Published by the Womens Community of San Antonio JULY 1992 Volume 4 Number 9 IMPRESSIONS OF TLC #5 (Dallas) SALGA'S NEW BOARD byLaMuyMuy SALGA's new board consists of five prior board members and eight new members. Bringing prior SALGA FRIDAY NIGHT: Arrive about 8 pm. First thing you notice­ board experience to this new board are Gerald Aves (Co­ even the elevator is entertaining! Good representation from S.A. Chair), Jan Olsen (Co-Chair), Steve Bailey (Treasurer), Melissa's "Like the Way I Do· is being belted out by Sandy & Linda Pritchard, and Graciela Sanchez. The new perspec­ Renee in the hoters bar. My mind trips out-what if we took over tive will be from Jeanne McLeod (Minutes Secretary), Liz the whole world? KATE CLINTON-LIVE-at Dick's Last Resort. Hicks (Correspondence Secretary), Bill Goodman, Emily k.d. lang's latest fashions, now available at K-Mart (Not .. ). French, Michael Marinez, Karen Whitney, and Bernice Anything seems possible when you're at TLC. Williams. The board is very excited and looking forward to SATURDAY; What an age spectrum! Hooray tor Vera, who working closer and doing more outreach activities with came out at 50 and has 4 great grandchildren, and Jenna, who SA's community. took her girlfriend to Homecoming. Board meetings are held on the first Monday of every Emma Perez, first keynote, is downright dashing in her brown month at 7:15p.m. at Esperanza Peace and Justice suit, tie and wire rims-with-an-attitude. One of the few Chicana Center. You are welcome to attend these meetings. We Ph.D.'s in the country, she knows about struggle. She look forward to having more active participation from the suggests that, in order to survive with some sanity intact, we stop simply reacting to attacks upon us and begin creating our ·community. I will begin an effort to keep an open line of own reality. ·smos y lenguas•-a space and language just for us­ communication between SALGA and WomanSpace -will empower us as women//Chicanasletc. We can readers. SALGA's directions and board meeting summa­ celebrate each person's story, realizing that no one individual ries will be reported through this column. can speak for any group as a whole. Reading an excerpt from If you have any questions. please contact me (829-5157) •Gulf Dreams: she iS in her 's womb, -where you give birth or one of the board member~. We look forward to serving to me daily. • Deliciously woman-oriented stuff. you. After ODing on group energy, I retire to the room with a friend, . Liz Hicks emerging later in her rainbow tie-dye pants and black shoes. I carry her shoes' lighthearted spirit into my afternoon work­ shops. From the ' Mothers' session, Iteam: a) get a good lawyer before you dust off the turkey baster for insemi­ nation; and b) come out to your kids while you're still bigger than they are. The 'Playwriting' workshop teaches me: a) It takes at least (gulp!) 2 years to write something better than schlock; and b) give specifiC casting instructions if you don't want straight P.O. BOX 12614 people playing all the parts. SAN ANTONIO, TX 78212 I find my friend in the room afterward, her eyes as big as the blue plate special. •1 just a woman's cervix ... and felt her uterus ... : she gasps. At least my shoes got to attend the menstrual extraction workshop. Hey, Fraulein, don't point that WANTED: SALGA CONFERENCE RESPONSES speculum my way! Shouldn't you have a license to carry that thing? Our other roommate flees in terror. I've been at many workshops and conferences where I SATURDAY NIGHT: Concert time! Kate Clinton recalls the pre­ neglected to fill out their evaluation form requesting feedback. I tampon era when sanitary napkin belts ruled the day. Just try to won't be doing that again. I now realize the importance of that secure a napkin in the metal clasp without getting a few pubies feedback to the planning committee. The next conference can stuck ...impossible. She also imagines lesbian-technology-of­ be made even better with your suggestions and comments. the-future: homing devices and stun guns. You track down We had 170+ individuals in attendance at SALGA's Creating your ex with the device and stun her new lover long enough to Community Conference '92. There were 17 workshops, 12 ask, -why is mwearing the sweater 1gave you?• all without Community Fair tables, and an excellent attendance at the breaking the law. A side-splitting evening, to be sure. Community Fair. Positive evaluation response centered on the SUNDAY, 2 am: Dancing the Cotton-eyed Joe at the Desert two things participants liked the most. First, having the confer­ Moon. What do I think I am, the Energizer Bunny? ence; and second, the speakers. We definitely got excellent SUNDAY, 11 :30 am: I show up in a zombie-like state to the constructive criticism. It seems there was not enough advertise­ brunch. Over 500 women attended ll.C thiS year, Laurie ment nor the opportunity to attend more of the workshops. I know EiSerloh was speaking, and they served eggs. That's all 1 the next conference committee will keep these things in mind. remember. Fraulein kindly offers to help drive home. 1friSk her If there are any additional comments regarding the conference for concealed specula. Reality takes over, mile by mile. Til next call me, Liz, at 829-5157. Thank you again for vour support. year in Houston-hope to run into you on the elevator .... Dear WomanSpace, The June WomanSpace issue resulted in numerous phone It is may understanding that the publication policy of calls, letters, discussion and much soul-searching, both WornanSpace gives priority to dated material and accepts individually and as the Collective. the rest on a space available basis. Does this mean that as Beginning with the 1992 August issue, WomanSpace policy long as there is the space, anonymous letters filled with will be: any submission that harmfully targets an individual or slanderous and hateful words wUI be published? What do organization will require full name and a phone number for the we really mean by no censorship? Doesn't the community purpose of verification before consideration for publication. have a right to establish boundaries? We strive be a channel for all voices within the community. to Until we take responsibility for our own anger, disappoint· WomanSpace reserves the right to determine application of our ments hatred, and prejudice, there wiH be no JUSTICE. As editorial policy. long as I give others or one person the power to defeat me, personal and community victory is minimized. I believe that LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: WomaoSpace continues to play a significant role in the birth, growth, and development of the women's community in San Antonio. The publication of the letter by J.D. has raised difficult questions about how to effectively promote health, Dear Womanspace, victory, enthusiasm, and strength in community without shutting ourselves off from one another. Some musings, observations, a parable: There are many opportunities this month (June) to come I'm very interested in a research center in Virginia called together to find solutions. I am challenged by WomaoSpace Perelan<:ta It's a garden aeated by a woman in partner· to become more involved, to begin believing that what I do ship with nature spirits. The basic theory is that all life is matters. If we each can find two women to hold hands with, connected and wants to work together for the ALL we form our part of the circle and the process continues until GOOD. we are completely united. As my mind meandered around that premise, I wonder­ Lee Triplett ed, "How would fire ants react to love, understanding, and respect?" After all, you don't even have to kick their Dear Anonymous, hHis to be bitten. The unprovoked attack is common. It's WHERE DO YOU GET OFF CRITICIZING ANOTHER a challenge not to take such attacks personally. PERSON'S LIFESTYLE? Why don't you have the courage Thin< how the fire ant must fear death and destruction. to sign your name? It thinks its way of life and value systems may be under I do not personally know Maren so I am not defending her attack. Whether your foot ever actually distt.J'bs the nest but rather her right as a human being to live as she chooses. or not, it reacts. Remember my theory that tear is at the First let me enlighten you a bit. (1) Without a permanent root of anger? Or ... perhaps the little critters are just address no one can receive public assistance. (2) If she is re­ ignorant and they don't know that we all have a place in tired military she is now earning a well deserved military this world. retirement check. She served 20 years for our country while Then again, perhaps they're just nasty little insects and receiving no so hot pay, substandard medicine, fear of should be avoided. At any rate, I'll continue to try the being exposed, and traveling papers whenever Uncle Sam 'love, understanding, and respect' approach. saw fit to move her. (3) An RV is .oot_a car. She obviously has Peace and Love! a comfortable bed, facilities tor food storage, a toilet, and Maren possibly running water. So you see, she actually does have a pot to piss in! (4) Since when is the standard for happiness a "lovely" home and a "new model" car? (5) She does work. To the Editor and to JD: She is obviously a very good portrait artist. I feel compelled to respond to the angry and somewhat You, my dear anonymous, are obviously very materialistic confusing letter regarding Maren that was published June, and base your life on things. Are you and all your friends 1992. well educated and affluent? God forbid you see how I live in I enjoy Maren's column, and give her a lot of aedit for a used but paid for mobile home; and my vehicles-oh my-­ having the courage to live by the work of her own hands. just a used by paid for van and a jused by paid for RV. She lives through the sale of her artwork and pays taxes just I don't see failure in Maren's letters. I see courage and li~e everyone else. She is not a "hippi" and does not collect adventure. I look forward to her tales and often wish I had v .~ elfare. her guts. Not many of us would strike out for the unknown. Speaking of taxes, did you know that 70% of your tax Alone in this time of crime and prejudice. dollars go toward "entitlements"--including the pay of military So anonymous, quit judging your fellow lesbians and take people, military retirees, and all federal employee a long look at your own values. Are ¥QY really happy? Name paychecks? You tell me who is a burden on the taxpayer. calling is so childish! J D-please learn how to spell before writing another letter Maren: Hang in there girl and keep those cards and letters to wamanSDace. Know of whom you complain. Think coming! through your anger next time, and try to exercise better judg­ l:>cl'MlG. mertt. P.S. To the folks at WomaoSpace. was that a real reader's A Tolerant Lesbian [2] comment or are you girls just trying to stir up a little action? CALL FOR SURVIVORS GROUP

"The opposite of love is not hate: ifs indifference. • The SAPJOCA AT BLUE STAR indifference of the "I don't give a damn about it; can cause [Press Release] more trouble in a relationship than the purity of hate. HATE and anger takes just as much if not more energy than love. That The inaugural exhibition of the San Antonio l'llseun energy or emotion binds people together in a form not as of Cont~orary Art ( SAPDCA) will be a one IIICIIlal1 shOIII positively as love would, but still the same ferocity of emotion. of political art by Glenna Park. The title of the show It is this kind of emotion that causes destruction. Destruction is 'Charred Realities' and will feature works from her between people usually begins with degrading remarks both of New York Times series. SAMDCA is in the Blue Star Comp­ the personal sort and of the relationship itself such as "I don't think I really ever knew you because of who or what you're lex at 112 Blue Star Place. Opening Friday, July 3rd as doing now, etc.• This same destruction usually ends in part of Cont~rary Art ~th in San Antonio. separation or physical violence and abuse. All this is caused by anger. What can be worse you may ask? Indifference is worse. What usually happens here is that the world begins to fall apart around one or both individuals. Bills aren't paid. The dog's not fed. Work doesn't become a priority. This causes CARLIN/\ feelings of emptiness and loss. It can cause a codependency attitude, loss of morals and disciplines. Eventually a complete loss of self. You question your value to others, what you have CHIRO~f/~ to offer , what you are or have been to yourself.... lfs a torment beyond this world, because there is nothing concrete to grasp onto. It's all within your own self, the very same one you are questioning. This is what indifference causes .. .but it also Dr. Susan L. Cortin 12818 INDEPENDENCE M. SAN ANTONIO. TX 78233 • (512) 655-3500 causes you to lose a grasp on the passing of time. When you get "in touch" with your feelings of indifference you realize time has passed.... With it your possessions. But the law has refuge for you because most statutes of limitations for legal matters is 2 years to file a claim. The Texas Bar Association has a "pro bono• attorney service available to those people in need of legal advice and services but who do not have the money to pay an attorney. Services and information can be obtained by calling the Bexar County Womens Center at 225-4387 and ask for Pro Bono Legal 0 F Counsel. You can also contact the San Antonio Bar S A N A N T 0 N I 0 SANDRA L. MOORE-POPE, ACSW, CSW-ACP Ps>

[The Collective will not entertain any more submissions in 15% Dist:Dunt with this .J. THE YARD ON McCULLOUGH reference to JD's letter.] Gift Certificates Available.

PAT CLEMENTS I actfress trose readers offeOOed by oor printing the MASSAGE THERAPIST letter denc:ulcing Maren and co lum, '01 The Road ~in'. I share a personal experience with~ in offering SUITE 5225 another perspective. Ole~? Ole ctw-1 fran~? I BY APPOINTMENT SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS can't say that I wi 11 ever ~. I do ~ that I have 871-2108 reached with this lliltter a place in my t-eart \!there I fee1 at peace. I pray that my t-eart 'behaves'. lmxY:J my first \\bmnSpace dealings with Gene Elder. I ackroiledged myself as '.Kate the lesbian'. Soon sub­ mitted \laS a story by BK ~vious \th>se llilin character \laS 'Kate the Lesbian'. I believed BK ~vious \laS llilk­ irYJ fu1 of ne. I felt Jut by the story. I asked the Collective to grant ne tine to check out my assurptioo. We printed severa1 requests that BK con­ tact ne. BK did not. Periodically saJE Collective nerbers ~ld criticize MARTHA PRENTISS the 'pos1:.ponme1t'. We, in effect, were censoring an 186 THORAIN • SAN ANTONIO. TX 78212 artist for the sake of my sensitivity. As I listened to BY APPO INTMENT (512) 828-1761 this view I felt nnre and nnre troubled. Was I being lJ'lethica1? I wanted greatly that BK ca11 ne. I v.anted to rear ~t BK ~t. Still, the autror did not call. As a result of this process the Collective discussed WILL THE REAL PLEASE STAND UP? not 'censoring' in any way. We ~ld print \lilatever was Stbnitted. The Canrunity, then, ~ ld detemrine 'IA1at [This article originally ran in the San Francisco ltbmnSpace ~ld becxrre. Yet. further ccnplicating BK's Chronicle. We saw it in the LCN Express of Orlando, appearance in \obmnSpace were the llilny, llilnY pages of Florida] 'Kate The Lesbian'. It's length (conveniently for ne?) We're still trying to check this, but around USAir, \laS not \O"kab le. · staffers are circulating the story of an employee, last Please understand the seriousness with \lohich we ap­ name Gay, who boarded a USAir flight with a non-revenue proach oor ltbmnSpace responsibilities. We do not have ticket. Finding the seat assigned to him occupied by a an easy tine with this. We are doing oor best to sus­ paying passenger, he slipped into an empty one a couple tain a news letter that reflects the W1o leness of oor of rows back.

Living Well P. 0. Box 2662 Lenore D. Thomas, CSW-ACP Universal City, TX 78148 Psychotherapist 512-824-4701

( ' HARRY CRoFT, M.D. & AssoaATES OAK HILLS TOWER, STE. 510 Ceremonies (S 12) 3<49-6060 S-430 FREDERICKSBURG Ro. :jTl r Trlsh Presnall DAY OR NIGHT SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78229 - Consultations Minister Accept ttl Classes

Dykes To Watch Out For

~ . 1MB£ . R•~ . l'Oll<.vf"JIW.., ------~~------1t) ""~ t..oiE :JJII'C .-\ME:' JJT tilT J'"IJ!j Jo )OoJ (NJ~t;{'o/(. .. 1"1E ~ 0-'UP'\, 1 \ooUlt ~R)ONE OIP•fr ...._.Iff. SVOi ~ 816 0£AL. OUT Of A r-&1 ~vscutM. OJH~TIC»{S.

[5] ON THE ROAD AGAIN .... Virginia was quite an emotional experience. At the first Euro­ Travelogue: An Update. pean tanding at Jamestown and colonial Williamsburg. Both filled me with sadness tor the lost traditions of Native Americans and Since 1 last visited Texas in February I've been to 9 states: Ok­ amazement that Europeans could survive and prosper in their lahoma, Kansas, Wisconsin, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, adopted land. The area's historical weight threatened to over­ Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. I've had an art show or dog power me until I visited the Edgar Cayce Foundation in Virginia show or some type of portrait work every weekend except one. Beach. My enthusiasm returned and energy surged being in the Some shows were spectacular and some were pitiful. But my Association tor Research and Enlightenment. travels have brought me to many awe inspiring spots and filled I hadn'tany real connection with the lesbian or gay community my mind and heart with joy. tor nearly 2 months. My need tor hugs and common ground was For the armchair travelers out there. let me describe my route. reaching a peak. A few days with some terrific lesbians In I've mentioned Kansas in a past article. It gave me my scariest Fredericksburg, VA, complete with hugs, got me going in the moments and most bizarre weather. During one thunderstorm I right direction again. was certain a tornado would blow me away. I woke up one Until next month my friends, feel the moment! morning to now flurries, then, that same day, had to change into shorts for the 74 degree weather. The prairie, flat and wide, Maren moves as if in slow motion. Very little changes except the road signs; and they're not that entertaining. Did you know Wichita is In Home or In Office the home of Pizza Hut? Or that Kansas was the first place Relaxation or Therapeutic greyhounds were imported into the U.S.? They were used as A s~~PIACE To BE scare 'crows' to chase/kill rabbits that devastated the crops. Most of you know Oklahoma. or think you do. I found it to be tush, green, hilly and cold. The cities of Oklahoma City and Tulsa were difficult to navigate but some of the smaller towns were Cynthia Moseley charming and even fun. Several contact Dykes in the 0~ . ~ity ~assage Therapist area who made my visit special, including two who are midwtves. {They're generally unavailable to socialize during the full moons) Illinois and MiSsouri were both rolling & hilly generally. I spent very little time in either except an overnight on the street at the By Appointment Only 657-0063 home of a contact in St. Louis and a quick tour over the 240-1047 expressways around Chicago. I was especially impressed with the spring planting by the St. Louis street department. All the major intersections and highways on & off ramps had ~een planted in tulips and jonquils. Gorgeous! Plus St. Lows has the best knishes ever made (for all you kosher deli fans.) Sorry Hoosiers, but Indiana will not be my first choice for a return trip. The rain plaguing my trip really dumped on me and the WILUAM F. GOODMAN camp grounds were miserable. Parts of the state were lovely though, and one tired harried RV repairman successfully re­ AITORNEY AT LAW welded my bumper, probably saving my lite and certainly my trip. Ok! Wisconsin!! Dairy land, cheese shops, Norwegians, snow­ mobiles, North woods, bear, deer, ticks, and more rain. But oh it was so beautiful I stayed with an old friend in Lakewood, in the 45 N.E. Loop 410, SUITE 545 middle of Nicolet National Forest amid towering pines and birch SAN ANToNIO, TExAS 78216 (512) 525-8122 forests. Lakes everywhere. Eagles soaring. Worth the whole trip! 1had my first sight of Lake Michigan in Sheboygan and ate wurst in Green Bay. Do yourselves a favor. spend some time in Wisconsin. lfs really special. Next stop was blue-grass country, Kentucky, just in time for the Kentucky Derby. No, I didn't see 1!le. race but the week Audra L. Baker, M.S. before derby day is filled with parades. parties, fun and traffic. Licensed Professional Counselor Exciting, but hectic. In lexington is the Kentucky Horse Farm, a 1 000+ acre complex of stables, horses museums, show rings and steeplechase courses. A 76 year old, former jockey, travel­ ing across country from LA to Washington DC gave me a tour~ I visited lincoln's birthplace and saw "My Old Kentucky Home. Back in Tennessee for the 2nd time this year. I visited with aunts, uncles, & cousins while working on several paintings of Feminist therapy for By Appointment historic homes. I really enjoy the old homes, tours and period individuals, groups, couples (512) 341-3059 furniture. To see my art work displayed over a mantle or in an entry way fills me with joy.

[6] TO THE EXPRESS-NEWS: The opinions expressed in this publication Not only has Leo Garza reached new depths of bigotry do not necessarily reflect the views and hatred with his June 21 'cartoon', but he also appears of the collective. to be attempting to incite violence. The positioning of the baseball bat in the sixth frame gives the reader the idea it is being used to threaten the other characters. It would be a small step for other hate-filled bigots who cheer Garza to decide to take matters in hand and go to the HOME REPAIR FOR THE 21st CENTURY: Lesbian & Gay Pride Picnic with violence in mind. BUILDING BRIDGES Surely the large amount of space given this eight panel strip was intended to promote its message of bigotry and I am a woman of visions. Some are sought and embraced for hatred; the size of the strip is usually reduced to fit the the insights they lend; others encroach into my consciousness unbidden unwelcome for the turmoil they bring to my otherwise space given one four panel when Garza uses eight. A well-ordered life. In the wake of the L.A riots, I felt shudders of newspaper has a responsibility to the entire community it anguish as long-repressed premonitions resurfaced; stark serves to establish and maintain standards. The Express­ visions of the future we face if we do not change our way of life on News would not run a cartoon that appeared to promote this planet to encompass the hopes, dreams, and potential of all violence toward blacks on Juneteenth or MLK Day; people. I found my feelings of fear and foreboding, coupled with nothing biased against Latinos is run on Cinco de Mayo. stubborn hope and determination, echoed at two conferences I Why is such blatant bigotry acceptable towards lesbians recently attended. and gays? What is it that Garza and the Express-News At the Second International Conference on Women's Spirituality fear? Perhaps the better question is, why do they hate in Austin rcreation: Fire from the Womb", sponsored by themselves so much that they must target people with Womanspirit), I was deeply moved by the stirring message of their hatred so they can feel better about themselves? keynote speaker Shamaan Ochaum. Shamaan is a self­ described multiracial Woman of Color and an Austin-based There is more than enough hatred and oppression in psychotherapist specializing in dreamwork. She walked to the this society to make everyone a target in some way. The podium and announced that, due to the cataclysm in los promotion of hatred is an abomination. The fact that this Angeles, she had to forego her planned speech. Instead, she type of behavior occurs in a daily newspaper in the tenth spoke from the heart of her recurrent terrifying visions of such largest city in the U.S. is a sad commentary on the state of events coming to pass; symptoms of the progressive disease of our society. The people of the U.S. proudly proclaim division and hatred in our society. "We're Number One" in all facets of daily life; being likewise, at the 5th Annual Texas lesbian Conference in Number One in hatred and bigotry is a position we must Dallas. keynote speaker Sabrina Sojourner, veteran African­ work very hard to relinquish. American feminist lesbian activist and Legislative Aide to U.S. Corrine Sabo Representative Maxine Waters (who serves the district at the core of the L.A. unrest), was visibly shaken and emotionally exhausted from the fallout of the events in that city. Sabrina shared her frustration and disappointment that the years of asks that all activism and struggle in which she has engaged appear to be for bllcation be received naught in light of the apparently ever-widening gulf of racism. the month. Thanks. Both women, one a brave warrior on the battlefields of politics and public activism, the other a gifted guide in the nebulous realm of the psyche, provide leadership and inspiration to the rest of us struggling to navigate the perilous waters of the patriarchy. Both speak eloquently of the need for enlightened people-those who WE'RE GETTING ANOTHER MOVIE! see clearly the danger ahead-to take concrete action to build bridges over the chasms that separate us. Both women, Women Director Tim Hunter (River's Edge) together with of Color, stress that those of us who are Anglo must make an independent producer Edward Pressman (Das Boot. effort to recognize our inherent racism. We must acknowledge Reversal of Fortune, Wall Street) announce plans to and vanquish the perception of "otherness• toward people of begin shooting the movie version of Murder At The color imbued by the privilege of white skin. Nightwood Bar, based on the book of the same name by The urgent call to action heralded by both of these visionaries is Katherine V. Forrest. Filming will begin in AugiJst, the need for all of us--Angles and People of Color-to reach out to someone who is different from us. Look around you and seek out 1992. those who appear to be most unlike you; strive to understand and Starring as Kate Delafield will be Kelly Lynch appreciate them. By opening our hands, hearts and minds to (Curly Sue. Drugstore Cowboy) with James Gammon other human beings outside our own familiar realm, we can build a (Revenge. Major League) starring as Kate's partner Ed new foundation. On this foundation of tolerance and commonality Taylor. Further casting announcements will come we will create a new social structure with no space for divisive­ later, including Andrea Ross, Kate's love interest in ness and hatred. They we can enjoy visions of peace and pros­ the film. perity for all, and the future will not burn. Bren J. Manaugh May29, 1992 [7] To JD, (M.u!:der On The Road Again or maybe even Fried Green I was incensed when I read your character assassination Tomatoes, Third Camper On The Right. The possibilities are of one of OlJ" women in this community. I was stunned that endless.) someone could write such adolescent rubbish. I feel that I certainly hope Maren continues to keep her friends and the hurt that has occurred here between these two women fans informed of her encounters and reflections on life does not stop there, it affects others in this community as through WomanSpace. I personally would love to be able to well. do the things she's doing right now. Her honesty, sensiti­ When I see a lesbian (I'll assume you are) write such vity, and courage are evident in everything she does. derogatory remarks about another, I am outraged. I could Sounds like role model material to me. get into defending Maren, but I don't have to. I have Lois Greco enough confidence in this community that others will see Reading WomanSpace really makes me angry! When I right through the bitterness and hatred. read that piece from JD about Maren, I came out of my chair. I feel that all women in our community are an asset. There Obviously that person knows nothing about Maren Maren is are some who are more prominent than others, we a wonderfully talented personable artist and a great role desperately need them, they are our vocal leaders. Then model of an independent, self-sufficient woman. JD, Maren we have the silent leaders, those of us who take women into is one of the wealthiest people I know. There is a need in our homes to give them shelter, those of us who have the universe for artists and lawyers. An you probably don't started battered women's shelters, those of us who spread have a clue as to what I mean. I enjoy reading about her positive attitudes, kindness, sympathy, love to one another. adventures on the road and her world view. I hope you get The ones that we will never know their names but will benefit help and learn to appreciate more of life than material from their unselfish deeds. There are women in this success. community that have inspired me to go on with my life. The The other writer who consistently makes me angry is lawyers, doctors, accountants, receptionists, musicians, Donaji. I want to thank here for her letters and articles. Every writers, softball players, women returning back to school, time 1read her words it makes me look at the world around jewelers, nurses, and travelers. The list can go on me through my white eyes a litttle differently. Every time I indefinitely. We need to look around us, we can learn from join in a discussion with women of color and discuss our every one of us. We are the network that will not be broken lives, it opens my world a little wider. I understand why as long as we stand together side by side. women of color want and need their own space. I feel the I for one am proud to put my name to what I write. empowerment myself that comes from being in women only In sisterhood, space. I recognize, though, that it is only through some Pearl interactions with men that we will affect changes to create This is in response to JD's ramblings (!didn't see any larger spaces for women in society. initials at the bottom of this letter, so I assume that the I'm amazed, judging from the letters to WomanSpace, at Collective knows something we don't about this person) in the diversity of the readership. My point is, I would wish out the June issue of WomanSpace. I imagine you decided to community of women could stop judging each other and include this letter to either provoke us into writing (as was instead embrace the differences. If a true dialogue ever the case with Dalia in December), or because you have ab­ gets started I hope that I am involved in it. Are there others solutely nothing else to put in the paper. Printing it in its ori­ like me who want to understand more about women of color ginal state was a wise move. I suppose we all should just be and work on raising our own consiciousness, but don't know grateful that it wasn't put on the first page. J D's letter where to start, except by reading and attending workshops (gammar and spelling included) more or less speaks for it­ at conferences? This is our dilemma and I want to deal with it self. Obviously winos need to be heard, too. However, the better. Any suggestions? That is alii have to say. Thanks, Collective's decision to print such a letter disturbs me even JZ more than the content of the letter itself. Along this line let me just add one bit of advice here: pissing off your regular 1can't believe a Collective member would even suggest writers in the name of "censorship" isn't smart. The only that WomaoSpace does not practice censorship. Only last regular you will have if you keep this up will be Gene Elder, summer I submitted a story to you which was refused for and we've told you over and over again how much we dislike publication because of a character's name. Cehsorship having him invade our space. Maybe Gene Elder and Kate comes in all forms. Before you preach it, at least learn to Herrington should run away together so we don't have to recognize it. read about them anymore. Someone needs to tell him once b.k. devious and for all to keep his happy male butt at the Happy Founda­ tion and leave our paper alone. Back to the issue at hand, I personally enjoy Maren's ************************************** articles. They're refreshing. It's nice to know that there are PLEASE LIMIT SUBMISSIONS lesbians everywhere and most of us are basically nice TOSOOWORDS people. I've learned a lot from Maren. The idea of ************************************** networking is something I'd like to know more about. I see a possible lesbian novel somewhere in Maren's adventures. WoMAN~PACE IT'S REALLY NOT INCONVENIENT Subscription Rates ue $10/ yec Forfeiting my lunch time on the 3rd Monday of Decem· for 12 issues. Checks may be I hustled over to a drop-off site for the Battered made payable md mailed to: ber Women's Shelter. As I wove in and out of traffic chomping LISA on an apple, (yes, that was me cutting you off), I knew I had P.O. Box 12327 barely enough time to complete my mission before my state­ San Antonio, TX 78212 mandated duty-free 50 minute lunch 'hour' expired. Maybe NAME ______I should have taken the easier route and left my items at one of the numerous Goodwill collection centers. As I turned parking ADD~------into the rear lot of the unfamiliar location I knew I had the right place. I saw two women unloading thai' vehicles and a thi'd returning from a nearby building. As I entered CITY ______the 'collection' roorn, from which more women were leaving, two others exerted efforts to keep some organization by directing where to put what. The site had been open only ~A~------three hours. Already a sizeable amount of women's and children's clothing, bath and kitchen items and children's BACKLASH: books filled the area. As I made my way back, I chided myself for having gr1)ed The Undeclared War Against at what I considered to be inconvenient coUection day and Women hours. All in all, any effort to do good is never an inconve­ Susan Faludi's book has been praised repeatedly as nience. the definitive aitique of mass media's treatment of women. Unfortunately, 460 pages was too restrictive for Collection locations, day and hours: Faludi. Nowhere did she refer to lesbians, how we are Northwest Hills Baptist Church 6585 Heath Rd. misrepresented and ignored, and the lesbian-baiting 1st Monday of the month, 9 am.-3 p.m. tactics used by the mass media. For apparently personal reason, Faludi adopted the mass media's propaganda Pilgrim Presbyterian Church 1846 Basse model for her 'expose'. 3rd Monday of the month, 9 am.-2 p.m. The omission cannot be caused by a gap in her vocab­ ulary; although there are not index entries for them, the words dyke (152, 400), homophobia (181) and lesbianism (268) do appear. The exclusion of lesbians and the use of 'lesbian' in a derogatory manner by those who attack 1..MQ. women in positions of power/ influence must have been One Inch $5 deliberate. Business Card $W Unfortunately, reviews of Backlash by alternative media 1/4 Page $25 have failed to note the exclusion. If a fear of being label­ 1/2 Page $45 ed 'lesbian' or dyke led her to exclude us, she is no better Oassified than the media she claims to critique. Other mass media critics have included sections on the treatment of lesbians Ads not camera- ready will be prinJed in simple typeset. and gays in their books. Michael Parenti, acclaimed as Womanspace will design your ad for an additional small fee. perhaps the finest media critic of our times, has had the good sense (and humility) to state in writing that he can­ not critique the media on lesbian/gay issues as well as he would like as he is heterosexual. He has urged lesbians and gays, as well as members of other oppressed minor­ July Production Dates ities, to do detailed critical analysis of all aspect of the 1st-Submissions Due mass media from our perspective. 8th-Production meeting Even the section on the New Right failed to refer to 26th-Folding At Nexus their lesbian-baiting. The exclusion of you and me from the book was deliberate. Do read the book, but read it for what is not there. Don't buy it--borrow it from a library or some fool like me who paid for a book that excludes me from membership in womankind .. Corrine Sabo [9] COMMUNITY RESOURCES AND EVENTS

GROUPS/ORGANIZATIONS MEDITATION GROUP Wed., 7:30pm at Mary's. 828-9025. ALAMO CITY WRANGLERS square dance clubs. For informa- OLIVIA CRUISES Lesbian cruises 1-800-631-6277. tion call Cricket at 733-8439 or Harland at 694-4699. PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF LESBIANS AND GAYS ALAMO COUPLES A couples organization providing sociaV edu­ Meet at the Harbor Counseling Center, 3534 Ave. B on the first cational outreach to gay and lesbian couples. Monthly meetings and Thursday of each month at 7:30pm. For info call Frances 732-{)751 planned activities. For info call Frankie and Peggy at 1-393-3323 or or Brent 822-4135. Scott and Vinnie at 732-3462. SAN ANTONIO AIDS FOUNDATION 818 E. Grayson, 225-4715. ELLAS Local organization of Latina Lesbians. P.O. Box 681061, SA, TX 78268. Contact 684-9237 or 435-5750. THE NAIAD PRESS, INC. P.O. Box 10543 Tallahassee, Florida, 32302. 1-800-533-1973. ESPERANZA PEACE AND JUSTICE CENTER 228-0201, THE RESOURCE CENTER 121 W. Woodlawn, 732-{)751 1305 N. Flores. THE LESBIAN SUPPORTfTHERAPY GROUP at The Resource Center is ongoing and periodically opens to new members. For info on this, other HEART STRINGS AIDS MEMORIAL 818 E. Grayson, 78208. lesbian therapy/support groups, or individual therapy, call Frances Timmins, ACSW, CSW-ACP at 732-{)751. JUMP START PERFORMANCE CO. 1035 S. Alamo 227-Jump. TUESDAY NIGHT DISCUSSION First Tues.of the month. See LAMBDA-Student/Youth Services Gay/Lesbian Youth Group. EVENTS. Contact Julie at 699-8714. WOMYN'S POTLUCK Monthly gatherings. See EVENTS. SALGA San Antonio Lesbian and Gay Assembly 733-7300. Meets 1st Monday of the month. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS

SAN ANTONIO GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL VETERANS OF CHURCH OF TODAY 6326 Sovereign #150, 349-6623. AMERICA. Meets 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:30pm. 1136 W. Woodlawn. Sunday service at 11 am. 545-2643 or 554-9918. DIGNITY 202 N. St. Mary's 735-7191 . Dignity is the Lesbian/Gay SAN ANTONIO LAMBDA STUDENT ALLIANCE (SALSA) Catholic Organization. Liturgy, Sundays at 5:15pm at St. Mary's P.O. BOX 12715, S.A.,TX, 78212. INFO: 733-1225. Church downtown.

SAN ANTONIO LESBIAN & GAY MEDIA PROJECT METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH OF SAN ANTONIO P.O. Box 15705 SA, TX 78212 1136 W. Woodlawn, 734-0048. Sunday services at 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. followed by fellowship. Wednesday service at 7 p.m. Potluck and TEXAS GAY RODEO ASSOCIATION breakfast are held monthly. P.O. Box 12013,San Antonio, TX 78212 737-2710 RIVER CITY LIVING METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH UTSA LAMBDA ALLIANCE University of Texas Gay/Lesbian 202 Holland. Sunday services at 11 a.m. Call for activities,822-1121. Interest Group. Contact Kelly at 349-8603.

WOMEN FOR SOBRIETY (not associated with AA) Meetings at 6:00 pm Monday and Friday. Call 342-6408 for location. (Note: This Jul. 2: Arts For Life Benefit Screening. "Edward II". is not a lesbian only group.) Some people called it "Queen Edward II. • 8 p.m. Santikos Crossroads 6. 734-67 41/227-5867. RESOURCES/SELF-HELP Jul. 3-5: 13th Annual Conference of the Gay and ALAMO AREA RAPE CRISIS CENTER P.O. Box 27802, SA TX Lesbian Coalition International (GLPCI) 78227. 674-4900. For information on support groups for survivors of in Indianapolis, Indiana. (202) 583-8029. sexual assault & incest call 349-7273. Jul. 3: 'Charred Realities' A one woman show of ALAMO AREA RESOURCE CENTER (HIV+ Services) At Mistletoe political art by Glenna Park. In the Blue Star & McCullough. 735-AIDS. Complex. . BLUE LIGHT CANDLE A Community AIDS Awareness and Fund­ I raising Project. P.O. Box 12444, SA, TX 78212. 1-512-824-6303. Jul. 12: Womyn's Potluck. Meet for Brunch. 11 :30 at Magnolia Gardens. 2520 N. Main. $4-$7 range. DALLAS GAY ALLIANCE CREDIT UNION P.O. Box 190712, Dallas, TX 75219 (214)528-4233. Jul. 18: Sweet Honey In The Rock. (Don't miss it!) Carver Center, 225-6516. EVE'S GARDEN A sexuality boutique created by women for women. Catalogue/Mail Order. 119 W. 57th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10091 (212)757-8651. Jul. 24-25: "Frida a Dance Drama". Guadalupe Theater 8p.m. $7. INLAND BOOK CO. WOMENSOURCE CATALOG. P.O. Box 2120261 East Haven, CT. 06512. 1-800-243-138. Jul. 25: Hazelle Goodman, a one-woman tour de LAMBDA AA meetings. 132 Blue Star at 1200 block of S. Alamo, 225- force whose work consists of innovative drama and 5611. Meetings 8:15pm daily. Women's meetings 6:30pm on Wed & Sun. [1 OJ comedy. Carver Center 8 p.m. $7. 225-6516
