Stirling Council Agenda Item No.9

Date of Planning & Regulation Meeting: 29 May 2018 Panel Not Exempt

Temporary Public Entertainment Licence

Purpose & Summary

The purpose of this report is to seek a decision from the Planning & Regulation Panel with regards to an application for a Temporary Public Entertainment licence submitted by Doune The Rabbit Hole CIC for a music festival within Cardross Estate, between Friday 13 July and Monday 16 July 2018. Councillors Martin Earl and Alistair Berrill have sought referral of this licensing application for the reasons set out in Appendix 1 and 2 to this report.


The Panel is asked to: 1. grant the Temporary Public Entertainment Licence subject to all relevant conditions being met by the organiser to the satisfaction of the Chief Governance Officer and all relevant documents having been supplied; or 2. grant the Temporary Public Entertainment Licence subject to all relevant conditions being met by the organiser to the satisfaction of the Chief Governance Officer and all relevant documents having been supplied, and to apply additional appropriate condition(s) which the Panel deems necessary; or 3. refuse the Temporary Public Entertainment Licence.

Resource Implications

There is no resource implication identified.

Legal & Risk Implications and Mitigation

There is no legal and risk implication associated with this report. 1. Background

1.1. Doune The Rabbit Hole is a family friendly music festival which has been running since 2011. Its current location is Cardross Estate, Port of Menteith. 1.2. The festival runs over a three day period commencing on Friday 13 July 2018 until Sunday 15 July 2018 and the campsite closes on Monday 16 July 2018 at 12 Noon. 1.3. There are various bands who entertain on a number of stages, food vendors, stalls, children’s entertainment and a licensed bar that all attend the event. 1.4. Over the years the Council have worked with Doune The Rabbit Hole organisers in assisting them in producing their event. 1.5. Last year there were issues in respect of noise and disruption to neighbouring properties which raised concern, and brought a small number of complaints to the Council’s attention. 1.6. In order to rectify the issues raised and the complaints received from last year, the Licensing Team and Environmental Health have met with Doune The Rabbit Hole on a regular basis to work through the concerns and issues raised.

2. Considerations

2.1. Under the Civic Government () Act 1982 a Temporary Public Entertainment licence is required for the use of a premises, for where there is a payment for admission or use of facilities. 2.2. The event is a family friendly music festival which takes place at Cardross Estate, Port of Menteith. 2.3. The times of operation proposed for the event are Friday 13 July 2018 12 Noon to 2.00am, Saturday 14 July 2018 10.00am to 3.00am and Sunday 15 July 2018 10.00am to 12 Midnight. The campsite closes on Monday 16 July 2018 at 12 Noon. 2.4. The capacity for the event is proposed to be 3,250. This includes all site management, stewarding, entertainers and festival attendees. 2.5. The site build and break down will commence on Friday 6 July 2018 and continue through until Friday 20 July 2018. This year Doune The Rabbit Hole have stated that the working hours during this time will be confined to 9.00am until 7.00pm. 2.6. In previous years, through consultation with Environmental Health there have been noise limits placed on the event for after 11.00pm. 2.7. As part of the application process, , Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and various services within the Council are consulted. 2.8. Representations have been received from Ward Councillors regarding the concerns raised from last year’s event, in respect of public disturbance and complaints which were received by them. 2.9. Additional conditions (Appendix 3) have been placed upon this event in previous years regarding noise levels. It is proposed that these conditions will again be added to the licence if granted. After the event the Council will organise to have a debrief meeting with Doune The Rabbit Hole in order to discuss the event and any issues which may arise. 2.10. An occasional licence for the sale of alcohol will also be applied for this event.

3. Implications

Equalities Impact 3.1. This section is not applicable. Sustainability and Environmental 3.2. This section is not applicable. Other Policy Implications 3.3. No other policy implications have been identified. Consultations 3.4. Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, Environmental Health, Traffic Management, Trading Standards, Ward Councillors and Cleansing.

4. Background Papers

4.1. Event Information. 4.2. Event Risk Assessment. 4.3. Fire Risk Assessment. 4.4. Traffic Management Plan. 4.5. Maps. 4.6. Operational Hours. 4.7. Alcohol Management Plan. 4.8. Emergency Management Plan.

5. Appendices

5.1. Appendix 1 – Email from Trossachs and Teith Ward Councillor Earl. 5.2. Appendix 2 – Email from Forth and Endrick Ward Councillor Berrill. 5.3. Appendix 3 – Additional noise conditions.

Author of Report: Contact Details: Shona Campbell Licensing Paralegal 01786 233614

Approved by: Signature: Iain Strachan Chief Governance Officer Date: 4 May 2018

Details of Convener(s), Vice Convener(s), Councillor A MacPherson Portfolio Holder and Depute Portfolio Holder Councillor C Kane consulted on this report:

Wards affected: Ward 1, Trossachs and Teith

Key Priorities: N/A

Key Priority Considerations: N/A

Stirling Plan Priority Outcomes: N/A (Local Outcomes Improvement Plan)