Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Boys hoops Wakefield-Marenisco beat Bessemer 56-47 SPORTS • 6 DAILY GLOBE Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Mostly cloudy | High: 21 | Low: 12 | Details, page 2 Olympus snowmobile racing premieres Saturday By BRYAN HELLIOS takes a lot of work.
[email protected] “I’d like to thank all of IRONWOOD – Final our sponsors and volun- preparations for the Iron- teers for helping us out,” wood Snowmobile Olym- Auvinen said. pus race will begin on Racers wanting to regis- Thursday at Gogebic ter for the event can go County Fairgrounds. Race online at provintagerac- Director Tom Auvinen, but have do so by said the event was original- noon on Thursday he ly scheduled to be held added. near the end of December, The track will be avail- but warm weather caused able on Friday from 1-4 the race to be postponed p.m. for registered racers and rescheduled for this so they can take a couple Saturday from 9 a.m. until laps and make final adjust- 4 p.m. ments to their test their “We plan to be out at sleds Auvinen said. the track Thursday evening Thirty-seven classes of to get the snow cleared off vintage snowmobiles from and to set up bales of hay stock all the way up to 800 on Friday,” he said. super-mods will be racing He said they have he added already built about a foot The public is welcome of ice on the half- mile to come and see those rac- track at the fairgrounds.