
Draft Manuscript for Review

Microbial diversity and adaptation to high hydrostatic pressure in deep sea hydrothermal vents prokaryotes

Journal:For Extremophiles Peer Review Manuscript ID: EXT-15-Feb-0030.R1

Manuscript Type: Review

Date Submitted by the Author: n/a

Complete List of Authors: jebbar, mohamed; Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Institut Universitaire Europeen de la Mer Franzetti, Bruno; CNRS, Institut de Biologie Structurale Girard, Eric; CNRS, Institut de Biologie Structurale Oger, Phil; Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, Ecole Normale Superieure

(Extreme) thermophilic microorganisms and their enzymology, Anaerobes, Keyword: Archaea, Hyperthermophiles, Piezophiles, Enzymes, Deep sea vent microbiology, Ecology, phylogeny, physiology of thermophiles

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1 2 3 1 Microbial diversity and adaptation to high hydrostatic pressure in deep sea 4 5 2 hydrothermal vents prokaryotes 6 7 3 Mohamed Jebbar 1,2, 3*, Bruno Franzetti 4,5,6, Eric Girard 4,5,6, and Philippe Oger 7 8 9 10 4 11 1 12 5 Université de Bretagne Occidentale, UMR 6197Laboratoire de Microbiologie des 13 14 6 Environnements Extrêmes (LM2E), Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), 15 16 7 rue Dumont d’Urville, 29 280 Plouzané, France 17 18 8 2 CNRS, UMRFor 6197Laboratoire Peer de MicrobiologieReview des Environnements Extrêmes 19 20 21 9 (LM2E), Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), rue Dumont d’Urville, 29 22

23 10 280 Plouzané, France 24 25 11 3 Ifremer, UMR 6197Laboratoire de Microbiologie des Environnements Extrêmes 26 27 12 (LM2E), Technopôle BrestIroise, BP70, 29 280 Plouzané, France 28 29 4 30 13 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, IBS, F38027 Grenoble, France 31 5 32 14 Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS), F38027 Grenoble, 33 34 15 France 35 36 16 6Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, Direction des 37 38 17 Sciences du Vivant, IBS, F38027 Grenoble, France 39 40 7 41 18 CNRS, UMR 5276, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France 42 43 19 44 45 20 46 47 21 *Corresponding author: 48 22 Prof. Mohamed Jebbar 49 50 23 Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) 51 24 Laboratoire de Microbiologie des Environnements Extrêmes (UMR 6197) 52 25 Technopole BrestIroise 53 26 Rue Dumont d’Urville 54 27 29280 Plouzané 55 28 Phone : +33 298 498 817 56 29 Fax : +33 298 498 705 57 30 email : mohamed.jebbar@univbrest.fr 58 31 59 60 1 Extremophiles Page 2 of 82

1 2 3 1 Abstract 4 5 2 Prokaryotes inhabiting in the deep sea vent ecosystem will thus experience harsh conditions 6 7 3 of temperature, pH, salinity or high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) stress. Among the fifty two 8 9 10 4 piezophilic and piezotolerant prokaryotes isolated so far from different deep sea 11 12 5 environments, only fifteen (four and eleven Archaea ) that are true 13 14 6 hyper/thermophiles and piezophiles have been isolated from deep sea hydrothermal vents, 15 16 7 these belong mainly to the Thermococcales order. Different strategies are used by 17 18 8 microorganisms toFor thrive in deepPeer sea hydrothermal Review vents in which "extreme" physico 19 20 21 9 chemical conditions prevail and where nonadapted organisms cannot live, or even survive. 22 23 10 HHP is known to impact the structure of several cellular components and functions, such as 24 25 11 membrane fluidity, protein activity and structure. Physically the impact of pressure resembles 26 27 12 a lowering of temperature, since it reinforces the structure of certain molecules, such as 28 29 30 13 membrane lipids, and an increase in temperature, since it will also destabilize other structures, 31 32 14 such as proteins. However, universal molecular signatures of HHP adaptation are not yet 33 34 15 known and are still to be deciphered. 35 36 16 37 38 17 Key words : deep biosphere, diversity, high hydrostatic pressure, enzymatic function, 39 40 41 18 molecular adaptation 42 43 19 44 45 20 46 47 21 48 49 50 22 51 52 23 53 54 24 55 56 25 57 58 59 60 2 Page 3 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 Introduction 4 5 2 Hydrostatic pressure increases with depth at an approximate rate of 10 MPa (~100 6 7 3 atmospheres/bars) per km in the water column and 30 MPa per km underground (Oger and 8 9 10 4 Jebbar 2010). The definition of the deep biosphere is conveniently and arbitrarily defined as 11 12 5 applying to water depths of 1000 m or more. Consequently, all environments above 10 MPa 13 14 6 qualify as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) biotopes. HHP waters account for 88% of the 15 16 7 volume of the oceans, which have an average depth of 3800 m, and thus an average 17 18 8 hydrostatic pressureFor ca. 38 MPa, Peer but reach 110 ReviewMPa in the trenches. The average temperature 19 20 21 9 in the deep ocean is 23 degree, except for hydrothermal vents. In contrast, the average 22 1 23 10 geothermal gradient in the continental system is ca. 25°C km . The currently known 24 25 11 temperature limit for life, 122°C (Takai et al. 2008), would thus place the "deep" limit for the 26 27 12 putative continental biosphere at ca. 5 km below ground on average, under maximal pressures 28 29 30 13 of 150 MPa (Zeng et al. 2009; Oger and Jebbar 2010). 31 32 14 HHP affects chemical equilibria and reaction rates, depending on the reaction ( V) 33 34 15 and activation ( V≠) volumes involved. The behavior of all systems under HHP is governed 35 36 37 16 by Le Châtelier’s principle, which states that the application of pressure shifts equilibrium 38 39 17 towards the state that occupies the smallest volume. It accelerates a process whose transition 40 41 18 state has a smaller volume than that of the ground state. For example, if the volume of a 42 43 19 protein is smaller in its unfolded form, then this protein will be denatured by the application 44 45 20 of HHP. Several cellular processes such as RNA synthesis, membrane fluidity, motility, cell 46 47 48 21 division, nutrient uptake, membrane protein function, protein synthesis and replication are 49 50 22 also impaired by HHP. HHP greater than 200 MPa can kill most microorganisms and is used 51 52 23 as a means to preserve foodstuffs. 53 54 24 55 56 57 25 58 59 60 3 Extremophiles Page 4 of 82

1 2 3 1 The discovery of deepsea hydrothermal vent ecosystems is rather recent in the history 4 5 2 of biological sciences (Corliss, J. B. and Ballard 1977; Paull et al. 1984; Jannasch and Mottl 6 7 3 1985; Eder et al. 1999). The most significant microbial process taking place at these sites is 8 9 10 4 "bacterial chemosynthesis", which contrasts with the wellknown process of photosynthesis. 11 12 5 Both processes involve the biosynthesis of organic carbon compounds from CO 2, with the 13 14 6 source of energy being either chemical oxidations or light, respectively (Jannasch and Mottl 15 16 7 1985). Chemoautotrophic prokaryotes will assimilate CO 2 and is coupled in some prokaryotes 17 18 8 with chemolithotrophy,For which enablesPeer them to Reviewreduce some inorganic compounds as energy 19 20 21 9 sources. Due to the mixture between the hot reduced hydrothermal fluids enriched in 22 23 10 dissolved gas (H 2S, H 2, CH 4, CO/CO 2) and metals (Fe, Mn) and the cold oxidized sea water 24 25 11 containing sulfates and nitrates, a wide variety of electron donors and acceptors are available 26 27 12 to supply different microbial metabolisms. 28 29 30 13 Most of the Earth’s prokaryotes live in deep biosphere environments under HHP. 31 28 32 14 From global estimates of volume, the upper 200 m of the ocean contains a total of 3.6 10 33 34 15 prokaryotic cells of which 2.9 10 27 cells are autotrophs; whereas the ocean water below 200 m 35 36 16 contains 6.5 10 28 prokaryotic cells (Whitman et al. 1998). A recent study has estimated the 37 38 17 total cell abundance in subseafloor sediment at 2.9 10 29 , which is 92% lower than the previous 39 40 29 41 18 standard estimate (35.5 ×10 ) (Whitman et al. 1998; Kallmeyer et al. 2012). Thus, even 42 43 19 though the maximal productivity of the high pressure continental or marine biosphere is 44 45 20 orders of magnitude lower than that of surface biotopes due to their extremely large volume, 46 47 21 these high pressure biotopes contribute significantly to the production and recycling of 48 49 50 22 organic carbon. 51 52 23 In less than 30 years, microbiologists have isolated and described many new microbial 53 54 24 involved in most major biogeochemical cycles and some of which are able to grow at 55 56 25 more than 110°C and 150 MPa. Psychrophiles, mesophiles, hyper/thermophiles, acidophiles, 57 58 59 60 4 Page 5 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 piezophiles and even moderate halophiles were isolated from samples originating from deep 4 5 2 sea hydrothermal vents constituting cultivable representatives of at least 20 phyla, 89 6 7 3 and 175 species. This represents a little more than 1% of ∼12,391 prokaryotic cultured type 8 9 10 4 species (451 Archaea and 11,940 Bacteria ) (http://www.bacterio.net/number.html#notea) 11 12 5 whose has been well described (Euzéby 2013). These species belong to 35 13 14 6 different phyla (30 bacterial phyla and 5 archaeal phyla). The latest molecular biology 15 16 7 techniques allow us to see that the cultured and described species represent only ∼1‒2% of 17 18 For Peer Review 19 8 the Earth’s Bacteria and Archaea according to the SILVA database (http://www.arbsilva.de), 20 21 9 which contains 534,968 of nonredundant 16S rRNA sequences distributed as follows: 22 23 10 Bacteria (86.9%), Archaea (3.5%) and Eukarya (9.6%). 24 25 11 This review aims to provide an overview of the diversity of microorganisms thriving 26 27 12 in deep sea hydrothermal vents, their metabolic characteristics and the adaptive mechanisms 28 29 30 13 they have evolved to cope with HHP. 31 32 14 33 34 15 Deep sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems 35 36 16 Hydrothermalism 37 38 39 17 Deep sea hydrothermal vent sites (700 to 5000 m below the ocean surface) are located 40 41 18 in areas of high tectonic activity (Figure 1) such as areas of accretion along midocean ridges 42 43 19 (e.g. the midAtlantic Ridge [MAR] or East Pacific Rise [EPR]), subduction zones, the back 44 45 20 arc basins (e.g. the North Fiji or Lau Basins) and finally hot spot volcanism (e.g. Loihi 46 47 21 Seamount near Hawaii) (Van Dover et al. 2002). According to the InterRidge Global 48 49 50 22 Database, about 600 active or ancient Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields have been 51 52 23 recorded in more than 200 locations throughout the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans 53 54 24 confirmed or inferred (Figure 1), including 46 locations in Indian Ocean (depth from 1500 to 55 56 25 4200 m), 64 locations in the Atlantic Ocean (depth from 800 to 4530 m) and 100 locations in 57 58 59 60 5 Extremophiles Page 6 of 82

1 2 3 1 Pacific Ocean (depth from 850 to 5000 m). The activity of the tectonic plates generates 4 5 2 seafloor spreading centers (rifts), regions where hot basalt and magma near the sea floor cause 6 7 3 the floor to slowly drift apart. Seawater seeping into these cracked regions mixes with hot 8 9 10 4 minerals (Edmond et al. 1982) and, is emitted from the springs; these underwater hot springs 11 12 5 are known as hydrothermal vents. The mineral rich hot water (270460°C) forms a cloud of 13 14 6 precipitated material upon mixing with oxygenated cold seawater (2‒3°C), these 15 16 7 hydrothermal vents are called black smokers. 17 18 8 InteractionsFor between deep Peer basaltic or ultramaficReview rocks and sea water brought to high 19 20 21 9 temperature and high pressure, which therefore has a high solvent power, will produce 22 23 10 hydrothermal fluids. These fluids may reach a temperature as high as 460°C, with an acidic 24 25 11 pH. They are anoxic and contain high concentrations of dissolved gases (H 2S, CH 4, CO, CO 2, 26 27 12 and H ) and minerals (Mn 2+ , Fe 2+ , Si +, Zn 2+ , etc.) (Figure 2) (Jannasch and Mottl 1985; 28 2 29 30 13 Johnson et al. 1986; Von Damm 2000; Charlou et al. 2002; Charlou et al. 2010). In contact 31 32 14 with sea water (cold, oxic with alkaline pH), minerals precipitate and form black smokers. 33 34 15 35 36 16 Metabolic and phylogenetic diversity of deep sea hydrothermal vents 37 38 17 Many Bacteria and Archaea can use sulfur, sulfates, thiosulfate, and Iron (III) oxide as 39 40 41 18 electron acceptors in anaerobic respiration and drive metabolisms like sulfur respiration, 42 43 19 sulfato respiration and thiosulfate respiration, iron respiration and Anaerobic Oxidation of 44 45 20 Methane (AOM). Fermentative metabolism is also a principal feature of many archaeal and 46 47 21 bacterial species isolated from deep sea hydrothermal vents (Takai and Nakamura 2011). 48 49 50 22 Except for some Thaumarchaeota that perform nitrification, oxygen and nitrate are 51 52 23 used as electrons acceptors by almost all bacteria that specific drive metabolisms such as 53 54 24 aerobic respiration, hydrogen oxidation, nitrification, methanotrophy and methylotrophy, 55 56 25 sulfur compound oxidation, iron oxidation, manganese oxidation, denitrification and 57 58 59 60 6 Page 7 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 Annamox. Some metabolisms like methanogenesis and ammonia oxidation are specifically to 4 5 2 Archaea . The cultureindependent approach was used to describe the microbial phylogenetic 6 7 3 diversity in active deep sea hydrothermal vents from chimney fluid sediments and macrofauna 8 9 10 4 samples. Archaea are associated with hydrothermal edifices, fluids and sediments and 11 12 5 encompass archaeal groups like Thermococcales , Archaeoglobales , Desulfurococcales , 13 14 6 Ignicoccales , Methanococcales and Methanopyrales (Huber et al. 1989; Takai and Horikoshi 15 16 7 1999; Takai et al. 2001; Teske et al. 2002; Schrenk et al. 2004; Nunoura et al. 2010; Roussel 17 18 8 et al. 2011; Takai andFor Nakamura Peer 2011). Other groupsReview like Halobacteriales , Thaumarchaeota , 19 20 21 9 DHVE2 and MCG divisions were also detected in these ecosystems (Takai et al. 2001; 22 23 10 Roussel et al. 2011; Orcutt et al. 2011; Flores et al. 2012). 24 25 11 The Bacteria domain is dominated by Epsilonproteobacteria detected in hydrothermal 26 27 12 fluids, in sea water, hydrothermal sediments, microbial mats and in association with 28 29 30 13 macrofauna (Reysenbach et al. 2000; Alain et al. 2002b; Reysenbach et al. 2002; Teske et al. 31 32 14 2002; Huber et al. 2003; Page et al. 2004; Suzuki et al. 2005; Campbell et al. 2006; 33 34 15 Gerasimchuk et al. 2010; Crépeau et al. 2011; Sylvan et al. 2012); other bacterial groups were 35 36 16 also detected, such as Alpha , Beta , Delta and , Aquificales , 37 38 17 Desulfobacteriales , Thermotogales , Deinococcus-Thermus , Deferribacteres , Firmicutes , CFB 39 40 41 18 (Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroidetes ), Acidobacteria , Verrumicrobia and 42 43 19 Planctomycetes (Alain et al. 2002a; Reysenbach et al. 2002; Teske et al. 2002; Huber et al. 44 45 20 2003; Page et al. 2004; Crépeau et al. 2011; Orcutt et al. 2011; Sylvan et al. 2012). More than 46 47 21 one hundred species of Bacteria (17 phyla, 72 genera, 113 species) and Archaea (3 phyla, 17 48 49 50 22 genera and 62 species) were isolated and cultured from deep sea hydrothermal vents, mainly 51 52 23 from the Pacific ocean (69‒77% of species) and, in lesser numbers, from the Atlantic 53 54 24 (19‒28% of species) and Indian (2‒4% of species) Oceans. 55 56 25 57 58 59 60 7 Extremophiles Page 8 of 82

1 2 3 1 4 5 2 Knowledge on piezophiles vs other extremophiles from deep sea hydrothermal 6 7 3 vents 8 9 10 4 The field of piezomicrobiology has been held back by requirements for expensive 11 12 5 highpressure laboratory equipment for sample containment and culture. The first HHP 13 14 6 adapted prokaryotes were bacteria isolated from deepsea sediments in 1949 by ZoBell and 15 16 7 Johnson (Zobell and Johnson 1949). In 1979, the group of Professor Yayanos reported the 17 18 8 isolation of the firstFor piezophilic Peer bacterium from Review the cold deep ocean and two years later 19 20 21 9 (Yayanos et al. 1981) isolated the first obligate piezophile microorganism, a psychrophilic 22 23 10 bacterium isolated from a decaying amphipod fished from the bottom of the Mariana Trench. 24 25 11 However, although deepsea hydrothermal vent fields were explored at depths ranging 26 27 12 from 800 to 5000 m, rather few attempts to enrich isolates under in situ pressures have been 28 29 30 13 carried out. Almost all hyper/thermophilic vent prokaryotes have been isolated under 31 32 14 atmospheric pressure, and few of them have been exposed to HHP. To our knowledge, only a 33 34 15 few microorganisms have been described that are both piezotolerant and piezophilic, these 35 36 16 include representatives from across both Archaea and Bacteria domains: Pyrococcus abyssi 37 38 17 (Erauso et al. 1993) Thermococcus barophilus (Marteinsson et al. 1999), Thermococcus 39 40 41 18 aggregans (Canganella et al., 2000), Thermococcus guaymasensis (Canganella et al., 1998), 42 43 19 Thermococcus peptonophilus (Canganella et al. 1997), Thermococcus eurythermalis (Zhao et 44 45 20 al., 2015), Palaeococcus ferrophilus (Takai et al. 2000), Palaeococcus pacificus (Zeng et al. 46 47 21 2012), Methanopyrus kandleri (Takai et al. 2008), Marinitoga piezophila (Alain et al. 2002a), 48 49 50 22 Thermosipho japonicus (Takai and Horikoshi, 2000), Thioprofundum lithotrophica , 51 52 23 Piezobacter thermophilus (Takai et al. 2009) and Desulfovibrio hydrothermalis (Alazard 53 54 24 2003). The first obligate piezophilic anaerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon discovered was 55 56 25 Pyrococcus yayanosii , isolated from ultramafic a deepsea hydrothermal vent field named 57 58 59 60 8 Page 9 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 “Ashadze” located on the MidAtlantic Ridge at 4100 m depth (Zeng et al. 2009; Birrien et al. 4 5 2 2011). P. yayanosii , T. barophilus and M. piezophila were isolated after enrichment cultures 6 7 3 performed under both high temperatures and HHP; they showed the highest growth rates 8 9 10 4 when grown under hydrostatic pressures and their genomes were entirely sequenced and 11 12 5 annotated (Jun et al. 2011; Vannier et al. 2011; Lucas et al. 2012). However, when T. 13 14 6 barophilus and M. piezophila grew under atmospheric pressure, their growth rates were 15 16 7 lower. 17 18 8 Microbes inFor the deep seaPeer hydrothermal Review environment face contrasted and fluctuating 19 20 21 9 environmental conditions, to which they need to adapt or die. Hydrothermal vents are 22 23 10 characterized by large fluctuations in salinity and temperature, from 0.1 to twice the salinity 24 25 11 of seawater (Jannasch and Mottl 1985), and from fluid temperatures as high as 460°C at the 26 27 12 heart of the vent, to 2°C, the average temperature of the surrounding deep ocean waters (Oger 28 29 30 13 and Jebbar, 2010). Prokaryotes residing in the vent ecosystem will thus experience situations 31 32 14 of heat, cold, acidic, or salinity stresses. In addition in the deepest parts of the oceans, 33 34 15 hydrothermal vent ecosystems are also submitted to extremely HHP, which is known to 35 36 16 impact the structure of several cellular components and functions, such as membrane fluidity, 37 38 17 protein activity and structure (Oger and Jebbar 2010). Physically the impact of pressure bears 39 40 41 18 resemblance to both a lowering of temperature, since it will reinforce the structure of certain 42 43 19 molecules, such as membrane lipids, and an increase in temperature, since it will as well 44 45 20 destabilize other structures, such as proteins. These environmental stressors will affect the cell 46 47 21 structure and metabolism. 48 49 50 22 The hyper/thermophiles piezophiles prokaryotes may have evolved a combination of 51 52 23 several adaptive mechanisms (compatible solutes accumulation, efficient expression and 53 54 24 activity of prefoldins, membrane fluidity maintaining, robust biocatalysts, etc) to face harsh 55 56 25 and fluctuating conditions prevailing in deep sea hydrothermal vents, thus their cellular 57 58 59 60 9 Extremophiles Page 10 of 82

1 2 3 1 processes such as motility, cell division, nutrient uptake, membrane protein function, protein 4 5 2 synthesis and replication are not or less impaired by HHP such as it was observed in 6 7 3 piezosensitive species E. coli or S. cerevisiae . 8 9 10 4 In the following two sections we will, respectively, address a quick overview of the 11 12 5 main physiological adaptive strategies of vent prokaryotes and molecular adaptations in the 13 14 6 structure of proteins. 15 16 7 17 18 8 Physiology Forand adaptation Peer Review 19 20 21 9 Due to the environmental fluctuations, microorganisms from hydrothermal vents are 22 23 10 expected to show strong osmotic adaptation. In a simplistic way, the effect of salinity and heat 24 25 11 stresses may be reduced to one factor, e.g. the reduced activity of water within or in the 26 27 12 vicinity of the cells, with a number of consequences, e.g. for the inward or outward fluxes of 28 29 30 13 cellular salts and the destabilization of the function and structure of cellular components. 31 32 14 Under reduced water activity, proteins fold incorrectly, which reduces or stops protein 33 34 15 activity. We know two strategies of osmoadaptation to high temperature or salinity in hyper 35 36 16 thermophilic prokaryotes isolated from shallow or deep sea hydrothermal vents (da Costa et 37 38 17 al. 1998). Extremely halophilic Archaea and a few halophilic Bacteria accumulate K +, Na + 39 40 41 18 and Cl in response to changes in extracellular salinity (Vreeland 1987; Csonka and Hanson 42 43 19 1991; Galinski and Truper 1994), while a common strategy among microorganisms to cope 44 45 20 with osmotic stress is the accumulation of lowmolecularmass organic compounds, also 46 47 21 known as compatible solutes because they do not interfere with cellular metabolism (Brown 48 49 50 22 1976; Galinski 1995; Ventosa et al. 1998). Compatible solutes of hyperthermophiles are 51 52 23 similar to those used by mesophiles, i.e. sugars, amino acids, polyols. In addition, 53 54 24 hyperthermophiles also accumulate solutes little or never encountered in mesophiles such as 55 56 25 mannosylglycerate (MG) (Martins et al. 1997), dimyo1,1'inositol phosphate (DIP) (Martins 57 58 59 60 10 Page 11 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 et al. 1996), diglycerol phosphate and derivatives of these compounds (da Costa et al. 1998; 4 5 2 Santos and da Costa 2001). These two solutes are essentially restricted to thermophiles 6 7 3 (Santos and da Costa 2002). MG is accumulated mostly in response to salt stress in Archaea 8 9 10 4 such as Pyrococcus furiosus , Pyrococcus horikoshii , Thermococcus celer , Thermococcus 11 12 5 stetteri or Thermococcus litoralis and Bacteria such as Thermus thermophilus (Martins and 13 14 6 Santos 1995; Nunes et al. 1995; Lamosa et al. 1998; Empadinhas et al. 2001). In the same 15 16 7 Archaea , DIP is accumulated in response to supraoptimal temperature of growth. In the 17 18 8 family ThermococcalesFor, there Peer are three noticeable Review exceptions to this shared osmolyte 19 20 21 9 accumulation pattern. First, Thermococcus kodakarensis , which does not seem to accumulate 22 23 10 MG under heat or salt stress; second, Pyrolobus fumarii , which only accumulates DIP as a 24 25 11 response to both stresses (Goncalves et al. 2008); and finally P. ferrophilus , which lacks the 26 27 12 DIP synthesis genes and accumulates only MG as a response to both stresses. MG is mostly 28 29 30 13 accumulated in response to high salinity, in amounts above 0.6 µmol/mg protein, in the 31 32 14 genera Palaeococcus (Neves et al. 2005), Pyrococcus (Martins and Santos 1995; Empadinhas 33 34 15 et al. 2001) or Thermococcus (Lamosa et al. 1998). DIP is usually accumulated in response to 35 36 16 high temperatures in amounts above 1 µmol/mg of protein in T. celer (Lamosa et al. 1998) 37 38 17 and P. furiosus (Martins and Santos 1995). Osmolytes, such as MG or DIP, create a protective 39 40 41 18 shell surrounding the proteins, which helps maintain proper folding and protein functions 42 43 19 (Lamosa et al. 2003). Natural osmolytes increase protein thermal stability in vitro (Santos and 44 45 20 da Costa 2002). In hyperthermophiles, MG has been shown to preserve protein folding 46 47 21 through an increase of protein rigidity (Borges et al. 2002). 48 49 50 22 In piezophiles, studies devoted to characterizing the role of compatible solutes in 51 52 23 response to HHP have been very limited. Interestingly, P. profundum accumulates β 53 54 24 hydroxybutyrate (both monomers and oligomers) in response to hydrostatic pressure (Martin 55 56 25 et al. 2002), M. piezophila accumulates only amino acids ( αglutamate, proline and alanine) 57 58 59 60 11 Extremophiles Page 12 of 82

1 2 3 1 under atmospheric pressure, but the role of these compatible solutes in adaptation to HHP has 4 5 2 not been investigated (Lamosa et al. 2013). 6 7 3 As the first and ultimate barrier between the intracellular space and the outside world, 8 9 10 4 biological membranes play a fundamental role in the adaptation of microbes to their 11 12 5 environment. The function of the membrane is threefold: 1) to act as a physical barrier to 13 14 6 regulate inward and outward trafficking, 2) to play a central role in energy storage and 15 16 7 processing via ion gradients, and 3) to provide a matrix for environmental sensing, 17 18 8 multicomponent metabolicFor and Peer signaling pathways Review and motility. Thus, maintaining optimal 19 20 21 9 membrane biological function is crucial for any organism. Temperature, pH, salinity or 22 23 10 hydrostatic pressureinduced perturbations in membrane organization pose a serious challenge 24 25 11 for the cell. Archaeal and bacterial membranes are very dissimilar in structure, although they 26 27 12 perform identical functions. However, as will be demonstrated below, the mechanisms 28 29 30 13 employed to adapt to extreme conditions and fluctuating environments are essentially similar. 31 32 14 Bacterial polar lipids, apart from a few rare exceptions, are based on straight chain 33 34 15 hydrocarbons linked by ester bonds on the sn 1 and sn 2 positions of glycerol. Archaeal polar 35 36 16 lipids are composed of isoprenoid hydrocarbon chains bound by ether bonds to the sn 2 and 37 38 17 sn 3 positions of glycerol (Figure 3). Polar headgroups consist of phosphodiesterlinked polar 39 40 41 18 groups or sugar moieties on the sn 1 ( Archaea ) or sn 3 ( Bacteria ) positions of the glycerol 42 43 19 backbone ( sn glycerol1phosphate, or G1P, structure and sn glycerol3phosphate, or G3 44 45 20 P, structure). 46 47 21 Based on the observation that the membrane lipids of E. coli cells grown under the 48 49 50 22 contrasting temperatures of 43°C and 15°C were different (Marr and Ingraham 1962; 51 52 23 Sinensky 1971) while the respective membranes displayed similar physical properties at their 53 54 24 respective growth temperatures, Sinensky modeled the basis of homeoviscous adaptation 55 56 25 (Sinensky 1974; Oger and Cario 2013). This theory states that organisms adapt their 57 58 59 60 12 Page 13 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 membrane lipid composition to favor the maintenance of the appropriate membrane fluidity 4 5 2 for it to function optimally. This concept is now understood in a broader sense to include 6 7 3 adaptation to proton/water permeability and the dynamic nature of the plasmic membranes 8 9 10 4 (McElhaney 1984a; McElhaney 1984b; van de Vossenberg et al. 1999; Oger and Cario 2013). 11 12 5 Homeoviscous adaptation must also be understood as a means to rapidly adapt the 13 14 6 composition, and thus the functionality, of the membrane to brutal environmental fluctuations, 15 16 7 or aggressions, including those of heat and cold, salinity, osmotic stress, pressure and pH. 17 18 8 Under normalFor physiological Peer conditions, Review membranes are relatively fluid, disordered 19 20 21 9 liquidcrystalline phases. When the temperature drops, or hydrostatic pressure increases, the 22 23 10 membrane lipids may undergo the fluid to gel phase transition. When the temperature 24 25 11 increases above the physiological conditions, or the pressure decreases from these, the rate of 26 27 12 motion of lipids in the membrane will be increased, this may impact membrane stability and 28 29 30 13 intrinsic permeability. As can be expected, perturbation in lipid phase state has profound 31 32 14 consequences on membrane structure and function (Lee 2003; Lee 2004). Transition to the gel 33 34 15 phase may induce the clustering of membrane proteins, which appear de facto, excluded from 35 36 16 the zones in the gel phase, reducing the diffusion and the activity of proteins in the membrane 37 38 17 and slowing the flux of transported solutes, but increasing the permeability to cations and 39 40 41 18 water. 42 43 19 Adaptation of bacterial membrane properties follows four major routes. 1) The 44 45 20 variation of acyl chain length: an increase of the chain length by two carbons increases the 46 47 21 phase transition temperature of the lipid by 10 to 20°C, and decreases membrane permeability 48 49 50 22 to proton and water (Winter 2002). 2) The accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids: the 51 52 23 incorporation of a single unsaturation can shift the fluid/gel phase transition by 10 to 20°C 53 54 24 (Russell and Nichols 1999; Winter 2002). 3) The accumulation of specific polar headgroups 55 56 25 such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) or phosphatidylglycerol (PG) in place of 57 58 59 60 13 Extremophiles Page 14 of 82

1 2 3 1 phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). The presence of PC as a polar headgroup results in a drastic 4 5 2 shift of the fluid/gel transition temperature (Yano et al. 1998; Winter 2002; Mangelsdorf et al. 6 7 3 2005; Winter and Jeworrek 2009). This is due in part to the reduced hydration and stearic 8 9 10 4 bulk of the ethanolamine compared to choline, and the capacity of PE, and incapacity of PC, 11 12 5 groups to form hydrogen bonds. 4) The accumulation of branched fatty acid. 13 14 6 Archaeal lipid membranes generally have much lower phase transition temperature 15 16 7 than fatty acyl ester lipids (Yamauchi et al. 1993). Part of the adaptation of the archaeal 17 18 8 membrane to extremeFor environments Peer may originate Review from the original structure of its lipids. 19 20 21 9 While membranes made of fatty acyl ester lipids are in the gel phase or in the liquid 22 23 10 crystalline phase depending mostly on their fatty acid composition, archaeol and 24 25 11 caldarchaeolbased polar lipid membranes of Archaea are assumed to be in the liquid 26 27 12 crystalline phase at a wide temperature range of 0–100°C (Stewart et al. 1990; Dannenmuller 28 29 30 13 et al. 2000). In addition, most if not all Archaea from the hydrothermal environments 31 32 14 synthesize membranespanning bipolar tetraether lipids that form monolayers. The monolayer 33 34 15 organization provides extreme rigidity to these membranes. Lateral mobility studies 35 36 16 demonstrate that the lateral diffusion rate at 80°C is comparable between Sulfolobus 37 38 17 acidocaldarius or T. acidphilum and E. coli at 37°C. However, in contrast to bacterial lipids, 39 40 41 18 which exhibit similar lateral diffusion rates for temperatures close to the phase transition 42 43 19 temperature, in T. acidphilum these values are observed approximately 65°C above the 44 45 20 nominal lipid phase transition temperature (Jarrell et al. 1998). 46 47 21 The adaptation of archaeal membrane properties is very similar in its physics to that of 48 49 50 22 bacteria, although it takes slightly different routes to converge to the same effects. There exist 51 52 23 several different routes, as follows. 1) The incorporation of cyclopentane rings along the 53 54 24 isoprenoid chain as a function of fluctuating temperature (De Rosa et al. 1980a; De Rosa et al. 55 56 25 1980b; Ernst et al. 1998; Uda et al. 2001; Uda et al. 2004) or pH (Shimada et al. 2008) 57 58 59 60 14 Page 15 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 increases the packing efficiency of the membrane lipids (Gliozzi et al. 1983), which increases 4 5 2 membrane stability as a function of increasing temperature or salinity and decreasing pressure 6 7 3 or pH, and consequently lowers the permeability (Chong et al. 2012). 2) The regulation of the 8 9 10 4 tetraethertodiether lipid ratio (Sprott et al. 1991; Lai et al. 2008; Matsuno et al. 2009): 11 12 5 increase in tetraether lipids will stabilize the membranes by forming monolayertype 13 14 6 membranes or domains in the membrane, helping to regulate the flux of solutes and protons 15 16 7 across the membrane. 3) The crosslinking of the two acylchains of the lipids to yield 17 18 8 macrocyclic archaeolFor or caldarchaeol Peer derivatives Review by a covalent bond between the isoprenoid 19 20 21 9 chains reduces the motion of the molecule creating a more closelypacked structure and 22 23 10 increasing the membrane stability, creating an efficient barrier against water, proton and 24 25 11 solute leakage (Dannenmuller et al. 2000; Mathai et al. 2001). 4) The increase in unsaturation 26 27 12 along the isoprenoid chains of the lipids as a function of temperature (Nichols et al. 2004) or 28 29 30 13 salinity (Dawson et al. 2012) has to date only been described in the psychrophilic methanogen 31 32 14 Methanococcoides burtonii (Franzmann et al. 1992; Nichols et al. 2004), but unsaturated 33 34 15 lipids have been characterized in several species of hyperthermophiles (Hafenbradl et al. 35 36 16 1993; Gonthier et al. 2001), which might indicate the occurrence of a similar adaptive strategy 37 38 17 in hydrothermal vent organisms. 39 40 41 18 Adaptation of bacterial and archaeal membranes to the harsh environment of the 42 43 19 hydrothermal system is clearly visible in the lipids most commonly present. However, 44 45 20 responding to the variations of environmental stressors might only involve a fraction of the 46 47 21 adaptive traits mentioned above. Indeed, in order to be efficient, the membrane composition 48 49 50 22 adaptation response needs to be very quick. The routes described require different timeframes. 51 52 23 Thus, certain adaptive mechanisms will prevail over others. For example, the increasing 53 54 24 unsaturation of membrane lipids will decrease the gel/fluid transition temperature to the same 55 56 25 extent as the shortening of one of the acyl chains, or the substitution of a phosphatidylcholine 57 58 59 60 15 Extremophiles Page 16 of 82

1 2 3 1 by a phosphatidylethanolamine polar head, but will be quicker because it is performed inside 4 5 2 the cytoplasmic membrane on existing lipids by a membrane protein (Kasai et al. 1976; 6 7 3 Cybulski et al. 2002; Aguilar and de Mendoza 2006; Beranova et al. 2008), while the other 8 9 10 4 actions would need de novo lipid synthesis. 11 12 5 13 14 6 Molecular adaptation of deepsea enzymes 15 16 7 While extremophilic adaptation has been extensively studied for temperature and salt 17 18 8 adapted enzymes,For very little Peer is known aboutReview pressure adaptation. Pressureinduced 19 20 21 9 modifications of the protein volume may arise from a global elastic compression within 22 23 10 closely related conformational substates or from promotion of conformational substates 24 25 11 presenting lower specific volumes, up to complete unfolding of the protein (Fourme et al. 26 27 12 2006; Akasaka 2006; Akasaka et al. 2013). These modifications originate from changes in the 28 29 30 13 various interactions between amino acids (hydrogen bond, ionic, van der Waals and 31 32 14 hydrophobic interactions), from changes in the internal voids and cavities found in proteins, 33 34 15 and from changes in the hydration properties (Li et al. 1998; Marchi and Akasaka 2001; 35 36 16 Boonyaratanakornkit et al. 2002; Refaee et al. 2003; Girard et al. 2005; Nisius and Grzesiek 37 38 17 2012). As protein folding, substrate recognition, proteinprotein interactions and protein 39 40 41 18 hydration rely upon a combination of these various interactions, pressure may affect all 42 43 19 protein mechanisms through its influence on them (Masson et al. 2004; Occhipinti et al. 2006; 44 45 20 Ohmae et al. 2008; Rosenbaum et al. 2012). 46 47 21 Studies that link pressureinduced structural modifications to alterations or 48 49 50 22 stimulations of biological functions are rare. However, it was shown that, for example, 51 52 23 pressure induces minor changes in the orientation of a chromophore in the protein citrine, 53 54 24 leading to a pressureinduced continuous shift of the fluorescence peak (Barstow et al. 2008). 55 56 25 The effect of pressure on the internal solventexcluded void volume has been proposed as a 57 58 59 60 16 Page 17 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 major contribution to protein activity (Fourme et al. 2006; Girard et al. 2010), but mainly in 4 5 2 protein pressureinduced unfolding (Collins et al. 2005; Rouget et al. 2011; Roche et al. 6 7 3 2012). Indeed, the role of a hydrophobic cavity, positioned close to the active site pocket, has 8 9 10 4 been proposed to play a major role in urate oxidase (Girard et al. 2010). Pressure induced an 11 12 5 expansion of the active site pocket correlated with a volume reduction of the hydrophobic 13 14 6 cavity, leading to an inactivation of the protein. It was proposed (Girard et al. 2010) and 15 16 7 confirmed (Marassio et al. 2011) that this particular cavity acts as ballast, providing the 17 18 8 required plasticity ofFor the active Peersite pocket durin Reviewg the urate oxidase catalytic process. A recent 19 20 21 9 study (Roche et al. 2012) provided evidence that cavities that are present in the folded state 22 23 10 and absent in the unfolded state make a large contribution to the volume difference between 24 25 11 folded and unfolded states that govern pressureinduced unfolding of proteins. Such internal 26 27 12 cavities might also play a role in the pressure dissociation of protein oligomers and aggregates 28 29 30 13 (Foguel et al. 2003; Girard et al. 2010). 31 32 14 In general, monomeric proteins are quite resistant to high pressure and do not undergo 33 34 15 denaturation under a pressure of 300 MPa (Robb and Clark 1999; Sun et al. 1999), but in 35 36 16 some cases unfolding has been observed at moderate pressure (Gorovits et al. 1995). 37 38 17 Oligomeric proteins can be dissociated by lower pressure than monomeric proteins; 39 40 41 18 for example, in the GroEl chaperonin complex (14 subunits) from E. coli , dissociation 42 43 19 occurred at 130 MPa (Gorovits et al. 1995), while the RuBisCO from Rhodospirillum rubrum 44 45 20 already started to dissociate at 40 MPa (Erijman et al. 1993). Interestingly, these pressure 46 47 21 values lie within the physiological range of many deepsea organisms. However, the picture is 48 49 50 22 more complex than this would make it appear because some oligomeric assemblies have been 51 52 23 described to withstand pressure up to 1 GPa for the dimeric protein, bovine erythrocyte Cu, 53 54 24 Zn superoxide dismutase (Ascone et al. 2010), up to 400 MPa for the cowpea mosaic virus 55 56 57 58 59 60 17 Extremophiles Page 18 of 82

1 2 3 1 capsid (Fourme et al. 2002) or up to 300 MPa and 90°C for the 12subunit TET 4 5 2 aminopeptidase from the archaeon P. horikoshii (Rosenbaum et al. 2012). 6 7 3 The existence of a specific molecular adaptation to prolonged exposure to pressure 8 9 10 4 such as the one encountered in the deep sea or in the sediments is suggested by the recent 11 12 5 discovery of obligate piezophilic microbes such as P. yayanosii (Zeng et al. 2009; Birrien et 13 14 6 al. 2011) or benthica (Lauro et al. 2013). Moreover, as already mentioned above, 15 16 7 piezophilic strains display a typical cellular stress response when they are grown at 17 18 8 atmospheric pressure.For This suggests Peer that a signific Reviewant part of the proteome is adapted at the 19 20 21 9 molecular level and, conversely, that the stabilization and enzymatic processes of many 22 23 10 proteins must be adapted to colonize the deeper part of the biosphere. As said before, each 24 25 11 protein will experience pressure differently depending on its specific 3D structure and the 26 27 12 pressure sensitivity of an organism may be controlled by a limited number of proteins. 28 29 30 13 Most deepsea organisms are exposed to hydrostatic pressures of 20 to 110 MPa. Due 31 32 14 to the prominent effects of pressure on intermolecular surfaces, it is commonly believed that 33 34 15 large molecular systems are significantly affected in this pressure range. It is apparently the 35 36 16 case, for instance, for the translational activity that is entirely lost when the pressure was up to 37 38 17 90 MPa (Lu et al. 1997). Pressureinduced dissociation of ribosomes has been considered a 39 40 41 18 major cause of the inhibition of bacterial growth in the deep sea. Cell free assays showed that 42 43 19 the posttranslocational complex represents the most pressuresensitive intermediate of the 44 45 20 elongation cycle and is possibly the limiting factor for the pressureinduced block of protein 46 47 21 biosynthesis (Gross et al. 1993). High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) has also been suggested to 48 49 50 22 influence the structure and function of membrane proteins. The effect of hydrostatic pressure 51 + 52 23 on mitochondrial H ATPase revealed that the complex was inactivated in the pressure range 53 54 24 of 60‒180 MPa (Dreyfus et al. 1988). The effect of high hydrostatic pressure was also studied 55 56 25 on the bacterial mechanosensitive channel. In this case, pressure significantly affected channel 57 58 59 60 18 Page 19 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 kinetics between 0 and 90 MPa. The reduced activity was attributed to a shortening of the 4 5 2 channel openings due to lateral compression of the bilayer under high hydrostatic pressure 6 7 3 (Macdonald and Martinac 2005). Dimer dissociation of Vibrio cholerae ToxR membrane 8 9 10 4 protein was observed at 20 to 50 MPa in vivo in E. coli reporter strains (Macdonald and 11 12 5 Martinac 2005). These observations indicated that piezophilic adaptation principally targeted 13 14 6 large molecular machines and membrane systems. Accordingly, the volume change upon 15 16 7 Actin polymerization was found to be smaller in the case of a deepsea fish than commonly 17 18 8 measured in surfaceFor organisms Peer (Morita 2003). ReviewThe transcriptional activities and the subunit 19 20 21 9 dissociations of the RNA polymerases from the piezophile Shewanella violacea and the one 22 23 10 of E. coli were compared and revealed a better resistance of the deep sea machinery after 24 25 11 pressure treatment (Kawano et al. 2004). All these observations suggest that important 26 27 12 structural modifications occur in large supramolecular assemblies that make it possible to 28 29 30 13 adapt to a high pressure environment. However, the structure determination of such large 31 32 14 protein complexes is a technical challenge in structural biology that hampers the comparative 33 34 15 structural and biophysical studies of large molecular systems arising from different pressure 35 36 16 environments. 37 38 17 Compared to complex cellular machines, the metabolic enzymes represent tractable 39 40 41 18 systems to reveal the structural determinants of piezophilicity. For many enzymes, the 42 43 19 biochemistry involves simple substrates and cofactors, and kinetics parameters can be 44 45 20 extracted straightforwardly to assess whether or not the reaction is favoured by high pressure. 46 47 21 It also exists a consistent knowledge for their structurefunction relationships and, in some 48 49 50 22 cases, such as the LactateMalate deshydrogenase family, the molecular determinants for 51 52 23 thermal or halophilic adaptations have already been explored (Madern et al. 2000; Luke et al. 53 54 24 2007; Sawle and Ghosh 2011). Considering that the stability and the enzymatic properties of 55 56 25 most studied mesophilic proteins do not show important alterations in the pressure range that 57 58 59 60 19 Extremophiles Page 20 of 82

1 2 3 1 is encountered in the deep sea; the existence of a piezophilic adaptation at the enzyme level 4 5 2 remains controversial. However, comparative biochemical studies on enzymes arising from 6 7 3 surfaces and deepsea organisms revealed differences indicating that catalytic reactions are 8 9 10 4 more efficient under high pressure for deep sea enzymes. The study of tetrameric lactate 11 12 5 dehydrogenases (LDH) from hagfish living at different depth showed that pressure 13 14 6 inactivation was less pronounced for the abyssal species (Nishiguchi et al. 2008). Several 15 16 7 studies were performed on thermophilic enzymes. They revealed an increase in halflife at 17 18 8 high temperature withFor increasing Peer pressure, thus Review suggesting that high pressure should be taken 19 20 21 9 into account in temperature adaptation (Hei and Clark 1994; Sun et al. 1999; Mombelli et al. 22 23 10 2002). However, these studies focused on residual activities and do not allow us to conclude 24 25 11 whether pressure inactivation and thermal stabilization are due to differences in oligomers 26 27 12 (Hei and Clark 1994) dissociation, unfolding or subtle structural changes, for example at the 28 29 30 13 active site level. A study on a large aminopeptidase tetrahedral complex (TET) from the deep 31 32 14 sea archaeon P. horikoshii , in which small angle Xray scattering (SAXS) and activity 33 34 15 measurements were performed under high pressure and high temperature, showed that the 12 35 36 16 subunits molecular edifice maintains its quaternary structure up to 300 MPa (Rosenbaum et 37 38 17 al. 2012). This study suggested that large molecular complexes could maintain highpressure 39 40 41 18 stability far beyond the pressure that the organisms could encounter in the deepest part of the 42 43 19 oceans. Interestingly, the catalytic behaviour of the system was enhanced by pressure. The 44 45 20 determination of the volume changes associated with catalysis indicated a change in the 46 47 21 reaction ratelimiting step at 180 MPa. This suggested that pressure adaptation could occur at 48 49 50 22 the active site level in this peptidase family. However, comparative studies on different TET 51 52 23 peptidases arising from surface and deepsea organisms are essential to draw a conclusion on 53 54 24 this matter. Such comparative studies have been performed on dihydrofolate reductases 55 56 25 (DHFR) from Shewanella species living in deepsea and atmosphericpressure environments 57 58 59 60 20 Page 21 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 1 (Ohmae et al. 2012). The stabilities of these enzymes were found to be similar and the 4 5 2 pressure effects did not indicate that the catalytic processes of deep sea DHFR enzymes are 6 7 3 better adapted to highpressure environments. However, 3isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 8 9 10 4 from the obligate piezophile Shewanella benthica DB21MT2 (SbIPMDH) remains active in 11 12 5 extreme conditions whereas that isolated from the land bacterium S. oneidensis MR1 13 14 6 (SoIPMDH) becomes inactivated. Comparison of the structures of the two enzymes shows 15 16 7 that SbIPMDH has a larger internal cavity volume than SoIPMDH. This loosely packed 17 18 8 structure of SbIPMDHFor may limitPeer pressureinduced Review modification of the native structure, 19 20 21 9 keeping it active at higher pressures compared to SoIPMDH (Nagae et al. 2012). This study 22 23 10 highlighted the potential role of internal cavity in highpressure adaptation. 24 25 11 26 27 12 Conclusions 28 29 30 13 Based on the studies described above, a number of mechanisms explaining pressure 31 32 14 resistance and possible adaptation to HHP can be proposed. However, comparative 33 34 15 experimental studies combining enzymology, biophysics, structure and microbiology 35 36 16 approaches performed under high pressure are still essential to make a decisive statement on 37 38 17 the existence of a specific kind of pressure adaptation in deepsea organisms. As already 39 40 41 18 underlined, proteins are dynamic entities. Highpressure adaptive traits might therefore only 42 43 19 be revealed by molecular dynamics studies such as highpressure crystallography or neutron 44 45 20 spectroscopy. Finally, transcriptomic and proteomic studies are vital for revealing the identity 46 47 21 of the proteins that are mostly impacted by high or low pressure, either to compensate for 48 49 50 22 losses of cellular functions or as bona fide key players in pressure adaptation. 51 52 23 At this time it is not yet clear if HHP adaptations require just a change of one or a few 53 54 24 genes in a few pathways, an overall alteration of many genes in a genome, or mainly 55 56 25 regulatory modulations. Several reasons may explain our present inability to identify specific 57 58 59 60 21 Extremophiles Page 22 of 82

1 2 3 1 signatures associated with HHP. First, thus far, only piezosensitive ( E. coli , S. cerevisiae ) or 4 5 2 moderately piezophile strains ( P. profundum strain SS9, Popt = 28 MPa) have been studied 6 7 3 extensively. As a consequence, HHP adaptation, if it exists, might not be sufficient to be 8 9 10 4 demonstrated. Secondly, all results converge to demonstrate a large overlap between cold and 11 12 5 HHP regulation. 13 14 6 The diversity of piezophiles isolated so far from deep sea hydrothermal vents is 15 16 7 narrow and consists of prokaryotes driving metabolisms such as sulfatoreduction, 17 18 8 sulforeduction, methanogenesisFor Peer and fermentation, Review which does not represent the large 19 20 21 9 metabolic diversity encountered in these ecosystems. Autochthonous microorganisms of the 22 23 10 deep sea hydrothermal vents are inherently adapted to the extreme conditions of their 24 25 11 environment, i.e. to the highpressure, lowto high temperature, low to high pH, anaerobiosis 26 27 12 to aerobiosis conditions found throughout the deep sea hydrothermal vents. Much more effort 28 29 30 13 should be put into isolating new and varied piezophiles from deepsea hydrothermal vents, 31 32 14 including i) development of adapted and specialized highpressure equipment to maintain 33 34 15 samples at in situ pressure and temperature once onboard ship, ii) improvement of knowledge 35 36 16 and imagination about geochemistry of their ambient environment, extracellular milieu and 37 38 17 try to recreate viable laboratory conditions, and iii) patience, which has sometimes been 39 40 41 18 rewarded by very longterm incubation of cultures. 42 43 19 44 45 20 Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche 46 47 21 (ANR10BLAN1725 01Living deep). We are indebted to Helen McCombie [Bureau de 48 49 50 22 Traduction de l’Université (BTU), Université de Bretagne OccidentaleBrest] for helpful 51 52 23 language improvement. 53 54 24 55 56 25 57 58 59 60 22 Page 23 of 82 Extremophiles

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1 2 3 1 4 5 2 6 7 3 8 9 10 4 11 12 5 Figure legends 13 14 6 Figure 1. Global map of hydrothermal vents identified so far according to data compiled in 15 16 7 Interridge vents database ( http://ventsdata.interridge.org/maps ) (Beaulieu, S.E., 2013, 17 18 8 InterRidge Global For Database ofPeer Active Submarine Review Hydrothermal Vent Fields: prepared for 19 20 21 9 InterRidge, Version 3.1. World Wide Web electronic publication. Version 3.2 accessed 2015 22 23 10 0211, http://ventsdata.interridge.org ") 24 25 11 26 27 12 Figure 2 : illustration showing mixing between the hot hydrothermal fluid enriched in 28 29 30 13 dissolved reduced gas as H 2, CH 4 H2S, CO, CO 2 and metals etc (electron donors) and cold 31 2 32 14 seawater that contains O2, SO 4 and NO 3 (electron acceptors) that constitutes the basis of 33 34 15 “bacterial chemosynthesis” occurring in deep sea vents. Photograph of a chimney from 35 36 16 Rainbow location (Mid Atlantic Ridge) reproduced with the permission from Ifremer ©. 37 38 17 39 40 18 41 42 19 43 44 20 Figure 3 : Homeoviscous adaptation in Archaea . (A) In its functional state the membrane is 45 46 21 in the liquid crystalline state. Upon an increase in temperature or a decrease in hydrostatic 47 48 22 pressure, the lipid motion increases and the membrane enters the fluid phase. Conversely, 49 50 51 23 when temperature drops or hydrostatic pressure increase, the lipid molecules pack more 52 53 24 tightly and enter a gel phase. Membranes in both gel phase and fluid phase, have impaired 54 55 25 membrane function. (B) Known membrane lipid composition adaptive mechanisms in 56 57 26 Archaea. 58 59 60 36 Page 37 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Figure 1. Global map of hydrothermal vents identified so far according to data compiled in Interridge vents database (http://vents-data.interridge.org/maps) (Beaulieu, S.E., 2013, InterRidge Global Database of 31 Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields: prepared for InterRidge, Version 3.1. World Wide Web 32 electronic publication. Version 3.2 accessed 2015-02-11, http://vents-data.interridge.org") 33 223x149mm (300 x 300 DPI) 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 38 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Figure 2 : illustration showing mixing between the hot hydrothermal fluid enriched in dissolved reduced gas 33 as H2, CH4 H2S, CO, CO2 and metals etc (electron donors) and cold seawater that contains O2, SO4-2 and 34 NO3- (electron acceptors) that constitutes the basis of “bacterial chemosynthesis” occurring in deep sea 35 vents. Photograph of a chimney from Rainbow location (Mid Atlantic Ridge) reproduced with the permission 36 from Ifremer©. 37 254x190mm (96 x 96 DPI) 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 39 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A 12 T T 13 P P 14 15 16 17 18 gel phase Liquid crystalline state Fluid phase 19 functional phase 20 compact lipid layer For Peer Review disordered membrane 21 increased rigidity increased uidity 22 reduced permeability increased permeability 23 reduced lipid motion increased lipid motion 24 25 26 B 27 28 T or pH T or P 29 R O 2 30 O O O 31 O O O O 32 P O R1 P 33 R 1 Increased packing Cross-linking of 34 Incorporation of Decreased permeability Increased stability isoprenoid chains 35 cyclopentane rings Decreased permeability 36 O O 37 R2 O O 38 O O O O 39 P P R O 40 1 R1 41 42 T T or pH P

43 R1


44 O O O O

45 O O P 46 O R1 O 47 P Decreased packing R1 Increased packing Incorporation of 48 Increase of the proportion Increased uidity Increased stability unsaturation of tetra ether lipids Increased permeability 49 Decreased permeability

50 R 2 O O 51 O O O 52 O O O 53 O P P R1 54 R1 55 56 57 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 40 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 1. List of known cultured piezotolerant and piezophilic prokaryotes Maximal T P Pressure GenBank genome sequence 7 Isolate opt opt growth rate Isolation source (depth [m]) Metabolism Reference(s) (°C) (MPa) range (MPa) accession number 8 (h−1 ) Domain: Bacteria 9 Phylum : Class Actinobacteria 10 Order 11 Family Dermacoccaceae Dermacoccus abyssi MT1.1T 28 40 nd nd Mariana Trench, sediment (10,898) chemoorganoheterotroph Pathomaree et al., 2006 12 Phylum : Firmicutes 13 Class : Bacilli Order Lactobacillales For Peer Review 14 Family Carnobacteriaceae Carnobacterium sp. strain AT12 2 20 0.160 Alaska, Aleoutiennes Trench (2550) chemoorganoheterotroph Lauro et al, 2007 15 Carnobacterium sp. strain AT7 20 20 0.75 0.160 Central Indian Ridge, black smoker fluid (2,415–2,460) ABHH01000000 chemoorganoheterotroph Lauro et al, 2007 Class : Clostridia 16 Order to be established 17 Novel family to be established Anoxybacter fermentans DY22613T 6062 20 2.22 0.160 deepsea hydrothermal sulfide deposit at the East Pacific Rise (2,891) chemoorganoheterotroph Zeng et al., 2015 18 Phylum : Proteobacteria Class: Alphaproteobacteria 19 Alphaproteobacterium without standing nomenclature 20 Piezobacter thermophilus 108 50 35 0.46 0.165 MidAtlantic Ridge, black smoker chimney (3,626) facultative chemoautotroph Takai et al., 2009 Order Rhodobacterales 21 Family Rhodobacteraceae Rhodobacterales bacterium PRT1 10 80 0.019 20100 Puerto Rico Trench, seawater (8,350) chemooligoorganotroph Eloe et al., 2011 22 Class: Deltaproteobacteria 23 Order Desulfovibrionales Family Desulfovibrionaceae 24 Desulfovibrio profundus 5001T 25 1040 nd 0.140 Japan Sea, sediment core 518 mbsfb (900) chemoorganoheterotroph Bale et al., 1997 25 Desulfovibrio hydrothermalis AM13T 35 26 0.05 nd East Pacific Rise, hydrothermal vent chimney (2,600) FO203522 chemoorganoheterotroph Alazard et al., 2003 Desulfovibrio piezophilus C1TLV30T 30 10 0.01 0.130 Wood falls in the Mediterranean Sea (1,693) FO203427 chemoorganoheterotroph Khelaifia et al., 2011 26 Class: Gammaproteobacteria 27 Order Family Colwelliaceae 28 piezophila Y223GT 10 60 0.14 0.180 Japan Trench, sediment (6,278) NZ_ARKQ00000000 chemoorganoheterotroph Nogi et al., 2004 29 Colwellia piezophila Y251ET 10 60 nd 0.180 Japan Trench, sediment (6,278) chemoorganoheterotroph Nogi et al., 2004 Colwellia hadaliensis BNL1T 10 90 0.12 37102 Puerto Rico Trench (7,410) chemoorganoheterotroph Deming et al., 1988 30 Colwellia sp. strain MT41 8 69 0.07 38103 Mariana Trench, decaying amphipod (10,476) GCA_000712155.1 chemoorganoheterotroph Yayanos et al., 1981 31 Family Psychromonadaceae Psychromonas profunda 2825T 10 25 0.15 0.150 Atlantic Ocean sediment (2,770) chemoorganoheterotroph Xu et al., 2003 32 Psychromonas kaikoae JT7304T 10 50 0.15 0.170 Japan Trench, coldseep sediment (7,434) chemoorganoheterotroph Nogi et al., 2002 33 Psychromonas sp. strain CNPT3 12 52 0.19 0.185 Central North Pacific, decaying amphipod (5,800) CP004404 chemoorganoheterotroph Yayanos et al., 1979 Psychromonas hadalis K41GT 6 60 0.14 0.190 Japan Trench, sediment (7,542) NZ_ATUO00000000 chemoorganoheterotroph Nogi et al, 2007 34 Family Moritellaceae 35 Moritella profunda 2674T 6 30 0.17 0.150 Atlantic Ocean, sediment (2,815) chemoorganoheterotroph Xu et al, 2003 Moritella abyssi 2693T 10 30 0.20 0.150 Atlantic Ocean, sediment (2,815) chemoorganoheterotroph Xu et al, 2003 36 Moritella sp. strain PE36 10 41 0.28 0.170 Pacific Ocean, amphipod trap water (3,584) ABCQ00000000 chemoorganoheterotroph Yayanos et al., 1986 Moritella japonica DSK1 15 50 0.4 0.170 Japan Trench, sediment (6,356) chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al., 1995 37 Moritella yayanosii DB21MT5 10 80 0.2 60100 Mariana Trench, sediment (10,898) chemoorganoheterotroph Nogi et Kato, 1999 38 Family Shewanellaceae Shewanella piezotolerans WP2 1520 15 0.5 0.150 West Pacific, sediment (1,914) NC_011566 chemoorganoheterotroph Xiao et al., 2007 39 Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 1520 20 0.5 0.150 West Pacific, sediment (1,914) NC_011566 chemoorganoheterotroph Xiao et al., 2007 40 Shewanella profunda LT13a 2530 10 1.33 0.150 Pacific Ocean Nankai Trough, sediment (4,790 ) chemoorganoheterotroph Toffin et al., 2004 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 41 of 82 Extremophiles

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5 Shewanella violacea DSS12 10 30 0.28 0.170 Ryukyu Trench, sediment (5,110) NC_014012 chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al., 1995 6 Shewanella benthica F1A 8 30 0.15 0.170 Atlantic Ocean, water column (4,900) chemoorganoheterotroph Wirsen et al., 1986 Shewanella benthica DB6101 10 50 0.35 0.170 Ryukyu Trench sediment (5,110) chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al, 1995 7 Shewanella benthica DB5501 15 60 0.35 0.170 Suruga Bay, sediment (2,485) chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al., 1995 Shewanella benthica DB6705 15 60 0.4 0.170 Japan Trench, sediment (6,356) chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al., 1995 8 Shewanella benthica DB6906 15 60 0.35 0.170 Japan Trench, sediment (6,269) chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al., 1995 9 Shewanella benthica DB172R 10 60 0.45 0.170 IzuBonin Trench, sediment (6,499) chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al., 1996 Shewanella benthica DB172F 10 70 0.41 50100 IzuBonin Trench, sediment (6,499) chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al., 1996 10 Shewanella benthica DB21MT2 10 70 0.17 60100 Mariana Trench sediment (10,898) chemoorganoheterotroph Kato et al., 1998 Shewanella benthica KT99 2 98 40140 Kermadec Trench, amphipod homogenate (9,856) ABIC00000000 chemoorganoheterotroph Lauro et al., 2007 11 Order Chromatiales Family Thioalkalispiraceae 12 Thioprofundum lithotrophica 106 50 15 0.3 0.150 MidAtlantic Ridge, black smoker chimney (3,626) chemolithoautotrophic Takai et al., 2009 13 Order Family For Peer Review 14 piezophila YC1 8 50 0.017 2070 Puerto Rico Trench, water column (6,000) chemoorganoheterotroph Cao et al., 2014 Order "Vibrionales" 15 Family Vibrionaceae Nogi et al., 1998 16 Photobacterium profundum DSJ4 10 10 0.45 0.170 Ryukyu Trench, sediment (5,110) chemoorganoheterotroph De Long et al., 1998 Photobacterium profundum SS9 15 28 0.5 0.170 Sulu Trough, amphipod homogenate (2,551) NC_006370, NC_006371 chemoorganoheterotroph 17 Phylum : Thermotogae Class Thermotogae 18 Order Thermotogales 19 Family Thermotogaceae Thermosipho japonicus IHB1T 72 20 1.33 0.160 Okinawa, Iheya (972) chemoorganoheterotroph Takai and Horikoshi, 2000 20 Marinitoga piezophila KA3T 65 40 1.9 0.160 East Pacific Rise, hydrothermal vent (2,630) CP003257 chemoorganoheterotroph Alain et al., 2002 21 Domain : Archaea Phylum : Euryarchaeota 22 Class Methanococci 23 Order Methanococcales Family Methanocaldococcaceae 24 Methanocaldococcus jannaschii JAL1T 86 75 2.36 0.175 East Pacific Rise, hydrothermal vent (2,610) NC_000909 methanogenesis Jones et al., 1983 Family Methanococcaceae 25 Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus 65 50 0.58 0.1100 Italy, geothermally heated sediments (0.5) NZ_AQXV01000000 methanogenesis Bernhardt et al., 2007 26 Class Methanopyri Order Methanopyrales 27 Family Methanopyraceae Methanopyrus kandleri 116 105 20 0.73 0.150 Aleutian Trench, water column (2,500) NC_003551 methanogenesis Takai et al., 2008 28 Class Thermococci 29 Order Thermococcales Family Thermococcaceae 30 Palaeococcus ferrophilus DMJT 83 30 0.5 0.160 The Myojin Knoll in the OgasawaraBonin Arc, Japan (1,338) Ongoing chemoorganoheterotroph Takai et al., 2000 31 Palaeococcus pacificus DY20341T 80 30 0.91 0.180 East Pacific Ocean hydrothermal field (2,737) CP006019 chemoorganoheterotroph Zeng et al., 2013 Pyrococcus abyssi GE5 96 20 0.98 0.150 Fiji Basin, hydrothermal vent (2,000) NC_000868 chemoorganoheterotroph Erauso et al., 1993 32 Pyrococcus yayanosii CH1T 98 52 1.2 20120 MidAtlantic Ridge, hydrothermal vent (4,100) NC_015680 chemoorganoheterotroph Zeng et al, 2009 33 Thermococcus aggregans TYT 75 20 0.130 Guaymas bassin (2,000) chemoorganoheterotroph Canganella et al., 2000 Thermococcus guaymasensis TYST 85 2035 0.150 Guaymas bassin (2,000) chemoorganoheterotroph Canganella et al., 1998 34 Thermococcus peptonophilus DSM 10343T 90 45 0.160 Backarc Bonin, Izu (1,380) chemoorganoheterotroph Canganella et al., 1997 35 Thermococcus eurythermalis A501T 85 0.130 1.25 0.170 an oilimmersed hydrothermal chimney, Guaymas Basin (2,000) CP008887, CP008888 chemoorganoheterotroph Zhao et al., 2015 Thermococcus barophilus MPT 85 40 1.5 0.180 MidAtlantic Ridge, hydrothermal vent chimney (3,550) CP002372, CP002373 chemoorganoheterotroph Marteinsson et al., 1999 36 n.d. not determined 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 42 of 82

1 2 Rapport sur la compatibilité concernant Classeur1list 3 piezophiles.xls 4 Exécuté le 30/07/2014 18:26 5 6 Les fonctionnalités suivantes de ce classeur ne sont pas 7 prises en charge dans les versions antérieures d’Excel. Ces 8 fonctionnalités seront peut-être perdues ou dégradées si vous 9 ouvrez le classeur dans une version antérieure du 10 programme ou si vous l’enregistrez dans un format de fichier 11 antérieur. 12 13 Perte mineure de fidélité Nb Version 14 15 d'occurrence 16 s 17 18 Certaines cellules ou certainsFor styles de cePeer classeur Review4 Excel 97-2003 19 contiennent une mise en forme qui n'est pas prise en charge 20 par le format de fichier sélectionné. Ces formats seront 21 convertis au format le plus proche disponible. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 43 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 Subject: Manuscript ID EXT-15-Feb-0030 revised version 4 5 Dear Editor, 6 7 We would first like to thank you and the two reviewers for the time you spent reviewing this review 8 article, your comments, criticisms and suggestions are all relevant and we have taken into account to 9 improve the quality and the message of this review and we have prepared a new version of the 10 11 manuscript that we hope will be now desirable for publication in Extremophiles Journal. 12 13 Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author: 14 15 Reviewer: 1 16 17 Comments to the Author 18 For Peer Review 19 This paper is almost good enough for publication in extremophiles, no detail revition are needed this 20 moment. But adding following work would be beneficial before formal publication 21 22 Thank you for your positive comments! 23 24 1 This paper lookes like two seperated parts,The first part is about isolates from hydrothermal vent 25 aera, the second part is about high pressure adaptation,These two parts need a better connection. 26 27 Thank you for this appropriate remark! we have made our best to meet your expectation, to answer 28 29 to your inquiries and to provide new information that was added in the revised version of the 30 manuscript (see p. 9, lines 12-25 and p. 10, lines 1-10) 31 32 2 Recent publication about Thermococcus eurythermalis A501 could be list. 33 34 This information was included in the text (p. 9, line 23) and in the table 1 35 36 3 The authors mentioned that Prokaryotes inhabiting in the deep sea vent ecosystem will thus 37 experience waves of temperature, pH, salinity or high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) stress, how these 38 39 strains adapted to multiple stresses could be discuss in more detail, 40 41 This point is well documented in many other reviews on some bacterial and archaeal models and 42 some mechanisms were commonly evolved by prokaryotes to face multiple stress situations like the 43 accumulation of compatible solutes, the scavenging of reactive species (ROS) or the modulation of 44 unsaturation or cyclic lipids in membrane to adapt membrane fluidity, etc… 45 46 especially why hyperthermophilic piezophilic archaea have optimal growth pressure higher than their 47 48 sampling sites depth? 49 50 For hyperthermophiles piezophiles, their optimal growth pressure is obviously higher than the 51 pressure occurring in their sampling sites; this is might be an indication of their origin from deeper 52 sites than where they were sampled as was published by Deming and Baross, 1993 where they 53 proposed that hydrothermal vents are considered as windows on a deeper biosphere. 54 55 56 Is obligate piezophile really exist or just because they were cultivated under 57 "unconfortable"conditions? for example a piezosentive bacterium could adapted also to HHP 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 44 of 82

1 2 3 Obligate piezophiles are real and the whole cell machinery was fine-tuned during the evolution to 4 function optimally under HHP. In some studies adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) experiments were 5 conducted on piezosensitive bacterium E. coli and a derivative strain was isolated that acquired the 6 7 ability to grow at high pressure (pressure non-permissive for the parental strain) (Marietou A. et al., 8 2015). The new strain displayed growth properties and changes in the proportion and regulation of 9 unsaturated fatty acids that indicated the acquisition of multiple piezotolerant properties (Marietou 10 A. et al., 2015). This was also the case for P. yayanosii the only known hyperthermophile obligate 11 12 piezophile, for which a facultatively piezophilic derivative strain was isolated, this means that P. 13 yayanosii has acquired during adaptive laboratory evolution, some properties allowing its 14 metabolism and cell cycle to function properly at atmospheric pressure (Li X. et al., 2015). 15 16 Reviewer: 2 17 18 Comments to the AuthorFor Peer Review 19 20 Good review on pressure induced changes in microorganisms inhabiting hydrothermal vents. 21 22 Thank you for your positive comments! 23 24 The abstract is concise, although the first sentence needs to be re-written. I doubt that there are 25 26 "waves" of pressure, and since the focus is on pressure, this needs to be fixed. 27 28 The correction was done accordingly 29 30 Few grammatical things or missing words etc: 31 32 p 1, l. 12: change reinforce to reinforces 33 34 OK 35 36 p. 1, l. 15: add are before ..still needs to be... 37 38 OK 39 40 p. 3, l. 7-12: vague, could mention that average temperature in the deep ocean is 2-3 degree C, 41 except for hydrothermal vents 42 43 OK 44 45 p. 4, l. 24: revise sentence ...some of which are able to grow at more than 46 47 OK 48 49 p. 5, l. 23: exchange ...recorded and... for ..recorded in 50 51 OK 52 53 p. 6, l. 5-7: revise sentence, hardly understandable 54 55 The correction and modification were done accordingly 56 57 p. 6, l. 18: sulur reduction, sulfate reduction and thiosulfate reduction? 58 59 60 Page 45 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 The correction and modification were done accordingly 4 5 p. 7, l. 1: exchange specific for specifically 6 7 OK 8 9 p. 8. l. 7: Prof. or Professor Yayanos 10 11 OK 12 13 p. 8, l. 24" ultramafic rock in Ashadze? 14 15 Yes, please see the publication by Ondréas H et al., 2012, vol 13, n 1, doi:10.1029/2012GC004433, in 16 Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (G 3) “Geological context and vents morphology of the 17 18 ultramafic-hosted AshadzeFor hydrothermal Peer areas (Mid-A Reviewtlantic Ridge 13N)” 19 20 After this the manuscript is a lot more fluid. 21 22 I like te figures showing transitions membranes in different phases. 23 24 Thank you for your kind comment! 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 46 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Microbial diversity and adaptation to high hydrostatic pressure in deep sea 8 9 2 hydrothermal vents prokaryotes 10 3 Mohamed Jebbar 1,2, 3*, Bruno Franzetti 4,5,6, Eric Girard 4,5,6, and Philippe Oger 7 11 12 4 13 14 5 1 Université de Bretagne Occidentale, UMR 6197Laboratoire de Microbiologie des 15 16 6 Environnements Extrêmes (LM2E), Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), 17 18 7 rue Dumont d’Urville, 29For 280 Plouzané, Peer France Review 19 20 8 2 CNRS, UMR 6197Laboratoire de Microbiologie des Environnements Extrêmes 21 22 9 (LM2E), Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), rue Dumont d’Urville, 29 23 24 10 280 Plouzané, France 25 26 11 3 Ifremer, UMR 6197Laboratoire de Microbiologie des Environnements Extrêmes 27 28 12 (LM2E), Technopôle BrestIroise, BP70, 29 280 Plouzané, France 29 4 30 13 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, IBS, F38027 Grenoble, France

31 5 32 14 Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS), F38027 Grenoble, 33 34 15 France 35 16 6Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, Direction des 36 37 17 Sciences du Vivant, IBS, F38027 Grenoble, France 38 39 18 7 CNRS, UMR 5276, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France 40 41 19 42 43 20 44 45 21 *Corresponding author: 46 22 Prof. Mohamed Jebbar 47 23 Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) 48 24 Laboratoire de Microbiologie des Environnements Extrêmes (UMR 6197) 49 25 Technopole BrestIroise 50 26 Rue Dumont d’Urville 51 27 29280 Plouzané 52 28 Phone : +33 298 498 817 53 29 Fax : +33 298 498 705 54 30 email : mohamed.jebbar@univbrest.fr 55 31 56 57 1 58 59 60 Page 47 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Abstract 8 2 Prokaryotes inhabiting in the deep sea vent ecosystem will thus experience waves harsh 9 10 3 conditions of temperature, pH, salinity or high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) stress. Among the 11 12 4 fifty two piezophilic and piezotolerant prokaryotes isolated so far from different deep sea 13 14 5 environments, only fifteen (four Bacteria and eleven Archaea) that are true 15 16 6 hyper/thermophiles and piezophiles have been isolated from deep sea hydrothermal vents, 17 18 7 these belong mainly to theFor Thermococcales Peer order. Different Review strategies are used by 19 20 8 microorganisms to thrive in deep sea hydrothermal vents in which "extreme" physico 21 22 9 chemical conditions prevail and where nonadapted organisms cannot live, or even survive. 23 24 10 HHP is known to impact the structure of several cellular components and functions, such as 25 26 11 membrane fluidity, protein activity and structure. Physically the impact of pressure resembles 27 28 12 aresembles a lowering of temperature, since it reinforce s the structure of certain molecules, 29 30 13 such as membrane lipids, and an increase in temperature, since it will also destabilize other 31 32 14 structures, such as proteins. However, universal molecular signatures of HHP adaptation are 33 34 15 not yet known and are still to be deciphered. 35 16 36 37 17 Key words : deep biosphere, diversity, high hydrostatic pressure, enzymatic function, 38 39 18 molecular adaptation 40 41 19 42 43 20 44 45 21 46 47 22 48 49 23 50 51 24 52 53 25 54 55 56 57 2 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 48 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Introduction 8 2 Hydrostatic pressure increases with depth at an approximate rate of 10 MPa (~100 9 10 3 atmospheres/bars) per km in the water column and 30 MPa per km underground (Oger and 11 12 4 Jebbar 2010). The definition of the deep biosphere is conveniently and arbitrarily defined as 13 14 5 applying to water depths of 1000 m or more. Consequently, all environments above 10 MPa 15 16 6 qualify as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) biotopes. HHP waters account for 88% of the 17 18 7 volume of the oceans, whichFor have an averagePeer depth of 3800Review m, and thus an average 19 20 8 hydrostatic pressure ca. 38 MPa, but reach 110 MPa in the trenches. The average temperature 21 22 9 in the deep ocean is 23 degree, except for hydrothermal vents. In contrast, the average 23 24 10 geothermal gradient in the continental system is ca. 25°C km 1. The currently known 25 26 11 temperature limit for life, 122°C (Takai et al. 2008), would thus place the "deep" limit for the 27 28 12 putative continental biosphere at ca. 5 km below ground on average, under maximal pressures 29 30 13 of 150 MPa (Zeng et al. 2009; Oger and Jebbar 2010). 31 32 14 HHP affects chemical equilibria and reaction rates, depending on the reaction ( V) 33 34 15 and activation ( V≠) volumes involved. The behavior of all systems under HHP is governed 35 36 16 by Le Châtelier’s principle, which states that the application of pressure shifts equilibrium 37 38 17 towards the state that occupies the smallest volume. It accelerates a process whose transition 39 40 18 state has a smaller volume than that of the ground state. For example, if the volume of a 41 42 19 protein is smaller in its unfolded form, then this protein will be denatured by the application 43 20 of HHP. Several cellular processes such as RNA synthesis, membrane fluidity, motility, cell 44 45 21 division, nutrient uptake, membrane protein function, protein synthesis and replication are 46 47 22 also impaired by HHP. HHP greater than 200 MPa can kill most microorganisms and is used 48 49 23 as a means to preserve foodstuffs. 50 51 24 52 53 25 54 55 56 57 3 58 59 60 Page 49 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 The discovery of deepsea hydrothermal vent ecosystems is rather recent in the history 8 2 of biological sciences (Corliss, J. B. and Ballard 1977; Paull et al. 1984; Jannasch and Mottl 9 10 3 1985; Eder et al. 1999). The most significant microbial process taking place at these sites is 11 12 4 "bacterial chemosynthesis", which contrasts with the wellknown process of photosynthesis. 13 14 5 Both processes involve the biosynthesis of organic carbon compounds from CO 2, with the 15 16 6 source of energy being either chemical oxidations or light, respectively (Jannasch and Mottl 17 18 7 1985). Chemoautotrophic prokaryotesFor will assimilatePeer CO 2 and isReview coupled in some prokaryotes 19 20 8 with chemolithotrophy, which enables them to reduce some inorganic compounds as energy 21 22 9 sources. Due to the mixture between the hot reduced hydrothermal fluids enriched in 23 24 10 dissolved gas (H 2S, H 2, CH 4, CO/CO 2) and metals (Fe, Mn) and the cold oxidized sea water 25 26 11 containing sulfates and nitrates, a wide variety of electron donors and acceptors are available 27 28 12 to supply different microbial metabolisms. 29 30 13 Most of the Earth’s prokaryotes live in deep biosphere environments under HHP.

31 28 32 14 From global estimates of volume, the upper 200 m of the ocean contains a total of 3.6 10

33 27 34 15 prokaryotic cells of which 2.9 10 cells are autotrophs; whereas the ocean water below 200 m 35 16 contains 6.5 10 28 prokaryotic cells (Whitman et al. 1998). A recent study has estimated the 36 37 17 total cell abundance in subseafloor sediment at 2.9 10 29 , which is 92% lower than the previous 38 39 18 standard estimate (35.5 ×10 29 ) (Whitman et al. 1998; Kallmeyer et al. 2012). Thus, even 40 41 19 though the maximal productivity of the high pressure continental or marine biosphere is 42 43 20 orders of magnitude lower than that of surface biotopes due to their extremely large volume, 44 45 21 these high pressure biotopes contribute significantly to the production and recycling of 46 47 22 organic carbon. 48 49 23 In less than 30 years, microbiologists have isolated and described many new microbial 50 51 24 species involved in most major biogeochemical cycles and some of which are able for some 52 53 25 to grow at more than 110°C and 150 MPa. Psychrophiles, mesophiles, hyper/thermophiles, 54 55 56 57 4 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 50 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 acidophiles, piezophiles and even moderate halophiles were isolated from samples originating 8 2 from deep sea hydrothermal vents constituting cultivable representatives of at least 20 phyla, 9 10 3 89 genus and 175 species. This represents a little more than 1% of ∼12,391 prokaryotic 11 12 4 cultured type species (451 Archaea and 11,940 Bacteria) (http://www.bacterio.net/ 13 14 5 number.html#notea) whose taxonomy has been well described (Euzéby 2013). These species 15 16 6 belong to 35 different phyla (30 bacterial phyla and 5 archaeal phyla). The latest molecular 17 18 7 biology techniques allow us toFor see that the Peer cultured and described Review species represent only 19 20 8 ∼1‒2% of the Earth’s Bacteria and Archaea according to the SILVA database 21 22 9 (http://www.arbsilva.de), which contains 534,968 of nonredundant 16S rRNA sequences 23 24 10 distributed as follows: Bacteria (86.9%), Archaea (3.5%) and Eukarya (9.6%). 25 26 11 This review aims to provide an overview of the diversity of microorganisms thriving 27 28 12 in deep sea hydrothermal vents, their metabolic characteristics and the adaptive mechanisms 29 30 13 they have evolved to cope with HHP. 31 32 14 33 34 15 Deep sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems 35 36 16 Hydrothermalism 37 17 Deep sea hydrothermal vent sites (700 to 5000 m below the ocean surface) are located 38 39 18 in areas of high tectonic activity (Figure 1) such as areas of accretion along midocean ridges 40 41 19 (e.g. the midAtlantic Ridge [MAR] or East Pacific Rise [EPR]), subduction zones, the back 42 43 20 arc basins (e.g. the North Fiji or Lau Basins) and finally hot spot volcanism (e.g. Loihi 44 45 21 Seamount near Hawaii) (Van Dover et al. 2002). According to the InterRidge Global 46 47 22 Database, about 600 active or ancient Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields have been 48 49 23 recorded and in more than 200 locations throughout the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans 50 51 24 confirmed or inferred (Figure 1), including 46 locations in Indian Ocean (depth from 1500 to 52 53 25 4200 m), 64 locations in the Atlantic Ocean (depth from 800 to 4530 m) and 100 locations in 54 55 56 57 5 58 59 60 Page 51 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Pacific Ocean (depth from 850 to 5000 m). The activity of the tectonic plates generates 8 2 seafloor spreading centers (rifts), regions where hot basalt and magma near the sea floor cause 9 10 3 the floor to slowly drift apart. Seawater seeping into these cracked regions mixes with hot 11 12 4 minerals (Edmond et al. 1982) and, under the effect of high pressure, is emitted from the 13 14 5 springs; these underwater hot springs are known as hydrothermal vents. Tthe mineral rich hot 15 16 6 water (270460°C) forms a cloud of precipitated material upon mixing with will rise to the 17 18 7 surface of the seafloor and canFor reach over 20 Peer m in height, chimneys Review "black smokers" are built 19 20 8 when dissolved minerals and drawn by the groundwater flow in rush back in contact with 21 22 9 oxygenated cold seawater (2‒3°C) , these hydrothermal vents are called black smokers. 23 24 10 Interactions between deep basaltic or ultramafic rocks and sea water brought to high 25 26 11 temperature and high pressure, which therefore has a high solvent power, will produce 27 28 12 hydrothermal fluids. These fluids may reach a temperature as high as 4 600°C, with an acidic 29 30 13 pH. They are anoxic and contain high concentrations of dissolved gases (H 2S, CH 4, CO, CO 2,

31 2+ 2+ + 2+ 32 14 and H 2) and minerals (Mn , Fe , Si , Zn , etc.) (Figure 2) (Jannasch and Mottl 1985; 33 34 15 Johnson et al. 1986; Von Damm 2000; Charlou et al. 2002; Charlou et al. 2010). In contact 35 16 with sea water (cold, oxic with alkaline pH), minerals precipitate and form black smokers. 36 37 17 38 39 18 Metabolic and phylogenetic diversity of deep sea hydrothermal vents 40

41 19 Many Bacteria and Archaea can usereduce sul fph ur, sulfates, thiosulfate, and Iron Formatted: Font: Italic 42 Formatted: Font: Italic 43 20 (III) oxide as electron acceptors in anaerobic respiration and drive metabolisms like sulf ur 44 45 21 respirationoreduction , sulfato respiration and thiosulfat e respirationoreduction , iron 46 47 22 respiration and Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) and iron reduction . Fermentative 48 49 23 metabolism is also a principal feature of many archaeal and bacterial species isolated from 50 51 24 deep sea hydrothermal vents (Takai and Nakamura 2011). 52 53 54 55 56 57 6 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 52 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Except for some Thaumarchaeota that perform nitrification, oxygen and nitrate are 8 2 used as electrons acceptors by almost all bacteria that specific ally drive metabolisms such as 9 10 3 aerobic respiration, hydrogen oxidation, nitrification, methanotrophy and methylotrophy, 11 12 4 sulfur compound oxidation, iron oxidation, manganese oxidation, denitrification and 13 14 5 Annamox. Some metabolisms like methanogenesis and ammonia oxidation are specifically to 15 16 6 Archaea. The cultureindependent approach was used to describe the microbial phylogenetic 17 18 7 diversity in active deep sea hydrothermalFor vents Peer from chimney fluidReview sediments and macrofauna 19 20 8 samples. Archaea are associated with hydrothermal edifices, fluids and sediments and 21 22 9 encompass archaeal groups like Thermococcales , Archaeoglobales , Desulfurococcales , 23 24 10 Ignicoccales , Methanococcales and Methanopyrales (Huber et al. 1989; Takai and Horikoshi 25 26 11 1999; Takai et al. 2001; Teske et al. 2002; Schrenk et al. 2004; Nunoura et al. 2010; Roussel 27 28 12 et al. 2011; Takai and Nakamura 2011). Other groups like Halobacteriales , Thaumarchaeota , 29 30 13 DHVE2 and MCG divisions were also detected in these ecosystems (Takai et al. 2001; 31 32 14 Roussel et al. 2011; Orcutt et al. 2011; Flores et al. 2012). 33 34 15 The Bacteria domain is dominated by Epsilonproteobacteria detected in hydrothermal 35 16 fluids, in sea water, hydrothermal sediments, microbial mats and in association with 36 37 17 macrofauna (Reysenbach et al. 2000; Alain et al. 2002b; Reysenbach et al. 2002; Teske et al. 38 39 18 2002; Huber et al. 2003; Page et al. 2004; Suzuki et al. 2005; Campbell et al. 2006; 40 41 19 Gerasimchuk et al. 2010; Crépeau et al. 2011; Sylvan et al. 2012); other bacterial groups were 42 43 20 also detected, such as Alpha , Beta , Delta and Gammaproteobacteria , Aquificales , 44 45 21 Desulfobacteriales , Thermotogales , Deinococcus-Thermus , Deferribacteres , Firmicutes , CFB 46 47 22 (Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroidetes ), Acidobacteria , Verrumicrobia and 48 49 23 Planctomycetes (Alain et al. 2002a; Reysenbach et al. 2002; Teske et al. 2002; Huber et al. 50 51 24 2003; Page et al. 2004; Crépeau et al. 2011; Orcutt et al. 2011; Sylvan et al. 2012). More than 52 53 25 one hundred species of Bacteria (17 phyla, 72 genera, 113 species) and Archaea (3 phyla, 17 54 55 56 57 7 58 59 60 Page 53 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 genera and 62 species) were isolated and cultured from deep sea hydrothermal vents, mainly 8 2 from the Pacific ocean (69‒77% of species) and, in lesser numbers, from the Atlantic 9 10 3 (19‒28% of species) and Indian (2‒4% of species) Oceans. 11 12 4 13 14 5 15 16 6 Knowledge on piezophiles vs other extremophiles from deep sea hydrothermal 17 18 7 vents For Peer Review 19 20 8 The field of piezomicrobiology has been held back by requirements for expensive 21 22 9 highpressure laboratory equipment for sample containment and culture. The first HHP 23 24 10 adapted prokaryotes were bacteria isolated from deepsea sediments in 1949 by ZoBell and 25 26 11 Johnson (Zobell and Johnson 1949). In 1979, the group of Pr ofessor. Yayanos reported the 27 28 12 isolation of the first piezophilic bacterium from the cold deep ocean and two years later 29 30 13 (Yayanos et al. 1981) isolated the first obligate piezophile microorganism, a psychrophilic 31 32 14 bacterium isolated from a decaying amphipod fished from the bottom of the Mariana Trench. 33 34 15 However, although deepsea hydrothermal vent fields were explored at depths ranging 35 16 from 800 to 5000 m, rather few attempts to enrich isolates under in situ pressures have been 36 37 17 carried out. Almost all hyper/thermophilic vent prokaryotes have been isolated under 38 39 18 atmospheric pressure, and few of them have been exposed to HHP. To our knowledge, only a 40 41 19 few microorganisms have been described that are both piezotolerant and piezophilic, these 42 43 20 include representatives from across both Archaea and Bacteria domains: Pyrococcus abyssi Formatted: Font: Italic 44 Formatted: Font: Italic 45 21 (Erauso et al. 1993) Thermococcus barophilus (Marteinsson et al. 1999), Thermococcus 46 47 22 aggregans (Canganella et al., 2000), Thermococcus guaymasensis (Canganella et al., 1998), 48 49 23 Thermococcus peptonophilus (Canganella et al. 1997), Thermococcus eurythermalis (Zhao et Formatted: Font: Italic 50 51 24 al., 2015), Palaeococcus ferrophilus (Takai et al. 2000), Palaeococcus pacificus (Zeng et al. 52 53 25 2012), Methanopyrus kandleri (Takai et al. 2008), Marinitoga piezophila (Alain et al. 2002a), 54 55 56 57 8 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 54 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Thermosipho japonicus (Takai and Horikoshi, 2000), Thioprofundum lithotrophica , 8 2 Piezobacter thermophilus (Takai et al. 2009) and Desulfovibrio hydrothermalis (Alazard 9 10 3 2003). The first obligate piezophilic anaerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon discovered was 11 12 4 Pyrococcus yayanosii , isolated from ultramafic a deepsea hydrothermal vent field named 13 14 5 “Ashadze” located on the MidAtlantic Ridge at 4100 m depth (Zeng et al. 2009; Birrien et al. 15 16 6 2011). P. yayanosii , T. barophilus and M. piezophila were isolated after enrichment cultures 17 18 7 performed under both high temperaturesFor andPeer HHP; they showed Review the highest growth rates 19 20 8 when grown under hydrostatic pressures and their genomes were entirely sequenced and 21 22 9 annotated (Jun et al. 2011; Vannier et al. 2011; Lucas et al. 2012). However, when T. 23 24 10 barophilus and M. piezophila grew under atmospheric pressure, their growth rates were 25 26 11 lower. 27 28 12 Microbes in the deep sea hydrothermal environment face contrasted and fluctuating 29 30 13 environmental conditions, to which they need to adapt or die. Hydrothermal vents are 31 32 14 characterized by large fluctuations in salinity and temperature, from 0.1 to twice the salinity 33 34 15 of seawater (Jannasch and Mottl 1985), and from fluid temperatures as high as 460°C at the 35 16 heart of the vent, to 2°C, the average temperature of the surrounding deep ocean waters (Oger 36 37 17 and Jebbar, 2010). Prokaryotes residing in the vent ecosystem will thus experience situations 38 39 18 of heat, cold, acidic, or salinity stresses. In addition in the deepest parts of the oceans, 40 41 19 hydrothermal vent ecosystems are also submitted to extremely HHP, which is known to 42 43 20 impact the structure of several cellular components and functions, such as membrane fluidity, 44 45 21 protein activity and structure (Oger and Jebbar 2010). Physically the impact of pressure bears 46 47 22 resemblance to both a lowering of temperature, since it will reinforce the structure of certain 48 49 23 molecules, such as membrane lipids, and an increase in temperature, since it will as well 50 51 24 destabilize other structures, such as proteins. These environmental stressors will affect the cell 52 53 25 structure and metabolism. 54 55 56 57 9 58 59 60 Page 55 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 The hyper/thermophiles piezophiles prokaryotes may have evolved a combination of 8 2 several adaptive mechanisms (compatible solutes accumulation, efficient expression and 9 10 3 activity of prefoldins, membrane fluidity maintaining, robust biocatalysts, etc) to face harsh 11 12 4 and fluctuating conditions prevailing in deep sea hydrothermal vents, thus their cellular 13 14 5 processes such as motility, cell division, nutrient uptake, membrane protein function, protein 15 16 6 synthesis and replication are not or less impaired by HHP such as it was observed in 17 18 7 piezosensitive species E. coli orFor S. cerevisiae .Peer Review Formatted: Font: 12 pt 19 20 8 In the following two sections we will, respectively, address a quick overview of the 21 22 9 main physiological adaptive strategies of vent prokaryotes and molecular adaptations in the 23 24 10 structure of proteins. 25 26 11 27 28 12 Physiology and adaptation 29 30 13 Due to the environmental fluctuations, microorganisms from hydrothermal vents are 31 32 14 expected to show strong osmotic adaptation. In a simplistic way, the effect of salinity and heat 33 34 15 stresses may be reduced to one factor, e.g. the reduced activity of water within or in the 35 16 vicinity of the cells, with a number of consequences, e.g. for the inward or outward fluxes of 36 37 17 cellular salts and the destabilization of the function and structure of cellular components. 38 39 18 Under reduced water activity, proteins fold incorrectly, which reduces or stops protein 40 41 19 activity. We know two strategies of osmoadaptation to high temperature or salinity in hyper 42 43 20 thermophilic prokaryotes isolated from shallow or deep sea hydrothermal vents (da Costa et 44 45 21 al. 1998). Extremely halophilic Archaea and a few halophilic bacteria accumulate K +, Na + 46 47 22 and Cl in response to changes in extracellular salinity (Vreeland 1987; Csonka and Hanson 48 49 23 1991; Galinski and Truper 1994), while a common strategy among microorganisms to cope 50 51 24 with osmotic stress is the accumulation of lowmolecularmass organic compounds, also 52 53 25 known as compatible solutes because they do not interfere with cellular metabolism (Brown 54 55 56 57 10 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 56 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1976; Galinski 1995; Ventosa et al. 1998). Compatible solutes of hyperthermophiles are 8 2 similar to those used by mesophiles, i.e. sugars, amino acids, polyols. In addition, 9 10 3 hyperthermophiles also accumulate solutes little or never encountered in mesophiles such as 11 12 4 mannosylglycerate (MG) (Martins et al. 1997), dimyo1,1'inositol phosphate (DIP) (Martins 13 14 5 et al. 1996), diglycerol phosphate and derivatives of these compounds (da Costa et al. 1998; 15 16 6 Santos and da Costa 2001). These two solutes are essentially restricted to thermophiles 17 18 7 (Santos and da Costa 2002). MGFor is accumulated Peer mostly in response Review to salt stress in Archaea 19 20 8 such as Pyrococcus furiosus , Pyrococcus horikoshii , Thermococcus celer , Thermococcus 21 22 9 stetteri or Thermococcus litoralis and Bacteria such as Thermus thermophilus (Martins and 23 24 10 Santos 1995; Nunes et al. 1995; Lamosa et al. 1998; Empadinhas et al. 2001). In the same 25 26 11 Archaea , DIP is accumulated in response to supraoptimal temperature of growth. In the 27 28 12 family Thermococcales , there are three noticeable exceptions to this shared osmolyte 29 30 13 accumulation pattern. First, Thermococcus kodakarensis , which does not seem to accumulate 31 32 14 MG under heat or salt stress; second, Pyrolobus fumarii , which only accumulates DIP as a 33 34 15 response to both stresses (Goncalves et al. 2008); and finally P. ferrophilus , which lacks the 35 16 DIP synthesis genes and accumulates only MG as a response to both stresses. MG is mostly 36 37 17 accumulated in response to high salinity, in amounts above 0.6 µmol/mg protein, in the 38 39 18 genera Palaeococcus (Neves et al. 2005), Pyrococcus (Martins and Santos 1995; Empadinhas 40 41 19 et al. 2001) or Thermococcus (Lamosa et al. 1998). DIP is usually accumulated in response to 42 43 20 high temperatures in amounts above 1 µmol/mg of protein in T. celer (Lamosa et al. 1998) 44 45 21 and P. furiosus (Martins and Santos 1995). Osmolytes, such as MG or DIP, create a protective 46 47 22 shell surrounding the proteins, which helps maintain proper folding and protein functions 48 49 23 (Lamosa et al. 2003). Natural osmolytes increase protein thermal stability in vitro (Santos and 50 51 24 da Costa 2002). In hyperthermophiles, MG has been shown to preserve protein folding 52 53 25 through an increase of protein rigidity (Borges et al. 2002). 54 55 56 57 11 58 59 60 Page 57 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 In piezophiles, studies devoted to characterizing the role of compatible solutes in 8 9 2 response to HHP have been very limited. Interestingly, P. profundum accumulates β 10 11 3 hydroxybutyrate (both monomers and oligomers) in response to hydrostatic pressure (Martin 12 13 4 et al. 2002), M. piezophila accumulates only amino acids ( αglutamate, proline and alanine) 14 15 5 under atmospheric pressure, but the role of these compatible solutes in adaptation to HHP has 16 6 not been investigated (Lamosa et al. 2013). 17 18 7 As the first and ultimateFor barrier between Peer the intracellular Review space and the outside world, 19 20 8 biological membranes play a fundamental role in the adaptation of microbes to their 21 22 9 environment. The function of the membrane is threefold: 1) to act as a physical barrier to 23 24 10 regulate inward and outward trafficking, 2) to play a central role in energy storage and 25 26 11 processing via ion gradients, and 3) to provide a matrix for environmental sensing, 27 28 12 multicomponent metabolic and signaling pathways and motility. Thus, maintaining optimal 29 30 13 membrane biological function is crucial for any organism. Temperature, pH, salinity or 31 32 14 hydrostatic pressureinduced perturbations in membrane organization pose a serious challenge 33 34 15 for the cell. Archaeal and bacterial membranes are very dissimilar in structure, although they 35 36 16 perform identical functions. However, as will be demonstrated below, the mechanisms 37 38 17 employed to adapt to extreme conditions and fluctuating environments are essentially similar. 39 40 18 Bacterial polar lipids, apart from a few rare exceptions, are based on straight chain 41 42 19 hydrocarbons linked by ester bonds on the sn 1 and sn 2 positions of glycerol. Archaeal polar 43 20 lipids are composed of isoprenoid hydrocarbon chains bound by ether bonds to the sn 2 and 44 45 21 sn 3 positions of glycerol (Figure 3). Polar headgroups consist of phosphodiesterlinked polar 46 47 22 groups or sugar moieties on the sn 1 ( Archaea ) or sn 3 ( Bacteria ) positions of the glycerol 48 49 23 backbone ( sn glycerol1phosphate, or G1P, structure and sn glycerol3phosphate, or G3 50 51 24 P, structure). 52 53 54 55 56 57 12 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 58 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Based on the observation that the membrane lipids of E. coli cells grown under the 8 2 contrasting temperatures of 43°C and 15°C were different (Marr and Ingraham 1962; 9 10 3 Sinensky 1971) while the respective membranes displayed similar physical properties at their 11 12 4 respective growth temperatures, Sinensky modeled the basis of homeoviscous adaptation 13 14 5 (Sinensky 1974; Oger and Cario 2013). This theory states that organisms adapt their 15 16 6 membrane lipid composition to favor the maintenance of the appropriate membrane fluidity 17 18 7 for it to function optimally. ThisFor concept isPeer now understood Review in a broader sense to include 19 20 8 adaptation to proton/water permeability and the dynamic nature of the plasmic membranes 21 22 9 (McElhaney 1984a; McElhaney 1984b; van de Vossenberg et al. 1999; Oger and Cario 2013). 23 24 10 Homeoviscous adaptation must also be understood as a means to rapidly adapt the 25 26 11 composition, and thus the functionality, of the membrane to brutal environmental fluctuations, 27 28 12 or aggressions, including those of heat and cold, salinity, osmotic stress, pressure and pH. 29 30 13 Under normal physiological conditions, membranes are relatively fluid, disordered 31 32 14 liquidcrystalline phases. When the temperature drops, or hydrostatic pressure increases, the 33 34 15 membrane lipids may undergo the fluid to gel phase transition. When the temperature 35 16 increases above the physiological conditions, or the pressure decreases from these, the rate of 36 37 17 motion of lipids in the membrane will be increased, this may impact membrane stability and 38 39 18 intrinsic permeability. As can be expected, perturbation in lipid phase state has profound 40 41 19 consequences on membrane structure and function (Lee 2003; Lee 2004). Transition to the gel 42 43 20 phase may induce the clustering of membrane proteins, which appear de facto, excluded from 44 45 21 the zones in the gel phase, reducing the diffusion and the activity of proteins in the membrane 46 47 22 and slowing the flux of transported solutes, but increasing the permeability to cations and 48 49 23 water. 50 51 24 Adaptation of bacterial membrane properties follows four major routes. 1) The 52 53 25 variation of acyl chain length: an increase of the chain length by two carbons increases the 54 55 56 57 13 58 59 60 Page 59 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 phase transition temperature of the lipid by 10 to 20°C, and decreases membrane permeability 8 2 to proton and water (Winter 2002). 2) The accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids: the 9 10 3 incorporation of a single unsaturation can shift the fluid/gel phase transition by 10 to 20°C 11 12 4 (Russell and Nichols 1999; Winter 2002). 3) The accumulation of specific polar headgroups 13 14 5 such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) or phosphatidylglycerol (PG) in place of 15 16 6 phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). The presence of PC as a polar headgroup results in a drastic 17 18 7 shift of the fluid/gel transition Fortemperature (YanoPeer et al. 1998; WinterReview 2002; Mangelsdorf et al. 19 20 8 2005; Winter and Jeworrek 2009). This is due in part to the reduced hydration and stearic 21 22 9 bulk of the ethanolamine compared to choline, and the capacity of PE, and incapacity of PC, 23 24 10 groups to form hydrogen bonds. 4) The accumulation of branched fatty acid. 25 26 11 Archaeal lipid membranes generally have much lower phase transition temperature 27 28 12 than fatty acyl ester lipids (Yamauchi et al. 1993). Part of the adaptation of the archaeal 29 30 13 membrane to extreme environments may originate from the original structure of its lipids. 31 32 14 While membranes made of fatty acyl ester lipids are in the gel phase or in the liquid 33 34 15 crystalline phase depending mostly on their fatty acid composition, archaeol and 35 16 caldarchaeolbased polar lipid membranes of Archaea are assumed to be in the liquid 36 37 17 crystalline phase at a wide temperature range of 0–100°C (Stewart et al. 1990; Dannenmuller 38 39 18 et al. 2000). In addition, most if not all Archaea from the hydrothermal environments 40 41 19 synthesize membranespanning bipolar tetraether lipids that form monolayers. The monolayer 42 43 20 organization provides extreme rigidity to these membranes. Lateral mobility studies 44 45 21 demonstrate that the lateral diffusion rate at 80°C is comparable between Sulfolobus 46 47 22 acidocaldarius or T. acidphilum and E. coli at 37°C. However, in contrast to bacterial lipids, 48 49 23 which exhibit similar lateral diffusion rates for temperatures close to the phase transition 50 51 24 temperature, in T. acidphilum these values are observed approximately 65°C above the 52 53 25 nominal lipid phase transition temperature (Jarrell et al. 1998). 54 55 56 57 14 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 60 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 The adaptation of archaeal membrane properties is very similar in its physics to that of 8 2 bacteria, although it takes slightly different routes to converge to the same effects. There exist 9 10 3 several different routes, as follows. 1) The incorporation of cyclopentane rings along the 11 12 4 isoprenoid chain as a function of fluctuating temperature (De Rosa et al. 1980a; De Rosa et al. 13 14 5 1980b; Ernst et al. 1998; Uda et al. 2001; Uda et al. 2004) or pH (Shimada et al. 2008) 15 16 6 increases the packing efficiency of the membrane lipids (Gliozzi et al. 1983), which increases 17 18 7 membrane stability as a functionFor of increasing Peer temperature or salinityReview and decreasing pressure 19 20 8 or pH, and consequently lowers the permeability (Chong et al. 2012). 2) The regulation of the 21 22 9 tetraethertodiether lipid ratio (Sprott et al. 1991; Lai et al. 2008; Matsuno et al. 2009): 23 24 10 increase in tetraether lipids will stabilize the membranes by forming monolayertype 25 26 11 membranes or domains in the membrane, helping to regulate the flux of solutes and protons 27 28 12 across the membrane. 3) The crosslinking of the two acylchains of the lipids to yield 29 30 13 macrocyclic archaeol or caldarchaeol derivatives by a covalent bond between the isoprenoid 31 32 14 chains reduces the motion of the molecule creating a more closelypacked structure and 33 34 15 increasing the membrane stability, creating an efficient barrier against water, proton and 35 16 solute leakage (Dannenmuller et al. 2000; Mathai et al. 2001). 4) The increase in unsaturation 36 37 17 along the isoprenoid chains of the lipids as a function of temperature (Nichols et al. 2004) or 38 39 18 salinity (Dawson et al. 2012) has to date only been described in the psychrophilic methanogen 40 41 19 Methanococcoides burtonii (Franzmann et al. 1992; Nichols et al. 2004), but unsaturated 42 43 20 lipids have been characterized in several species of hyperthermophiles (Hafenbradl et al. 44 45 21 1993; Gonthier et al. 2001), which might indicate the occurrence of a similar adaptive strategy 46 47 22 in hydrothermal vent organisms. 48 49 23 Adaptation of bacterial and archaeal membranes to the harsh environment of the 50 51 24 hydrothermal system is clearly visible in the lipids most commonly present. However, 52 53 25 responding to the variations of environmental stressors might only involve a fraction of the 54 55 56 57 15 58 59 60 Page 61 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 adaptive traits mentioned above. Indeed, in order to be efficient, the membrane composition 8 2 adaptation response needs to be very quick. The routes described require different timeframes. 9 10 3 Thus, certain adaptive mechanisms will prevail over others. For example, the increasing 11 12 4 unsaturation of membrane lipids will decrease the gel/fluid transition temperature to the same 13 14 5 extent as the shortening of one of the acyl chains, or the substitution of a phosphatidylcholine 15 16 6 by a phosphatidylethanolamine polar head, but will be quicker because it is performed inside 17 18 7 the cytoplasmic membrane onFor existing lipids Peer by a membrane Review protein (Kasai et al. 1976; 19 20 8 Cybulski et al. 2002; Aguilar and de Mendoza 2006; Beranova et al. 2008), while the other 21 22 9 actions would need de novo lipid synthesis. 23 24 10 25 26 11 Molecular adaptation of deepsea enzymes 27 28 12 While extremophilic adaptation has been extensively studied for temperature and salt 29 30 13 adapted enzymes, very little is known about pressure adaptation. Pressureinduced 31 32 14 modifications of the protein volume may arise from a global elastic compression within 33 34 15 closely related conformational substates or from promotion of conformational substates 35 16 presenting lower specific volumes, up to complete unfolding of the protein (Fourme et al. 36 37 17 2006; Akasaka 2006; Akasaka et al. 2013). These modifications originate from changes in the 38 39 18 various interactions between amino acids (hydrogen bond, ionic, van der Waals and 40 41 19 hydrophobic interactions), from changes in the internal voids and cavities found in proteins, 42 43 20 and from changes in the hydration properties (Li et al. 1998; Marchi and Akasaka 2001; 44 45 21 Boonyaratanakornkit et al. 2002; Refaee et al. 2003; Girard et al. 2005; Nisius and Grzesiek 46 47 22 2012). As protein folding, substrate recognition, proteinprotein interactions and protein 48 49 23 hydration rely upon a combination of these various interactions, pressure may affect all 50 51 24 protein mechanisms through its influence on them (Masson et al. 2004; Occhipinti et al. 2006; 52 53 25 Ohmae et al. 2008; Rosenbaum et al. 2012). 54 55 56 57 16 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 62 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Studies that link pressureinduced structural modifications to alterations or 8 2 stimulations of biological functions are rare. However, it was shown that, for example, 9 10 3 pressure induces minor changes in the orientation of a chromophore in the protein citrine, 11 12 4 leading to a pressureinduced continuous shift of the fluorescence peak (Barstow et al. 2008). 13 14 5 The effect of pressure on the internal solventexcluded void volume has been proposed as a 15 16 6 major contribution to protein activity (Fourme et al. 2006; Girard et al. 2010), but mainly in 17 18 7 protein pressureinduced unfoldingFor (Collins Peer et al. 2005; Rouget Review et al. 2011; Roche et al. 19 20 8 2012). Indeed, the role of a hydrophobic cavity, positioned close to the active site pocket, has 21 22 9 been proposed to play a major role in urate oxidase (Girard et al. 2010). Pressure induced an 23 24 10 expansion of the active site pocket correlated with a volume reduction of the hydrophobic 25 26 11 cavity, leading to an inactivation of the protein. It was proposed (Girard et al. 2010) and 27 28 12 confirmed (Marassio et al. 2011) that this particular cavity acts as ballast, providing the 29 30 13 required plasticity of the active site pocket during the urate oxidase catalytic process. A recent 31 32 14 study (Roche et al. 2012) provided evidence that cavities that are present in the folded state 33 34 15 and absent in the unfolded state make a large contribution to the volume difference between 35 16 folded and unfolded states that govern pressureinduced unfolding of proteins. Such internal 36 37 17 cavities might also play a role in the pressure dissociation of protein oligomers and aggregates 38 39 18 (Foguel et al. 2003; Girard et al. 2010). 40 41 19 In general, monomeric proteins are quite resistant to high pressure and do not undergo 42 43 20 denaturation under a pressure of 300 MPa (Robb and Clark 1999; Sun et al. 1999), but in 44 45 21 some cases unfolding has been observed at moderate pressure (Gorovits et al. 1995). 46 47 22 Oligomeric proteins can be dissociated by lower pressure than monomeric proteins; 48 49 23 for example, in the GroEl chaperonin complex (14 subunits) from E. coli , dissociation 50 51 24 occurred at 130 MPa (Gorovits et al. 1995), while the RuBisCO from Rhodospirillum rubrum 52 53 25 already started to dissociate at 40 MPa (Erijman et al. 1993). Interestingly, these pressure 54 55 56 57 17 58 59 60 Page 63 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 values lie within the physiological range of many deepsea organisms. However, the picture is 8 2 more complex than this would make it appear because some oligomeric assemblies have been 9 10 3 described to withstand pressure up to 1 GPa for the dimeric protein, bovine erythrocyte Cu, 11 12 4 Zn superoxide dismutase (Ascone et al. 2010), up to 400 MPa for the cowpea mosaic virus 13 14 5 capsid (Fourme et al. 2002) or up to 300 MPa and 90°C for the 12subunit TET 15 16 6 aminopeptidase from the archaeon P. horikoshii (Rosenbaum et al. 2012). 17 18 7 The existence of a specificFor molecular Peer adaptation to prolongedReview exposure to pressure 19 20 8 such as the one encountered in the deep sea or in the sediments is suggested by the recent 21 22 9 discovery of obligate piezophilic microbes such as P. yayanosii (Zeng et al. 2009; Birrien et 23 24 10 al. 2011) or Shewanella benthica (Lauro et al. 2013). Moreover, as already mentioned above, 25 26 11 piezophilic strains display a typical cellular stress response when they are grown at 27 28 12 atmospheric pressure. This suggests that a significant part of the proteome is adapted at the 29 30 13 molecular level and, conversely, that the stabilization and enzymatic processes of many 31 32 14 proteins must be adapted to colonize the deeper part of the biosphere. As said before, each 33 34 15 protein will experience pressure differently depending on its specific 3D structure and the 35 16 pressure sensitivity of an organism may be controlled by a limited number of proteins. 36 37 17 Most deepsea organisms are exposed to hydrostatic pressures of 20 to 110 MPa. Due 38 39 18 to the prominent effects of pressure on intermolecular surfaces, it is commonly believed that 40 41 19 large molecular systems are significantly affected in this pressure range. It is apparently the 42 43 20 case, for instance, for the translational activity that is entirely lost when the pressure was up to 44 45 21 90 MPa (Lu et al. 1997). Pressureinduced dissociation of ribosomes has been considered a 46 47 22 major cause of the inhibition of bacterial growth in the deep sea. Cell free assays showed that 48 49 23 the posttranslocational complex represents the most pressuresensitive intermediate of the 50 51 24 elongation cycle and is possibly the limiting factor for the pressureinduced block of protein 52 53 25 biosynthesis (Gross et al. 1993). High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) has also been suggested to 54 55 56 57 18 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 64 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 influence the structure and function of membrane proteins. The effect of hydrostatic pressure 8 2 on mitochondrial H +ATPase revealed that the complex was inactivated in the pressure range 9 10 3 of 60‒180 MPa (Dreyfus et al. 1988). The effect of high hydrostatic pressure was also studied 11 12 4 on the bacterial mechanosensitive channel. In this case, pressure significantly affected channel 13 14 5 kinetics between 0 and 90 MPa. The reduced activity was attributed to a shortening of the 15 16 6 channel openings due to lateral compression of the bilayer under high hydrostatic pressure 17 18 7 (Macdonald and Martinac 2005).For Dimer dissociationPeer of Vibrio Review cholerae ToxR membrane 19 20 8 protein was observed at 20 to 50 MPa in vivo in E. coli reporter strains (Macdonald and 21 22 9 Martinac 2005). These observations indicated that piezophilic adaptation principally targeted 23 24 10 large molecular machines and membrane systems. Accordingly, the volume change upon 25 26 11 Actin polymerization was found to be smaller in the case of a deepsea fish than commonly 27 28 12 measured in surface organisms (Morita 2003). The transcriptional activities and the subunit 29 30 13 dissociations of the RNA polymerases from the piezophile Shewanella violacea and the one 31 32 14 of E. coli were compared and revealed a better resistance of the deep sea machinery after 33 34 15 pressure treatment (Kawano et al. 2004). All these observations suggest that important 35 16 structural modifications occur in large supramolecular assemblies that make it possible to 36 37 17 adapt to a high pressure environment. However, the structure determination of such large 38 39 18 protein complexes is a technical challenge in structural biology that hampers the comparative 40 41 19 structural and biophysical studies of large molecular systems arising from different pressure 42 43 20 environments. 44 45 21 Compared to complex cellular machines, the metabolic enzymes represent tractable 46 47 22 systems to reveal the structural determinants of piezophilicity. For many enzymes, the 48 49 23 biochemistry involves simple substrates and cofactors, and kinetics parameters can be 50 51 24 extracted straightforwardly to assess whether or not the reaction is favoured by high pressure. 52 53 25 It also exists a consistent knowledge for their structurefunction relationships and, in some 54 55 56 57 19 58 59 60 Page 65 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 cases, such as the LactateMalate deshydrogenase family, the molecular determinants for 8 2 thermal or halophilic adaptations have already been explored (Madern et al. 2000; Luke et al. 9 10 3 2007; Sawle and Ghosh 2011). Considering that the stability and the enzymatic properties of 11 12 4 most studied mesophilic proteins do not show important alterations in the pressure range that 13 14 5 is encountered in the deep sea; the existence of a piezophilic adaptation at the enzyme level 15 16 6 remains controversial. However, comparative biochemical studies on enzymes arising from 17 18 7 surfaces and deepsea organismsFor revealed differencePeers indicating Review that catalytic reactions are 19 20 8 more efficient under high pressure for deep sea enzymes. The study of tetrameric lactate 21 22 9 dehydrogenases (LDH) from hagfish living at different depth showed that pressure 23 24 10 inactivation was less pronounced for the abyssal species (Nishiguchi et al. 2008). Several 25 26 11 studies were performed on thermophilic enzymes. They revealed an increase in halflife at 27 28 12 high temperature with increasing pressure, thus suggesting that high pressure should be taken 29 30 13 into account in temperature adaptation (Hei and Clark 1994; Sun et al. 1999; Mombelli et al. 31 32 14 2002). However, these studies focused on residual activities and do not allow us to conclude 33 34 15 whether pressure inactivation and thermal stabilization are due to differences in oligomers 35 16 (Hei and Clark 1994) dissociation, unfolding or subtle structural changes, for example at the 36 37 17 active site level. A study on a large aminopeptidase tetrahedral complex (TET) from the deep 38 39 18 sea archaeon P. horikoshii , in which small angle Xray scattering (SAXS) and activity 40 41 19 measurements were performed under high pressure and high temperature, showed that the 12 42 43 20 subunits molecular edifice maintains its quaternary structure up to 300 MPa (Rosenbaum et 44 45 21 al. 2012). This study suggested that large molecular complexes could maintain highpressure 46 47 22 stability far beyond the pressure that the organisms could encounter in the deepest part of the 48 49 23 oceans. Interestingly, the catalytic behaviour of the system was enhanced by pressure. The 50 51 24 determination of the volume changes associated with catalysis indicated a change in the 52 53 25 reaction ratelimiting step at 180 MPa. This suggested that pressure adaptation could occur at 54 55 56 57 20 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 66 of 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 the active site level in this peptidase family. However, comparative studies on different TET 8 2 peptidases arising from surface and deepsea organisms are essential to draw a conclusion on 9 10 3 this matter. Such comparative studies have been performed on dihydrofolate reductases 11 12 4 (DHFR) from Shewanella species living in deepsea and atmosphericpressure environments 13 14 5 (Ohmae et al. 2012). The stabilities of these enzymes were found to be similar and the 15 16 6 pressure effects did not indicate that the catalytic processes of deep sea DHFR enzymes are 17 18 7 better adapted to highpressureFor environments. Peer However, 3isopropylmalate Review dehydrogenase 19 20 8 from the obligate piezophile Shewanella benthica DB21MT2 (SbIPMDH) remains active in 21 22 9 extreme conditions whereas that isolated from the land bacterium S. oneidensis MR1 23 24 10 (SoIPMDH) becomes inactivated. Comparison of the structures of the two enzymes shows 25 26 11 that SbIPMDH has a larger internal cavity volume than SoIPMDH. This loosely packed 27 28 12 structure of SbIPMDH may limit pressureinduced modification of the native structure, 29 30 13 keeping it active at higher pressures compared to SoIPMDH (Nagae et al. 2012). This study 31 32 14 highlighted the potential role of internal cavity in highpressure adaptation. 33 34 15 35 16 Conclusions 36 37 17 Based on the studies described above, a number of mechanisms explaining pressure 38 39 18 resistance and possible adaptation to HHP can be proposed. However, comparative 40 41 19 experimental studies combining enzymology, biophysics, structure and microbiology 42 43 20 approaches performed under high pressure are still essential to make a decisive statement on 44 45 21 the existence of a specific kind of pressure adaptation in deepsea organisms. As already 46 47 22 underlined, proteins are dynamic entities. Highpressure adaptive traits might therefore only 48 49 23 be revealed by molecular dynamics studies such as highpressure crystallography or neutron 50 51 24 spectroscopy. Finally, transcriptomic and proteomic studies are vital for revealing the identity 52 53 54 55 56 57 21 58 59 60 Page 67 of 82 Extremophiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 of the proteins that are mostly impacted by high or low pressure, either to compensate for 8 2 losses of cellular functions or as bona fide key players in pressure adaptation. 9 10 3 At this time it is not yet clear if HHP adaptations require just a change of one or a few 11 12 4 genes in a few pathways, an overall alteration of many genes in a genome, or mainly 13 14 5 regulatory modulations. Several reasons may explain our present inability to identify specific 15 16 6 signatures associated with HHP. First, thus far, only piezosensitive ( E. coli , S. cerevisiae ) or 17 18 7 moderately piezophile strains For( P. profundum Peer strain SS9, Popt Review= 28 MPa) have been studied 19 20 8 extensively. As a consequence, HHP adaptation, if it exists, might not be sufficient to be 21 22 9 demonstrated. Secondly, all results converge to demonstrate a large overlap between cold and 23 24 10 HHP regulation. 25 26 11 The diversity of piezophiles isolated so far from deep sea hydrothermal vents is Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.49" 27 28 12 narrow and consists of prokaryotes driving metabolisms such as sulfatoreduction, 29 30 13 sulforeduction, methanogenesis and fermentation, which does not represent the large 31 32 14 metabolic diversity encountered in these ecosystems. Autochthonous microorganisms of the 33 34 15 deep sea hydrothermal vents are inherently adapted to the extreme conditions of their 35 16 environment, i.e. to the highpressure, lowto high temperature, low to high pH, anaerobiosis 36 37 17 to aerobiosis conditions found throughout the deep sea hydrothermal vents. Much more effort 38 39 18 should be put into isolating new and varied piezophiles from deepsea hydrothermal vents, 40 41 19 including i) development of adapted and specialized highpressure equipment to maintain 42 43 20 samples at in situ pressure and temperature once onboard ship, ii) improvement of knowledge 44 45 21 and imagination about geochemistry of their ambient environment, extracellular milieu and 46 47 22 try to recreate viable laboratory conditions, and iii) patience, which has sometimes been 48 49 23 rewarded by very longterm incubation of cultures. 50 51 24 52 53 54 55 56 57 22 58 59 60 Extremophiles Page 68 of 82

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