S11474 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 1996 as nutrition problems, disease, and har- The NMFS laboratory in Pascagoula forming more partnerships with indus- vesting technology. There were many committed itself because of its can do try. costly false starts in a search for solu- attitude. And clearly USDA and Mis- Mr. President, Stoneville should be tions. Success was a hit or miss event. sissippi State University were recep- the standard in the future, not the ex- Gradually, solutions to feeding and tive. NMFS brought a range of poten- ception. health problems have been developed. tial solutions to the harvesting tech- Again, I applaud the efforts of the Today, part of the catfish industry’s nology problems of the warmwater National Marine Fisheries Service and attention is focused on obtaining new aquaculture industry because they had I want to publicly thank them. They technology. This involves the National worked on this issue for years in the have significantly helped America’s Marine Fisheries Service. The goal is marine fishing industry. I want to sin- farm-raised catfish industry. I strongly to take advantage of existing tech- gle out two individuals. Specifically, encourage the continuation of the suc- nology. John Watson and Charles ‘‘Wendy’’ cessful relationship between Stoneville Now, to many Americans fish are Taylor of NMFS’s Pascagoula labora- and Pascagoula. fish. To some, fish are classified as ei- tory. These two directly assisted in the f ther fresh water or salt water. Here is development and retrofitting of har- THE ACADEMY OF TELEVISION where the Federal Government often vesting equipment. They had lots of ARTS AND SCIENCES draws a hard and fast bureaucratic ideas. They offered hands-on help. They line. The Federal Government has two produced rapid results. Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I different and distant agencies in two They showed those fresh water folks rise today to recognize the Academy of separate departments which deal with lots of new ideas and real solutions. Television Arts and Sciences as it cele- fish depending on the water they live Many of these ideas caused revolution- brates its 50th anniversary. in. ary improvements in the harvesting ef- The television industry reflects so This is OK if these agencies talk to ficiency and quality control for the much of what we are as Americans. each other and share their success sto- farm-raised catfish industry. Revolu- The Academy of Television Arts and ries—yes, fish stories. And not about tionary is not an overstatement. This Sciences—with its annual Emmy the one that got away. In Washington is not a fish story about the one that Award—recognizes the positive impact they call this dialog interagency co- got away. This is about the catfish that television makes on so much of our ev- ordination which is formalized with a got caught. The proof was tangible and eryday life. memorandum of agreement. Sadly, this quickly evident at the processing I’m an avid channel surfer at home, does not always occur. plants. John and Wendy made a dif- so I watch a fair amount of television. Today, I stand here to tell you about ference in Stoneville. I know how positive a messenger tele- one of those instances where the two The NMFS laboratory staff in vision can be—whether explaining the Federal agencies did indeed find each Pascagoula could have told the sci- spread of a deadly disease, bringing us other. They found each other without entists in Stoneville’s USDA Labora- up-to-the-minute reports of world prodding from outside sources—like tory that procedures and policies pro- events, or simply making us laugh dur- Congress. The story gets even better. hibit the marine fisheries’ experts of ing a half-hour situation comedy when When they found each other, there was Federal Government from sharing their our day has ended and we’re ready to a cooperative spirit to help America’s technology with a sister industry. But, take a break. catfish industry. Here, there is a suc- they did not. Instead, through the com- The people and programs honored cess story. bined efforts of these two diligent sci- with the Emmy Award are a permanent Mr. President, it is encouraging for entists and the cooperative spirit of part of our country’s history. me to report to my colleagues there personnel with USDA’s Stoneville Ex- Just listen to some of the who’s was a personal commitment, at the periment Station and Mississippi State who’s list of recipients of the acting staff level, to help Mississippi’s Delta University, steps were taken to dis- awards in the comedy field alone: Lu- catfish farmers. The National Marine cover potential solutions to the tech- cille Ball—four time recipient—Red Fisheries Service [NMFS], in nology problems which have plagued Skelton, Danny Thomas, , Pascagoula, which is part of the De- the farm-raised catfish industry. Jack Benny, Shirley Booth, Carol Bur- partment of Commerce took on the I must say this cooperative spirit ex- nett, Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler persistent fresh water pond harvesting tends all the way back to Washington. Moore, , and today’s re- technology problems. They worked It is also exhibited by Rolland cent recipients Candace Bergen—five with Scientists at the Department of Schmitten, the Director for the Na- time recipient—Kelsey Grammer, and Agriculture [USDA] laboratory, at Mis- tional Marine Fisheries Service. There . The programs honored— sissippi State University in Stoneville. is a leadership example which is re- ‘‘Dick Van Dyke’’, ‘‘The Odd Couple’’, Together they formed a joint effort to flected throughout the agency. ‘‘All in the Family’’, ‘‘Get Smart’’, apply existing marine fisheries’ tech- Mr. President, it is a pleasure to ‘‘Taxi’’, and ‘‘Barney Miller’’—show nology to catfish ponds. The estab- share with my colleagues this story of just why the programming of ‘‘Nick at lished saltwater fishing industry is ex- Federal interagency cooperation. It Nite’’ is so popular with people trying cellent at catching fish. The new fresh also illustrates that public-private to recapture the classic days of com- water community is good at growing partnership can be productive. I think edy. fish, however, they needed to learn how it is worth noting that this cooperative The drama programs honored over to be more effective at catching them. effort has reduced duplication of Fed- the years also give us a snapshot of NMFS stepped in to share new gear eral efforts. This makes fiscal sense, American life at the time the programs technology with the fresh water fish especially as we strive to make the aired: ‘‘Studio One’’, ‘‘Gunsmoke’’, community. This sharing of technology services of government more efficient. ‘‘The Fugitive’’, ‘‘Mission Impossible’’, kept the fresh water community from All of us should look for similar op- ‘‘Marcus Welby, M.D.’’, ‘‘Masterpiece reinventing the wheel. portunities within Federal agencies in Theatre’’, ‘‘The Waltons’’, and the The Government’s traditional busi- our own home States. I am sure there modern-day ‘‘Hill Street Blues’’ and ness as usual policy would have pre- are more Stoneville’s out there. I am ‘‘E.R.’’ Who can forget the Waltons’ vented the assistance and technology sure there are more ways that the Fed- powerful message of family persevering exchange. To provide this help across eral Government can deliver cost-effec- through the Depression or who can for- jurisdictional lines is a Federal no-no. tive solutions to the problems. I am get how ‘‘Hill Street Blues’’ showed us More importantly the policy would also sure there are more public-private the life of a police officer like we had have been prevented because it threat- partnerships that can make a dif- never seen it before. ens budget authority and funding is- ference. Let us use our oversight re- For all that is good, educational and sues. sponsibilities in the next Congress to powerful on television, I am pleased to But, despite these Washington obsta- reexamine Government priorities, poli- pay a small part in honoring the acad- cles assistance was offered and re- cies, and procedures for other inter- emy and the entire television industry ceived. A Mississippi success story. agency opportunities with an aim of for its work. September 27, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11475 As the Senior Senator for California, mittee, as an authorizing committee, this mill will close. So the Senator I also know how vital the entertain- has done its job. The Committee on from Alaska has taken his hit. I with- ment industry is to my home State, Natural Resources, chaired by Rep- drew that from the omnibus parks where more than 150,000 people are em- resentative YOUNG, has done its job. We package. Then we had the grazing ployed in more than 1,000 entertain- got our packages together. We had fur- issue. The administration objected to ment-related companies. ther communicated with the White the fee structure of grazing on public The academy, itself, was founded in House over a week ago, addressing spe- land—the traditional Western use of 1946 by Syd Cassyd, and elected a year cifically certain contentious sections public land. So we withdrew that. Then later Edgar Bergan as president. Under and asking for a disposition. we moved up to Minnesota and we had his direction, the academy first pro- There are, initially, four major items the Boundary Waters Area. This was a duced the Emmy Awards in 1948. The in dispute. One was the Utah wilder- question of whether you could use organization went national when it ness issue. The administration saw fit small motorized four-wheelers to haul merged with the Academy in to initiate the invocation of the Antiq- small boats, canoes, and so forth, over 1947 with Ed Sullivan as its first presi- uities Act to take care of the Utah wil- a trail between the lake system. It is dent. derness. In other words, it was a land all right for the young folks to get 10 The academy continued to expand grab; the administration simply took people out there and push it, but some adding new chapters throughout the 1.8 million acres and didn’t notify the of the older folks need some motorized Utah delegation—the Governor, the United States. assistance. They objected to that. So Members of the Senate or the House. It Today, with 9,000 members, the acad- we took that out. was really a land grab, with no public emy is the largest organization in the Mr. President, as justification for television industry. In addition to the process, which this administration highlights as part of their philosophy. that I ask unanimous consent that the Emmys for which it is best known, the letter from the OMB outlining the ob- academy also runs an intern program We had been debating Utah wilderness for an extensive period of time and jections be printed in the RECORD, for college students interested in film along with a list. and holds student film competitions. In hadn’t resolved it. But the democratic process was going on, people were being 1984, the academy formed its first There being no objection, the mate- heard, different views were being steering committee on drug and alco- rial was ordered to be printed in the heard. RECORD, as follows: hol abuse and began its work with a 2- It wasn’t so long ago that we had an day seminar in Washington, DC with EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESI- opportunity to debate the California DENT, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT First Lady Nancy Reagan. A decade wilderness bill. There was no antiq- later, the academy sponsored another AND BUDGET, uities application or land grab there. Washington, DC, September 25, 1996. meeting—this one focusing on the in- They let the democratic process move Hon. TRENT LOTT, formation superhighway—with our forward. The reason I point this out is Majority Leader, Vice President, AL GORE. because that was a contentious item, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. Mr. President, it is an honor and a Utah wilderness. We withdrew it be- DEAR MR. LOTT: I am writing to provide privilege to acknowledge the accom- cause of the threat of a veto. the Administration’s initial views on the plishments of the Academy of Tele- Another contentious issue involved a conference report on H.R. 1296, the Omnibus vision Arts and Sciences as a leader in 15-year extension for the only manufac- Parks Legislation, that was filed last night. the entertainment industry. I com- turing plant in my State of Alaska. We are still in the process of reviewing this mend the academy on its growth and extensive legislation and understand that a Without a 15-year extension, it could number of changes were made to the con- creativity over the past 50 years and I not make the $200 million investment look forward to the next 50. ference report from the version of the bill we to change that plant from a conven- reviewed late last week. But, on the basis of I yield the floor. tional pulp plant to a chlorine-free our review of the conference report language, Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I plant. They needed that commitment. the President would veto the conference re- ask that I might be able to speak for The Forest Service would put up the port. about 10 minutes in morning business. timber so they could amortize the in- The conference report still includes provi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without vestment. The administration chose to sions that are unacceptable to the Adminis- objection, it is so ordered. object to that. The problem is, of tration including: unwarranted boundary re- f course, that there is no source of tim- ductions to the Shenandoah and Richmond Battlefield National Parks in Virginia, spe- OMNIBUS PARKS BILL ber, other than Federal timber, because all of southeastern Alaska is part of cial interest benefits adversely affecting the management of the Sequoia National Park Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, the Tongass National Forest. The com- there has been a great deal of interest in California, permanent changes in the munities are in the forest. The commu- process for regulating rights of way across from many Members in the disposition nities were assured at the time the for- of the omnibus parks bill. As the Chair national parks and other federal lands, unfa- est was created that there would be vorable modification of the Ketchikan Pulp is aware, we as a committee, the En- enough timber to maintain a modest Company contract in the Tongass National ergy and Natural Resources Commit- timber industry. So out of the 17 mil- Forest, erosion of coastal barrier island pro- tee, met in conference and reported out lion acres of the forest, we have di- tections in Florida, and mandated changes the Presidio package several days ago, gressed down to trying to maintain an that would significantly alter and delay the which contains 126 separate sections industry on about 1.7 million acres. completion of the Tongass Land Manage- covering some 41 States. The pathetic part of it is, Mr. Presi- ment Plan. We sent it over to the House. There dent, only roughly half of the timber is We have repeatedly stated our strong sup- was an implication regarding taxes on suitable for pulp. It is either dead, port for legislation to improve the manage- one particular section. We attempted dying, or immature, in the sense that ment of the Presidio in San Francisco, use Federal funds to help acquire the Sterling to clear it over here. We had an objec- there is not enough soil to continue to tion. That objection has been ad- Forest in the New York/New Jersey High- maintain growth to full maturity. It lands Regions, and establish the Tallgrass dressed. It is my understanding that, has no other use. The reason this pulp Prairie National in Kansas. We have also re- procedurally, this matter can move mill was created is so we would have a peatedly stated our strong willingness to from this body, assuming there is no tax base—this is the only year-round work with you to develop bipartisan, com- further objection. manufacturing plant in the State—and promise legislation that protects our Na- There is another track that is under- to secure jobs, and we would not have tion’s natural resources. This conference re- way by some Members—mostly from to export the pulp out of the State of port does not meet that test. We remain will- the other body—that suggest that the Alaska—at that time, it was the terri- ing to work with you to develop a com- disposition of the omnibus parks bill promise package that could be included in a tory of Alaska—down to the mills in bill to provide continuing appropriations for should be in the appropriation bill, the the State of Washington, or to British FY 1997. CR that is forming. I find that extraor- Columbia, or Oregon. Sincerely, dinary because there are authorizers Well, by the administration’s dictate FRANKLIN D. RAINES, and there are appropriators. My com- of lack of support for the extension, Director.