Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-25-2001 Arbiter, April 25 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at
[email protected]. I--'--------....;..,--------------~---_·_- ---.--.------.---------------------..---------.---.--,.-.-----.----------- ~_..-""-~-------------------"--------~._.---- ,_..... -~ ........... --,-~ .. TOM. PErrI'Y U·PiAiii:iiiREA:itEii·s . .WITH SPEOIAL GUESTS- . THE W'ALLFLOWERS Friday.May.11th Idaho Center Arena T1cketa available at all T1ckatweb end select .. Saet outleta, Including Albertson .. tha Record Exchan~e or 'phone 1-868-468-7624, 426-1766 or 442-3232, and online at i~ou. rmphitheater show of the season! Saturday May 28th Idaho Center Amphitheater - ,.....r..:nok.ta lrYanabl. -' .11nck ...... b end .... ot ....... t ouuna. Inoludlnl& ""berWon_ or phon. • / ~ ....... 1. .aOG-96154S27, :1.-866-468-7624.426-:1:.7660.442-3232. ,J'·I .."'.I(JD····r~ ~~ J. and on".a at ?,i;:;°u t!lJ ("{..........", .'" ~ "'"portlor'l 0' tl~kel88lf1 proceeds beneflts thlllRock and Roll HaU of Fame and MUleum l~::;=:~~hio • ugust r~noiJIDEiJ1j Underthe.tan at the ~..l'!E .. O-;' .• Id!!l.!~.~!!!!!.t~m!~,!~!!!!~er 1-800-965-4827, 1-866-468-7624,426-:1766 ...442-3232, nckets available at an Tlcketweb outIels, including Reconl Exchange, Boise Co-op, Newt & Harolds, Moonbeams In and onllna at www.t1ckatweb.co1lL • Merldlan,and the Music ExChangeof Nampa, by callng 1-800-965-4827, 1-866468-7624 or Produced by BRAVO/BSPr.-,.