l='i.r, -o ,j"@')t,-r3r $v.s " 'i -4r' UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD lndira Gandhi Memorial Library Updated Vendors List as on 3'1.r December, 2018 UH/IGML/PERIODICAL/201 26-03-2019 NOTE It, is to submit that the below mentioned pu b lishers/vend ors/su pp liers who have been supplying/d istrib uting books/period icals and on lrne database (jou rnals/books/factual/statistical databases) to IGM Library past serval years apart from direct purchase from publishers. The list is prepared based on their past reliability/trust and business capacity of the vendors/supp liers. List of Books/e-books Publishers/suppliers/vendors A&ABookHouse The Book Point Ltd. Heritage Publishers, LC.13/ 1904, Koyikkal Lane 3-6-752, Himayathnagar, 3-4-215/E, Beside Bank of lndia, Kumarapuram, N4edical CollegePO Hyderabad - 500 029. Kachiguda, Hyderabad - 500 027 Thiruvananthapuram-69501 1, Ph: 27665094 and 27665446 Pn,27552322, 27 552448 Ketala, P h.047 1 -29 1 7 27 7 lVIob.09495815896 Book Selection Center, Higginbothams Pvt.Ltd,
[email protected] K.D. House, 3-5-121 lEl 1 /2, 9, Fateh l\4aidan,
[email protected] Near Shalimar Theatre, L. B. Stadium, Basheer Bagh Ramkoti, Hyderabad - 500 001 Ahuja Book Company Pvt.Ltd Hyderabad 500 195. - Himalaya 438/4C. Ansari Road Darya Canj Ph. 23446841 , 23446843 Publishing House, NewDelhi - 110002 No.2-21 1 1 67 12H, First Floor, The Book Syndicate, Tilak nagar lvlain road, Allied Pu blishers (Pvt.) Ltd. Devaka l\4ahal (old), New Railway Bridge, 3-2-84416&7 , Kachiguda Station Opp: Central Bank, H yd e rabad.