damage cases ^^^,3 ^Vest returns anything paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moriarty, 9 Dvorak’s Symphony in D mi­ name. of physicians on duty at toe glrla to become nurses, and then j a ^ trump, South can cash the and Sausage Strickland S t He has two sisters, Maureen, 1, and Arms, 2. nor, Opus 70. Dvorak, once The board noted the enroll­ health center. The doctora may we can train more’people,” Dr. “ sougWt to deter-^ diamonds and crossruff • • • • • highly popular, has beoome Available at all times, made ment in the Hicks Memorial refer some patients to city hos- Geiger said. to ®8»tost a bad trump Daliymple, Jay Adams, son of Horace and Eria Davis ranked with the minor com­ behalf o t litigants end defended for your eating pleasure at and Meadowbrook Schools is pitails or to specialists, as need­ “We believe that health serv­ Dalrymple, Baxter St, Tolland. He was bom March 4 at posers, and only an exemplaiy its investigation as "well known home. now 1,230 students. ed. ices Should go to toe communi­ It Is almost invariably correct Manchester Memorial Hospital. His paternal grandfather is performanoe will relieve the and accepted practice’’ when The rerigpiation of threg TTiis health program is one ty, because that’s where toe to work on the side suit before Come and see Rlha and Horace Adams Dalrymple, Andover, Mass. He has a brother, tedium of much that he has claims are made in the product teachers on toe staff were ac-. pilot aittemi>t—aided by a com ­ people and toe needs and toe drawing trumps. If the side suit P eter—o f Kevin, 11. written. This was not an ex­ problems are. The health serv­ liability field. oepteti with regrets. Teachero MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS puterized system of keeping breaks badly, you may need • • • • • emplary pertormanoe. resigning are Mrs. Judith Mc- records—to determine toe real ices should be comprehensive dummy’s trumps to help set up Barrows, Katherine Ann, daughter of Jon I. and Dvorak is noted tor hte art­ Brier, second grade; Mrs. Bev­ need for health services, what and ^coordinated, not fra- the suit. If the trumps break VILLA MARIA Gallia Rutan Barrows, Box 196A, Job’s Hill Rd., Ellington. less simplicity, Ms frank ap­ Protest Stopped erly DeBodt, third grade; and they cost in time, services and mented—because people are badly, you may need toe side She was bom March 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her proach to the music of a hap­ Ronaild Ohasse, fifth.girade. money to meet them, Dr. Geig­ Indi-visible and health is indivisl- SINGAPORB (AP) —Left- maternal grandmother la Mrs. Mabel R Thompson. Rockport pily unsophisUoated people. FOODS The Board turned down the er expiains. It may point toe W e." wing demonstrators tried to Mass. Her paternal gnuidparents are Mr. and Mrs. O. E. None of this was to be feWd in Whatever toe outcome of this 618 Colebrooh Road request of the TEIA to donate IBarrows, Rumney, NJL She has two sisters, Theresa, , . and way to similar centers in other march on toe U.S, consulate 6 last ndght'a pertormanoe which particular program, toe future ^ut poUce stopped them a Glastonbniy members sick time to Albert Christine, 4. areas. CHARTER OAK was characterized by an in­ ‘There are 6,000 famffles in toe promtees many other changes in Whitman, jimlor high math • • • • • tensity which might better. r e s t a u r a n t teacher. Cook noted the teach­ housing project, and one-third of medicine. oHi a aoea ■ aManu ncBecToi MW pathy with ite Intentions, lihey hfanglaflco, Robert Joseph, son of Robert J. and Leah ing features of this seldom of­ asked that Hicks School prin­ Wltkowski Mangiafico, Willie Circle, RPD 2, Rockville. He closed Boston’s neiwspaperq, the Harvard Crtonson's first fe­ M6RID BBR6MAN - RBX HARRISON fered symphony is the wealth male editor this year, helps with cipal Bernard Ellis report on the waa bom Feb. 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His ma­ It’s The Boston Crimson, a ALAlN OBUm - GEORGE C. SCOTT of kwdly dthUgato passages by the writing on toe'HMot^ediUon EVER^HING HAPPENS IN... prognoois at Whitman’s injury ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wltkowski, East daily whose first four-page edi­ JEANNE MOREAU - OMAR SHARIP the woodwinds. T h ^ wore to­ FRANK’S CAFE AND to toe next meeting of toe Hartf(M-d. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Joseph Mangia­ tion appeared Wednesday, com­ but says senior dossmen do tally lost, even to a hearer who most of the work, / SHmiiEU MadiAlNB board. fico, Hartford. plete with a racing bsindicapper. The Family Restaurant was hstentng tor them. Only CORNER MAIN Sc PEA RL In otoer action they re­ • s • On the first day, 30,000 copies ‘Ihey have toe l^ e to do it, braaffikn'nllWnCtt.n • TofloreJ belt loop fvy, fend fvy draft when the woodwinds played she says, because seniors “have newed insurance coverage on Oonderino, Dnrya Martin, son of Mario and Dolores were distributed in downtown WED. and FRI. solos could they be heard; ob­ very few academic obligations toe boiler systems of the jean models. Merritt Conderino, 459 Keeney St. He was bom March 3 at Boston and a ^ew suburbs bligato passages there were at this point. Their theses have SPECIAL! schools, adding a rider provid- Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother "We felt if we could perform • Plain ffonts. none. been submitted.” Stuffed CalamArie - Ing coverage for toe replace­ is Mrs. Mabel Merritt, 66 Russell St. His paternal grandpar­ a service, we ought to do it," The first and second violins Any profits will go to diarlty. (Squid) With Linguini ment of old emd damaged • 505 Fortrelf 505 Colfon;755 CoRon^ ents are Mr. and Miz. Carmine Conderino, Wethersfield. He played with unbelievably bad said oo-editor Donald Graham. has a brother, Kevin, 9%. The students plan to publish toe ‘The Boston Crimson sells for 10 $1.50 boilers. The proposed mumclpai 25% Vycron? • « • • • intonation at times, a state of cents. paper until toe strike ends Insurance package discussed affairs that has beoome ki- Complete Lobster earlier in toe year is still being • Pre-cuffed. Charendoff, Pamela Jan^ daughter of Dr. Leo and oreaslngly apparent through­ ■ A special start was rtamded SHOW TIM gS Dinner Investigiated...... , • Choose froTn ossorftd populqi colois* Elaine Levitz Charendoff, 86 Green Manor Rd. She was bom out this year's series of con­ up and took over a room in toe Firi., Sat. Sun. Friday Only The package would combine Feb. 25 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal certs. The murtoians have dem­ Ortlces of the Harvard Crimson, Poetic Attack - e Sizes 24 to 42* grandparenU are. Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Levitz, Hartford. Her Rolls Royce ... .9:36 9:00 toe school and town Insurance onstrated their ability to play which is continuing to publish > $3>25 ~ paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Charendoff, the college paper. Made on Home K id ...... ,.,7:45 7:06 coverage. Including boiler '’in­ In tune In the past, and it de­ Speclalizlng In TVwonto, Ontario, Canada. She has two brothers, Bruce, 6, volves strictly upon the con­ The ad'vertising office consists Lo.vs ...... 6:00 surance, reportedly at a Sav­ and Steven, 3. ETne Itallan- ings to the townspeople. Richard ductor to see that they con­ o f B rooke'S teven s, 25, a Cam­ For Humphrey Amerlcan Meals! tinue to do so in the present, bridge resident who volunteered Bowerlng, school board mem­ hut Mr. Winograd has been to help, sitting on a box near a WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Fresh breads and pas­ ber in charge of insurance,'said woetoDy deficient in this'duty pile of debris. A lone daisy James C. Cleveland, R- N.H., further progress on the plsm tries made daily. was being held.up until a rating Compare at S.98 o f late. thrives in a soda pop bottle on jjas waxed poetic on a Senate- Featuring Daily Specials Enjoy these BOLTON DebuasyW "Nuages” and Is received from the New EJng- A s Always "Fetes” completed the pro­ ** R^m e men. editora and “ “ authorizing a home LAKE HOTEL "Fridoy land Fire Rating Bureau. gram. In "Nuages” Mr. Wino- business manager sheu-e another ^® ^ce president on the Legal Beverages A request from Hicks school grad evoked a picture ^ of desk and telephones nearby grounds of toe NavM Observa- TEIi. 649-5544 Nite Fish Dinner principal Bernard ElUs to at­ square-cut ctouds that scudded Oathleen Cohen, 21, a Rad- tory. tend a meeting of the, Tolland aorosB a dirty gray sky in or­ dirte senior from New York A majority report by toe House Specials" OYerlooking County Principals Association GET A FREE PARING KMFEI dered ranks in a no-nonsense City, typed up a television Public Works Committee Wed­ > at the Northeast School in Ver­ BINGO manner. OoncHvably it ooukl .schedide. “Do you have . to nesday approved toe bill, but non March 16 was approved, P. A. C. lALUOOM -^beautiful Bolton Ldte SPEQACUIAR happen, but I have never en­ proofread toM 6?” she asked, develand’s 30-stanza minority os was toe request of Mrs. PRICE CUT $3.94 FAMOUS MARE U VniAGE SniEET, ROCKVILLE countered clouds like those de­ "This is awful.” dissent said, in part; f ^ J r c N ^ l From our Terrace Room. Gloria Matthews, reading in­ K N IFE S A IE lineated last evening. R. Andrew Beyer, a senior "D ie issue here before us structor, to attend a Science I9"P0RTABLETYI EVERY MONDAY— 8 P.M. English major from Erie, Pa., "Is clearly drawn and square; "Fetes” wss more in keep­ Twin Lobsters, Shrimp New- Lemon Sole, Lobster Saute, Research Association Reading is sports editor and self-pro­ “ Do we need a junior White r CASTINGS 1 ing with the oonductor’s tem­ burg, Fried Clams, Br<)i]ed Seafood Marinara, Saute Institute conference Meuch 17, perament, hut ttie brasses claimed "world’s greatest hand- H ouse? PROCTOR FAMILY SIZE r , For ^ Twin Lobsters With Drawn Longostinos, Sliver Smelts, 18 and IB. * sounded edgy and there were icapper of thoroughbreds.’ "Why, when? how much? and Crab M eat^u Gratin, Com­ Several items on last night’s where? ° t - j._ Butter, Salmon Steak, Rain­ other faults as wen. Let us be "I’ve always bad a secret de­ bination Seafood Plate, Bak­ agenda were not discussed be- ■ch tbankfid tor Mir. R ose. sire to be a racing handi- “ But while boys who fight fOr ► mtmv bow Trout With Anchovle ed Shrimp and Clams, Regu­ Muse' of the absence of School capper,” Andy said, "and on freedom comedy Mt Butter, HaUbut Steak, Baked lar Broiled ‘Xnbster With 4 SLICE TOASTER Superintendent Vincent Nevins. INSTANT the. -Crimson, writing races, 'Are poorly housed and chill, Staffed Shrimp, Soft Shell Drawn 'Butter, Specia] S 4 Boys League Compare to 1.90 well, there’s just no audience "Is it right to build a man­ ► Grabs, Fried Shrimp, Boston Pound Lobster With Drawn Conference Set Sc rod, Liobstex Newburg, Butter. Final registration for toe fo r it.” sion, - A knifb for every pur* ' All channel UHF/VHP Boys League and Babe Ruth poMi '^Choose frpm: EARNINGS Andy managed two winners "A m il upon'a hiU? Ijeague trill be held Saturday Selectronic color con'trol long distance recep* By Fellowship ► DAN/CING FRIDAY and SATURDAY 9 " ham, 8" carving, out of nine. picks at Lincoln "Our V;P. says be loves his morning from 9 to noon at the tion • Front m ountM The annual Leadetitoip Train­ Downs Wednesday. hom e, ^ . ~ "Pizzas and Grinders To Go" ^ Town HaU. Eight-year old boys II 8 " French cook's, 7" speaker • Built-In tele* The idea for the publishing “R’s paid for free and clear; i gives you just-'the right ing Conference of Women’s Fel­ will be accepted in the Boys \ ** butcher's, 5" sand­ scoping antenno •• venture cm e from Robert J. ‘"Why move him from such wich and utility^ 4)4" lowship of Connecticut* Confer­ MARCH 14 $ 15 Baseball League for boys 8 to )(2 AAade In U. S. A . I ence of United Church of Christ Samuelson, -20, president of toe happy state years old. The Babe Ruth steak and utility. With shade you desire. Crimson and a government ma­ ^Monday & Tuesday^ NEW Dolton Lake Hotel will be held Monday and Tuee- “To a mansion i>riced so dear? League is composed of boys 13 your choice, take jor from New York. ROUTE 44-A—-BOLTON, CONN. day, Miarch M and 29, at Loom­ at 8dM> P.M. to 15 years old. Boys register­ home a paring knife Our R49. 13.88 M artin Levine, 21, a history is School, Windsor. Luncheon FLU HITS ARIZONA ing for the first time are asked M FREEI major from Hillsdale, N.J., 22 OAK STRKT reservations close Monday nnd PHOENDC, Artz. (AP) — Li- to bring their birth certificates. teams with Graham to direct fiuenza has reached epidemic may be made with Miss Bt6FT To Be Presented Eighty boys registered at laat toe operation. Graham is the proportions in Arizona, accord­ NEW MARBU GRAIN! TEF10N»-C0ATED SOIEPUTO DIVIDENDS ence B. Mills of ^ 209 Palisado By Tbe Little week’s session. INaUDES AU ACCESSORIES! ' ''' '' // A ^4^ son of Katherine Graham, presi­ ing to toe State Health Depart­ Tonight—Tony Cnrtis, JaA Jenunon "The Great Race” 6-8:45 Ave., Windsor. " Theatre Of F onun m !? dent of toe Wastatogton Poet m ent. 4-PCKING SIZE The sessions wUI open with Muicbester, Inc. An area meeting of the Con­ 10-TRANSISTOR G.E. S P R A Y , PiifaUohing Oo. An taoreose in the nuniber ot V caMESPrmmmmmamE the Rev. Benjaonin Andrews of necticut Sdhool Lunch District „ PAID FROM About to students are wtuking May 12, 13 and 14 TRAY TABLE SET cases of toe measlee wna also ' wUl be held at the Meadow- PORTABLE RADIO STEAM DRY IRON! New Britain conducting a woric- for the Boston Crimson, U of noted. sh<9 on "Worship.” The Rev. brook School, MArch 22 in toe DAY OF DEPOSIT Kenneth Taylor of the State afternoon and evening. Oimference start will speak on The Bppper forum win be a demtmstiution meeting, toe v-’r ■ ' *Mtudy,” and toe Rev. Stanley ONE OF THE MOST STARTUNO TWISTS YOU HAVE EVER L Houston of Fairfield on “Serv- menu served will be representa- IN PICTURE I ______At the begimiing o f Juoaiy, leO.” State ciiaiTinea will pres­ _____ EXPERIENCED A MOTION |ive of a typical school lunch.. April, July and October. ent new tom es, materials, re­ The maximum use of commo­ sources, ideas and programs. dities, memi planiting and color -Compare te 4.9B Compare te 8.88 Teflon* Is plaimed. Our low, low price ft New advanced typo Speakers at toe meeting are coated ironing surface STATE ’COPTERS BUSY ***» Gill wMBM-fiMiu'iiTisi. herd to boat, especial­ OPEN TILL 4 P JL MONDAY THROUGH nUDDAT M ra. W ary Cranmore, former circuitry gives a more B E i O W helps prevent starch THURSDAY NIGHT • to 8 OTLOCK STRATFORD (AP)— Sikorsky ly for such top qual- food service director of the test powerful perform­ from sticking to iron, BH-3E heHoopten have rescued o f ± h . G ityl 4 tray tables with kitchen of the OMoago Board erf ance, yet uses inex­ keeps surface’ clean. Au* 17 downed U.S. airmen from '' ...... *mnnaiuminBMiittiii one . that doubles as North Viet Nam, tl^ company Education, and Mrs. Irene Pon-. pensive 9-volt battery. tomatic spray provides A $ — TOMORROW — storage rack; On said Wednesday. FOR 2 DAYS ONLY tt, school hinrit director, New Modern Styling. a fine, warm misty wheels for easy port­ If Die Iffl-SE’a have been in use PVI Canaan. Comes complete 1 with spray, "wdter window," S A V I I V G S A commodity demonstration ability. Choose ele­ by the 38th Aerospace Rescue FrL “Trap A Spy” 6:00-9M5 m M m case, battery, ear* tells when to refill. Wash niinBuoDBiiEiaiini win be presented by Mrs.' Joyce gant wood or marble I.OAM oad Recovery Squadron zinca “Spy With Mjr Face” 7:99 phone. and wear settings. October, the eoDtoony said. loriiBaBrnBK Slater, sriiool liifkch director, grain. A t Sikorsky dsocribed toe HH-8B TrtBtibull. 6:45-904,^ CsIsrtyiEIBn POR TMfO DAYS ONLY — MAR. 16 $ 17 Mra. Evelyn Ostira, Meadow- as an Improved version of the Sun. tnewtzzte eaezsT nnazeiai:'" iaaTit'ntia| standard Air ^ rce CH-9C trans­ brook School cafeteria super- Cont. Four Perfermeecee—Advaeee Dtiketo Oa Sole Now ' risor, and chairman-elect of the port chopper 'with more armor, F rom BURNSIDE MANCHESTER PARKADE. MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT, 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. • ’CHARGE IT" AT GRAND-WAY * .!TAKE MONTHS TO PAY! , leer m a i n b d — n r a b m a p l e s t . , IbHend area hot lunch group JBEAMOH Om CM BOUTE ^ OOVENTBT greater range and better ail- jsssmsssr ^ 2 KW f r r c p . "THE MERRY WIVES OF WINOSCIR" Cotor wOi aecra as hostwi, as wtB

.‘■k fj-, '/ "T-'

PAGE F O im MANCE^TEB e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10. 1966 p a g e f i v b MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 Navy Shifts South Windsor Hehron liede in Viet Nam The Animal World Sklarz'Hogan Announce 'Engagements Search Area Mayor Foresees Balance Town Seeks Gh Create New Language Kinkajoii Finds a Home; plane that rigged fthen ft ForN-Bomb In Grand List, Budget To Oean Up B Y t o m TIEDB p e a * apeBed vuriouriy, •» Elephant May Be Ousted abort tor piastre, the Vletna- gbouM boive nagged. HAUGON, Viet Namr-(NnA) t h u d ie also prioi talk far meae ouireiioy. It is not to bo PAlXXUiARES THBAfn, apola Bfiayor James Ttaowe said at budget Is tvaa^nrtatiiaa —fiokUen never riiange but NEW YORK (AP) — A two. tumliv out to be something of • R o a d N a m es mdstaken tor MFC (mtotaiy the e^d result of Junk: (AP) UA Navy task tores last nigbt’s toteragency S5®2oS their Hugo does. They went to qbere is more fractured pouiMl package of trouble colled boose bound. About 14 moniha sWfttag to deeper WBtsm etf tag tl»t vrtiUs tils cwTsnt tax war as infantrymen during the payment oertifteBte) which is ago be apprehended James One of the concerns now be- ghreu troops here instead of p(bxasing, to be sore. Some of a kinhajou has found a bome in Revolutioa, as dogfaces ,in toe tt ta of local origin but much Elbert Bdwoirdo two bfocks •^rrttie Spaideh coast in Ito warefa rate oeBRot be maintained for mniniiig a total o t to u r addi- ^ tackled by the fanning Green (doUare)., . IMOb, and now, this time Caiitornla, hut in KnoxviUo, from a liquor etore that had s ;,;-tor a mlsaing hydrogen bomb. coming fiscal year, the town ttoaal buses over the number *ntn wariv T* w ^?*’*'*^ Blpfooopcal, this Sunday Manchester Herald Hebron quired to install only the new rid of Diamond, even it they groom had chalked on toe door: correspondent Susan Fendletmi, hostess if he is to hold her in­ VICTORY CHARLEY is is employed by the Bloomfield a draftoman at the Hartford studyil^ for a degree in busl- He is employed at the Mitchell , was ^eldlneyielding "diminisfaing“ dfaninishlne IC're- ^ y®*fly- H« “ ?ted toe to : T B H Rodeo, Poet wOi be Holy Oommundon, 8 truck body tatd hoist. Electric Light Co. n ^ administration at Mc- Trucking Co., South Windsor. have to give him away. "And toen there were none. general government budget wIU OCOce Box 77, Vernon. am.; Morning Prayer and teL 288-3454. terest. M a o known as Saigon netic alphabet recognition of Board of Education. tea. the enemy who gives the offl- A June 18 wedding ta iherson (Kan.) College, The wedding Is planned for In Tulsa, Okla., Chief, a R-O “Farewell, ^'More people are reading news­ low me” and may be used by a Gutta-percha, used to golf bar hostess in either way de­ unmarried Vietnamese girl. Otoer^l^°*8Jd**G^te^ rade” fashion Miow spoMored papers than ever before,says hall covers, chewing gumT elec­ FiJlcit photo Old Testament the president of the National pending on whether the GI buys BROADMINDED is an aca­ demic argot applied to students trical insulation and other ar­ MR. AND MRS. DAVID PAUL SKLARZ o S ^ n S ^ ^ Aasoclation and sched- and Mre. Poster of Hebron Newspaper Promotion Associa­ the whdstea. , ^ ticles, is the evaporated milky Speaker’s Topic The manager called attention ^ Mareh 19 at 1 pxn. in Center, and Bruce lippin- tion, Ed Mcdanehan. Newspa­ COtUNT is a Marine neolo­ of toe Vietnamese word co. is the son of Mr. and MTs. JINK is jet pilot talk far a fluid found chiefly in trees In Miss Lyn Asm Hogan of to toe ^slbtoty of a reforen- bsHroom of the Stabler Ka- oott, eon of Mir. and Mrs. Har- per revenues and circulations gism far infantry. Malaya and Brazil, according Alexander Sklarz of Ipewteh. Mrs. Kimberly CJieney ‘ o f BURP Is an infantry neolo­ rigzag to elude enemy fire. Maachestor and David Paul dum during^ the i^ t y o » on jo^^ Hartford. Prooeede wffl go vey Lippinoott of Hebron, will reached new highs last year, he to the Encyclopaedia Britaimica. Mrs. Sklarz is a 1964 gradu­ West Hartford will give an Il­ Area Weather gism for Marine. JUNK is piilot talk tor a SMaxz of Ipewich, Mass., were ate of Manchester High School. 7**.?^®?®®®“ town h^l and toward a scholarBhlp f» toto toe 64MBwT^ Mal^ business meeting at 7:80. SAVEIAIONIHO After a warming .t-trend “ ??• _ _ , ------Hospitalized New England Vignettes The speaker received a BA., Wednesday, and a HtUe more of alT LARGE POLICE FORCE Clarence E. Porter Js a pa- degree from Bryn Mawr (Pa.) comis College and an MA. degrw toe s^ e to^y, ^nnecticut is __ ___, muvnr to TAMPA, W«m, (AP) — TMs at the Backus Hospital, COTTON PUSS o^the eduoattLal community with a p«»puJa- Norwich, under observation, for Buggy Ride Helps Relive from Trinity College, (Hiaii- AS ADVERTISED IN LIFE AND LOOK ford ). She ia a member o f toe GOHNS AND PAJAMAS for tt» coming’^ Hki wife, Archaeological Institute of been Slowly pushing southward “ *<* ^ «»«------W edding of SiO Years Ago Amertoo. She was an tostructor toward the Gr^ likes and St. «« reducing the WANTED of the Old Testament at 'Tito- Lawrence VaUey. Thd colder air ™ pertat^ent’a requestedtaudg- A HOUSEKEEPER BOSTON (AP)—New Engtand maternity call oomee to head- ity Episcopal Church, Hartford, thould reach northern Vermont ®**d had reduced toe total Vignettes: quarters, his superiors radio for from 1962 to 1966. She has today hut it is not expected to ^ little under 12,700.000.” ment. Each man works but one for Walter EL Sohober at S o b night a month. Mayor Paul 52' Delmont SL, Manchester, For Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. .n. traveled widely in the Near arrive In Ooimeotlcut until early ^® repf*s*ht approxi- LAST 3 DAYS Stack stays to touch with the phone 949-7660. 7-day week, East. Gooding says the community Rose of New Bedford, Mass., f 3 jjij,ueg gjid gets invited to din- Friday morning. mately a sbe per cent decrease from 10 AJd. — May go 5V - Mrs. Leo Kasel is chalnnan Some oloudinesB, but not much *^® requested |2,874,095. hasn’t had trouble tor inore than “Lua de Mel No. 2” was a ride ner by the jjarents. The older two y ea n . home nights aftpr sapper. SPECIAL SALE ENDS SATURDAY of the meeting. Mrs. Harold l . 4 7 « o moisture, aocompanles the cold Estimated income from state in horse • drawn surrey filled children wave and say “HI, Mdendy Is hostess to charge of M ia ,i.9a ^ front Precipitation is rather un- grants far the 1966-67 fiscal ELECTRIC DRHl with golden memories. 'Tom’’ on their way to school, refreshments, which will be iRAIIT MMD* WHITE IIWSUII SMUTS, 'IQcely for Connecticut when toe V®®*' !■ approximately |788,000, Tbe Roses went to toekr apart- he says, served after the program. appear late tonight. M™* Romeyn said. 1 0 0 BATTERY merit window on their 60th wed- The patrolman himself has The meeting is open to wom­ 72il08" rUT, OR TWM nTTID A drop o t a few degrees is ex- These figures compare with ding anniversery end saw a five <^ldren, none delivered ly en of St (teorge’s Bpisoopal fft erewftwIaKU A iw a. peeled in daytime temperatures i*!® board of education budget WHEN TOU BUT A borse and buggy in the street him. Church, Bolton; St Peter’s barlaAhfcai.Onrsafhoo^ ^morrow, and this will give for the current year of $2,147,- VALUE with the driver holding a algn, “My wife would take one look Church, Wapplng: St. Johnb Wonderful dumoe to shxdc up Sale tom p Um o pajamas Oonneoticut near normal read- 9®8. gross, with state aid fair “Come on Ma and Pa for Luai at me and say, ‘Scram.’ " Churdi, Vernon, and am inter­ for homes, motels, doimitoties, wiUs moMsh in n f BRnilp tags for tUe time of year. In 1965-66 being $016,000. WHEN YOU DVY AN de Mel No. 2." « i- ested persons. camps. 130-count cotton mus- axdqpEdtodMu&SiiA today’s warmer air, haze end The net Increase of this VISIT In ForU^iuese, that means Puzzling Ad Im, lab-teeted for wear, waan- BIG BONUS BUYl emoke may accumulate some­ year's budget over last years “ second honeymoon." LESS ic e ' ON LAKES abilitv- All first guali^. is about $400,000. Our BEAUTIFUL New T!h« m m le’s nan and two thief may have been puz- what, hut this condition will be ORBITAL S A M E R iSaSDLANTERN The zled by this front page edver- CLEVELAND, OWo (AP) — BEG. LOO V S t ^ S U t iS ^ changed to very dear and freely One of the major ttema cov­ dauetators bad arranged far “ Most Great Lakes shipptog win f^moving air tomorrow as toe ered in the budget is salariee. ^ to rahva the b ^ jo ti- ^ Wln^endon, MESHNYIONS .■ a 1 9 “ resume during toe first half of BWUdriOWPRia O N PU W B D P R IO IIS...^ '* nortoeast breeze sets in. The board approved a boric sal- nay they took to ^ ^®®“y "®^ April, says on opUmlrilc report airy schedule with a starting Boih indusfriar ruled; 2 0 lUnbrealcafats lorn, aon-fanudi Fmtuguese Baptist Church ' If the person or persons, who on ice conditions made to the yOuwiMad Anawi. Soltf2iirL47| APPROPRIATE AILMENT salary of $5,440 for teaoheirs AUtO TERRACE amp. molon, M r griMfo psHsetor, weather - proof pwii- where ' toey were married to Lake Carriers Association. stole the outboard motor from * NEW YORK (AP) — Carl with a BA., degree. feed . fbeHoa switch, tough icaio.' their flrat home. my camp at Lake Mdnomonac A Coast Guard representative HOMu n «ciw uw , 1 a r e iiit _ —.Jki. I.W Belden wasn’t too surprised The maximum or I3th step Where You’ll Find Quality Cars, Competitively - “Haven’t seen one of toose In said there' was less ice on toe when toe illness of his secre­ teachers .with a BA. degree Priced, nestled amongat a beantifnlly landscaped a kmg. ^time,’’ „ said j j Bose about. 1 - would .„ „ like the ®gas . can .. that goes ^ . . __,__ vrito it, stop by at the store,” ' lakes than a year ego. 'The first Tteiprjl— *K>e—)iana. 1$*foTl. Ssle L 4 7 tary, Sebna Wagner, was dia­ would be $8,440. EXTRA B O X B S-OZ. BAN the carriage with red wheels 4 i* » .l.4 7 'background. HOUSEHOLD was signed by John J. vessel may get under way os gnosed as '.‘ehingies.” Carl ie The maister)i schedule ranges OF M YEfS end fringe on top. The buggy M0.4FRAI.9r COME IN AND BROWSE AT YOUR LEISURE UQUID W RmH O’iDonneli, owner early os thle week. . toe president of ArOhiway Press, from $6,840 to $8,940. whip waa decorated with white of an eppli- RM6 SIZE DECORATOR TRAY TABUS. .140 lAd SPRAY PAINT M e ValM once store. wMch publishes bouse plans. Another majw Itm in toe. ribbon “ Just Uke it was toot Filmy sheer, 1st quality Ifli22® im y/ 24* high. Folds. i w M 7 O T A day." ,with top and toe Run* CONVERTIBLES SECOND So with Mends and family “A well-known brewery nards for extra wear. CAN FOB WHEN YOU showarlng them with flower pet- boasts that their 2500-year- T^iriet shades, syn-U, 'AUNT LYDIAT BAYON-COTTON BUNB YABL..aJKi.SSesa. ONLY ^ BUY A oU} the 66-year-Old Rose and his School Menus oid brewmaster keeps Us 65 CHEVROLET 64 PONTIAC strength op with their well- Fasl^ wesbaUe ooIodL TOyaidA S s I s S i - L V Impala convertible. BonnevUe convertible "P O P ''B IVE T TOOL 66-yeerold bride, the farmer WHIN YOU SUY ONE WNEH TOO BUT A known brew. 64 OLDSMOBILE Dtamantlna Avila, climbed into The Manchester pubUc schools “Our 2600-year-old phar­ 65 OIASMOBILE and BOX OF RIVETS 12-IR. SPRAT BAN i f the* surrey and were off on an macist keeps Us strength np GRANT CREST* Asranam or iw M dO H M inn;-.:.jn.M tia Dynamic 88 convertible 98 convertible menu for tbe week of March 14 L$e PENETRATIM hour and a ball ride. with MYADEC VITAMINS CONIPLETETIER Many designs, washabla 64 CHEVROLET Auto drivers slowed down to is as fallows: by Puke Davis. S o io 4 *» M 7 65 OLDSMOBILE Impala Super Sport 17 colon; ^ 16-e i. and LUBE OH. ANDVAlANaSET Starfire convertible read the sign in back: “Just Monday: OUbed steak, gravy, “You can buy old brew NOW, SAVE 52c ON YOUN CNOICi oonvMtible can; ruri-roMtant, fast- anwyhere, bat Fresh Myadee ^strong, prefsi^onal .fasfontngc. TaU 2.2B m antod, March 4, 1916." mashed poteto, oairot^, bread, 65 OLDSMOBILE 63 BUICK dry; for indoon or out. butter, milk. Sliced peaches Capsules ore available at placa of screwi^ both, adhoiives, ok. VALUE OF THESi BE$T-SE1UN6 BAfH MATS 98 convertible ^ Special convertible TTus Is It’ Tuesday: Hamburg gravy on friendly GET A SECOND *» ' meshed potato, peas, bread, but­ VI k o s * Fringed O val/18x30^ COUPON SPECIAL Sale s b k i b m i s i F 61 OLDSMOBILE Storiira Convertibte “nhen you get there you ter, milk, orange whip HALLMARK Tbidc-tufted viscose pile face. S ale " D " CELL know, tods is" y s Patrol­ Wednesday: iFranktOrt on Non-skid. Machine wash, dry. •O-W M -tiin COTTON U M S n iU I man 'nxxmes Stack about his ran, potato chips, oabbage-pto- PHARMACY FLASHLIGHY BAYYEBY 6* RIBBED Hush Pile Rectangle/ 21x34'' RM .1.99 63 VOLKSWAGEN 62 CHEVROLET ^>eo9slty to the Boston Police apple salad, milk, ice cream. . 277 W . MIDDLE TFKE. 75% oott(m/25% rayom plush U 7 2-Door Impala 4-Door TiHiM YOU MV .Department. Thursday; Roast turkey, (Stop A Shop Plaza) pile face. Skidpioof bade. Beige Osnabnrg cotton I AT MOULAR PLASTIC RUNNER Stock baa been a policeman gravy, mashed potato, com, 649-2861 MIO. 1 .9 9 Sedan. G lO fIS Sedan. $ 1 3 9 5 nwEOF |5e with a wash-and-hang for 15 years end has already de­ rOO, butter, milk, mixed fruit. flnilih- Cdloiful trim. 'Sala ^ 62 CHEVROLET 61 PONTIAC i livered nine baMes, more toon' Friday: B^ed macaroto and Corvair Monza Catalina 4-Door MELARD 4 " aUSBER most doctors. cheese, green beoiu, bread, but­ Coupe. $ 8 9 5 FORCE CUP “ We bad movies cn it and ter, mflk, vanilla pudding with Hardtop. $ 8 9 5 lectures to the ptolice course,” cherry sauce. S f o r l ^ 61 CHEVROLET SHUTTERETTE l.« P e r S e t 60 OLDSMOBILE 39c VallM said the 40-year-old Stack atxwt CASH REG. 8 /2 J 9 Be! Air 2-Door A HARDWARE 1 C his midwifery training. “I have < GOLDBERG TO SPEAK Stock up,,,mn>0 82e pd rt Sedan. $ 8 9 5 98 Holiday WITH a nattiral ability for first aid." BERKELEY, Oahf. (AP) ^ Coupe. $ 9 9 5 When you buy a einnplete set SAVINGS BRSY-ORBFJUJUMS MOLDSMbBILE of 4 Shntterettep at COUFON Stack said his most harrowing Arthur J. Goldberg, U.S. am­ iMol fast esHen T-iU ilii m e M Holiday Sedan 65 OLDSMOBILE delivery was faua housing proj­ bassador to toe United Nations, m U T T U comfort out. 36 to 46. 01it( with air ect where an infant born to a win be toe charter day speaker Delta 88 Holiday 16 -year - old mother almost at the Undverstty of Oalilomla BiYSJUWSIRIS m ib anyi conditioning. $ 8 5 8 5 SedaiL Ctsar, easily clNnod, ravonible FUEL strangled on its oord. “He’s here, March 26. Blb-lmtt bricAit streogor, TBE JETMT AUXB to Im flat; Good rug preledoi^. alive and doing fine now," be He also wlH receive an honor­ longeivwsartog. Whltsi MOLDS. $n95 63 OLDS. $1595 VfHIN YOU BUT A shelf tner or for sihk fops. said about the child. ary doctorate of laws degree, a 80 to 40. RBIG. 8/2A8. TEd WAGON,., s u m ALL-PURPOSE Jetstnr I HoBday Conpe 88 2-Dr. Hardtop s A 1 8 8 , Stack patrola toe Dorefaestor spokesman for (he Berkeley r s A c n o M . B j m r FORCE CUP Stationary Louvers 1 distriot to a cruiser. When a campus said. OIL h y n y , apscB- SI CHRYSLER NnqMrt Enjoy your home improvments NOW with Glenney’s Easy Revdviiig Budget RIO. 1.99 pair •. GraittlAtdd GiDslu Right Goovd* Doedonnl doMlCtaisririkl 4-Dr. Sedan. Fully equipped, low mileage, 2-QUART NO-SnCK HdBiBto.taki antomobUe. A lamUy car. Account (R3.A.^. As little as $19 a mrnith buys up to $100.00...... A. BOYS' OASSiC PAJAMA “ITS TIME TO TAKE A STAND” .9c in action prinla. Cotton. 4 on aerosol can. 9 . 1 M!W TEH0N*-C0ATED STORE HOURS QUALITY—THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL / ffizesStoY. Perfect for the Ak tot MaFtM OPfilSAlXEPAN vdxdefamiiy. Monday aad Tnesday Open tUl 6 PJIL I “ON SEAMLESS FLOORINO” ■- o R ir N ovaiY paiaMB Open Thursday and Friday Evenings | M M E R a $18951 62 COMET $ l» in assorted styles. All Monterey 4J>r. Sedan I g-Door Sedan Closed Wednesdays ootUm. Sizes 3 to Oc. Sale Ie47 Most of ttid nbove cars kave radle, heater, aioAMnatle MANCHESTER Par G o I o m c o n U ’ BUY.DOUSiniio- GIRLS’ MVBLTT tranamiasioa, power steering, aad power bnken. lARDWAP'" With: Duresque iron cotton. Cheeks, SHbP STORES S f T S i CAPRI PAJAMAS The U HOUR SERVICE solidi, trims. 8 to & Cook wiOioat fat car fills! S li9 la 4 7 FRIDAYS n e v e r NEEDS WAX, COMPLETELY SEAMLESS, AUTOMATIC No-scour cleanup. Wadifast cottons. In MANCHESTER dots, cheoks. 7-14. Ria.1.99FMr IWoGeGLENNEY 6 4 9 - 5 2 5 3 The sign of this PRO- I - TO EXTREME DURABILITY, RESILIENT, DELIVERY V fessional dealer who ez- ^TalM^slMNA^i SERVING N. B. U C O o UNUBOTED COLOR CHOICE Uhirei li*...Ws sMnsy-dawn« OLDSMOBILE 8:30 PJM. W. T GRANT CO, FOR 60 YEARS & , •TMUng * Servicing NSW OUsmobilw ccDs in PROfessiiMud and 643-2444 VF *s 2 ysen Is poy ' 3 3 6 filoon, Wails, Counter Tops VfH.rr f f for Over 32 Tears" capable senriccv advice ■asp Co-lne. 512 Y9EST CENTER STREET Fr«e Estimates Cali 875-2042 ' 1 OPEN MON. thni FRL tlU 9 PJM. NORTH MAIN STREET and products. , . . . 20 UNION STREET—ROCKVILLE, CONN. I I . fXHURS. and SAT. tiU S PAL Mancliestcr 0[43-0890—Rodnrille 875-2534 ELLB^GTON GLASTONBURY W. G. SCHWARZ CO., Inc 994 Hartford Turnpike—RockviOe, Conn. 357 BROAD STREET PARKADE MANCHE5TER^MAIN 5T., MANCHE5TER \ , 'V . ^ • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER* OONN^ THURSDAT, MARCH 10, I960 P A G E S E V m ^ G E S I X ICANCHESTiai E y m m G JCANCHESI^ GONIL, THimSDAY; 1£/IRCH 10,19M

OommandetslB-CIUeC is flir tin g it, or Events in Capital . peihi^ the way be is fighting it, must Connecticut extend the March 81 deadline C t i p t t l n Q stand aa unusual and unprecedented. Report Busiest A irroit for registration for new hospital .But this is, statistically, only a rs- - ■■ gglWiWHBDjBT IH B___ Y ankee (Oonttoned from Page 6) ^ WASHINGTON (AP) — CW and medical insurance pro- BBujUDnramNO CO., m a flectlon of what moot Amsrieans have UBiaaUttrMt oago’s O'Hare International Air- grams for feose 66 and over, already felt for themselves, in their By AiH.O* When Buntphrey entered fee port -was the busiest in the na- Rep. Robert P. G(riffln, R-Mich., LEASE . i » 5 S ! ? 3 ? S ! iS goton WALTER R. rEROUflON bones. In the attitudes around them- musty old Foreign Relations tion tost year, reports the Fed- asks House to disapprove pro- A CAR FROM PAUL DODGE PONTIAC PnMMiera Committee oHfice in fee Capitol eral Aviation Agency. posed transfer of Community selvcA We are, on this issue, a very The emergence of one B. Rtounded October 1, im to brief the committee on his I'if troubled and divided p e o ]^ Clayton Gengraa to a posture of The PAA said its 292 airport Relation Service from <3om- MdWted1 BBrenrti Breninc Bzeeiit SondAya Aslan journeys, the moat tell­ traffic control towers handled a merce to Justice Department, y*. Birtered lO^e Po^Office «t And when the President, realiring willingness to run for Governor ALL MAKES ■ ~^oUih] ing criticism came neither from total of 37.9 million takeoffs and Republicans name coordinating lealtr, Otum.. aa Secood Claaa ICail this, and seeking to cure it, wrages his for the Republican party has Hawks nor Doves but ftom tondings to 1965, 11 per cent committee task force on prob- evoked one of those debates fight for a cobsensus with some of the Johnson siqqxirterB. Their com­ more than in T964 and a new lems of aging to draft GOP pre­ ALL MODELS 80B8CB1FTI0N RATBB which delights the political Payable ta Adraaca _ weapons he has been seen using, the re­ plaint: The sudden resurrection record. Nearly one-fourth of fee gram of positive action, One Tear ...... t23.00 world because, although It can sult has sometimes been to diminiah of the SEJA’I'O part to Justify landings and takeoffs were cop- Six Uontba 11.00 be waged forever, it never Ibree Xontha a#••«•••%••••a 0,50 public confidence still more rather than fee' war was fuzzing up the ducted under instrument flight liilE OUR ONE OR TWO YEAR One Honth L S le^y reaches a conclusion build It back. This is not a situation whole issue and missing main ivies — a 15 per cent upswing. which can be predicated for­ Assembly Sets XEHBER OP ___ point. O’Hare accounted for a total LEASING PLAN THE ASSOCIATED PRESS which is yielding to the normal bland­ ward to the particular new rit- ixTbe Aaaodated Preaa Is exclusively enttU^ Sen. Clifford P. Case, of New of .519,430 landings and takeoffs. 9 7 % of All Lea»e$ Are Renewedit ishments, threats, and slogans of a Texas uatlon under discussion. Fashion Show » the use of republleatlon of all news dis- Jersey, one of many Republican Other top leaders included: ebsa er^Ued to It or not otherwise credit- politician. The harder the President The general question to this; In this paper and also the local neM- pub- backers of the Johnson policy, Kennedy, 389,047; Los Angeles tries, by words and pageantry, to deal Can the fair white knight come A fashion show of clothes Boed herA • , ■ . . . . told Humphrey that to Justify International, 366,531; Washing­ All rlxhta at repubtloatlon of special die- writh the. crisis of confidence, the more j riding out of a career of entlna- from the Penny Saver Thrift PAUL DODGE etches herein are also reserved; the war ■with this “narrow le- ton, D.C., National, 307,839; and Shop will be presented Tuesday the crisis- actually seems to deepen. ly different context and sud­ S lh e Herald Prlntlns Company, Ioa. gralism” cheapened the U.S. po­ DaUas Love Field, 270,-034. at 8 p.m. at a meeting of Gib­ nnea no financial responsibility denly, Just by ■willing It so, sition. Others said it could be —rapidoal errors appearlu In *dvei_advei^ietHnS make a success to the political bons Assembly, Catholic Ladies PONTIAC i S i d ^ e r readme inatt^m The Xanchestar resented by United States forc­ Pay Raise Bill of Columbus, at St. Jam es' venbiK Berald With Protocol arena? es fighting in Asia. WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. School auditorium. A film, “All 373 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER 6 4 9 -2 8 8 1 How great to the Jump that Case’s principal point was L Mendel Rivers has offered e I Sbn servlca client of R. E. A. Senrioe. There is no question that there has has to be made? What doea It in a Day,” illustrating a day at t FUbUshers Representatives — The Jultu been no greater demonstration of a dip­ this: The United States, as the military^ pay^^ral^e^^ WU fert ^janchester Memorial Hospital, “ lews Special Axency — Hew York. CSiW take? Who has made it before? leader of the free world, must would give the military the , Detroit and Bos tan.______lomat plunging generously beyond the There have been samples of wild also be shown. The meeting draw a line against the aggres­ same 3.2 per cent Increase as "is open to members and guests. -a a a o B B R a u d it su r e a u o p cibcola- normal call of duty than that of Am­ both success and failure, to sive nature of Chinese conunu- the administration has proposed yiONS. bassador to Spain Angler Biddle Duko modem Coimectlcut politics. The thrift shop is sponsored Asm and make that Une hold. for federal civilian ■workers. by the Women’s Auxiliary to • Display advertlaInK closlnx hoort breasting the cold blue i^ I of the win­ But the stories have not al­ f Por Monday — 1 p.m, n ld v . This commitment overrides the Rivers, a South Caroline Manchester Memorial Hospital. ways been as simple as they Democrat who heads the House 8 out of 10 homes Por Tuesday — 1 p.m. Xontoy. ter Mediterranean on the southern SEA'TO pact and is basic to the Proceeds of the shop benefit the might have seemed to be, on the Armed Services Committee, has I coast of Spain. , ^ future of fee world. If China's hospital. Por Wednesday — 1 p.m Tuesday. surface. expansionist tentencies are not stipulated, however, that fee Jb r Thursday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. Tbe Ambassador, as we saw the ac­ iMrs. William Stroud of the ; Per Friday — 1 p.m. Thursday, ■When WUbur I* Cross came checked now, Case continued, military raise ■would' be contin­ hove 0 cold room tion, ran boldly in, but, upon his exit, auxiliary is in charge of the i Sto Saturday — i p.ra; Friday. ' , ' they wiU have to be checked la­ gent on passage of fee civilian * Claastfled deadime; 10:80 Am. each day el seemed to have to hold bis breath to out of graduate dean’s career at show. Mrs. Herbert Snyder is ^btlcstlon except Saturday — » Am, ter at far greater cost and un­ Bowers Play Encourages Safety Habits bill. IS yOURS ONE OF THE 8t?tt keep himself from shivering. The main Yale and entered the political in charge of models, all mem­ arenA the professional master der more disadvantageous cir­ "Smokey 'Wins Hto Star,” a safety play to two acte, was presented to Bowers School pupils t portion of the publicity he sought and bers of the auxiliary. Mrs. Rhea nrarsday, March 1# who met him there, J. Henry cumstances. and parents yesterday at two assemblies by Mrs. Marion McLagan's 4th grade. Here, Bob Asks Probe 5 Stewart will be the commenta­ received was for his calm, heroic dis­ Roraback, referred to him as The United States must even­ Smoky, played by Philip Sumner, learns about fee importance of good safety habits from WASHINGTON (AP) — The Worm sp that SfMne Industry N eedsdean Air tor. dain for any twentieth century supersti­ tually work out a system of members of the-"All Star Safety Squad,” comprised of (from left) Nancy Doherty, Susan resignation of Abba P. Schwartz » the "dear old gentleman from Mrs. Raymond Hagedom and * If, only a few yean ago, anyone hf^ tion which might believe that fiiere wras peaceful co-existence with Com­ Kantor, Jacqueline S t Germaine and Stejtoen GiorgetU, who help Smoky win a star from as head of fee State Department Yale.” 'What Roraback, who Mrs, Lawrence Decker, both of hard*to-hoot notp;. any radioactivity lingering; in the sea of had missed going to college, munist C h i n A Case told their safety director, Peter Heard (not shown). Other pupils participating to. fee play in­ Bureau of Security and Consu­ been askOd to locate the key. celatioii'* Gibbons Assembly, are co-chair­ the region after our mishap in January could not be expected to know Humphrey, but that ■will be im­ cluded Beverly Brooks, Gayle, Giacalone, Judith Marcello, Salvatore Sipala, Stephen Dar­ lar Affairs has raised serious ^hip between Industiy wd pollution a t men of the meeting. There will was this; that the academic possible unless the line is held ling, Thomas Abraitis, Jeffrey Rea, Gayle Lorentzen, Lisa Parks, Diane ReginA Carole questions, says Sen. Robert F. with the iww f b e atmosphere.^e apswer would have with four hydrogen bombs;- This same be a short business meeting be­ atmosphere has moments when to South tfiet Nam. Thus, he Wilhelm and Stephen CharettA (Herald photo by Ofiara.) Kennedy, D-N.Y. |>een one-sided and rough. feperstitjon has, for some strange rea­ fore the fashion show. it plays a game of politics and continued, fee U.S. is fighting Kennedy called Wednesday h A would have gone something hke son, kept thousands of American mili­ Those attending are reminded cmifc CHASER stilettos which could make or­ to 'Viet Nam not for some for­ for a thorougiv, congressional fUuB > tary and scientific personnel busy look­ to bring articles for the Penny tY IRON FIREMAN ganized machine politics look gotten piece of treaty papar, Viet Nam Survey examination of any reorganiza­ ing for the one bomb still missing, and Saver. * "We have to do something drastic to 5ke a gentle klndrtgarten but to meet a very, specific and tion plan aboksMng the bureau. THIS REVOLUnONARYNEWDe- fceep industry from belching out so ■till checking for radioactive traces game. When Wilbur L. Crorjk special obligation SchwarU resigned March 5. VELOPMENT IN ADD-ON HEAT­ AUTO KILLS SCHOOLBOY C h o d t d m n mt|eh potentially health-endangering from another^ that was cracked open came Into politics’, he was al­ Case's hard-headed critique He.said he quit because his Job ING win keep your cold or chilly room HARTFORD (AP) — Rodger IWaste into the atmosjihere:'' when found, and this somewhat fTantie ready shrewd, battle bred, was taken up by other members was being abolished. «ur time and clviUxation. ’Ihe real heroism, of course, Involved having trouble "coming through nautics Administration. Com- Police said Adams’ car struck V I msm IiiI Mil It Isili his friends. On top of aH this tagon officials are praising the asserted, “it is fee valor of the tsE tFitOt. ; But there is now another angle' of his willingness to enter the water at all loud and clear.” Williamson, a former airiwrne merce Department says prl- and killed 7-year-old Pearlman canny private awarmess, he Negro as a gahant, bardfigbting Negro In combat." fee same problem which la of even mors at this season of the. year. That trouble was imderllned unit commander in Viet Nam, vately owned bousing starts Welbum near the boy’s horns built the public image of a soldier. New figures show feat Officials emphasized that Ne­ the next night when President teJd newsmen this week that the d ro p i^ 13 per,cent in Ja n u a ^ at 171 Capen St. The boy was Mtal Importance to some industry than Since, as we recall, the Ambassador crackerbarrel professor, and proportionately more Negroes groes are not singled out lor Johnson talked to guests at his number of Negroes in Ms outfit, from' reviBed December rates, crossing the street under fee FOGARTY BROS.. Inc. It la to people. is the same diplomat who once had the combination was good have died to Viet Nam than mil­ hazardous missions in battle Congressional reception about the 173rd Airborne Brigade, ran Rep. Michael A. Feighan, D- supervision of a school guard ' As we progress more and moi;|{ into high responsibility for proper protocol mough for four terms in offlca itary personnel of other races. areas. Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, SEATO obligations. His sup­ no Mghar than in other units Ohio, proposes that Congress when he was hit police said. 319 BROAD STREET—TEL. 649-4539 fee precisicn age, with more and more in the conduct of American social diplo­ He surprised the professionals, One spokesman said fee Ne­ chairman of the Joint Chiefs of porters still await a public SoBliiaUcated products and production macy, it was a pleasure to see him dem­ .'S-' • *!' i making his own kind of bridge gro “ has shown himself at least Staff, recently told tnqulring statement, to all his natural elo­ as worthy a fighter as fee next Southern senators the same equipment, we find ourselves with a onstrate how the cold dip is accom­ over the gap. quence, that we are in Viet Uf' ** ** J * » -^^e next spectacular neo- m an." thing during hearings on addi­ growing- list o f iqwclal todiutrlal opera­ plished, With a heroic hitch of bis Nam for reasons far more basis The Defense Department tional funds for fee Viet Nam «< ^ 1 ?,'*V * ‘ pS^fte' to enter Connecticut poll- ^ tions for which, pqre air la a necendty. trunks, he himself led the way, which feat John Foster Dulles’ treaty. Wednesday proidded figures tics one Paul Cornell, a war. We have come to the point wbeto Is correct form for such a procession, 1966 Publiahers Newspaper from 'What it called a “one-time distinguished Madison Ave. Syndicate Pentagon officials say many some very vital and Important and and he himself was also, quite properly, survey” which showed N ^roes Negro deafes occur in forward " huckster back to the dajrs when after a decorous splash or two, the first suffering a higher number of airborne units where fee num­ prosperous factories have to worry the science of public relaUons Columbia deafes, proportionately speak­ ber of Negro volunteers Is high. • about what their neighbor industries one back out of the water, which was was first being made an open Oourteey The Souliiter ing, in the Southeast Asian con­ They say there are no records may be putting hito the air. indeed a fitting and timely demonstra­ part of the practice of politics. flict. *’‘- to show h ^ large a percentage The Maw York Herald Tribune, the tion of the highest order of nciblesse IN NORMAN THERRIEN’S FIRST SHOW ^ He swept to the Republican Wolmer Resigns The survey showed that Ne­ of Negroes serve in airborne , oblige, slnot no ons .^se could, in pro­ ether day, told ttw sfeiy of a yqry nfda nomination for United States ' As Recreation groes make up 14.8 per cent of units. Wheeler gave senators an- industry which is prepirrihg to Isave tocol, leave the water before the Am­ Senator, to isfi), the year an­ the Army force in Viet Nam, estimate of about 18 per cent the Bronx because its processes require bassador did. TH F FIR ST ONEl-MAN SHOW other outsider named Wendell but have suffered 18.3 per cent and said most units have about WlUlde was making it on the Program Head a spotlessness which can't be! guaru* of . the sculpture of , Norman of fee deafes since January 13 to 14 per cent Negroes national scene, and Connecticut teed in the foul air of Mew Torlc City, I n s i d e Dr. Ralph Wolmer, a char­ 1961. By Rowland Evans Jr, Theri-ien will open at the Veile politics had, at the time, an idea *W « SMI All the Windows, even on th e The Mothr Vehicle Charges ter member of the recreation By fee same token, Negroes riF l i NEED HONEI Serious charges have been presented G allery,. 707 'Farmington • A've., that one of his professional tal­ hottest d i^ , and it keeps coming in on council, and its first chairman, comprise 8.9. per cent of the LIQUORS — WINES by State’s Attorney George R, ’Tlernan Robert D. Novak ents could hardly fail to make West Hartford . on Sunday, has resigned as chairman of the Marine total in Viet Nam but the instrinnents, on the pe^Ie. We must of New .Haven in his tovestigatton of the transfer between professions CORDIALS ' R e p o r t March 13th, with ,a recoption tor program oommitteA a^ post he have suffered 11.3 per cent of be clean.'f said the manager of the the state Motor Vehicle Department. He without a hitch. the artist from 8 to 7 p.m. Mr. has held for 19 yearA the casualties. Minimum Prices p la n t.' has diarged ,that Motor VMicle Com- Therten, a native of Manches- feut Paul Corneill, alas, was When only enlisted men are WASHINQTON ’— There' is ’D^'^lenatom of both parOee to­ reception, the toadequacie8''of He will continue working with So Mew York Cl^ IP going to toee misstener John ’Tynan has been re­ tier, graduated from the Hart­ more glamorous in advance counted, fee Army.’s Negro ARTHUR DRUG deep conc«i| among eupporters day who back the President to the SIBIA’TO approach were the council but said he can no one . todustiy because of .what other in- luctant to cooperate in the tovesUga- ford Art School, University of reputation that he was to can- deaths Jump to 22.1 per cent of of IVesident Johnson’s JuBtifl- Viet Nam, SiElA’ro is an an- graphically pointed out to longer give fee position fee dusla^ inU into the air. ~ tlon, and that "the return of suspended Hartford to 1962. In 1962 and didatorial reality; the clever fee 'total casualties, and the ably strong poHcy in Viet Nam actoronism, detached from pres­ Vice-tPresldent Hubert Humph- time he feels it dtoerves. licenses for fees has been going on for 1963, he 'was instructor at the catch phrases he could Invent Marines’ Negro deaths are Ix e nsine, problem la obviously grow­ that he and Secretary of State ent-day reality. roy to hto oloeed-door coffee Dr. Wolmer will also continue some time." Maryland Institute of Art. He to sounded better oh other lips upped to 12 per cen t ing to beeme mors serious, as time Dean Rude are selling it to the Rusk restored the SIEIATO session 'with the Senate Foi> hto work as obairman of the Commissioner Tynan has denied the now U'vlng to Mlalne and teafeee than on his own; he had never The survey, reaching 98 per goep mi, sad the standards for so many nation on highly unfaJvcraMe pact to major prominence ^vlien eign Relations Committee; study committee for the new charge of non-cooperation, pointing out at the fewtland School of Fine cent of military jiersonnel In protosM and producta become increas- terms, testifying at the Senate For­ failed to touch anything with­ tecreatitm. site on Hennequin that he asked -State Police Commissioner ’Their complaint; Rush has (See Page Seven) Arts. Recipient of the $2,000 out turning It into a success; ■yiet Nam at fee close of tost I f you need xooxiey Jbr any parpowo^ iiie fn t jiaoG Do MERC ARC SOME OF THE REASONS Ingjy deilcato, along the entire Indua- Midcahy to Investigate as soon as he eign Relations Ooimmittoe to- Rd. raised the ghost of the 'vir- Rfeehard graduate Fdtowshlp he was handsome, engaging, dy­ December, showed 16,631 Ne­ trlgl. seaboard. Any community, such .as received, reports, of alleged irregulari­ q u n t on Viet Nam. Rusk con­ Lbemord Oouchon was named YOU MAY NEED TO BORROW MONEY tuaUy inoperative Southeast tor 1982-68, Mr. Thcrrien has namic, but, unaccountably, the groes in the Army, 3t680 in fee is to your neazesfc Cosmeetknt Bank and Ttmib Mamdiester, which seeka to become a ties. ’This is the fact. ’Hie commissioner tended that the. pact, w h l^ chairman of the council at its Asia ’Treaty Organization to won many other awards os 'well. Image never took with fee peo­ Marine Corps, and 600 (6.8 per did ask a State, Police investigation. pledges the U.S. to "art” meet Hbrald annual meeting this week. He ( ^ p a n y oiSS(».Toa11get£Busfc8ec?ioe. (b m a n y eaaet^ bonier to industry will need, from now Justify resistance to Oommuidst In 19S9, he won Fiiot Prize et ple of Connecticut. Ray Bald- cent) to fee Na'vy (eui estimate OomoKdate BMs • Auto Repairs • Tauas But this only raises another question: ‘tanned attack’s In the treaty has been oo-chairman with on ,' to pay. some, attention to the abilv , aggression- in Viet Nam. Bven- the Sprtogifleld Museum A rt E x­ wto lost the state for the only based on Negro numbers in fee Why does the New Haven State’s At­ area (vdiich, .by protocol, In- Yesterdays John TetUebach for a number 3^ ’n get your loan 'niiile yon wait.) ConYOoimit zepay- Ity Of.some kinds of industry to live in more bothUrSome,. President hibit and in 19M and 1962, he time In his life that year, by Na'vy and around fee world)*. and Instiranoe • Etoaigen^ inadical or torney believe ho to being frustrated to ckides 'Viet NIam), to “the fun­ of years. Couchon also is a the I same neighbortiooft with other, Johnson seems now to be fol­ won First Prize at the New some 13,CM)0; Winkle lost the The Air Force, using figures gooent terms, and life inaoiance is included. Talk alm it his efforts ’Ihis question may or may damental cbHgatltm” underlying member of fee study commit­ a'voilable ferough tost Septem­ types.oi-liailustry. The presence of some lowing the same line. 10 Years Ago England Colleges Art Exhibi­ state to Roosevelt by 55,000; not be aiuweied in the forthcoming in­ U.S. involvement tee for fee Hennequin Rd. site dental bOte • Vacation axpansas • Mov­ Backers o f the Johnsota Viet Much of fee increase , in, the tion. Mr. Therrten’s sculxituro ComeU lost it to the late Fran­ ber, puts its Negro total to Viet low bank zatea.. .we invite you to compare tbe veaeon- beldber of; fumes afld dust, if thdt is vestigation. By March 8, Rusk’s testi­ and is active to B ^ Soouto. Nem policy Inside the Adminis­ Grand List has been attributed to owned by many coUectors in cis Maloney by 68,000. Nam at 906 (8.3 per cent) permlitsd, may place aii automatlo veto The state’s attorney has stated flatly mony appeared to be Presiden­ Other officers elected include able costs shown belowl Bestof all, your needs w 9 re­ ing oKpenseo • Property bnprovemente tration and to Congress believe to the purchase of new auto­ the Greater Hartford area. The The late James McConaughy The Navy reported only one againrt the future arrival of some ieUto that suspended licenses have been sold, tial poHcy. At a White House Boland Laramie, continuing as —and have believed for some mobiles. exhibit, which wiU. include draw­ camq^to politics from the su;a- Negro death in Viet Nam to ceive confidential and sympatibeik attention becanae, in d u e d Which requbres high sanitation and as a consequence Governor Demp­ reception for Congressmen, Mfc vice chairman,. Mdse Jean 1961-65, 'While the Air Force • Education iKpenses • Home fumMi- time—that he must go to tlw Minor accidents reported as ings, as well as sculpture, wlU demlc ■world, siiccessfiiUy, al­ ''If I could only find at for its ‘petioles. And 'it may be found' sey’s attitude is not in accord vrith the Johnson commented in off-the- Natsch, oontinulng as secre- showed none'. nation and seH bito Viet Nam the result of heavy snowfall; it continue through April 9th. Gal­ though the professionals doubt­ a t The CkmnectKiMi Basde^ loana are one of'the gravity of the chargeA The govern<»-

da ■A S h w •A.


UANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. IIANGHESTEB, CONN.* THURSDAY, MARCH 1 0 ,196A PAGE ELEVEN* PAG E TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, I960 Norik End Renewal Council Delays Decision Beatrix Wed fjTom Your Neighbor % Kitchen fiartford Joins Despite March TV-Radio Tonight Hace to Lure On Joining Hartford Team BY DOBX8 BOLDINO CNitnde Palace' ' aire. -AJbert J. RoUnaoa of Stock Exchange Businessmen Offered Chance 229 Henry St. says she "en- * .1; ^ T b « ManobMtar OouncU on and staff, as recommended in (Contfamed lim n s‘age One) joya cooking,’’ and, aooording RARTVOW Hartford M Boonomlc Opportunity (OBX» die ordinaiioe which oreated the to her friends, “it abows.” Two baa J(teed V the (dmi song of lu t night postponed a decision local department of eomomic Television To Develop Shopping Center big smUe again and looked up (18) SuhecrlpUoo TV of her epeolaltiea are Butter On Joining up with the Hart* opportunity. 6:00 ( t-U>-U-lAan UmU) News ottiea trying to hire the New m : fondly at her husband. He 7:16 ,(40) Peter JennlnKS, BoUe and Boyoeriberty Oraom. ford Oonununity Renewi^ Team The council baa deferred ac­ ( 8) Mike Douslas 1(30) Sport* Camera York Stogji' Exchange to a new ^ p -"'- ^ ^ Municipel BuiM- chanlcs of developiiing a shop- smUed back. (90) MacKenzle’s Raiders Highlights The business- for antipoverty programs, tion on this proposal, fearful (80) Three Stooges •JS) Mesa. HlghlirtU Butter Bona nn o f tVis North End have Heating Room. ping center — cam needed, Amid the pomp and pageantry 7; 30 (10-22-30), _anielDaniel BoonBoone (O d oupa flour locatkm. pending more Information on that any grant would reduce (40) bloyd Thoxtoo (24) The French Cniel **^*^.i fm* Attending, in addition to the methods of financing, reoom* a restlessness ran through the 8:16 (M) rriendiy Giant 1 oup lard Hartford Mayor Oeorge B. 7 ^ the advantages and dlsadvan* future program grants. 6:80 (34) What’s NewT ( 3-13) Munsters ^ given pnoniy lor buainesamen, will be the mended rentals, etc. Ciutch nation, where five years (90) calendar ( 8-30-10) Batman ^ oup augar KinseUa had a special appeal tages of the possible action. (2) To share with the board of Nazi wartime occupation left 8:00 ( 8-20-40) Gldget (C) ^Orrning a corporation for manager, the town A dbedc of North Bnd bust* (30) Whlrlybirda (24) By-Line . ^ teaapoon salt to O. KelUi Vkmston, prealdant The council, a seven-mem* of creation a proposed new deep ecars. (40) Dennu. Menace USDA CHOICE the development of a shop* ixnrd o f directors,, and repre- nesEmen today revealed that ___ 6:48 (20) P^er Jenntags. News ( 3-12) Gllllgan .<< Island (O 2 egga of the Big Board. He reminded V ■ (. The heaviest security forces 8:30 ( S) My Three Sons (C) ling center in their renewal sentatives from the MRA, the many of them are interested ****■ «hdsory group appointed poeition of coordinator of federal 6:00 (90) Navy Film 1 oup ooU mlUc Funston ot Mb tmdergraduote in this ancient city’s history — (30) Seahunt . (24) Fourth Estate and have been invited Oltlzens’ Advisory Committee in forming a development cor* board bf (Urectors, has programs, w ^ woiUd p^d (31) Survival (10-23-30) L a r e d o ^ ) 1 yeaatoake years at Trintty Oollega here, and the Chamber of Commerce. poratAon. Edward Rybezyk, ex- the authority to approve local by school and municipal funds. about 10,000 police and troops — (18) Topper ( 8-30-40) Henry Phyfe (C) his term as president of the hol- a meeting on Wednes­ and Bis mends 9:00 ( 3-12) Movie ___^ Mbc flour, hud, augar and BJverett Steiohen o f Larry ecuUve director o f the MRA, programs simI to apply for fed* The board of educatimi has in­ were strung idong the royal ( 3h JuSacy « (34) Oollcee Sport of Week lege,. 1944-61, and Ms status as day to explore the proposal. ( 3-40) News ( 8-2040) Bewitched salt, as you would for pie crust • The meeting, called by Smith and Oo., consultants to roid today that he favons^ the fdnds, but doeen’t have a cluded this poeition in its 1066-67 route. 6:16 (40) Cheyenne a lif^m a trustee. proposed budget, but his hiring Beatrix’s wedding gown was (22) Ski Forecast 9-30 (10-2230) Mona McCIuskey Beat egga and add enU mflk. khe Manchester Redevelopment the MRA on tend disposition proposal, and that he Iwpes P®^ director or staff who can 6:30 (24) What's New? (C) Hartford has ssvaral advan­ of white satin in fitted "princess ( 8-20-40) Peyton P|Me Soften yeast oake wHh one ’^hgecy (MRA), wdl be held at matters, will explain the me* that the businessmen can get prepare programs and applica- awaits final approval of the (10 a 2 ^ ) Huntley-Brinkley tages whkdi would make K a together on it ’tlons, and who can follow budget by the board of directors. line’’ style with long deevee an(l (C) (18) Subscription TV taUeepooo ooM water. Ooinliine f,------(18) U fe ot RUey 10:00 ( 8-2040) SpeclaJ (C) aU togrodleDta and mix weO. "unique pasture ... for the through. If the budget is cut greatly, as high neckline. The train, start­ ( 8) Newswlre (10-22-30) Dean Martin (O ♦ H the proposal fails, he said, U:00( 33-10-12-20-22-3040) News. grazing and browsing of both the land will be placed‘'on the Jay Stager, (diahmaa of the now is indicated, the position ing from the waist, was 15 feet (30) Toiplc Refrigerate overnight Let atond ( 3) Walter CronUte (O Sports. Weather one hour at room tempenatore Mdls and beaie," KinseUa sold open market and a private de­ OEO, last night pointed up the may be‘ removed. long and seven feet wide. (12) Newi^at 11:15 (10-30) Tonight Show (C) (20) ABC Nlehtllfe in his letter to Funston, Wednes­ Youth Corps Grant veloper will be selected. In need for some oenjtrallzation of (3) To Join the Hartford ”She wore a short veil and the4SJ8:4B ('8130) Peter Jenninss, News before getting ready to bake. t (40) Sports. Final. DtvMe dough into four of day. that event, he” said, the de­ local programs, to make certain Community______Renewal Team, tiara of pearls and diamonds T^if|ht*aorteZone 11:20 ( 3-40) Moyjes (C) ( 8-12) Movie five parts. RoH each part Funston threatened to move veloper would be someone from that delays, due to red tape, (CRT). ” her grandmother Queen WHhel (22-30-40) News (34) Ektslish: Fact, Fancy 11:26 ( 40) Merv Griffin _ into a round, Hke a pie ihe exchange out of New York BONE IN—FIRST CUTS Shelved at Capital the Manchester area, based on are overcome, and to supervise The qihg CRT is a non-profit.non-profit, wore when she married a (20) Mr. Dtatrtct Attorney 11:30 (22) Tonight Show (O if the city boorted tts tax on over.«ai acUvlUes when the private agency which was first German, Prince Hendrik, in (10) Wanted 11:46 (18) Vintage Theater orust about one-hoV hxh 1 expressed interest in the proj­ WICT! SATUBDAirS TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LISTINO stock transfers. Since then, doa- .Manchester’s request for a $21,540 Neighborhood ect.------He declined to------name-- any grants are received. assembled in late 1962 "to get 1800. tUok. Spread with very aoft butter. Out Into eight wedges. ena of (Hties, bududing Stamford youth Corps Grani to be financed under the Federal of those who are interested. Although a local administra- concerted action on the most Ikiropeans watched the cere- • monies over teievtslon; in the Beginning at the wMe aide, and Greenwich, have Hd for Office of Economic Opportunity, has apparently died in Rytoczyk said that the North Uve council on economic op- urgent human problems of the the Big Board. portunlty also exists. It is com- Hartford area.” countries covered by the Euro- roH up each wedge toward Washington, Jay Stager, chairman of the Manchester End businessmen will be given Radio m plenty of thne to decide on prised of seven town depart- it gets some financial sup- tts pOtet Plaoe rQUa on bouncll on Bconomic Oppor- —^ ^ ------emSf's of the day was “ two bouca. Bake in 960-degree cunlty told council members board of e^cation and the lo- participation, and added that ment heads, and whatever tbne port from many Hartford foun- on youth,^th three youthful »««» 6t»tloiia carry other short newscaata.) m he Is aiming for start of con­ they take from their Jobe for datlons, trusts and corpora- oven IS to 20 mlnutea. The Science Fair |aat night. cel OOSO Clotmcil in November, reigning monarchs and their WDBC—1368 8:16 Dial 19 dough is rich and roHs may he V Stager said the Manchester and a $51,200 project to serve struction of the shopping cen­ the anti-poverty programs tions, and is recognized by the 6:00 ton g John Wade 10:00 Comment takes equal time from thetr Federal Office of Economic Op- queens present. All were from 8:00 Dick Robinson 10:20 Dial 12 ^ fleeted It sweet roHs are de- Set at lUing iappliceJticn for the funds, which 80 children was submitted to ter by next January. 1:06 News, Sign Off 11:00 News The center will bo in the regulor work and, in effect, be- portunlty as the agency for countries occupied by Germany WBCH-6U U:05 Dial 12 . alied. Iwmdd have provided p^-tim « Washington through the state during World War H. 19:00 News. A public exihibKioti of entries area bounded on the north by comes an expense to ,the town, planning and supervising Hart- 6:00 Hartford Highlights Boyaeabeny dream Hobs for 48 disadvantaged Man- OIEX> office. , There were King Baudouin of 7:00 News 1 large can hoyaentor^ea in niing Junior ICgh School’s heater High and East Catholic Dyer said today he feels oon- the relocated N. Main St., on Aa for volunteer workers— ford prog^rams under the antl- 8:00 Gaslight 6:00 Afternoon Edition the delays in appHcaitlon-ap- poverty program, Belgium and bis Spaniah-bora 13:00 Quiet Hours €:00 News, Sports. Weather 1 poidoage raspberry gdatin U.S.D.A. VALUE-WAY TRIMMED kligh School youth, has been de- fident the application - will be the south by the railroad tradm, WINF—1216 6:35 Americana annual science fair will be held proval hampers Aeir enthusi- The CRT is now developing a Queen Fabiola, King Constan­ 7:06 SW Report 1 oup booing water layed In Washington along with approved, though ft is hung up on the east by Main St., and 6:00 News' tfmight from 7:30 to 8:30 in the asm and appetite for future process for a metropoUtu ap­ tine of Greece and his DonlSh- 6:16 Dial. 19 7:16 Americana 1 oup berry Juice and water (6 fi(x>d of other similar eppUca- in red tape with several thou­ on the west by Allen FI. It bom Queen Anne-Marie, and 6:65 Sports — Egan 7:30 News of the World band room at the school. CENTER CUT will Include Depot Sq., now un­ proposals. proach to federal anti-poverty 6:O0 News 7:45 Joe GaragloJa ^ ^ pint heavy cream BONELESS CROSS-HB Uona from around the nation, sand other pending projects. Baudouin's brother-in-law and 7:60 Omgreeaional Report ' \Winnlng exhibits among the VALUE-WAY TRIMMED der a title cloud. Local applications being held fimding, under which it will be 6:20 Dial 12 Drain boyeenberriee and ze- Iwoause of tedc of funda to fl- He Indicated the delay is sister. Grand Duke Jean and 6:46 Lowell Thomas 8:06 Pop Concert 70 entries will be announced at Rybezk said that. If neces­ up In Washington, either be­ the applicant agency for towns 6:86 Sports — Rlzzuto 9:10 Nlghtbeat _ ^ serve Juice. IMssolve gelatin in juance the projects. caused mostly because of per­ Grand Duchess Josephine Char­ 11:00 News, Sports. Weather sary) the MRA will condemn cause of red tape or for lack throughout the Capitol Region, 7:00 'iTie World Tonight boiling water. Add berry Juice 8:16. Judging by a panel of ' Joseph Dyer, chief odminls- sonnel changes at the upper lotte of Luxembourg, 7:16 Sf»rts — Gifford 11:30 Art Johnson teachers wlU take place thia and acquire the Depot Sq. prop­ of available funds, are: (1) The including Manchester. 7:30 Harry Reasoner WPOP—1416 and water to measure (me cup. irator for the state’s Office of echelons and not by lack of Britain’s Queen EJllzabeth H 5:00 George Brewer M ix and fold in boyaenlberTiM. aitsmoan. Jhdgea are slater CRUCK ROAST erty, and will then let the courts Head Start Program, which had Its action is designed to pre­ 7:36 PuMlc Affairs iBoonomie Opportunity, today project funds, 8:00 News 7:00 Ken Griffin ROAST settle the disposition of the been scheduled to start thle vent duplication of admlnistr^ was r^resented by Princess WUp cream. When gelottn is set Laetitta of AMuBaptteii junior confirmed the delay and said If Head Start approval does Marina, the dowager duchess of title and a fair market price. month, (2) The Board of Edu­ tlon and staff. fold ta) wWpped cream and re-...... - (HecaU photo by Salerais) High SrtKxd, Rkfoard Young of SBIALL LEAN ] m doUUs the youth program as come through, the program will Kent, and her daughter an(] son. until ut ail niing pupils in Grades 7, 8 Itanlnaiy contract agreement for again slated to direct the Head of water and sewer lines, elec­ Help of Retarded Children. Form of Rodent CANDY CUPBOARD FREE BRAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM INSPEC- I saioner and a Red Crosa NEW YORK (AP)—A major Sealy, who is now deputy chief and 9 and has ostegotiea for tlureea’ Aide. She la a membef ~uu-_i w « e ia .sianino- un ov- inspector, was also promoted by botti indlrtdual arid group 6n- the grant was termed by Dyer Start program. Until approval tric and gas InstallaUons, and The CEX) has three alterna­ The agouti, a form of rodent TION WITH EVERY LUBRICATION OR OIL tives for local supervision and ARTHUR DRUG pf Bmanuel LuBieten Oburch , .. . Oommlaaioner Howarq R. Leary, trie*. Piaques WUl ha awaidlM as ‘‘pr^dliiro,’’ since approval la given, however, other ap- street relocation. which ranges South America CHANGE. COMPLETE ENGINE TUNE UP AND bad eame only from the die- pointments for teachers and Bytocayk sall, to be nedf hborhood retail store ey Bros. The couple has a advise them to be very cau- und asked for 167,000. It was ‘Home’ Revised branch post office and, per­ heat J. Robinson Jr. of ’Tor- ©.oonnoT exchanged heated founded charges, they are going Ekitries will opmpota with CALIF. KUNKiSt later cut by (he district office to For Workshop haps, a State Motor VehidM lington; one grantoon and two Wednesday in separate to undermine the work of these grade level, except dozen 59t GELERY HEARTS Pouble Bunch pkg. 298 |21,04a sub-office. A P^ys granddaughters. news conferenims over alleg^ed two police officers. ' team projects wMch will he Work wHl be completed by ROASTING I Youth in the project would The second floor of the shop­ Besidee enjoying cookiog.^her political interference in the op- . mayor called Broderick’s ju^ed'ss a group. Prises aid Swuhine'Ginger Snaps,...... 1 6 oat pkg. 43c Educator Choko M allos ...... 1 0 02. pkg. 39e March 16 on new quarters for kave worked at tasks (wch as ping center might contain office bobbies are knitting, palnllng, oration of the police depart- charges "inexinisable’’ and ijeing donated by (tie SUng the sheltered woikthop op­ Ciid&Jmdfoim refinieWng fumWure and aew- jnent_ termed (hem "a continuation of George Wood of the aci- lab and Utary aestetants and space, he said. erated by the Mancheeter As­ prounds molntenanoe woikera Rytezyk said that, in order to CHICKENS Ing. She aleo collects beBs. mayor denied charges Ms vendetta against the civilian department la In th u g s at sociation for the Help of Re­ pt a xate of $1;25 per hour on derive the maximum benefits .. flirt hte adm^ was gull-, bo^.’’ the fair. tarded Children (MAKRC). 6 lbs. and up Redeem This Week’s Coupons! HERSHEY'S INSTANT k maximum 15-hour week. At of the proposed Shopping center, aluable coupon ' > ty of any rneddUng In the pronui- ' Lindsay has said he replaced Building Inspector HKmas T o l C o D iity tlon of Sanford Garelik to cMef Broderick because of Ms oppo- Itie same time guidance ooun- the MRA will try to dispose of — TOP QUALITY — 40TH POLABIB SUB SET Monahan his informed General the site as one parcel, rather taspector or the reelgnatlohs of B‘«on to a police review board OROTON (AP)—Tbs 40tti ves­ Add this piece to your ' would have been offered Manager Robert Weiss that the I tnengithea their career than breaking it up into smaller Limited Weekly Amounts. Delivery Fridays, Medical Care three of (he department’s top dominated by civilians, sel in the Navy’s projected fleet renovatJone to the basement of parcels. Farm Pickup Saturday. men, incltiding CWef ot Staff ’ of 41 nuclMW-powered Polaris- e m u MIX The program was slat- the old trade school on.School Blue Floral GLASBAKi P^ to have begun in December He said that the MRA and Subject of Talk ACcQtiax]6a __ • 4TW V firtiq' (nibmarines is to be St. win be finished by that its consultants will work With O’Connor stum 28. } l i ^ said It is possible that 18,700 for work on about 3,- to line up as many of the exist­ BIG-OAK POULTRY FARM talks entitled “The Challenge pg| suspicions’’ about possible «s.rtiAB4. of the is- R^s the BVaaols Soott Key. iC - • summer youth program, de- 000 square feet. O V E N W A R E S n ing North End businesses as of the Future,,* wlS be. held at Qty Hall interference by mak- lanri of Jamaica were Arawak named after tto man who wrote ^Igned for school dropouts who Eariler this week Nctman 570 VERNON ST.—TEL.' 643-6150—643-6055 ONLY possible for a move Into the the Tolland county Agricultural <»* detailed step-by-step re- Indians. They died out during “H»e Star Spangled Bannrt'"- kould do work in the commun­ Fendell, MAlHI^ preeldent, new shopping center. Center, Route 80, RoekvQle, port’’ of the Shakeup. the Spanish oolqnial period. Two rt Key's desciepdanbl, Mrs. ity, might gain OEO approval announced that the workshop that -vhe given the has receiv^ accreditation from Monday' froon 8 to 10 p.m. oxt^iange was touched off which ended in 1666. Most of WMllam T. ■ Jarvis of C toy The talks are planned to in- eariler chargea of fonner the present jmtive poptdrtion Cfcas#; Md., aM Ifte. Marjorie OBX>'

ROUND WITH COUPON ; ^ ^ . WITH COUPON o f f - f u b c h a s e o f ROAST SUURFINE STRAWBERBY Vkr 12-OK. for DOibN E^GS ntESERVES 27 'Ki-

Msybs you have friends fly­ ing In for a visit or pertwps WITH COUPON WITH COUPON there is a temporary oar 8KIPPT ^1^ O fF FUBOBtABlB < »' • foPROUND rt CUBE STEAKS u.f|.19 slun^tage in your fam ily. ^ Fresh IVozen “ Oolden Harveat" " PailfiY, ‘fSw tot L ife” Whatever the reason. It’s T BIASY, FAST and 21CONOM- PEANUT BUTTER 18-dK. fo r 57 ANY 4 UGHT BULBS ICAL to rent a car from ua. | • NATIVE TURKEY BH(JQN g9^ R EN T A m w COMET OB MERCURY 11 to 15 Lbs. Avg. Lb. Low Ratos., . Daily WE RESERVE THE RieHT TO lAUT pUANItTIES; Wssidy . , . kontbly DBL CONTE RICH IB OZ. y FOR DELIVERY-tALL

M02ZAREUA PIZZA COFFEE RICH • IMJMM ' For (rtM w v sT 3.. 0 . •1-DO . 2 35c -a • • . ' . \ ■' r ) ' :DMLYIiEIITAi: everl V. B. MAINB N a 1 N ever A sYsm The seaffoldfng has been removed. . . the workmen have left • •. Parking ,, Orctofes now TV/30 Is transmitting at a powerful 1,000,000 watts. . ; 5 ; Problem H ere! YOU CAN RESERVE A FOOD imost powerful in Connecticut. . . you might now be 8 10 u. 49c D o s . OAB BY OALUNO MB-BUS | I getting TV/SO for ihe first tim e. . . or your reception IN TT-IE FAMOUS NABISOO p r e m iu m s a l u n e s •••ssft^*^«as*ss«s#aflflfl^ee«»* eflSaoeaasssaBt BSe K O N O M T STORE OF MANCHESTER coufd be greatly improved. . . In any event watch us for all CUMBERLAND FARMS MILK JUG MQRIARTY of the colorful NBC programs. . . and, |f you do have • HNHLAND PARK MARKET BROTHERS 444 CENTER STREET » PLEnV OF FREE PARKINO any comments, just call or drop' us a line. • OPEN WED.. THURSh PRL TILL 9 P.M. - - SAT. TIU 4:30 - l i V e r i M rC unneeHwiPs OMdst ' !■ filastoilisry • 817 HlgMofld St„ MoiKlwstflr, C p ^ . PbflM 843-4278 Llscoln-Mercury Dealer" ass TALOOITVILLE aOk SSOSBIApr 8T. r 891 Genter.Street


Herald Angle Riflemen ete PETE ZANARDI Assistant Sports Editor Sam Snead Balanced ;Repeat Win Ruth Drew in Biggest Don’t Sell East Short F o r L a k e rs Not Happy NEW YORE (AP) — lowing Ms Vetum earlier IMs Ruth never stole more tbah T u rn ip oyer tomorrow nisrht’s Class A quarterfinal game with Norwalk High and Calvin Murphy will be no Shooting With Start Maury Wills never has hit week from Japan where he 17. ’ In Division 60 homers, knocked in 170 toured wHh Ms night club act. WHls, a t aouae, wasn’t easy measure for East Catholic. In fact, only one team MIAMI, Fla. (A P)— Af­ runs or batted .393. Never­ In Loe Angeles, however, arouml as the Dodgers e n d ­ this season, Bh m McMahon of Norwalk, has been able NEW YORK (AP)—The ter 30 years, golf has turn­ Wills was quick to decline a step ued their wnrmups for their ex- Features Los Angeles Lakers have theless, he’s reached Babe to tura that trick m 21 games including Norwalk’s first ed full cycle for old ^nm up to the class of teammates Mbitifoi season, wMoh starts round win over Stamford Catholic. More glory for the de- won their second straight Snead— he’s back with the Ruth’s class. Sandy Koufax and Don Drys- Saturday. The ^ r th ^ e first ex- But d

Business Services THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Help Wanted—Fonale 35 Help Wanted—Female 35 O ffergd l a F^lMALE machine operators KEYPUNCH OPERATOR — 'wanted for part-time work,experienced 096 Keypunch. Ap* BT ROUSON OUB BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 8HARPENINO Service — Sawaj H 7 / / / z r / r v Ancwer to Prevloue Punto CLASSIFIED knives, axes, shears, skates, hours can be arranged. 31.60 p ly perscmnel Departm ent, Ierson only. Howard Johnsem l a t e s t :? BAXTER CAME 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. DICaPS SERVICE — Snow- HOOPLE: home showings. No invest­ Restaurant, Tolland Tpke, ICWMOWHCfS OVER TO COMPLAIKI ABOUT THE' (M b.) plowing, trucUng, moving, rub­ OIHETIR MOHTHC ment car necesaqry. For in- Manchester. SAOO/ARD TRASH/CLAIMED IT. y V»ltnama COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. bish removal, carpentry, clean­ * OOAORHI&N««/ S w S r b c a ttle MONDAX Thru FBIDAX 10:30 AJ«. _ SATDBDAX 9 AJM. terview <»11, 64^1-8145, 876- WAS SLCWINi ACROSS THE EEHCE/ MRuito ing, general repairs, all types IT* HI* WORST «sr-, U L o b n e a tM 401teeaa (ah) 0664. REFINED WOMAN to CMC for SACK SIHCEWS HE HARDLY 6 0 T HIS TAW MFUUr SO R odcnti of odd Jobs. Try Dick, reason­ two pre • scdiool girls wblla WARMED OP WHEN THE IT F lA M t faHnmorial; able. 643-4530. MTEREO HIS RA«4r-] CHASED HIM HOME/ O c o rfa — PLEASE READ YOUR AD SEGRE3TARY Receptionist tor mother works. In exchange for |N6 INAIONDSP- U B t ^ a l --- 3 4 Looked ' a b n i^ SSLeare eat 5Ea3le*a daw Clneelfled or "Want Ads"' are taken over tlie pbone ns n local church. Applicants must room and board. Call 643-0664. AARTEH ART 54Japanaaa eiutlgate aearddnCTy eonvenienE, 8-11, fulltim e 33-----Sheridan re p ly 643-2711 875-3136 and part-time. Laurel Manor, NOTICE i r " r ” 5 6 7 HOT SALES AND Service cn Artens, 649-4619. i Hahn EoRpse, Jacobson lawn ______TOWN OF EAST HARTFORD IS 14 mowers. Also Honiellte chain GET OUT OF those 4 wallsl .EAST HARTFORD, Trouble Reaehipg Our Advertiser? sawn and Intemati moved. Wallpaper books on re­ Business Typiing ■ ' - ..... Town Hall, 740 Main Street, dow shades made to measure, quest. Fully insured. Free es­ Day amd evening dosses. Free Part-Time Days East Hartford, Clonnectlcut, n Automobiles For Sale 4 all sizes Venetian blinds. Key^ tim ates. Call 649-9668. Nationwide placement. Next vJ J. The right is reserved to re­ made while you wait. Tape re­ class, March 14. 1263 FORD FALCON Futura corders fo r rent. M arlow’s. 867 in a«»rdance with the re- I®®!- ®^Y s o HERALD CLERICAL qulrements of the Zoning Regu- any d condition, Eisklng in our office. AM require plications: disclose the Identity of 31,460. 649-2125, after 4:30 p.m . steel, ceramo siding. William the interest and capacity IDUKEABIT )/A SLICKER? WHUT any advertiser 'using box Robbins Carpentry Service, Bonds—Stocks— IMPORTANT NOTICE George M. Pazianos, North­ NOTICE MORE COLOR \ FER? IT AINT GONNA j to do figure works; some east comer Blssell A Foster letters. Readers answer­ 1960 TRIUMPH TR3, white. 649-8446. Mortgages 27 TOWN OF EAST HARTFORD IN THE PICTURE-\ RAIN HERE FER SIX ing blind box ads who The 1964 Civil Rights Law will require the use of add­ Sts., Residence Zone B, and prohibits, with certain ex­ ing or calculating ma­ EAST HARTFORD, desire to protect their condition, 3850, Business Zone H. Request per­ ? :'S i.s ,r 2 limited .funds available tor see ceptions, discrimination be­ chines. CONNECTICUT identity can follow this h e r 4. dltions, garages, bathrooms mission to diminish parcel of procedure: tile, rec rooms. Call Leon, ond mortg^es, payments to cause of sex. It will now be land upon which an apartment INVITATION TO BID 1957 OHBJVROLET, blue and ' CSeezynski, Builder, 649-4291. suit' your budget. Expedient necessary tor our readers These openings should ;rioc;:te;i: in ‘otoer^to’ cm'ate an PURCHASE OP ONE (1) N W Enclose your reply to the white, 4-door hardtop. Call service. J . D . R ealty. 643-5129. not only to read the usual prove exceptionally inter­ additional undersized lot, for FORD TRUCK OR EQUAL box in an envelope' — CABINET WORK, formica coun­ 643-7134. Female Help Wanted and esting to those whose fam­ the purpose of erecting a dwell- Sealed bih». OR, 1738. Inside and out, no substitute for DON’T GAMBLE Zone B. Special Exception is re- “ y ®i“"y of quality work, satisfaction guar­ ON YOUR FUTURE quested" to convert two-famtly “ y “Quigley! When you esoepe that ambush in Devil's IX5ST —Large broifn dog, mole, anteed, competative prices, no FIRST NATIONAL dwelling to three-family dwell­ tlon is deemed to the best in­ Ucense N o. 13884. (3U1 649-6638. MERCEDES —160-A, 1969, rea­ Culcn, how about helping me with the one at the door?" job too small. D A D Carpen- ______MAIL CLERKS STORES ing, and variance of minimum terest of the Town of East sonable. 649-6089. try , days 643-1904, evenings 649- ty to H artford. this BTyin^ A Service lot requirement, at above loca­ 8880. , Park and Oalriand A'ves. Town of East Hartford 1967 CHEVROLET, new body, Station In Rockville center. tion. HEROES ARB MAtTE-NCT BORN s - io - f * ' Announcements 2 East Hartford By John W. Torpey, paint, Interior, rebuilt 283, Immediate openings In our Paul and Elizabeth Krlstoff, |c5N ELECTROLUX Owners — Free bored cam, solids, 4-barrel, 3- Roofing^— Siding 16 • H igh GalloTLage — Proven mail department for neat 232 Spring St., Rural Zone. Purchasing Agent ft R ecord /H O ^ BEN CASEY pickup and delivery. Prompt speed Hurst, 3600. 742-7726 appearing mail clerks. Ap­ ------■■■" Variance Is requested to dlidde TV service on your Electfolux (r) BIDWELL HOME Improvement • E xcellen t L ocation plicants must be recent COUNTER GIRL£—^PuH-Ome, parcel of land Into two building cleaners. Also featuring rug Uo. — Roofing, siding, altera­ • Moderate In'vestment Mgh school graduates cap­ steady w ork. A pply One H ou r ■which w ill have less fro n t- MW'AfOQUDOMSlHie washer. Call Electrolux author­ 1968 CADILLAC Coupe deVUle, tions, additions and remodel- • Paid Training by Experts able of typing a minimum Maartdnlzing, 299 West Middle than is required by Regula- WANTED TOME?HAVE)QUGOriT ized sales and service. Call 649- 3500. (JaM 742-7402. ^ of an types. ExceUent of 40 words per minute to Tpke., 649-1800. tions, at above location. workm anship. 649-6495. CALL qualify for future opportu­ IN FORMEORtiUMT/ 0843, 236-4251. Please ask fo r 1952 PONITAC, 2 door, OWef- MATURE Woman with some William E. Prwman, Rear of Clean, Late Model SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL nities. AugusUhe Kamlenskl. tan, running condition, 8 cylin- V A J R(X)FING —aU types of TIDEW ATER OIL CO.* Icnowledge of corsetry or will Residence Zone B. der, can 643-4422 between 6-7 roofing, new and old, hot tar, train In <»rset and uniform ’Temporary extension of permls- USED CARS i OARE'lbUlO p.m . W eekdays 629-8671 ExceUent fringe benefits Personals 3 gravel. Shingles, gutter, and Bhop Call 643-6346. requested to use building 'GIEPACROSIHATUNf.l leaders. F ree estim ates. 644- and periodic w age in­ , ' ■______' at rear for dwelling purposes, Top Prices Paid 1965 OHEViROLETr Super THEySOMB). INCXJME TAXES prepared by 8670, 668-2676. creases. —------— ------. at above lo<»atlon. For All Makes Sport, factory wairraaty, 800 SAnSFIB>WnN retired Internal Revenue offic­ Lutz Junior Museum, Inc., h.p., 4-«peed. 64^-2928. NOTICE south side Oak Grove St., ap- CARTER CHEVROLET WHAriREMEMBOEO.^ e r, M arvin Baker, 643-0117. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A STOP • LOOK • GO APPLY IN PERSON AT: xeuESBimfW 1962 CHEVROLET, 2 >■ door. t o w n OP EAST HARTFORD proximately 400’ eas^ 6 t A u - CO.. INC. INCOME TAX returns, do it CHECKINS iroiir. IT good cotidatlon. ADso spare mo- ROOBING — Specializing re-“ SUNOCO EAST HARTFORD, tumn St., Rural and Residence early. Raymond P. JeweU. Call 1229 Main St. . UPSETM/AUNT60 tor and transonission and oth­ pairing roofs of all kinds, new \ CONNECTICUT AA Zones. Variance Is request­ 643-7481, evenings <»11, 649- SERVICE STATION PULLER BRUSH Phone 649-5235 AMJOHTtWTSHC er parts. Call' 643-2396 after roofs, gutter woric, chimneys ed to erect educational struc­ 4866. COMPANY INVITATION TO BID COULDN'T ATTSJOM/ 4:30. cleaned,. repedred. Aluminum AVAILABLE NOW PURCHASE OF INTERNA- ture on land owned by the Town of Manchester, and designated TS • 5 1100 OR EQUAL MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI by full-time income tax ac­ 648-6861, .A44-8S8S. Exjianded flacillitlaB An Equal Opportunity Sealed bids will be received at BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE countant. Raym ond Girard, 1952 d ODGE B3YA dump truck, Moderate investment E m ployer ■ the office of the Purchasing William Olekslnskl ^6 W anted Agent until 10:00 A.M., Friday, Wallace J. Parclak, 86 West 649-6650 or call coUect 876- 5 yard water level. Industrial Heating and Plumbing 17 Paid tna^ntag PART-TIME nEViN(&iO(3eruPTHg r T M u e r 6HB DGOPnSD IN A(2X3RLE 7362. m otor, 31,000. Call between 6-8 March 18, 1966 and will be pub- Ce"<*f Street. Residence Zone THE SECURITV POLICE HAVE nmvTPT.Tiri^ piiimWiig and Inccane COUNTER MEN ORDERS FROM THE TOP TO KEEP WHATAiag hiazVB TO TAkCB T H ie e e — ^ QF-na^NQUIUZSgS. p.m ., 649-4772. ------^ ^ ------llcly opened and read at that Variance is requested to use WANTED —Ride to Pitkin St,. heating aervlco, complete new Dealer retirement plan WANTED - Hygienist. 4-6 days the above or P^rt of the premises for HANDS OFF. NO SUPPORT FOR SOOPOIN& NOn^BZCMIHeTB^CHaZ ' » A .M . to 4 PJM. , East Hartford from Oak & parking of motor vehicles, at ACAPAJ BUT THERE'S three or i H s a e / HCMe TO AffVmTHSC. bathroom taatallationa and a week, good opportunity, buey ^lentloned commodities amd WUl Train Mata, arrl-vtag 8:30 or 9 a.m. Motocycles—Bicycles l l POUR TOP GENERALS I THINK w iN iw asp? THB bathroom remodeling, 30 years por Detailed Informatioo Call office. Write Box B Herald. gervice. above location. Age No Barrier! —T 649-3651 a fter 6:16. In bustaess. Earl VanCamp, All persons interested may WB CAM RELY ON, BOB. e r m o f ^ QUALTry Motorcycles for qual- ■ ~~ Information for bidders, spec­ Apply In Person At - 649-4749. attend this hearing. IxboME TAX returns pre- ity (XMisoious people. A s low a a ______ifica tion s proposal and (con­ rwHicH SUN OIL CO. Zoning Board of Appeads pared at reasonable rates. Call 310 down. M otorcycle Sales, 596 p o r n I»LUMBING M»d heating tract forms are available at ONE? Week days 568-3400 NOTICE John P. Clifford, MEATOWN John Mocette, 6^9-9017. Washington St., Middletown. repairs, alterations, electric 12151/2 S ilver Lane, • ", TOWNPF EAST HAR’TFORD Hartford ^ Connecticut**’ Chairm an and gas hot water heaters, free Eveningis, Weekends — EAST HARTFORD, Hartford. Connecticut East Hartford, Conn. FEDERAL Income Tax retimis 1966 HONDA 160 — less than M r. Snidtih, 236-0413 The right is reserved to re­ John A. Cagianello, ; I f estlm atea. 643-1496.______CONNECrriCUT e » prepared with your savtags ta 800 miles, excellent cemdition. ject any or all, or any part of S ecretary . Or W rite — i 1 esA mind, reasonable rates. E. J; 3400. Call 649-7367. INVITATION TO BID amy or a ll Ifids when such action P.O. Booc 71, Bast Hartford JUK B ayles, 6i'9-6246. Millinery, Dressmaking 19 RE: PURCHASE___ OP, ______ONE (1)is deemed to be for the best ta- l a w ,».h. Business Services NEW PLYMOUTH STATION terest of the Town of East “ ■ > 1 0 PREPARATIO N o f 1966 Incom e FOR ALTERATIONS neatly and WAGON OR EQUAL #wwwim.hc. Tax returns. Samuel J. Turk- O ffered 13 reasonably done’ ta my home. H artford. w Sealed bids will be received tagton, J r. 643-7731. Call 643-8760. Scbools and Classes 33 Tow n a t East Hartford EXPERIENGED STEPS, aldewalks, atone walla, at the office of the Purchasing CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER By John W. Torpey, PACKERS MICKY FINN BY LANK LEONARD INCOME TAX service avaU- fiieplocea, flagatone temcaa. 7t EN m e n W ANTED Agent, 740 Main Street, East Purchasing Agent EkEGUTIVE All concrete repaira. Reaaani- Moving—Trnddng-- Hartford, until Friday, March able. Dan Moeler, caU 649- Preferably - middle S329. able prices. 643-086-086L Storage 20 NO EXPERIENCE 18 1966 at 2:00 p.m. and will be SECRETARY age men for light NECESSARY publicly opened fk n i rqpd at Permanent position RIDE WANTED' to OonsUtaaon LAND CLBARINQ. trss n - MANCHESTER DqUvery. packing. ^ Pleasant that time and place. available. Pleasant Plaza from East ride. Hours moval. and chain saw work, trucking and package delivery. Information and specifications working conditions. 8-4:16, U rgent. 643-6686 A. W chaud, 742,8006. R efrigerators, washers and TRAIN AS TRACTOR FIREPLACE working conditions, TRAILER DRIVER may be obtained at the office Fringe benefits. of the Purchasing Agent, 740 fringe benefits. WAJNTHD-Ride to Mnacbee- a PPUANCBS repaired -— aOan te r Fiarkade Dram Oakland makes washers, refrigerators, Immediate job opportuni­ Mata Street, East Hartford, WOOD Apply Apply Personnel 8t, 10-6, Monday througb freezers, dryers, gas and sleo- poR LIGin deHvery or ool- ties available, with major Conn. , " trucking company. l i ­ The right is reserved to re­ Dept. SWday. OaH 649-3071 after 6. trie ranges. Oil burners lecrions of small units, have LARGE $1 M Iona cleaned and repaired. Oosma car and pick tip tnick, many censed by mass registry of ject any or all, or any part of Motor Vehicles. ’To qualify any d r all bids when suem a c­ BUNDLE l - U w AvtomobUes For Sale 4 Appliance, 849-<>O60. yeera experience,. know town Manufacturing weB. t!aU 648-7116, you must complete a part tion Is deemed to the best in­ IONA M ro. GO. Iftmun CAB? Your credit turn­ TYPEWRITERS — Stsodaid or full-time driver training terest of the Town of East Regent Street and electric. Repaired, over­ program. If accepted, tui­ GOs ed down? Short RnbMSh Re- nnpnnmnB. nn tiitTi.w ftn tl Help Wanted— Female 35 AAR. ABERNATHY, WHO i w » w s a ? i ^ ; Motors, 888 Mata. moval — attics, odlan ★ ★ S IM O N C R A B G R A S S ; AKV ..HE^XAIAAS IMPOSSIBLEj-KCLLV/ MARCty^ GOTTO N O /A N D IF YOU \ *“ “ ‘ big. Wallpaper Ixwks, paper- WAITRESSES — Dining room For Sale AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WrUPAU-THEgEWOHSy I NEW EFnaedCYEKPBOL S IG N S G E T AUTO MY CHAD H A S A 6 0 0 0 ^ X W A N T TO BC MY OWN H A V E s o m e t h i n g TNtS/SCAVY n^.oirr...PtEASE « REPOSSESSION: Take over yar^ weekjyor monthly A- hanging. Orilings. Floors. F u t and cocktail lounge, full or r e s u l t s ! auUYI [roiiCTgwl 1 PAYING OOGVdlTH RE6*\ BOSS AND KEEP THE TO COME BACNT0< up. BcUon, Mancbeater vicin­ JONBS,ANy BE SURE NOT TO paym ents, a o cash needed with ly insured. Workmanship gqu> part-time, will train. White TROUBLE? KFFICIENCI/ ULAR HOURS FOR YOU, MARINA GOING 4 ^ n m m te ^ LET ME KNOW/. ity. Harold Hoar, 810-4084. antee(L Leo Pelletier. 649-6328. 1965 FORD MECHANICS RRsr SHAPE OAVY. O A R U N G ...W E X MIGHT/=tNO average credit. ,1965 Pontiac ______Stag Restaurant, see maitre d’ , F-250 . KESP If no answer, 643-9043. M r. White. 67 W indsor A v e „ Pay Plan Open—Coinmen- CAN BE MARRIED. e m t s T o n m ' t GTO, 1664 Cadillac aedaa. ^ gj,QW PLOWnfG — avoid Ugb V-8 4-Speed Transmission Borato with Experience A > • Mcfnaa ocmvertible. OaQ 289- R ockville. 875-8884. jMpRIC iMMPING/ mc^XXBOCK&t pric6a when it snow’s. BcotM raTETOOR and exterior palni- ______W ith A U U ^ — Fringe Benellto i f Free Road Test and 8284, ask for Graham Hdmas. wjpuceV now being formed. IVee estim- lug, wallpaper reiqoved. fUDy RN OR LPN fmr 8-11 or 11-7 — I^d ya<»tion — No E stim ate *'■' -fj i i T ” IOV2-FT. CAMPER jM 92 FORD — 404, 4-speed. Muri ates. no sontnets. 84k78M Sr Insarad. Rene BSIangw, 848- F uB'or part-time. Laurel ONE OF THE NICEST Shortage Ipf Worit. •k 40 Work Ouaianteed 876-84m. 0813 or S44tW04. 6 4 9 -4 6 ^ ' B IO S A B O U N D ! i t . Budget Terms i aeR going into sesvloe. Call 648- ' i^ply Now H Free Towing ; ’ 8628. ______, ■ PLOORS Cleaned and waxed la EDWARD R. PRICB — paint- CZEANINO woman wanted, $4,000 HRM 7 d i l L o n MANCHESTER TRANSMISSION CO. jTAK B OVER pajrments, 1965 homes and offices. Fully in- tag and paperhiuigtag. over 86 one day a week, nuist fundsh SALES A SERVICE. INC. 819 Main S t , Manchester > 16 BBAINABD PLACE — 846-0088 , • Vord Mustang, fastback, V-8, sored, frsS ssUm stss. (ISeocge years eiqMndettce, 649-lOOg,. 78 own trsiwpartattca. OaS tive- C o l 643-5947 "Bear Segrmonr Ante Ston Mala St , 340 < ankmatU^ caH 876'd706, Fatr, •40-9881. . . tiimmnre Dr,, Manchester. g n - ^ 7 .


p V ‘i

€■ J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTE®, CONN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 PAGE SEVENTEEN BtANCSESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1968 PAGB SIXTBEIV ADartments-lFlats— ^ Suburban For Rent 66 H o u se s For Sale 72 Fur Sak 72 Houses For Sale 72 Sabarlmii For Sale 75 Snbmlnii For Sale 75 Help Wanted^Male 36 Artides For Sale 45 Honadiold Goods 51 SubnriMin For Sale 75 yCoim Students Coventry Tenements 63 Ha r t f o r d - c e n t i ^ l a r g e b x b c o t ^ Rm ^ i ' M^CHESTER — Sput level, VERNON — Custom 6-room VERNON—Six room Colonial VERNONNON — Six room-oontemp'room cootemp- gj- a a aa . . e-. WANTED - G«i station attend- WALLPAPER Cloaaouta, 800 O. E. BLECIMC range, older ------~ _ - 7-=—^ rooms, modem Wtcheo wlOi sB ■ ______.....— ------ro^,- dining ™u™,room, Ranch, deadend street treed —In exoeBent ------— aseq, -n ------ahanknim------oraryry OokMiial.Oalaiiial. U *fc R huUt,built, llO O ttlO l O lO K l . UifO O y y C C O O tlt l - p a * -w-w 1 - model, imt in good condition. SPACaOUS 8 ro«>m A jrtt ant, part-time nighta. Apply in patterns. 87c - 975, single roll, S d Si: ^ fireplace, plastered walls, eidtog. treed 1% acre lot only IVi baths, built-ins, beautiful Ifollc K PflIlV II P V R 111 RT1 pereon, Don WilUs Garage, 18 Sherwin WlUlams Co., 981 Main Very rSasonable. Call 649-0386. heated, stove, OH CLASSIFIED |48 montUy. 649-6206. places, 2% baths, fami^ room, qttradM 88,^ te M ^ e ttw» room, 4 bedrooms, 1% bathi rec room, M6.900. Hayes Agen- $14,900. Bayee Agency. 646- high lot with view, only $22,600. i i l i i i m i l g t ia ilS \fana e*r i . _ . . . . .-i, a io/n a i flta i. navM Aarenev. 646-0131. _ , LIKE NEW — Kenmore 80, 5 two car garage wooded lot, one car garage on large lo t 6460181. Hayee Agency, 646-0131. 8120, 644-0288.______' FOUR ROOMS, newly decorat- D, Real Estate Oo. 643-6129. cycle dotlies dryer, 870. 649- 829,500. PhUbrlck Agency 6I9* PhObrick Agency, 649-8464, ■ ■- ' " • —— (Omittoiied from Page One) b r u s h e s . Imperfect. 60 ANDOVER Special — Owner 9116. BRAND NEW. 4 room apart- wM* brand new battuoom. 84641 ______MAMCHBBTBR — 8600. down is Vernon W a n te d ^Real E s ta te 77 Xndrew DiniUman of w est Ha^ dlttereni styles and sizes, half OVERSIZED CAPE, ^,004- tranferaed. Four roome, large Begun by Assessor ADVERTISING regular price. Sherwin Wil­ ment on bus Yne, paxidiig. Ca* 742-6367 after 6 p.m. $U yon need on this 6-room MALE' BTBST SIDB — near boa, 64 •d lot 6 rooms, 1% baths, Bwplace, sB modern oonven- (CHILDREN WELCOME! WANTED — S • bedroom Colo- ven, who is president at the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS liams Oo., 981 Main St., Man­ CaU 643-2818 or Glsstoobucy, —------Gaps wMfa fireplace, near bus nlal, Manchester, garage, cen- student body, issued a state' The first phase of a oom- 'The dub has a workshop from Musical InstrumentiB 53 duplex, double garage, modem to wall carpet anchor fence. *«■»«. ywr ’round borne at chester. 633-1361. U t e b ^ and hatha, X ff deep Itoe and ttxtpptog. DoUar wise. Large 4-bedroom Coionial traUy located. OaU Mr. Tivnan, ment in which he said: “We’ve Plete review and revalu e^ 'of 7 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday at the 8 AAL to 5 PAL FACTORY BOLTON CENTER tamisa la w«»th vmir ^ drive, near se lake. By appointment with IT’S INEXPENSIVE to clean DIRECT from our ware- BEAUTIFUL new apartments. lot Sensibly priced. Eiyes center. 1% per cent owner only on Sunday. Write Just right tar a large fam­ 8:30-4:80, 648-1531. No agents, tried to approach the problem aU real estate holdtogs has Nathan Hale Community Cen­ to a sensible way ... but noth- b«en started ^ Town Assessor ter, house and save |200 • $460 on Woodbridge Gardens. 4^ roonl Agency, 646-018L tertUcroOin mortgage asaumabte. W-0640. Box 193, Westbrook, Conn. ily. Living room with fire­ riigs and upholstery with Blue APARTMENTS place, huge kitchen, 1^ tog significant seems to have Samuel Alien. The local recreation commit- COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. w 6 r k e r s - Lustre. Rent electric shampoo- brand new Winter Melo^grand duplex $150. PA room flat 8185. and Kranlch A Bach spinet and MANCHESTER —2 family flat, Co, 643-039, 649-8638. FOUR BEDROOMS -Practical- C»VENTRY —Apple, peach, baths, 2-car garage. Near B ZONE LOTS wanted. OaU 649 been accompUshed by our tedi- Tfia *wew is being under- tee, si)onsors of the dance club, MONDAY Ibni FRIDAY 10:S0 AJUL — SATURDAY 9 AAL er 81. Olcott Variety Store 2 large bedrooms, IH baths, Excellent hourly wages, 8 console pianos, fully guaran­ Now bas openingB in 3 separate furnaces, 2-car ga- . nwemiCNTtAL area iim * win ® Oolortal with I**m Cherry trees scho(^ etores, chiuuh. See 4291. o\ia trek throt^h the proper taken "because of apparent is offering students in Grades modem, kitchen with G.E. re­ RlSlDicivriAL area, loo x SOO haM. •> i=,_ .— _ surround this 6-room borne with it now! $23,900. D. Sisco, paid baMdays, paid fu­ SCREENED LOAM for the best teed. Prices start |)>'48. Rent or room iq>artznento with hot rage, newly redecorated, city • w located on channels.” , Inequities” Allen says he has 5 through 12 a series of square frigerator, range, disposal, water, beat, stove and re­ 875-6611. neral leave, pension plan, in lawns and gardens. Deliv­ buy from 88. a month. Nor­ utilities. Central location. Bel S h a n 1^ 4 f Ideal !>®s“nent ga- »<>ar garage, plenty of storage Legal Notice The biggest gripes' ime that fIAI T fl 1 dishwattier. Private basements frigerator, 8115 monthly. Air Real Estate, 643-0332. the food is unappetizing and the acaacr’s Job last year, while 7 to 9 p.m. at the Robertson BE APPRECIATED l/IM k I I vacation plan, group insur­ ered from our screening plant. man’s Furniture, comer of 1 -- snr «»nWnatlon windows, ex- »pace. move-ln condition. Call jiped for automatic washer and CaU 648-4312, ervenings. ®t *24,500. T. J. 643-2965 J. D. Real Estate Oo., BARROW S ft WALLACE AT A**OOuSr*OF*p™BATE, nfenu monoton^ seeding to ® study of the tax school, ^th Gerry Pascuzzl as ance plus major medical. Also gravel, sand and fill. Pine and Forest St.,:., ManchejM a n ch ^ dryer. Air - conditioning (op­ CONCORD RD. — Beautiful Applicants must be at least George H. Griffing, toe. And­ ter. Open days 9-9,(i,>-ScUurdfy Manchester Parkade tional), master TV'’ antenna. Ranch, large living room, for­ w“: Manchester ■' ‘ 649-5306‘ ■ thi a POU tal'®" a™ *® 1«U®« h ,eou itl^ ara '? ® ” » 6’9" tall and in gtx>d physl- over. 742-7886. 9d. 3rd day of March. 1966. of South Hall. ” ® “ •J® mequinea are parents are to provide transpor- hot water oil heat, open stair- ® ard Gilbert or Mr. and Mrs. TT1 ■ mini run T n i~>i n fi~ nm n * _ churches. Opm daily and week- dren to play. $70 monthly. 6484958. mal dining room, large kitch­ pointment only. Ken' Ostrin- 2 Owentry. OonnecOcut. admlnistra- ^ and buildings to town. bookkeeping, ftiU-time. Oea full-time or parttime. SoU- 10 a.m., Friday, March 11. Suggest you rent a Glamorene used furniture, china, glass, oil' wBli breeieway and two car ed bathe, fii^epiaoe, hullt-ln tor. ' ------Alien «aid the find George G. Jacobson may be con­ Electric Rug Shampooer for ends, noon - 6 p.m. 649-5591, LongbUl Road, Andover, 742- Awnmn ROAD — Prime en with Ta|^»n 400, dishwash­ eky. Realtor, 643-5159, 649- 646-00.40. mene Motors, 367 Oakland St., ver, picture rrames, old coins, garage. Heavily wooded lot, 8678. electric range,' otaner lot, city ORDEmSD: ORDERED: VML17101 six months ------r- -i - ®“‘“ ‘^"® phase tacted. An Equal Opportunity only 82 a day at Manchester 646-0106, 643-1023 evenings. Lo- 8645. location, oversized four bed- er, disposal, radio and Inter- from the 3rd day of March, 1966. 7 7 Item s Itl Stockpile will be undertaken In the priv- 648-OS07. guns, pewter, scrap gold, choice reaidentlal area (Lake- utitttiee, near eveiytntog. No *nd the same are limbed and al- wALOTiTMnnwu -nh» tt a ate develonments around the St. Mary’s Note# WANTE3D — Mature baby sit­ Employer Wallpaper, 249 Broad St. wood Circle). House has many BOLTON Center -C h/lce loca agents. Call after 5. 876-6740. lowed foe the oredltoni within which WASHIiNaTON — The U.S. »'-® oevetopm ^is arouna me Sunday Mass at St. Mary’s ter three afternoons, 1—:4 p.m. EXPERIENCED Janitors want­ watches,

TwivnrMi vamuit. cortno, muflt be seen to be ap­ tion, L-shaped Ranch, large Uv- Mon, Wed and Fri. 'Salary ed mornings. Call 649-6334. collections, paintings, attic con­ town hue, 3-zpom apartment. Completely renovated, vacant. Real Estate, 643-0683 said estate, WINDOW CLEANER wanted — tents or whole estates. Furni­ prises. $140 firoplBoe, oaupcUng, sun- WUl consider taking your house preciated. T-J. Crockett, Real­ ______tog room with fireplace, kitch- is directed Open. 649-7900 after 6. General Cleaning Services, Inc. full-time or part-time. Apply the oredfton Boats and Accessories 46 ture Repair Service. 648-7449. FOUR ROOM first floor apart­ deck, quiet ndgWboitoood, 643- to trade. T- J* Crockett, Real- tor, 648-1677. WEST SIDE — 6% room Cape, ®" buUt-to atove and oven, Legal Notices cl&lma within General Services, 46 Oak St., immaculate, one owner, ga- ceramic tile bath, full base- puMU^infT a 'j* ui»o vtMvu- iiis-» z__j MATURE woman for care at WANTED — Responsible ambl- ment, heat Included, children 6083. tor, 643-1677. some newspaper having a ctrcula- the stxxskptte icicSudes such o*' * nouse-to-house basis. rn*.ivw«'k « 649-5334. HOUSEHOLD lots, aritlquea, MANCHE3TER-6 room Colo­ rage, fenced to yard, ’ quiet °ver one acre land, built AT A C»URT OP PROBATE, 4 ohilidren in my home, light tious person to work in serv­ BOAT —^MPG, 35 h.p. Johnson, accepted. CaU 6^-1425. tion in sajTpr^e ^ rirt ^ qIi f«it!hera, -AJi analysis Allen made Ohurch in bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, BXX3KV1LLB — 4% room du­ nial with % tiled baths, built- street, block from bus Haves 1964, perfect condition. Sell- ten days fromrn ttto'date the date of this ot^ ot- Items as sprem oil, reatmjOT, ^ ^ Eagleville. housekeeping. 8-6 p.m., 6 day ice station, 6 days a week. EXPERIENCED John Deere trailer, skis, etc., $500. 649-6069. week. References and trans- Willing to pay according to glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ CLINTON ST. —5 room, first plex apartment, refrigerator, ins, gange< Pl®«- Agenc’y.^V sT ' Ing for $18,900. The R. F. Dl- ^ “ “ to tols ecort q u a ^ back hoe operator, year 'round terad wBlIe, _____ property to town, with 2,631 Setback Party portatton required. OaOl 643- quaJiftcations. Apply (n person lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 floor, $120 monthly includes r a i ^ , dtspoBsll, basement and FIRST OFFERING S, large lot Imme- —------mock Oo., 649-5245. . Present. Hon. John J. WaUeU, JOHN j . WALLETIT. Judge. ®®nalta cR (hamonds. St. Jude Council, KofC, haa work. Call after 6 p.m., 742- dtote occupancy. Charies Les- MANCHESTER —7 room over- Judge. dweUtogs and misceUaneous 7889. at Triangle Turnpike Service, Lake St., Bolton, 649-3247. heat. 225-6644 after 6 private entrances. Two chil­ Hatato of Arthur A. WUliama. lata structures, including stores, ® public setback card party at 6190. Diamonds— atches— perance, 649-7620. sized Cape, 3 bedrooms, den, of Mcmebester, in said DiotiicZ. de­ 128 ToUand Tpke. or can 643- dren aooepted. No pets. In­ Excellent 5 room Rancfa, S Vernon business blocks, etc. 8 p.m. tomorrow at its home FULL-TIME luneheonette help Jewelry 48 LARGE 3-room apertmeitt in 2- large hvtog roo8n, dtotog room, ceased...... 7614. EXCELLENT opportunity with WHEEL TYPE BLOWER, 6" quire 16 ProgireBB Ave., Rock- fireplaces, hot water oil MANCHESTER — 2 family, — The admlnistrobix having ex- Vernon Allen feels the 7,000 pieces on Snake Hill Rd., with prizes, needed, Monday through Sat- family house, completely re­ viUe, or cafll 876-7160. hrat, ceramic tile bath, fuU kitchen, finished rec room, 2 F A M IL Y H O M E W A IT IN G of property can be grouped in- South Fire Department urday. Apply in penaoin. W. T. MAN WANTED in printing plant local firm for dependable man WATCH AND JBIWFLRY re­ or 4” intake. Call 643-9618. large 12 room duplex, 2 heat­ full baths, garage, nicely land­ wlth said estate to this Court lor who wants Job security. Pre­ modeled and redecorated, heat. basement, hatchway, many allowance, it Is to approximately 5,000 parcels The Women’s Auxiliary to to train on press. Must be me­ pairing. Prompt service. Up to stove, refrigerator furndsftjed. ROCKVILLE—Spaxsious 2 bed- ing systems, 2-car garage, on scaped, trees and shrubs. Low ORDERED: That toe 29to day of Grant ParkBde. fer with aluminum products ex­ closets, large kitchen, city For you! It’s a spacious 3- at land, because moat parcels the Coventry Volunteer Fir# chanically inclined and adapt-' 820 on your old watch in Lieonard Agency, Realtors, 646- room apaartment, centrsMy lo- bus line, $18,900. OaU now, 20’s.- Mr. Ryan, eventogs, 649- March, 1966, at four o'clock after­ perience, mechanical ability, Rooms Without Board 59 utilities, combination win­ bedroom Cape with famUy noon at the Probate Office In the Town Told to Remedy in private developments are Association Inc. meets at 8 p.m. LARGE national finance com­ able to learn off set press. Also trade. Closed Mondays. F. E .______0469. oated, heat, hot water, stove Girard Agency, Realtors, 643- 6751. Wesley R. Smith Agen­ Municipal BuUding In said Man- good health. Good salary, paid dows and doors, oversized features. Large living room, pany has an opening for a girt man for bindery department Bray, 787 Main Street, State ATTRACTIVE room for busi- and refrigerator. $120 monthi- 0866 or Gectiiide Eag^rn, cy, 643-1567. cheater. be and the same is as­ mode up of several lots form- Monday in the annex of the fire- 2 - oar garage, omesite kitchen with buUt-ins, walk­ signed tor a hearing on the dllow- wltlh experience in sales fi­ with knowledge of folders Euid vacation and merit Increases. Theater Building. ness woman, centrally located, WINTER ST. 3 rooms, first jy $49.4824, 876-1166. 640-0688. ing one tract. house on Main St. drive, excellent oonchtion out basement. Ehccellent ance of said administration account nance. Good sailary, aU major other bindery equipment. Good Apply Conn. State Employment kitchen privUeges. CaU 643-5931 floor, heat, hot water, air-con­ LYDALL STREET —Older 10 value at $18,900. Call now. with said estate, ascertainment of Box Mountain Hazard The assessor estimates the Friendly Circle Service, 806 Main St., Manches­ throughout Ansaildi buUt MANCHESTBSt — Modern 6 room house, 2 baths, vacant, heirs and order of dlalribuUon, and benefits, new oMIoe looated in pay. All benefits. Apply Allied Fuel and Feed 49-A after 6. ditioned, refrigerator, disposal, D. Sisco 875-6611, 649-5306. tola court rtiraota that I*®®® the overaU pro- The Friendly Circle of the downtown Hartford. TVnns- ter, Conn. range, parking area, laundry Wanted To Rent 68 Bowers S chool area, room Cape, 4 finished, garage, exceUent for the handyman, toe ^ and fSr The State Board of Education Conference for 25 years, was g^am will involve about 2,000 First Congregational Church Printing Services, 579 West nice lot, convenient to schools, portation from Manchester FOR SALE — Baled Hay, first THOMPSON HOUSE, Cot­ facilities. Glastonbury 633-7402, priced tar immediate sale. sold hearing be given t® ^ Per- has upheld a request by parents honored at a conference dinner parcels of lend, and between meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday to the Middle Tpke. JANTTQR — Part-tdmie eve- NEEDED FOR Immediate oc­ bus, shopping. Bel Air Real avetialUe if needed. Please class. Call 649-6911. W. B. Wil-v tage Street, centraUy. located, 247-4046. SStort’^iioS. BARROWS & WALLACE to*to behceSd toer^ the Box Mountain area of Sunday at the Greenhaven Inn ^j^qq and 1,400 dwoUlngs. He vestry. Members are being aak- nhigB, 6 day week, 3 houins per Estate. 643-9332. — ______Manchester Parkade phone Mr. O’Brien a l 246-8666 liams. large, pleasantly furnished cupancy, 3 bedroom apartment to’'Stonlngton. ^ , tow selected the tocaUons to ®d to bring, old sheets, to roU evening. OalS Hartford, 249- or home. CaU Parkade Lanes, SEVEN ROOM Cape to exclu- Manchester 649-5306 for Intervtew. WANTED —Painter’s helper. rooms, pariclng. CaU 649-2858 MANCHESTER — 3 room heat- Charles Lesperance MANCHES^TOR — Attention In­ lotion in tr^port their t^l^^ ^ Dr.^l^sitoUjrfer^^k^^ ^ comprehensive into bandages for a leper colony CaU 643-1420. 6889. tor overnight and permanent ed apariment, centrally local- 643-1607. slve area for only $16,900. An ______seven days before toe day of sold The transportation may never ball games at high schools and structure, and be- in India. vestors. Unique opportunity to assumable FHA mortgage, VERNON —8 ASSISTAINT wen driller—loam Garden— Farm— ^Dairjr guest rates. ed. Call 643-7166. r ^ , 2 year old Se^%°"oertifi^ materialize, however, because colleges to the conference for ^ "higher land v^ues to First Church Notes Help Wanted—^Male 36 experienced carpenters, 649-7620 buy 4-famlly plus single home, $124. per month. OaU for an ap- Odonlal Raisedled Ranch, over- maU, a copy this order to War- *’■* *■----- '— ------»------tt. ------to operate rotary weW drilling Products ______50 the town haa elected to comply a quarter century. He was nam- compared to the The First Congregational steady work, H. C. Hutchinson ROOM FOR lady or gentleman, PLEASANT 4 ROOM apart- WANTED TO RENT garage for new centrfd heating system in pototment, J. D. Real Estate Sized attached 2-oar garage, ren wmiama, Peterborou|h^Nw ..JM. an alternate- l i . - t - requirement1 * ed an honorary life ii« mem>ber1. oft toiwn^ Church Lenten Bible discussion madhtoe, must have meehanl- STRICTLY fresh eggs for sale, Hampshire: and Sidney IMPORTANT NOTICE A Son, Builders, 643-5373, quiet, convenient location, 224 ment, convenient location, storage. CaU 649-9712. 4-famlly, annual income $5,200. Oo., 643-5129, 649-8638. half acre wooded lot, ddshwash- whose whereabouts is unknown, hi o f elimtoattog certain hazards the Ehistern District of the Gon­ oal experience. OaiU 876-6662 Tomaszewski, Box 383, South Charter Oak St. 643-8368. parking, adults only. CaU 649: Hayes Agency, 646-0131. He ailBo says that the pro|>- will be at 8 p.m. Monday at CIVIL ENGINEER — estimait- WANTED TO RENT — room in MANCHESTER — A beautIfuUy' MANCEIESTER —Ranch, 5 er, disposal, bullt-tos, 2 fire- ®^K®The^®®rel5lve to the area. necticut State Board of Approv erty vahies are apparently in- Klngpsbury House, with the Rev, The 1964 Civil Rights Law after 6 p.m. Rd., Bolton, open daily. 649- 4319. places, white alumtoum storm thereto. The parents, concerned over ed Basketball Officials, prohibits, with certain ex­ Ing, take off work and field ------' 6472. NICE LARGE room for gentle­ prlvate home or 2 room fur­ appointed 6-room Ranch. A • MANCHESTER — 315,900 for 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, city util­ JOHN J waU aBTT JudrA. \ mt »i equitable, in that a number of William 1*. Beldan, pastory iif ROOM heated apart­ nished apartment. Vicinity country sized kitchen with room Cape, garage, treed lot, __windows.______876-0634. the «^®tysafety of ^eirtheir children lIMneMarine atedai^ s^al dwcdlings have been charge. ceptions, discrimination be­ supervision for site and road Help Wanted—- man with references In attrac- FOUR ities, one block to bus, church cause of sex. It will now be contractor. Apply Tbomais Ool- FREISH apple cider, cold stor­ live home, convenient. 649-4966, ment, cabinet kitchen, garage, Ludlow St. and Blast Middle built-in over, range, dishwash­ central location, near schools, Male or Female ete., $13,900. Philbrick Agen- SOUTH WINDSOR — New list------7TM'iTaT.nw owoirw------SitouT converted to year-round homes. The Rev. Mr. Beldan wUl use necessary for our readers la. Conn. Construction Oorp., 37 age apples. Perrando Or­ 21 Church St. second Hoar, adults. CaU 649- Tpke. CaU 622-7993. er, 3 generous bedrooms, 2 cer­ bus, shopping. Bel Air Real cy. Realtors, 649-8464. tag! Seven room oustom built a t a ^ u rt op““ b a t e M M* many without a tax change and "Fanatics and the Misguided’* not only to read the usual 251 Broad St., 643-9566. chards, Birch Mountain Rd., 0052., amic baths, fireplaced famUy Estate, 643-9332. B? 'ch with garage, set on nice- heW at Manohester.^witWn^Sd^ Y m ^ *V^’’ possibly without permission. *® his sermon topic during the APPLICAnONS are being tak­ : ^ _ .. to« — .k. nravida hiiflon. Thair iv.H'Hnn Vernon, has received the ______i ,.. Female Help Wanted and Glastonbury, LARGE ROOA^, double closet. A- room, larmdry room, a gorge- FIVE ROOM RANCH— 8 bed­ ^ Vernon, has received the praise - the Wk is being H a m. worship Sunday In the en for full and part-time sales ly wooded lot, featuring 3 fire­ T nr iiw* was rejected, and the parents of his commanding officer while -amen tine wow is g . Male Help Wanted classifi­ WANTED — helper for painter, next to bath, private family, MANCHESTER —exceUent lo- ous Uving room, 2-car garage, « MANCHESTER — 47 AUce Dr. rooms, modem kiteben, cersun- places, 2 zone heating, stereo, people. W.T. Grant Co, Park­ af- cation, spacious 3 room apart- Houses For Sale 72 6-room Ranch, Swedish fire­ ^ n t. Hon. John J. Waiiatt. the^te serving in Viet N^. dcte in steps by himself and W ch’s Senior Pilgrim cations, but Wanted — Male paperhanger, between 18-22. No parking, gentleman, call $25,000. Wolverton Agency, ic tiled bath, near bus, school, etc. Plus your own 18x32’ swim­ ade, Manchester. Household Goods 51 place, wall to. waU carpeting, toxtrd. . Smith, a member of Head- a^iatant a ss^ Ernest J. The church s Senior Pilgrim or Female, also our Classifi­ experience necessary, must be ______ter 5, 649-0719. ment, heat, hot water, stove, MANCHESTER $3,100 as- Realtors, 649-2813. shopptag. $14,900. Char-B<» ming pool with accessories. to order to save the Fellowship meets at 7 p.m. Sun- refrigerator, private porch, garage or patio, 3-zone heat, deceased. ®'"’ Kenneth Lundy, transports- quarters a n d Maintenance Starkel, " " " cation Help . . . 87. willing to learn, good starting MAOHINB operators wanted CLEAN. USED refrigerators, !------sumes mortgage on this spa- ______Real Estate, 643-0683. $29,900. By appointment, Szel- first floor. Adults. $116. Call clous 6 room Colonial, garag:e $16,600 — ATTRACTIVE 6% recreation room. A home you On " ‘ ~ -^!l..OaU after 6, 649-9658. ^ges, automatic washers r l e a SANT ROOM near bath 2400- 643-0310, after 6. and poreh, quiet street, excel­ room Ranch, fireplace, garage, must see at $22,'500. CaU John MANCHESTER -R ecen t cen- uga Realty. 742-8530.______PART-TIME route sales, estab- guarantees. See them at for gentleman. 64 High St. DRIVERS for school bus, 7:30- lent are^. Hayes Agency, 646* full basement, exceUe^ condi­ toe!r->*!*- town ttiould «? furnish trans- a-?Nang, was cited for his out- •i' "^® ®tote statutes stipulate SrL"-i£2*5 lished customers, car neces-neces­ ^ppUance., 6t» LUXURY 8-ROOM apartment tion, 130’ frontage. Don’t delay, Staknis. 649-7804. J. D. Real Sr^leSe ;Trt;tion. “ unTl ^^icrUmT::; *s=ng"";®rio.^a;^; ^‘“duttos toat. t^ere to an a ^ t 8:46 a.m., 2:15-8:45 p.m. Cadi inii Rd.» Andover, 742*80ol. Main St. CaU 648-217L 0131. Estate On., 643-5129, 649-8538. sary, above average earnings.______Apartments—Flats— with built-ins, maximum pri­ caU Hutchbis Agency, Real­ 643-2414. vacy, includes disposal, heat NEW TO MARKET — 6 room For interview call 644-0202 or HAIRDRESSER —full or part- aiNOER MTTOMATTn v.i.g Tenements 63 tors. 649-5324. FiAft vvv VTV -vv 1 room, klitoneii, mnisnea aen, estate, ana said executrix is direct- **«'^c*^ Uitito iioauquartcre reo. ^o. j- at. a monn fnr thft TnllnTwl TAvmsn’s and hot water plus much more, Garrison Colonial in BenUy TURRET LATHE operators, ex­ 628-6686. time, excellent opportunity for sewing machme, Uke new In r e n t SltoTMTllOS powh. b^eboard heat, over ®ald today that the Saints in Parade equal tax stnicture, and that m^^ foj^toe MAN has customers $125. J. D. Real Estate Oo., SPRING HAS SPRUNG! POUR FAMILY — Must seU. school area. 3 bedrooms, fire­ perienced, night shift, hours 6 npirvTisir'Q imn ambitious worker. Call Glaston- cabinet. Does everything. Orig­ ’ ■ one acreere lot. taxes. $22s’. SeU- iTsaid » by'^iSSi^^ Vernon school board has 30 Th* American Legion Post pei^c rcval^Uons are an ^ p ^m.-4p.m.-4 am.a.m. Premium, allaU OPENINGS FOR following-pre- bury 633-4479.633-4479, between 9-6. Af-Af­ waiting for rentals. Call me to­ 643-5129. ' BViur rooms in each unit. Hoiise, placed living room, dining vious experience required, pav­ inally over $300, take over last MANCHESTER - 5 betoxntt tog Prlce, $12,600. Ray A Dot a “‘f, ^ ®»®®«W‘«'t toj, congria- benefiU. Dean Machine Prod­ ter 6 p.m., 228-3618. day, 649-3566, 649-4342. MANCHE3STEH—7-room home, to in exceUent condition. New- room, large kitchen, tiled ing crew foreman, rakers, 6 p^ments, ^.50 each. CaU THREE ROOM ap»rtment, very ucts, 166 Adams St., Manches- cabinet kitchen, porches, 2- combination windows, p>atot, baths, complete fire alarm sys­ modem super tovm o^ Roy Realty, 876-8598. P .^ e » «"rde?"and"T tar^rtSi Ae would noTS^! ^ ^ a iS ^ Sl^e UlSr Allen said he to avtttetole tlon^ Church. The speaker wlU Hartford, 522-093L LOOKING for anything In real clean, hicludes complete util­ car garage. Beautiful extra ter. truck drivers, laborers. Apply HAIRDREJSSER WANTED—full crilar floor, etc. Everything ex­ tem, 2-car garage. $19,700. No VERNON- U & R custom built ^„® t» this court of toe no- ^ 18 in the annual ^St for discussions and to speak ^®,^® in person. W. Q. Schwarz Co, estate rentals — apartments, ities and garage, $110. J. D. large lot with trees, garden with' buUt-lns, fireiptoced Uv- or part-time. Apply Duet EVERYTHINa to steriUzed re- cept central heat. EhcceUent in­ agents please. Call owner 649- 6 room Ranch, Georgia marble JOHN j. w a lle tt. Judge, ards. Patrick’s Day Parade In New to any civic or town oiganlza- ®°“*8 ®nom“ meet at. o.ou p.m. Inc., 994 Hartford Tpke, Rock- homes, multiple dwellings, caU Real Estate Go, 643-5129 space. Near schools, on bus ii^ room, large 116x180 lot, 2 AUTO MECHANIC, afternoons, Beauty Studio, 687 E. Middle conditioned used furniture and come potential. T. J. Crockett, 8604. firei^ace, built-tas, birch cab- — J ------Town Road Foreman Andrew Haven. tlon while he is working on “'t the church. fEhcperlenced In tune-ups and vlUe, Conn. Tpke, Manchester. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. line. Hard to beat at 81ili90O. blocks« to schiCols, shopping appUances, high quality — low ______DUPLEIX 6% rooms, electric Realtor, 643-1677. Inete, tm cer^lc tiled 1 ^ , heW af^M S^Ser.^witwf'^'^ Tricarico said today that the The Saints have appeared in the hew program. He m a y b e t S l^eneral repairs. Seymour Auto, and bus. Priced in low 20’s for prices. LeBlanc Fumltu.’e, 195 95 WEST Middle Tpke., modem stove, $110, no pets. Oocu- MANCHESTER — This week’s garage, large lot, Vnany extras, toe pietrW of j^ cj^ ter. on the town virUl start to remove haz- this parade tor the past sev- reached through hte office In « 681 Main St., Manchester. SALES TRAINEES COUNTER —Flill or part-time, MANCHESTER—6-room Dutch PITKIN ST. — Comfortable Ool- special. 3 bedroom Dutch Colo­ quick sale. Bel Aiir Real Es­ nights 6-12, exceUent benefits,. South Street, RockvlUs. 875- 4% room duplex, heat, hot wa­ pmney May 1st. Call 643-7042 Colonial, garage, large porch, SS’ — » BO, M»„U„ D,. ^ (Sunoco) 2174. Open 9-8. onial home. 3 bedrooms, for- nial, garage, good location, tate, 643-9332. WANTED — FuU time service The Sun Oil Company, a lead- Apply In person only. Howard ter, electric stove, refrigerator, after 6. near stores, schools, bus. Good mal dining room, enclosed garage, basement storage, $130 near aB facilities. Hard to beat Estate, of Robert A, Zwick. tote Tricarico said yellow lines tag the second division. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, staU • March, 1966, at ten o’clock fore- Improved by cutting back brush 9-6. OaU 643-5605. approximately l A acres land. tion room, garage, patio, trees. lent area of custom homes. noon at the Probate Office in the » V, Committee basketball progrant Connecticut and TO P A Y Ideal for large family, easUy Porter St. area. 1% baths, for­ Assume 4^ I>er cent mortgage. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. **®-*^“- MkinldpaJ Building *’"^'®hP"i2fd‘Ml5j f ®tong the road; Beventy-tour ^Intfl of blood for boys at the Robertson and j-^ederick James Mlnicuccl “SUPER DELUXE” MANCHESTER — large, ndW, SIX ROOM home. Ridge St, converted to two-family with mal dining room, 4 bedrooms . Hutchins Agency, 649-6324.' Chester, be and the same Is as- and culverts and catch basins were collected at the Bloodmo- Coventry Grammar Schools will necessary, will train. Apply in 1. Complete training program, Hartford-Manchester. FuU or BUILDING LOT —100x200 in signed for a hearing on the allow- oHll he mverA/l nr irrmrAvd from Fordham University in th« spare-time. Earn $60 to $126 4 room apariment, two blocka one bliock to bus, school, shop­ Uttle expense. Flill price 815r poesibllity, extra large lot, . Legal Notices anoe of said administration account ™ coverM or improved. bile -visit at the Union Church be from 9 a.m. to noon Satur- -v person Gaer Bros., 140 Rye St., 2. Excellent 3 ROOMS of FURNITURE __.. n- . J ______I. (m /.Yiaro-a HrOnX, N . I . starting salary from Main St., small well con­ ping. OaU 742-6357 after 6. 900. ideal for chUdren. Leonard " CUSTOM BUILT, very young 6 fast growing Spring, Gardner wUh said estate, ascertainment of Lundy said that When the So. Windsor. a week. Write Rawlelgh De- ALL 100% GUARANTEED room Ranch. ExceUent area. AT A COURT OF PRORA'TE b^i**S and order of distribution, and work la comrilAtMl h«-wi1l rn * , uay. — 'M Miss l» Jones,(« » . daughter da»gM.r o f Mr. with automatic incroasee partment. CNC-26-1189, Albany, structed building with a quiet Agency, Realtors, 646-0469. > St. area. Oall Lappen Agency, hJ?ri this court directs that noticie of is coit^aetM, he wua re- .phe following persons pre- at Robertson and WlUiam Ayer Qonford Tones of Ger- SERVICE STATION Attendant, - program. N.Y. 12201. ONLY $433 atmosphere. Hayes Agency, SUBLET — 3 room apartment, MANCHESTER—Is next door Immaculate condition. Modem Realtors, 649-5261. the District of Manchester, on the time pla<» oMlgn tor torn to the Box Mountain area rented themselves to donate: ■ at the Grammar School. $14.08 DOWN brand new, heat included. to this modem 6-rodm Cape DUTCH COLONIAL — 'consist- ^ electric heat, $23,900. Lappen 4ito day of March 1966. said hearing be given to aU per- to inspect the improvements If ^ u o n a i e . aid Park, plans a career as a . mechanical knowledge neces- ^ 646-0131. OVERSIM® RESIDENCE A- Present, Hon. John J, Wallett, rons known to be interested there- .. "®P®®^. “i® improvemenW. If Carol McGovern, Joan Boland, Porter Library .tenoiminnpr sue nns nem Stove and refrigerator. Very with fuU shed dormer,- nice ing of 7 rooms, and T^,batba. Agency, 6495261, 649-6140. ' L" thereon the improvements meet with the aokert Oavanairii Tohn Pessav 'The llhrarv committee of the ®tonograpner.stenographer. sne She nas has oeei been a sary. Apply in person before 6. . ____ _ $14.08 MONTH Judge. / Female 38 quiet Call 643-8266. condition, extra large lot Top A mlUion worWs cann^ de- _ zone lot. Avery St., Manches­ Estate of Frank J. Mioekitis by puWishing a copy of this order state requirements the order cavMagn, jotm Gessay -nie library committee te me majorette tor four years and Rufini’s Flying A, U6 Center'Company benefit — JUST LOOK — ter. CaU 644-8164 after 6 p.m. Manchester, In said District, an to- }“ ..®®®"®, nowspaper having a ctreu- , ~® ^®*^ Jr., Ralph Meyers, Margaret Porter Library meets at 8 pm. pontoin for one vear- gt program. Situations Wanted— BISSELL ST. — Third floor. S value at 814,600. x; scribe this typical New Eng- ’ MANCHESTER — Spacious cus­ iation in said Dlstrlot, at least lor buseS will be resctaded. m l iiKi-or., mom ot 00-capiain lor one year, a ______— YOU GET — azwtrwkn WstiliSMA ^ mm _ _ - - PfdVCFa fA&JlH&ll SCiUIGaQCF. 3lCfil- AlOTLQQiV in Ul6 llDr&iFy rOOfll O-L sv# #ora«« ‘______If you have a ooHege degree, or rooms, 643-5258, 9-5. FIVE ROOM apartment, new­ land designed home, carefuUy tom buUt SVi room Ranch, pic­ ‘“ ' ^ 'o ^ ^ t r i x having exhibit- The member of the student council ■ TIRE SERVICE man, 45 - 65 equivalent in business experi- WILL TAKE care of pre-school 16-PIECE BEDROOM ly redecorated and remodeled. m ANCHBSTER-Is about 3 "cMfted With tlM ’ ture hook kitchen, 13x21 living hoyrs per week. Must be steady e*'®*' write— chUdren in my home. Manchea- 18-PIECE LIVING ROOM WE HAVE customers Waiting $120 monthtty. 649-4817. mUes from this 4-room Ranch, grace and beauty of Colonial room, paneled recreation room. ter Green area. 643-8338. 12-PIECE KITCHEN wfor the rental of your apart- breezeway, garage. Excellent “t**- Central chimney ' Hayee ^gency, 646-0131. VERNON _____ — „ , A.., ■ 1. year uuuaaeepuig tuivi worker and married. Paid va­ SUN OIL COMPANY' AVAILABLE April 15—2 bed­ P.O. Box No. 71 — W ITH — /ment or home. J. D. Realty, condition inside and out. with 2 fireplaces, wood shto$ded- on a wooded lot. Six rooms In 4t the’ Probate Office in foe The board rejected the request more, Roibert Holland, Herr- The Oral Polio Clinic will be stenography, tor cation and other benefits. Ex­ room apartment, allmoet pew, MANCHESTER GREEN — $18,- man Fritz, Emma Mathewson, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Satur- words per min-- Bast Hartford, Connecticut 643-5129. Large lot. Stop looking! See gambrel r6o^ and amatU pane ' aU plus garage, U5xl5T lot. JOHN J. w a l l e W. Judge, because school board policy pro- perience helpful but not essen­ DAYWORK WANTED — Qean- ELECTRIC dectric kitchen with range, 200. Seven room older home, Austin Doscher, Mrs. Clarence day In the town office l^uUding tial. Apply in person, Nichola- Please forward billing to the REFRIGERATOR this $13,300. windows. Screwed porch over­ Home In excellent condition, 'tor a hirin g ern'toe •^‘*n R. Mroeek, Atty...... hdbits sentUng -• school - - -buses in­ Ing. 643-0616. THREE ROOMS, Colonial Man­ refrigeratar, disposal, heat, looks beautiraL landscaped city utiltties, near shopping, Real private location hut still ance of said account with said es- Maron, Richard Eikenhorst, Er- registrar’s room, for Coventiy Minicucci, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manchester Tire, 295 Broad St. of the writer, c/o ______TV SET or, utilities and appliances. hot water, T.V. antenna. ^ . - - _ fsadA anti f*Vviir>f 46tai* to a housing development area. .------:T— S'**' 0*1 Company, P.O. Box HIGH. SCHOOL GIRLS would AND RANGE These homes are only a sample yard, located in we of Man-' elementary school. T. he-J^ at^M 2?&°CtthW ^ Box Moul^taln Dr. a Traforod Skoglund Jr.. Russell Hart- ^red Minlcuccf of South St.. 1. MEN TO WORK In precast con- No. 71. Bast Hartford, Oonnec- Hke babysitting nights, Mon- • Estate Co., ^ e r and ^ on pi^toes. of the complete listings we have. Chester’s best neighborhoods. ^ cy. 643-5992. j crockett. Realtor, 643-1677. for said ^hearing be. givm to all the District of M^chStof, ^ street, is considered a hoiurin®' J“n® J®«kopclx, Samuel phasia is on the immunization his class, a mem- Free Delivery . In Conn. 643-51?>. ' C^vendent to bus and dhop- s^p by the office and take a ------■«— ------SfIfSf? .55 ‘" ‘ ® M P* Maroh.,1966...... -,velopm«X^ Blonstein, David Campbell, Pat- «rf aU Infants under a year old National Honor Sc crete plant, experience helpful ticut Thank you for your oo- day —Saturday. Call after 3 Free Set-up by Our Men Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. r' CAPE rooms, Uke new. fire- aniiTH WINDSOR — Beautiful H?®’’’®*" be heard '"present. Hon. John j. Wallett. development but not necessary. Contact Mr. operation. -> m szc ’«un THRTTTT ® ^ 553 East Middle Tpke. Ha* water biMt full SOUTH W^DSUrt o ^ u i u i Uiereon, by_ publishing a copy ot Judge. One - te the main objections to Harn^ Mrs Merkori’ f viro! th® student council. Dra- Reynolds, Allied Casting Corp., ------^ p.m., 649 3640.______FVee Service by Experts THREE ROOM heated apart- appointment only, oaU George Open tUl 9. THREE BEDROOM Ranch, ^ 260 Tolland Tpke., Manchester, e’‘P«'*e"‘:ed. for « Free Storage Until Wanted 643-2428ments, hot9J5 water, adults. Call -vvijaard, 643-0612. combination aluminum storms ’ SSTbii.’Sf'.JSdS “" ■ r«;r;ar4«°y£:r“°S! and screens, new siding, ga- ’ «4u r t o f p bate ilSSniftrSo?* ° t providing school buses. The Rev. David Scaer, Shlriey Dietz, Rockville, 875-0889. A fter 6 for complete Information. Tob- See It Day or Night stove, refrigerator, parking. gas. Low rent. Apidy Apt 4, da room, AT :^ , 643-6930 'm a n c HESTEI^,-— B o w e r s ' p.m. 875-1543. er Baseball Mfg. Go., "114 Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Completely redecorated, $120. 10 Depot Square. Honed. Shown by a p p t^ n e n t frontage. Lappen ^ toe town now spends about $10,000 W illiam CantweU. Mary o ’NeiH, _ H a irV o n ito r s Manchester Evening H era^ If you have no means of trans- School areaTo room Cape. If * Brooklyn St., Rockville. 15 Eorest St., off Mato S t 646- Manchester Realtors forovet'20 F. Dlfiiock Agen<;yK 2 »e transportation Thomas Sheehan. Phyllis Rich, aW 3^p m te” Goventty correspondent. AKC MALE Sheltle, tri-colored, portatlon. I’ll send my auto for you’re looking for a truly Im- * S completely housebroken, good y°'*- No obligation whatsoever, 0090,643-5675. years' and members of The VARIETY to the key to this Business Locattons Multiple Listtog System. maculate family home, this is ;, BOLTON -Brand of late of maintain that if buses were or- Oregus. Evelyn Polowtiz, Susan Jlr AU im^res“ t S MACHINIST permanent Job installing with children. 649-3971. a t t> t-i t> m. MANCHESTER ______. ■ A — U — B — E — R — T ’— S NEED A RENT? Call the Rent For Rent 64 the one you’ve been waiting ' .ittanbapH n Banch, 2-car garage, 2 fire- Mmchetecr. in said District, de- a p p ^ be heard thei-Mu by dered into such housing develop- Bull, Sharles Harvey, Joseph building specialities in local room Raoeh with O r 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD man, no charge, dltont Side for. Letmard Agency, Realtors, * ^ ces, 2 baths, tre^ acra lot, Qn motto te J®*^ Baiiardl 26 Somfe®*ne«™M??’'havli^^a°^uliS menfo transportation cosU Belotti, Adeline Greenfield, An- Light refreshments will Realty. 649-3566, 649-4342. DESIRABLE atora or offloa 646r0469. rage, 3 generous bedrooms, brick and aluminum siding. Nonnm Manchester. 6on- ttonjin saidtastrict. at least seven would increase. The town pays drew Greenfield, Roger Flaher- Stocks in Brief CHIHUAHUA for sale, male, OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 PM. space, sh^und floor, clean, at­ SPACIOUS Custom built aU dining room, 17x17 fireplaced TOOLMAKER . »>twn. call 649-2634. ______brick 6 room house. 2 ceram ic C a ll Helen Palme^649-3877. J. o r d e r e d : That six months bfg, ^ ® b y ‘nSu^g ot bef^^ Cents a mile tor the buses ty, Wanda Satkiewicz, Gene - . nniintiaii NEW YORK (A P )—Blue chips CREST Luxuriotis Duplex tractive and reasonable. Apply MANCHESTER — Bowers ' living room, oU bot water heat, cesaful, fast growing conpany.______hatha, dining room, doable D. Real Estate Co., 648-5129, from Uw 1st day te Mm^. i w . be March 14 1966. by certified mall. In addition to other costs Ooehring James Roach WU- t 1 a mt. i t gathered strength as tee stock Apartments, 4^ rooms, 1^ Mr. Daly, State. Theatre. 900. W olvertm Agencjfo Real- OWNERS Transferred, priced eoM estate, and sold executor fa S'" dl- Klngsbuiy Drive. SilverS W r iT ^ »>® heU* Lincoln Simon. John Thorpe Jr., for tee baaebaU program, L m cern. Large -variety of MAN FOR Chemical mixing STORE FOR RENT — Mato 8t Agency, 649-5824. to notice to the Mnj-ylaad, and return make to thfs in the girls’ gym at Rockville Gayland Ahrahamson, George sponsored by the Coventry Boys picked up as AIR-OONDmONERrr- 30” elec­ dining room, modem kitchen, detached; garage, treed lot, * to n , 649-2813. under appraisal. 5% rtxwn Bol- creditonrs to bring in ,their claims_ _ Court. prices improved. work, congenial working and warehousing. Conversion THOROUGHBREID beagle. 1,400 square fe e t heated. Call ------_ JOHN J w a lle tt Judge School Umight until 9. Ap- Apel, Baihara Evenson, Wll- Baseball Association Inc., at the tric range, twin bed. new liv­ range, refrigerator, Venetian S22-3UA RANCH — Seven rooms, one 822,500. Wolverton Agency,. ~ ton Ranch, spectacular lot, “ “ tone”aikiw^^ by pub- The market was slightly high­ conditions. Apply: Chemical, 210 East Main St, ROUJNO PARK —' cozy 6 room ■ ----- proximatoly 100 exhibits deal- Ham Burke, Walter Gross, Rob- George H ersey Robertson very good with chUdren, ing room furniture. 643-9067. blinds, carpeted. Open stair- year old, prestige neighbor­ Realtors, 649-2813. swimming pool, landscaping. i «”• b. DeMor. Admrx. er at the opening, improved Rockvtile, 872-^1. months old. 649-4946. case, central free parking, on BUSINESS and office space for hood on deadend street large Cape, fireidace, an abundance AT A COURT OF PROBATE Wology and the iteysi- ert Beiger, Mary McDonald, School PERSONNEL DEbPT. te diosets, aluminum storms eSn,e.'^'U®e? held j t Manchester, within and tor ®®J sciences wlB be on display. hfichaeiLesizza, Rodney Oowon, Registrations inust be in per- cautiously then gathered furthw - SEJWING MAC3HNE5S—we are bus hne, near shopping, quiet rent CaU tor appointment 648- lot Mdth trees, decorated with MANOIESTER—6 room Raised • mil j-ntiirn nuUce to (M. inirt Vs “ jeoncnesier. wnnm ana ror conviction. ESTABLISHED local chemical r. ViaHaH Tnnnv eww\i6 T4»a 4i«a4 llWa. ___ m.______Ji__ e__ Rftnnh Hllllt IQftO 1 . througbout, weU ahnibbed 76x Ste notice g[^ 1^ "* exWblto were Judged yes- Leonaid Andei^, Hanry La- son, and boys imder 16 must be sales route, exceUent Immedi- Artides For Sale 45 loaded with many good used section. It’s Just like owning 7222. elegance for rich and excluetve buUt 1962, 100x200 lot, Investraent-gn^ade issues rose machines traded to during our your own home. Rent very 150 lot, attractive rear patio, JOIDf J.' WALLETT, Judge. Ito!*’j^ " J. Woliett, terday by Seth Harris, a teach- chut, Roland Gledhill. Wyman accompanied by a parent or . „ , , „ __ , . IONA MFG. CO. ate income and also future tor r-' ^TTu-o > ^------;— zr~ beauty plus hurary. Fireplaces, K®rage, 3 large bedrooms, Vernon recent Washington’s birthday reasonable. CaU 649-3566. MANCHESTER — Prime office bathrooms, garages. You name 2 ceramic baths, family ttzed ' Bowen School area, 30 day oc­ Judge. . er in the Cranbv oeiiocd svs- Orisers. Marian Maraflicz, guardian. The registration fee Itdctiona,to 1 or 2 points. Regent St, M^ncheeter ambitious man. $126. guaran- Schneider. Dotiald should be paid at registration. ^ ® reversal of tee usual re- teed to start For intonation when^ buy sole. Many late model elec------space, 100 to 2,000 square feet, It, this house has it For ap­ kitchen, fireplaced family ' cupant. Girard'Agency* Red- FAMILY PLANNED at regular price. Cole Discount tries are aU reconditioned and FOUlt ROOM apartment, 2 bed- cmtral location, abundance of pointment to see can Philbrick room, laundry room, a gor- ' tors, 8484)906 or Gertrude Hage- “** “‘’■ftof- Oonord High School in West Lewis, Harold Luetjen, Dorothy In charge wUl be James Breen, ®®^ pattern, some te the higlfa OaU 528-6686 or 644-0202. rooms, heat, hot water, stove, ______Station, 643-5332. guaranteed. We must move parittog, alter tp suit. Hayes Agency, 649-8464. geous ttvtog room, 2-car ga- ■ dom , 649-0638. 4-bedroom Colonial only one Present. Hon. John ‘j . WoUett. hlbited his* odministntion account Hartford. The pubUc is invited Ulrich, Rollald LeBlanc. Joseph CBBA board of directors chair- e le c t r ic s and - Journeyman WANTED an'experienced hear- th e^ out, prices start at $14.- retrigeraUH', $106. monthly. Agency, 646-0131. rage, $23,900. W olverton " ’^'sSfajte te luit ___ ** *® ^ew the exhibits this even- S t ^ e n , Peter Ignatowics, Ijrda man, assisted by Edward Neu- related fields backed a w ^ , CaU 875-7362. OARRHON Oteoidal — 2 yean year ted, family room with •xperienced to residential, mg aid consultant or salesman 96. Singer Sewing Cennpany, 832 Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. fireplace Just off large EUaabeth I. ’Tuiiira te Mooefae!^ ORDERED: TTmt the »Ox day te tag. , Sutherland and Bert Slither- monn, Franklin Richardson, leavin* a mixed pattern in that commercial and industrial. economical, that's Blue Lustre Mato Sit / ------— COVENTRY —Four room win- Seven Room Raised Ranch —..- »» _ - ---- > ted, on a wooded lot, large liv­ to aa« dfatrict, on taeoptede per- Boaeban RegistnUion land. Joseph Locke and Robert Prlnz. *®®*or. tor Tolland County. This Is a MANCHESTER kitchen, city' sewer and 000. noon at Probate Office In me V "” ' ■ .■■ s»»v», • Ka««r4*a^ KwMwvitft M*k. Steady work. Call RockviUe, carpet and upholstery cleaner. ___ Brand new,, teiized cottage, furntohed, MANCHESTER Raised - ing room, central b ^ formal top line position with a top line spacious 3 room apartments. water. More, more, mm-e for Upon wipltaatiaa te Herbert J. Mtailctpol BuUding In said Man- The Vernon Littie League reg- Oompieto Flrot Aid OourM A similar registration session Heavy Duying orougm suifa 8764S906. Rent electric shampooer $1. AIR-CONDITIONER — 18,500 lake privileges, available im­ Two Brepteoes, 2 half Ranch exceUent catMWtton. ^ dining room, family size' kitch- McKinney, conservator, mylng for Chester, be and Oie same la as- m - -^ a arnmn «rfii rvn iFah on tbs fnlinwinw mjn. will be held from 7 to 9 BJn stantlal gains to American Mtfa oqmpany expanding fqst. Good Ideal country setting, yet near only $24,900. Call Mr. Bog­ authority to m e r ii^ foe interest signed tor a hearing on the allow- l®tration tor the 19a6 season Will On FeD. 28 tee loUOWing per- ^ W neia irtro / 10 w pjn. working conditions. ExceUent The Sherwin Williams Oo B.T.U., 220 outlet 18%”x26”, mediately, 890. monthly. 643- -batbs, one ftiH bath, 2-car 8 bedrooms, large kitchen with » sn with builHns, one half bath dan at 649-5306 or 875-661L wMcn oakl tnoanalile osms-in the ance te sold odmhMraUon account be held Monday snd on March sons completed a fifteen hour Tuesday at Ooventry Grammar tors ana Btuaeoaser. EXPERIENCED 8150. CaU a fter 4 p jn . 269- all faciUtiea. Small Colonial 1686. garage, city utOiUeB, im­ and stone fireplaced family compensation. AU repUes will ARMSTRONG 9x12 vinyl rugs. styled buUding offers charm room for table, nintng zoom, t KS2TS. 'SSTuJSJSS? 1^ Sira SS » between C and 8 pan. at tee Hnrt Aid Instructors Training School, and Wednesday at tee Steels rails, i ^ n a e i^ 1186. mediate occupancy. Priced family room; two flreplacea, 1 TOOL AND be held strictly confidential. $7.77. SheiT WUliams Oo.k 981 ■and privacy. Only $125 month- COMPLETELY Furnirtied trall- BARROWS ft WALLACE ORDERED; That the foreaotng this Oourt direeia that noticie te Sacred Heart raw'w(*h_ Rt. 80, Oourse and are ceitlfled First tamo time at Ooventry High fP*®* Issues, chemicals and fo r quhdc sole, A A Zone. 0(>pHcatkm be beard aad deter- die time and place aerigned tor „ _____ . „ . . _, J . . m a o «/in nsm. ftotuwU nonferrous metals were general- Write tor Interview to Box R M a to S t. I hester. ONE pHatSorm rocker, $10, ly, heat bot water, stove and two toll baths, two car garage, t and two fun baths up, central Manchester Parkade mined at the Probate office in Man- said hearing be given to all per- Vernon. All boys who intend to Aid Instruotors: Sandra Tito- acnoot. ‘ * ® er, Coventry Lake, MOO. montb- patio, beautifully landscaped • otaHSbndlttedhg. 2-cor garage, Manchester 649-5306 GAGE MAKERS Herald. matefatog oocasionel chair, 8S, refrigerator included. Hayes ly. 742-8892. JS.IT'h-'’’ pl®y register, and should pony, RN. Joseph Ostroski, WUriaways ly l^ h e r. GBRT’S a gt.^ girt — ready tor both have maple frameB, good Charles Lesperance lot with trees, waU to wall car- . olumiinim siding, $27,600. Phil- ______tor'SubflShteg‘ f'c5;?y'TdUa“*^^^^ be acoompaiiled by tbeir par] David Hussey. James SulUvan, Ttie WWriaways Square - ^ A s t ^ t e d Press average PART-TIME work available for Agency, 646-013L Bridgeport Opoutora a whirl after cleaning carpets condition. 649-6582. pettog and drapea tachidod to f brick Agenqy, ■49 9434. VFRKON Recent Ranch on a' SSSSfJ* .5 *"" all perBona in- to »me newirpaper ^ving a ctre^ ,nU. Any boy who is 8 before Raymond Blanohette, John Me- Donce C3ub has Jack OTeOary of 60 stocks at noon was up L« evenings and weekends. Mc­ with EOUe Lustre. Rrat elec­ SIX ROOM duplex, Wopdlvid^ 649-7620 price of 824J»a Phllhrtek - VERNON Recent Ranch o n .to « id eriote, of «*® ^ - « ^ V " o f ' S S AuguHM wlm wffl not belo y flO ^ Kopo. Em«d lU r- t« caUer .1 Its teuh level tt 348.9 wtte Houses Fttr Raft 65 Hgto shaded lot, 5H rooms in- ew4«ecy «< wtt Donalds Drive-In, 46 W. Cen­ tric Bhariiphoer . Paul’s Patot 1963 FRi Gid a iRE, Imperial Agency 646-8464. ^ f« AY Around Maebinists 81 f it area, bus Hne, con ^ etely « W M W -I tePWHte S b t e j l s w i t t w i e " F ® ® ’ 1» before the some dote is dl- tuocl, Peter Dureiko and Ateeit at 8 pan. tomorrow at Ooventry rails up, .9 and uOUtles up 1.0. ter S t A WaUpaper'Supply. moi lel, frost-tree refrigerator redecorated, oil beat, large MAiNSBTSU) — E x cellen t CUSTOM RUILT Ranch on a • 4 ep tt«,T % OK- dudes 8 very large bedroama, «r this fora iBgB kitchen trite bdlt-lns and In somemft m mtu auer n bmII. a eOODT % Q1 ■ tSi'ortSra w m o w tW ? j asueus 5 S gible.Kswsas Dandurand,ww*a*oe,»eaa#w • Grammer...... Schod...... In.... dwrge...... W of Yhe Dow . Jones '} Industrid I . — av- Top wages and fringe benefits, ^th treeaer top. OaU 646- yard. AduKs preferred. Call af­ Ranch, 5 rooms, 10 acreii, shaded 100x400 lot, ftoraal ton-, MANCHESTER —7 room Bre- t Atirtng area, fireplaced Uving te In M aold te dtatitet.tes te ^ at leastteSi _ A.____ dlaoii,^ Vincent u V iM , ------f f ■m i ______refttehmente will be Mr, and erage noda wee up «.7« te 55 hour week. WANTED — Station attendant WALLPAPER — >Palnt Sale. 039B. ter 5 weekdays, anytime week­ IMUt - to Steve, rafidgemtor, tog room, fireplaced living placed OcAonial, recently pan- a M ht tea day 'te BaH A|ty., 71^ and mechanic’s helper, fuU- y$oo^ room with wall to wall carpet- hewtaf"?? appear v ihrr^Me^oeaM oS& ; AHce*^5rre?*Hodr5K«^^/o Superintendent, of 8cho(^ Tbe Herald** Vernon boreau' Mra. Stanley Jonee add Mr/and Buy one roil waUpaj>er — get ends. 649-1963. diahwacter and drapea inctud- room, family sized Utehen with tted. family room, modern ? A pply time, steady work, good pay, another roll for one^ ^ cent. MOVED TOO MUCH — ed. Watt to wan ca rp et boUt-toa, oil hot water beat kitdien wMh. dlafaweaber' and a ed lot. totton. teg. 2-cm- garage, $13.«00. WfO- Slart raiSS; ” rmH Raymond B. Ramsddl, tormeriy I. .$ 88 Pork St. Rockville, P. Mrs. Bdwerd Hansen. Mr. « d I^ es aU benefits available. Apply Ste ▼erton Agency, R ealkng ite - rwmn %o nte .oomt. moka to this Oourt. a baaketbaXl offtrial In the O. Beat gS7» M . g7S-AU8 e r Mrs. Rajvnood IficU ng wiU in heavy trading o o tha Amwi* E fts GAGE CO. Latex ceiling paint 83.99 gai- Clearance, Thursday, 7-9 p.m. FOUR ROOM apartment sec- tlatougbout, kdga rse man plastered waUs, 2-car garage, diiToaal, 1% bathe, ionn al din- i Prioed lo to person, Don Willis Garuge, ion. Limited Ume. M orri^ —rug, taUes, tiunks. bouse- ondf floor, eeatrally k>cat«rn **H'. Ff'-T'

1> 'S-^ JHDBSDAT, MABCa 1ft »•«* PAGE EIGHTEEN lianrlif^Btrr Ettm itt® !|i^rdik Average Dafly Net Press Run F«»r tbe Weak IMded The Weather Febmary M, 19M Oearing, colder tonight, low Members cf. Disabled Amer­ The VFW Auxiliary wiH ' FOR About Town ican Veterana Auxiliary . are ^Kmaor a card party tomorrow lOH Variety Show tti 20b; Increasiiig -etoudinesai, invited to attend a depcu'tment .at 8 pjRi. at the home. 14,582 •Old tamowOw; liiglt In 80a . 8 t Bridget’s Bnaaty Society meeting Sunday at 3 p.m. at Cosmetics Witt meet Monday at the MoKtiHo-Faugno P»st, 285 St. Washington lOIL will meet 7 M i munity Hall. The meeting is' beneflt the lOH Pool Fund, Carlos and Tina, who perform which has as its goal a fuUy House Committee OK’s open to memben and friends. Six meonbers of the tiegton ' ’The Salvation Army Cadet mystifying feats of magic; ..... equipped, year-round indoor pool Mike Monroe, billed as down Long After . M AuxUiary conducted a bingo Miss Francesca DeOioccio, Band and Chorus of New York for furthering the group’s work last night for 67 men at Rocky City will present a service of Prince of the Trampoline; ’The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest with handicapped children. ’The Dancing Horse; and the Car­ Hill Veterans Hcnne and Hos­ Deaoodo of 127 Bissell S^.; music and song Sunday at 4:30 fund presently stands at more pital. Homemade cookies were p.m. in the sanctuary of ’Trinity % kl bines from CansMla, ail exciting and MIm Enid Rosenthal, than 317,000 raised over the team of skaters. Music will be His Attack aerved with ice eres^. Ihose daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mor-, Covenant Church, Hackamatack past several years by various /r . w.. conducting the games were St. The service is open to the lOH acUviUes with additional by tbe Dave Kennedy DE^OIT (APL—Rabbi ency Fund Plea ton Rosenthal of 38 Lawton Mrs. Ruth Hidcox, Mini. George public. help from numerous local civic Orchestra. _ Morris Adler, 59, shot in McKecnrer, Mrs. William Brad­ Rd. ore on the dean’s list at Tickets 'may be purchased Hartford College for Women organizations. from any memher of lOH. the head during Sabbath ley, Mrs. Everett Frasei, Mrs. for the first semester. Both Arthur Tedford of ’Twin Hills Plans for the pool, drawn by services------nearly------a month ago Harry Rider and Mrs. Eugene girls are members of the fresh­ Dr., Coventry, last night was architect Robert Dawson of by a young member of his Freeman. The executive com­ man class. re-elected president of Man­ West Hartford, a member of the mittee of the auxiliary will chester chapter of Connecticut Bag of Money congregation, died today. lOH Adult Advisory Board, es­ Adler never regained conscio­ Southeast Asiau Aid meet Monday at the home of Master Barbers protective As­ timate the cost of the ambitious Taken in Break Mrs. Hickox, 400 Woodland ’The Manchester Antique sociation at a dinner meeting at ^'4 Hearinsr Aid Batteries usness after the Feb. 12 shoot­ - youth project at $278,000. ing at Shaarey Zedek Syna­ St. Show, sponsored by Second Miller’s Restaurant. Other of­ Hie Hartford Road Service Congregational Church, wtU be ficers are Robert St. Pier, re­ ’The variety show is being ar­ Station at 270 Hartford Rd, are Readily Available gogue in suburban Southfield. Will Take Major Sliee discussed tomorrow at 11 a.m. cording secretary; Walter Mi­ ranged by an lOH committee was broken into and a money The rabbi was shot by Rich­ Manchester YWCA will spon­ on the Jean CWbert Show on headed by Bruce Eagleson, lOH bag containing $120 was taken Here, plus Trusses, Ab- ard Wishnetsky, 23, who shot sor a duplicate bridge game to­ chaud, financial secretary, and WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Appriipriations ’Si " '- '" ” radio station WTIC, Hartford. William Pagani Jr„ treasurer. president, and the acts—all sometime before 3:66 am. this himself seconds after Adler fell morrow at 8 p.m. at Commun­ well-known stage and TV per­ morning when a patroknan no­ d(Hninal Supports, Bib to the floor. Wishnetsky died. Committee approved without change today Fr^^sident ity Y, 79 N. Main S t Regis­ Manchester Fine Art Aseo- sonalities—have donated their ticed a broken • window in the four days later. Johnson’s request for $15,135,719;000 in emergency tration will be at 7:45 p.m. Re­ Robert Dlgan, supervisor of Fracture Braces that can elation will sponsor a “Paint­ services free of charge through rear door of the station, po­ Adler underwent two. opera­ funds, all but a minor fraction earmarked for military 5, • i*-: freshments will be served. Hie attendance for the Manchester tions within days of the shoot­ ing for Fun” workshop party schools, will participate m a the efforts of the A1 Morgan lice report bring Welcome Relief. and economic operations in Southeast Asia. game is open to the public. tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. at Family of Coventry, a team of Further investigation re­ ing. The (jommittee acted under a ■:------...... ' — panelist In the Third Governor’s speedup schedule, following up the Community Y, 79 N. Main Conference on Children and acrobats which will be one of vealed that the door was un­ Phone 643-4186. A spokeemoai at Sinai Hospt- personnel in Viet Nam produc­ St. Nora Addy Drake will show Youth being held April 20 at the headline acts appearing in locked and secured only by an tsl, wtiere Rabbi Adler had lain Senate and House actions tion of aircrsift, ordnance, am­ a film ittustrating landscape the show. unclosed padlock that merely since he was shot, said he died Thursday which gave Johnson munition and other hardware M anchester the Hotel Statler In Hartford. three victories in the Viet Nam painting technique and those Barry and Nancy Hager, an acrobatic duo which peWorms Others appearing on the pro- hung on the hasp. The door on at 7:42 due to complications of 4*J and construction of additional Emblem Club attending wild follow the step- gniam will Include “Lucky” the east^ side of the building his prolonged coma. debate. military facilities abroad and in *;.iT Women’s Fellowship of Cen‘ feats of tumbling and jumpliig using only a table and barrel. The money Is for use during by-«tep InatmcUons. ’The event ter Congregational Church will Is one of the professional acts donating its services to the Lewis and Teddy Ehiglish, a tap disclosed evldeinco of pry Wishnetsky, who had under­ the United States. is open to the public for a lOH variety show. The pair has appeared at supper clubs, dancing duo; Banfy and Nancy marks. Nothing else was gone psychiatric treatment the remaining 3% months of the Military personnel strength RUMMAGE have a sowing day Wednesday present fiscal year, and most nominal fee. Those planning to at 10 a.m. at the church. 'Those fairs and conventions throughout the East and Canada. Hager, a barrel act wiiicJi is touched, according to police. shortly before his death, criti­ would be hiked from 2,990,000 to attend are reminded to bring cized the congregation as "a of it is to be used to beef up 3,103,000. attending are reminded to bring Sstiw V.’ military activities in Viet Nam. SALE the necessary materiads. sandwiches. Dessert and coffee travesty and an abomination,” Approximately $1.8 billion of bers of the g;roup are Jonathan The House will consider the W will be served. Ellis, Sandy Neill, Dean LaCoe, just before shooting the rabbi. the total of $7 billion allotted for Friday, March 11 The executive board of the “It has made a mockery by All Rights All Trucks Out of the Pool committee’s recommendations military hardware procurement Phil Clendaniel and Steve Mon- next Tuesday with prompt pas­ 9 A.M. Women’s Auxiliary to Manches­ tany. Its hypocrisy of the beauty and It was a warm, spring-like day and the pool was inviting. Next thing you would be used to replace air­ ter Memorial Hospital will meet Group to See spirit of Judaism,” Wishnetsky, knew there was a belly whopper in the water—automotive style. This driver­ sage expected after a brief for­ craft lost in Viet Nam. " ELK S H OM E Mbnday at 1 p.m. at the board Mrs. Robert Starkel and Mrs. an honors student and Woodrow eign policy debate. The committee approved ex­ Hayden Griswold Jr. are co- less truck rolled down a driveway and into Louis Guyott’s North Haven pool, All but $416 million -of the Bissell Street room in Chapman Hbuse, 60 Spring Styles You get a lot of Wilson Fellow, had said. penditure of $1,238,400,000 for chairmen of the event. Other Haynes St, Rabbi Adler had spoken at his unofficially opening the area swim season. (AR,Photofax) ______money is for direct military construction progr& m a, more chairmen include Mrs. Ralph programs. The $416 million in­ Spring fashions will be fea­ filial sermon of Abraham Lin­ than half of it to develop new Maher, tickets; Mrs. M. Philip cludes $276 million for economic airfields, hospitals, bases and tured Wednesday, March 23, at Susag, hospitality: Mrs. Edgar coln, ivho also died from an as- aassln’s bullet. aid in Viet Nam, $26 million for port facilities In South Viet. 7:30 p.m. at a dessert fashion Clarke, decorations; and Mrs. For a little b it/of doi^gh the Dominican Repubic, $7.5 Nam. Now Open t h e Now Open Fred Geyer, publicity,. A close friend. Rabbi Moses show sponsored by Manchester Lehrman, of B'nai Moshe Syna- Gemini 8’s Flight Seen million each for Laos and Thai­ A smell parliamentary obsta­ Adults models are Mrs. James land,. and $100 miUion for the cle stood in the way of floor ac­ Auxiliary of Children’s Services Blair, Mrs. Myron Bogllsch, gog;ue, in neighboring Oak Park, spent an evening with Rabbi President’s emergency foreign tion on the appropriation. DRY GULCH PACKAGE STORE of Connecticut at the K of C Mrs. Felix Davis, Mrs. Douglas aid fund. The problem Is that the mon­ Home. Fenlty, Mrs. SUUman Keith, Adler the night before the shoot­ RUSSELL DAY. Permittee ing. In a formal report, the com­ ey bill includes the foreign aid Adults, teen-agers and young Mrs. H. John Malone, Mrs. Leon When you buy thespU. S. Choice chuck roasts, oven ready Action-Packed Mission mittee said the money recom­ and military funds that have not ROUTE 83 TALCOTTVILLE Podrove, Mrs. Raymond Quish, ■ "He told me he planned to Children will model clothes from turkeys or pork^t Pinehurst Service Meat Center. speak of Lincoln at the sabbath CAPE KEiNNEDY, Fla. (AP) tihe three-day trip in which the flight request, and the pilots wiU mended would provide for in­ Mari-Mads and from the Mam’- Mrs. Harry Relnhom, Mrs. Har­ — “This is an extremely fuH astronauts will be busier than do what they can in the time creases in military and civilian (See Page Six) N«xt to Tniden't VeltswagM selle Dress Shop of Vernon Cir­ lan Taylor, and Mrs. John Wen- morning service,” said Rabbi iLehrman, “ and how Lincoln flight plan, and therefore many any previous U.S. spacemen, aldoted. It’s doubtful they can do cle. Mrs. Clarence Rush will be nergren. things might not be done.” Highldglits wdU be the cihase of all the things laid on. It will be Featuring oommentatoir for the children's Teen-agers and children mod­ - was shot down at the peak of his BON^KESS ECONOMY contributions to mankind by. an Flight Director Ohrlstopher an agena satolUte over a 106,- a flight of real time decisions.” A Complete Line Of Choice clothes and Herb Miller of eling include Debbie Clarke, Kraft was discussing next 000-mile course; four separate Kraft said the astronauts Humphrey Opposes Kennedy Mam’selle t{ie adult and teen­ Jill Ganzer, Kimberly Glenney, ; imbalanced and disgruntled cri­ BLOCK CHUCK tic. week’s action-packed Gemini 8 linkups with the Ageha, and the were given many tasks because WINES. LIQUORS. age fashions. Wigs and hair Robin Starkel, Holly Urbanettl, BLADE IN CHUCK ROAST mlission duilng wWch astToiiauts' space’ wsJk during which Scott “in Gemini We hope to gain as styles wiU be furnished by the Abigail Fenity, Colleen and Long active in community Nell A. Armstrong,------a oivlldan, ™i,uwill float on a 100-foot tether much space operational experi- CORDIALS Carriage House Beauty Salon. Vicky Ferguson, Stephanie FRESHLY CHOPPED aervice. Rabbi Adler had devo and David R. Scott, an Air practicing maneuvers and ence as possible on all flights. POT R O A ST ted most of his spare time and 59 More Survivors Watkins Bros. wiU supply an Fuss, Linda Larson, Julie and Force major, are to latoh their seeing how well he can perform “We may do one e^qierinient plus organ and organist for back­ Charles Lundberg, Ross Pastel, counsel to education, race rela­ — FR«E DELIVERY — Lynn Robinson, Douglas and tions Eutd labor relationa. apace ship to another satellite In wdghtleasitess as a photogra- such as firing the Agena’s sec­ ground music, Lb. 49c GROUND CHUCK ond Scott Is to stroll In space for, pher, space mechanic, star gaz- ondary prc^pulslon system while Monehttsttr 643-4861 Bpeclal entertainment wiU Alec Schulthois, Jane, Janet and He worked on n tm iw ^ ed­ Rescued from Ashau Vi ucation committees mr B’nal 2 hours 40 minutes. - er and collector of scdentiflc docked ailB then decide we wont Dial Operator Enterprise Rockville 7580 feature Sandy Neill and his Go- Jerry Squires and Elizabeth and A , (Reireld iihoto by Satemto) Go band, ‘The Rivals.” Mem­ Meurcy Young. B’rith, the Jewish servieat it, either to learn SAJGON, South Viet Nam Airport tonight, injuring one ganization and was a member Space Adminletratlon reported Ih an interview, Kraft said; something more or because the soldier seriously and three oth­ in detail Thursday the plans for “The flight plan Is essentially a first results were inconclusive. (AP) — U.S. Marin* helicopters today ...a s always... leaders in fine meats of the United Auto Wbrkers Un­ flew under Oommunlst gutn; to­ ers slightly. Four Vietnamese kiOld BeU Movei to New Location • * ion’s public review board. ______-______■ ______“Something . like this could passers-by also were hurt toy the SustMiuie^—^bbth in ths air and between locations. , ; Get really fresh Penobscot chickens, legs and ■ change the flight plan, causing day to rescue 69 more survivors PRE-SEASON All our meats are sold the service way . . . not pre­ As far bade cue 1942, he spoke of the fallen Ashau Special blast. -^is'a two-ton bell which baa kuner in the. lowSr at- breasts . . . Chuck, 3 in 1 blend bf pork, veal and out on race relations. "The Ne­ ,us to drop some other experi­ At the noon hour Thursday, wrapped. Buy one 1st Prize or Grote franks . . . ment,” Kraft said. Forces comp cn the Laotian the ’^ ite-^ rb in Envelope Go.-fqr 82 years^lt was or a dozen . . . Have your 1st Prize and Grote beef or round ground which is freshly chopped gro proUem is one we oan no frontier. terrorists exploded two gre­ presented to th e F ir st ( CJorigrefirational Church o f AWNING longer ignore,” be said. Experts See Obesity The doubleheader launching is Five of those rescued In the nades in a bar-restaurant at cold cuts sliced to order. every Vi ho'U '. • • He believed strongly In the scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Binfa Duong, 20 mllee north o f Vernon ,to replace one damaged in the fire that daring flights were crewmen of destroyed, the church building last year. The bell, AND separation of diurch and state. EST Tuesday when an Attas- two Marine helicopters shot Saigon. Seven persons were U. S. Choice Land O* “Religion has no place in our Agena rocket boosts the Agena killed and 64 wounded, presu­ and>a new steeple, will be p|it up next month. BONELESS Again, we feature the finest Corn-Fed Pork Better Than Smoking upper stage into orbit. The Ti­ down Thursday during a dra­ at low prices . . . Center Rib Pork Chops or Lakes 17 to 20 lb. plump public schools,”, he said in 1958. matic evacuation Of 69 wounded mably ^1 Vietnamese. The ter­ LT.WOOD "Any involvement of. relig;lon tan 2 Is to follow at 11:41 a.m.. rorists escaped. in the final hours of the 39-hour CANOPY E Y E O R Center Roast Pork lb. 8 9 ^ broad breasted with government niMhanisms is LOS ANGE3LE3S (AP) — Folks Gordon also said toat the shooting Gemini 8 Into space to Although U.S. forces saw lltle bad tor govenim ^ and worse who refuse to give up smoking common assumption that over- start the dramatic chase, battle before a North Vietnam­ LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET Veiy mealy Country Ribs for Kfaui w ese reg(iment ovenvheimed the action on the ground, American Crisis Approaches UNDERCUT for religion.” "tor “ "fear of * getting fat would be weight shortens ‘ life has, strictly jf the Agena achieves the de- planes delivered countertflowa ALL OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY CUT AND DISPLAYED — Braising lb. 89^ healthler if they were chubby speaking, never been proyed. aired orbit, Armstroi^ and Scott garrison. TURKEYS Bom in Russia on Miarch SO, .The rescued Marine airmen at the Reds in North and South NOT PR^ACKAGED CHUCK and smokeless, according to two “What has been done,” he will fly almost precisely the Viet Nam despite heavy over­ SALE (See Page Six) experts on obMity. said, “is to compare the death same orbit-shifting course that included the commander of the helicopter squadron. He was cast. i . FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT Open up an orange and taste the sunshine in Smoking, thfey report, is much rates of say, 1,(X)0 fat men and Gemini 6 did in catching up to •The poor weather, that ham­ ROAST harder on a person than being 1,000 thin men, or men of nor- Gemini 7 in December. last seen Thursday running tor a Seedless Calif. 4 4 ^ 5 a bunker with a machine gun in pered air strikes to save the OVEN or POT AMA Apologizes slighUy overweight mal weight. Gemini 6 and 7 space his arm's. The others were Viet­ Ashau outpost, hindred but did WASHINaTDN (AP) — Iffresl- set up summer training courses GREYLEDGE FARM Dr. B.S. Gordon, professor of “But In order to reach any one toot of namese' and Montagnard troop­ not stop Navy and Air Ftorce dent Johnson’s new National at universities, and find school FRESH NATIVE NAVEL ORANGE medicine at the University of conclusion, it would be neces- did not have the ers, including three women de­ pilots who flew 13. missions Teacher Corps is rapidly ap- districts where the corps, is U.S. Choleo For Picture of Wisconsin, and Dr. Jean Mayer, sary to compare the death rates capability of hooMng up In against the tiommunist North. I>n>achlng a crisis stage — It needed. 88 SIZE BAG OF 12 professor of nutrition at Har- of ,1,000 fat men and 1,000 men gpgcc pendents who lived at the iso­ Labor Leader lated outpost. Picking their targets with the needs thousands of applications “We’re going to girt this show L of L 9 to 13 lb. vard University, told a symposi- who had lieen fat but who had g command pilot Arm- Despite their victory at Aah- help of radar, Ihe 7ih Fleet right now, 'biit It can’t sign on (jje road next fall unless Gon- JUMBO 72 SIZE BAG OF 10 urn