RIPON/Orum Peals to Religious Convictions
EDITOR'S TABLE OF COWMN ulitzer Prize winning reporter He EDITOR'S COLUMN, .... "" .. , .. , .. , .... , .. , .. ,' , .. .. , .... , .. 2 drick Smith's recent book is enti P tled "The Power Game," and that PROFILES AND PERSPECTIVES: name fits comfortably with the book's sub A. COIIWrsation with HHrick Smidt .. • . .. , ....... .. ....... ... , . • . 3 title: "How Washington Works." Power and Washington are often related, and A CEO'S VIEW OF THE BUDGET PROCESS: Smith's book describes the process in AmoHoughton • • • . • .•• • •••• • • • •••• •• •. ••• ••••.•••. •• •.•••• •• • • •• 7 volved in capturing and mainlaining politi cal power today_ EDIroRlALS: Platforms and Consensus, In an interview in this Forum, Smith GelUkr Gap and the Racial Di"ide . .................... , .. .. • .. .. .. 8 says that the process is unfortunately be coming distorted. According to the former THE MEDICAL LIABILITY CRISIS: A. Time for Action: New York Times Washington bureau chief: Jill C. Greenwald •••••••••••••••• . •• .• ••••••••••••• . .•• . •• . •••••• 12 "One of our great problems in modem politics is lIlat there is a dichotomy be IS MOTHER EARTH HEADING FOR A GRAVEYARD ORBIT? tween campaigning and governing. " The Mariano Kurtz ... , . , ... , .. , ........ .. ... , .. , , . .. 14 result, Smith says, is that too much atten tion is placed on winning campaigns, and UP AGAINST THE WALL: Religion, PoIiJics and the 100 little emphasis is placed on the essen ESlDblisltme," Cltause: tials of governing, such as putting together Alfred W. Tale . .......... , ............ .... ...... , .. , .. •.... , ... 16 bipartisan solutions. The process involved in political de THE CHAIRMAN'S CORNER: cisionmaking is also the subject of fonner S&L's: "The LIl~ ofuwraging:" Coming Glass Works chief executive offi Jim Leach •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••• 19 cer and chairman Amo Houghton's article. Houghton, now a member of Congress, examines the budgetary process and says 6 LIBRARY COURT .
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