Title: Impact Assessment (IA) Tackling Sham Marriage IA No: HO0090 Date: 11/09/13 Lead department or agency: Stage: Final Home Office Source of intervention: Domestic Other departments or agencies: Type of measure: Primary legislation Ministry of Justice, Government Equalities Office, HM Treasury Contact for enquiries: Immigration Bill Team:
[email protected] Summary: Intervention and Options RPC Opinion: Not Applicable Cost of Preferred (or more likely) Option Total Net Present Business Net Net cost to business per In scope of One-In, Measure qualifies as Value Present Value year (EANCB on 2009 prices) Two-Out? £118m £0m £0m No NA What is the problem under consideration? Why is government intervention necessary? The Home Office (HO) considers that sham marriages/civil partnerships (CPs) for immigration advantage are a significant problem, leading to an estimated 4,000 to 10,000 immigration applications each year. In 2011, the HO launched a public consultation on proposed changes to Family Migration, including measures to tackle sham marriage; consultation responses have been considered in developing these proposals. Legislative changes are required to allow registration officers/authorised persons to refer to the HO information on all couples intending to marry or enter into a CP, where at least one party could gain an immigration advantage, enabling the HO to assess, investigate and if necessary take enforcement action. What are the policy objectives and the intended effects? To deter sham marriages/CPs from taking place and/or ensuring that such marriages/CPs cannot be relied upon to gain immigration advantage. This is especially important for those seeking to gain a right to reside in the UK under EU law where the burden is on the State to prove the marriage was not genuine at the point it was entered into.