Communicating Environmental and Sustainability Science
Communicating Environmental and Sustainability Science Challenges, opportunities, and the changing political context C L I M A T E outreach A Knowledge Report for Mistra formerly COIN Climate Outreach Climate Outreach is Europe's leading specialist in climate change communication, bridging the gap between research and practice. Our charity is focused on building cross-societal acceptance of the need to tackle climate change. We have over 12 years of experience helping organisations communicate about climate change in ways that resonate with the values, sense of identity and worldview of their audiences. We work with a wide range of partners including central, regional and local governments, charities, business, faith organisations and youth groups. The Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JE, UK +44 (0) 1865 403 334 @ClimateOutreach @ f Climate Outreach in Climate Outreach Project team Authors Dr Adam Corner, Research Director, Climate Outreach Dr Chris Shaw, Senior Researcher, Climate Outreach Jamie Clarke, Executive Director, Climate Outreach Editing & Production Anna Stone, Research Coordinator, Climate Outreach Léane de Laigue, Head of Communications, Climate Outreach Elise de Laigue, Designer, Explore Communications - Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the support and input of Kjell Asplund, Maria Gunther, Brigitte Nerlich, Matthew Nisbet, Robert Watt and Victoria Wibeck. This report was commissioned by Mistra ahead of a possible research initiative on Science Communication. It was written by Dr Adam Corner, Dr Chris Shaw and Jamie Clarke, who are responsible for the content. Cite as: Corner, A., Shaw, C. and Clarke, J. (2017). Communicating Environmental and Sustainability Science - Challenges, opportunities, and the changing political context.
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