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INTERVIEW MAKING THE SCENE Afimiie Bruce Cool ghouls Pratt around town • Tnuisgendcr and change. • Lefb Halloween at Muthers*. New GAGV preddent >—_3 PagcA* PageAIS Interview: Minnie Bruce Praxc .—6 C^ta^knf fsniMiism »M*M«»*a Making the Scene »14

fiMartammsm: ChrMns Vachon KMefview,moine n-Tin ••••mnI %^'tlBni'wStS«'**»*****.e«»^M».«*.»Mw».»»*»»»*<.».5

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HmvhmrWJ OMCMfibM^ l*96/jMHMff7 1997 N«w York ScBce's Oidett Gwf it Lesbten ^4«w•pBper dection results show NewsFroHts community's • LOCALAND STATE NYS Bar opposes influence, visibility ciscrinriination Git^hbaiimg tactics ^ihi^t wof^ itctivistssqy The New York State Bar Association's governing body voted By Susan Jordan In Rochester, all of the Demo­ In November to reaffirm its long­ The results of November's election cratic candidates endorsed by the standing opposition to discrimina­ were generally encouraging for les­ Political Caucus PAC easily woo their tion and to encourage lawful efforts bian and gay Americans. Queer vot­ races, with the exception of new­ aimed at ending discriminatory prac­ ers and organizations also played a comer Mary Eileen ("Mel") Callan. tices in such areas as employment significant role in certain campaigns, who was defeated in her attempt to education and housing. locally and nationally. unseat Republican incumbent James The full text of the resolution According to RA. ZialdWar and Alesi. Callan took 49 percent of the sponsored by the committee on Qvil Angie Cannon ofthe Knight-Ridder vote, as compared to Alesi's 54 per­ Rights and presented to the state News Service«gays and le^>ians were cent bar's 233-member House of Del­ among che winners on Hoy. 5. They Monroe County Family Court egates in Albany is as foHows: ciainiad that two-thirds of gays and Judge Anthony J. ScioJJno, a Repub­ 'The New York State Bar Asso­ votedfer Ointon, and Mnked lican endorsed by the PAQ was re- ciation hereby reafRrms its opposi;^ the gay conrnnm^ wf^jtother'Vin- tion to untawhil discrimination based ners" — working women (mOre been targeted Ely t!he cofti^^^tfv& on twcMt iMsc, national en'^^gin, reli­ *r than half voted for Qinton), internet due to his ruUng permitting gay co- gion, disability, age. sexuai orienta­ users (half of regular users voted parent adoption, which, according tion or marital status, k\ employ­ Democratic), and Hispanics (70 per­ to Michael Zeigler of the Tnr^es- ment education. housfng;«ontract- cent went for Qinton. an increase of Utxion, angered Conservative Party ing and licensing, and encourages nine percentage points O'e^r 1992.) Chairman Thomas D. Cook, who lawful efforts. Including voluntary A majority of African Americans already resented Sciolino for de­ efforts, to eliminate such discrimi­ also voted for the Qinton-Gore feating an endorsed Conservative nation." ticlcet, according to other sources. Party candidate in 1986. The 57,000-member New York s The Human Rights Campaign said Statewide, according to the Em­ State Bar Association is the offkial I that exit polls revealed that lesbian pire State Pride Agenda (ESPA), pro­ statev^de organization of lawyers In and gay voters comprised seven gressive candidates swept their races: New York and the largest voluntary percent of the total turnout, up 100 percent of pro-gay legislators state bar association in the nation. i from around three percent in 1994. were re-elected. In the State As­ O^.that five percent, 67 percent sembly, all supporters ofthe gay civil Triangle Talk to H\ voted for Clinton, 18 percent for rights bill (now the Employment celebrate second Dote, and 10 percent for Perot Non-Discrimination Bill) were 'A According to the National Gay and elected, including 11 Republican year in January A Lesbian Task Force, gay support of Assemblymembers who back fHy Triangle Talk, the gay/lesbian/bi- %\ Clinton has dropped vx percent h^xs. In xh^ State Senate, where sexual/transgender book discussion since the 1992 election, presumably the Republican Caucus led by series at Borders, wttl celebrate its i\ \\ because of dissatisfaction with ^»eaker Joe Bruno has blocked a second anniversary on Jan. 27. Ciinton*s stand on gays in die mili­ vote on dte gay rights act passed by The series, co-sponsored by Bor­ ti\ tary and che Defense of Marrla(e the Assemblyfor the past four years» ders Books and Husk and tha Gqr Act two supportive candidates were AHiance, was begun in January I99S. 1 Zaidfvar and Cannon Identified elected, increasing the chances of Tanya SmoHnslcy. dhractor of the » the 1996 "losers'* as reNfkMis con­ bringing the ^y r^ts bill to the GAGV Community Center, says, servatives, gun owners and white floor m 1997. I *The series Introduces paople to I men, the vast mafority of whom many dtfforent topks that are cur­ Bnction condnuad on p. 3 f voted Republican. rently of Interest to the gay commu- t nny* SmoUnsky said that 772 people in i GAGV launches major nietiibetship drive for 1997 aH have attended the talks in tha past two years, averaghftf 20 to 25 paopla By Tanya SmoHnelqr annually from Central and Western maka sura that Rochastar continuas who ara newly coming out Social at each event *1 think it*s ona of dm The Gay AWanca of the Genasae Naw York. It Is through member­ to be a great placa for pys, lesbians froups such as the Singia Women's GAGVs most successfol proframs." \i Vallay(GAGV) is launching ks 1996/ ship support that these programs 9 and bisexuals. Through my involva- FMuck and tha Man*s MomMy So­ sha said. Tirst It's a wondeHiil on­ 97 Mafer Membarshlp Drive. Ap­ and servkas ara maintBlnad.*' mant on iha mambarship commit^ cial previda akohoMraa opportune going coHaboratlva effort vMi a k>- proximately 2,500pae^haMi baan The Gay Alliance*s 72S currant tae, rm aneountfof oAart ta sup­ ties for people to maat» and educa­ cal buslnass whkh is very supportlva comactad by lactar and askad CO loin members Iwve also been contacted port GAGV profrims and sarvicas*** tional programs such as tha Trlan^e of the gay commiaiity* and die Arst tha GAGV »s a supportkig mamber* by latter and askad eo help idantHy Susan Chekow Lusliriaiw GAGV TA aeriaa offer dhicueilDw forums to provide a program for tha com­ *Tha Gqr AMsnca pravMes nu- friends and nmtty who would ba Membership CommitteaCo-Ch^t fen^y cuhure and Mnory* Tke EfRp^ munity. maroiM opponunftllas Ibriis to can- Qbset newspep er Is a servfce of tha Ritereewati m oacoming nNanpara^ descrlbas the importance of soma "'Saeond.** SmoWnakv said. *^lMii'i nact wfth each odiar and to cal- GAGV. as Is tha GaySource Info- The names of current mambars WW ofthe proyims and servkas that baan a raiMv divaiia and talenti^ ebrata our communiqr* «ys Lisa Hnet which pro^MM vwarmationf ba entered Into a rafHe drawint aach tha Gay AMianca OABTK *1lreaking youp of volunteei's v^ have do­ P^no. GAGV MMibersMp Com- ralMTais,iwdiiipp.ThaGiyPride twna that a niend or nmlty mamoar tha ke is thaonly profram of Its Mnd nated time in order to lead tha mlttea Co-Chair. *1 ioinad tha GAGV in Monroe County that Is a fow cost, Picnic a popdar summer celebra- of theirs becomes a GAGV mam- Board this yaar to do what I can to tfon. draws more than4.000 paopla structured supportjpoup for paople GA6V contkmad on p. 2 IjBcal 9ti9u% continuao on p^ 3 ^ i\ r H % B m p T.v^^rftay or thm Empty OOSBC We wa prktt Cheryl Camillo. field manager for the Empire leaers at the edBor's dbueiloii and on a TYMB Empty Cioset 179 Adantic Ave. as Democratic Senate challengers Vincent State Pride Agenda; Margot Backus, an openly space aMrilable basis. We wM not print per­ llochester NY 14607-1255 Gentile and Neil Breslin. defeated Republi­ tter sonal attacks on IndMdiali. nor wa we be a bi professor at St John Fisher; Shelley With­ can incumbents In hotiy contested races. In ers, a local published vmtten and local poet the Westchester races. ESPA actively took Diane Conway who will lead a discussion in part in the campaigns of Naomi Matusow December." and Audrey Hochberg (Assembly) and Sen. Diane Conway will discuss Black Lesbiatis iti Suzi Oppenheimer. All three were re-elected. Newsfronts White America on Dec. 30. The Jan. 27 presen­ • LOCAL AND STATE NEWS From Our Readers "Our well-coordinated, successful par­ tation wiil be led by Gerbil editor and Empty The value of ticipation in this year's election is proof that Our primary sotsrce of revenue came from the Closet writer Tony Leuzzi, who will discuss Holiday Feast the lesbian and gay electorate is a force to be Attorney Harry Bronson is new GAGV head always-generous Hdping People with AIDS, Inc., Queer Scietice by Simon LeVey. The programs reckoned with in New York State," said By Susan Jordan volunteering founders object to TTie Episcopal Diocese of Rochester, TTie Pay*s run from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Borders; the January Paula Ettelbrick. legislative counsel for ESPA. The new president of the Gay Alliance of Foundation and individuals AH'ho believed in the program will begin with a dessert reception at end of traditional On the national front, the National Gay the Genesee Valley is Harry Bronson. a litigator project The money was tised to buy gifts, usually 6:30 p.m. > n *-. u 1 I (I n 1. i n and Lesbian Task Force stated that all 61 and attomey whose area of expertise is em­ toys for the children and some arddes of warm Michael Jimenez, community relations co­ dinner, gift delivery House members who voted against the pioyment discrimination and labor law. As a dothing for the adults. All ofthe food and paper ordinator for Borders, who runs the program Defense of Marriage Act were re-elected. sub-specialty he represents physicians m con­ ToTbeEditot: goods werc donated by a host of individuals, some alongwith Tanya Smolinsky. commented, "It's proving that RepubUcan attempts to use the nection with their hospital privileges. nother year is ccMTung to a dose. As the last *96 issue of the £>(55^ Ow^/gocs to p^^ In 1989Thc H<^iday Feast was started as joint of ^om took great pride in donating the same going great. From my limited time here, from issue against Democrats were a failure. John Harry Bronson comes fifom a small town to thank thc volunteers who keep the pubiicadon alive, as well as diose whose generous work effort between Thc Greater Rochester AIDS item every y&a for six yeais. Thc other fbod what IVe seen. Triangle Talk is very well-run ri- » Kerry of Massachusetts, the only Senator outside Binghamton. where he grew up with . supports thc Gay Alliance and so many ofour community grenips. Inter£uth Network atxl AIDS Rochester, Inc. to needed was given by Sorrento Foods, G Sc G and well-attended. We intend to carry on and A opposing DOMA who was up for re-elec­ EI brothers and sisters, including a twin ITie £'C couldn't last a month without the help of unpaid writers, photographers, word processors, fill a need in our community. TTiis was to provide Foodservice and SYSCO Foods of SjTacuse, go strong and try to get more participation. tion, also held onto to his seat. Further, no brother. He went to law school in Buffalo, and mailing and distribution volunteers, and many others. The GAGV couldn't provide the services that a safe place on Dec 25 for al! pec^le impacted by This year AIDS Rochestcr, Inc., without invit­ Susan Chekow Lusignan (who helped to start legislator who voted for the Employment lived there until moving to Rochester in 1992 people have come to rely on, such as die Infoline, Trian^ Talk and the Speakers Bureau — not to HTV/AIDS. The day included a home-cooked ing the rest ofthe committee to meet, has dedded the series) did a great job and I just want to Non-Discrimination Act lost as a result of to be with his , a native Rochestartan. mention fundraisers and special events like the annual picnic. The Empire Sute Pride Agenda, die meal, gifts brou^tby Santa, and feBowshtp. Tlie that there wiU not be a tradidonal Holiday Feast on continue to work on ic Working with the support for the bill. The Human Rights Unlike many GAGV Board members, Harry ^ Rochester Lesbian and Gay Political Caucus, Helf»ng People widi AIDS, the Film Festival, the Men's event insured that no one ^oi^o chose to partid­ Dec 25. TTiis dedsion means that there will bc no GAGV and PFLAG has been great. I think we Campaign commented, "The politics of was a participant in one of the GAGVs pro­ and Women's Choruses, and in fact most of our Center Project, for examf^e), dicre is a place and a pate wouki bc alone or without on Dec 25. All sit-down dinner, no deliver}', no gifb or fdlowship make a good team." were wdcome regardless of religious afBUadon scapegoating gay people failed." grams, and that was his first contact with the J important community organizations, would dis­ job for you. You can make a big difference — for thc people in our community impacted by or belief. Republicans retained control of the Sen­ organization. "1 found out about the GAGV in appear without volunteer help.Whether you have bigger than you can even imagine. And the work HIV/AIDS on Dec. 25, 1996. Instead, die>' uiH Kitchen Table Press Harry Bronson During the ensuing years, the committee's ate and House, and Newt Gingrich wil! late '93." Harry says, "when I met Uoyd Gray just shown up once for an EC mailing, or have and new contacts can make a b^dtSexence to you too. host a gathering at their agenc)' a week before goals were to indude clients from all commu­ return as Speaker, but the Republican con­ marks I Sth anniversary (then GAGV president.) He mentioned the organization. "What we need to do through taken on major tasks and responsibilides, you rd like to take this opportunity to announce thc Christmas for dieir clients. servatives no longer have a mandate for Breaking thc Ice group, which I took part In. Strategic Planning is to set some steps on nity-based agendes, recruit vc^kinteers from the TTie original sense of purpose has been lost. Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press cel­ should fed provid of the valuable contributions £n^ty Qoset Queer Volunteers of die Year Breaking the Ice is a great group; participants g^eral community and meet thc special needs their anti-gay agenda or the rest of their ebrated its I Sth anniversary with a party and how to get there. It's a major undertaking youhavemadetodiecommunityanddieongoing Awards, which go this year to all the ^Cvohm- Which according to our mission sutement used in delve into questions with each other to for­ of the parridpants. "Contract with America." often known to reading on Nov. 8, in Brooklyn. N.Y. Co- because it's another fuiltime staff position, proccss of gaining our full dvil rights. It has taken teers: all correspondence was, *To provide a beaudfuUy mulate their identity, and it was quite helpful We achieved our goals and then some. We had opponents as the "Contract on America." founded in 1981 as the first publishing house and wil! affect all of our activities. Another over 20 years of hard woric to get where we are Brad prepared hoiiday meal and fcUowship to all per­ in my coming out process." parridparion from agendes as far away as Homophobic Sen. Jesse Helms was re­ in the world dedicated to the work ofwomen area I'd like to pursue is to have people in today—let's keep die process moving and the gay Omsty sons impacted by HIV/AIDS who mi^t be kft Livingston County. Our vcAintecr base of 50 elected in North Carolina, but according to of color of all races/ethnicities, national ori­ Uoyd Gray asked Harry if he would be the short term identify the various projects community growing! DaveK, alone or u-idiout on Dec 25 regardless of race, pcof^ came from all different communities in the Human Rights Campaign, "An infra­ gins, socioeconomic classes, and sexual orien­ interested in joining the GAGV Board, which they're interested in pursuing, and see if If you haven't gotten involved, please think DaveM. cthnidty, religk>n or sexual orientation." thc Rochester area. Wc met die special needs of structure has been built that will help gay and tations. Kitchen Table is still the only such he did in 1994. In November of that year he the Board can create an environment for about it. All kinds ofpeoplc with all kinds of talents Debbie G. It is sad to see a community-wide event reduced them to pursue their goals, especially those the parddpants by offering fbod that had cul- lesbian North Carolinians fight for fairness press in the nation. As part of its mission, the became treasurer, and in April 1995 he be­ are needed to fill many different roles and perform DeUricP. to nothing more than a day-to-day program just to in line with our mission of educating, in­ tiu-al significance, delivering food to the in the next Senate and House elections." Press publishes the highest quality work by came vice president. When Bill Pritchard a variety of tasks. Volunteers leam new skills, meet Dotuaa meet the self-serving needs of one agency. creasing awareness and eradicating homo­ homebound and ddivcrir^ stuffed animals and The Human Rights Campaign said that, in women of color that also simultaneously con­ stepped down on Nov. I, Harry inherited the new frtends, express themsdves creatively, and Doug; Holiday Feast Founders, phobia." Harry swd that those protects baDoons to the hoi^sitalizcd. To make all of diis California, gay volunteers helped tip the tributes to the liberation struggles of all op­ presidential position. gain the sarisfacrion of knowing that thcy have Hric Keith A Sclicrfocrger could involve both people within the GAGV possible we relied solely on donadons of goods, scale to bring the state Assembly from a pressed people. "I think the most important thing we're helped others. Hariow Paul E. Walker Anti those outside che organization. services and money. ratio of 41 Repubticans and 39 Democrats to The Honorary Host Committee for the working on (aside from mst'mt^ining existityg Volunteering can be fun. Those whoplan events Jamiylah "The key here is to identify what we can 42 Democrats and 38 Republicans. Of nine celebration includes scholars Calvin Hernton programs) is the Strategic Plar^n'mg process," or projects get that sense of being behind the do as an organization and be selective Jeff candidates who were actively helped by and Vivien Ng; authors Julia Alvarez. Jewelle H^rry says. "I think what's important is the scenes, being insiders who make things happen, lucinda ability to prioritize programs that are already about projects so we don't have coo much GAGV continued from p. I HRC, seven won. Carole Migden, openly Gomez. Linda Hogan, Grace Paley, Minnie instead of always being a passive audience. Thcy on our plate. I believe you have success Mari lesbian Assemblymember from San Fran­ Bruce Pratt, and Alice Walken composer/ existent to determine their usefulness and alsns on projects, we'll have a clear idea of Phil Breakfast, which is located just outside Ithaca. of the Republican Party." She said there is gela Davis. Rev. David Dyson. Gloria Steinem. grams. group that meets monthly to maintain an ongoing how the project fits in with our long range Rainy '"We know that there are a lot morc than GLEN SKALNY now "a statewide lesbian and gay presence and . "Another important issue in Strategic Plan­ project. Many people who work togedier over a Ron ning is to better identify funding needs for the goals." I 700 gays, lesbians, bisexuals and supporters OF that will have a major impact for decades to The Press was the brainchild of late New long period of dme become like family—and gay Harry noted that the GAGV Commu­ Savannah living in the Rochester area. We need help in come." York State Poet (19991 -1993) and Caribbean future and how we're going to meet those folks espedaliy value that sense of extended family nity Center, after only four years or so. is Sharon kiendfyingthese people and letting them know GREAT Also in California, anti-gay fanatic Rep. American writer and activist . a needs. Of course, funding isn't an end in itscK, and queer solidarity that is unlike any other bond just the basis on which we can continue "busting at the seams already. The number Teny that their membership with the GAGV is Bob Dornan was defeated by Democrat self-described "Black lesbian moher warrior w c have in our lives, and closer than most. programs and services. The other aspect of of groups wanting to meet here exceeds TomD. absolutely necessary to the health and vitality EXPECTATIONS Loretta Sanchez, a gay rights supporter, woman poet and cancer survivor." Kitchen 7he volunteer work that engages us most deeply Strategic Planning is to help identify areas in the available space. We have some thoughts Tom K. (both Tom K.s) of our community/* says Pagano. Doman has demanded a recount. In other Table was started by a group that included is, inevitably, work that touches on our own per­ Tony TRAVEL which our volunteers, staff and Board mem­ about v^here to go. whether to expand this Lusignan encourages peopie who have not national results, the Gayand Lesbian Victory Lorde and African American writer/activist sonal interests and abilides. Whether you focus on Victor bers are interested. It's important to identify space or go to a f different location." - d received a letter about membership in the FOR Campaign said that 22 of their candidates , who served as Kitchen Table's polidcal acdvism (thc Caucus and Pride Agenda, TliANKS to you all. needs in the community, but equally impor­ tion." These decisions too v^ll be dis­ 4] GAGV to contact the Gay Alliance at 244- SUPPORTING had won, including Ed Flanagan ofVermont. publisher from 1981 to 1994 and is widely among others), sodalizing (COAP, the Empire tant to identify people who can fill those cussed during Strategic Planning. To anyone whose name I have omitted, apolo­ 8640 to find out how thcy can become a who made history as the first openly gay considered the mother of Black women's Bears and more), suppon groups on a pardcular THIS YEAR'S needs." The Alliance has a major membership gies and most sincere appredadon. Thanks also to supporter of Gay Alliance programs and ser­ person elected to a statewide office. He will studies. Ms. Smith is the winner ofa Schomburg topic, sports, the arts, religion and spirituality, drive underway, and Harry encourages all our writers, who are too many to natne — and vices. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE setye as Vermont State Auditor. Harry commented that the Board is think­ 11 AIDS services and fundraising, or creating neu' besides, you get those bylines! -Some infonnation from Tifmes-L/n#on Kitchen Table continued on p. 12 ing of hiring an executive director for the Bronson continued on p. 12 insdtudons for our community (the Women's See you all in 1997 — happy holidays. i I our confidential GAGV Membership includes an Etttpty Closet i A PubHcation ofthe Gay Alliance subscnption niailed to your b

IT"* Ariunc Aw- • todwMcr S"Y 14607-1235 j The Empty Closet • <.'•'(. •% ^ t^-^ ''s? check this box: Ll I Suunjotdtn fte MOR lafannWM Cai: (7t<^244.90aO * ! H«ftDwRus«ea

Ailmiii>%pn*ri "rWCiiyfyOoMt JiM»ftai|M«wl*uiiwjncw»rtM» ^b^otmictmaHUOno(iAmip€nont»AKnwaMmMoiiAmeu^mixshiML the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley! Q Enclosed is a check payable to GAGV I We deliver! txmuiaiametdaming^e»fhoaot^fUB,tuM4o€imftim»4wni^t^Am Fw toKthtt iotemniB^ plane WMK m Am fjispn- OtMct, 1 f9 Ailamie Ave. in Subscribe «««• dw dtt pCTMn lactund in itie ad N te tJit, or tiNt fwi wil''(cT •wlwMrrKV.l46OT.t25&.arcal(7l4)244'4(li3a MfiMBERSHnp LEVELS (PLEASE CHECK ONE) 4 • IMiM* ifitw pMMMw Ac citiUNlMKw advcmtcd. Q Please charge my q VISA or q Mastercard account I 1lKE:ai|iirCkMtHHKaAdalp^ftcaiw«o^riwC*».\Miwmo^ilxGcffw^ *; Vilcr.tiic,M9aHrfHiriDcbtto«MFriwo«iMiaabiM.Itop«BpawHiomten > I D Renew *e MiMhiwi i^ iiaiwimiiii ibM* local and naoofial t^-tOmee am and • Individual |25 annually Q Lifetime $500 Account No: Exp. Date: cvnotm piDvidK a teuM te idaat a«d ovarin wHfc Awt cl« local ipf • Househokl $40 annuaUy • Student $20 annually 'I I ^•'••' itl.»iiatppaomKmki»4mMpwktaaitmrmimiaimr,att4H>h*tptn Signature of cardholder est of > MMMl KiwHk «r kabte Mid gar fubicatteii ih« OKIMW idte aihl Q Contributor $50 annually • Otj^mization $50 annually I We'd like to ask you to become GAGV Name $100 annually Name: hnoToor Q Fatten • Business $75annua0y I members (see ad on next p^gjt) but if you Address Map« t«M d vkwpoiantea «ir dwotesteo Q BcnefiKtor $250 annually Stieet Address: . I just want a subscription^ use this form! iiiw.pinilirfcdbcyawtaiiduil. Annj^y-arMAnipinHiorfcufaK H Qty and State: Zip: Yltt mt* I nn 1 year 515 ($23 Canadian; $28 Incemadond) piflflcdinphincuwElo|Ka. RcBxnto£CFRESS^t'79 mm4 4bammmmam4rmi4ta4mnlkxttmmttm4ft4ttGtr rfe«riiMiivaar—»ciw,wiiiinnariMViiiy Support Prograins and Services! Home Phone: Business: I f~| 2 years: $20 ($35 Canadian; $38 Intemadonal) AdmicAvenne.RodieflKi;Nyi4607-12S5 •fctl llllililllh

mtm «?r

Research, Inc, found that more than half of efits for 9iy spouses, and 46 percent back The Reuters story on Nov. 12 rtever men­ whh Naiad Press. Her last novel. Lourti was US. vocers support fuH hospical visitation Social Securiqr benefits for «une-sex spouses. tioned homoplmUair or hate crimes, but com- released by Naiad In November. In adcMon tion b iHegal.** The article discusses how the fi^na; protection for gay and lesbian par­ Nonetheless, the poll found that 55 percenc mented thac **the humdladon** Schmitz had to her partner JuMe Wel>er. Routsoiig is FBI says gay-related men's families have come to accept their ents from having dielrchidren taken away; support the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal suffered, along with his mental illness, survived by four daughters. Memorial contri­ relationship, and how unequal governmen­ hate crinies are up heahh care benefits, and Inheritance rights law passed by Congress last fall which would prompted the iury to be lenient kl sentenck^. butions may be made k\ her name to the tal treatment is for g»y and straight couples. The artide Implied that having a gay man National Gs^ and Lesbian Task Force. 2320 The FBI announced on Nov. 4 that of 8,000 fer sauna-sex spouses. enable states to Ignore same*sex marriages To let Life know that we feel it is Impor­ performed and reco^lzed in other states. express admiration for you on TV is a humili­ I7di St.. NW. Washkigton DC 20009. hate crimes reported in 1996, over 1,000 The poll also Indtaeed that few vocers ant to provide positive, honest portrayals 'Voters continue to be torn by this issue,** said ation so greac that it excuses murder. Cover­ -Christopher Jones, The Washington Biode involved sexual orientation. had cast their baKots based on gjiy and of giy people's lives, and to thank them fbr David M. Smith, HRCs communicadons di­ age by the Associated Press also referred to Of these, 735 crimes were committed against lesbian Issues. The voters surveyed, in fact, the artkle. write Ufe, Life & Time Building, rector. This pon clearly Indicates that most Schmlcz*s ''hunttiiatlon'' and claimed that the Victory for Nabozhny; gay men, 146 against lesbians, and 18 a^inst •ttemed more concerned about reHgkNis Rockefeller Center, New York NY 10020; people would like to see ffiy and lesbian case focused attention on "ambush celevl- bisexuals. The figures represent an increase of poMcal extremists (41 percent) than about settles out of court or fax (212)522-0379. E-mail: couples afforded components ol i^gal mar­ sfon.** TV Gii«de*s Nov. 16 Issue had two ar­ IVewsfronts almost 28 percent over 1994*s statistics, which my lights poupe (24 percent) Jaunte Nabozhny has won a mdlion -dollar [email protected] riage, but they continue to oppose allowing ticles about the trial, one of which referred to • NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL NEWS reflects the increased reporting of such crimes. in d>e area of job dbcrhnlnation, the out of court settlement In Ns suit agidnst ABC*s 20120 show on Nov. I featured an giy people tofegiNy wed." Jenny Jones* lackkister appearance on the However, experts claim that the nuniber of surveyrevealed that there Is strons support Wisconsin school administrators who had in-depth interview with rock musician Me­ witness stand, and the other stating that "toxk complications of hepatitis B and C. cases are still under-represented, since state for the Employment Non-Discrlmlnatfon The survey Indkated thac a ma|ority of 69 ipK>red the harassment and physical abuse Gay men need to lissa Etheridge and her partner Julie Cypher, talk** programs are **on trial." On Nov. I3the Both types of hepatitis are transmitted via and local law enforcement agencies are reluc- Act (ENDA) rcleceed by Congress tMs fan. percent support the govemment's making he suffered as a gay studenc blood, and homosexual activity poses a great about the child they expect soon and their AIDS drugi available to those who can't afford los Angefes Times quoted juror Joyce 0*Brien knew about hepatitis ttnt to investigate gay hate crimes. RfiH^ percent said thattheyfavorabM to A federal court ruted that the school risk for infection, especially with hepatitis B. life toged>er. While the interview was posi­ to pay. RnaRy, the survey showed that the as saying that having a person of the same sex Jennifer Rakowski, anti-vtolence advocate "Voctend cMI rights protections to the offkiab had vfolated Nabozhn/s rights by Hepatitis B is a major health threat to Other risk factors for acquiring hepatitis B or tive, 20/20 somehow felt it was necessary percentage of peopte who say they know a gay express atcraccfon on TV was like someone at Community United Against Violence, said, woriplacefiocavergsysandlesbians.*'Thlr^ falNng to punish his harassers and protect sexually active gay men. C include body piercing or tattooing with to include comments by an anti-gay reli­ or lesbian person condnues to ff'ow. A total puHs the rug ouc from under you. Even a sane "The reporting procedure is completely in- percent said they were opposed. him from verbal and physical assujit. A One out of 16 men (6 percent) in this contaminated needles, having had a blood gious right bigot, the infamous Lou Sheldon of 72 percent of those surveyed sakf that they person might have troubte dealii^with an that group has chronic hepatitis B, 15.8times the consistenc Our numbers double theirs. They When the question was re-firamed to dbtrict courc initially ruled againsc Nabozhny. transfijsion during surgery or other proce­ of the hate group called the Traditional personally know someone gay, as opposed to stuff." No gay kidMdtols or organizations rate of infection (0.38 percent) in the gen­ want to tum a blind eye to the vtolence being explain that no federal hws protect gays but thb July, the Seventh Qrcuic Court of dures prior to 1990 (for hepatitis C). experi­ Values Coalition. GLAAD asks, "Would a 66 percent In a poU conducted by Newsweek were quoted in the articfe. eral United Staces population. Further, from perpetrated against our community." from fob dbcriminatlon. approval of ENDA Appeab overtumed the first vourt's deci­ menting with intravenous drugs and unpro­ show about interracial parents and their last liay, and 53 percent*m Februar y 1994. -GLAAD 35 percent to 80 percent of sexually active Rakowski can be contacted fbr more infor­ children have a member ofthe ku Klux Klan rose to 63 percent and opposition fieN to 26 sion and sent the case back to trial The tected sex with multiple partners. In fact, percenc Acopy of the survey results and analysis can gay men have some indication of hepatitis B, mation at (415)777-5500, for Ijalance'?" Ifyou don't agree that every scnxlement inned by the — for fbr hill hospital visitation rights for The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defa­ finally published the novel herself^ under the surgery as ''mentally ill." People diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B or at large. affirming story about a gay male couple from Hunun Rights Campaign, Americans favor gay partners. On other marriage-refated mation (GLAAD) comments that the media tide A Pkice fbr Us. VA/hen it became a critical In Boston on Occ 26, Transsexual Men­ C should discuss their eligibility for treatment Dallas. Consisting mostfy of photographs, the extending many components of legil mar­ issues. 62 percent support inheritance rights tiever discussed homophobia or and-gay hate and financial success, McGraw-Hill bought the ace and Hermaphrodites with Attitude pro­ Chronic hepatitis can lead to permanent with their doctors. Additional infbrmation feature shows Steve Hapgood and Mark Sadiek riage to lesbians and gays, although a major- fbr^y spouses; 54 percentfavor protecting crimes in their coverage of the trial; rather, ri^ts m 1972 and re-released the book as tested intersexed genital mutilation, the re­ liver damage such as scarring of the liver abouc hepadtis is available from the AmeHcan (cirrhosis), liver cancer and liver failure. In ffoing about their daUy fives, depicting the hy continues to oppose legalization of same- g^f parents fhxn having their children taken the media focused on whether the talk show FatieiKe attd Sarah. moval of "abnormal" genitalia in young chil­ Liver Foundation through its toll-finee num­ fact, viral hepatitis is the number one reason ordinary, tradidonal nature ofthe refationship sex marriage. away; 51 percenc support health care ben­ had "gone too far." Routsong also published a series of novels dren. ber, (800)223-0179 for liver transplantation in this country, and and the two men*s life together. The text The survey, conducted immediately after -Transsexual Menace -Get Hip to Hep each year about I5,0(K) people die from explains that "in Texas, even their co-habia- the November elections by Greenberg ROCHESTER GAY MENU'S CHORUS A HOLIDAY CONCERT A A t\ i\ A Celestial E venm UM AU OLO •4 1 a holiday Celebration oued n\ December 7,1996 Tickets avaiiabie at Siiicwood, 8 pm Friday December 13 & 8 pm Saturday December 14 The Pride Connection, Viiiage Downtown United Presbyterian Church, 121N. Fitzhugh St. 8:00pm Green and tiie Slice of Life Tickets are $10.00 in advance: $12.00 at tKe door C$8.00/'$10.00 for seniors and Twelve Comers t students -with ID). Tickets are available fronri Choms members and at Ticket Adults:$10.00 Express, IOO East Avenue. Order by phone from Ticket Express at 222-SOOO or Presbyterian Church Ticket/Waster at 232-1900. All ROM.C concerts arc barrier-free and ASL-inter- Students/Seniors: $8.00 preted. Call the ChorusLine at 4-23-0630 for more information. 1200 S. Winton Road Children Under 12: $5.00 Wh—Ictiair Acc—«IMe - Intwprater, Provkted <'WtWBpB>MB"»W I -

A6l y- * *.-%.;

issues was so influenced by what Ileatncd ditoi^ influenced by feminism aixi that madea dif&fence women's liberation, that's now coming up ag^ in in our lives. gender liberadon. As feminists, we tried to disen­ MM: 1 had a question about scereotyping in the gage from "If you're a man you can be smart," and women's movement—thc chqxer in your book Blade I diose kind of basic stereotypes. But in die heat of about the exdusion of transgender pco(^ &om en you and 1 begin the drive south, it's deja vu all over again, speeding douTi I-95 U-ith terview bank and thewoundednesswe suffered as wcxnen, the Mich^an Women's Festival on the grouiuk a husband, like twenty years ago and more, gping home for the holiday. Except then, wc still clung to some of those over-simplifica­ Minnie Bruce Pratt, poet, author and activist that they're not 'Svoman-bom woqpcn," one child was tiny in a car crib, the other a toddler strafed straining in a car seat, tions, like '^Women are more nurturing" etc. Cer­ W MBP: What I usually think of when these issues and now they are grown. Except then, I was not with you. Tlie son we ate headed to see is about tainly women's experience is different fi'om men*s, come up is that it's a reJElecdon of thc rigidity of to host his first festive dinner with the woman who is now his honey. They live in neighboring and we develc^ different behaviors. But it doesn't thinking arotmd sex and gendca: that permeates our By Susan Jotdan and Melora Millet signs are good. Wc thank people so n:iuch for apartments in a complex of red-brick buildir^, like Vitherc I lived when I was first married to Iiis tnean diat there's anything essential about those society at large. Anybody in thc IcsBian community Minnie Bmce Pratt is a poet, writer and activist. sending the support, financial and emodonal, and father. By my son's back steps 1 almost look for the remnants ofthe daylilies I planted to try to make behaviors. "Ifyou have a vagina you're hysterical." knows people who go against the stereotypes, but Bom in Alabama, she was active in thc women's it really got us through a terribly difficult year. a home. As soon as j-ou and I knew we were going to be togedier, you told me, "Now the>' are my *1fJ'O U have a penis you're going to make a weapon the stcreot>pes persist. TTiat's the continuing bar­ liberation movement ofthe *70s and early *80s. SJ: In S/hc >'ou write about the deep fear in the children too, and I'm gping to love them just that way." Today you joke with me that I'm bringing of it." I don't think either of those statements are rage. Her book Crime Against Nature^ won the I^mont larger culture and in ourselves about sex and gen­ him home a drag stepdaddy, but you mean it. necessarily true. Take Texaco—"No, we're not racist, wc didn't Prize in 1989; the poems deal with the crime der fluidity. Could you talk about what you see as TTie dinner is crowded widi graduate students, most in their early twenties, a young queer studies In terms of disengaging those reactionary values discriminate against you," etc. Then the tapes against nature that occurred when she lost cus­ the roots of that fear — is it a basic human fear of crowd. We have siDy dime store games as presents for our son and daughter-out-law, water pistols, fixjm our bodies — taking down the Burma Shave come out and of course thej^'ve been completely tody of her sons due to her lesbian identity. difference and the unknown, or more because bubble toys. In die brief space before dinner, I sit on the edge ofyour armchair, and then on your signs that tell us where to go — it goes back to radsL I feel like we have our own direct experience Minnie Bmce Pratt*s latest book is S/be (pro­ weVe been condidoned with so much woman- lap. Conversation is both crowded and quiet. It's impossible to tell what the other guests think material experience. I don'tthink just talkingabout that these stereotypes are worthless, but we're nounced "see"), and she u^as in Rochester on Nov. hadng and sexual repression for the past 2,000 about our presence there, living specimens of their theories, butch and , drag king and it will do it As thc culture becomes more technol­ continually barraged widi these subde messages. 9 to read from thc book at Writers & Books. Her years? iesbian queen. ogy-driven and it takes less brute force to use So more power to us fbr struggling so hard \iath parmer, Leslie Feinberg, author oi Blues MBP: I choose selection B! (Laiagjhs.) A lot of That may be the oldest phenomenon of partition­ you'd think of as strai^t hear this talk about My son and his honey are in the kitchen. He mixes orange juice to stir into the creamed su-eet machines, it won't take different kinds ofpeoplc to these things and really talking to each other. Let's and Trans^tkr WTtm'on, is a transgender person my thinking about gender and sex issues has been ing. That's why it's so hard for us to re-invent looking at male and female in a dififerent way, and poutoes. She takes a last look at the browning turkey. As 1 put my combread dressing on the table, do jobs. As weVe able to alter thc material circum­ give ourselves credit for the incredible conversa­ (someone whose physical appvearance does not deeply influenced by my having to deal with rac­ ourselves. The economic system keeps us pitted they say, 'Tliat's me, I want something that's young men and young women ceremoniously carrj' in their specialties: tuice-baked potatoes, stances of peoples' lives, things will change. But it tions that have sprung up around transgender. coincide with theirgenderidentity.) Both Transgentkr ism, which is not surprising since as a white South­ against each other — woricing men are offered bigger." I just did a reading in Olean at thc public cranberry and walnut relish. Just as we all crowd to the table, someone brings the bulging turke>' will take social change movements mustering for Asking questions — how does this fit in with my Warriors and S/ite were reviewed in the Empty erner the overt enforcement was around race. false superiority over working women, white work­ library, and they were totally interested in this stuff. out and places it at the head ofthe table, in fi-om ofa vacant chair. My son stands quiedy in the equity — the things wcVe been doing all along. ideals and philosophy? We're way ahead of main­ Closety in thc May 1996 issue. What Fve learned firom studying radsm is ho*' ers ate offered i^c si^riority over Black work­ I feel there's a great thirst to break through these kitchen, avoiding that place. His honey lays thc carving knife down beside the bird and goes back IVe seen a change in the generatiion ofmy sons. stream culture in trying to figure out these hard into the kitchen. I run upstairs to die bathroom, wondering how the>' will solve this problem of Minnie Bruce Pratt writes about the retrieval literally that parridoning was cultivated and en­ ers. And that superiority doesn't amount to much. boundaries and the challenge is just how to break They're less stereotypical They were profoundly issues. authority, family, who is to head the tabic, who is to carve, u4io is to sit at the side. How to negotiate and identification of the complex pieces of our­ forced by the men who owned the mines, the land, The same thing with men in general being offered through these limitations. the steel miDs etc. As long as you could keep Black the metaphors of blade, flesh, communication; mother, father, children; maleness; femaleness, selves that are stolen from us by oppression, be­ superiority over women. Again, it doesn't really SJ: When ^-ou UTitc, ^^Fhe problem isn't whose wages low, you could keep white wages low. You domination, submission. Are my son and this woman our ciiildren? Arc they thc parents of the cause, as Pratt says, it is literally more profitable for amount to much. They could all have had much genitals are where, but what values we attach to could keep strikes down by parti rioning Blacks and others? Am I everyone's mother? And how can I be? Me who has just been making out with you our oppressors to keep people "in their place" — greater benefits if everybody had gotten together. them," what values do you find lead togrowT:h? We whites. When thinking of male/female partition­ DAN BRteSMAN^ by the stairs, not pure enough for a mother, too young in my flirtatiousness, and with the wrong physical, sexual, racial, and economic. In answer to I think we're entering a ne^;^' phase of struggle ail know the values that limit us... ing, Fm coming from that early experience. Sales Consultant—JOHN HOLTZ husband. il question fi-om the audience at the reading about around gender issues. You see how many people MBP: I feel that for me, tliinking about these her vision for the future, Pratt said, *Tvly vision of Leslie makes a powerful argument in Tramgerttkr When I return, evetyone is seated but no one is at the head ofthe table. You are sitting to one thc future is not no-gender, but infinite combina­ Warrion that when private propert)' started getting side, next to an empty place and plate for me. But you have the blade in your hand and are slicing •,SM^'- tions —infinite variations. Evcr^- day would be like developed, that was the impetus for the line be­ huge slabs of meat onto a platter. I begin to laugh. I say, "How did you end up with that?" And you that wonderful moment on Pride Day, when ev- tween male and female. You couldn't designate in terms of disengaging those reactionary ^^^i. say, "Don't even asW I've never done this before in my life." But my son says, "It took a lot of cnbody goes uild and people just blossom." property without having the partition between values from our lK>dies - taidng down the courage to grasp that knife." male and female. You had to say, this one is male, 1925 WESt HENRIBITA ROAb. SJ: Before wc get started, could you tell us how - firom S/hc (1996, Firebrand Books. 141 die Commons, Idiaca N\' 14850) that one is female, this one gets the farm and that Burma Shave signs that tell us where to go - it ROCHESTER, 10 l4<^3 Leslie Feinberg is doing? Last spring we published <1J^;.^,,.. the appeal from Eil)- Bulkin for donadons to a fiind one doesn't. goes back to material experience. I don 't think 746 334-1600 ext. 3i|38 | to help with her medical expenses. Is there any­ Then there's this rise oflaws that said ifyou were thing else we could do? bom into interscxiMdity (**hermaphrodism"), you Just talking alK>ut it will do it. FREEWHEELERS MBP: She finally'got a diagnosis of indiocarditis, had to choose one over the other. So there it was, AE •:~CKC & REPAIR CENTER abacterial infection of thc heart valve.Ills acurable either you have to be male or female, and that way 0 i^se^sQ^ and she is getting treatment now, and the well know who the property goes to and so on. • ¥fe AM'I look doiWK opo« casool riders • Ptodboso ff MW fcicxcfe MMf receive ifefimo free mmfOMace T Accessories for luffMwffffi, fooriig amd recoverjr CLtthe^ fREfWHffifiessais ^% re^ssemUe ftom sankk becouse raiY PIEOSKM MKfS FOt WQMBI Top ofthe^Pla^ay fot^ osmMfkKhpttj^Ubiktstnit, SFomfowp/mrTmfm otyffMif flfldnspMiix L Also KON NOiSE • NMGO • SIOWE V'. Roac P'"vocMLbrtr 1 4609 •473 3724 i 7f\$\. So-'- .• i ~^>' YourSweetCey Iris Rising Productions Begs Your Pardon! MUTHER In last month's Empty Closet we published a beautiful ad for a holiday dance on December 2ND ANNnERSARY CELEBRATION 14th. We are a new and struggling company who needs to cancel this event for logistical reasons. Friday, January 1 Tth u • We remain committed to our vision of providing more opportunities for social events and Surprise Open Bar Specials personal growth in our community. 10:00pm - 2:00am FREE Munchies N4SS- In evaluating our options for another event* we Win a free dinner every week, for 1 whole year! have decided that a very most romantic dinner februTMy 15, 1997 dance for women on Valentine's Day weekend is Saturday, January 18th Top of the^Plctgo/ a better choice than offering something during 111 One Full Hour Of Open Bar I *. Mtdimtiivrmuer, -Rodhi^^Mr, hJY the holidays when many people have too many f 10:00pm - ll:00pni (well drinks and draft beer oniy) choices and obligations. i' Muther's First Drag Show 7i $35 perperym^C^icludetk^it¥u BtegcufitbuffeittiM^^tiMr, 1 We hope that we have not inconvenienced It's Gonna Be Hot Voot^cpetfvcUrTpm/dUutksratSpmf anyone and sincerely apologize if we have. All It's Gonna Be Wild Wome4tu tmfy, Cath^bar, miolo^free^ ^ women are welcome to join us at the Top of the It's Gonna Be Right Here At Muther's i ?» • M TUJc0tyma^h€^purx:ha4i9d^cttHc'^it^^CreatUt^ 739 Plaza on February I5th. We would love to see For more information call Mother's at 325-6216 • 40 S. Union Street, Rochester, NY pa#^Av«m4^a> Sahmtoodetook^ 633 Mtmt^om^Ave^uAS' singles and couples and women of all ages. We feyr mo9^U\fi>rmatta¥\e CmB/271.46^H) promise you a night to remember! I py F¥s^-?

issues was SO influenced by what I learned through irifluenced by fernifiism and that made a difference women's liberation, that's now cotning up s^un in in our lives. gender liberation. As feminists, we tried to disen­ MM: I had a question about stereotypit^ in die gage &om "Ifyou're a man you can be smart," and women's nK>venxnt—the chapter in your book Blade those kind of basic stereotypes. But in thc heat of terview about the exchiskxi of txansgetukr people from en you and I begin the drive south, it's deia VU all over again. Speeding dou'n 1-95 uith batde and the UTHindedncss we suffered as wotnen, the Mich^an Women's Festival on thc grounds a husband, like twenty years ago and more, going home for the holiday. Except then, we still dung to some of those over-simplifica­ Minnie Bruce Pratt, poet, author and activist that dicy're not 'Swoman-bom woQien." one child was tiny in a car crib, the other a toddler strap^ped straining in a car seat, tions, like ''Women are more nurturing" etc. Cer­ W MBP: What I usually think of when these issues and now they arc grown. Except then, I was not with you. The son we are headed to sec is about tainly women's experience is different from men's, come up is that it's a reflection of the rigidity of to host his first festive dinner with the woman who is now his honey. They live in ne^hboring and wc develop different behaviors. But it doesn't thinkingaround sex and gender that permeates our By Susan Jordan and Melora Miller signs arc gpod. We thank people so much for aparmients in a complex of red-brick buildings, like where 1 livetl when I was first married ro his mean that there's anything essential about those sodety at large. Anybody in thc ksbian cotnmunity Minnie Bruce Pratt is a poet, writer and activist. sending the support, fitiandal and emotional, and father. By my son's back steps I almost look far the remnants ofthe daylilies I planted to tr>' to make behaviors. "Ifyou have a vagina you're hysterical." knows people who go against the stereotypes, but Bom in Alabama, she was acrive in the women's it really got us through a terribly difficult year. a home. As soon as you and I knew we were going to be together, you told me, "Now they are my 'T f you have a penis you're going to make a weapon the stereotypes persist. Hiat's thc continuing bar- liberarion movement ofthe '70s and early '80s. SJ: In S/he you write about the deep fear in the children too, and I'm going to love them just that way." Today you joke xiith mc that I'm bringing of it." I don't think dther of those statements arc ragp. Her book Crime Against Nature, won the I^mont larger culture and in ourselves about sex and gen­ him home a drag stepdaddy, but you mean it. necessarily true. Take Texaco — **No, we're not radst, we didn't Prize in 1989; the p>oems deal with the crime der fluidity. Could you talk about what you see as The dinner is crowded with graduate students, most in their early twenties, a young queer studies In terms of disengaging those reactionary values against nature that occurred when she lost cus­ the roots of that fear — is it a basic human fear of discriminate against you," etc. Tlien the tapes crowd. We have siDy dime store games as presents for our son and daughter-out-law, water pistols, firom our bodies -— taking down the Burma Shave tody of her sons due to her lesbian identitv. difference and the unknoiAii, or more because come out and of course the)''ve been completely bubble toys. In the brief space before dinner, I sit on the edge ofyour armchair, and then on your signs that tell us where to go — it goes back to radst. I feel Ukc wc have our own direct experience Minnie Bmce Pratt's latest book is S/lx (pro­ we've been conditioned with so much woman- lap. Conversation is both crowded and quiet. It's impossible to tell what the other guests think material experience. I don't think just talkingabout that these stereotypes arc worthless, but we're nounced "see"), and she ^^'as in Rochester on Nov. hating and sexual repression for die past 2,000 about our presence there, living specimens of their theories, , drag king and it will do it. As the culture becomes more technol­ continually barraged with these subde messages. 9 to read from the book at Writers & Books. Her years? lesbian queen. ogy-driven and it takes less brute force to use So more power to us for strugj^Bng so hard with parmer, Leslie Feinbetg, wa^otoiStone Butch Blues MBP: I choose selection B! (Laughs.) A lot of That may bc the oldest phenomenon of partition­ you'd think of as straight hear this talk about My son and his honey are in the kitchen. He mixes orange juice to stir into the creamed sweet machines, it won't take different kinds ofpeoplc to these things and really talking to each other. Let's and Trati^nder W^am'on, is a transgender person my thinking about gender and sex issues has been ing. That's yf/hy it's so hard for us to rc-invent looking at male and femak in a different way, and potatoes. She takes a last look at the browning turicey. As I put my combread dressing on the table, do jobs. As we're able to alter thc material circum­ give ourselves credit for the incredible conversa­ (someone whose physical appearance does not deeply influenced by my having to deal with rac­ ourselves. The economic system keeps us pitted they say, 'That's me, I want something that's young men and young women ceremoniously carry in their specialties: tu^ce-baked potatoes, stances of peoples' lives, things will change. But it tions that have sprung up around transgender. coinddewith theirgenderidentity.) Bodi Tramgettder ism, which is not surprising since as a whire South­ against each other — working men arc offered bigger." I just did a reading in Olean at the public cranberry and walnut relish. Just as we all crowd to the tabic, someone brings the bulging turkey will take sodal change movements mustering for Asking questions — how does tliis fit in with my Waniors and S/he were reviewed in the Entpty erner the overt enforcement was around race. false superiority overworldngwomen, white work­ library, and they werc totally interested in this stuff out and places it at the head ofthe table, in front ofa vacant chair. My son stands quiedy in the equity — the diings we've been doing all along. ideals and philosophy? We're way ahead of main- Closet, in the May 1996 issue. What I've learned from studying radsm is how ers are offered false superiority over Black work­ I feel there's a great thirst to break through these kitchen, avoiding diat place. His honey lays die carving knife down beside the bird and goes back I've seen a change in the generatiion ofmy sons. scream culture in trying to figure out these hard Minnie Bruce Pratt writes about the retrieval literaU)-^ that partitioning was cultivated and en­ ers. And that superiority doesn't amount to much. boundaries and the challenge is just how to break into the kitchen. I mn upstairs to the bathroom, wondering how the>' will solve this problem of They're less stereotypical. Tliey were profoundly'' issues. and identification of the complex pieces of otu-- forced by the men who owned thc mines, the land, The same thing widi men in general being offered through these limitations. authority, family, who is to head the table, who is to carve, who is to sit at the side. How to negotiate die steel mills etc. As long as you could keep Black selves that are stolen fi-om us by oppression, be­ superiority over women. Again, it doesn't really SJ: When you uTite, ^The problem isn't whose the metaphors of blade, flesh, communication; mother, father, children; maleness; femaleness, wages low, you could keep white wages low. You cause, as Pratt sa)'s, it is literally morc profitable for amount to much. They could all have had much genitals arc where, but what values we attach to domination, submission. Are my son and this woman our children? Are the>' the parents of the could keep strikes down by partitioning Blacks and our oppressors to keep people "in their place" — greater benefits if everybody !iad gotten together. them," what values do you find lead to growth? Wc others? Am I everyone's mother? And how can I be? Me who has just been making out with you whiles. When thinking of male/female partition­ DAN BRESNAlSr physical, sexual, racial, and economic. In answer to I think we're entering a ncu' phase of strxiggle all know the values that bmit us... by the stairs, not pure enough for a mother, too young in my flirtatiousness, and with the wrong ing, I'm coming from that early experience. Sales Consultant—JOHN HOLTZ a question fi-om the audience at the reading about around gender issues. You see how many people MBP: I feel that for me, thinking about these husband. her \nsion for the fijture, Pratt said, **My vision of Leslie makes a powerful argument in Transgender When I return, everyone is seated but no one is at the head ofthe table. You arc sitting to one thc future is not no-gender, but infinite combina­ Warriorsxh^t when private property' started getting side, next to an empty place and plate for me. But you have the blade in your hand and are slicing tions—infinite variations. Ever)'day would belike developed, that was the impetus for the line be­ huge slabs of meat onto a platter. I b^in co laugh. 1 say, "How did you end up \t'ith that?" And you that wonderful moment on Pride Day, when ev- tween male and female. You couldn't designate In terms of disengaging those reactionary say, "Don't even asld I've never done this before in my life." But my son says, "It took a lot of cnbody goes \Kild and people just blossom." property without ha\Tng the partition between values from our bodies — taking down the courage to grasp that knife." male and female. You had ro say, this one is male, lS#25 WEST HENRIFITA ROAB. SJ: Before we get starte€vnce/ ikfdB ll rectfve Ifef mtemame tovriiif a recova'1 ^fiWffflfK SODfdl because TBRYPtKISIOIf Tc3ip ofthe^Pla^ci^ proper SFomEQuipmnmms wyecton. ALSO RON HMSE^NOtCO Roac P aocncifcr 1 4609 • 473-3724 i ?iwi^ ^'-

You4^ Sweette^ Iris Rising Productions Begs Your Pardon! MUTHER In last month's Enipty CIo$et» we published a beautiful ad for a holiday dance on December 2IVD ANNnERSARY CELEBRATION 14th. We are a new and struggling company who needs to cancel this event for logistical reasons. We remain committed to our vision of providing Friday, January 17th i\ Surprise Open Bar Specials more opportunities for social events and personal growth in our community. i\ 10:00pm - 2:00am i\ FREE Munchies I vas^ In evaluating our options for another event* we Win a free dinner every week, for 1 whole year! have decided that a very most romantic dinner • f 1 februcuy IS, 1997 dance for women on Valentine's Day weekend is Saturday, January 18th Tap ofthe^Pla^cu a better choice than offering something during Mtdtowiv rower, RocKeiter, hJY One Full Hour Of Open Bar the holidays when many people have too many I 10:00pm - 11:00pm (well drinks and draft beer only) $35 per penofvincludM'04^ ^Leegaetithufft^dlet^^fUBr^ choices and obligations* 1 Muther's First Drag Show 040^ tSUL¥uU^¥\^ctvercu fcdtulou^' t/oyUtt^M^yriMW. y fine^L4%tioarpa4f1Ung- We hope that we have not inconvenienced It's Gonna Be Hot V0Orycpe4^at Tpm/cUm4t\Mr atSptm^ It's Gonna Be Wild anyone and sincerely apologize if we have. All Woms^ Of%fy. Ca4i>vbar. mtcke^frm^ women are welcome to join vts at the Top of the It's Gonna Be Right Here At Muther's Ti4jcstym4Myh4^piuxiha4eA€itHoum^Ormx^^ 739 Plaza on February iSth* We would love to see F*r more information caii Matiier's at 325-6216 • 40 S. Union Street, Rocliester, H\ ^o^^Av^nu^a- SOkMtoode'Boc^ 633 Monrtm^AytmtMMf singles and couples and women of all ages. We fbr mormfCtixfiyrmaMonf Cmlh271^46W promise you a night to remember! r


feminism; it was the other way around, and what our wisdom and creativity originate in our lesbian­ was invented was lesbianfeminism. ism, but because wc are women who have imag­ Rnally, I think it is important to see vthsit we ined ourselves firee. discussed at the workshc^ not as lesbian imagina­ We have imagined ourselves out of patriarchy. tion but as the imagination and creativity of women We have imagined ourselves out of hierarchical who are feee. To call it lesbian imagination lures us lelationships. We have imaj^ed ourselves valuing into saying the kinds of things diat did get said in women enough to give our primary energies to PINION this workshop: "Lesbians arc better at organizing them. We are women who have imagined our­ —can you ima^ne straight women organizing this selves lesbians. festival?" "Lesbians are just smarter," and *'Damn -This artkkr was originally printed in die Octo­ Is the lesbian future feminist? we're gpod." Ofcourse wc should fed good about ber issue oioffom-baekSf eo subscribe write offour ourselves as lesbians and be proud ofour accom- backs, 2337 B 18di St, NW, Washington DC Ifs time you By Jennie Ruby Bom lesbian/Iesbian-as-identity politics does {^hments. But not as if wc were bom lesbians and 20OO9. At tbe Michigan Wottnn^s Music Festiual tbis sumtner, not explain any reasons we may have chosen to be Marian Ftye and Sarah Holland led a tttto-^ ttwk- lesbians. It implies that desire is mysterious or REMEMBER YOUR FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT shop entitled "lesbian Futures," At tite ttttrks/kp JMP inborn. It starts with die given that some women did a brm'n-stormittg session.... simply ARE sexuaUy attracted to women, and At the Lesbian Futures workshop we did a works from there. But exactly what is political brain-storm session to name all thc things created about choosing to be a lesbian is the assertion that Thto holiday trMt yoursalf to an opHcal nMka-ov«r learneil by lesbian imagination. Wotnen caDed out and it is betterto be with women. I'm not saying that "I wRh DESIGNS IN EYEWEAR Arm specialists in optical makeovers listed on a flip chard "women's will oqsress my sexuality any way I want and with spaces; women's bookstores; women's ans, crafts^ any one I want and you will not deny inc the right music...consciousness raising...the Michigan to a job and a home" is not to some degree a Women's Music Festival." But \«^icn someone political statement It is a demand fbr fireedom. But said butch/fimime, Frye hesitated for just a nK>- itdoes not carry withitany information about what ment before writing it down. direction to go to experience a higher quality life, about ours. Now of course I don't know what Frye was except a general "sex any way I want to do it is thinkir^ when she p»aused, but I know what I good." It does not imply a whole value system. instantly diought; one of these things is not like the And what I am after» and what I believe most of us others. Claiming butch/femme as part of what we really were after in the workshop, is a value system Introduchig the new Home Access Yxptess' were talking about gave me pause. I think diat is that will help us live a higgler quality life, create because what we were really talking about iq> to better communities to ^ye in, and work toward ^-1 test system. It's fast, confidential and that point was feminist imagination rather than creating a better world. lesbian imagination. And butch/femme is morc Without an explidt value system, how do you greater than 99.9% accurate. lesbian than feminist in origin. know \dien you get up in thc moming whether to It's not that butch, femme, butchy femme, go have breakfast or smack yourself in thc face fcmmy butch, ki-ki and the whole spectrum of with a door? You have to know diat nourishment gender identities or roles can't be part of an impor­ is better than injury. In the same way, how do you 2 locations : cant feminist critique ofgendcr now, but the cre- know as a lesbian whether what you are experienc­ 2100 S. Clinton Avenue • 244-1245 aoon of these things in the '50s came out of lesbian ing in your love relationships or in your commu­ 2300 W. Ridge Rood • 723-1030 (across from Greece Ridge Center) cuirure and was not explicidy feminist. All of the nity is nourishing or injuring you? Many of us left Preferred Care and Blue Chok^e Accepted — eye exams avaHat>le by appointment other things named were created by women who or avoided heterosexual rdationships because we idendfied as feminists — lesbian or not -— from knew something was bad for us there. Feminism thc late '60s to the present. provides an analysis of what was wrong; male There are nonfeminist lesbians. Arc their ideas dominance, hierarchy, finandai and physical coer­ and creations part of what all of us really meant by don, lack of equality, etc. And as a lesbian, femi­ A Rainbow Community le sbian ima^nation? 1 guess you would have to say nism continues to hdp me understand what is better for tne and what is worse. More lAgtit is a national network of inclusive Presbyterian churches so^ if you assume what you are taUdng about is welcoming gay, lesbian, bisexuai, and transgendered persons into fuil simfjjy lesbians. But there is something wrongwith A second reason it is important to retain the co-ministry and life celebration within our worshipping family. that assumption. In listing lesbian creations we did wotd feminism in is that ulti­ not, ultimately, list certain controversial things that matdy, lesbianism per se is an individual solution, Two services every Sunday at 11:00 arn, . - lesbians do. We did not list lesbian battering, whereas feminism is a poHtics that demand far- - a traditional service in the Sanctuary- tattooing, pierdt^ or s&m, for cxan^sle. OK, reaching sodal change. Frye has shown, in an essay - a contemporary service in Celebration HaH - Xhe day has finaUy come when you can get tested for HI\^ in the maybe these things would not bc listed as ksbian inhcrbook l^^/^l^^i^.thatitisaboutasdifficult Adult Education 9:45 am comfort ofyour own home. Presenting the Home Access £3q>refls HIV-1 creations, because lesbians have taken these things fbr a straight woman to bc a radical fieminist as it is Cafl for dates and times when Rev. Jane Spahr test system. It's totaUy anonymous, extremely easy—and every bit as over fipomth e example of mainstream/malcstrcam for a camd to go throi:^ the eye ofa needle. But will be worshipping with us. reliable as the tests used by doctors and ho^itals. culture. But then, lesbaans dkin't exactly invent the for lesbians to seem to call ksbtanfeminism, or idea ofa coffeehouse or ofa bookstore eidner, and radical fenunism, simply lesbian, is to seem to dose Rease contact Rev, Gail Ricolutj for more information. Here's how it works: You coUect your own blood spot specimen (done wc listed those. To mc the fact wc listed only die door to currently heterosexual women com- by a simple finger stick). Then you send the sample to our lab using the certain things means we had a value system and/ {Jctely. express shipping envelope we provide. Your results are available wilfain or a spedfic politics in mind. And it wasn't lesbian­ There are heterosexual married women coming I three cb^ (excftiding Sundays and holidays) and are easily retrieved by ism. It was feminism. out of marriages and coming out as lesbians today. phone 24 hours a day, seven di^ a we^ At that time, you'U have the Unless I missed the meeting where we all agreed Whereas in thc past diese women might have option of personal counseling sessions, regaidless c^your test results. that lesbian would MEAN feminist, the term THE DOWNTOWN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH discovered radical fimiinism and chosen to join a What's more, you have our guarantee of absolute anonymity. No names lesbian does not automatically carry with it the kind movement for deep social change, diey now look 121 North Fitzhugh St Rochester. NY 14614 (716) 325-4000 tl are ever associated with test results, and results cannot be linked to 4 of politics that created the thii^ we were namii^. around and say something like, "All these other purchase. Througfiout the worit^xip I though all of us woe heterosexual women seem to bc able to tolerate really thinking lesbian^miiiixmvihencvcr we said the the conditic»is of male/female gpnder relations in The Home Access Express HIV-1 test system is also siuprisingly afford­ Vi word ksbian. I think it is important to expliddy our sodety, but I can't There must be something able. For just $49.95 (plus $5.00 shipping and handling), you receive retain this distinction. wrong with me. I must be a lesbian. I must have The Community everything you need, maUed in a plain brown container to ensiue For one thing, the term lesbian has broad use been a lesbian all along. It's not that the condition confidentiality. today in the gay rigjits movement in expressions ofwomen under heterosexist patriarchy is unac­ such as "lesbigay" and Gay and Lesbian Task ceptable for any human being, its just diat I was a Is Our No matter why you*ve hesitated getting tested (or retested) for HIV, Force, and "gay, lesbian, and transgendered lesbian". The "problem that has no name" has it's time you learned about the home testing system that's clinically %\ people." And the gay ri^ts movement has (for been renamed "I mtist have been a lesbian all proven—and safe to use. many good, practical reasons) adopted largely an along."This way of thinking prevents these women Strongest Asset identity politics: we were bom this way, we can't firom seeing the connections between themselves Swaiystobuy: help it, and we should have dvil rights just like and other women. This makes becoming a lesbian anyone else. Butthebom-lesbian/lesbian-as-iden- an individual solution and divides lesbians fiom Call 1~BuO"IIIV"TCo I today. Or send your check or money tity politics of thc gay movement erases predsdy straight women. To create sodal change in die Older to; Hcnne Access, RO. Box 419276, Kansas Qty. MO, 64141-6276. u'hat is most radically politica] about being a les­ worid outside of lesbian-only spaces, the coalition SlVfearBank

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zine Qiehea and as mamgjhig edtoor of TIfte Tabw conthmBcl Rmii p> 3 New Yotk QuareeHf. Carolyn C Antonio, a FellowshifK a Buntii^ Fellowship, and a Lambdt FMpina poet, serves as office manager. A Jesskai Risleo^ 1962- 1996 Literary Award. Ocher mambers ofth e Kitchen pfXJKiuction associate with John ^rnietf rUblM^ Wsko. fenneriy «>f Yortaovm He(|M». N.Y, and » resWene of Itoehescer f^ Table*songinal unpaid coUective included Sonia ers before ioMng Kitchen Tabfe in jviuary 10 moved on to the nexc on Oct 24. 1996. Alvarez. Myma Bain. Myrtha Chabran. Fay 1996^ she b co-ordtator of the New York her from Keuka and ll Chiang. Alma Gomez, hattie gossett. Leota chapter of dte GABRIBA Networic a US.- of tfte Universicy of Master's propam. She had worked at Nante: A Lone Dog, Cherrie Moraga. Ana Oliverira. Phiippines women's soidvity orynizatioa. 41 •hospital ffor tfte past i 0 years. The 34 ye«--okl ov women s Address: Mariana Romo-Carmona. and Susan Yung. FamiHes & Friends oononuedfrvim pw 3 tiealthwasa healer and spiritual enmpfe to Chena's of Lesbians & Gays SUPPORT Kitchen Table is widely acclaimed for its 15 , and finding meaning Me<»s on the last Sund^ peopte to caM him persowaHy for informatton I the importance of bting finth e here and Phone: award-winning publications, many of which about proyamt or membership. "yNe sent Her short Hfe w«s an in the feee ol ofeach month from are feminist clanks and have served to Mcer- 145 W. Main St. 2130-4-30 PM at the EDUCATION otHfiOiiclM|r oucai«tBr in Novemben ifyou're noc on our true exampfe of "the candfe burning twice as br|^ but for only half as long.* Friends Meeting Hous? ally change the foce of feminist, multicultural, $20HouMhold/ Hit we*d fove to have you cai. Contributfons !had'tteab«tytobrlr«l|gKcandpeaca.humorandfewetoalwhokne^ ' ^ 41 Wsstminster Itoad and literary curricula, as weH as serving as (716) 2i32-7240 ADVOCACY Miatois c/o GAGV A to membership and ftonattent are aW uaed for < be rememberedalway aNwasy Ibr her he*^ hermffatite feitfi, and tfte lam^hter and music (?iear comer of EastAve) popular political organizing tools. This Bridge AddrMs: 179 Atlantic Avenue piogamming> My ofRce ttours are evwy I broui^ Into so many FOR INFO CALL (716)234^156 HochesteMfY 14607 Coied Aly Bocfc: \Vrit»«s iiy Aodfcof Wbmen of Wednesday evening between 6 and 7, and tfte is by her Mkhad fUsko. Jr. Mary Am Daniels, boch of J Color, co-edted by Cherrie Moragpi and Gloria number is 244-864a'' f^etfits. N.Y, and the kwes of har Benfmin Feic of PIccsford, Anzaldua. Is an aN-iime bestseller for a smaH Ifeffry sflrid. I want to thank the csontmunity N.Y. press with over IQO.OOOcopiesinprintandis for an opportunity to serve tnem throupi the Acelebration of Jessfea's Hfe was heki at 9 Lane, Ptarford. N.Y. on Nov. 2. the winner of a Before Columbus American GAGV. I want everyone to feel we're an fo Beu of flowers, Jessica tittc you pkme taloe someone you love out to dfooer Book Award. Home Ork: A thtk Femmiu Our imique hiton frames and distinctive covers are now or)ganizatlon witfi open arms and open minds CaCvary St. S^buCrerv's Tarisfi Amhoiogy, edted by Barbara Smith, has sold abouc how we can better serve the commu­ over 90.000 copies whHe Seventeen ^Jnbfes by ON SALE - for a limited time... nity wtd make them feel more weloomei (Comer of 68 Ashland Street Hisaye Yamamoco. with over 70.000 copies in so hurry in for exceptional prices on the print, was tumed into an American Pbyhouse/ Onetitak, & 95 Averill Avenue) best in comfort and design. PBS program. Cuemos: Stories by Lotinos. edtod Mark Siwiec named Upitolstery A by Cherrie Moracn. Alma Gomez, and Mariana Denriocratic treasurer Fine Fabrics Romo-Carmona. was the Hrst bHimgual an­ Catcfi tfie lAsion Mark Siwiec. formerly on the Gay AlBance Come in today thology to feature the words of women in DRY FOAM EXTRACTION SYSTEM Board, has been elected treasurer of tfte both the and Latin American. and experience Monroe County Democratic party. No Steam or Over Saturation As a More Light parish we celebrate the full Since the autumn of J 994 the Press has been [hies iti just B few shon ixxtrs the latest Siwiec is die first openly g;Kf person to inclusion of gay, lesbian and bi-sexual people run by publisher Andrea M. Lockett. a Barba- become an elected official of the focal Demo­ No Toxic Dry Cleaning Fluids fabrics, colors, dtan-Seminole poet who came to the staff in the household of God. cratic Party. His responsMities wiN include No Shrinkage or Bacterial Buiid-up after serving on Kitchen Tabfe's Board of and styles keeping track of aH finances ffor the Pauny. and Eliminate Pet, Flood & Fire Odors directors. She is a graduate of the University • Multi-cultural • Adult Educdii'.*a in home filing reports wich the Board of Electfons. He of Pennsylvania and has worked for Harcourt Cair r7l6> 234-7075 Ibr a free estimate. was elected in November, after bek^ nomi­ • Youth Programs • Food Ministry fashions. Brace Jovanovlch. McGraw-Hill, and Cahners nated by Betsy Relin; the nomination was • Preschool and Family Center Healthcare Educatfon. Currently, she also seconded by Oiris WHmoc • Employment program wEsmp serves as associate editor of the Hterary maga- ANYWHERE! r. Dessert, Coffee • Health Ministry StmdaylOajn. Wonfa^andSttxidaySdiool Tuesday Noon Ttesyex Leonardo's entin Wednesday 6K» p jn. Peace Ag^pe Worship br^erU and RCL The Comfort Zone Box 325-4950 Midtown Plaza • 2nd Floor y 325-7310 7th, 6pm Osnerwidi tin Crisp iTAMMGiiSeninr TM Perfect gifts for giving Wekfune To The Greatest Toy Store On Earth! at Muther's 40 Union, Rochester ^Uo44dG4idl idead. or keeping ... ph: (716) 325-6216 Always interesting ions-$2S ill Always original at RCL and Muther's 40 Union Always handcrafted accepted. Hmited seitinc) \

Always in good taste •i at Rochester CustxHn Leathers Join us at our Vlttage Gate Square Station Holiday Open House 274N.GoodtaMnSL.I Friday^ December 6 call 262-3966 qeHjifcAQu—rCultur»ZlncpubMM>edauMtieriy 5-8 p.m. ftaBflKl

*1 FabuicHis phantonns: Halloween scene xxV^^i-^iVi^ ^i/t^a- cZ^'


101 drag queens... Miss Gay Rochester *97



t] tl Above and below: Hallowtsen atthe Fomm Pandora Boxx. Miss Gay Rochester 1996, during the talent competition on Nov. 10 at the M Above and below: Muthers' Halloween party i\ Riverside Convention Center. I » I Many Iiappy returns

Ambrosia Salad as Crueila DeVII of "IOI Dalmatians'* in the talent segment of the Miss Gay Rochester pageant

uI I

for baty ... for frien^^ls . . . foryou for home cHfvicr TRUCKS A>Lftt*

» • At] h Wine racke, magazine racke, occaelonal tables, frames, ALEX R. DAVIS Watching the election returns on Nov. 5 at the party held at Qub Atiantis after the polls dosed. SALES ASSOCIATE u Pictured, starting with the person second-from-left, are Ellen Yacknin of the GAGV. Andrew lamps, coasters, candles, candlesticks, baby toys, nursery 3eoo W. Hmtrletta Rd. Lee of the Political Caucus. Cheryl Camillo, field manager for the Empire State Pride Agenda, Rochester, NY 14623 accessories, bar and cigar accoutrements, glassware, o DzTTsen Lake performs in the 26tti Miss Gay Rochester Pageant Sue CowelS, co-chair of the Pride Agenda, and Tom Krolaic, ESPA volunteer. Phone 716-359-2200 OUAUTY USEO CARS Fax 716-334-5351 potpourri, rugs, pillows, throws, table linens, ornaments, jewelry, beanies ar\d more. :: •'v^:^l#^^.^^-w>^':^':i^^:i^'''f^%^-^V'^- ^'^^P^: >'..T ••*?*..'-• E *•£-"• •• vt*-.^f-ij.:-'•••• • •'• •• • o ^S>^ ^>^ ij^S). •€N»- •6>^ •«^ 3 349 East Avenue between Alexander anti the Inner loop BED& (716) 232-9030 BREAKFAST New Holiday Hours Bring this ad for 10% off any one in-«tock Item. o Celelirate Ike Ne«K Yoar Mon.. Tues., Wed., Fri. 10-e Offer not applicable vvith any other daie< Thurs. c: Sat. 10-5 discount, i^pecial order or item ivith deposit. FAIRWISB LLAMA FARM Sun. 12-4 Hiking/Ezotic Animals for you for home for friend© for baby for home Between Letcbworth and Stony Brook Parka NEW YEAR'S EVE BASEl Seven milc^ from Jones Pond Campground Bringing In Th e iNeW Two miles from Swain Ski Resort Single $27.50 Doable $50 \ew Year \s Ere Menu: Phil and Thom« 1320 Rt. 70. Canaseraga NT 14822 (607) 545-6247 SOI ri)i JOI R 10 % off with this c«»iqKm on two nights* stay. Good imtil 1 i i I !' ."JIM 'A n i. il'il J'i' 1 !'(••.[ .;*\ •.'MH 12/31. (Not vaUd Sour hoUdsj weeks.) \i'/'i n/1 h's

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IDENTIFY BARRIERS CREATE POSSIBILITIES \ .. BEV'S HAIR DESIGN i .A AVEDA CONCB^T SALON M.--.:T,-, f^/^ 5 . TAKE RESPONSIBILITY :] 'i h'l SI iV: \! 1^ ' \ OPEN WU.TH,f. SAT. 8Y APPOINTMENT Openirtq^ now for new tnembers Tom fftmczMk CSW-R. ACSW '^ ^^^'^ Oroup f

714-2U-1M6 .*. • •-. • .-• .*[ Ai»ivr Check this out^ Author Quentin Cdap, one of "ihe Calendar statcijr hoiBOs of Ei^^bnd.'* wil be hcoe HAIfV V0W aar IMI aoaan Shsrs it wlih tfw rtsc of Ihs «qr coffw^^ The Gay Men's Chorus wiO Dec 7,q>oo>ogpd by Rochester Custom tiffpVOtnmh^^m^^oedlkte1ork^ perfonn Oec 13 & 14. LcaiheisaodGctfaa'Ziiie.(Scccslcncktt:.) you Icnow somsdiirv asnrf It m uri Submin^ T^s&npiy Oossc* 179 AdwHk A^e^ Rodism^

Akx>kat SPORTS Chronicle Boolcs from my side of By Tony Leuzzi thefence Wednesday, December 25 th Chronicle Books is one ofmany queer- By Savsuinah specific publishers that has emerged in "Amerks, Amerks, Amerks," the Amenca in the last few yeats. Based on crowd shouted as Aunt Savannah and Christmas Day the West Coast, many of Chronicle's her vcry good fiiend Peaches thc tour (closed Christmas Eve) books record gay and lesbian lives, guide. President ofthe Strolling Host­ cast past and present, &om a specific geo­ esses of State Street, which I gather is graphical perspective. some son of civic assodadcm, watched Most notable among such rides is as our wonderful hockey team played Susan Stryker's and Jim Van Buskirk's their first home game in die ^onously Getfby tbe Bajr-A history efQtteer Cuhure in refurbished War MemoriaL Hie San Frandsco Bitf Atea, In thc tradidon I, being die tocal first n^ter, was of many gay and lesbian press books, thc very pleased widi die whole evening, whole package is visually appealing, with TTie building and its proposed changes over 200 ftiU-coior and bladc-and-white will be a valuable resource to the down­ (^lotogcaphs gtadng this unique histcny town scene. Our boys were resplen­ of San Francisco. If Gay by tbe Bay were dent, lliat Scon Metcalfe made your nothing else, it would be a spectacular Aunoe fed bke a young gid. Go Scoct coffee table book; buttt's so much more. Metcalfe! Go Rochester Americans! Stryker and Van Buskiik chronide the After our Bu£&k> Bills has fifushcd StiOT^A provocative, important and often outra­ making mincemeat out of the F):u&adcl- geous history of tKe garjrartd lesbian Hay- pVuaBca^^es,cinc of dieir fans^anAVicftvd to remark diat dicir team was better area community fix>m its cnieJ^BMfM' dtasi ours. Cleariy thc man either Uved the 1840s to its present day existence. too close to Three Mile Island, or the Admittedly, anyone who is extensively cheese on his cheese steak has seen fiuzuliar with such a history might find better days, because wc won, and they diis book a bit rudimentary, but the lost, so usually that means we're better. Tuesday authors do not pretend to consmict No team deserves the "Gro Girl anydiing odicr than a compelling scrap- Au'ard" more than our wonderfiil New New Ifears Eve book. Armstead Maupin provides a suc­ \'ork Yankees for dieir brilliani come- cinct (!) "Forward," and the audiors in­ V>ackagainst Atlanta. After being crushed clude a bibliography and index at the in che first two games of die scries, and end. Thc $24.95 price tag seems well being given up for dead, diey sucked it worth the cost to those who want to up, and took care of business, dius A no tk become familiar with the legacy that bringitig anodier wocki championship might all too easily be forgotten without to "die house diat Ruth built." To our sudi efforts. wodd champion New York Yankees, Similar in package thou^ mote nar­ Aunt Savannah says "Go Gklf* row in scope, Dn^Diafies is a rhapsody Tune to talk a litde puck- Eric "die NEW YEAR'S VE on a dicme fit>m every backstage dress­ Genius" lindros was eiqiected to play ing fXKMn in a gay bar. Again, Chronicle in a Philaddphia Flyer home game at Books puts stock in visual a^^pcal; 58 of piesstime — his first appearance in a the 128 pages are graced with photos of Flyer jersey while he is recovctir^ fiom drag queens giitzed to the hilt in all sorts an injury which was officially listed as a of attire. The authors, Catherine "puUcd groin." My sources are cdlif^ ^thUie^i cast Chexmayeff Jc^inadian Davki, and Nan me that he was stifl feeling che efifects (^ Richardson, provkie a muldtude of per- thc b^ dukeroo thac hc had with Cana­ specdves to ilhiminate drag as a com­ dian ^ure skanc^ star Elvis Scc^ko this plex, dtualistk, and even mythical expe- past summer in a bar in nordiem nence. In d:iat sense, the boc^ bears Ontario, in which the said Mr< Lindros ttdkii^tesembiance tojadt Ki^ebnass's came out on thc short end of die stidt, 1994 Cdumfata Umverdcy Press book XBhich is to say,hegoc hisli^its punched Metsktd CttittttK The Gmtnmh P^^gr oud ''Hey Ene, watdi out, there's a ^' H^iuviem Prntdt la both tEaos, diag is i^|ure sKaccrr documented in an tmsystemsdc, though Sudithoughisdienatureofthegame. dKicDu^tefaionindwhhotKiudg^nent Last mondi the said Flyers and the Moceo'vec. m Dn^ Dimrn, several fii- tetjy where a cemarkabie layout and impressive explains die scope of her book in }a^ of die Toronto Maple Leaves were fined whac mous voices are festuted, such as Lady ocganiaeadon of ideas are realized in 160 pages. le^xan legacy in ancient dvilizacions. today's <]ucer many would cnnskW a near record Bunny»L9Ppstnka»HofiyWoodbwnJoey E(£ted by Kay Turner, Betttmtt £// is at once inev* theory, and the aD-coo reoenc homosexual libera- smounc. PeKx Pocvin the Leaf goafie Axias nad Quenan Cnsp. Tnae» most of cseni and ceUMratocy, able to mode itsdif while tk» since StonewalL Hi^yy Recommended. was attacked by Ron HextaK die Flyer us have hesffd so msny of these vokes in diampiontng whac it cdefaiates* Turner too has a Unfomnately I cannoc ssy the same for David goalie and noted Neanderthal HextaD the 1995 fikn IP%aSK4 but duough the knadc for juxtaposing ooce againsc images, widi a Leavitc's Mid Mark MitcheTs ItetSete PkmmtKt, A skated die lei^idi of the ice to get at juusposkion of text and images Dte^ resuk thac the inures yiekl fiu^ker insight into cnHcrtinnofprose pieces on the **simple joys" of Pocvin. Ihis was jusc one inddem in a i^lMKr captutes dng^s essence in book words. Much <^lbmer*s and Shed Tomatote's kvii^ in Italy. Both authors have justifbUy eamed g^me that was more typical of a g^ng fomi as a dramatic pcffomMnoe me- ongpna! imagery is kiiach» but also has its mag^ theirplaoeing^y letters: Leavitt for his numecous, fi^thanasportingevem.Thiswasbuc dnnn. &om religk>ua to just plain sexy. The oveialdes^ wdQkxccuted noveb and stories, and Mttchei for oneg^me. Ihis seaaon will see mndi The visual pfesemacion of material is resembles an dabocate and Qres) tastefiil PerZine. his Peifiuin anthologies of homosexual literature. mote carnage. Whac can be done to conskieredaptcmium concern as w^to But die over^ hi^Ji^ of the book is the powers change dss situation? Sadly, I tfaink not Oiffwotions to Club Marcella Buffalo BmtemUsAU^ey^^^^^^^^^^ foi and informative intfodudioa, wfaeic IVuner 490W/90W/51 W/Goodell Street Extt/lo Pearl Street CV: Wei, tfaece was a certain dement of that I diflficult; because in the editing ptocess there's a Vschon continuod frotn prsvliHa pttss the office because ofall the scripts—people send same movie ac 10 mSlian dtd/ha ^imuldn^ have poowa uNiiMNMa irtMn p« Hi origMid works. Wdl, Matt efhfy Dteattts is only knewweweiedamtMdnomsner^rf]atiiiftefy.Th e strong sense Now, if only I could find the man of my dreams The Wild Wimmin, Rochester's afl finnale per- you realize chat contcaiy to ^i^iac I diink is becom­ tt>sndflr9«faiagfinm,''tberewefe50people tfaece to preserve Nigd'svidon."Butrmnocso sute diac KSt Ikmeeet tbe set^JerVosttcaxA^ boat America now, FbK Sesccfali^it. You knowy peopdie outside of des^ that graces other Chronicle Bodt tMes is fbr $14.95, it might be a great Christmas after afl. fiirmance groc^, wifl be presenting GtukttMt, ing an increasii^ belief, noc everybody can make a anditw»overinaOnMmttrs,*'to"Oh,tfacicwm. we dkl — I don't know that it^s possible. I stifl (tteyfatmitefilm efAeJesAta^ ttm Utkm Itttgtijtjimte tite the mdusoy seem to fisd like HoBywood is das sordy laddi% here, and is replaced wiil a some­ Fornioreinfi3tmatioti,wntetoQirociicleBooks The Reai^ery cttAf this spting. Currendy pkms fikn. There are certain filmmakers who are jusc a thousand peopie and It went for two da^a." And befieve thac die movie sufifiecs because tfae dkector ttmAtff eftbe ittteeaf6stDeit/idWeftmemiks(. bastion, awl thcy call and tefl you ^i^iac tfaey want. what tacky, finm marble cover desjgcL (Inddoa- @ 275 Fifdi Street San Frandsco, CA 94103; or are underway fiir chis tqicoming production and masters of die genre, and I think Todd is one of tfaete's no media coverage ptactiealy ac idL Ihe wasn't diete. I dank diat die movie's fine, but die CV:Yes,bucdiedireccor(SceveMcLean)hadso It's noc seaBy fike diat. Fm an kidepcndcm pM>- tafly, I wouldn't spend so ixmch time cnnqutf^ the cafl riicm @ 1-415-777-7240. an invitation is extended to afl women widi any them. His talestt is so head-and-diouldecs above only phocogpapha tfae exist wcae scmafly sagged produced cant t«^ilaoe die dkector. adapted the tnaterial to his own vision, and David dooo^bucif rmtnaldug a movie I tihankis appto^ eniz^ Doots Theatre Company btings gay ways, we scicss thac no expetienoe is desired," says XSe Ettitt tOfjtet fobs. The oocnmon misoooocpcion is that some* every movie I do, buc people really nvi^ed it I Hnafly another anthology. Matt tfMy Dtedttes: theatre back co Rochester in March widi their Sharon Jeter, Ardsdc Direccor. jitatiteffiK9,ettt991? nwis^i siwp>^ fmfwrlMkn 'r-F ^jfT BatasftrasbetDgaoattaAegpes,wetfatewtfaatout body produces wfaile they're waitit^ around fisr CV: Todd and I started a ptoducrioncooyny thmk that tfae sorcof so-cafled''q|ueerckKma''had Promattbte Wtittt^ ott Mett LavittgMem, h^il^its inaugural prodtiction of Lai^! VakttH C^apas- "Ihis play was chosen fbr sevctai reasons,** says kai on. that moment to direct Dtccctii^ xequkes a difiEer- shifted, and people didn'c want to aee stories that teee tthtttte $ej/ottt esetet 50 novd excerpts, poems, and fi]B4ef^th siott!, Terrence Md^aUys 199S Tony Award- Lara Haberbeiger; \dio win be tkrecting tfais pro­ togedier in New York in the late "dOs called .^)pft- atm mttk Hmdojtmjkd KSe fFh^bamimmmtBtmmaimtfti^tbeJSM' ent kind o£ fi3cus that Fm noc sute I have; like were hard anymore. short stoiies by some of the b^gest names in'^sy^ winning play. duction. "Rrst of afl, tt is a fim stdcy tfaat indudes ratus, and we'd been prodndi^ shore films co? CK* It's done becter in smaHer dties, probably ooncencAtzng on the cameta and the actors to the %Sti''at^'iBwbmi fitcranire: Edinund ^JQlate, Felice Fkaiio, Oiristo- Openkig Doors Theatie was fiDunded this year witty kisights into sexud and CIBSS disctinunation gether fiir a few years. During thb time I started to pewkteef becaswr there's a certain amount of cynidsmin tfae eipdbision of absolutdy evcrythixig dse. I don'c CV; Gokig more towards cfae mainsneam.G About a year aod a halfbefixc we went into knew if I didn'c Fd be vilified by my own commn- Moscofdie cticidam, fiankfy, has been fiom white McGregor foxn 7>aM[pM9a»|^ KS: Wb^fibtesdejmdtesiktteadeditaiitMteetiee^ featured in an eaqslidtly gay settk^ His introduc- ity, fiirtadons, soul-searching AIDS, ttuth-teflu^ entertaining evenii^ of tfaeucr. production on Kkls, I goc a call fiom somdbody nity.rdtcally love tobe able toceadanartideabouc ffcy men. Ihis is a movie thac .stats Bbde and JSScDtt JOK batte att/cettipktedfihas tbat ha»>ejet to be t^mtf don to the entire anthology, moreover, is personal and skinny-diffjing mix monumental qtiestions Anocher reason die WiU Wimmin chose this who worked at Red Hot and Blue saying'*We have mysdf someday that doesn't mention my sexual­ Latino pcrfbtmecB and tefls the stoty fixsm dwir this really great script, and we though you might CV: Wt^ some of them were mine. I think Go atid ludd. The boc^ is otganized into six sections, about Hfe and deadi with a wacky dre^ rehearsal pardcular saqx is that k fits wcfl with the purpose ity. poinc of view, and a dn^ queen is aflowed to have CK* Yeah, two: OffieelSiitrhy the photogca$>her be intctested in possibly producing it" I read the FiA contributed to that, but Fm also really proud all of whidi are intctided to illuminate gay Itfis fbr Jmd» ZJO^ performed in drag. The resuk is a of che group. There are a wide range of parts KS: Tm^jott'ilbetaikit^abetaSexxxtmSi a$Ae sexual destce and act on it Cindy Shetman, and/2(X^C^wd!^ a comedy by a script, I thought it was amazing. I met with Larry of that fikn. The success o^ Go Fish ^lows that ''Hkkfen Desires," 'Titst Mcedt^," "Family and cross between a gay Tie B^ CM^and Qiddiov's avaibble indudkig roles widi little or no ^xakit^ Dryden Theater. Goet% ittto UaspeeyeO, Ftte smw tteatey KStlJktnmtbeptodmtiottofStonswaR tttas^pietet youngditectornamedTony Vitale. HopefiiDy that and Harmony (the screenwriter) and said, "Let me pet^slc want nice stories with iqvbcat endings, and Friends," "Break-Up," "Brief Encounters," and Joe Cjbetry Ottbatti. recputed. In this way, women wtdmut theattkal peepieboveredtttmryottrsbotJderttfaitdetiitgmbaijmttmedd Jmttwbatjeetwmwttsgdts, itttattsetbedbvtbrN^Ivub one wifl gp to Suncbncc. sec what I can do — I would love to make this diat's just a fiict c^life. Fikn is commerdal artfotm. "Courtsh^ and Commitment." Navaradl's ki- Opening Doors Theatre is looking fc» vohm­ expeiience, or those who may not be confidenc in do tt/etb Uiis tmy bistoek tttoaetstt fsr tmatey at tbe ^gejt Ade^fiktmigtaaseaatpkted Wbatttms 1^atjeetr KS: WiUtjoitr track retmi, I bave tto dotdtts. Thatiks You win ifyou produce a tnovie that says some­ stincts as an anthcrfpgist arc appcopiiate, but I teets in afl aspects of production as wdl as corpo­ their abilities, can have the opportunity to be on movie." I tried everything I could diitik of to get ivmmutimfjt. Hom dkijoet ge edtottt deoBt^ ttM tbat dms$^ ven ttttteb the money fbr thc film. People s^xecd with mc diat thing important, is ptovocadvc, does take tisks, wonder if readers might be better ofiF buying the rate sponsors, donors and advertisers. Opening sc^c. In addition, diete is always a need fcx^ many Jfe^JSttter CV: Litersfly a half-cttt movie. It was cather more hands badcstage, fix those who do noc wish the script was very strong but diey thought it was but also makes its mon^ back. Doors Thcatte is a J not-for-profit coKporation and KS: Homfatetttde^sttaxssfiiiltatfejoitrfibmifeett, ott to pcifomi. Everyone has a talent that can be not makeable — it was just too hard. When I afl donatioos are tax deductible. Z^sts/Kafaar/Gwy- useful dedde co make a movie, though, I sddc co it. I'm tbewMe? patsumfwiSl be presented Mardi 13-19, with re­ not really swa)cd by people's discomfisit. CV: Evety one of them has made its money Business Business hearsals b^^ining injanuary. To vcduntecr, make The play wifl be presented the second and third KS: Afpantedy teoL Httsjttter sttseess ejectedjottr back But they didn't cost that much, so you can adonadon, or for morc infiacmation, contact Open­ weekends in Mardi. If ytiu wotdd like co know takcmore risks ifthe scakes are lower. It'sone thing dedsioti ptocess tt4)ett it tmties to sttpts^ Fausette Printers ing Doors Theatre by phone at 234-7134 or write tnore about the infiicmational meetings in January Fausette Printers Cards Cards to inakc a tnovie kke / JSor>lff^ IPMM/fix uiider 606 Monroe Ave. to them at Opening Doors Tbeatxe, 620 PaxkAve. or bave questions about tidcets, you tnay cafl 654- CV: Vve always woriced with <^rectois who 606 Monroe Ave. Rochester. NY 14607 10% off write their own matcriad.W c canbaidky^nSk.i):uoi:^\ two nulEon do&axs and have a lUCe tecum. Ihe Rochester. NY 14607 10% off (716)271-8650 Suite #176. Rod^Atair, N.Y., 146Qr7. 7709. (716)271-8650 with this ad with this ad r ,. Karen A. Miller,csw,CAC. 1 [^ >.-«««00V-iM4K-»K«K«>KOMt4C4MC44«W0« WHEN STRESS BECOMES THE PSYCHOTHERAPIST SPECIAUZING IN TOO MUCH... Individual • Relationships • Group CONSIDER THE VALUE OF Alternative Lifestyles COUNSELING McUssdi. for • INDIVIDUALS 4596 Culver MA • PARTNERS • ADOLESCENTS

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< V •*i-K. Open AH Year y ^•2- '--. •«• Luncti Mon.-Fri. 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. or/ \nn lAU help % acc. Sua 4-9 pm. I.OirSWUiSlraal noaorvations Recommended 2. Rtahl onto PM trtiMl -PRIVATE 4 CONFIDEftmAL!! .. BRIWM HKMI CM CortKcatm Akmy AimMatjIo - FadRiaailby 2 wiiimtMeA:M.6pm^^ttiii^m^metm!^ 3. RlQlit onIo ' 11 North Qoodmm SMat. Rochastar. NY 14607 at Tha Aaaiai mataula' a osmsr k>r hoSalic haaSng 6 nvMng uflMMnpgi - 2 hrsJWa«k - wssksnd day & tima lo bs datsrmined by group or 4 pjn.-ontti# Ml , jMt pMl vio buftfln^. - Coat wM ba detarmtnad basad upon irtdMdual ab«Hty 10 pay 4pjn. Plena contact Krisan A. Rapp. CSW st 473-0568. 244-1280, or Somali: krisrAsarvlsch.ooni. for furthsr information or to achadula ? s fraa inMal imarvtow. A'A^ Ivi all B5 i and Us ing their own holiday traditions. ''By devdopii^ bf BlenYkdoiin your own hc£day customs, you begm to weave a richshared histcMy steepedin traditionand stxct^di- CoMrt nys no to'n>. No" ened by ntual as they are repeated through the In a dedsioa that is botfa unie- years." I made this Unc i4>, but all of the books sak) ooadubk and temaikaUe, the sotnedung like it. For Tom's and my sake, I sure l^gbtstcoaRofNew Yodc State hope that the "repeated through the years" part is Idled, on Occ tS that dcntistt the most in^Mrtant. We definitely do many of the and doctocs are iefp^ pn>htb- same things each year, but I'm not sure they're TARA LOUNGE ited £tam lefiiaing to tzeat Pec- ''steqyed in tradition," akhot^ I guess they have KHW livkg With AIDS oc petKMu suspected of been ''strengthened by repetition." Since ntual having die HIV. comes fixwn dte which means "fbcmal, solemn, 153 LIBERTY POLE WAY 232-4719 and cetemoniaL" I will throw thac pan out. Ihere's J^ The dedatoa, CiMlfK Am^is untemadcabfein diat tfae fedeni Ameacatis widi Disddtties Acx moce d^nity in that word than our custom*: de­ EVERYONE AT TARA'S WISHES YOU HAPPY HOLIDAYS alnMfyqxdfica^baa docton and dentisis from serve diacnmtnatii^ against PLWAs and peisaas sus­ Chriscmas cards are pethfl^ our most dtualized pected of having the HIV vins. {Hkiadr is lemadc- activicy. I win probably shatter a few illusions here, afale, on the other hanc^ in diat it oour^eousfy but m warn anyone who may think she or he aqxmds the New YofkStaieHtiinanR^^hts Law's possesses a Chiiscmas card sighted by Tom Kru^cr defiatdoo o£ *^mbi>c accommndatinn,'* tfaetdby that if he ever becomes preskient; don't will the card£oyourdiiklfenasavaluabfeartifiK:t—it's a fbtgery. Since mosc ofour fiiends know this and to \K subyea to New Yodels aon-^lisaniinadon dumed diat its praaloe was not a pufafic aooom- she considers running again. Albany despenndy his Aum Janet atid Unde Leonard don't get tbe laws in doe fisnaie. mndnrinn Trirhin dr mmnifur nfihr HIWHO it jfltwi needs more people with her stioc^ convictions. EC tip in Vermont, Tm probably safe. I have 'IIK GadadTdedsioninvolved two »^Mrate c^ Law undl the advent of HIV and AIDS/* And OvetaU, thc gay community proved to be a bodi of wfaich involved pdvate dcndsts and dMcrimination a^;ainst one type of disability is jusr tdatiooshipswithpeople Fve never cnetby willing strong fotte in die local decdons with over 70 aU of Tom's Chtistmas cards. PLWAs. In thtt firK case, a young man (well caO as invidious — and Sle^ — as disuiminadon volunteers woddng through the cocnbiiKsd efibrts him Hacry, akK3c the dedsMn doesn't meanon his agsinst aU types of disafaiktaes. Aunc Fh)^ is the besc caampfe of this. Tom's of thc Politiod Caticus atid the Fiide Agenda in Undejohnkves in Wisconsin with his wife Phyllis. name) walked mto the pnvat;c office of Dennis Ihc Court's analysis tnay seem obvious, and criticai can^nigns. Tom and Unde John mi^ be related by blood, bitt Cabin, a dendst^in Bay Shore* N.Y., widxntt an ffven thc ADA's spedfic xefeence to medical and Nationwide, the dection was vcry fovorsbfe fbr Aunt Fhyilis and I acc tekted by ink. Every yca^ I sppointmeat, because bc had a cxscked toodt dental ofiSces, C^abiffs outcome may seem like it gays. Not only was Pteskicnt Clinton te-dected Hany mendoned to Dr. CahilTs dental assistant should have been a no-braificr. Hie &ct that thtee jot down die ma^ hi^bl^^ of Tom's (and m^ but 22 of diie Victory Fund's 32 openly gay candi­ kfo, carefy to UKiiidc a few affectionate tefereiioes that he had been c]q>Q5ed to AIDS and was waiting of the seven Hig^ Court judges disagreed, how­ dates won election—the hi^^t number ever(the thc resuhs of an HTV test. In response. Dr. CahiU's ever, demonstrates just how j&agile even thc most to "Dad" ([ figure as lo*^ as I am creating the past high was 14 in 1994). For the first time an illusion that Tom is sendit^ the card, I mi^ as assistant told Harry that he would have to obtain apparent and patent disdncdcKis between ti^t opetity gay candidate won election to a statewide wdl provide tang^slc evidence that my fiuhcrnn- dte icsuhs of thc test before Dr. Cahill would neat and wrong can be, and how dependent thcy are on office—Ed Flan^an, Vermont's new state audi­ kw can use diould he ever dioose to btfagabout his him becamse the dcndst would tteat htm only if he the btains (or no-lxains, as thc case tnay be) of tor. Fifteen state legislatures now have open gjty devoted sons). Of course I also may bc creating for tested negative. individuals. and lesbian teptcsentativcs serving in them, in­ Tom's tcktives die ifiusion dial We never kamed In thc other case, a young woman (well call her On a tdiated note, althougjh thc CciAaf^ dedsion cluding newly dected teprescntadvcs in Connecti­ cursive wdting, as when I scribe as him, I print. It Angie» since thc dedsion doesn't mention her simplyputs New Yotk's Human Ri^its Lawin the cut, Illinois, Montana, Nevada, Rhode Island, and doesn't seem r^jht to use tny own handwritit^ name either) had been treated previously by Dr. same status as the federal ADA with respect to Washington. In addition, Sdxuman Patti won moce when Fm cocnmitting forgery. Talk about illusions lioyd Lasser of the Ncwixug^ Dental Grot^ in and-disability conduct by pdvate medical profes­ than 1,100,000 voces in his successful tace for (or delusions!) Newbttt^ N.Y. However Dr. Lasser refused to sionals^ there is a significant ooliatnal adsitig &om Cook County Court (Illinois). Hiac is the h^iest YOU'RE WELCOME Hues. Dec 31 St oondnikc tecsiment for her afber she told him she the dedsion. New Yodcezs who suffer discnmina- vote count ever for an openly gay candkkte. And Christmas is often a painful time of year for TO BRING Coma Join in Now Yoars Cvof had beoontte HIV positive. non (disabiEty telated or otherwise) can file fire we shouldn't ovedook what appears to be Locctca sing^ people. But dn^ rcMkxs shoukl take hearc A DISH TO PASS. Botfa HanyandAngieffledmmplsims witfa the adtninistrattve complaints widi New York's Divi­ Sandkcz's victory over our number one Dcmeais in Rcktionshtps addwodcas we&as foy tDtHehokdfty AND SPEND THE NMp us Iff bring in 1997 State Division of Human Rights. Following ad- sion of Human Ri^ts^ TTic E>ivision -will investi- Cortgress — Bob Doman. Across Aic country, season. I sent about dx. Chdatmas cacdsNAwnL and «0k« ouc IMM old yoar. ministtative heanngji, thc Division's Administra­ gate for hoe, cty to resolve the matter for fiec^ g^ys, Jesbians, and bisexuals ounc out in die vodng was singic. Manii^ has tumed me into my mother DAY WITH US ff and now I send abouc 50. / wasn'r even aware tfaat Sm'¥lng clMMHpogM at Cfco tive Law Judge held that the good doctocs had conduct adiTuniscrsdve hearings fbr fire, and, if booth and thc result paid oiFbig. violated Hart/s and Angle's rights under New ncoessafy, rcpcescnt thc compkinftnts'inccrcsts in One interesting and positive note came out of I hmd absodbcd her system until I uncoosdously strolco of niifhil^iC York's Human Rights Law, and awarded Hany court i£ the alleged disctiminator faik to con^sly one of thc nationwide exit polls on efection day. began to rephattc it. On oar Grst Chastmtit;^ stiB BMNQ YOim nUBNDS AND S^,000 and Angie $10,000 for mental anguish with a dedsion favorable to thc complainant. And While thc majodty of Amedcans are still opposed enamored of tny new fbund status tts an "us," I decided to send cards to everyone who had ever PARTY nc EVINBMO (one wondcts whether thete is some sex discdmi- a complainant doesn't even need a lawyer (which to gay mardage, when broken down issue by issue, nadon going on telated to the discfcpancy in could be a good thin^ or a bad thing, depending on Amedcans si^^port extending madtal benefits to given me thetr address. Old boyfticnds were par­ AWAY ¥flfli damages awaicdcd). Noc wiUing to pay, let alone your point of view). gays. A solid mt9odty st^ppofted hospital visitation ticukdy fin^ored, and it was for their benefit that I DJ CUFF tn treat their pacieitts, DIS. Cahill and I^asser went to Akhougjh notoriously slowin other areas (thouji^ ti^ts, full bcalcK care benefits and inhcdtance went to Staples and ordered our very own tetum address stamp with BCrni our names on it. Noch- die courts. it claims to be doing better), thc Division acts ri^ts for gays. Also, thc majodty of Americans ir^ says commitment like a joint rubber stamp Because the findings whi^ the dentists ap- reladvelypcompdy when AIDS vdated comptaints bdieve that gay and lesbian parents should be CHRISTMUS guaranteed for 5,000 stampii^. Wouki I have sdl imCflCBIMIBNT pealed were Human Rushes I>ivision dedsionsy the are involved. In^ed, the Division, which has a protected fitxn iositsg their children on grounds of ordered it had I known diat we would tnove to an /6UiTnR.pinfiO Histnan Rig^ Division tcpnrscntcd Han/s and separate o£Bcc of AIDS Discrimination Issues, sexual orientation. What this means is that wc new dty widi 4,800 stampings to go? Of coursd At^pe's interests in court. It was tobe a prolonged daims to complete investigations of AIDS-rdated sin^ily need to do a better job of explaining what When the response to my prolific Hallmark ouc- asaociadon^because dbe intcnnediate appeals court discdmination chaiges within 60 days. equal mardage rights means and how thc denial of poutif^ began to roO in, I, like my mocher befbre threw out d^ Haman R^;^ Divisions decisions So not only can thc Division provide no-cost, diose rights currendy afifects us. The good news is that thc majodty support us when each benefit is me, scocdttaped the incotnic^ cards to the ardi- aod monetaty awards. Thc AppcQatc Division no»attomcy-neccssaiy service in such cases, it can way between thc Hving toom and dining roociL baaed its decision on the &ct that New Yock's provide (as litkad Update llie fine fowyears that Tom and I were together, DJ/KARAOKE duR the lack of spec^d^ in the lav waa not tfae doesn't teply in-kind. And old boyfkiendi have tfae oootsofiog &ctoc. Radws; acx30Ring«o dtt Courc, By Aiidrew Lee I was a 'junkie*' fbr books about same sea coeaasge by tfae ifaiid caid. grfarinnshq;>s. I boug^ every new one that came PRL80TH BOBDIETCH when the siase l^riaiuM: enacted ihe HiMnan So fer I have not siancTwnhrd to tfae temptations Ri^^ L«w. tfae kgWatw kiteaded die knr so out Unfortunately, tfae firat one I bougjht was SAT.21TH BOBDIETCH Th\ Mtii Oitf **i Cmit u r ame riiiiiiini- rLtliaua to indude an dght page'*year in review^ newdet- oower a vide nogP of psofiewMnal twiBiffaaea, tet; aldiough I now undentand tfae tempcadon CD Nor. S^ 1996 psored to be a good di^ for the that's why I bm^tt ao many more. nU^RITH SKEETER MKtoik^MBpyaotatwiifaaytBSpdkitfaestaluie do aa Many of nqr h^ school atkd oolcge ftiecKk lesbiaivgiyandyaaBwdainiiiiwiBity. Sole, tfaese I was feokic^ for one thac pceaenaed a metuse, aaennstoof'^dJfcaocnmmndBrinns.*' send diese to me^ thoug|l Tafit about ctcatiug wen; a few baaes ^noat tioaMy die uKxpfain- balanced itsptoech fbr people whofaoped to make SAT* fiSTH SKEETER |o^ KdtmA D. Skanns* who sndxMced tbe ifcwionllcan'ttektcindmwaytoaorneooewfaoae abfe re-«lectkm ofJeaae Helms), but owsall tfae didnaHiionsk«t,aaddiisbook'scyciacaltOiieputics tai^otay opkdoo, wrote peuuasiiily (at lease to head I hdd over tfae toikc for an boor after they Amoricaft peopfe shewed oiat they aie in tttvott 'Ssdsdom** in the leag^ wsdi die land of advice a dhiee of his coRogoea) and k)gk»lr **RD&ig a downed e^ht kxig island iced teas, or whose SUPERBOWL SUNOiii of cqtnl dg^ foe gays. 23-year-old WDukl9vea21-yearokl over dtinks at cn^otkal esompdon Ml this context wooU s%- parents I Bed CO so thac they coukl sneak to a motd Ckib Manxlia, on the hedi of a nasqr fareak-t]|k. ni^ydmctfaeliVBkNnaenBendeddiatpctaonstiBfa Pdr exampfe^ in Montoe County, the electkan and''make it^ wkh an ex-convict. JAN, 26,1006 SUMO Hie othets were a loc better C«^ JSafetwuAjBtf by dbabttdes shoidd be tee &om discfkiRDatkxi in rganks wmt wttf fiwosahte. jofao^ David KoQa, and Loi^ Skiif^Mer, aD ofwhom htctA Tina Teaatctt, Rik Isenaee*s JJUJawji Bmmm Mett Howtimes changd One ckfyou'ie letting tfaem Door Prizes Every 1/2 alidi placca as te crcampaik» and skadng fldka, "ctash** in your dotm toom because tfaeySe been ^^w^K# V a^m w^Ha^^^F ^^^^^Bp^^w a ^^raiv^fl^i^Sv mmw ^w ^^^•^•t •^^•••^ VA^^^^^VF bpc dMt doital aod medkal ptondcn anU la«^ kickedoatoftfaeir off-caaopos apertmem for non- FftEE BUFFET AT HALF coupfe) aB had a toe to say. the beat of die lot (as |g|ydenyheaMicaietDthBmsaldlyontebaMo£ payuMuit OK tents sne next day, diey'vc got a thtee qniie so doae. The re-decdon t^Juc^ Anthony I have saki in dus ooknnn before) is Betty Beiaon's Scklkto drmonstiated dm ooe can take a pcm- Kwf^tiryMTiipBtulwwa^atwint^rBwiPttnliigegearagat^ Rjufaer canadcaly, Jojge Sknon went oo to and tfaey*tesendkigyoud^pages of ptetriiskwi efcacfve diac,'tte case hat been dntwn to our cqifedstttidonparentalijglfits for lesbians andg^ Many of these books tkacuss die hokdays and Slid not be voted out of office. It was sad to sec wMchb^;ins:''AsagettcfesnowfiAsontheCroft> enentkm in idsidi a private heakh care provider the impoRanoe of newly estibtished couples staic- Maty Bileen CaOan defeated, but we all hope that

-.—. A-t*'< I iin^ 'iSinCTpfV

•.•^; B6 T HE B M PTV C L O IET ;; :^"i; myths and stereotypes that WSW are not at risk. dollars, which Mill lower your taxable incomcif miccowavafafe satan wxap for oed lex. Dental cannot be detected by the most pcedse vital load Hastings roof, this holiday season finds our litde You*lI be helping a good cause — and your OV*TI *rhc scrv^gle continues. Change is never easy! The aDmadehkn stronger and yet he does not tum cold you are. So I can too! Idon'teven have toqtiestion you can, increase your 401 .(K) contributions for ckma oome in atinbow colors, cspedatty kvendcr tests. Reducing viral loads to uoideteaabk kvds tamily well. J ohn*s ptomoaon means longer hours cause. H in HIV stands for human. If you're human to tiie humans who surround hkn." whether or ncx youH approve of whoever I am. the rest ofthe year -- and maintain the hi^ci" level for tfaose kksdous ksfaiaiis. If you kocKi^ POR slows progression to AIDS by scoppit^ tiie virus at che office, but he enjoys buying banks and Donate household goods to chanties — If (hopefully mosi of thc time you are), you have Afy mind flooded witfa etnotions and concerns. That is a tremendous fiecdom chat most of my next year. SURE tfaat you ate bocfa HIV negative, ^ou have fiiom furtiier dama^;u^die knmunc system, and by placing with the fabulous new computer system youVc been meaning to get rid of some of those reason to be concerned. As a psydiodieiapist and a parent, I have always fiiends don't have." bodi been tested ehnitig tfae appropdate time pcri- redudr^ the risk of HIV becomir^ tesistanc to old dothes or household goods, now is the time. Give money to your kick -^ By setting i^ a IVe often heard women comment: "Honey, I been cxmcecoed with my son's emocionaldevek^ After dttii^ with this foe several weeks i ran his neu' office has. I still manage to balance the kids ocb), aod ate exdustvdy tnooog^nous, then you You can donate them to the Sanation Army, custodial account, you can shift stock or other ment. Nfy primary focus fbr the kst 17 years has across a sentence in a movk review by Mona antiviral treatments. Researchers ac che conference and my job. John teases me that being named haven't seen sperm in 10 years/' "Lesbians don't don't need to uae a batdcr method for oral "^ Goodwill, or odicr charitable organisation, and assets to your minor children, who will be in a been to provide a healdiy, steady, loving environ­ Smiiii. "Within the Native American community, presented new and efifective ways to reduce viral editor-in-chiefhas gone to my head and hc tells his skep widi men." "We aren't at risk for HIV." oome oo down hooey! BUT, if your sexiad bdiav- then take a tax deduction. Deducting these contri­ lower tax bracket than you. Thus, youTI reduce ment fbr tny son. As I tead thk ktter, I became homosexuality veas traditional^ assodated with load, whidi induded more infonnation about stafif that I edit die e-mail he sends me..." (I made Lesbkns and bisexual women cxhSbk a variety ioff cfaapges (new partnet, addidonal partner, sus­ butions from your taxes is morc of an art than a your tax bill—and more of thc income pnxluccd painfully aware of the chaOct^ that my son and die power to bridge wodds." antivirak in cady phases of testingdiats^ipcar tobe this up too). Is diis really' any different than my of sexual behaviors just kkc everyone dse (oh my pected infiddiQr) barrier mctfaods ate leoom- sdence; the IRS allows you to deduct "fair market by the stock can stay in the fiunily. (You can't reap ociier children VI^M have "dififerent^' domestic effective. Sotne of these are new vers»xis of drugs rubber stamp? Am I not creating an image too? I goddess)! Some women tnay have many Icmak tnmdcid. I don't know if I can make a bridge between tiie unlimited benefits fiom this income shifdt^. A situations fiK:e in dealing wich die ignorance of the wiiich are already known to wodc, Bke protease guess I can't deny the similarity. Why does Christ­ value" for your goods, but it leaves thc calcuktion partners, have mak partners, have sex wtdi a man woM ofmy lesbian lifestyk and tliis teacher's foar. **kiddic tax" ap^ilies to investment income eamed Ifyou don't have a dental dam or saran wn^ con^xilsive heterosexual attitudes tliat dominate inhibitors and an antiviral similar in function to mas bdtig out this side of pcopk? of this value up to you. Some organizations will fixxn time tx> tune, are if^ecckm dcugusers, are sex Pcth^ by starting at tiie place vA^ete we meet, pcovide you with an j^>praisal ofyour donations, by diildren under 14 yeats.) you can cut of the fic^iets of a ktcx gkTvc, and k our sodety. A2rr. StiO, ochers apply dififerenc stntti^ies co Perhaps it's because most ofthe traditions we're workers, or are monogamous, or tm^ be with an concern for my son's emotional weO-bein^ it buc you may also have to provide some documen­ Cotsaidet a home-e^dty loan — Aie you tutns itm> a nice ktex square for the vulva area. If Just as I was g;uheiing my senses to call the combat HIV. steeped In come strait fiom Madison Avenue. HIV pc»ttive parcnor and Hot know it We do might be possibk to expand consciousness to tation yourself . And make sure you get zeceipts fbr thinking about buyiz^ a car, boat or other big- you kave tfae thumb attached, you have a resdi^ teacher, the mail atdved On die itont cover of How To Make The Grade But that was my Decen^jcr message kst year. IH evetydunggttll include healthy diversity. I do bdieve that my son all your delations. ticket item before year-end? Or are you cootem- apot for tiie toogqe, for what is known as toc^oc i^stoMM^ was Mdissa Etheri<^ and her pennant Unfbrtunatdy, fbr many pcc^ik, redudng virat sign ofirbcfi>te this becomes a dtual suengdiened Let's ca& dsout ord sex between two wotnen is makmg diat btk^ He and odicts Boe him ofifer Delay your mutual fund investments -— It pkting a major remodeling ptoject? If so, then you fitt^ud You go, gtdf partnerwkh die a^oo, CAN GAY FAMILIES load to undetectabk levek has not been as easy as by n^>etition throt:^hout the years! Happy Holi­ (an exoettenccotrvecsationstanerat anyl\^)perware thc work! tiie possibifity fbr understandif^ and wouldn't be surprising ifyou're tempted to make might want to pay fbr it with a home-equity loan or I knorw aU of this safor sex busine^ seems crazy, GAINACCEPTANCEPWHATrrSLIKEFOR tiic drug companies have advertised The fiunous days. party.) We know vs^^nal secaretions fiow fixim ea^xdcndngacc^itanceof our new generation of line of credit A home-equity loan is just about the but it is the g^y "905. Coming attractions: sexual tr^k drug combination induding protease inhil»- some year-end investments to your mutual funds. heaven, but HIV can bc fbundtn thb body fluid as THE KIDS. The artide, by Barbam Kanmswitz, "fomily." only consumer loan left in v^ch you can deduct towdi/masnwbarion (she actualy said k)l, HIV tots does work, but not for everyone. When tlie Financial Afb^ all, the good year fi>r stocks also meant wdl as in blood, semen, and breast milk. If another talks about the emetgence in the kst fow years of Paith deCbeUy, Pbl>., is a psyebodmtfist tapettkOe the interest fiom your taxes. Ofcourse, you don't aod tile tne of sex toys, alcohol and the women's virus reproduces, many of tiie copies are not strongpcrformance for stock-basedmutual funds. woman's vaginal secretions enter her partner's gay patents who are coming out of hiding and practice ^tedaih^ in inataett's issttes, Planning have much time kft in 1996 to accumukte big community. exactly che same. Some of the variations are noc But that means you can antidpate hefty captal- mouth, there may be a possibk infection of HIV. findit^ a pkce in the mainstream. She estimates deductions, Ixit you can get a head start on 1997. Be good to youfsdf ducing tiie holidi^ get always affected by a particular drug. H'lcsc ^'resis- By VCllliam Glave gains distributions in December. By putting more If the giver has a cut or open isore on her Hp or that tiiere are six million to 14 miUion dulfiren in PSan Ahead — As the year comes to a dose, tested and know your HIV status] Reasons fbr Hope tant strains" make many drugs ineffective after money into your mutual funds, youH just add to inside her mouth, this is even a more cfSdcnt way diis countty with at least one gay parent Year-end tax tips pick and choose those tax strategies that will work some time. This is especially true of drugs used these taxabk distributions — unless you hold off for hSV to penetrate through the mucosal mcm- I jun^ied to thc pan in tiie artide tiiat addresses By the Boston AIDS Writers With thc Olympics and thc dections, 1996 has fbr you — now and in the future. Make it a goal to alone (monotherapy), or in combinations that ck> until after thc distributions are made. It's not hard bnines (lining ofthe mouth). If there is a z^ or tear Womanspirit tiie effect of lesbian lilestyk on kids. Kanttowitz been an eventful year. And even ifyou weren't transform your "year-end" tax strategies into a Collective noc lower viral load enoi^ to stop resistance. HIV to do; you can find out the exact distribution date around the gums due to fiossiiig, diis can be an says, ^'There are no long-term studies availabk of rurming thc 100 meter dash, or running for **year-round" tax plan. By Paula deChelly The 36th Armual Intemarional Conference on in many peopk has become resistant to some or all by calling your mutual fund company. entry pwint fbr HIV too. E^ you know thac? what the efiects of growing up in such a fiunily office, you were probably quite busy yourself. In Antimicrobial Agents and Chemothers^ f'Bugs ofthe availabk nukes (thc nucleoside analogues: Concribuce co an IRA "— Contrary to pc^xdar What about menstrual blood? If you are per- What about might bc In a comprdiensive 1992 summary of feet, you might have been too busy to implement belief many people can still make tax-deductible studies ofgay parentitig, it was conduded that the and Drugs") in New Orieans in October shed AZT, ddl, 3TC, ddC, and IMT). Thc resistant to Onlfbur Side forming oral sex on your partxier, and she is at the these nukes has made success with tripk combina­ chose promising tax strategies you thought about contributions to their IRAs. How much you can lesbians'kids? children are just as well adjusted ^.e., thcy do not light on a combination of protease inhibitors last year. b(^;inning, tniddk, or etid of her "divine gift," tions marginal compared to those \dio have never deduct depends on your earned income. But even By Christine Simons I have to admit, I was taken aback when my son have any more psychological problems and do jusc that works for many people who are no longer Fortunatdy, it's not too late. YouVe still got time remember, the highest concentration of HIV is in showed mc the letter from one of his teachers. benefiting from other therapies. There also is a used these drugs. ifyou can't reduce your taxes directly through your The gift of blood. Thc giver is more at risk for HIV, because as well in schooQ as die offspring of heterosexual to make some tax moves that wiil hdp you out next He had asked her for a letter recommending him whok scries of other treatments for HTV dis- These pcopk whose HIV became resistant al­ IRA contribution, you can still get significant tax she may be taking menstrual blood in to her mouth. parents." April 15 — and beyond. Here arc some siigges- to National Honor Sodety, which exemplifies casCj some of which will become available in the lowed sdentists to discover the strengths and advantages. Hiat's because IRA funds grow tax- Some of you may bc saying, "I would never go I dedded to talk to my son before calling his tions: Happy holidays from AIDS Rochesteri During excellence in scholarship, leadership, character next 12 n^onths. weaknesses of the eariy drugs. This discovery was deferred until you withdraw them, usually at retire­ down on a wcwnan who has her period." Al! I can teacher to get his impressions. He casuaUy in­ Donate appreciated stocks—Stocks did wcU thc holiday season, people are busy buying and and service. Dr. Douglas Richman hig^ghted thc optimism crudal to the development of new and better ment And by fundingan IRA with money thatyou say to that is "yeah, rig^t" Never say never. formed me that teachers had consistendy been thc in 1996, just like they did in 1995. If you're an mig^t otherwise have placed in a fuUy taxabk thinking about gifts for people thcy know and Thclcccerwasgiou'ingand as I read the firstpage most negative about his livxng situation. His peers in the scientific community aabout both these new treatments. These people need to find a combina­ It is possibk diat infected HIV vaginal secre­ investor, you probably racked i^ some strong investment, you can avoid the accompanying capi­ care about This month, wc want to give you a it p>leased me to see how well she had captured his were quite accepting, mosdy, he thought, because therapies by asking, **WilI HIV disease become a tion of drugs to which they are not resistant Tlicse tions are Ukdy to be destroyed by the gastric juices capital gains — taxable capital gains. But you can tal gains taxes. gift too. Thc gift of informarioni dedication, passion and spirit As I got to the he was. Even well-meaning teachers often offered chronic infection or will it be possible with the new developOTients accounted for what could be con­ avoid paying capital gainscaxes by donating some in thc stomach. But, if ddier one of you has a cold Increase your 401(K) contributions -* Your Whether you identify as a ksbian, bisexual, or second page, I found mysdf stuck on a paragraph condescending comments like his "needing male therapies to dear out the virus entirdy?" sidered the most exdting news that came out of ofyour appreciated stocks to a charity. If you've sore on your bp tx inside your mouth, diat is an 401 (K) gives you two hi^ tax advantages. First, heterosexual woman, women who have sex widi so ttoubk^ tiiat afl I could do was tead and re-read it role models" because ofhis "home life." For now, the goal for treating HTV disease is to diis conference, an update on a study combining owned thc shares for morc than one year, you can efficient entry point for HIV. AIDS Rodiester your camirigs grow tax deferred, as in an IRA. And women (WSW) are at risk for HIV. (oh sister, not "... ^)omedmes his peers have ridiculed him for "Actually," he said, "I am very grateful that reduce viral load (die amount of virus in the two protease inhibitors, saquinavir and ritonavir. deduct die current market vahic of thc stock. recommends using dental dams or non- secotul, your contdbutioKis are made with pre-tax this agaiiu.). We as a community have had to batde various domestic living arrangements. Tiiese have you're a lesbian. You have the courage to be who bloodstream) to zero or at least to levds that Both have been approved by d\c FDA and are Third Presbyterian Church 4 Meigs Street at East Avenue 271-6513 PROUD TO SERVB THE Therapy for individuals, RADIANT couples, children, GAYAND LESBIAN WELLNESS gay and lesbian families ASSOCIATES Parent/child conflict Sexual abuse recovery Chronic physical arKl COMMUNITY Leiol^ Ehresman, MS. Ed. emotional pain ^ A Mors Ught Church Psychotherapy ond FULL SERVICE CFNERALPRAmrKPITT AW. Theropeutk: Resolutton of conflicts Wher« Gay, lesbian and bisexual persons are welcomed as partners in ministry. Splrtt/Mlnd/Bodywork Anxiety ar>d depression

Sunday 10:30 AM Worship Fktdyamr aetm smnv rwieLutMyamr mtiarpattter, laeerte tapratteotaymer omm InaUt. Family law cases piotectii^ the rights of • Personal In|uiy/Auto Accidents Monday IstandSrd 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Support Groua lesbian mothers and gay fathers • Civil Suits For appoir>tment. caB 482-4396 CNid care-Wheekhair accessible -- Looped tor tfae hearing impaired. Wills & Estate Planning spedfically • Real Estate/House Closings for same-sex couples or singles • Small Business/Corporate UvingWiUs • Bankruptcy/Debt Relief PARTY ^ Health Care Proxies • Criminal Defense -^ <^A Power of Attomey • Legal Name Change # BACCHUS \. • Notaiy Public HOUSE OF BACCHUS PARTY STORE WINE « UQUOli STORE « PAPER PACTORT NOW HASACCmnfIlSELECTK)NC>FCIGAItS w Newly remodeled Having a party? Come on over. Pauty reacfiness LAWK£NCE# KRIEXxERy ATTORNEY AT LAW • Wine selections firom dl ov«r the world bci|^ at the Becchus Ptrtf Store! 1 East Main St, Suite #400, Rochester NY 14614 • CompUmentwy in-store wine tastinp every Friday • Balloons ASanurday • Greeting Cards • Party Planning Consultants to help with everything #GiftWr«p from home wine tastinf parties to BIG BASI-^ • Codctaii SuppKes 325-2640 • GUt certHicates evaBable • And/sCandtes •New York Sbatete • Special Occasion viHne favors • Non-Alcoholc SparUk^ Juice Ravers 1-8Q0-719-3260 out of aiea ANmME B A GOOD TIME FOR A IVaiTY! See our selection of Tableware and Decorations Fax325-1946 HAVE BACCHUS PARTY CEIMTBl HBP MAKE In a rainboRMf of colors for Christmas. New Year*s Eve, YOUR CALBMDAR OF EVENTS SPECIAU birthdays, commitment ceremonies» aN occasions IOSO RIDGE aOAD EAST 246-4390 1044 HIDGE ROAD EAST 336-9270

i«iia > a ••^11 ** A * svaikt^ by pcescripcioii, but tnoie inr^>ortsntly, viralload reductions to undetectable kvds. How­ Inhibiton) whidi tndudcs the avaikble antivirais Bocfae l^tal Load AoocM Progfaoi ' w iiew people bftve HIV riut is resistant to tbem. Tbe ever, studies of this combinadon report that these Nevinqiine and DdflvicdtncThoi^ nnore is stiH This past summer. Reasons fbr Hope and odier ptomise of tbis combiiution is furthered by results are finuted to pec^ who have tiever used beiiig ieanxd abouc ho«P NNRTTs and ptotease treatment information sources announced diat ritDnsvir*s apparent ability to increase d^ acccssi- ddl befbre and \(4K> have more dian 300T cdls. In inhibitots teact widi each cxhcr, this particular Rodie Mokctskr Systems was ofierii^ two fiee bflity of saquinavir to tbe ccUs that need it. In die the same study, only 5 percent of diose who beg^ study Aows tfaat halfofdiepeopleki die study got viralload tests betweenJun e 17andAi^ 16. Whik RESOURCES FOR AIDS Directorv case of saquinavir, the more drt^ available the widi fewerthan300Tcells reduced thdr viral k>ad diek viral load down to undetectabk kvds. Scien­ about 56,000 spedmens^woe processed, Rodie better the effects. to undetectable levels. (If you are interested in tists bdiev^c that die results wiD improve with had miscalculated interest, and wilfirig^iess ofkbo- parricqMitifig in a study of this combinatioo, call hitier doses of Cdxtvan as £^IP266 tends to ratories to take part. This nieant that sotne 14,000 WOMEN Ihe study of people \(^ had never taken pro­ Free testing fior HIV exposure is availabfe from New York State Departmem of HeaM^ call CRI of New England at 617-566-4004 ext. 30 for reduce die aixioutit of the drug in the body ^ote: tease inhibitors shcTwed diat seven out of every tO specimens had still noc been processed by nad- Itediestw-AreaRegional^^ I-800-962-5063 fbr pay phones or calls people xeduced iheir viral loads to undetectable moreinformation. It is not advisabk to mix these drugs until more is October. Ckazly thb was a probkm for peopk HEALTH: CULTURAL; outskfe Rochester. Deaf or hearing impaired peopfe should call (716)423-8120 (TDD.) levels (bdow 200 in this study) by using this InThePipditie known about them.) iriaking crudd treamientdAdskxis on the basb of NofRXM County Women's HMMI Rochester Women's Community Statevrtde ifrfonmtion can be obtain^ provkfe AIDS-rdated services are as follows: axnl»nation fcM* 12 wedcs. Ihe people in this study Researchers and doctors at the Conference were FinaOy, T-20, a totally new kind of dru^ will be these tests. Whik it wiD noc undo past damage, tc b PMtnerAlp. 1441 East AVCL. Rochester Chorus. 473-7365. ^ Or«oir« cakndr, had an itKxeasc of about 100 T cdls, and thc opdmistk not only because of the encours^^ tested in peopk before die end ofthe year. Ihb heartenitig to see Roche inake tiew coinmitnients, NY I4«I0; (716)473-2652. Comprehen­ pfl«eBI9.) AIDS Rochester, Inc, 1350 Unh^erslQf Ave., provides educatkm, refemis to appropriate comlMnarion even proved easy to take, as it is only presentation about available treatments, but also dn^stops HIV from infcctimg odb of the immune whk^ hopefuDy they wiU bc abk to meet. sive breast cancer screenb^ services for Lesbian ^^riters Groups All levels servke agencies, dient and fiunily servkes, advocacy for peopfe feeing HIV-linked discrimina­ fcquired eatly in the motnii^ and just be&Mc bed. because ofa number of antivirals in devdc^xnent. systeminadifferentwaythanallothcrantivitftls.lt f^rst,dlof the rotuhs of the remaining back^ uninsured and underinsured women. and types of writing. Meets first and third tion, and other services, indudk>g financial assistance and a pubhc education speaker bureau. (716)442-2220 V/TOD (business line) or (716)442-2200 V/TDD (hodine). I^^ot only was this combination benefidal, but also One serious problem in the use of protease is caBed a "fusion''inhibitor, because it stops HIV logged ^>edniens wiD be zetttmed to physkians by Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic* liondays, 7-9 pm, CJAGV Community side cfiBccts common to ritonavir like lunisca, vom­ inhibitors has persisted, known as cross resistance. fixxn attadiir^ to oeBs and beginning the infection Dec 14. Second, for each indivkiual who had a 1351 MtHopeAve. 442-2190. Dr. Wende Clenter. 179 Adantic Ave. Helping People with AIDS, inc (HPA) P.O. Box 1543 Rochester NY 14603-1543 Is a non- iting and dianhea were minimal because lower When HIV devdops resistance to one protease prooess. It has proven to be cflective in mice and specimen that was not processed by nud-Oc^tobcr, Lo^^m-Young and an all-woman staff pro­ Sakwood Books. 633 Monroe Ave.. profit, volunteer organization. HPA raises and distributes funds to support prmams that provkfe services to peopfe Ihfing with HIV and AIDS. Funding is provided to agencies located doses of ritonavir wete required inhilMtor it may also be resistant to odiers to which hopes are that human testing b^juining later this Roche wiD offer cwo coi^>ons fbr futute free tests, vide mammograms. Rochester NY 14607.473-8110. it hasn't been exposed. A new protease inhibitor, year will yield positive resuhs. AIDS flodiester Women's Health in the counties of Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca. Livirmton, Chemufig, Steuben. Wayne Ihc most cncours^ing aspect of this study, valid fbr six months. In order to avcxd a similar Women's Performance Project. and Yates. Hotline (716)987-1853. •• . / however, is that people vnho did noc benefit Bom called "nelfinavir,*'made by Agouron Pharmaceu­ Overall, it looks as thot^ the virus mig^t be backlog these free vouchers wiU go out over a Outreach. HIV prevention program. 442- (Wild Wimmin) All-female performance pccvious atienyts to treat their disease were he^>cd ticals, looks as potent as the test of the protease abk to be contained in most peqple. It is in^>or- pedk>d firom mkl-Deoember 1996 to the end of 2220. 1350 University Ave. ARI has ser­ ^t>up. 235-4182. Gay Alliance ofthe Genesee VaMey peer tictfitators can provide referrab to ph>^ic^^ as much as people whohad never before takenany inhibitors, but it mi^t have added benefits. tant, however, to determine die current oomfaina- Maxch 1997«Ifyoartestc£dnotcomebackintime, vices for HrV positive vt" <*^ *^*«»^^*^^*V Message machine od>er tknes, (716)244-8640. aattvtcals. If the final tcsulcs of tfais study arc as Agouron daims diat nelfinavir m^^ not be cross tion of drugs that wiU do this on an indivkkial basis* be sure CD contact your physidan and have him or Comnnunitjr Health Network. 758 based company offers B&B, speakers, re­ good as or better than this, the ritXMiavir/saquitiavir resistant if used by a person as their jfirarpcooease This can be a chaBengit^task,e8pcciaIly forpeopk her ofdcr your free cot^Mcis when diey hear back South Ave. 244-9000. Support group for treats, unions, lesbian performers, special HIV/STipCoordkiationProjectofMoriroeCounty. l855W.ftunSt..rundux>u^Monroe tt^iibitor. Studies to see if it is stiS useful ^Skrusii^ who have already taken many antivirals. These ficom Rodie. Thb b especiafiy Icfyortant because HIV positive women, "Making Connec­ events. Write PO Box 254. Rochester NY County Cfepartment of Heakh. provkfes Inforniation, educatkan and traln^ and maint^^ cocnbinarion could be the standard of care for resource library. Sue C::owell, (716)464-5928 (VnTTY). people with AIDS. This combination could hc^ other protease inhibitors are going on now. developments seem to offer new options even to I^jysidatis wiD have to chsck their own records to tions." Contact Lyn Blackburn. Meets fir^t I460I-02S4. vo answer a quesdon that has puzzled docttxs fc^ Nelfinavir will likely be spproved by the FDA in those whose HTV has become resistant to the see whose test b coming bade bte, as they are sent and third Mondays, 9:30- i I am. Pre-inter­ SPORTS Community Heahh Network (CHN). 758SoudiAve. Agg^-essive early interventk>n medkal d)e past two years: how do you h^ peofde whose early 1997. If your virus seems to be resistant to curtently availabk tteaonents. bade with codes, noc names, to ensure confidenti­ view required. "Mwns Etc" support9XHj|> Lioness Pride Motorcycle Club. care for all aspects ofHIV/AIDS care ainkai trials, propams for women, mental heahh a^ work/case management (716)244-9000. virxis has become resistant to txx>st available treat­ other protease inhibitors, then you might bc di- TheFutuic ality. fbr all female caregivers: contact Sydney Meets third Weds, and third Sat. in alter­ Metzger. CHN has many other foctis ments t> (Note: There was also a pccscntarion at the gible fbr Agouron's coo^nssionatc use prognun. Many questions remain in the fight against HIV. TheAIDSWfisersGmtpscoftsistsefRDbertFolaaaad nate months at C^GV Community Cen­ Rodiester Area Task Force on AIDS (RATFA) is a collection of agencfes prx»4dfaig a groups and services for I^IV positive Conference which indicated that using saquinavir Call 1-800-621-7111 for more information. Can sdentists devdop cheaper antiviral drugs with Ijiu Pesce cfACr UP Boston; DavidStoitdras,Robett ter, 179 Adantk Ave. Weds: 7 pm. Sat: 5 mukiplidty of resources and services to the upstMe New York community. Their offices are women and HIV negative partners. located dirough die Finger Lakes Heaith Systems Agency, which also provides medkal in combtfiarion with another protease inhibitor, Another repeat fixxn die Conference in G\axo fewer side effects? Can thc doses of antivirals be Kr^s, 1.4tstrenHelkr, Derek Ubby, andl^asty Bresstottr pm. 234-7075. Wdlcome's new protease inhtt>itor, Vertex, was substantially reduced after viral load is reduced to Altemathf es fior Battered Women. literature and newspaper dippings, as wdl as denKs^aphic and statistkal data fbr use in devd^ indinavir {Crixivan} is an unwise choice. Ifyou arc Jhm Search ForA Cttre. The Remettf Panel cottsists if E>r. Women's basketbalL Monday, Thurs­ heakh care services. Manha Bond, (716)461-3520. considering trying a two protease Gcxnbinadon be also favorable. It too mi^t not bc cross resistant undetectabk kvds? Can drv^ bc discontinued CalCohen, Research L^ttctttrcfCRI, NeafEtiglattd;Dr, 232-7353. Shelter, counseling. Lesbians day n^ts. 7-9 pm, Downtovm United sure to discuss thc decision with a doctor thor- to any ofthe currently available protease inhibitors after several years of successful use and thc body Ken Mayer, Director of the Brown Uttivertity AIDS welcome. Presbyterian Church, 121 N. Rtzhygh St. Greater Rochester AIDS interfeith Network(GRAIN) prx>videsiayand professtonal care dirough hedir« and memorid services; training of friendty viskors fbr vis^ Oi^^y familiar widi these drugs.) or to nelfinavir. Still other protease inhibitors are in eliminate the virus? Ocarly, thc understanding of Progpcati; Dr. Stevett Bostt^ Medical LHreetor at tlie POLITICAL: Ramona, 244-1640. how HTV works and how the body controls it must hospices and prisons; information about pastoral resources and advocacy on behalf of people Researchers at thc Conference also presented early phases of testing and more are being des^ned FettttHTjf Comtttttniiy Heatth Cetttet; Stettart Lattdert, Women Against a Violent Envi­ GENERALS affected by AIDS. (716)889-8050. ^ *^ be further devdoped. results of another study on the effectiveness of to overcome the problem of cross resistance. SettiorConsu/tatttatJobnSaon^Inc'JoitnJafftes, EtbUtr ronment (WAVE.) Issues of violence Women's Resource Center. Monroe Community CoHege maintauns an AIDS Resource Ubrary in the Leroy V. Ciood Hydroxyurea, an old cancer drug^ coupled with In another study, using die fiuniliar protease Whik thc answers to dicsc questions have not and Pttidisher ofAIDS treaimetit ttetvs. against women. PO Box 15650. Rochester YWCA, 175 N. Clinton Ave. 546-7740. Library, third floor. I OOOE. Henrietta Rd. Open to public during regJartibraryhoiKs. 424-5200. ddL, another nuke. This combination reduced inhibitor Crixivan in combination with a new yet been found, they arc being heavily pursued and The ideas expressed in titis artide ar^ those tftbe Boston NiY I4608.234-9709.www.rochester.edu/ Slice of Lifie Cale. Feminist vegetarian viralload by 90 percent in half the people involved antiviral called DMP266 showed excdlent results. are not unattainable. These answers are essential to AIDS Writers Gwtep attd do ttot ttecessttrify rfket tbe SBA/95-75/wav.html restaurant. 742 South Ave. 271-8010. Monroe Courity Health Department, at 111 WestfidI Road in Henrietta, offefs testily and counsding for HIV and other sexudiy transmktsd diseases. (716) 274 6146. in the study. Of thc peopie who started the trial DMP266 is &om a different class of drugs called thc progress and devdopment of HIV treatment cpittions ofthe Reviem PtttteL National Ofganiacation fior Women Women's Center Prx^jecL 454-8930. with more than 30T cells, half of them experienced NNRTTs (Non-Nucleotidc Reverse Transcriptase and the focus of medical lesearch today. (Greater Rochester HOVi.) PO Box Special events promoting unity and dia­ StrcMig Mernorial Hospital provides a complete rar^ of HIV medkd care, induding access m 93196; (716)461 -1310. E-mail: logue between women. ocperimemd treatment protocols, and HIV testing Abo provkies individud and 9^>up [email protected] Web page: Cheek our monthfy ainl ongoing caientiars psychotherapy. Trdning of hedth care professionab dso avaiabfe. lnfecckxisDiseaseainicr7l6) 275-0526. Departnnent of Psychiatry, (716) 275-3379. AIDSTr^nkigProject, (7\6> 27S-5693. Fabrics & www.rochester.edu/SBA/9S-7S/ for more groups atid events, and cdl xht rochnow.html G^g^St^Jtyxinp^linefbr referrab, at 244-8640. Planned ParentftM»ocl of RodMstmr VMI 0«n«MMb Vadivy olksn testtns and Informadon Findings (716)546 2595. y^ y^ y y ^ y /• y yy y y Threshold YcNStb Center provides conMentidtesdng for your^ peopfe ;^ges 12-25. !=ces oti A Treasure Packed siidn^ scale, no one denfed service. Threshokl CcyMser for Akenriative Youch Services^ oft otur bacics St. 454-7530, Wareliouse i^^<'^ 26 years of the finest New York AIDS Irwdtutoe Experimentai Treatnnent Infoline. U^ to date informatfon on of Fashion Fabnce youmey to 'WfioCeness dinicd oiab and eacpanded access propams. Touchtone phone. l-800-MS>S-4-HIV; (212)239- feminist JoumaJlsm 5523. at Ciose-out Prices. *Psycfwtfierapy News International Finger Lakes Famiiy Care will provkfe confklentid or anonymous free cestirw in Oitario/ Wayne Counties. 1-800-650-9853. Reinnants»Piece Good* Health Conferences Mill enda^J^ecorator FabricA Lesbian issues Interviews Actkm Frorit Cefit»r (Actfon for a Better Community.) FVovides HIV prevention education an^ *Insi0ht case rr^anagement servfces. Trainingand technkai assistance to service providers. Resource Itor^ roaxti~Tn ms Sexuality Radical open to public All services free and confidentid. Mukicukurd and blingud staff. Rudy R^era. Custom UpKolstery **Empowennent Subscribe Today! prognum manage-. I SON. Clinton Ave. Hours 8Ja-5pm.Monday4=riday. 546-6180;fex 546-5669. Windov^ Treatments *Jlwai(ftmi0 Creatwiiyy free anonymous HIV tsstx^ on vvalk-in basis. Thursdays 9 anv 4 prru provided throi^ NYS Sliop at Home C»vkfes linloge vvkh other service proMders. transpo^ IVe been in the hair replacement business in Rochester for Address tadoR andflnandd assbcvM^fbr houslr«. Monday^=riday 8:30am-4:40pm. II5^ 50 7lnderss-fio njn. 272-1930 (716)266-7686 SaAunlay, pjn. A ptoua ootMbOborto JU08 RoehMtM' HCR Home Health Agency Hcai HoMeHedtfa Agency $05.00 JdrmmwkmH (990.00 UpmmUitvJmmanf 201 's imm eare $peeieili$it umehtm^ouramtk UttaKtmiBpmHi^tmtlB. 508 White Spruce Boulevud CeH Tom lor bilunRMMDR m mmm Spniee * (Across from MCC ia Sovdmew COMMMM)

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dons ^dth padents. Picase catt Marie at Watch fiar fiirther detaib on i^Kom- 442-6999 for infonnadon. loogdme fiiend of the Chorus. When ducer. This is an immense job, as it ing events in die £ii^ OUM^ on our wiltif^nesstomect others aodhavefun. fitted widk hope. For tnote lofoittMdoo* we receive a gift of 1100 or more, diis emails afl the planning fbr a perfix- Radier he'd come to the lowly, the Internet home page at http;// Rsuigers fiiend witt match each dc^kr with an mance. Joanne has sudi eapedence as Swing dance pfeue can 262-2170. fiuigz.com/'-'rangers, oo Multicom 4 despised and the rejected. And what Because of die Rochester community, aridirinnal 50 cents. So a gift made be­ bothamusicianandaconcertpcoducei; Swing dandng is up and running. The kKal events listings, and on our posters ^XMip of pe<^>le today fit diat descrtp- Open Arms MCC our annual tudcey dinner to benefit fixe die deadline of Dec 31 w3hdt^ aodRWCCis exdted to wdcome her to Rochester Swit^ Dance Network wiU rion? Why, us homosexuals, of couise. and flyers. You can wdte to us at Roch­ with the begining of December^ our Elisha House vas one of die best the Chocus an adcfitional $50. Please cafl our fiunily. sponsor a beginning swing dance class So today Christ wouk) come to us. In ester Ranger5,Inc., 1361 Rkl^wayAve^ d&urch, like churches everywhere* is events of this year. A sizable doination us at 423-0650 fbr more information. The Dec 7 concert wiU also fisatute fix four Thursdays injanuary (Jan. 9, £K:t, Christ is akeady widi us. He ncvcf Rochester NY 14615-6788, or emaa us entering the season of Advent, a dme is on its way to the home for the dyin^ Do you have Tbesdayevening;i fiee many local wotnen musidans,. indbid- 16,23,30.) left us. He never condemned us. He at rocbester [email protected]. of prepararion and anddpadon, of and the huge box of donated goods fiom January through l^&uch? Why ing four percussionists, who r expedence is neces­ Conway, our exckit^ AefSbsn section 271-6939 fot infixmation. ric Ave. concert. After the caroUin^ well par­ ages of God" On Chrismias Eve, widi Leroy Anderson's ''Skigh Ride," one friends to join us diis Decemlxr to kttchen» as wdl as for the generous sary. You wiU just be asked to sing up and our entire behind-the-flceiies efifort take of the cookies and punch diat die a candieiight service at 11 pjn^ we invite of the songs ^adiich the chorus is re- leam Rochester Ennpire Bears worship together to honcH- die Intth of donadon of dinner wine. Bartender and down the scale so dut your voice on Dec. 7 Ux Umsindo Ba Uxolo — More L^t committee of DUPC d- you to celebrate one of the most gentle hearsir^ for our December concert, MarkyourcalendarslEarfyGay Games The Empire Bears are almost a year Christ. For no matter what your sexual Kevin had his hands fiill, and we want can be placed Rdiearsals are fitxn 7- Sounds of Peacd ways offers on Satutday nigjht. I hope and lovdy images of God; the btrdi of seem most appropriate after registration is January 1997. R^istra- old. Look oud Overgrown cubs can dicy make extra this year, I've seen orientarion, no tnatter what your race, to diank Anie for pitching tn. 9-30pjn.onTuesdays,aftcrwhkh those thc baby Jesus. We of&r this joyous Rochester's chilly autumn and tion packets are scheduled to arrive in bc dangerous! Too pla3rful for their diose Bears eat. no matter what your denominarion Ihe foOowing donated wonderfid who wish adjourn to Muthers fbr fun Men's social worship experience with mudc and the November's notorious "lake effect" time fix die Dec 2 meeting at the own good! mig^tbe—you arc part ofthe Body of prizes, ph cerdficates and turkeys: and fdlowship. If you have always On Nov. 8 die first in a series of Empire Bears canbe reached care of tradidonal Christmas story to all peoc^. gave us warning of things to come. GAGV Community Center, 179 At­ Our new cxecurive committee and its Christ- Wcgputtis, Matt and Carol Raisxnan, wanted to sing with the Chorus, now is mondily men's socials was hdd at die to tiie^«©tjr^3^8^ dieGAGV. 179Adantic Ave., Roches­ Other seasonal diurch activities wiH BtttnottofeadToquote another line lantk Ave. Plan to r^;ister early if you sub-comnuttees are planning the calen­ Dignity-Integrity is ^ community of Seass, Rochester Custom Leather, jm your chance. GAGV Community Center, 179 At­ ter NY 14607-1255. Or e-mail us at be a musical outreadi to some spedal fiom "Sld^ Ride," we'U be "sni^^ waru to take part in the 1998 Gay •^"tj^T »i3 -^ dar for die winter and spring, which will homosexuals who dare to bdieve that C, Wistetia Fk>wets and Gtfis^ Hair lantic Ave. Eiinpitebears@muldd»m.org. Here's people in Rochestcr. Thc Open Anns iq> togpdicr like two birds of a feather^ Gaines Via Amsterdaiii»Ncdieriand8» he approved at our general member­ die Lord Jesus Christ loves us as much Force, Headlines, Pride CoanccdoQ, ^^fomen's Chorus About 45 men anended and ex^oy^ WOOFin'atyou! diotr, widi odier individuals, wiB he^ 'o^ien our community cocnes togedier Ai:^ 1- 8. ship meedng. BETHERE at the GAGV as anyone else on earth! We cdebrate Andiooy's 522, Bachek>r FontoK Tar% Uttesittdo Ba Uxoio is a i^irase in die LOADS of fbod (thanks^ l^ffike and L^.^^ •^. -^ ., .j....^ •• the residents ofa group home cekbrate fbr die warrodi and \oy ofour annual According to Gay Games Federa­ Community Center, 179 Adanric Ave., mass in die Catholic and Episcopal tra­ Avenue Pub, and lig^ In^xesssons. Zulu langu^e meaning "Sounds of Wes, and spedal diar^ to TVnijft Lambda Car Club at their annual Christmas party on Dec. fiunily cd^Madon. Business Forum dirions. Our services start at 5 p.m. each Pastry fix the sfinfuOy delicious, diet- tion representatives. Gay Games V ex­ at 7:30 p.ni. on Decembear 4. All bears Our classic cars may be mcked away 18. Also,'Tteck thc Halls," a tradirion at Get your advance sale only tickets for Peace." It sqidy descrttses the Rodies­ We had a very successful November Sunday at St Luke-St. Simon Cyrene, Ihe time is Dec. 13 and 14, at 8 pjn. desttoying coddes aod pastrksw They pects to fiB about 40 percent of the and hunters are invited to attend our fbr a loi^ winter's nap, but the Finger our church, will be an informal social our annual Chdsunas Gala and Awards ter Women's Community Chcxus's social, introducing area college sm­ 17 Soudi Fitzhu^ St. near the Monroe The piace is the Downtown United wete out of this wodd!) Bat, more im­ spots available^ Eadi sport venue has a meetings and get to know U5. We try to Lakes chapter ofLambda Car Club is gathcrii^ at thc Chapd on Dec 14 at 6 Presentadon, at Dandrea's Party House armual holiday concert, which wiU be dents to the Rochester gay and lesbian County Office Building. Presbyterian Church, 121 R Fitzht^ portantly, wc had fim meedr^ new ceilir^ so TeamRochester is e^^ to mix business and sodaliring at diese ready to share some holiday cheer. on Dec 7. Thc formal nig^t out starts held on Dec 7 at 8 p.m. at the Twelve pjn. We win decorate our space, sin^ St Parking is available across the street. secure spots fbr committed athletes at business community. Thanks to you meedngs, and will work to make all fed For each ofthe first four Sundays of with codctails at 7 pjn. and a fixir- Comers Presbytetian Church on S. fiiends, sodaliztn^ and playing party Our second annual holiday gadiering listen to holiday music and probably cat The concert win feature both dassic this registration. No one knows how all for making the students feel so welcome. Stay tuned for the date of December, wc^Tl be lighting a candle in coursedinnerwith compHmentarywine Winton Rd., dose to Monroe Ave. &wncs. is Dec. 15 from 4 pjn. on at the home of (pizza). and humorous songs and carc^. Our many sports, if any, win be closed after welcome. January's meeting, because thc first die Advent Wreadi on our altar. Youll at 8 pjn. Dance music win be provided and Brighton High SchooL A name game was played usingalaxge our club president, Rob. Agam this year If you are looking for a warm, sup­ diis pre-ri^;istruk>n. Our December social on Dec. 12 will Wednesday of January is a holiday. cxpcnence the holy mystery of unpredictable Rochcttc dancers have Hckets arc on sale now at The Pride baU of yam (thanks, Gary!) and anocher we will collect gifts for doruirion to portive worshipping community, we by Cheap Trax, and a token g^ is pre­ Immanud in our joyous pageantry tumed sentimental and wiU perform a We arc wotking with local athfetk have a holiday dieme. Players from Friday Foraging at the Forum contin­ diencs of AII>S RodKstcr—clothing, sented to each attendee as our thanks Connecdon, Siflcwood Books, ViUage icebreaker invt^ved smangroups of men invite you to join us on Sunday morn­ romandc Chnstmas wakz in tux and dubs to n^otiate low-cost member^ Bassically Tiebletnakcrs will be on hand ues to be held on the last Friday ofeach linens, toiletries, gift oerrificates — be bathed in incense, scxig and prayer. Well fi^ support during die year. Hdcets are Green Bookstore and Ske oflife Cafe. making animal sounds and twisting ings at 10*30 at 302 N. Goodman St. tails. In v^t is becoming a tradidon, shqps fbrTeamRodiesterathlB&es. We're to serenade us with seasonal tunes. We mondv, starting after 9:30 pjn. This creative! treat you to an extra-spedal Yuletide onfyS37perperson, and are on salenow Paces are 110 fi>r the general public, $8 themscWes out of human pcetzek. The Suite 306. You may caB die churdi potnsetdas wiU dec P*tty at the GAGV Commu­ diis Advent and Christmas seasonl RCL. Our January social will kick o^T our a Christmas Eve service at 6 pJn. on widi mV/AIDS. To ccKitra>ute one or lat^titer. Qub are offering our members only a grow in attendance, and wc hope to add nity Center, 179 Adantic Ave., b^;in- Tostart 1997, the Rai3gers win present fiivodtes, song;) fix>m die Jewish and activities for 1S>97. We will announce Dec 24. Plus well hc offering other more plants at |10 each, call the 12-monthmembership fix|300.These new events as it grows. See you on ning at 7:30 p.m. onjan. 25. Hospital visiting "New B^jinnings and Reficcdons" on Afiican traditions, and rla«eifflt choral Wc want you to joki the fun tool Thc dates for the '97 Gay and **holiday treats" which you'll find out Chorusline at 423-0650. For more de­ rates indude unlimited use of die fiKsMty Novcmbear 29 and Decembear 27. For morc details on m 9 pjn. to 1 a.m. at Com­ Hterature. Ihere win be a sing-akxig and next men's social win be hckl at the cultural fesdval that we will bc sponsor­ about when yoa cotne to mass. tails, sec our ad in this issue. and no initiation fee. (Tennis is extra at The Octobear poduck was a big suc­ ries. caU Rob. 225-0769. Monroe Community HospitaL mon Grounds. This wiU be a bar ni^t an appearance by local poet Diane GAGV Community Center on Dec We axe ^t approaching die end ofa ing again this year. cess, with enough fbod to send us all There's no need to fed all alone diis We'U visit padents there who haveno with muchics and many Happy New CcMiway. 13. Doors open at7 pm. The theme win Groups continued on ffiext We are still looking for volunteers for into hibemarion happily gorged. Stay Dignity-lntegrit/ Christmas. Please join us. We'd love to visitors. Holidays can be a very lonely Year surfxisesl financial chall^igp offered to us by a Joanne Casey is our new fuUdmepro- be "hc^iday cheer." Brit^ a smile and a have you. And wc of Dignity-Integrity dve Gay Yellow Pages pro)ccc, and wc tuned fbr the next feast, and watch fbr If Jcsus Christ were bom today, to dme for many of us, but especially for NviU need volunteers for thc Gay Pride upcoming events Uke a card party and whom ^ji^ould he appear? Not to thc wish you all die moat blessed, meny those who are side and infirm. We^B weekend. If j'ou can help, please come Death by Chocolate dessert party. rich, thc saved and thc self-righteous. Christmas... and a happy New Year, pass &at Boweifi^and shiue tonverila- N I tlvw t/^A/t A CoMMrr.a: FOR GAY USMAM AI«> DDEXUAL CoNcmM CORDIALLY INVITE5 YOU TO JOIN US FOR 5UM)AY \^OR5H!P EACH VHK AT 10:30AM, COFFff HOUR TO FOLlXHf Serving the iesbian/gay conimunity for over eleven years Ai A MEMBER Of THE LWAIUAN l^lVEHSALlTr AiKXlATlON Elaine Elkins Ms.Ed Wt COVENANT TO AfflRM AND PROMOTE Barbara Debes, M.S. THE WHERtrfT %ORTH AW WGMTY Of EVERY PER50N Psychotherapist Counseling from an attitudinal FlR5T UNIVER5A.LI5T CHURCH Individual and relationship counseling I30 S. CLINTON AT COURT ^46—2^^ healing perspective Westininster Presbyterian Church 1 anxiety & depression A MORE LIGHT Congregation 1 loneliness & separation indMcAafc Relatkmshlp. Group. Paoiily DIGNITY-INTEGRITY 1 resolving conflicts i^ere people of all sexual orientations communication skills - SHcfins Pee Scale ROCHESTER worship and minister together sexual abuse recov^y (Roman Catholic-Episcopal) Located in Rociiester's 19th. Ward drag & alcoholism 545 Parb Avenue (716) 271-4610 330 Wemncton ATC. 436-^200 grief & loss "Healing is itere, and tiappiness anti peace'' We welcome all regardless of worship tradition Worsh^: 10:30 a.m. GNntdsys 244-4837 I or sexual orientation. Liturgy every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Social Hour at 6:00 p.m. Geri Stanton Pbtluck Dinner every third Sunday of the month Community Christian Felloivship bgether we zvill create an '...a place fbr gay & lesbian Christians to call home!' environment that promotes Church of St. Luke and St. Simon Cyrene T 17 South Fitzhugh St. Meeting the First and Third Fridays ofthe month (Comer of Broad St. and S. Fitzhugh St.) at 7:30 pm. at healing, provides supportfor explorin 41 Westminster Rd. EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST your personal joumey and empozvers Phone 2C2-217« Rochester. NY • Individual, Couple and MS.Ed., MS.Ed. you to make self-resvectinQ choices. This Eucharistic commumty exists- For more information or free brochure, please write or call! Group Therapy National Certified Counselor • to worship God CoBUBonity Christian FeUowship • Specializing in Concems of: Certified Clinical Mental • to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ P.O. Box 68005 Isolation and Loneliness, Health Counselor Rochester. NY 14618 ^J^ '>U. VAJllt'*.^ , MS- Ed. • to witness to the reality ofChristian gay Relationships, Sq)aration, 496 White Spruce Blvd. Nationally Certified men and women (716)234-9776 Sdf-Esteem, Abuse, and Rocheslei; NY 146^ Individual^ Couples, Groups Sexual Orientation TDD (716)533-2041 Sign Lai^uage I^fident Join OS in celebratiiig 20 years Voice (716)424-7180 (n6)38S4735 In our ^.i>iM>»«m«*«t

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Midtown.) Kathleen A. Moran CSW It's easy to |oin TeamRodhescer. Individual & Group Therapy Membeishqp is S50 and you get a quar­ terly newsletter, team t-shin aod Gay Games Flash fbr bte-fatealdng news Family Issues about the Games. Hiese spedal dub WiHian A. KeHy, CSW Sexuality / Spirituality rates ate avaibfalconfytoTeam Roches­ Home Studies ter members. We need your stfiport in ocder to Carole J. CmnmRN, CSW, CAC continue to grow. With our maOing list AAfflCT CcrtHM Sex 38 Marictes Dr. Rochoter, NY 14616 - 381*2433 do^ to 100 and the number ofinquincs nUK 1 CAIUWT about die team incteasbg daily, we BLBCnnCAL I MlfVALL need to move the org^ii/aiion ftom a • AloOMlADnvReMedO IWALljOlifliaiWS CARPKMimr Adull Pcyehottwrapy strictly vohinteer elfott to one that has With your mamberthlp you recdve: paid staff to ooQcdinate our acdvides. •Team Rochestcr Tee Shirt Plan to be part of a winning team! • HIV/STD ReMBd taMS AMIllUai JOE RUSSO, Psy.D. • Quarterly Newsletter y • Gay GamesV News Fbsh PSYCHOLOGIST Wonnen's hiking 4M WfeMe Spnice Boelewd • AN Documentationfor f^utidpation &Tnyel to Gay Games The Women's Hiking Gro(q> meets Rochester, New York 14423 • Plus«, twice mondily. It's agreatway to exer­ Now^faNaMe Exdusively lb Team Rochester Members Only cise and meet interesting women in a C71C) 327-2121 52SUn)mniiyAwanue By Appoimnwnl Only nochMtsr. N«w Yortt 14607 (716) 234-«887 Midtown Tennis Ckib or Rochester Athletic Ckib 12 Month Membership, $300 healthy environment. CaD Doona tbr No initiacion Fee & Unlimited Usa^ (Tennis extra) information at 442-6399 between 12 bynMfltkaaM FREE ESrHMAlCS Don't wait to Join Team Rochester, and 9 p.m. Eariy R^tratksn for Gay Games 1998 is January of 1997. ( m^ % malmi wMi*iw of MfcliW wg ^ wtia' DC. 20033. TcL 202-223-6697. Fix: 202-265-9737. Internet: • Real Property Partnership Agreements [email protected]. • Wills & Estate Planning • Small Business transactions Put the pieces t>ack together. Kimterly Russell: 387-0500 Attomey

Off ffllos wm alfliiimifBaii OMNIVlllO GIUM "j^p" " •.'•»^*«a!-«rts*wiMit'»i^ ^">;l^lcllc^ -V. i;.sr>osifti, A l.S. BRIGHTON: Just hsXsAl Unique & seduded property backs to Pinnacle Hill! Wonderiiil views Call with your computer and modem today!—716-756-4300 jf'^^4efut^€4t Huther-Doyle Unleash the healing power of art. from each window! 3 bedrooms, 15 bath, svmporch, hardwood floors, in-law apt. & more! ; A Place for Healing or point your browser at: tittp://www.multicom.org B^in the joumey toward mending the broken pieces of your past. Individual, couple, and family sessions available by appointment. $184,900. 325-5100 For more information call 716-442-1669,24 hours a day! 111 Rockview Terrace, Rochester, N\' 14606 AngriaLuddy RE/MAX Realty Group 25S-4895. 716.234.2857 hester 1 PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR ADULTS & ADOLESCENTS icourses RELATIONSHIP & FAMILY COUNSELING

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ANNOCNCBMBNIS ltdtaiffnili,5y,150fca,,yoodifidM>d Vnliin-1 • far die Bnapqr t sppogitnicnct atniy FRESH IS BEST We need ^md ptxtueaama (Mirmanfl . WBypotnpwininncih^ Wotd), ad fV tyicre, pjoofaaden, m- poctcnji lewwcn^ photogirytici*. If no. IW 39493 yoo can (pve two faoonamondi, pleaae is tfae proof of RwUte) NT 14604 caaSumiat244-9Q3a latHlaLliom, and 1 hawc uf u five yeats* America Bi4>tiais wd fiienU If wonfal Pbt youfsdf in the bnods mote L«o«l (716) 2714X>93 you are gay, ksl^aii, buezual or people trust — mine. Piease call ttaasgendeied, and ate kxddag for a (715)235-6688 tod^ Hqypy hofidays! OrJm (800)331..8306 ftiendly, supputtive group, join m, Doyonwranttotefnove aCseaa from BUY IT. SELL IT. TKADE Amencan Bayuata CoDocmed ofthe your ife? }&e me to dean yoor houseO Rix . (716)271^422 certified. QiHTiacyatFTrCOMPANY, Honacnsste, thou^itfiil, tcspon- RancL Rodiester Aica, on DecL Idornjilani 647~902Z Montist Oauch, 57 hour servke and Gcflular te^ponse. Rea­ PESSONAUS tera^db beadi. 15 muniies firom Litdc. ARE Ambcosc SL Cal SliLfey at 392-2998 sonabfe lates and comracts available. MOoe: Yoo used to pby pool at the N/s, n/d. Cicativtty and humor aplus. for mote informarion. CaH Geo^e after 6 pm at (716)235- Fomm qoite a loc Yoa ate Hispanic ^ S350/room, $425/two rootns, afl. 467- PURGED! !f! about 5^6", bbde haii^btown eyes, mus­ 7795. Oiaphonfcuii4pae 1635;(716)966-1657c^nLGoodXmas tache. Fve seen you wafting (shittlcss) Gary male looking fiir same or bi to Road announces die Ftaak Otiaca g^ The United States inqKMts $300 million worth of snails Awatd ChaybookCaMu|ictitioo forgaty, Body/moade ruba. Who can you on UnivetsayAve. ticar Aleacander over rent room in private three-story Iesbtan and faiscnttl aiahms ^^noer ca& for an honest-to-goodness body/ die summer. You have one aim morc townfaoOse near Dctiise Rd. and Lake annually, 98% of them come in cans. need ves S200, puhlkatkMi of die cfaap- mosdc tub? Why, this GM ^ yeats developed than the otfaer and waai- Ave. Assigned patking. wasfaer-dtycr. bocdc, 25 fitcc copies. Poetty, pfoae po­ oH5^0",175l3&.)ofcootscIwillease btMHd abs tfaat almost caused tne to Student CHCfl95pkis.(716)581-228Z ems, ccoss-gente tens acoqsttid. Read­ away your workday tenaifins at your have an attkVnt ki tny car. I dso said Com HOL Shate tfatcc-bcdjoom ing fee fl 0 per entry (chedcs pi^ahfe to convenience. Nodiii^ moce, notfaic^ faeHo and sawyou at Scioe^ speaking to homewitfaaitig^g^non-smokii^male. Rider's Ranch Escargot, snails are raised in a controlled Thoingate Road.) Mofc dian one cnny less and no unwanted sutpttscs. Book "Dr. Tom" catfier this year. Haven't Futnisfaed, bamdiy, cable, A/C, dish- environment ,we raise two different kinds of snaUs pennitieii Each txaxst kidodc SIO fee. now. (716)234-3232. ^Ooc a sex acfi) seen you saice then. IVn mterested in wadid^ caipetii^ Avaabide now. S30D gettitig to know you. I was blonde witfa which are the otala lactea sxiail (babalucd) the helix Deadline Feb. 1,1997.StilMinss»onsoot HELPWANTTED plus. Cdl 262-9905, Chtis. Leave mes­ nawtadir and ^an%r% You^ icoogpize aspersa aiail (escargot). rctmned. Endose SASE forscsaia.Jini Need caots motkey? Daa cntty/ CityNE* Ga^tnak seeks one per­ Ellcdgc, Hie Ftank CTHsa Awaid tne. Please teyond witfa your imctcst derk position avadafafe. Hoots vaty be­ son, m/C g^/stra^jht, to diatc quiet ehsybook Competition, Campos BOK tween 3-10 hoots per week. Please (or dwiiHnirat) atid a way for me to hotne-Newly decoBaiBdbcdroom,hon- 4241, Unit for Cdnften^xxaiy LaeratUR^ send letter of intetest to GAGV, 179 oontact yoo. J^ VM 453-0577. ThefaBowmgptiaonetaseefcmel^ dty, storage kitty. Plenty of space and minois State Unhretsity, Nonml IL Atlamk Avc^ Rodiester NY 14609. pdva^. Should be neat, non-snnokei; 61790-4241. Jucavcl csotMKilBanc* Gteat Expecta­ ig^il/non-diinkcr. $325 indudes utili­ IraWan antfaokigy. Seddog sob- tions Ttavd is gpowing^ We need an CSWli, , ecial occasion escai^ot party PO Box 159, Laofd hCT 59044. GeaplMcattMtnecdedJannafy 1997 GWM, 23, 5*8", daik hdc; brown balfbath, livingtoom, dining room, cat- eyes, 155 lis. Aihleticalty balk, pics- of fiving atcas atid butidty lacilitirt in idtdicfi, pantty, office. Hafdwood platters avaible upon request Vniiiwyfffjea yrdsiJ HIV tte^eivc by kical boatd gMne nMmdactmer for \l^ 00 rr endyincarcetatcd.Sedcit]gprofessk]ttal $75/weck inrfcidrs aH, even cable. CaH floors, staitied ^ass, bundiy hookups, gay man aecjfcd to pattkapate Sl HIV Imanutuos cartoon desigps (otic to four Wmaur smKTS man fix fiiendship and possifafty moBC. 467-6321 fott mote infixmation. g^uage, off-street paddt^ fenced yard, -vacdne trials. Mtist bc an good liesldi ALL NfAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED WOfR? 738-W67 Sriinns inqninrs onty. Age/iaoc not a Off MoMuc, two4iediooin, avaft- thopcts. $69S/montfa, one moodi secu­ and 1S40 ^ea>s ofagc. Cjoenpetwanon Send lener ofiniririi toe PO BCK 146. bctor. Jcffii R BcH, #81559, PO Bos abfe immrdiatdy. Near bus, waHc to tity. Avdbbfeinid-January Or Fd>cuaiy. for tio)^ and tiarvd ptovided. Hcasc caH Fahpoit NY 14450. Attcntkxi: Tom E. 128, KSP, Eddyvfle, KY42Q3&012a Pnk Ave, Cobbs HHI and H^fabnd CaH 482-9102. 273-AIDS for moce infocxnaiioo. Aetobic inacractor. Competitive ROOMMATES/ RAINBOW Advantage's Alwwg a FP^E Qan SBRVICES wages, instructor tmciMivea induding I^riL La^c storage atea, bundiy hook­ FORSALE HOUSEMATES ups. Fledfafe lease. |525 plus ntHitiirs Pmfiflrt, Custnm-butk ranch, 2300 'Ine beat body tnbal Strang sidBed cadi bonuses, evening dasses. Mnst be CaH 657-6391. square feet, thtee bedrootns, two and a Desbafale Soi^fa Wedge locatku. half baths, wkh ametiities galore. In- Talking Classifieds 254-6060 HATETHATHAIR AvetiHbctwccnClintDn and Soudi. Vk:- ground pool, gaaadio, cabana with bath, totiantfatec-femily.Onebodtoomlo'wcr two wet bars, 16x32 great toocn. On Rochester's Newest Communication Resource For the Atternatlve Communities #iS^AMaW9tf rrSHBT AuCMVMIf levcL Hatdwood trim and floors. $475 pcivate patk-like scttir^. Serious buyers indndrshcat,patkitigatidbundty.ljease only. Low $170*3.671^515 anytime. Issue 03- Pec, 1996 » SOCIAL and FOOD& FEMALE PERSONALS and deposk. 473-6255. MERCHANDISE Looking for a Roommate? SPECIAL EVENTS ENTERTAINMENT 6900'S FDA Appravedas Etfuai to Ne&Me Technokigy 61 OP'S Have a house or apartment mOtemtilhe Dtm^kmeks to rent? Or maybe have a 6500's 6700*8 Your very own Personal Ad Complete Bedroom Set coukl be here. Caii 254^6060 includes two dressers, box reasonably priced rental at The Bachelor Forum - Call Rider's Ranch Escargot: • For tlie past 2 years Transdermal Electrolysis has tieen tested around the woild fay spring and comfortable Proviencetown tor next year? to hear what's hsippening. FRESH is BEST. Fresh Hints on Using the TeHting doctors, tBPses, needte dtoctrologists, and f^tfaftridaaa. IU x: I KOI ^ SIS ri\ LIZ \ mattress. $250 or best offer. Your ad here will get some Something r>ew each month. gour- met product avaiiabie AdBox 6102 great responses. Call 254- AdBox 6502 locally. For the holkJays or Classifieds: Tbey repart c«odtort pf twHa aad aa akfle dfccta. 6060 Today. "^Press each button slowty G/L/B/T Organizations your next special occasion GMipBmmiaty Consukadon • Rifl Bocfy-Womm &Men Looking for FIESTAWARE Escargot Party Platters and firmiy. - Tranadennal uses a cottoo^ipped appficator instead ofa needle. and any other **Depression BUSINESS and tired of answering your Appoiotmetite to Fit Your Schedule home phone at mealtimes. avaitat>le upon request. VYou have to be in the " Transdennal b ftster and can kifl sevetal faairs at a time. Needles kifl one hair at a tsne. Era" dishes. Will pay good PROFESSIONAL Internet Address avaHabie Main Qraating level to * Transdermal b safer and never invades tfae slmt price for pieces in excellent Publk:ize your Organlzatk>n SERVICE via AdBox 6701. access the AdBoxes. Use ~ There b no ink of mfectioa, scarrings ptftm^ or scaUMDg. condition. AdBox 6103 here and use a AdBox for 6400*s timely messages. CaH Calersr?? Strippers? Ail the Pound Key [ # ] to move - Tranaderntd kffls hair abcyve tfae ddn and hair loider the skin as wdl. Have a Hobby?? What Looking to save some money eoeOToday the needed ingredients for a tiack through the levels. - R^rowlh widi Tiatudennai b less tfaan ir b witfa tfae neetfie. better place to advertise arKl successful event coukl be ^If you dO-QS^ wanlto leave sell your finished projects. for the Hoiktays? TOP TRANSPORTATION simply advertised here. CaR message press [ in during CaH 254^6060 today. STYLIST offering discount haircuts for the rrtonth of 6600's 264-4060 Today. ttie verbal prompt to gat out .^^ scars, n^jntSp no ^^ctum, noscaSs, amsTj^est^aH S' Artiftetal Christmss Tree December. AdBox S401 AduK sized 12 Speed A Sbc Month MBox is only 1 to hear helpful with all tbe trimmings. Easily J^SOllXI Plan now to make 1997 UPHOLSHERY SERVICE Blcyde for sale. Excellent $115.00 - and if you trae the hints on Mkm ^^ systam. a $400 originai value - selKng «***••• I Good price for high quality conditbn and reasonably Taking Ctaasifieda" tag in 210 hear summaiy the year you meet that special someone! for $75. AdBox S110 work. FamHy owned & oper­ prKMd. CaH AdBox 6601 your other ads, you gel a of catagories and cttffsnt Ad- EMPLOYMENT ated. Free estimates and 1970 Mercury Mowlarey - 4 further discount, CeH 264- Bmes. ty category. 6200's pk:k-up and delivefy. Better door daasfc* Runs - bod/s 6060Today. TPvees 3 to hear Tax-on* Business Bureau recom­ good. Needs some T.L.C. Demand* ntenu. Fm-AFi iLooklng For Employeee? mended. Call and leave your MALE PERSONALS personteeoperson What better place to Asking $525. AdBox 6609 TProee 4 to hear how to ir)formatk>n and we'll get One Month AdBox is only place your own AcSox. advertise for great people t>ack to you as soon as PerscmaL piofessioiiaL discreet matchmaking $25 and wOl be published in QWM Wtaard LooUng for YPfses 6 tp leave a with good taste arxi 'gay possible. Thank you for exdusivdy for the gay and lesbian community. mult^ news-sources. And Ms King. If thm message meaaage br Hia Systems VmJot^ sensibilities" than right here. conskiering us, AdBox 6402 ^noawnf^ Call 254^6060 Today. you get ninety secorxte to has some speciat meaning Menager. ^ -II»«BW Long-term AdBox rentals speek to potential toyou tfien you wM contact Ij^rets Ota sand a fax. P.V HOUSING are as cheap as 56 cents per customers. CeH 264-6060 AdBox 6S07 soon. Only the 6300's day. Call 264-6060 Today mystfcal need ig)ply. Opening in Rochester in January: mmkt C^PERRV rs ths PC's snd isntS about timswscrsstssdvsntsass to brtngspsrlef SIS RAIMeOWTTTIi^ ANK is a teaoMsas plisvii^ wftli REPAIRS To request moie infonnation or to reserve an appointment, worlcing "pound" snd "star" toys, and aomattiingto stiara, saM, rsntor OurVotesSIS ADOITIONS PATVIGUETTA page 921-1174 today. varbslprompta-AND-avary csH Is Droa. CaMloday,sowacaninsStoyoMOurln»DrmaaQnftwiBalandA|i|>fcaaon- AndnNsamban ALL parsonal hifenssSon is ALWAYS ponadanHsl. 442-0648 Call ths Rainbow Advantags's TALKING CLASSOTEDS at 254-6060, Aiways a FREE CaM > All Ths Tliif. ,»WWf-«-. I

262-3634. COAP New Yest^a Pat^. 9 pm, Ftek^ Open Atma MCC aodaL "Deck The ONGOING Calendar die HaQs.''6 pm. 302 N. Goodman St, JANUARY SUNDAYS Suite 306.271-8471. SUNDAY Mctcy Sfdtitoal Companion Pko- bl die Life. Gay newsmagaaine wil Center, 179 Advitic Ave. 234-5050. Svopotv^sodal group. Every Tuead^, SUNDAY IS Mote Llgbt Sqppott Gtoup G^ and Leabian Sufspoct Gtow 7-9 pm. Tana, 473-3791; Mamc, 787- air on WXXK TV at midnigK Ihb Lambda Car pub. HoHday^thcrw for gay and ledbkm peopfe and Ihnd PKihyl^Daa Cfawdi, 4Kl^rSt 92S4 Evenitttof reflection for diose im- scpnt"*'* dieme b AIDS, and'wiB foa- foends, 12:15 pm, bst Sundays. PMM b^ HIV/AIDS. 730-9 pro. in^ 4 pmon, at Rob's home. Biinga^ift Fnt md dMd Mondays, 730^9 pn^ 271- GLBFSA SUNY Btodqpofft ; Churd^S|im oue die Quik m Washic^fon D.C, die Downtown UfMcd Piesbycenan 6513. Open meetings Tuesdays 3:46 pm, Oil 671-$070 or 473-6893. Meny fee AIDS Rodiester dients. CaB Rob Dac. 13,14: Ga^ Mattel Ca^on^ DtyaJway hk ANI; the ptouaae and Cfavdi, 121N. Ftedi^ St ^1-160& Womea'a baaketbal Jtm. 228 Seymout-Closed meciitigB Fn^er Centet; 65 f^ddand Ave. fbrdetaib,dttecdons,.at (716)225-0769. caB Jock^V 3^^3369, -. WcMneii'a baakedNdt / oonoart^ DUPC, 8 pm and more. Monday and Ibutsday ni^iit, 7-9 pav Wild Wimmin Perfotmsnicc off f iiWana aadCaya (^JKLAG) Downtown UnitBd fteabyteoan Tfautsdays, Mond^ 7-9 pm, Dt^pm- f Groi^ monthly meeting open to-all :&30-5 ptl^ Friends Meetk^ House, Chutdb, 121 N. Fttdni^ St Ramona, RcM; tfaiid and fifdi ^aafi Tuesdays, town Urdced ftesfaytciian Qumii, COAF dinner out. Brian, 272^87(^. FourHMtts- 41 Wcamanitar. Last Sunday. 234- a44-164a Cotmnnaity Heahfa Nenrotk, 758 121N. Rtifau^ St RmiotM, 244-164a intetestedwomen.6ptn.I%mnit^meet- Bffl ofRig^ diimer. Genesee Val­ days kl Jamtaty. 8-9^ pm» Fkx Gym. 0156 Soodi A^e; 7-830 p(%7Sr-S315; 244- ii^ for opting pcoductRMv For location, ley Chapter,RY.CiviHibe«i^Uok». GB^Jenny, 271-6939, to tcfftitex. flS. Seootai fotttdi Mondays, 4-530 pm, 9000. 7inv second IbuodM GAGV Com- information, caU 654-7*^)9. Speaker; tiationaUy syndkitted cbkon- TUODAYN AIDS Rodbeste^ 1350 Ikuvetaky naaaqrCmia; 179 AtwdcAve. 271- WEDNESDAY IS Cfautdi, 171 Btdasfi^ St Every Ave. I^ee. 442-2220. 4482. SUNDAY I MetvoJuatkeAltctnativeCclebts- Comets PicsbytetianlChxtfch, S. Winton nistMolfyIvins.RcdMpp'sButy House, WRd wuuuulflL Afi mfotmadott ?Miiixl«y_ ttniiiiilF ilMrMmr *IWNPMM» COAPprniS and Mgfata jaJa^t Sue, /,630-9pm, St. Maty*a Cotmectkm WotklAH^Day.Geotge Eastman tion Faiti 6- 9-30 pm, Btst Unitatbn Rd. 473-7365. $10 getieral admissKm, 1001 Lexington Ave. Caahbar 530pm, ev«9cy diiidSindi^. 328-9758. Dowtaown Udttd Ptnbyteaan CfauRfa, For gya aod lesbians, ftmiKes and 6c30pm. House: Talk by artist David Keating at Chuidi, 220 Winton Rd. S. Aduh dona- $8 studems/seniots, $5 childten. bufiEetdioner6:15pm.S35/^>efSoo,]^/ ^sMeutMkdiGttdeefiaaThRtedTfmStBty 7:15 pm, Mondays. Qover Lanes, 121N. itefaqe^ St. 473-736SL fixnds. Ihkd Tfautad^n, 730-9 pm, SATURDAY 21 opening of "Finding You," Museum, two $1,325-2560/ Rodbester Rangers Cfadstmaa patron. Call 454-4334. willbefaddat7pmatWritets&Bob&s, CotiMmpiy Qwapdh 2750 Montoe Ave. 251-2175. Gi^ AlHatioe of Ifae Geneaee Vdfey 15 St Uarf%Place (nearGEVA.) 1:30 pm. Reception in Potter Peristyle, COAP anifnarion nlg^it. 8 pnru Gsla.7pm,Dandra^>PartyHouseJ35. FRIDAY 13 COAP Chriatmaa party. Gift ex­ 302 N. Goodman St, state 306 (at COAP boatd of diwctnta Meeting secotid 271-4241. 740 Untveiaky Ave. 654-7709. Vifla« Gate.) 1030 am. 271-S47& Wednesdays, 7 pm, 179 Atbtttic Ave. 6-8 pm. Candid^t Walk to libeny Tom, 2324183. SUNDAYS Rochester Gay Men's Chorua diange 5 pm. Dave L^ 288-8758. Come Out and Flay. Meetit^ last WEONBDAYIS GyMct^aAkoholica Anonym Monday, 7 pm, GAGV Cotumuniqr 244-8640. 730 pm. PO Box 10366, Rocheater Pole, 8:15 pm. Keating exhibit wiH be SATliRDAYT TUESDAY 24 COAP bruncfa. 11 am. Brian, 272- Cfatbtniaa oonoert. 8 pm. Downtown Ban|My Ckiaec dradHtir, Anides, GcDaei; 179 Adanik Ave. RUM,473-6407. Gay Alcoholica Anouyinmia NY 14610-0366. Open Anna MCC Christmas Eve open thnx^ Fd>. 9. MettoJuadoeAltefnativeCdelita- 8705. United Reshyterian Qnudi, 121 N. lettets to editor, dassifieds, noti-cam- St Luke's/St Simon Cyrene 7pni,UiaiatianQaxdi,220 WkaonRd. service, 11 pm. 302 N. Goodman St, THURSDAYS tkm Fair. 10 am- 3 ptn. First Unitarian The Magical Gifia of tfae Muae. A Fitdii^ St 423-0650. OMcady ads. 244-9030. Chutdi, 17 S. Btdx^ St 830 pm, EvciyMKiday, 7-&45 pm, Sdiod #12 Pioahively Sobet 'Xbtening to Each Other Re* Church, 2^ Winton RAS. Adult dona­ feminist creative writing workshop fbr Men»8 aodaL 7 pm, GAGV Com­ suite 306.271-8471. 232^20. Qjp, IXtfiy School South Ave. oppo­ AA giot^ doted meetii^. AIDS Second Ibuisdays, Memorial Aft Gai- THURSDAY 16 Gay, Leabiati, ^acxual apectluify: Motal Per^iectivea on tion $1,325-2560. SATURDAY 28 site H^^ibnd Ho^sttaL 442-0289. Rochester, 1350 Ufiiveisity Ave. Ev­ fa|^M0-7 pen. 4360422. women. 1130 am to 5ptn, Beau Fbuve munity Center, 179 Atbntic Ave. 244- WUd Wimmin. An infotmation and Ftienda AaaocJatioii COAP Festivai of Lig^ta. 2 pm, Ametican Bapiiata Concetned ety Wednesday, noon to 1 pm. HomoaexualiQr.'^alkbyPiofPatcida Qucntin Od^ Book signing by Bed & Bzeakfest Inn, 242 linwood 8640. Tbcmc: Holiday Cheer. (GLBFA) Third Mondays, 730 pm. Webster fttftneta of (Inceat) Sutvivota Fbs^er Lakea Gay-Leabian Sodid Beattie Jung, co-author of Heterase>cism: auAitx of The Naked CM>iiSetvattt, Roch­ Ave^Bu&k>429.FQricibcaHRamona, SATURDAY 14 Chris, 442-3491. dKxOksikofGttdenSalheRttdTftteStttey U. of Rochester. Sundsq^ 5 pm, House, 57 Ambmse St 392r29%. Anocqrmoua 12-Ssep meeting Gtoup att Etitical Chaiiet^. U.R. Interfiuth ester Qistom Leathers, 12- 1 pm. Talk 882-6116, or SheHcy, 76M633. Rochester Gay Men*a Choma TdMXtfgetTaSk.f:^ar^Oxtw«f^i»-- wiB be hdd at 7 pm at Writers & Books, MofBy401. 275-9379. Leabjan Wtiteta Gtoup Women's Information Center, 601 Eotl^ida^ anddhkdTuesdsns. Cal P15) BiGALAPlua First, tfaird Mondays. 7 pm, GAGV Allen St, Syracuse. Wednesdays, 6-8 Chapel, 7 pm, firee and open to pubUc andditmer,Muthet5,6-8pm.t25.Spc»i- TUESDAY 10 Chiiatinaa concert. 8 ptn. Downtown 03SSC»Blaekljed>itttuitt WhiteAmeriea,! 740 Universtty Ave. 654-7709. 536-7753 and ask for Sam Edwatds, or St Jc^in Fisher CoO^e. Second, Communtty Center, 170 Atlantic Ave. pm Kerry, (315)451-7123. Co-sponsored by Interfiuth Chapd and sored by Gerbil Zine and RCL. COAP game nig^ 7 {MIL Russ, pm, Bcsrders Books and Music, 1000 write POBox 941, Geneva NY14456L United Presbyterian Church, 121 HOMDAYIO fourth Sundays, Basil HaO. For time TUESDAY Sv^sport Gmtqi for Paienta Community Chfiatian Fdlowsh^ GLBFSA. Hylan Drive. Free. Co-sponsored by Rodieater W«iien*s Commutii^ 473-^407. N J'itzhug^ St. 423-0650. Enapty Ckiset deadline. Photo- cafl Sabrina, 387-3061. Rodicater <^ Men's Chorua Wbo Have Loat CfaOdren First and diird Fridays, 730 pm. FRIDAY 6 Chonia winter oonoert 8 ptn. Twelve THURSDAY 12 COAP cookie patty. 7 pm. MQu^, Borders and GAGV. grsqibs, camera-ready ads. 244-9030. Rocfaeater Ratters Downtown United Presbytetian First, third Wednesdays, 11 am-1230 Friends' Meetii^ House, 41 TUESDAY 31 SATURDAY 25 monthly business meeting, first Sut^ Churdi, 121 N. Fttzhu^ St.7-930 ptn, lliird Presbyterian Churdi, 4 WesaTiinster.482-0511. days. 4 pm, Badidor Forum, 670 pm. 423^50. Mdg^ St Sponsored by Genesee Re- Men*a Social PRECIOUS PET WATCHBtS, INC. LambdaCar Chib. *'Wmtcr Wann- UnivctsEty Ave. 251-212Z Sexual Con^pul^ivea Anon. ^on Home Care. Free. 325-1880. Second Fridays, 7 pm, GAGV Com­ Up** party at the GAGV Cotnmunity GAGV LeabJan Gay Bi Youdi For diOse desiring dietr own personal Lioneaa Ptide Motorcyde Chdi munity Center, 179 Adantic Ave. 244- Quedity Pat Care ki Your Home Ccntet;179 AtlanticAve. Sodalcvcning, Groi^ sexud sobdety. 730-9 pm. Write SCA, Tbitd Weds., tfaird Sat in altermate 8640. 730pm. Fordetails can Rob, (716)225- Ages 14-21. Every Sunday, 2-4 pm, PO Box 13801, Rodiester NY 14613. mondis. Weds; 7 ptn. Sac 5 ptn. SATURDAY Dogs, Cats, Birds. Reptiiss, and smal animab 0769. GAGV Cotnmunity Center, 179 At­ Gay Alcoholica Anonymoua GAGV Community Center, 179 At­ Gay/Leabian AtAnon lantic Ave. Hcst Unitaiian Church, 220 S. ^Klnton MOff«AY27 lantic Ave. 244-8640. 8 pm, Genesee Hoqsital, 244 Alexander Waidng, Plav«rxi. Feedings. MaintsnarKS CEKBIL Rainbow Amateur Radio Aaaoc St Gay and Lesbian Ou^Mticnt Re- Rd.7pm. Triang^Taikaecond anirfversaty. Aquarkjm Set-<4)s ;ul4:u Zine Hnger Lakea chapiter. Fbiger Lakea Gay/Leabian Sup­ oovety Group Rocfaester Rama bar n^^ Hiird L J Rccepdon 630 pm. Borders. Tony Business meedng/hiiKh. Call Bob, port Group 7 pm. Main Quest ¥oe information Satutday. 8 pm-2 am. Bachelor Fo­ 442-7185. Ibird Tuesdays, first Fridays. Wtite csOl Paul Vinette, 464-8870, ex. 236. rutn, 470 Univendty Ave. 271-6930. Bonded a- Insured hctp://wwwjnulcicofn.ofg/2erbil/{erbtom Tj^iiaryj on j^MrriovMnrby Simon IjeVey, 7 pm. Free. Sex and Love Addicta Anonymotia PO Box 941, Geneva NY 14456, or THURSDAY Lfac RaiidiowAKaooe foe tt» Deaf 730 pm. PO Box 10366, Rodiesttr caB pi 5)536-7753, ask for Sam Pteaby leriana for Lisabian Second Saturdays, 7 pin. Gay AI^ 716-288-6472 FRIDAY3I H NY 14610-0366. Edwards. and €^y Concerns ance, 179 Adantic Ave. Write PO Box Enipty Cloaet mailingparty. Mail­ MONDAY Atlantic Five 0 630 pm, first Thursday. For location 20093, Rodiester NV 14618. N-. ing and distribuckm of die Februaiy Rocfaeater Leabian and Gay Gay men 50 and over. Second Tues­ call Ra^ 271-7649.. Lambda Healtfa Sciencea BC 7 ptn, iqtstairs at thc GAGV Com­ Political Caucua day, 730 pm, GAGV Community Rocfaeater Freedom Smgets Sixtfa Saturckys, dinner/meerir^. Cafl munity Ccneer, 179 Adandc Ave. 244- Every second Monday, 7 pm sodal, Center; 179 Adandc Ave. 461-0821. Mixed chorus. Rehearsals 7 ptn, Steve, 271-8719. 7:15 meeting,, GAGV Communicy Getifa^Out Rochester Re-Hab Center. 9030.

|{* )klt| UN 1^ iKOl: l.:^ \M i 111! ( r M «\ TRIANGLE TRIANGLE ; ••.! ^1 \ I •M • I •> I V i TALK TALK BUCK WOMEN m Wmn AMtBMKA Qtmm ScuMxUsK AMD AaasM OF RxsBAMca ON HoMOSExmuir nr S^MON LB VAIT HT ANTM COBNWffiLL MoNDAir, JANUMKYST, 7Fhar9s3ttm MimiMar, DBCKMBEB 30,7fM-S:3Qnf DiscossiON LKAOOt: TGNY LEUZZI, DiscDsaoN LBADBR: DIANE CONWIY, WBIISR AMD EOflOR SOCIAL ft VtxjmscAL Acnvisr, DBAMAXIC POKTBSS TAUC»Alf SOCOKHDIf SBans FOCUSINO OH taacmuRQif asanBa Focusaso ott aocxs ornyrncuLAK OPMaSBDLAa to IHB OAY, LBnUAN» AND TO IHB QAYt UaatAK, MID KUnUL ttHLDAT vm LAfT MONDAT OP BVBBT r, »SMJ»AT IBB £J4aT MOKDWiT OP BVBRV MOMtH. All. awia AB AMD GffBN IO IHB fUBUC. IkaifaMMAMiAH I AMD OnR to 1K8 nttuc. I / ' t. /My •/)• M BORDERS BORDERS ' ,;• . 'it H , .'::.{)•..-• H Saturday April 5, 199 Jr> ^oc^cs^c r Affcr Pan/ [WANTED: Beusch 6- Lomb VVinrcr Garden A ii Tl MEN FOR A MERRY TIME SSomttm^ Q/^ttme^ (^Lt^Ust Calling for Volunfccrs, Hosts and addirionr\ CV t f"^ ^ ? \ / Come cdebrate die hcdidays on Friday. Deconber 13 at the GACV Coomiuntty Center rie-szs-tfSs^ EMPIRE STATE PRIDE AGEND ftmn 7:00 pm tfll..~ All oien wdcome. •AOVwUI u m MM'* toctal wy mamt 9tU*9 •* tk« VMitk. 716-271-2420

&jg^vJi»n)i^^«iieOi*:d«^^^ I ( I * I . ^ < , V , I » L > ; ^ ' ; » ^ • . - ^ ' •- »A " ^ \ * - '•* « J- ' ' i\V.>»N>>X\\^XV>A\\\^^^^ "^

"^ConMentiml Connection

Fkwldat MWM, deu. annctive. •IWM,S'M^,190lbs..browiWbi>mra. Bl cnrtoM Ikt 25. 57'. 135 Iba.. UUOMeN fof Fs to hnve ft fittle fua wtth. Mutt M€N ledu quiet •Aenwoa body nte uMl 33. Mhletic bi^ld. ISObrntiMfttr-f. dnightactii».attractive.goodbaild; iKdAdhee. «1948 fiwmy faMBmem. »13S3 rnCC MESSAGE 2S0lb«.+. broad shooMen, large beer gred seme of bomor, outgoing, imo Mt^^ ei4S8 masic aod fun; ISO same for friend- I AiaacSve, BKartMM F ISO attrac­ CWFT, w. tao Y«i*Hi-ttavalotoaiMidd.jwt IkOIWM 43. west lidc ISO diytiiike tive Bi/Bt-««riow F ror MendiUp tlM.; ISO better belL Mm* be wifflM ^SftlU'S^'tafSoSSr f* W «««>«J «Joyniem w*A TV/ I nut RETRIEVAL M^•l5*lt^ half B. halfW.maacv !!^E; 5^ iMcs memkmHn^ AYsiUriUc: fim. pomtbtt irtmionilrip. »I3SI ID take one diy a a time. Mr Mea^ with tarn. 45.170 at. ISO amulir cp.w«fc^ »1«4 Hue. educated, suaighl acti^ aenae MWM BO M for yet logedien and IliBIWF nsis NMdadI Ow, lexy.snootbCiyrv/ of hamor. honed, sincere; ISO mns- eadting, adwtnhroa limes. MS* Ite., ISO BiWF <2t-25) (br friend- • J^i— >, a,^., f^wi; JJ i<:n GWM, kmnaottM, ISO good look TS for famaiy fiilfillipeaL «n4i culv.mmcnlte sensitiv^snicmBi/ Q^^^ ^^^ 15Q youiwer TV/BiCD With the proper Identilkation anp and Itelaiy witH her and ber ifS2 51 ^?JL«/-^iir« 2i inj GW/BM (32-50) for good iim«. ^H" ITTtLT"""!."" •"F^ OMforfon.daimg.pcaaibletm for mutnd sdisfactioiailust be a«b- beach, fim, honesty, dinner. danciaa. 9t^umm.\A CMl- iMt ovigoinf. great aenae of humo*^ var- *^*" missive and Kke discipHne. »lt3 Sexy wr BO BF for fantuy gel D Ad free. MUtfttmmt Goe* ^ ltaUanM.311 .180 fc5Tn»eseiu;ISOO«*M(l»-M)fof 2 day rental on all films S"'i^?^J2' '^^^^^*Tli? Hne CWC for new e>periencea.»3l '"^•"•""-"""'^ ^^»^^ iss.-:sSp'sr-^'S^ s?s«'-^'^=^^-'s?i hot encowneri and more. t34as „ _r_TTr:r LMktag Par Sir for aenaud get fun, silfl **'•• Rent 5 for the price of 2 (1\iesdays & Thursdays) rM. 23. ISO otder. AUiaKtfTc. very anbaaiidvc WM 5^Jr^.S!!!l::?'S*'L!S5miaatve. ISO dominam CM. attrac: masculine. weB«gpjBd^«2^ ltotftthefAandhotcon¥eraation». onlv, who have attractive F. poaaible C. taSO 1»41 a aenae of advcntwt and faniasy *.rw-wu^2S: ^=- Adfree.fordiacTmftm *aSS» SGWF ISO SBiWF. feminine, for M, an^l. slim. ISO iarge M.>l75y WTVtSOdomifHsiiM Very #342« fonnmca [AUintSve BIF. cnrioas. open, look­ Lesbian ft Qxf fifntf Abawt Us: WMtecCGIrtewh..hDiustw«niDhaD w SSlS'J^afS^SSli^SjS! ^=^^=^ ^^' ^^^^ WM32,21Slha..gremshape.wdda e«couMer8wiUiCiyrwwc^t»<* iag for BiF. Moai be d A d tne. BIC wanKd! BiWM Father ngarc GWFM. disiin *3237 fun and make «4I42 iSbCs for daytime fantasy (drui- gnidwd, fuS toving. firm if needed. ^^.Tii^^ GHM. bearlype. 30. ISO OWM Over 200 films to choose fit)m IF22. ISO F for rriendahip and to go Sexy, WW w* vin^mL<«).e>v»ii^ «iim A"" ' »« At BlWM. ver"'y diacreel. IDCTL »>J7 imlRtnlee when you Warnwarn;: ISO bright. :rr.r^":*~r.^^S!USJSESEh ^ ., 5^f"I^i . (2 show her sexy mn «bip and much more. Students wd- laeutaSul hi hot oil rubs? He is! IMBBF ISO tt*, Bi^Fs for diacreet creet. daytime encoimkrs. Beard, ing guidance and iasiraction.•4473 Are y«",^Curicws? BiWM. very Carto« M ISO TSTTV to leach him BiM. 30, good looking, SV, 170 lbs.. do! "'^ come. «S« mowtadw. good looking. »>l» BiM 3B, «••", 200 lbs., inieresled in ^^-T^^*- »S0 fnendshtp and more.^ and have good Ume». «2«S] [SSK^iiSSi^^SSiSSiSl GWIooMntfarGWF(I8-2^ LooktaicfcrGWM(l8^3«HSOwiId ISO M's to exchange rubs. *3B3 Very cartow, very nervoM MWM «»«»^»S'SF* '^ *** ****'S^ >«.«^#^»c» ^Jz: BI~carioaB MHM ISO famasy ffd- Adult Lesbiaii FHms: :k€€k Oit OBT Rew HerduaAMl umea. *3tl fUlmcni and new experiences.#2SyB SnbmiMlvc MBIWM. mostly inex- WC ISO attLT for fantasy fniriU- MWC 4« A 34, kMking for adven­ looking for C with Bi/Bi-curious M wtlbOBiC. #«S7 MBIM CD ISOmme. very pasabfc pcncnccd. ISO well equipped tracfaer lawm and fm times. DAd free. ture and fun. ISO Similar C Mast be M ^ bnart moostache. works od s,ISOBiS/Cs.*a»7 Sfanyrace.lDpteaae^SCTvc.»«»l [AmtioMe lo hear ffrom yoa! 92319 who wants to take the time 10 imrc^ BI^TIUM WM, friendly, mature. r°^"S~^'** ""^'iSS#32SP' BIWC Over 75 films to choose from ^^ M d A d free 'tSS *n»^* ISO M (45*) who loves duce him imo Bi •S15 dtaciect.lSOBi>vicr inKremed in playint poker, body rubs, S^fch^i y«wt M, prefceaWy kmg r''^>!T'^TT^ *"'^ * " BivvMa. i63ii»».,handaome.isu laew expeiiencea. Bi faniaqr, ISO Diacrebon assured. expected.*l»f7 Athenlloa GBM*s (lg-30). GWM I sensitive, sexy BiWF 10 show herihe (|g-24). blond/bhie cr green. 5*2 GWM 31, seeking GB/WM for strings fan with pleaswe seeking BM BIM32,siraigbiacting.steader,good tmy wnnmeat. new experiencra. way. mtS 115-120 lbs. »1»2 frieadship, poasiUe relalioMhip. (19*). »T75 shape. ISO same. »^IB5 fXNS M,S*r',brDwa/gieen.250lbB..ISO ISO fhendriitp. possible relaliomdiip. Ornaments »1»17 M23» Adult Male Filns: Q 3S A 28, ISO famasy fttlfiDmem SWF 2S, yir*. attractive, fdl fig- umi be maacniine. Only red hfs ZIAI. •• TT. CWM,5<",bn>wnrtMad.slimb«ild. diacreet new expenences. 1 BiWM. very dim- BIWM3g^«*2'M9SlbB..dMkbiOwa/ I Witt another F. im^ -^L?S^.L^,?^..!^puftner for fMHrny fdfiUmeM wid^i ^3!S2^: *!M SoTiSiSM'^stS^ S;^SSS5r*'*^'l3ff«««2-»?o^*?^^^^^ '^r-* Over 400 films to choose from Boxed Christmas Cards iFBOFMindtchanioMwi^aod §M. FII— SWMIoQktaiforlwuimeswtihFs. in«efvhmandbciRgdiseiplined.M«t rma innai« fnr rf«min.« n.n.ii7; 1£.!II?„"**"**^''^^''°^'5^!^ f^ !?^ ***JI2-S^SS !? ***^ ***'*^.^^ »°™* *?2S!£ [have some fun. *3771 • #4BM be Kood lookina. wen boflL Race SWMIoofclagfordommammyer. tionship. »3m more. Are yon cwwos? Would you sirwghtacting;lSOaoaieonesiraighi 100 Hot New Arrivals Decorations [GBF 27. ISO GFforfriendship fim. i2^^!3JTIl:S!L*^p^JSopen minded, anractive BiF for poa? - ^^^B.WMCD.-^.dl.dender,p.ssive^ .j. ^_ ,j_^ r«to-iwm«^. tr^tan*-*»P° goou d toOKmg." weu Wfflt ^ ^^ gWM mU^'a. ISO Ms <21-35> for Hke to tdk? He c«a hdp. aife rtini. cxcdtem shape Mud be aSn. Iddidmly. relationship. h^ 3fe surpriac for Bi prtfriend.#£;i ^ ^SS^MSO'^ST^TJ^IS SW — «.—. .J.W r!ww« CWFM.5V, 175 lb*., bkmdrtiluc. fun. no strings attached, hm times. SWM 33, lookiag for fammy fulfill- Ar«»scdinee yoa a. s AM, stndem? BiWMMIX. iSGrriDaldaglorsame. for fim times, SWF 31, 5*«", addetic bdld. dark/ frimiUBaybe morep or ;dres ISOs n CC^n^^fofun. ffSMfr (5^)fi.faJ^^^Sg^iStiT ^ ISS^A^SSglSy--y^ . hiewe,,:, y reward..^.^.J if you can figure o^m he^himodITtuTcF^'^^? S vety discreet, ISO A stodeM who's raid-Sffs.lSOwen being hedlhy Stocking Stuffers honest, sincere LTR. Has one <^ild. dmk. ISO WF who enioys mellow CWMTT •P.*«M M of >iiv a*^ ^^ UriL.^ «»«ii^-«^ innk^, - '^^^ who he is and what hc wama.«3B53 BIWM 29. dean cut. discreet, very very curious, wanu to talk. F33S> #32»r weeknithis.weehemlDinviat.danc- ™* *^ «**?^jifT^iK^ e^^PP^*- »w«tar. good kwkmg ^ »^MdB aame for duciM u^ ^5,,^,^ jg^ ^^ kjoking. dee body, good kjokiBg.submissive. ISO WPM BIWM 39, ISO new experiences and -» I WF ISO BiF for fantmy mg 'z^''s;^^:^srfo. "^^''«^'^**°«^*^'*> cowdere. *34»B uiagcutar. ISO>Mofanyrace.»3ia M "T •»«'•«« «•»S (25-40)(25-40).masculinctoodIookin«.ro. maaculinc good toddng, forr discreet encoumen. Age. race wim- fdfiMmcrtwtd> boyfriend. »273i friendship firsL BIM mM^ara. good kmking. ISO Candles Mtm !"^Li?-^^^H'*yUy*^^' GWMKiiiimittlag,57-, ISOlhL. ___^ ponaK. patience is. F2S72 SGBF at. di«:reet, hedthy. SBF fcrnklng far Fs ody. (25*). en- JHSS S^'tSJT "^iS bmlC^iyngforL^aunitfUbra browdblne, into^oSnlry music and At«radlw,lBi (.wdlettrnpeed SIWM mid m%, good looking, fit. IlSO red. down to SSF wS^^ )o« fun. going om and being wUh "* ^ ^.n n J^. Msfordaciedpteasurea. »M73 n««mMp»sianalet. monimKMaponianeouMs cveninrevemngsa to-to- M ISO SMW. #14tf7 ready to go, ISO same for daytime Pridewear imoga»es.tikesdimn8out.movies. cgherpeopV #M»» ^^^'^'^^fi^^g^^^I SWM, good looUn(,3'll', Mond/gether. ISOmom'sapptepiekiiidof Laae3rs.M,5T',l60SM..slender, cncouniera. #l47i more #13^ CwMiMF.seeksFlorrunUmesHe «"ire. ctean. n/d. Mr. RiyhL »Wt Une. ninncr's physique. ISO atinc- guy, poasiMe LTR. No games. miM CD. ISO M's who Kke to fanta­ Attractive, Bl catlews hfWM ISO Jewelry SFI»,5-S".hfOwnft«»wn,fd1flg- Ijtotowateh. "^r^^J^^^ tive, maacuHne. athletic M's for fdl #3813 size, waich him and have aome ftm. open minded C. possibte S. for day- ured. ISO open minded, caring, gen- GWF 47, sr", blondn»a«l. ISO ? rT^?^|?r^i*IS^!^" tx^"^ *^*38 BIWM 51, ISO GrtliM for diacreet. «144B time encjumers. weekdays. #1472 erous. domllum SM/F. Race unim- GWF (35^50) Widi open mind and ***> f"" ^»^- »*^- '*'*^^ "^ SGWM. 288 iba., fnr, 2g. brown/ hoi aflemoon gel together. #272P Bt-cartoaa MWM ISO Bi/GM. suh- BIWM. sinve. ISO older CVBiM to PortML #38 big bean, to enjoy movies snd quid green. muacuiar. ISO maacdine M's BM fSO GM (25-40). for poasibte missive, for weekday get lofethen. control him in anyway yoa Long Sleeve T-shirts Domfaaat C seeks submissive. jWC with Bt-cnrtoos F ISO BiF. limes. L'FR possibte. Must be d A d to bum some cdories WIUL #2478 relationship. Race unimponmiL D A #1318 waM.#13»t 5'4"+. (22-30). for friendship firau free. *49»3 young, kmg haired M's for CD and rote piayint experiences. »2» SGWM, 289 Iba^ brown/green. 27. d frte- *2T23 KMICMC koo. GWM into tickling. M ISO ftm tiines with some new Mock Ibrtlenecks I then who knows- Diaease free.»445I Bl^urioua SWF, queen sized. 40. tmeiestt include skiing, biking, con- SabaMsdve WTS. hV, 1M> lbs. ISO Ms for fantasies and tun.»1133 peopte. #1188 [Attractive, ymung, slender F. S'S", well propunioned, ISO Bi^i-curi- MUatcri WM, fairty atlnctive, 5*8". long blond hair. ! IS lbs.. ISO slen- ous WF 0(M5) for fantasy fulfill- 150 ihs., caring. ISO M who's lender, ^.„r!lr2^::S^*22.^T:!similarinierests.Letsaeewhatdevefl r^'f;Z^r^^\^^'^v^ __ ^ Matt.re.hamlaam..youn,BMlSO M 18, a't". 200 lbs.. ISO wdl ment «*d frienddiip. *3W3 feminine. #3TM for works out, danng and roore^ pis- rriendshipwiihfnaiUR.openminded. ^tuipped M's (35+) of any race, to Books Ider, young, femmine F for curiosity Ofii *^'^ CTclion preferred #2899 okterGM (35-60) to sec what devcl- #1813 fdfillment. •4401 WF seeking BIBF*s for fantasy en­ SWM 2i.oaBc|B student, handaome. WuMa have soma fun with two. wtB ^ miij BIWM. d A d free. service. counters. #3383 funny, adventurous; ISOsimilar. cd- adventurous MMs. 27 A37. good isO same for daytime cncoumexs. OEt i!^ SWM 21, ISOM of any age. for fun Atlradlv* BIWF ISO thin, atirac -_^ I^^^^KM' r f,i,»AAi^ «- MWMTV.44 iSOgenttemanwho tiwea. #871 Magazines tive BiWF to show you how life's FiSOF(IS>25)tohangoutwtth.jttst 3£*??ii^2£^r'^^*'*S51i? kwking; ISOM(18-35).medimn to Wisn luppuae friendship. Stocky buiM. CaM soon! #228" 1 n..««ri—nwM « .nnd tonkin, will tet dm he afri Witt. you.#^ BIWMISOMsi«ofaexy BiWF (25-40) for new fun. o^««.--„ . , . .,. ^.. ,^^^w #4448 lbs., ISO feminine Bi/GWM for ex- GWM39,bloadrgreea.S'8'. I501ba.. caied. ISO dmilar Bi/Bi-curious M friendship. #898 • iMi SGWF BO same who can laugh at r"-r '-Jl, - : : tryanythuig. —, .«-«..«. .„«„m .« t*- _ #4275 Bl-cartow g ^Mnn. .Mi— »*«=««Ir»I- spontaneous»*«q«*« ti«»»ea.be»i. - S^STJJJ^ '^ **" '"l^S MBIM2S,Ca,likesto*ca»insiodt- ^^""t »*"« •«* f-i-y ftdflUment »SO LTR witb hmaorous, fun 10 be <25-lO), #3851 ings. high heels, more, ISO BiM/CD. dee tan. InieiesiedF. 38. ?km g dark/^em, cereandtsspontaneousSBF25, tooking for F(25+). . Mus#93t bSe BIWFM'«'«f"*»M y-3ra,5'ir . 18?M*0 lbs.4. ;„_ hirthrJS mS^SmiTlS#392S7 TwoMud, hobetd GWM's Ad free, .30's , vcry mmcu#3«7- SS^PMSS^'^SS^ ^^^y^^^^jS^jtA^^ S?.^^^r2T35ui?S: BHP BO BIF for fun wkh her and her Fonly. mm Dartaptas.noineoea8ary. #2CT^ mn very expenenoed. ISO aame or ciiine and ho. iim« asaa huaband. #2818 Vcry anradlve BtF ISO feminine L%ss;sS's ps^^^^-i^vs^^ '^'" '-^'^ "s^^^-^^ ^..^^^ ^^____^ BaoOc BIF ISO same for fun and WF (18-24) for LT friendship, maybe GWM, executive, inter-55^^^^ *^" WPM. sSm. early 5ffs" . lexy. well [fantasy. Cdl now. #2583 more. 2ij^ LooklimtorM/CsforwiWandad- ^v^w-^'s^Mmeiorcioaeineno- -^v""—"''™. i--**.-"-*^. lii-a- BiHMTlOM• AMAM., 2233 . 5*6-. 128 Kw.. eqdpped, d A d free, ISOcottgenid SwlNgtai^rT""^c C'^Ts soi«rT*M^ b"y^ WM^/^-. CD^"-. I'a, she'sjpctiie. Bi, he's tdl. giver. ISO trim, bright, attractive G/ very cuie . submissive, ctean. ISO M for some spirited rockin'and mil- J.^i^l'^^.Jil^'T"'''/*^'"'**' «;??.^?If^i^^:*!S!*!?*l?"'"™^.* "^'^^iss^^^^'^^s^ "^ attractive. 5'9-. 165 lbs^ cers«p«^LmMu«h.bo««^ne and caring #3884- -r?,iS,'^rsj-z'i:LESfS5 fantasy fdfilJmenL A red passion laUm. strdght. ISO attractive. Bi- i^M../^ ,^ BI-earfawWM,attractive.26.scek- "twiive. ISO G/BiM's. Ontario (18^ 28) who's very good tooking, wdl '"Sdude for friendship, maybe more honest, teving relaiionshtp. A lot to #3738 f^y^'^.l^tiZir,^^ SS'lS??}^'^*'*™!?''**** iagho.Bi/OM'sfordiscreeteacoun-*^*>»"»y »^ <2I-4I). for dayUoae/ built, to hang out iTth. poasibte LTO. »'•» oUcrintove. #2882 MWM. vcry attractive. ISO CD/ Attractive MC seeking BtF. possi­ StBttaISO okteg rho Mt ta«tor i goowanted times.d with #288 eager7, ^^^wMfun. Needss toof bane discreey age, uut o #391tawmg9 lew and hot times. adSb nighttime pteasurea. #2134 §sr23 [Eaay Bdna. InSsttgsat cdtege stu­ bly C. for mutudty satisfying fantasy AttracMve, diaSir. wdl equipped ^^^ >SO «n>dy bear for Autumn MM 3ra, seeking idl. well equipped TV for new experiences and faa dent. 19, ISO someone fun to party, open minded. articuLue M's of all M 28. sacks same for diacied en­ WM. smooth. ISO smooUi, stender. 0!^ *'*6S Ms for discreet encounters. #3224 tasy#1848 encounters. Must be ctean, discreet ages and races. Try it youll like it! counters. #3488 [hang out with and have some fun. ^____ #3729 wdl equipped WM for friendship Warnsas,, amdamocdi kmUainnamgc SWM. 2323.. West sMe SHbarfaa and Inokinc "•-<^"™>Bl-carlow» mwMMWM. 4j42. OoKk looiunglooking. #2886 #2SI7 GWF, fdidalBC. 42. en>oys long M.5*5'M6S)bs.shoribrowii/ and fun. #4448 muscular, broke cdtege student; ISO MBiWM 42 ISO TV>CD for eariy '^^ G/BiM. dim. attractive. (22-30) |Ai«raetivewc.I«e20'..ISOattrac- wdks.rom«iuc.dimiers.quK.tim^ iS^^^Z^'^'''""''^ browiLhml . _*>!^ M. 6*8", brown/hazel, ISOM for f""»*«^'y **^=-'*»*-'™^ f^*"***. * moinmg.'dieniooftfungetiogcttera. f«" "W^n^g fantasy get togettieii tive BiWF to share good timea.LGng at home: ISO honest, toWnt. femi- •""^"'"^ E?y^- '"^^ M ISO aomcthiag new and differ- newexperiencesanddiacreetencoun-^' f**'"»*^ "«^ f"*'""™""^' #942 #812 hdr. wdl eqdpped preferred.#2433 nine F (35-45). n/d no games, no •••«rt«iB WM, 29. bW. 185 lbs., ent somediing Bi #3373 tm. #43Bfl f«"t*-t*e» ** »'»» Attractiv_ e M, 35. in more ways than I?^*"*'^* *^ - »»« SS'woSSlfDA^^L'dS •»•««««- SWM, att^^ii;r;^l Cdtege M BOiiii^resting evenings ^'JT"' ^ >*»,»» JSO Ms of ^, n^'^^iS^ to'tel^'l^ ontheqrslem! TolKardlof with M/F any race or age. for fun Arc you Mr die latest ads and get a jump on dK mg, ISOsame. DA drree,discre&ot#1995t built 30, ISO same for discreet en- wuh M/F M3& wl^gdy «C? C or age. for fun Arc yo#183u M8r more about this. #3141 competition cdl 97|.9977(SI.S0pcr .rT^.„.,n-bodied.dAdfree,ISOWF(18+). r ,-• ,...-•-^ ..n., ... ^,..-,-/..m. ..-- ^-.CL comUeii. Scrjous rephcs ody #3343 SBIWMBOTV #4381 GWM 27. _^_.^^ seeks well minme) and use die Sena Bon Faa- ^-.'^^-.-M^ ttmc! sss^rjir.^"s^ sJSS'^H JS^-B^i^^-r^-'SS sriijiiS'.rwJ^.es^ J^^ts^jss^rsi- Load>.eaddderGWFM.roid-30fs. S^PF, alec taoklan,, nice body„„, ma_ - "jwj^^nnnanafcmuacuiar.cieaeodoned ISO muacuianr ^»»)«• *''«"«^"^'S?^- i.'ij'S^:?^.'!:^."*? Cant mi 97for type, lor discreet ctean, safe fun. w*^'60 Ibt. to recdve fuB body or race, imo romantic, diacred en- quiet daytime or eve nmg encountcis. discreet d A d free. «2]< gl«|. rubs. Raoe unimponaat laiensaed? coimton. Must be discreec d A d •'-«•'*<••• WM. good kwkmg, 35. Not imo bars. East Mderaplus.#1825 F BO aeamuac who's imereated m #1248 frte. ' «42a7 «eks same or younger #1987 " 900 iMimbersI dabbing on dK weekends, hkes to LoMly, l..^a Falrpart„ f GWFM. mid.^- Very wbmimlvc ready BiWM. 25. have fun and is serious about what 30Xbn>WBAin»m,l351ba..BOtiMo MWM M^very carioaa. ISO wy TdLbB^nia. imlimiasive. Bt-cu- S?**f??-?!!J1J^' '^^"* J£^ «»««^- oi»» miadcd. adventurous. tteydo, #1983 WenowacoeplaaemalB ban.hcadgMnesardrugs;lSOOWM curious MWM for daytime eacoan- rioasWM ISO good ^r-r——7-times. #488>9 BtinrM forM y t42 , seektotethers^s GWM (55+#32) fo9 r ciplmaciatrim, seekns older(50*), dominafor famasym W.M stric dist- (40-45). dmk/darit. moudsdto. nice I2i _*»** WM._ SWTV BO very domhwdF #189 10 slender buikl. for quiet evedaga. ffiiHiiiiliiHi 1. *» bay. very foni- daytiaae aciivii^ ""• •" "^^ diacreet. phydcd relatioadiip #213 Imons. He s aaughiy #1525 fomis of payment! SF,22. lioibs.. 5-r. #t»8B dne. ISO dmaiaaat aad ^esdve 8829 Ai;8.8.^sUhtM.»id-3(ra. ES'-SU*'?;!!* "^^^^ I'SShf^SwSssssJi^^i;* Calotfp£^menl ner tne war- #SI8 T? Mnmi -*-— tc^^iuw --*•— -—-* lans —»-- - BJ seeks MaradeoOiftirldMHyfm! **"**-*'>*^ ** evemng encowi- (.'»-25) for new expenences aad day- 22.|oodahaBCISOhd.roile8tMed. WM M todiacover #3848 a«.Mndbectemi,dAdftae.#IS82 timefarouaaii. praoBGang center ai WC 48% ISO Bi-cadotts F to Jo^ ahft for hot timea. #1^ >desifes> #9^B BM 21^ coBcge smdeat. ISO M^ of M BO M widi cde loea. #878 tfttm cm a ir^ of plraitae. fsnway Vary, THE _ _ tOWM.32. AaradHa CM, 23. 6tr. 195 Ka.. fw^ GHM27,lSOaomeoaetohavefdi SDdflMl- #4B» open minded. (716)262-2200 10ani-9piii 57-. 145 Aa.. worta Ml regolariy: mascatar baiU. aedEs dnactive B/ :l30oMer. arMiuari- wbm hsppeaeftom there. ^^ '"i'b.wovics.lMaaiagoat 8807 'tfSiSS'^°''^SSl —'^'T!f^^?!{!f.S^»*drf 22IL'*"^***'^*»^*"R£? pBnrtaa.(30*>lormrictkaaoas.He-. *!^,?^!!!>Jf^rr^'^^'^^ AMT8iiWht.31. ISO for more infonnation .mcrfMisj. W3tff4 dMHg. No anbadaoe a8aMfa.88487 iknet. (KM aai^y. teach Mm! «38gl A d fiee. pisssble TV, she M. #948 TVnsCDCorw L#IS84 12pm-6pfn

•Call #•#•• 1 M9#. Plsdng sa ad and recetriiig your voice booi it eaef, 100% automstcd *^^^ ''1"*VT77IO respond or listen CO ads. CaH oosa $l.50/minuie. Aicggt cdl M^« 3 MMO. and tocally free! You never speak 10 anyone, aad you never reveal your identicy. noc even to u Cll 971-9977. Aea oy 1.900-72^662 ($l.5QMiM) til

If You Hsve Any Comments Questions Regarding Our Syscem. Please Call 262-2200 ;^*J)<'-T,'?*;>-"->. ;;y^ih;i'''-"!/, ':''•"•,!,:|:V^ :^'^?'|'tiiaajati Thursday Tandns IN»ffsowilsl Him^Mratfs of «iiys to cHooso from! Call Now! P&» /Vfie. k/ftH Th. like Totally •O'f Tolaily open bor 8-9pm $2 Labolt Ice $2 Rum and Coke all night CdllW9Q0i lo wpOHl ID odK, fafoM* wdtUHl (dl. or nkiM OilV$199ptr 1ft». $««k«: 415-281-3193 am$5jierAefiejtXwmetki fwetymMimailOmmdiieSI. ThedmMmmthe 15tb i^^tf"^ lMllk4fHB!^'''id0bi ^w^ .-n^i^Xf. Cm a ^ Thurs 9-1 Ipm MOSTmoooK Goy>Miflenid8«24 '« Coll«ire etmdama 21-*- frte I M8 VMC81I1Q Ladies 21 ^frte rm38 was oid, 5'9, Brown #N8ynngram mcme noir, Grasn ewes. I'm a O, Calb^ widen 1/2 price won di S'll. ISSfciw !•>to orar^f b domes. kitig ad aeedpesfomi te Tie Empff CImt, 179 woMn heir <8id Bpown cyst, neonoiryoucBv onotfwr G^ ^Mifto mele AOMtieAm^RoAetkrNY 14^71235. on OMNtfaonng Ib r young mlBmslKi. (Imoci^ 2asto30's.tfmiwait rs in oy am. Be oulB (md «163r95 to meet a very honest esgotoafikL «1tM3 ond oompcminnote guy TOUNO^tUIND SERVICES odIme.fErie) ^ITOIS lUMEWHATIODO KXXrmWwn Friday Thebcstlxid;^ nriiriScioe&ikikl Italiaa rm o G(^ wide nuls, bot­ 0^5*10,130^1, rmo Spocial Events nacial^y8",150i3&,youchful«idpctsoAad]le, tom looiBng lor atap int o amcty Blona hair. I 35 vwr old, Goy, White korar,tor noladkn . 'tmetofflertAwn loto male, 5'6,185fcs, Brown Msco FoYor accepts appGiiitiiicxits at nsf honic or youfs. MJol •lt2S6 25to>Kiwelunwitft hair, Bkie ey«s. rm kiolc- The Fetish Oub • Tees Dec 10 tkco) «13992 Choosy Disco of the 7CKs Why put 1^ Wfdi oncthical tcscticbons md •ors JUST WANT IO iogbrguys 18to35lor Tattoo & body piercing hash mViniNrmiutfbcLing friendship and possible Retro hits of tho 80's coy dbdainaets v^liea ^phat you vwtt b cc^oy^ lOOKNOnNRHHt o retationship. I enioy tm fcr some guysto hov e lun rmo 28 year old Goy Hew Year's Eve • Tues Dec 31 Lodies 21 & over free 9-1 Ipm tncnt and idazadoo? Repeat business is thc wi*i.Malo) «1f7M outdoors, hiking, bdong, While mde. Ittte swim ­ cfcning out, movies, sold,5'8, 165ftn, aH Night nOHT NOW I'm 20 Bnwn hair, Bniwn eyes, rm PBRSONAUS Cttarge It! Ot^/MltHMCt knking kx otfier Gay White rm 38 years dd, years old. Blond hair. mentor goo d tinnes. (Erie) Goy\MHtemale.l Blueeyes, 137lbs. Hike -MO^DA> thru f KII)\N Pvic never dotae anydaa^ like tfaia b^ hiking, lortg wolb, •14450 fiifCy but hete goes. Fm lookici^ Ibr a mati. soccer, anything oMetic. 5 fm- 2 1-800-440-7588 ^^^^, OHNSiNO rm a first timer, I'd liketo mee t men lor hm You aiccidaera tnan wfao has never been widi tunes, etc I tfloe rm 6'2, Brovm hair, Bkje :^u\ youi s[)t.:cLiK >.)()n tii! ly^'i) limes. (Ahoono) a man before, but wants to find out what it's quiol romonlic ewnings. I eyes, rm lookingfor some­ Ise \OLtr tickets Lj.'Ui! 1 Optr. aOSOiNEIMNQTrm32 wQud theto mee t someone «173«2 one who conteach me . yean dd, 6'3,175fcs, good .n'J MOLKS \ \\ VA'A\ like, or ate a salesmati/businesstnan who is special ior a (riendihip type iANTAM WEIGHT PAL (Erie) vUMl 18 & over ahuttys utelctmie sre^jo. rm nokingto mee t o or leMiunihip. neose lecRA &cqucndy in che Rochescer area and would guy in his mtd 20's lor good rm 20 y«ars old. Ilike COOL WIND UOWINO -• xri HI) 'A ^f"!:{ ; \\ o message. (Rodiestoij long walks, football, camp­ like to spend sensual evcntiig^ widianochcr MiJo) *143l» •14M2 rm 32 years eld. rm fooking ing, and home lile. rm to get together witfi hot guvs. 987*0000 man. You must be 18^40 years okl, handsome UOMTMrmrmlook- ANtTHNGGOESrm lookingto mee t a guy, 18 The weomer is gelling cold­ ^"'"^I.'T -r- ;. •; - and in good shape, disease and dnjg free. "^ 1^ o *^ ir8eres8jinHHpowicmen. to 25, who weighs 105lb$ er. If would be greet to have 169 N. Chostnut St. menl I Kve m ^fiDOise. 04 Whatever you Hce youl gel to 1251K. fDuricansville) someoneto d o twigs witfi. {efr AAcwi StPBeQ Prefer scra^ht or fai and manird, but ncx me. (^mcxuae) *1S562 it. (USaa) •li •17074 (Worren) ^17714 Look for «w 10 ft. Enw 9M8I rwsmtial, Picase send leter widi pBctucc en­ realJdzoi closed oo Boocholder^ PO Box 23207, Roches­ m VOIHI FKE AD CJILl l-mO-548-6366. THE SYSTEM WILt DO THE RESTl ter NY 14692. Dtsctetion is assntcd and re- Od Mi '•! (|uiccd. One hoor fidl body aeiMuous maasaige. a^MF cum If RTF By capctiencxd, profasional, attractive, afim REAL UVC MAN fALK stvEArr t^Amrr I/MF J/O ACT90H Teogna USA Gay Party Line Italian guy in latr 40^8, fior you s&mgu^lft-35 1-800-294-2625 only, hi a safe, pleasant, oomfortafafe aizno- INTERNATIONAL sphere in a private townhouse near Denise GO AROUND THE WORLD 1-268-404-545r^S& on 239 129 7639 •^ GROUP ACTION. BACKROOMS and Dcwcy. limitrd inttoducfeory a£Ebcdafafe I 1 ,• ONE-ON-ONE, LOCAI. 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