Disaster Management Plan of Falakata Block

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Disaster Management Plan of Falakata Block Block Disaster Management Plan Falakata Development Block Jalpaiguri West Bengal State Disaster Risk Reduction Programme 1 Introduction The Block Disaster Management manual of Falakata Block is primarily prepared to facilitate the Natural Disaster Managers (of every tier) who would be devoted for the purpose in every occasion as appears in our livelihood. We hope that this booklet would also be of high utility for all persons associated with the relief and rescue management. We’ve taken great pains to ensure that the information provided here be error-free and updated. I would like to thank my team in putting together this publication (specially Smt. Jayashree Dhar, Block Disaster Management Officer and , Sri Jyotirmoy Deb, Block informatics officer) very smartly. Sri Kshitish Ch. Ray, Savapati, Falakata Panchayat Samity provided his unconditional support, valuable inputs, exclusive suggestions behind it. We are also grateful to him. Hope this humble endeavour be a supportive tool in the context of Crisis Management as it appears from time to time to all of us. Place : Falakata (Krishna Kanta Ghosh) Date : 13th March, 2013 Block Development Officer, Falakata, Jalpaiguri 2 CHAPTER –1 1. Block Disaster Management Committee (BDMC): Sl. No. NAME OF THE MEMBERS Designation Address Phone Number 1 Sri Kshitish Ch Roy Sabhapati Falakta PS 9434601442 2 Sri Krisna kanta Ghosh Block Development BDO Office,Falakata 7797864000 Officer 3 Dr. Bivas Kr Saha BMOH Falakata 9434258297 , MBBS 4 Dr.Shweta Mandal BLDO, Falakata Dev. Falakata 9434192181 Block 5 Dr.Utpal Singha V.O.Falakata SAHC Falakata 9474049773 6 Dr.Indira Paul, V.O.Jateswar ABAHC Jateswar 9007388065 7 Abu Baqqar Siddiqui ADA, Falakata Falakata 9932653461 8 Sri Tapas kr Paul Jt. Block Development BDO Office,Falakata 9563254121 Officer 9 Smt. Minakshi roy Karmadhyaksha, Sishu Falakata P.S. Nari Unnayan-O-Tran Sthayee Samity 10 Jayasree Dhar B. D. M. O. BDO Office,Falakata 9475477184 11 Sri Subhamoy Ghosal SAE (RWS) BDO Office,falakata 9832363164 3 12 Sri D.Ghosh SAE 13 Sri Dilip Barman SAE (AI) BDO Office,Falakata 9647716317 14 Sri Tushar Kanti Barman SAE (RWP) BDO Office,Falakata 9832463120 15 Sri Dulal ch Saha Dy. Secretary Falakata P.S. 9474588524 16 Sri Roshan Lama B.W.O. BDO Office,Falakata 9734019695 17 18 Sri Avijit Dutta S.E.O. Falakata P.S. 8016119004 19 Sri Utpal Karmakar I.D.O. BDO Office,Falakata 9474009169 20 Sri Sarmili Sarkar A.H.C. BDO Office,Falakata 9474428564 21 Sri Ananda Dutta RC BDO Office,Falakata 8768818478 22 Sri Kuntal Roy CI BDO Office,Falakata 9475567328 23 Sri Anil Roy Inspector Food & Supply BDO Office,Falakata 9434184831 24 Sri Subhash Ch Sengupta HM,Falakata High Falakata 9434368148 School 25 Sri Paritosh Ch Das HM, Jadavpally High Falakata 9434201842 School 26 Smt Suchitra Dev HM, Falaakta Subhash Falakata 9474629686 Girls High School 27 Sri Profulla Kr Roy HM,Raichenga Raichenga Vidyaniketan 28 Smt Sipra Saha Roy HM, Falakata Girls High Falakata 9474513766 School 29 Sri Harekrishna Roy CDPO,Falakata Falakata 03563-260417 30 Smt Rakhi Gope CINI (NGO), Falakata 9832124888 31 Block Co-ordinator, TSC 32 Sri Paresh Sarkar Prodhan,Falakata I GP Office 9749083987 4 33 Sri Tarun Kr Roy Prodhan,Falakata II GP Office 9474123966 34 Sri Prosanna Kr Roy Prodhan,Moiradanga GP Office 9733179500 35 Smt. Chirobala Roy Prodhan,Salkumar GP Office 9775482165 36 Sri Bijanti Oraon Prodhan,Jateswar I GP Office 97334477083 37 Sri Falguni Das Prodhan,Jateswar II GP Office 9735949437 38 Sri Androus Oraon Prodhan,Dalgaon GP Office 8348908464 39 Sri Goutam Sarkar Prodhan,Parangerpar GP Office 9647807172 40 Sri Subhash Ch Roy Prodhan,Guabernagar GP Office 8145805893 41 Smt. Basanti Saiba Prodhan,Dhanirampur I GP Office 9593765949 42 Smt Mukta Dutta Prodhan,DhanirampurII GP Office 9641351615 43 Smt Mamata Barman Prodhan,Deogaon GP Office 9609910856 2.OBJECTIVE with vision, mission statements of the respective block (has to come from the Block administration through facilitation) To minimize the effect of natural calamity and save the life and property of the common people. Need for creativity, flexibility and multiple partnerships in implementation of DRR programme are the crucial factors. 3. Disasters Types of Disasters: (Experienced in the Block ) Common Natural Disasters Man Made disasters Lightening Communal riot Fluvial or Monsoon Flood Accident- Road/ Railway Flash Flood Rasta Roko Fire- House / Forest Wild Animal Depredation Hail Storm/ Whirl wind 5 4 Who formulates and Carries out the plan: Block Development Officer, Falakata & Executive Officer, Falakata Panchayet Samity. 5 Overview of the Block: Location: The Block is surrounded by Madarihat-Birpara Block in the North and Dhupguri Block in the West, Alipurduar I Block in the east and Coochbehar District in the South.. Area and Administrative Division: Total area of the Block is 354.28sq kilometers. The Block comes under the jurisdiction of Alipur Duar Sub-division. There are 69 Mouzas, . There are 5(five) Tea Gardens. 6. G.P. WISE POPULATION AS PER CENSUS- 2011 SL No Name of the GP Total Population Male Female Others 1 Falakata I 19709 10024 9684 1 2 Falakata II 35674 18335 17339 3 Moiradanga 29099 15078 14021 4 Salkumar 27905 14462 13443 5 Jateswar I 23011 11838 11173 6 Jateswar II 20188 10447 9741 7 Dalgaon 12638 6226 6412 8 Parangerpar 15936 8240 7696 9 Guabernagar 29933 8240 7696 10 Dhanirampur I 22274 11442 10832 11 DhanirampurII 22345 11528 10817 12 Deogaon 31742 16262 15480 Total Population of the Block 2,90,454 6 1 Climate and Rainfall: Sl. Month Average Rainfall (in mm) Actual Rainfall (in mm) No January 10 NA February 28 NA March 40 NA April 168 NA May 378 NA June 790 NA July 994 NA August 762 NA September 531 NA October 220 NA November 42 NA December 8 NA 7 2 Rain Recording Stations: Total No. of Rain Recording stations in the Block. - Nil Location of Rain Recording stations: NAP (Telephone Numbers of the Rain Recording stations) 3 Month wise Highest and Lowest Temperature recorded in the Block Sl. Month Maximum Temperature (in Centigrade) Minimum temperature (in Centigrade) No January 23 7 February 24 9 March 30` 15 April 34 17 May 36 20 June 36 20 July 35 23 August 35 23 September 36 24 October 34 17 November 28 13 December 20 07 8 .4 Geographical Area (in ha.): Sl. Agricultural Land (ha) Forest Land Name of the Gram Panchayat Grazing land Others Total area No (ha) High Medium Low 1 Falakata I 550 206 ------- - --- 756 2 Falakata II 500 2000.4 294 ------- ---- 2794.4 3 Moiradanga 1500 1708 350 -------- 30 ----- 3588 4 Salkumar 800 1083 1200 ------- 25 ----- 3108 5 Jateswar I 1900 1300 75 ------- 07 ---- 2382.4 6 Jateswar II 62 1500 500 ------- ---- ------ 2062 7 Dalgaon --- 655 ----- ------- 588 ------ 655 8 Parangerpar -- 504 50 ------- ---- ------ 564 9 Guabernagar 150 2470 700 ------- ---- ------ 3320 10 Dhanirampur I 900 1090.8 300 ------- ------ ----- 2290.8 11 DhanirampurII 500 1700 3701 ------ ---- ---- 2570 12 Deogaon 1400 2290 100 ---- 6.4 ----- 3496.4 9 2.5 Land Holding Pattern: (No. of HH) Sl. Name of the Gram Total Big Farmers Marginal Small Farmers Agricultural Landless Total No Panchayat Pionopulat farmers laborers 1 Falakata I 19709 Nil 2506 2 Falakata II 35675 15 7624 3 Moiradanga 29101 7 5811 4 Salkumar 27905 5 5301 5 Jateswar I 23011 2 4814 6 Jateswar II 22219 5 4369 7 Dalgaon 12638 Nil 2506 8 Parangerpar 15936 Nil 3153 9 Guabernagar 29933 12 6663 10 Dhanirampur I 22274 40 3841 11 DhanirampurII 22345 5 4387 12 Deogaon 31742 40 5892 2.6 Crop Pattern: Sl.No Name of the Area Cultivated (in Area under Crop Gram Panchayat Type of Crops Hect.) insurance (ha) 1 Falakata I Paddy, Maize & Oil seeds 2 Falakata II Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Pulses, Oil seeds & Commercial crops 3 Moiradanga Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Millets, Pulses & Oil seeds 4 Salkumar Paddy, Wheat, Maize, , Pulses & Oil seeds,jute,potato 5 Jateswar I Paddy, Maize, Millets, Pulses & Oil seeds 6 Jateswar II 7 Dalgaon Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Millets, Pulses, Oil seeds & Commercial crops 8 Parangerpar Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Millets, Pulses, Oil seeds & Commercial crops 9 Guabernagar Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Millets, Pulses, Oil seeds & Commercial crops Not Available 10 Dhanirampur I Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Millets, Pulses, Oil seeds & Commercial crops 11 DhanirampurII Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Millets, Pulses, Oil seeds & Commercial crops 12 Deogaon Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Millets, Pulses, Oil seeds & Commercial crops 10 2.7 Livelihood Details: Name of the GP Total Agriculture Agricultural Other Fishing Petty Service Others (specify) house labour Labour Business holder holds Falakata I 4715 Falakata II 8438 Moiradanga 6718 Salkumar 6143 15 Jateswar I 5261 Jateswar II 5015 Dalgaon 2594 Parangerpar 3755 Guabernagar 6958 Dhanirampur I 4681 20 DhanirampurII 4709 Deogaon 6635 25 2.8 Drinking Water Sources: Name of the GP Tube well Well PHE Stand Falakata I Functional Defunct Available Available Falakata II Available Available Available Moiradanga Available Available Available Salkumar Available Available Available Jateswar I Available Available Available Jateswar II Available Available Available Dalgaon Available Available Available Parangerpar Available Available Available Guabernagar Available Not Available Available Available Dhanirampur I Available Available Available DhanirampurII Available Available Available Deogaon Available Available Available 11 2.9 River & Canals: Name of the Danger Sl. No Name of the Place river/canals Level 1 Originated from springs near Mujnai-Bangabari area, Titi-Bangri rivers meet with Mujnai near the source then Mujnai continues flowing towards south Rengalibazna and then entered in Falakata block.Jateswar II, &I NA ,Deogaon,Guabernagar , Falakata I 2 Dudua Flowing through Dhanirampur-II Guabernagar GP, NA 3 Gergenda Flowing through Jateswar I 4 Birkiti Flowing through Jateswar I&II and Guabernagar, 5 Tatasi Flowing throughDalgaon Dhanirampur -II 6 Koli Flowing through Jateswar I , Dalgaon, Dhanirampur I, &IIGuabernagar 7 Kalua Flowing through Dhanirampur I 8 Chorritorsa Flowingthrough Falakata II, 9 Buritorsha Flowing through Deogaon 12 2.10 List of Embankments: Sl.
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