Luis Gregorio Moyano

Rep´ublicadel L´ıbano 150, Mendoza, 5500 Mendoza, [email protected]

Current position Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Mendoza, Argentina Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Adjunt Professor May 2016 - Today

CONICET Adjunt Researcher May 2016 - Today

Education and training

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Madrid, Spain Postdoctoral Position at 2007 - 2008 Mathematics Department & GISC

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F´ısicas , PhD in Physics 2001 - 2006 Supervisor: Prof. Constantino Tsallis. PhD Thesis: “Nonextensive in complex systems: dynamical foundations and applications”

Instituto Balseiro Bariloche, Argentina MSc in Physics 1997- 2000 Supervisors: Prof. Dami´anZanette and Prof. Guillermo Abramson. Msc. Thesis: “Learning in coupled dynamical systems”

Research Interests

• Machine Learning applications on networks, Natural Language Processing, Big Data applications.

• Complex Networks, Social Networks, Complex Systems.

• Statistical mechanics, applications to economical, social and biological systems.

• Bayesian inference, Markovian systems, congestion and information transfer dynamics in networks.

• Evolutionary game theory, emergence of cooperation in complex networks.

• Nonlinear dynamics, coupled chaotic systems, synchronization.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 1 Positions, fellowships and awards

• IBM Research Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Staff Research Member December, 2013 - April, 2016

Staff Research Member at the Social Data Analytics Group. Project leader and principal researcher for Complex Networks with Machine Learning applications. Conducted several applied research projects analyzing various types of large data sets (Twitter and Facebook posts, Healthcare claims) using Deep Learning algorithms (based, for instance, in Recursive Neural Networks run on GPU-based clusters) for tasks such as real time sentiment analysis, real time topic detection (based on Latent Dirichlet Process, a Bayesian Probabilistic text classification familiy of algorithms) as well as social network images classification (based on the ImageNet database).

• BBVA - Banco Bilbao Vizcaya-Argentaria - Data Scientist April, 2013 - November, 2013

Leading Data Scientist in the Big Data Group at BBVA, Spain-based international financial group (second largest in the country), studying and developing Big Data solutions to improve BBVA’s customer services. Project leader and principal researcher, with activities in aereas such as client database extension by mining external/internal, structured/unstructred data sets through Big Data techniques and tools, developing algorithms to search and discover patterns on client data, in order to create and extend products and services both for clients as for the bank itself.

• Telef´onicaResearch - Associate Researcher September, 2010 - April, 2013

Associate researcher in the Internet Group (Research Division) performing data analysis (mainly using R, bigmemory package, HP’s Vertica Analytics Platform), heavily based on mathematical and statistical modeling, as well as numerical analysis and simulations. Research activities in the context of CDR analysis to understand the interplay between social networks and geolocation attributes. Definition and implementation (coding in C, python and shell scripts) of solutions for large social graphs algorithms (∼ 108 links being a typical size). Technical participation in European co-funded research project related to SmartCities, focusing in urban transportation and the use of complex networks to target pollution reduction and efficiency increase. General dissemination activities, paper publication and presence at international conferences.

• Telef´onicaInvestigaci´ony Desarrollo - Junior Researcher September, 2008 - August, 2010

Analysis of complex technological networks topologies and dynamics (OSS/BSS map and OSS/BSS processes). My work provided evidence of the confinement of dynamical processes to distinct topological communities, simplifying the analysis and interpretation of the system map.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 2 Developed and patented optimization techniques for WDM network configuration by means of nonextensive statistical mechanics methods (generalized simulated annealing). Main responsible to direct efforts aiming at the implementation of the product in Brazil. Preparation and technical consulting for FP7 projects in collaboration with international consortiums. Designed mathematical models for optimized ranking of trouble tickets. Leader of the development team responsible of the implementation of a working prototype, capable of processing a sustantive fraction of Spain’s broadband trouble tickets. Leader of collaborations with several universities for modeling congestion in OSS systems. Our work detected and quantified abrupt overall efficiency changes (with similarities to phase transitions) as a function of individual system response resources. Responsible for dissemination activities and international conference presentations.

• Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos - GISC - Associate Researcher October 2009 - May 2015 Collaboration and joint research activities with other GISC members, in research lines corresponding to complex systems (evolutionary game theory, financial time series analysis, among others). Participation in events and working groups.

• SIMUMAT Postdoctoral Fellowship - Postdoctoral Researcher February 2007 - August 2008 Selected for postdoctoral fellowship “Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation in Science and Technology” from the Community of Madrid. Developed and implemented (using C, C++, R, python, shell) extensive numerical simulations in cluster for evolutionary game theory research over networks. Our work introduced the possibility of changing strategy dynamics over a set of possibilities, providing insight to which strategy dynamics would be evolutionary prevalent. Mining of large datasets of financial market time series, development and implementation of algorithms focusing on hidden orders to quantify market impact. Dissemination activities and international conference presence.

• Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan - Invited Research Visitor November - December 2006 Research collaboration with Prof. Yuzuru Sato (RIES Complex Systems Group) in topics related to nonergodic properties of discrete dynamical systems. Designed and implemented numerical simulations (mainly Mathematica-based). Provided advice to graduate students.

• Instituto de F´ısica,Universidad Aut´onomade M´exico - Invited Research Visitor August - October 2006 Research collaboration with Prof. Alberto Robledo in topics related to superstable attractors in the logistic map, statistical mechanics of dynamical systems and fractal properties of ensemble trajectories. Designed and implemented numerical simulations. Dissemination activities and advice to graduate students.

• Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA - Invited Research Visitor May - July 2006

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 3 Research collaboration with Prof. Constatino Tsallis and Nobel laureate Prof. Murray Gell-Mann related to the properties of strong correlations in the limit of large numbers of a class of probability models, and its connection to a generalization of the central limit theorem. My contribution consisted both on the design and implementation of extensive numerical simulations as well as participating in the theoretical discussion.

• Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F´ısicas,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Research Fellow 2005 - 2006 PCI/DTI Fellowship from CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient´ıficoe Tecnol´ogico),for NextComp Project at NCSA facilities (National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Urbana, IL). Participated as researcher and consultant for the development of parallel simulation software for molecular dynamics of nonextensive systems in grid environments.

• Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA - Invited Research Visitor April - June 2005 Research visit funded by SI International/AFOSR for research collaboration with SI International members (Rome, NY) as well as SFI (Santa Fe, NM) in the context of nonextensive statistical mechanics research and its applications (generalized Fourier transform).

• Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F´ısicas - Graduate Student 2001 - 2005 Fellowship from CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient´ıficoe Tecnol´ogico), for PhD in Physics at CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, under the supervision of Prof. Constantino Tsallis.

• Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina - Undergraduate Student 1997 - 2000 Fellowship from CNEA (Comisi´onNacional de Energ´ıaAt´omica)for Degree in Physics. Less than 30 fellowships granted per year at a national scale after an intensive selection process.

• Facultad de Ingenier´ıa,UNC, Mendoza, Argentina - Undergraduate Student 1993 - 1997 First three years and a half of Industrial Engineering career (as requisite for acceptance at Instituto Balseiro) at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 4 Publications

In JCR (SCI) Journals

1. F. Alhasoun, F. Aleissa, M. Alhazzani, L.G. Moyano, C. S. Pinhanez, M. C. Gonz´alez,“‘Age density patterns in patients medical conditions: A clustering approach”. PLoS Computational Biology 14(6) (2018) e1006115. 2. V. F. de Santana, A. P. Appel, L.G. Moyano, M. Ito, C. S. Pinhanez, “Revealing Physicians Referrals from Health Insurance Claims Data”, Big Data Research (2018) (in press). 3. L.G. Moyano, “Learning Network Representations: A review with applications to complex networks”, European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 226(3) (2016) 499-518. 4. L.G. Moyano, J.P. C´ardenas,J. Salcedo, M.L. Mouronte, R.M. Benito, “Information transfer dynamics in fixed-pathways networks”, Chaos 21, 013126 (2011). 5. L.G. Moyano, M.L. Mouronte, M.L. Vargas, “Communities and dynamical processes in a complex software network”, Physica A 390 (2011) 741. 6. J.P. C´ardenas,M.L. Mouronte, L.G. Moyano, M.L. Vargas, R.M. Benito, “On the Robustness of Spanish Telecommunication Networks”, Physica A 389 (2010) 4209. 7. E. Moro, J. Vicente, L.G. Moyano, A. Gerig, J. D. Farmer, G. Vaglica, F. Lillo and R.N. Mantegna, “Market Impact and Trading Profile of Large Trading Orders in Stock Markets”, Phys. Rev. E 80 (2009) 1-9, [arXiv:0908.0202]. 8. L.G. Moyano and A. S´anchez, “Evolving learning rules and emergence of cooperation in spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma ”, Journal of Theoretical Biology 259 (2009) 84-95, [arXiv:0805.2071v3]. Selected for Complexity Digest: see issue 12, article 7.2 9. L.G. Moyano, A. Robledo,“q-deformed statistical-mechanical property in the dynamics of trajectories en route to the Feigenbaum attractor”, Phys. Rev. E 77 (2008) 036213, [arXiv:0801.2948v2]. 10. S.D. Queir´os, L.G. Moyano, J. de Souza and C. Tsallis, “A nonextensive approach to the dynamics of financial observables” Eur. Phys. J. B 55 (2007) 161, [physics/0601222]. 11. L.G. Moyano, C. Anteneodo, “Diffusive anomalies in a long-range Hamiltonian system”, Phys. Rev. E 74 (2006) 021118, [cond-mat/0601518]. 12. L.G. Moyano, C. Tsallis, M. Gell-Mann, “Numerical indications of a q-generalised central limit theorem”, Europhys. Lett. 73 (2006) 813 [cond-mat/0509229]. One of the ten most downloaded articles during 2006 from Europhysics Letters.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 5 13. L.G. Moyano, Ana P. Majtey, Constantino Tsallis, “Weak chaos and metastability in a symplectic system of many long-range-coupled standard maps”, Eur. Phys. J. B 52 (2006) 493, [cond-mat/0602513]. 14. F. Baldovin, L.G. Moyano and C. Tsallis, “Boltzmann-Gibbs thermal equilibrium distribution for classical systems and Newton Laws: A computational discussion”, Eur. Phys. J. B 52 (2006) 113, [cond-mat/0402635]. 15. L.G. Moyano, G. Abramson, and D.H. Zanette , “Synchronization learning of coupled chaotic maps”, Eur. Phys. J. B 22 (2001) 223 [nlin.AO/0010007].

In Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed)

Book Chapters

1. Ana P. Appel and L.G. Moyano, “Link and Graph Mining in the Big Data Era”, in Handbook of Big Data Technologies, eds. Sherif Sakr and Albert Zomaya, Springer International Publishing, pp 583-616 (2016). 2. A. Robledo and L.G. Moyano, “Some aspects of the dynamics towards the supercycle attractors and their accumulation point, the Feigenbaum attractor”, in Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity, eds. S. Abe, H.J. Herrmann, P. Quarati, A. Rapisarda and C. Tsallis, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 965 (New York, 2007). 3. L.G. Moyano, A.P. Majtey, C. Tsallis ,“Weak Chaos in large conservative system Infinite-range coupled standard maps”, Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity (World Scientific Singapore, 2005), Eds. C. Beck, A. Rapisarda and C. Tsallis [cond-mat/0501035].


1. Marcia Ito, Ana P. Appel, Vagner F. de Santana, L.G. Moyano, “Analysis of the Existence of Patient Care Team Using Social Network Methods in Physician Communities from Healthcare Insurance Companies”, Studies in health technology and informatics, 245 (2017) 412-416. 2. Marcia Ito, Luis G. Moyano, Ana P. Appel, Vagner F. de Santana, “An´alisedo relacionamento na comunidade de m´edicosde seguradoras de sa´ude”,CBIS 2016 XV Congresso Brasileiro de Inform´atica em Sa´ude, J. Health Inform. (2016) 309-318. 3. P. R. Cavalin, M. Gatti de Bayser, F. D. Figueredo, L.G. Moyano, “Building a Question-Answering Corpus using Social Media and News Articles”, PROPOR2016, Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (2016) 353-358. 4. L.G. Moyano, O. Moll, E. Martinez-Frias, “Uncovering the Spatio-Temporal Structure of Social Networks using Cell Phone Records”, ICDM’12 (2012) ICDMW ’12 Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (2012) 242-249.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 6 5. J.P. C´ardenas,J. Salcedo, R.M. Benito, M.L. Mouronte and L.G. Moyano, “Global behaviour of fixed-pathways dynamics in technological networks”, 2010 Complexity in Engineering (2010) 97. 6. A. Robledo, L.G. Moyano, “Dynamics towards the Feigenbaum attractor”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 39 (2009) 364. 7. M. L. Mouronte, R. M. Benito, J. P. C´ardenas,A. Santiago, V. Feli´u,P. van Wijngaarden and L.G. Moyano, “Complexity in Spanish optical fiber and SDH transport networks”, Computer Physics Communications 180 (4) (2009) 523. 8. L.G. Moyano, D. Silva and A. Robledo, “Labyrinthine pathways towards supercycle attractors in unimodal maps”, Central European Journal of Physics, 7 (2009) 591 [0706.4415v1]. 9. L.G. Moyano and A. Sanchez, “Prisoner’s dilemma on a network of heterogenous agents: cooperation and learning co-evolution”, Proceedings of the Workshop Net-Works 2008, Pamplona, (2008). 10. S.D. Queir´osand L.G. Moyano, “Yet on statistical properties of traded volume: Correlation and mutual information at different value magnitudes”, Physica A 338 (2007) 10, [physics/0702185]. 11. L.G. Moyano, J. de Souza and S.D. Queir´os,“Multi-fractal structure of traded volume in financial markets”, Physica A 371 (2006) 118, [physics/0512240]. 12. J. de Souza, L.G. Moyano and S.D. Queir´os,“On statistical properties of traded volume in financial markets”, Modern Problems in Complexity, Eur. Phys. J. B 50 (2006) 165, [physics/0510112]. 13. J.A. Marsh, M.A. Fuentes, L.G. Moyano, C. Tsallis, “Influence of global correlations on central limit theorems and entropic extensivity”, Physica A 372 (2006) 183, [cond-mat/0604007]. 14. F. Baldovin, L.G. Moyano, A.P. Majtey, A. Robledo and C. Tsallis, “Ubiquity of metastable-to-stable crossover in weakly chaotic dynamical systems”, Physica A 340 (2004) 205, [cond-mat/0312407]. Other publications 1. L.G. Moyano, M.L. Mouronte Lopez, L. Boto Espada and M.L. Vargas, “Complex networks and cost propagation”, Science and Technology for Humanity (TIC-STH), IEEE Xplore Digital Library (2010) 206. (peer reviewed) 2. M. L. Mouronte, M.L. Vargas, L.G. Moyano, F.J. Garc´ıaAlgarra and L.S. Del Pozo, “Modification Propagation in Complex Networks”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 4, Part 1 (2009) 435. (peer reviewed) 3. Marcelo P. de Albuquerque, A.M. de Almeida, L.H.P. Lessa, Marcio P. de Albuquerque, N. Alves, L.G. Moyano, C. Tsallis, “Molecular dynamics application for long-range interacting systems on a computational grid environment”, Proceedings of the IV Workshop on Computational Grids and Applications (2006) 79. (peer reviewed)

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 7 Patents

1. “WO2011128466A1 - Method for optimizing optical network traffic by means of advanced simulated annealing techniques”, Luis G. Moyano, M.L. Mouronte and M.L. Vargas (2011) Application.

2. “WO2013149892A1 - A method and a system for trouble ticket prioritisation”, Luis G. Moyano, Alvaro´ Vega Garc´ıa,Jes´usPedrosa Guerrero (2013) Application.

3. “WO2013153026A1 - A method and a program for automatic diagnosis of problems in telecommunication networks”, Javier Gonzalez Ord´as, Luis G. Moyano, Javier Garcia Algarra (2013) Application.

4. “US20160378760A1 - Identification of life events within social media conversations”, Paulo R. Cavalin, Luis G. Moyano, Alan Braz, Rog´erioA. de Paula, Claudio S. Pinhanez (2015) Application.

5. “US20170132380A1 - Service monitoring and evaluation system, method and program product”, Ana P. Appel, Luis G. Moyano, Vagner F. Santana (2015) Application.

6. “US20170185735A1 - Analyzing doctor-doctor, patient-doctor, and patient-patient social networks”, Ana P. Appel, Luis G. Moyano, Vagner F. Santana (2015) Application.

7. “US9830533B2 - Analyzing and exploring images posted on social media”, Paulo Rodrigo Cavalin, Maira Athanazio de Cerqueira Gatti, Carlos Mendes, Luis G. Moyano, Claudio Santos Pinhanez (2017) Grant.

8. “US20170154111A1 - Managing item life-cycle at home with internet of things”, (2017) Application.

9. “US10110449B2 - A Method And System For Temporal Sampling In Evolving Network”, Ana P. Appel, Luis G. Moyano, Vagner F. Santana (2018) Grant.

10. “US9942472B2 - Method and system for real-time image subjective social contentment maximization”, Paulo Rodrigo Cavalin, Bruno Da Costa Flach, Carlos Raoni De Alencar Mendes, Luis G. Moyano (2018) Grant.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 8 Conference participation

1. “Cluster analysis for granular mechanics simulations using Machine Learning Algorithms”, Daniela Rim, Emmanuel N. Mill´an,Bel´enPlanes, Eduardo M. Bringa, and Luis G. Moyano, Congreso Internacional de Ciencias de la Computaci´ony Sistemas de Informaci´on,CICCSI 2018, Novembre 4-9 2018, Mendoza, Argentina. Talk session.

2. “M´etodos de clasificaci´onm´ultipleen datos de factores de riesgo cl´ınico”,Daniela Rim, Luis G. Moyano, Daniel Mill´an,103 Reuni´onNacional de la Asociaci´onF´ısicaArgentina, September 17-19, 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Poster session.

3. “Clasificaci´onde part´ıculasen colisiones de nanogranos mediante m´etodos de aprendizaje autom´atico”,Daniela Rim, Bel´enPlanes, Emmanuel N. Mill´an, Luis G. Moyano, Eduardo M. Bringa, 103 Reuni´onNacional de la Asociaci´onF´ısicaArgentina, September 17-19, 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Poster session.

4. “A Social Network Analysis Framework for Modeling Health Insurance Claims Data”, Ana Paula Appel, Vagner Santana, Luis G. Moyano, Marcia Ito and Claudio Pinhanez, SDM 18 workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Insurance, May 3-5, 2018, San Diego, USA. Talk session.

5. “M´aquinasque aprenden: Datos, algoritmos, y aplicaciones a la industria”, Luis G. Moyano, CLICAP 2018, April 13, 2018, San Rafael, Argentina. Invited speaker.

6. “Clasificaci´onde Datos de Factores de Riesgo Cl´ınicoMediante M´etodos de Aprendizaje Autom´atico”, Luis G. Moyano, CLICAP 2018, April 13, 2018, San Rafael, Argentina. Talk session.

7. “Learning Latent representations in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks”, Agustina Dinamarca, Luis G. Moyano, PyData 2017, November 16-18, 2017, San Luis, Argentina. Talk session.

8. “Dynamics in Healthcare shared-patient complex networks”, Luis G. Moyano, Ana P. Appel, Vagner F. de Santana, Marcia Ito, The 2016 International Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2016), March 23-25, 2016, Dijon, France. Talk session.

9. “A Multiple Classifier System for Classifying Life Events on Social Media”, Paulo R. Cavalin, Luis G. Moyano, and Pedro P. Miranda, 2nd International Workshop on Social Media Retrieval and Analysis, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2015), November 14, 2015, Atlantic City, US. Talk session.

10. “The value of Complex Networks in Healthcare Insurance Data”, Challenges in Data Science, Polit´ecnicodi Torino, October 16, 2015, Torino, Italy. Talk session.

11. “Football Conversations: What Twitter Reveals about the 2014 World Cup”, Conference: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (CSBC 2015 - BraSNAM), July 21, 2015, Recife - PE, Brazil Attendee.

12. “Life Event Detection using Conversations from Social Media”, Conference: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (CSBC 2015 - BraSNAM), July 21, 2015, Recife - PE, Brazil Attendee.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 9 13. “An´alisede sentimento e detec¸c˜aode eventos de vida em Twitter”, Workshop Em Ciˆencia De Dados, LNCC/MCTI, January 6, 2015, Petr´opolis, Brazil Invited speaker. 14. “Dynamics of Social Media during large events: the case of Brazil’s 2014 World Cup”, Netsci-x-2015, January 14, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Poster session. 15. “ECCS 2013 - European Conference on Complex Systems”, Complex Systems Society, September 16-20, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. Attendee. 16. “CompleNet2013 - 4th Workshop on Complex Networks”, Freie Universit¨atBerlin, March 13-15, 2013, Berlin, Germany. Talk session. 17. “IEEE International Conference on Data Mining”, Sheraton Brussels Hotel, December 10-13, 2012, Brussels, Belgium. Talk session. 18. “I Symposium on Big Data and Smart Cities”, Fundaci´onTelef´onica,Noviembre 6-8, 2012, Madrid, Spain. Invited speaker. 19. “ECCS 2011 - European Conference on Complex Systems”, U. of Vienna, September 12-16, 2011, Vienna, Austria. Attendee. 20. “CMMSE 2010 - International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering”, U. de Almer´ıa,June 26-30, 2010, Almer´ıa,Spain. Talk session. 21. “Net-Works 2010 - International conference - From theory to applications of complex networked systems”, Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems, U. de Zaragoza, June 8-10 2010, Zaragoza, Spain. Contributed talk. 22. “NetSci 2010 - International School and Conference on Network Science”, MIT, May 10-14, 2010, Boston, USA. Contributed talk 23. “2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference, Science and Technology for Humanity”, Ryerson University, September 26-27, 2009, Toronto, Canada. Talk session. 24. “Complejidad: nuevos retos en la ciencia y en la tecnolog´ıa”,Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, May 11-12, 2009, Madrid, Spain. Attendee. 25. “MS2009 - Open Innovation Fair’, 4th Management Summit”, Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid, March 5, 2009, Madrid, Spain. Poster session. 26. “COMPLEX’2009, The First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications”, February 23-25, 2009, Shanghai, China. Talk session. 27. “BCNetWORKSHOP 2008, Trends and perspectives in complex networks”, Universitat de Barcelona, December 10-12, 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Attendee 28. “International Conference Modelling and Computation on Complex Networks and Related Topics”, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, June 9-11, 2008. Talk session. 29. “Research Fair 2008, Telef´onicaI+D”, Telef´onicade Espa˜na, November 14, 2008, Madrid, Spain. Poster session. 30. “XV Congreso de F´ısicaEstad´ıstica- FisEs08”, Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de F´ısicaAplicada. Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, March 27-29, 2008. Poster session.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 10 31. “StatPhys 23, the 23rd International Conference on Statistical Physics of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)”, July 9-13 2007, Genova, Italy. Poster session.

32. “Complexity, Metastability And Nonextensivity”, 1-5 July 2007, Catania, Italy. Talk session.

33. “Econophysics Colloquium 2006 and Third Bonzenfreies Colloquium Program”, November 23-25 2006, Tokyo, Japan. Talk session.

34. “IV Workshop on Grid Computing and Applications”, June 2 2006, Curitiba, Paran´a, Brazil. Poster session.

35. “LAWNP 05: IX Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena”, Oct. 23-28 2005, San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina. Poster session.

36. “III Workshop in computational grids and applications” , Jan. 31- Feb. 2 2005, Petr´opolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Poster session.

37. Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture - “31st Workshop of the International School of Solid State Physics: Complexity, metastability and nonextensivity”, 20-26 Jul. 2004, Erice, Sicily, Italy. Talk session.

38. “XXVII Encontro Nacional de F´ısicada Mat´eriaCondensada” , May 04-08 2004, Po¸cosde Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Talk session.

39. International Workshop on: “Trends and Perspectives on Extensive and Non- Extensive Statistical Mechanics”, Nov. 19-21 2003, Angra dos Reis, Brazil. Poster session.

40. “LAWNP 03: VIII Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena”, Sep. 28-Oct. 3 2003, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Poster session.

41. “NEXT2003: Second Sardinian International Conference on News and Expectations in Thermostatistics”, Sep. 21-28 2003, Villasimius, Cagliari, Italy. Poster session.

42. “XXVI Encontro Nacional de F´ısicada Mat´eriaCondensada”, May 06-10 2003, Caxambu, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Poster session.

43. IUPAP International Conference on “Quantum Entanglement, Complexity and the Physical Basis for Quantum Computation”, Dec. 2-8 2002, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

44. “Simp´osioem Homenagem ao Professor S. R. Salinas, Tendˆenciasda F´ısicaEstat´ısticano Brasil: Escala e Complexidade”, Nov. 24-27 2002, Campos do Jord˜ao,S˜aoPaulo, Brazil. Poster session.

45. “Escuela de invierno J.J. Giambiagi”, Jul. 23-28 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

46. “Reuni´onAnual de la Asociaci´onF´ısicaArgentina”, Sep. 13 2000, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Poster session.

47. “Reuni´onAnual de la Asociaci´onF´ısicaArgentina”, Sep. 23-30 1998, La Plata, Argentina. Poster session.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 11 Grants

• “Estudio de clasificadores m´ultiplescon aplicaciones a eventos cardiovasculares”, EVC-2017-5952 CIN, Apr 2017 - Mar 2018.

• “Desarrollo de m´etodos avanzados de aprendizaje autom´aticoen redes complejas con aplicaciones multidisciplinares”, PRH-2016-0008 UNCuyo-ANPCyT, Sept 2018 - Aug 2022.

• “‘Indicadores probabil´ısticosde riesgo de ruptura en aneurismas intracraneales y de otros eventos cardiovasculares”, PICTO-2016-0054 UNCuyo-ANPCyT, Aug 2017 - Jul 2019.

• “M´etodos avanzados de aprendizaje autom´aticoy estad´ısticoaplicado al an´alisisde factores de riesgo, con ´enfasisen eventos cardiovasculares”, M042-2016 SECTyP-UNCuyo, Sep 2016 - Aug 2018. Teaching

• Complex Networks and Social Physics, Spring 2016. Undergraduate and graduate level course on network basics and evolutionary game theory over networks.

• R programming and data analysis with scientific applications, Fall 2017. Undergraduate and graduate level course.

• General Physics I, Spring 2017. Undergraduate level course on elementary physics.

• Scientific data analysis with R, Fall 2018. Undergraduate and graduate level course.

• General Physics I, Spring 2018. Undergraduate level course on elementary physics. Academic activities and mentorships • Member of the Physics carreer committee at FCEN, UNCuyo (Integrante titular de la Comisi´onde Seguimiento del Plan de Estudios de la Licenciatura en Ciencias B´asicas, orientaci´onF´ısica). 2018.

• Undergraduate thesis advisor: Daniela Noemi Rim, Physics, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UNCuyo. 2018-2019.

• Mentor of Daniela Noemi Rim under CIN Scolarship 2017-2018.

• Mentor of Lic. Agustina Dinamarca under UNCUyo Research and Postgraduate Scolarship, graduate category (Becas de Investigaci´ony Posgrado 2018 en categor´ıaGRADUADOS, UNCUyo).

• Member of undergraduate thesis committee: Agustina Dinamarca, Physics, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UNCuyo. May 2018.

• Mentor of Lic. Agustina Dinamarca under scientific initiation scolarship, FCEN, UNCUyo 2017.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 12 • Program committee member - Urbannet, European Conference on Complex Systems ECCS 2013. September 2013

• Aproved in public competition for Associate Professor, level I, in Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F´ısicas,in second position (concurso p´ublicopara Profesor Adjunto I). October 2012.

• Member of PhD thesis committee: Juan Pablo C´ardenas, “Modelo de Redes Complejas Mediante Enlace Compatible. Aplicaci´ona Sistemas Reales”, Universidad Polit´ecnicade Madrid. December 2009.

• Undergraduate thesis advisor: Mario Gail Crespo, Departamento de Ingenier´ıaTelem´atica, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Final project:“Optimization algorithms in optical fiber networks”. December 2009.

• Responsible for mentoring ten internship students at Telef´onicaResearch, Madrid. September 2008 - March 2013. Professional service

• Referee for: European Physical Journal B, Physica A, Physics Letters A, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Journal of Ethology, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, IEEE Access and European Physical Journal - Special Topics.

• Project evaluation for Israel Science Foundation, February 2018.

• Speaker at Ciclo Proped´eutico - Confrontaci´onVocacional, FCEN, UNCuyo, February and May 2017.

• Conference referee for 22nd ACM KDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2016.

• “Complex networks - Basics and recent applications to technology”, invited talk, UC3M, Telecommunications Department, March 2010.

• IX Semana de la Ciencia, “Taller de complejidad, caos, fractales y redes”, Universidad Polit´ecnicade Madrid, Madrid, November 2009.

• IX Semana de la Ciencia, “Advanced Tools for Management and Optimization of Optical Networks”, invited speaker, UC3M, November 2009.

• IX Semana de la Ciencia: “Sociedad de la informaci´ony las comunicaciones”, panel member, IMDEA Networks, Madrid, November 2009. item “Complex networks: Basic concepts and some applications to technology”, invited talk, UC3M, Telecommunications Department, April 2009.

• Interview at Madrid I+D “Ciencia y Sociedad”, February 2009.

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 13 • VIII Semana de la Ciencia, “Taller de complejidad, caos, fractales y redes”, Universidad Polit´ecnicade Madrid, Madrid, November 2008.


Spanish (native), English (fluent), Portuguese (fluent), French (intermediate), Italian (elementary).

Luis G. Moyano November 1, 2018

Luis G. Moyano - Curriculum Vitæ 14