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Emirates Flight Catering : Foodservice - Company Profile & SWOT Analysis

Report / Search Code: WGR339425 Publish Date: 13 February, 2016

Price 1-user PDF : $ 125.0 Site PDF : $ 250.0 Enterprise PDF : $ 375.0

Description: Summary Canadean's "Emirates Flight Catering : Foodservice - Company Profile & SWOT Analysis" contains in depth information and data about the company and its operations. The profile contains a company overview, key facts, major products and services, SWOT analysis, business description, company history, recent developments, key employees as well as company locations and subsidiaries. Key Findings This report is a crucial resource for industry executives and anyone looking to access key information about "Emirates Flight Catering " The report utilizes a wide range of primary and secondary sources, which are analyzed and presented in a consistent and easily accessible format. Canadean strictly follows a standardized research methodology to ensure high levels of data quality and these characteristics guarantee a unique report. Synopsis Emirates Flight Catering (Emirates Catering) is an in-flight catering service provider operating in . The company principally offers in-flight catering and support services to Emirates Airlines apart from providing services to airline clients operating at Dubai International Airport. It also provides event catering, private jet catering and food and beverage services alongside operating a food production plant under the Food Point label. Emirates Catering is 90% owned by Emirates airline and remaining 10% share is held by Dubai Civil Aviation. It operates as a subsidiary of , a travel and tourism conglomerate. Emirates Catering is headquartered in Dubai, the UAE. • This business intelligence report presents the key company information, essential to understanding industry challenges and competitors. • The SWOT analysis identifies the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for growth and threats. The key competitors are dissected alongside the larger challenges that the industry is facing. • The company profile relays all current information about the business operations, including key employees, major products and services, company history, locations and subsidiaries alongside a supporting statement from the Chairman and Managing Director. Reasons To Buy • Quickly enhance your understanding of "Emirates Flight Catering " • Gain insight into the marketplace and a better understanding of internal and external factors which could impact the industry. • Increase business/sales activities by understanding your competitors’ businesses better. • Recognize potential partnerships and suppliers. Key Highlights Emirates Flight Catering (Emirates Catering) is an in-flight catering service provider operating in Dubai. The company principally offers in-flight catering and support services to Emirates Airlines apart from providing services to airline clients operating at Dubai International Airport. It also provides event catering, private jet catering and food and beverage services alongside operating a food production plant under the Food Point label. Emirates Catering is 90% owned by Emirates airline and remaining 10% share is held by Dubai Civil Aviation. It operates as a subsidiary of The Emirates Group, a travel and tourism conglomerate. Emirates Catering is headquartered in Dubai, the UAE. Contents: Table of Contents 1 Emirates Flight Catering 2 Emirates Flight Catering - Key Employees 3 Emirates Flight Catering - Major Products and Services 4 Emirates Flight Catering - History 5 Emirates Flight Catering - Locations and Subsidiaries 5.1 Emirates Flight Catering - Head Office 6 Emirates Flight Catering - Business Analysis 6.1 Emirates Flight Catering - Company Overview 6.2 Emirates Flight Catering - Business Description 7 Emirates Flight Catering - SWOT Analysis 7.1 Emirates Flight Catering - SWOT Analysis - Overview 7.2 Emirates Flight Catering - Strengths 7.2.1 Strength - Strong Market Position 7.2.2 Strength - Wide Business Portfolio 7.2.3 Strength - Industry Recognition 7.3 Emirates Flight Catering - Weaknesses 7.3.1 Weaknesses - Geographic Concentration 7.4 Emirates Flight Catering - Opportunities 7.4.1 Opportunities - Long-Term outlook for the Tourism Industry 7.4.2 Opportunities - Positive Outlook for Air Passenger Traffic 7.4.3 Opportunities - Strategic Initiatives 7.5 Emirates Flight Catering - Threats 7.5.1 Threats - Low-Cost Carriers 7.5.2 Threats - Political Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa 7.5.3 Threats - Expansion Initiatives by Competitors 8 Emirates Flight Catering - Recent Developments 9 Appendix 9.1 Methodology 9.2 Disclaimer List of Tables Table 1: Emirates Flight Catering - Key Employees Table 2: Emirates Flight Catering - Major Products and Services Table 3: Emirates Flight Catering - History / Phone (US) + 1-646-845-9349 (UK) +44 208 133 9349