Radio Digest, 1924-1925
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— TLO c O CJ A 3K JTW? Announcement of $1,000 Gold Set Contest Winners; Helps for Beginners; How to Select or Wind the Proper Size Coil for any Variable Condenser Radio Di every ti € PROGRAMS WEEK I || a REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. & DOM. OF CANADA Vol. XII By Baaio^ffi^buswn? co. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1925 No. 8 RADIO ARTISTS ORGANIZE FORM BODY TO IMPROVE BROADCASTS Would Get Pay for Work Plan to Investigate Radio's Injury to Theater and Phonograph to Devise Remedy NEW YORK.—The organization of the Radio Artists' Association of Amer- ica is the newest factor in Radio broad- casting. What effect the new body will have on present broadcasting procedure is yet unknown. Its aims, however, are to develop pro- (Continued on page 2) Former Birmingham Station Goes FAN THINKS HIS SET to Auburn College HAS ITS EYE ON HIM BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — The Alabama CHICAGO. — Harry Pettingill of Polytechnic institute at Auburn will have Kewanee, 111., while tuning in one of the best equipped broadcasting sta- on his Radio set on a recent Sat- tions in America under the terms of a urday afternoon, decided to make him- gift just made by the Alabama Power self some coffee. The coffee started, company of this city. he came back to the set and had just President Martin of the power company tuned in WQJ, when he was greeted has donated the company's broadcast from the loud speaker with, "Is the transmitter, formerly known in the Ra- coffee hot, Harry?" spoken to Harry dio world at WSY, to the Auburn college. Giese by Jerry Sullivan at WQJ's For some time this station was operated weekly Saturday afternoon Kaffee in Birmingham by the power company. Klatsch. Mr. Pettingill knew, however, The outfit was built by the power com- that he was not the "Harry" ref ^ to. pany. — RADIO DIGES T—Illustrated February 28, 1925 RADIO ARTISTS IN BODY (Continued from page 1) NEWS NOTES FROM FOREIGN LANDS ANNOUNCE WINNERS grams, to put Radio on a paying basis and to protect microphone artists. It will be national in scope. The first amateur Radio-photo fan has heard the strokes of Big Ben consecu- OF AWARD CONTEST Steps will be taken by the association been discovered in England. Located at tively through seven stations of the Burton-on-Trent, the British to co-operate with the theatrical, phono- he has been assigned Broadcasting company. This was $1,000 IN GOLD SENT experimental license transmit and accomplished tuning TO graph and music publishing businesses. 6PQ to by in successive receive photographs by Radio. strokes through a different station. WINNERS OF PRIZES Charges that Radio has hurt any of * * these or other industries will be investi- Cardinal Gasparri, on behalf of His C. C. Sheldon of La Verne, California, gated by the artists' body. A spirit of Holiness the Pope, has expressed great Hay, Ford Declared First Prize Winner helpful and Glenn co-operation will prevail. appreciation of the gift of a special broad- University Professor Second Membership in the organization is to be cast receiver now in use in the Vatican. Visit WFAA for Week limited to those artists who have proven The set will receive all of the principal The first prize winner in Radio Digest's their ability beyond doubt. In order to European stations. $1,000 Gold Award Set Contest is C. C. become a member an artist must have * * WLS Stars Conduct Dallas News Sheldon of LaVerne, Calif. From among appeared on the programs of at least two the scores Station 5SC, Glasgow, claims British Programs as Guests of entrants the judges decided stations and have been accepted for a that his receiver honors for 1924 in that it was the first contained ideas as to return engagement on at least one. circuit construction which were a greater to give a whole Greek play, first to give DALLAS, Tex. George D. Hay, To Extend Branches Over Country — world's advance in Radio than a play by children, first to broadcast edu- champion Radio announcer, were to be found That the Radio Artists' Association of of WLS, Chi- in any other. cational talks for school children and first cago, and two of his stellar artists, Ford America may truly live up to its name, Radiophans will undoubtedly await with to give a complete act of opera. Rush and Glenn Rowell, have been con- branch bodies are being formed in a num- interest the description of the first prize * * ducting every program from WFAA here ber of principal cities. The organization receiver and other winners in future is- Curacao, Dutch West Indies, reports this week since Monday. Their last pro- work is proceeding rapidly it is said. sues of Radio Digest. The set winning that American programs are well liked gram will be given Saturday night, Feb- May Singhi Breen, Jimmy Clark, Nat first place will soon be described in detail. there. A number of United States broad- ruary 28. Martin, Henryetta Turner, Kay Macrae "Watch for it! • casters are received easily. The Dallas News and Journal station, and Elmer Grosso form the advisory com- Mr. Sheldon's receiver contains five * * of which L. B. Henson is director, in- mittee of six which will guide the new tubes and makes use of Weagant regen- vited the famous trio down south as its association. All six are microphone ar- Using a 100-watt transmitter, Gerald eration both in the detector and in one of guests. The three will leave here for tists of high repute in the metropolitan Marcuz of London, England, has succeeded the Radio frequency stages. It is so con- Kansas City where they will be present area. in communicating with the Hamilton Rice structed that the throw of a switch en- and heard over WDAF Monday, March 2. The advisory committee has announced expedition now on the Amazon in South ables him to use either three or five tubes Mr. Hay will stay all week in its selection of a board of executive di- America. The expedition also has a 100- Kansas and the receiver may be tuned with City for the Radio-electric show being three rectors consisting of Austin T. Rogers, watt set. tubes to a distant station and then five * * held there from March 2 to 7. The well-known lecturer on industrial sub- tubes brought into play for increased vol- "Hired Hand," Lambdin Kay, W. G. "Bill" jects, Harry A. Bruno, program director of Erin is having its first Radio exposition ume or, if five tubes are found to be too Hay, and Gene Rouse, will also be guest "WEBJ, and Richard R. Blythe, broadcast- from February 23 to 28, inclusive, in much for local reception, the switch may announcers at WDAF during the show. ing dramatic critic, known on the air as Dublin. The Irish Free State is soon to be thrown to the other position and three "Blybrun." Don Short, newspaper and have its own broadcasting station. tubes utilized. magazine writer, has been elected cor- * * Novel Super-Het Second responding secretary. A site near Dorchester, England, has Chicago Fan Has Reverse The winner of second prize is A. Wish Ability to Be Recognized been chosen provisionally for the first of English Christen, Dr., Sc, who is Professor of statement from the association states the British "beam" Radio stations. This on His Reception A Physics, Laval university, Quebec, Can- that it will work "to bring into proper plant will act as a terminal for similar WASHINGTON, D. C—An interesting ada. Considerable experimental work is consideration the efforts and ability of stations in Australia, Canada, South Af- communication has been received by the the shown in his method of combining the Radio artists and to establish a definite rica and India. Radio section of the department of com- oscillator with the first detector in a * * merce from a Chicago fan who claims his position for broadcasting in the world of super-heterodyne and providing a tuned entertainment." Tunnanfou, Indo-China, is now con- reception is far better during daylight The statement also de- Radio frequency stage ahead of the clares nected with Saigon by means of the than at night. During the evening he that the association is not affiliated new double duty tube. with any other Radio association or trade 50-kilowatt, 10,000-meter Radio telegraph says that the reception is harsh and Third prize is awarded to Pi Edel- station erected at the former place. gratey and during the daytime it is organization. clear. man, 231 East Garfield avenu«, Chicago. The Radio Artists' Association of * * Officials here have not given any reason Amer- His receiver is a tuned Radio frequency ica is very definite its A Southampton, England, listener has for this reversed situation. in policy and pur- set employing tapped primaries for con- poses. Providing the policy is adherred trol of oscillation at different wave there to need be no fear of lack of lengths, regeneration in one of the Radio sincerity or that broadcasting will suffer frequency stages and reflexing. as a result of the association. An ex- cerpt from the announcement of the Re-Radiation Preventer Fourth A tuned Radio frequency unit, formation of the body follows: CONTENTS for use ahead of any single circuit "Charges that Radio is proving a men- set, and de- signed A. ace to various industries, which have been by Joseph Thatcher and Joseph repeatedly inception of Kadio Digest, Illustrated, Volume XII, Number 8, published Chicago, Illinois, February 28, 1925. Published B. Parsons, of Toronto Radio Research made since the weekly by Kadio Digest Publishing Company, 510 N.