List of actors to the codebook for Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis

2014 – 2015, Version 11.0

Preface: Using This Actor List This actor list presents all individual codes for all actors. Specific actors not included in this list are coded according to the specificity available in the code list and additionally their name is entered in the string variable1 NAME variable (i.e. ORGANAME, ASNAME, AA- NAME) with the full name. These can be recoded later. This list does not include all possible combinations of codes. Many functions are only cap- tured for Greek and German actors. IN principle, however, all functions and geographical specifications can be generated in analogy to the existing ones. Use the German actors as the standard structure to generate “absent” actors. In the following, we first explain the logic of the construction of codes. In the second large section, starting page 12, you find the actual actor codes. For past or future actors, refer to the AATIME variable in the codebook!


1. General Explanations and Structure of Codes ...... 4 2. Coding principles for EU actors ...... 11 3. Practical issues concerning the data-mask-coding ...... 11 4. Coding past actors ...... 11 2. Individual Codes ...... 12 Actors Media ...... 12 National: Media in (111000) ...... 12 National: Media in Greece (121000) ...... 13 National: Media in other EU-member states (XX1000) ...... 15 National: Media in non-EU states ...... 16 Transnational: EUropean Media (501000) ...... 17 Transnational Media (701000) ...... 17 Actors Politics...... 18 National: Politics in Germany (112000) ...... 18 National: Politics in Greece (122000) ...... 22 National: Politics in other EU-member states and in non-EU states (XX2000) ...... 26 National: Politics in Spain (212000) (Example…) ...... 28 National: Politics in France (142000) (Example…) ...... 29 Transnational: Politics in the European Union (502000) ...... 29 Transnational: Eurogroup + ECB + crisis institutions ...... 33

1 A string variable is a variable which contains all kinds of characters. While a numeric variable contains only numbers (and rejects all other characters), in a string variable you may any kind of characters. 2

Transnational: Politics Other (Examples) ...... 35 Transnational: Troika (622500) ...... 35 Transnational: Politics in other transnational organizations (702000) ...... 35 802000 SEVERAL POLITICAL ACTORS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES ...... 36 902000 POLITICAL ACTORS WITHOUT SPECIFICATION OF NATIONALITY ... 36 ECONOMIC ACTORS ...... 37 National: ECONOMY IN GERMANY (113000) ...... 37 National: ECONOMY IN GREECE (123000) ...... 38 National: ECONOMY IN OTHER EU-MEMBER STATES AND NON-EU-STATES (XX3000) ...... 39 Transnational: ECONOMY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION (503000) ...... 40 Transnational: ECONOMY AND OTHER TRANSNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (703000) ...... 40 ACTORS SCIENCE ...... 42 National: SCIENCE IN GERMANY (114000) ...... 42 National: SCIENCE IN GREECE (124000) ...... 43 XX4XXX Science / Scientists in the respective countries ...... 44 Actors Civil Society...... 45 National: Civil Society in Germany (115000, 116000) ...... 45 National: CIVIL SOCIETY IN GREECE (125000, 126000) ...... 47 Transnational: CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION (505000) ...... 49 Society / Groups of people ...... 51 National: Society in Germany (117000) ...... 51 National: Society in Greece (127000) ...... 55 Transnational: Society other (XX7000), Examples ...... 59 Social Phenomena as Actors ...... 59 Social Phenomena as Actors / nationality specified ...... 61 PARTY TABLES (incomplete) ...... 62


1. General Explanations and Structure of Codes

Logic of Actor Codes - Differentiation of the actors according to their geographical origin: National (Germany, Greece, other EU-member states, other non-EU-States), Transna- tional (EU-European, international / global) - Differentiation of the actors according to the nature of the societal (sub-) system: Media, politics, economy, science, civil society - Differentiation of the actors according to their function within the respective societal sys- tem

Digits: - Digit 1: geographical origin - Digit 2: geographical origin - Digit 3: nature of societal (sub-) system - Digit 4: function - Digit 5: function - Digit 6: function

Coding Rules The rules for coding actors are laid out in the codebook for Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis, section 6.2.


Overview of Code Structure (Digits 1-4) Differentiation according to geographical origin (lines):

National 11XXXX Germany 12XXXX Greece Other EU-States (order of their accession to the EU, then alphabetical) 13XXXX Belgium 14XXXX France 15XXXX Italy 16XXXX Luxemburg 17XXXX Netherlands 1973: 18XXXX Denmark 19XXXX Ireland 20XXXX Great Britain 1986: 21XXXX Spain 22XXXX Portugal 1995: 23XXXX Austria 24XXXX Finland 25XXXX Sweden 2004: 26XXXX Estonia 27XXXX Latvia 28XXXX Lithuania 29XXXX Malta 30XXXX Poland 31XXXX Slovakia 32XXXX Slovenia 33XXXX Czech Republic 34XXXX Hungary 35XXXX Cyprus 2007


36XXXX Bulgaria 37XXXX Romania 2013 38XXXX Croatia

Other non EU-States 39XXXX Turkey 40XXXX Iceland 41XXXX Russia 42XXXX USA 43XXXX Japan 44XXXX Israel 45XXXX China 46XXXX India 49XXXX other non-EU-States

Transnational (including country combinations) 50XXXX European Union 51XXXX Eurogroup + European Central Bank + crisis institutions 52XXXX “Crisis Countries” / “PIIGS” 53XXXX southern European countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus) 54XXXX Northern European Countries 55XXXX (Middle) Eastern European countries 56XXXX accession countries 2004 57XXXX accession countries 2007: Romania, Bulgaria 58XXXX future accession countries 59XXXX net receiver countries 60XXXX net payer countries 61XXXX all or the EU-member states 62XXXX Troika (European Commission, ECB, IMF → 622500) 65XXXX several EU-member states 66XXXX European countries (not necessarily EU countries) 67XXXX Benelux (Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg) 68XXXX Merkozy (Merkel and Sarkozy) 69XXXX all or the Eurozone-member states


70XXXX transnational / Global (not limited to European Union)

80XXXX several nation states

90XXXX no specification of nationality

Differentiation according to the nature of the societal (sub-) system (column):

XX0XXX no actor initiating the occasion XX1XXX Media XX2XXX Politics XX3XXX Economy / Finance XX4XXX Science XX5XXX Civil Society XX6XXX Civil Society (continued) XX7XXX Society / People XX9XXX Social phenomena as actors

Assignment of functions (fields): Differentiation according to national origin and nature of the societal (sub-) system

Functions within the media XX11XX Journalist print media XX12XX Journalist other media (television, radio, online) XX13XX News agencies XX14XX Combination of news agency and journalist

Functions within the political system XX21XX Executive powers 1 (GER: Federal Government [Bundesregierung],GR: Government [Κυβέρνηση], EU: European Commission) XX22XX Executive powers 2 (GER: Governments of highest sub-national level [Landesregierung], GR: Regional Governments of highest sub-national level [Περιφέρειες], EU: European Council)


XX23XX Legislative powers (GER: national parliament [Bundestag], GR: national parliament [Βουλή], EU: European Parliament) XX24XX Legislative powers 2 (GER: Parliament of the highest sub-national level [], GR: [does not exist]) XX25XX Economic Governance (Regulation agency, also Troika: see 622500) XX26XX Judiciary: courts on national level (GER: National courts [Bundesgerichte], GR: Council of State [Συμβούλιο της Επικρατείας], EU: European Court of Justice) XX27XX Executive bodies XX28XX Parties and party youth organizations XX29XX Party personnel and other actors within the political system Functions within the economy XX31XX Corporations (including Financial Investment Agencies) XX32XX Associations of all kinds XX33XX Unions XX34XX Interest Groups/Initiatives on Economic Regulation (i.e. civil society organi- zations which address contentious issues in the economic field) XX39XX Other actors with the economy

Functions within science: XX41XX Individual prominent academic/scientist XX42XX Scientific advisory organization XX43XX Scientist from Scientific discipline (not included in 41) XX44XX Science administration / science management XX49XX Other actors within science

Functions within civil society XX51XX Social welfare organizations, groups and initiatives XX52XX Democracy organizations, groups and initiatives XX53XX Youth organizations, groups and initiatives XX54XX Women’s organizations, groups and initiatives XX55XX Xenophobic/Racist organizations, groups and initiatives XX56XX Immigrant, Refugee, Anti-Xenophobic/Racist and human rights groups and organizations XX57XX Environmental organizations, groups and initiatives XX58XX Squatter organizations, groups and initiatives


XX59XX Anarchic organizations, groups and initiatives (not categorized in other issue areas) XX60XX Churches XX61XX Other actors within civil society XX62XX Influential Individuals (intellectuals, artists, etc.) XX63XX Clandestine/anonymous groups2 XX64 XX Justice oriented groups and networks XX65XX Charity / philanthropy groups

Society / Groups of people – divided by functional subsystem (affected collectivities)3

XX70XX Societal groups of people, including Gender4 XX701X Age Groups XX702X Classes XX703X Classes 2 XX704X Ethnic Groups / refugees / immigrants XX705X Regional Subgroups XX706X Regional Subgroups 2 XX707X Family and families XX708X “Collective Characters” XX709X Political orientation

XX71XX Functional differentiation of societal groups

XX710X State actors XX711X Welfare State actors XX712X Political actors XX713X Economic actors XX714X Economic actors 2 XX715X Educational actors

2 Code only clandestine/anonymous if actors intentionally conceal their identity. If the identity of an actor is simply unknown use the respective “not specified” codes. 3 See codebook: The sub-system XX7XXX (actors ‘society’) in the actor list is NOT a “back-up” sub-system for all those vague actors which do not fit into other systems. It is mainly designed to code affected collectivities in the reason chain. In exceptional cases, the entries in this subsystem can be coded as sender or addressee. In these cases, try to stick to the entries in the actor list as close as possible. 4 See Germany and Greece for further subdivisions. Apply to other nationalities accordingly. 9

XX716X Generations …

Social Phenomena as actors - divided by functional subsystems XX91XX Social phenomena of the economy as social actors / Social phenomena as ac- tors of the economy XX92XX Social phenomena of society and the state as actors XX99XX Other social phenomena as actors


2. Coding principles for EU actors

Hybrid actors on European level: Actors of intergovernmental bodies such as the European Council of the Council of Ministers Principally, actors of the European Council of the Councils of Ministers are coded according to their national functions (e.g. the German and Greek chancellor/prime minister and the na- tional ministers). Exceptions apply to the European leadership positions: The president of the European Council, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the president of the Euro-group and the European Presidency are coded as European representatives, and not according to their nationality. Actors of supra-national bodies such as the European Commission and the European Parlia- ment: Actors of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Central Bank, etc. are always coded on European level. Still, according to the research framework the coder has to distinguish between German and Greek actors (and actors of other nationality) within EU level codes (see the actual codes for the EU level). European leadership positions such as the president of the European Commission, the President of the European Parliament, and the President of the European Central Bank are coded as such; the actors’ nationality has not to be coded as it can be added automatically later to these individual actors.

3. Practical issues concerning the data-mask-coding

When coding economic actors (so far mainly coded according to different branches) that are not individual persons, the coder has to add the specific name of the organization / institution in the String variable NAME (i.e. ORGANAME, ASNAME, or AANAME). This allows to eventually add a further coding category later on in the case of frequent occurrence. The same always applies for the coding of other actors (of the political system, the econo- my…). Here too, the coder must write down the name of the mentioned person, organization or institution in the String variable NAME (i.e. ORGANAME, ASNAME, or AANAME).

4. Coding past actors

When coding past actors as addressee, use the AATIME variable as specified in the code- book. In these cases, it is crucial to specify the past actor in the AANAME String variable.


2. Individual Codes

Actors Media

National: Media in Germany (111000)

111100 JOURNALISTS PRINT MEDIA 111101 Süddeutsche Zeitung 111102 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung / Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszei- tung 111103 die tageszeitung / taz 111104 Die Zeit 111105 Die Welt 111106 Spiegel 111107 Handelsblatt 111108 Bild / Bild am Sonntag 111109 Frankfurter Rundschau 111110 Focus 111199 Journalists of other print media

111200 JOURNALISTS OF OTHER MEDIA TYPES 111210 Journalists public television (öffentlich-rechtliches Fernsehen – ARD, ZDF, Dritte Programme) 111220 Journalists private television (Privatsender) 111230 Journalists public radio (Landesrundfunkanstalten, Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandradio Kultur) 111240 Journalists private radio 111250 Journalists online media / websites / blogs 111299 Journalists of other German media

111300 NEWS AGENCIES 111301 dpa – Deutsche Presse-Agentur 111302 ddp/ADN – Deutscher Depeschendienst 111303 KNA – Katholische Nachrichtenagentur 111304 epd – Evangelischer Presse-Dienst 111305 vwd – Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste 12

111370 Combination of several German news agencies 111380 Combination of German and other news agencies 111399 other German news agencies

111400 COMBINATION OF JOURNALISTS AND AGENCIES 111400 Combination of German journalists and German news agencies

National: Media in Greece (121000)

121100 JOURNALISTS PRINT MEDIA 121101 Ελευθεροτυπία / Eleftherotypia 121102 Καθημερινή / Katherimini 121103 Αυγή / Avgi 121104 Το Βήμα / To Vima 121105 Τα Νέα / Ta Nea 121106 Ριζοσπάστης / Rizospastis 121107 θνος / Ethnos 121108 Πρώτο Θέμα / Proto Thema 121109 Real News 121110 Espresso 121111 Ελεύθερος Τύπος / e-typos 121190 Journalists of other Greek print media

121200 JOURNALISTS OF OTHER MEDIA TYPES 121210 Journalists public television (ΕΤ1, ΝΕΤ, ΕΤ3, Βουλή, Δημόσια Τηλεό- ραση) 121220 Journalists private television (Mega Channel, Antenna, Star, ΣΚΑΙ, Al- pha) 121230 Journalists public radio (ΕΡΤ) 121240 Journalists private radio (ΣΚΑΙ, Flash 9,61, Στο Κόκκινο, 902, 9,84) 121250 Journalists online media / websites / blogs 121299 Journalists of other Greek media


121301 ANA-MPA Athens - Macedonian News Agency 121370 Combination of several Greek news agencies 121380 Combination of Greek and other news agencies 121399 other Greek news agencies

121400 COMBINATION OF JOURNALISTS AND AGENCIES 121400 Combination of Greek journalists and Greek news agencies


National: Media in other EU-member states (XX1000)

XX1100 JOURNALISTS PRINT MEDIA 131100 Journalist of a Belgian newspaper 131101 De Standaard

141100 Journalist of a French newspaper [→ others in analogy…] 141101 Le Monde 141102 Liberation 141103 L’ Express

151100 Journalist of an Italian newspaper 151101 Corriere della Sera 151102 La Stampa … 191100 Journalist of an Irish newspaper

201100 Journalist of a British newspaper 201101 The Guardian 201102 The Times 201103 The Daily Mail

211100 Journalist of a Spanish newspaper 211101 El Pais 211102 El Mundo

221100 Journalist of a Portuguese newspaper … [→ all other EU- and non-EU states in analogy]

421100 Journalist of a US newspaper 421101 The New York Times 421102 The Washington Post 421103 Financial Times …


XX1200 JOURNALISTS OF OTHER MEDIA TYPES XX1210 Journalists public television XX1220 Journalists private television XX1230 Journalists public radio XX1240 Journalists private radio XX1241 Journalists online media / websites / blogs

XX1299 Journalists of other media types

XX1300 NEWS AGENCIES 131300 Belgian news agency 141300 French news agency 141301 AFP – Agence France Press (FRA) … [→ all other EU- member states in analogy + use String-variable „NAME“ in order to identify and add further news agencies]


National: Media in non-EU states

XX1100 JOURNALISTS PRINT MEDIA → From 391100 (Turkey) to 471100 (other non-EU states)

XX1200 JOURNALISTS OF OTHER MEDIA TYPES → From 391200 (Turkey) to 471200 (other non-EU states)

XX1300 NEWS AGENCIES → From 391300 (Turkey) to 471300 (other non-EU states)

421301 AP - Associated Press (USA) 421302 UPI - United Press International (USA)


XX1400 COMBINATION OF JOURNALISTS AND AGENCIES → From 391400 (Turkey) to 471400 (other non-EU states)

Transnational: EUropean Media (501000)

501100 JOURNALISTS EUROPEAN PRINT MEDIA 501101 The European 501199 Journalist s of other European print media

501200 JOURNALISTS OF OTHER EUROPEAN MEDIA TYPES 501201 Euronews 501202 Eurosports 501299 Journalists of other European media types

501300 EUROPEAN NEWS AGENCIES 501301 Reuters (= Thomson Reuters) 501302 Agence Europe (since 1953) 501399 Other European news agencies


611000 EU-wide media 651100 Journalists of print media from several EU-member states 651200 Journalists of other media types from several EU-member states 651300 News agencies from several EU-member states

Transnational Media (701000)





Actors Politics

National: Politics in Germany (112000)

112100 EXECUTIVE (= Federal Government and cabinet) / [all adapted to cabinet Mer- kel II] 112101 Bundeskanzler / Chancellor 112102 Bundeskanzleramt (inklusive Bundesbeauftragte) / Federal Chancellery 112103 Außenminister (Auswärtiges Amt) / Foreign minister 112104 Verteidigungsminister; Verteidigungsministerium / Minister of defence 112105 Innenminister; Innenministerium / Minister of the interior 112106 Justizminister / Minister of justice 112107 Minister für Wirtschaft und Technologie / Minister of the economy and technology 112108 Minister für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit / Minister of the environment, protection of nature and nuclear containment 112109 Minister für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz / Mi- nister of food, agriculture and consumer protection 112110 Minister für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend / Minister of family affairs, the elderly, women and youth 112111 Minister für Gesundheit / Minister of public health 112112 Minister für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung / Minister of transport, building and urban development 112113 Finanzminister / Minister of finance 112114 Minister für Bildung und Forschung / Minister of education and rese- arch 112115 Minister für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / Minis- ter for economic cooperation and development 112116 Minister für Arbeit und Soziales / Minister for Labor and Social Affairs 112117 Mitglied der Ministerialbürokratie (Staatssekretär im jeweiligen Minis- terium) / Member of the ministerial bureaucracy (state secretaries) 112150 Bundespresseamt und Sprecher des Bundesregierung oder eines Minis- teriums / Federal press office and spokespersons of the federal govern- ment or federal ministries


112200 EXECUTIVE (= Landesregierung / federal state goverments) 112201 Ministerpräsident der Landesregierung (Regierungspartei/n Bund)5 / Minister-President of the federal state government (governing parties on federal level) 112202 Ministerpräsident der Landesregierung (Oppositionspartei/n Bund) / Minister-President of the federal state government (opposition parties on federal level) 112203 Einzelne Minister der Landesregierung (Regierungspartei/n Bund) / single ministers of the federal state government (governing parties on federal level) 112204 einzelne Minister der Landesregierung (Oppositionspartei/n Bund) / (opposition parties on federal level) 112250 Sprecher des Ministeriums / spokesperson of the federal state ministry 112290 Mitglied der Landesregierung, aber nachrecherchieren, ob Regierung oder Opposition / member of the federal state government but coding requires further investigation whether she or he belongs to a govern- ment or opposition party on federal level

112300 LEGISLATIVE (= Bundestag / German parliament) 112301 Bundestagspräsident / Presiding officer of the German parliament 112302 Mitglied des Bundestages (Regierungspartei/n Bundesebene) / Member of Parliament (governing parties on federal level) 112303 Mitglied des Bundestages (Oppositionspartei/n Bundesebene) / Member of Parliament (opposition parties on federal level) 112304 Mitglied des Ausschusses des Bundestages / member of a committee of the German parliament 112305 Sprecher des Bundestages / spokesperson of the German parliament 112320 Mitglied des Bundestages, aber nachrecherchieren, ob Regierung oder Opposition / member of the parliament but coding requires further in- vestigation whether she or he belongs to a government or opposition party on federal level 112350 Bundesrat / Federal assembly 112351 Mitglied des Bundesrats / member of the federal assembly 112352 Sprecher des Bundesrats / spokesperson of the federal assembly 112360 Bundespräsident / Federal President 112370 Parlamentarischer Untersuchungsausschuss / parliamentary enquiry committee

5 Hier ist jeweils die Frage, ob Parteizugehörigkeit der Regierungspartei oder der Oppositionspartei auf Bun- desebene entspricht / This relates to the question whether party affiliation corresponds to one of the governing parties or to the opposition parties on federal level. 19

112400 LEGISLATIVE (= Landtag / federal state parliament) 6 112401 Mitglied der Regierungspartei SPD / member of the governing party SPD 112402 Mitglied der Regierungspartei CDU/CSU / member of the governing party CDU/CSU 112403 Mitglied der Regierungspartei FDP / member of the governing party FDP 112404 Mitglied der Regierungspartei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Member of the governing party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen 112405 Mitglied der Regierungspartei DIE LINKE / Member of the governing party DIE LINKE 112406 Mitglied einer anderen Regierungspartei / member of another govern- ing party 112407 Mitglied der Oppositionspartei SPD / member of the opposition party SPD 112408 Mitglied der Oppositionspartei CDU/CSU / member of the opposition party CDU/CSU 112409 Mitglied der Oppositionspartei FDP / member of the opposition party FDP 112410 Mitglied der Oppositionspartei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Member of the opposition party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen 112411 Mitglied der Oppositionspartei DIE LINKE / member of the opposition party DIE LINKE 112412 Mitglied einer anderen Oppositionspartei / member of another opposi- tion party 112413 Ausschuss des Landtages / Committees of the federal state parliament 112450 Sprecher des Landtages / spokesperson of the federal state parliament 112490 Mitglied des Landtages, aber nachrecherchieren, ob Regierung oder Opposition / member of the federal state parliamament but coding re- quires further investigation whether she / he belongs to a government or opposition party

112500 ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE 112501 German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank) 112502 President of the German Central Bank 112503 Spokesperson of the German Central Bank 112504 Vice president of the German Central Bank

6 Hier bezieht sich die Parteizugehörigkeit der Mitglieder des Landtages auf die Rolle ihrer Partei in der jewei- ligen Landesregierung (die Rolle der Partei im Bund wird hier nicht codiert) / Here, the party affiliation refers to the parties‘ role in the respective federal state government (their role in the federal government is not coded). 20

112505 Executive Board of the German Central Bank 112506 Employee of the German Central Bank 112511 BaFin Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht 112512 Kartellamt / cartel office 112599 Other actors / Economic Governance

112600 JUDICIARY 112601 Bundesverfassungsgericht / Federal constitutional court 112602 Bundesgerichtshof / Federal supreme court 112603 Bundesverwaltungsgericht / Federal administrative court 112604 Bundessozialgericht / Federal social court 112605 Bundesarbeitsgericht / Federal labour court 112606 Bundesfinanzhof / Federal fiscal court 112607 Bundespatentgericht / Federal patent court 112608 Bundesdisziplinargericht / Federal disciplinary court 112609 Oberlandesgericht / Higher regional court 112610 Landesgericht / Regional court 112611 Amtsgericht / District court 112619 Sonstige Juristen oder juristische Institutionen / other jurisprudents or legal institutions


112701 Staatsanwaltschaft / prosecution 112702 Polizei / police 112709 other executive bodies

112800 PARTIES 112811 CDU/ CSU (Christlich Demokratische Union / Christlich-Soziale Un- ion; Christian Democratic Union of Germany) 112831 SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands; Social Democratic Par- ty of Germany) 112841 FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei; Free Democratic Party) 112851 Bündnis 90/Die Grünen; Alliance '90/The Greens 112861 DIE LINKE;


Other Parties 112891 PIRATEN, Pirate Party 112892 NPD (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands; National De- mocratic Party of Germany) 112893 AFD (Alternative für Deutschland; ) 112899 other party

Party youth organizations 112817 Junge Union 112837 JUSOS 112847 Junge Liberale 112857 Grüne Jugend 112867 Linksjugend.Solid 112897 other Party youth organizations in Germany

112900 PARTY PERSONNEL and other political actors 112901 Party Leader 112902 Party Spokesperson 112903 Party Candidate 112904 Opposition, general 112908 Diplomat / Ambassador 112909 sonstiger Akteur in der Politik / other political actor

National: Politics in Greece (122000)

122100 EXECUTIVE (= Federal Government and cabinet) 122101 Πρωθυπουργός / Prime Minister 122102 Γραφείο Πρωθυπουργού / Administration of Prime Minister 122103 Υπουργός Εξωτερικών / Foreign minister 122104 Υπουργός Εθνικής Άμυνας / Minister of defence 122105 Υπουργός Εσωτερικών / Minister of the interior 122106 Υπουργός Δικαιοσύνης, Διαφάνειας και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων / Minister of justice, transparency & human rights 122107 Minister of economy and finance (until 7 Oct 2009) 122108 Υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος, Ενέργειας και Κλιματικής Αλλαγής / Minister of the environment, energy & climate change


122109 Υπουργός Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων / Minister of rural devel- opment & food 122110 Γενικός Γραμματές Νέας Γενιάς / General Secretary of Youth 122111 Υπουργός Υγείας / Minister of health 122112 Υπουργός Υποδομών, Μεταφορών και Δικτύων / Minister of infrastruc- ture transport, building & networks 122113 Υπουργός Οικονομικών / Minister of finance 122114 Υπουργός Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων / Minister of education & reli- gious affairs 122115 Υπουργός Ανάπτυξης και Ανταγωνιστικότητας / Minister for economic development & competition 122116 Υπουργός Εργασίας Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης και Πρόνοιας / Minister of labor, social security & welfare 122117 Γενικός Γραμματέας Κυβέρνησης / Member of the ministerial bureau- cracy (state secretaries) 122118 Υπουργός Δημόσιας Τάξης και Προστασίας του Πολίτη / Minister of public order & citizen protection 122119 Υπουργός Διοικητικής Μεταρρύθμισης και Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης / Minister of administration reform & electronic governance 122120 Υπουργός Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού / Minister for culture & sports 122121 Υπουργός Τουρισμού / Minister of tourism 122122 Υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου / Minister of shipping & Aegean 122123 Υπουργός Μακεδονίας και Θράκης / Minister of Macedonia & Thrace 122124 Υπουργός Επικρατείας / Minister of State 122125 Αντιπρόεδρος της Κυβερνήσεως / Deputy Prime Minister 122150 Κυβερνητικός Εκπρόσωπος / Federal press office and spokespersons of the federal government or federal ministries

122200 EXECUTIVE on regional level 122201 Γενικός Γραμματέας Αποκεντρωμένης Διοίκησης / General Secretary of Decentralized Administration 122202 Περιφερειάρχης επικεφαλής Περιφερειακής Διοίκησης / Regional gover- nor head of Administrative Region 122203 Άντιπεριφερειάρχης / Vice regional governor 122204 Περιφερειακό Συμβούλιο / Regional council 122205 Δήμαρχος / Mayor 122206 Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο / City Council


122300 LEGISLATIVE (and president) 122301 Πρόεδρος Βουλής των Ελλήνων / Presiding officer of the Greek parlia- ment 122302 Βουλευτής συμπολίτευσης / Member of Parliament (governing parties on federal level) 122303 Βουλευτής αντιπολίτευσης / Member of Parliament (opposition parties on federal level) 122304 Μέλος επιτροπής Ελληνικού Κοινοβουλίου / Μember of a committee of the Greek parliament 122305 Γραφείο Τύπου Βουλής / spokesperson of the Greek parliament 122320 member of the parliament but coding requires further investigation whether she or he belongs to a government or opposition party on na- tional level 122360 President of Greece 122361 Vice-President of Greece 122370 Parliamentary enquiry committee 122380 Two-party-hegemony (ruling of ND and PASOK)

122400 LEGISLATIVE (= Parliament) on regional level 122401 Μέλος περιφερειακού συμβουλίου πλειοψηφίας / Member of regional council of the majority 122402 Μέλος περιφερειακού συμβουλίου μειοψηφίας / Member of regional council of the minority 122403 Μέλος δημοτικού συμβουλίου πλειοψηφίας / Member of city council of majority 122404 Μέλος δημοτικού συμβουλίου μειοψηφίας / Member of city council of the minority

122500 ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE 122501 Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος / The Bank of Greece 122502 Διοικητής Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος / President of The Bank of Greece 122503 Κέντρο Ενημέρωσης / Spokesperson of The Bank of Greece

122600 JUDICIARY: Courts 122601 Ανώτατο Ειδικό Δικαστήριο / Supreme Special Court 122602 Άρειος Πάγος / Court of Cassation 122603 Συμβούλιο της Επικρατείας / Council of State 122604 Ελεγκτικό Συνέδριο / Chamber of Accounts


122651 Εφετείο / Appellate court 122652 Πρωτοδικείο / Court

122700 EXECUTIVE BODY 122701 Εισαγγελικές αρχές / prosecution 122702 Αστυνομία / police 122709 other executive body

122800 PARTIES 122811 ΝΔ / ND (Néa Dimokratía; New Democracy) 122831 ΠΑΣΟΚ / PASOK (Panhellenic Socialist Movement) 122832 ΔΗΜΑΡ/ DIMAR (Dimokratiki Aristera; Democratic Left) 122841 ΔΡΑΣΗ/ DRASI (Action) 122851 ΟΙΚΟΛΟΓΟΙ ΠΡΑΣΙΝΟΙ/ IKOLOGI PRASINI (Ecologist Greens) 122861 ΚΚΕ (Kommounistikó Kómma Elládas; Communist Party of Greece) 122862 ΣΥΡΙΖΑ / SYRIZA (Synaspismós Rizospastikís Aristerás; Coalition of the Radical Left) 122871 ΛΑΟΣ / LAOS (Laikós Orthódoxos Synagermós; Popular Orthodox Rally) Other Parties 122891 ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ANEL (Anexartiti Ellines; Independent Greeks) 122892 ΕΝΩΣΗ ΚΕΝΤΡΩΩΝ / ENOSIS KENTROON (Centre Union) 122893 XA (CHRYSI AYGI; Golden Dawn) 122894 ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ/ ANTARSYA (Antikapitalistiki Aristeri Synergasia gia tin Anatropi; Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow) 122895 EEK (Ergatiko Epanastatiko Komma; Workers Revolutionary Party) 122896 ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΞΑΝΑ/ DIMIOURGIA XANA (Recreate Greece) 122897 ΦΙΛΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΗ ΣΥΜΜΑΧΙΑ/ Fileleftheri Symmachia; Liberal Alli- ance 122898 DHSY / Dimocratiki Sumaxia 122899 other party or other party youth organization not present in the follow- ing

Party Youth organizations 122817 ΟΝΝΕΔ/ ONNED 122837 Νεολαία ΠΑΣΟΚ7/ Neolaia PASOK 25

122867 ΚΝΕ 122868 Νεολαία ΣΥΡΙΖΑ/ Neolaia SYRIZA 122869 Νεολαία Κομμουνιστική Απελευθέρωση/ Neolaia KOMMOUNISTIKI APELEVTHEROSI


122901 Party leader 122902 Party spokesperson 122903 Party candidate 122904 Opposition, general 122908 Diplomat / Ambassador 122909 other actor within the political system

National: Politics in other EU-member states and in non-EU states (XX2000)

XX2100 EXECUTIVE (= government of state XX) XX2101 Head of government (unless currently holding the presidency of the Eu- ropean Union, see 502202) XX2102 Member of the government XX2150 Spokesperson of the government

XX2300 LEGISLATIVE (= parliament of state XX) XX2302 Members of parliament XX2350 Spokesperson of the parliament

XX2500 ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE XX2501 National Central Bank XX2502 President of the National Central Bank XX2503 Spokesperson of the National Central Bank XX2590 Other actors Economic Governance

XX2600 JUDICIARY (= legal institutions of state XX) XX2601 Constitutional Court XX2610 Judge XX2650 Spokesperson of the court 26

XX2690 other jurisprudents or legal institutions

XX2700 EXECUTIVE BODIES and other political actors XX2701 Prosecution (Staatsanwaltschaft) XX2702 Police XX2709 other political actors

XX2800 PARTIES / Party families based on European Parliament Groups (see 502800) XX281X Conservative / Christian Democratic Parties (EPP in EP) XX282X Conservative reformist parties (ECR in EP) XX283X Social-democratic parties (S&D in EP) XX284X Liberal parties (ALDE in EP) XX285X Green / ecological parties (Greens/EFA in EP) XX286X Leftist parties (GUE/NGL in EP) XX287X EU-sceptical/ rightist parties (EFD in EP) XX288X Non-inscrits (parties with no European Parliament Group Affiliation) XX289X other parties

Remark Parties: National Party codes are structured according to affiliation to European Par- liament Groups. The First two digits indicate the geographical location. The next two indicate the functional specification, in this case political party =28. The fifth digit indicates the corre- sponding European Parliament Group, which implies the political orientation, and the sixth digit indicates the actual party. For parties which are not represented in the EP and not affili- ated to an EP group, individual digits are assigned case-by-case. This implies that the codes in these cases do not allow inferences about the political orientation (e.g. AFD is coded: 112893). For party youth organizations we assign the code XX28X7-9, e.g. 112817=Junge Union (German Young Conservatives, CDU), whereas the mother party CDU is coded 112811). This does not apply for Parties are not present in the EP and not affiliated to an EP group! For an overview of parties other than Greek, German or European Parties, see Party Table on pages 52 ff. Party leaders are coded as individual actors XX2901 + party affiliation in the respective variables. The same applies for party spokespersons (XX2902).

XX2900 PARTY PERSONNEL and other political actors XX2901 Party leader XX2902 Party spokesperson XX2903 Party candidate XX2904 Opposition XX2908 Diplomat / Ambassador 27

XX2909 other actors within the political system

National: Politics in Spain (212000) (Example…) 212100 EXECUTIVE 212101 Head of government (unless currently holding the presidency of the Eu- ropean Union, see 502202) 212102 Member of the government 212150 Spokesperson of the government

212300 LEGISLATIVE 212302 Members of parliament 212350 Spokesperson of the parliament

212500 ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE 212501 National Central Bank 212502 President of the National Central Bank 212503 Spokesperson of the National Central Bank 212590 Other actors / Economic Governance

212600 JUDICIARY 212601 Constitutional Court 212610 Judge 212650 Spokesperson of the court 212690 other jurisprudents or legal institutions

212700 EXECUTIVE BODIES 212701 Prosecution (Staatsanwaltschaft) 212702 Police 212709 Other executive actor

212800 PARTIES 212811 PP 212812 UDC 212831 PSOE 212841 CDL


212851 ICV 212861 EUIA 212862 IU 212863 PCE

Parties not affiliated with European Parliament groups 212891 UPyD 212892 CiU 212893 ERC 212894 PNV 212895 PSC 212896 EQUO 212899 other party not affiliated with European Parliament groups

212900 PARTY PERSONNEL and other political actors 212901 Party leader 212902 Party spokesperson 212903 Party candidate 212904 Opposition, general 212908 Diplomat / Ambassador 212909 other actors within the political system

National: Politics in France (142000) (Example…)

142360 Président de la République française / President of France

Transnational: Politics in the European Union (502000)

502100 EXECUTIVE (=European Commission) 502101 President of the European Commission 502102 EU-Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro 502103 EU-Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry 502104 EU-Commissioner for Internal Market and Services 502105 EU-Commissioner for Competition 502106 EU-Commissioner for Trade


502107 EU-Commissioner for Financial Programming and the Budget 502108 EU-Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportu- nities 502120 Other EU-commissioner 502121 Ministerial bureaucracy (Commission’s administration, General direc- torates) 502150 Spokesperson of the European Commission

502200 European Council 502201 President of the European Council 502202 Head of government of the country currently holding the European Presidency 502203 High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Pol- icy 502204 Other individual members of the council (unless nationality identifia- ble) 502206 German member of the committee of permanent representatives 502205 Greek member of the committee of permanent representatives) 502250 Spokesperson of the European Council

502300 The Councils of the European Union 502301 General Affairs Council (GAC) 502302 Minister of the GAC (unless nationality identifiable) 502303 Spokesperson of the GAC 502304 Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) 502305 Minister of the FAC (unless nationality identifiable) 502306 Spokesperson of the FAC 502307 Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) 502308 Minister of the ECOFIN (unless nationality identifiable) 502309 Spokesperson of the ECOFIN 502310 Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Agrifish) 502311 Minister of Agrifish (unless nationality identifiable) 502312 Spokesperson of Agrifish 502313 Competitiveness Council (COCOM) 502314 Minister of the COCOM (unless nationality identifiable) 502315 Spokesperson of COCOM


502316 Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) 502317 Minister of the EPSCO (unless nationality identifiable) 502318 Spokesperson of EPSCO 502319 Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) 502320 Minister of the JHA (unless nationality identifiable) 502321 Spokesperson of JHA 502322 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) 502323 Minister of the TTE (unless nationality identifiable) 502324 Spokesperson of TTE 502325 Environment Council (ENVI) 502326 Minister of the ENVI (unless nationality identifiable) 502327 Spokesperson of ENVI 502328 Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council (EYC) 502329 Minister of the EYC (unless nationality identifiable) 502330 Spokesperson of EYC

502400 LEGISLATIVE (= European Parliament) 502401 President of the European parliament 502402 German member of the European parliament 502403 Greek member of the European parliament 502404 Member of the European parliament from other member states 502405 European Parliament Committee; Advisory Committee 502406 Bureaucracy of the European parliament 502490 Spokesperson of the European parliament

502500 ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE 502501 European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) 502502 European Banking Authority (EBA) 502503 EIOPA - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Europäische Aufsichtsbehörde für das Versicherungswesen und die be- triebliche Altersversorgung)

502600 JUDICIARY (= European Court of Justice + Court of first instance) 502601 European Court of Justice 502602 President of the European court of justice 31

502603 Single judge at the European court of justice 502604 Single prosecutor at the European court of justice 502605 Member of the legal service of the European court of justice 502609 Spokesperson of the European court of justice 502651 Court of first instance 502652 President of the court of first instance 502653 Single judge at the court of first instance 502654 Spokesperson of the court of first instance

502700 EXECUTIVE BODIES Consultative bodies, agencies and other EU-institutions 502701 Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) 502702 Member of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) 502703 Member of Europol, Eurojust and other Executive policing bodies 502704 Member of the European Court of Auditors (including president) 502705 Euro-ombudsman 502708 OLAF Inter-institutional bodies 502709 Publications Office of the European Union 502710 European Personnel selection office Autonomous bodies of the European Union Agencies of the European Community 502711 Eurostat 502712 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) 502713 European Environmental Agency (EEA) 502714 European Training Foundation (ETF) 502715 The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 502716 European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) 502717 Office Harmonisation in the Internal Market (HABM) 502718 European Agency for Health and Safety at Work (EU-OSHA) 502719 Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) 502720 Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) 502721 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) 502722 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 32

502723 European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) 502724 European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) 502725 European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)

Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) 502727 European Defence Agency (EDA) 502728 European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) 502729 European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC)

502800 PARTIES / European Parliament Groups 502810 Group of the European People's Party (EPP) 502820 Group of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) 502830 Group of Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) 502840 Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE) 502850 Group of the Greens - European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA) 502860 Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left (GUE / NGL) 502870 Group of Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) 502880 Non-Inscrits 502890 other parties

502900 PARTY PERSONNEL and other political actors

502901 European Party leader 502902 European party spokesperson 502903 European party candidate 502904 European Parliament Opposition general 502909 other EU actor (politics)

Transnational: Eurogroup + ECB + crisis institutions 512100 Eurogroup 512101 President of the Eurogroup/Eurozone 512102 Spokesperson of the president of the Eurogroup/Eurozone


512500 ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE 512510 European Central Bank 512511 President of the European Central Bank 512512 Vice-President of the European Central Bank 512513 Executive Board of the European Central Bank (President, Vice- President, 4 members) 512514 Governing Council of the European Central Bank (exec. Board and Presidents of national banks of all Eurozone member states) 512515 General Council of the European Central Bank (exec. Board and Presi- dents of national banks of all EU member states) 512519 Other actor / Economic Governance Crisis Institutions 512530 EFSF – European (Europäische Finanzstabilisierungsfazilität) 512531 Head of the EFSF 512532 Spokesperson or other person from the EFSF 512533 EFSM (Europäischer Finanzstabilisierungsmechanismus) 512534 Head of the EFSM 512535 Spokesperson or other person from the EFSM 512536 ESM (Europäischer Stabilitätsmechanismus) 512550 Head of the ESM 512551 Spokesperson or other person from the ESM 512537 FSC - Financial Stability Committee 512538 Head of FSC 512539 Spokesperson or other person from FSC 512540 ESRB - European Systemic Risk Board (Europäischer Ausschuss für Stabilitätsrisiken) 512541 Head of ESRB 512542 Spokesperson or other person from ESRB 512543 FSB – Financial Stability Board 512544 Head of FSB 512545 Spokesperson or other person from FSB 512549 Other crisis institution


Transnational: Politics Other (Examples) Examples: use German actors in analogy, see p.47

522800 parties in Crisis Countries / PIIGS 612100 the (governments of the) EU-member states 652300 Legislatives of several EU-member states 692100 Governments of all or the Eurozone-member states 692300 Legislatives of all or the Eurozone-member states …

Transnational: Troika (622500) 622500 Troika (European Commission, ECB, IMF together) 622501 Head of Troika 622502 Spokesperson of Troika 622503 member of Troika, active in Greece 622504 member of Troika, active in Portugal 622505 member of Troika, active in Spain 622506 member of Troika, active in Ireland 622507 member of Troika, active in Cyprus 622508 member of Troika, active in other country 622509 Troika and Greek government (Memorandum signatories) 622510 Troika and Portuguese government (Memorandum signatories) 622511 Troika and Spanish government (Memorandum signatories) 622512 Troika and Irish government (Memorandum signatories) 622513 Troika and Cypriot government (Memorandum signatories)

Transnational: Politics in other transnational organizations (702000)

702100 ALLIANCES AND ORGANIZATIONS 702101 United Nations Organisation (UNO) 702102 Council of Europe 702103 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

7 In order to build codes for here absent categories (e.g. Italian Parliament), use the German actors in analogy. Here: 152300, with 112300 as German Parliament. 35

702104 Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 702105 G8 / G20 702106 World Trade Organisation (WTO) 702107 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) 702109 Other supranational or intergovernmental institution/cooperation

702300 COURTS 702301 International Court of Justice (ICJ) 702302 European Court of Human Rights 702303 European Commission for Human Rights 702309 other supranational or intergovernmental court

702500 ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE 702501 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 702502 Managing Director (Head) of IMF 702503 Other Management Team member of IMF 702504 IMF Fiscal Affairs Department 702505 IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department 702506 IMF Statistics Department 702507 IMF European Department 702508 IMF other Department 702509 IMF, other person from the IMF 702550 World Bank 702551 President of World Bank 702552 World Bank, Board of Governors 702553 World Bank, Board of Directors 702554 World Bank, other person from World Bank 702599 Other actor / Economic Governance





National: ECONOMY IN GERMANY (113000)

113100 CORPORATION (breakdown by industries): 113101 Media (e.g. Bertelsmann) 113102 Automobile and aircraft industry 113103 Cargo and passenger transportation (e.g. Deutsche Bahn) 113104 Biotechnology, pharmaceutical industries and chemistry (e.g. Bayer) 113105 Food industries 113106 Building industry and real estate 113107 Banking and finance sector 113108 Insurance business 113109 Textile industry, fashion and clothing business 113110 Tourism, recreation and consumer goods 113111 Raw materials 113112 Iron and steel 113113 Oil, gas and energy 113114 Renewable energy and green technology 113115 Communication industries 113119 Other industries and corporations

113200 ASSOCIATIONS 113201 Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) / Federation of German industry 113202 Bundesverbandes öffentlicher Banken (VÖB) / Association of German Public Banks 113203 Employers’ association 113209 other associations (→ add new actors accordingly)

113300 UNIONS 113301 Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) / Confederation of German Trade Unions 113302 Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft e. V. (ver.di) / United Service Sector Union


113303 Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft / Education and Science Workers' union 113304 IG Metall / Industrial Union of Metalworkers 113305 IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt / Industrial Union of Construction, Agricul- ture, Environment 113309 other unions


National: ECONOMY IN GREECE (123000)

123100 CORPORATION (breakdown by industries): 123101 Media (e.g. ΔΟΛ, Πήγασος, Τηλέτυπος) 123102 Automobile and aircraft industry 123103 Cargo and passenger transportation (e.g. XXX) 123104 Biotechnology, pharmaceutical industries and chemistry (e.g. ΒΙΑΝΕΞ) 123105 Food industries 123106 Building industry and real estate (ΑΚΤΩΡ, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΤΕΧΝΟΔΟΜΙΚΗ) 123107 Banking and finance sector (Alpha Bank, Eurobank, ΕΤΕ, Τράπεζα Πειραιώς) 123108 Insurance business (INTERAMERICAN) 123109 Textile industry, fashion and clothing business 123110 Tourism, recreation and consumer goods (GRECOTEL) 123111 Raw materials 123112 Iron and steel (Χαλυβουργική) 123113 Oil, gas and energy (MOTOR OIL, AEGEAN) 123114 Renewable energy and green technology 123115 Communication industries 123119 Other industries and corporations

123200 ASSOCIATIONS 123201 ΣΕΒ / Hellenic Federation of Enterprises 123202 ΕΣΕΕ / National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce 123203 ΓΣΕΒΕΕ / Hellenic Confederation of Professional Craftsmen and Mer- chants 123204 ΣΕΤΕ / Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises 38

123205 ΕΒΕΑ / Athens Chamber of Commerce 123206 ΞΕΕ / Hellenic Chamber of Hotels 123207 Ελληνική Ένωση Τραπεζών / Hellenic Bank Association

123300 UNIONS 123301 ΓΣΕΕ / General Confederation of Greek Workers 123302 ΑΔΕΔΥ / Higher Association Union of Civil Servants 123303 ΟΛΜΕ / Greek federation of secondary education state school teachers 123304 ΔΟΕ / Greek federation of primary education state school teachers 123305 ΠΟΕ-ΟΤΑ / Pan-Hellenic Federation of workers associations of the lo- cal government 123306 OTOE / Federation of Greek bank employees 123307 OME-OTE / Federation of Greek telecom employees 123308 ΓΕΝΟΠ-ΔΕΗ / Federation of workers in Greek Electricity 123309 ΠΟΕΜ / Pan-Hellenic Federation of Steel workers 123310 ΠΑΣΕΓΕΣ / Pan-Hellenic Confederation of Unions of Agricultural Co- operatives 123311 ΠΑΜΕ / All Workers Militant Front 123312 Συντονιστικό Πρωτοβάθμιων Σωματείων / Coordination of first-level unions 123313 ΓΕΣΑΣΕ / GESASE Farmers’ Union 123314 ΣΥΔΑΣΕ/SYDASE Farmers’ Union 123315 ΓΣΕΒΕΕ, EΣΕΕ, ΕΒΕΑ, ΣΕΤΕ – small-medium enterprises unions & associations




Transnational: ECONOMY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION (503000)


503200 ASSOCIATIONS / Lobbyists 503201 BUSINESSEUROPE 503203 European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) 503204 Automobile industry lobby (e.g. ACE) 503205 Association of European Airlines (AEA) 503206 Agriculture Lobby (COPA) 503209 Other European associations and lobby

503300 UNIONS in the European Union 503301 European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) 503309 Other European Unions


Transnational: ECONOMY AND OTHER TRANSNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (703000) In the following, multi-national cooperations are coded 70XXXX even though their name might still indicate a national origin. 703100 CORPORATIONS 703101 multi-national corporation (unless nationality and place of business identifiable) 703021 Banco Bilbao 703022 Bank of America 703023 Banka Intesa 703024 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ 703025 Barclays 703026 BNP Paribas 703027 China Construction Bank 703028 Citigroup 703029 Crédit Agricole 703030 Credit Suisse 703031 Deutsche Bank 40

703032 Goldman Sachs 703034 HSBC 703035 ICBC 703036 ING Groep 703037 JP Morgan Chase 703038 Lehmann Brothers 703039 Lloyds Banking Group 703040 Morgan Stanley 703041 RBoS Royal Bank of Scottland 703042 Santander 703043 Société Générale 703044 UBS 703045 UniCredit 703046 Wells Fargo 703047 HBOS 703049 Other international Bank 703050 Investment bank or investment, specified in NAME-variable 703060 Hedgefonds, specified in NAME-variable 703061 Single Hedgefonds, not further specified 703062 Several/all Hedgefonds, not further specified

703200 International associations

703300 International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)


703500 OTHER ECONOMIC ACTORS, including Rating Agencies 703501 Moody’s - Credit Rating Agency 703502 Standard & Poor’s- Credit Rating Agency 703503 Fitch – Credit Rating Agency 703504 European - Credit Rating Agency (not yet existent) 703509 Other Credit Rating Agencies


703510 Mc Kinsey 703519 Other consulting agencies, specified in NAME-variable




National: SCIENCE IN GERMANY (114000)

114100 INDIVIDUAL PROMINENT ACADEMICS/SCIENTISTS 114101 Hans Werner Sinn 114102 Wolfgang Streeck 114103 Jürgen Habermas 114109 Other individual prominent academics/scientists

114200 SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY ORGANIZATION 114201 Sachverständigenrat für Wirtschaft („Wirtschaftsweise“) 114202 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik 114208 think tank, not further specified 114209 Other scientific advisory organization

114300 SCIENTIST FROM SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE 114301 Medicine 114302 Natural Science and Mathematics 114303 Economics (Volkswirtschaftslehre) 114304 Business and Administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre) 114305 Law 114306 Political Science 114307 Sociology 114308 Other Social Sciences


114309 Literature 114310 Archaeology 114311 Ancient Greek Language 114312 Latin 114313 Other Languages 114314 Arts 114315 Other Humanities 114319 Other scientific discipline

114400 Science administration / science management 114401 Officials 114402 Public Universities 114403 Private Universities and Survey institutions 114409 Other actors / Science administration / science management

National: SCIENCE IN GREECE (124000)

124100 INDIVIDUAL PROMINENT ACADEMICS/SCIENTISTS 124101 Ελένη Γλύκατζη Αρβελέρ / Eleni Glykatzi-Arveler 124102 Νίκος Μουζέλης / Nikos Mouzelis 124103 Γιάννης Βαρουφάκης / Yannis Varoufakis 124104 Κώστας Λαπαβίτσας / Kostas Lapavitsas 124105 Αντώνης Λιάκος / Antonis Liakos 124106 Κωνσταντίνος Τσουκαλάς / Konstantinos Tsoukalas

124200 SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY ORGANIZATION 124201 ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ / Hellenic Foundation of Foreign & European Affairs 124202 ΙΝΕ/ΓΣΕΕ / Institute of Labor 124203 EKKE / National Centre for Social Research 124204 EIE / National Hellenic Research Foundation 124208 think tank, not further specified

124300 SCIENTIST FROM SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE 124301 Medicine 124302 Natural Science and Mathematics


124303 Economics 124304 Business and Administration 124305 Law 124306 Political Science (Ελληνική Εταιρεία Πολιτικής Επιστήμης) 124307 Sociology (Ελληνική Κοινωνιολογική Εταιρεία) 124308 Other Social Sciences 124309 Literature 124310 Archaeology 124311 Ancient Greek Language 124312 Latin 124313 Other Languages 124314 Arts 124315 Other Humanities

124400 Science administration / science management 124401 Officials 124402 Public Universities 124403 Private Universities and Survey institutions

XX4XXX Science / Scientists in the respective countries




Actors Civil Society

National: Civil Society in Germany (115000, 116000)

115100 Social welfare organizations, groups and initiatives 115101 Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband 115102 Caritas 115103 Diakonie 115104 Arbeiterwohlfahrt 115105 Bahnhofsmission 115106 Tafel 115109 Other actors / Social welfare organizations, groups and initiatives

115200 Democracy organizations, groups and initiatives 115201 Mehr Demokratie e.V. 115209 Other actors / Democracy organizations, groups and initiatives

115300 Youth organizations, groups and initiatives 115309 Other actor / Youth organizations, groups and initiatives

115400 Women’s organizations, groups and initiatives 115409 Other actor / Women’s organizations, groups and initiatives

115500 Xenophobic/Racist organizations, groups and initiatives 115509 Other actor / Xenophobic/Racist organizations, groups and initiatives

115600 Immigrant, Refugee, Anti-Xenophobic/Racist and human rights groups and or- ganizations 115601 amnesty international Germany 115602 Flüchtlingsrat 115603 Antifa 115609 Other actor / Immigrant, Refugee, Anti-Xenophobic/Racist and human rights groups and organizations


115700 Environmental organizations, groups and initiatives 115701 Greenpeace 115702 BUND 115703 WWF 115704 Naturschutzbund 115709 other actor / Environmental organizations, groups and initiatives

115800 Squatter organizations, groups and initiatives

115900 Anarchist organizations, groups and initiatives (not categorized in other issue areas)

116000 Churches 116001 Orthodox Church 116002 Catholic Church 116003 Protestant Church 116004 Jewish Community 116005 Islamic Community 116009 Other Churches and religious communities

116100 Other actors within civil society

116200 Influential Individuals (intellectuals, artists, etc.) 116201 Günther Grass 116202 Otto Rehagel 116203 Kosta Kordalis 116240 Other Writer (not journalist!) 116250 Other Actor 116260 Other Singer/Musician 116270 Other Sportsman/Sportswoman 116280 Other Individual (not yet categorized)

116300 Clandestine/anonymous groups


116400 (Social) Justice oriented groups and networks 116401 Occupy 116402 Indignados

116500 Interest Groups/Initiatives on Economic Regulation 116501 ATTAC 116502 Lobby Control 116509 Other Interest Groups/Initiatives on Economic Regulation

National: CIVIL SOCIETY IN GREECE (125000, 126000) 125100 Social welfare organizations, groups and initiatives 125101 Αλληλεγγύη / Allilegyi 125102 Χαμόγελο του Παιδιού / Hamoyelo tou Paidiou 125103 Praksis 125106 Αρσις / Arsis 125104 Κλίμακα / Klimaka 125105 Κοινωνική ενδυνάμωση / Koinoniki Endynamosi 125109 Other social welfare organization

125200 Democracy organizations, groups and initiatives 125201 Ελληνική Επιτροπή για τα Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου / Elliniki Epitro- pi yia ta dikaiomata toy Anthopou 125202 ΚΕΔΔΕ (Κίνηση για τις Ελευθερίες και τα Δημοκρατικά Δικαιώματα της Εποχής μας) / KEDDE 125203 Helsinki watch - Greece

125300 Youth organizations, groups and initiatives 125301 Φοιτητικοί Σύλλογοι / Foititikoi Syllogoi 125302 YRE (Youth against racism in Europe)

125400 Women’s organizations, groups and initiatives 125401 ΔΙΟΤΙΜΑ (Κέντρο γυναικείων μελετών & ερευνών) / DIOTIMA 125402 Δίκτυο Γυναικών Ευρώπης / Women’s European Network 125403 Παγκόσμια πορεία γυναικών – Ελληνικό δίκτυο / Pagosmia PoreiaYinaikon 47

125404 Φεμινιστικό κέντρο Αθήνας / Athens’ Feminist Centre

125500 Xenophobic/Racist organizations, groups and initiatives 125501 Δίκτυο 21 / Diktyo 21

125600 Refugee and Anti-Xenophobic/Racist organizations, groups and initiatives 125601 amnesty international Greece 125602 Δίκτυο για τα Πολιτικά και Κοινωνικά Δικαιώματα / Diktyo yia ta Poli- tika kai Koinonika Dikaiomata 125603 Στέκι Μεταναστών / Steki Metanaston 125604 ΚΕΕΡΦΑ / KEERFA

125700 Environmental organizations, groups and initiatives 125701 Greenpeace 125702 Friends of the Earth 125703 WWF 125704 Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature 125705 other Environmental organizations, groups and initiatives

125800 Squatter organizations, groups and initiatives 125801 Κ-ΒΟΞ / K-BOX 125802 Βιλλα Αμαλία / Villa Amalia 125803 Κατάληψη Δέλτα (Θεσσαλονίκη) / Latalipsi Delta 125804 Κατάληψη Rosa Nera (Χανιά) / Katalippsi Rosa Nera

125900 Anarchist organizations, groups and initiatives (not categorized in other issue areas) 125901 Αντιεξουσιαστική Κίνηση / Antiexousiastiki Kinii 125909 other Anarchist organizations, groups and initiatives 126000 Churches 126001 Orthodox Church 126002 Catholic Church 126003 Protestant Church 126004 Jewish Community 126005 Islamic Community 126009 Other Churches and religious communities 48

126100 Other actors within civil society

126200 Influential Individuals (intellectuals, artists, etc.) 126201 Μίκης Θεοδωράκης / Mikis Theodorakis 126202 Νάνος Βαλαωρίτης / Nanos Valaoritis 126203 Τίτος Πατρίκιος / Titos Patrikios 126204 Δημήτρης Παπαιωάννου / Dimitris Papaioannou 126240 Other Writer (not journalist!) 126250 Other Actor 126260 Other Singer/Musician 126270 Other Sportsman/Sportswoman 126280 Other Individual (not yet categorized)

126300 Clandestine/anonymous groups

126400 (Social) Justice oriented groups and networks 126401 Occupy 126402 Indignados

126500 Interest Groups/Initiatives on Economic Regulation 126501 ATTAC ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ / ATTAC GREECE 126502 ΙΟΒΕ / Foundation for economic and industrial research 126509 other Interest Groups/Initiatives on Economic Regulation


505100 Social welfare organizations, groups and initiatives

505200 Democracy organizations, groups and initiatives 505201 Democracy International 505209 Other Democracy organizations, groups and initiatives


505300 Youth organizations, groups and initiatives

505400 Women’s organizations, groups and initiatives

505500 Xenophobic/Racist organizations, groups and initiatives

505600 Immigrant, Refugee, Anti-Xenophobic/Racist and Human Rights organizations, groups and initiatives

505700 Environmental organizations, groups and initiatives 505701 Greenpeace 505702 Friends of the Earth 505703 WWF 505704 European Environmental Bureau

505800 Squatter organizations, groups and initiatives

505900 Anarchist organizations, groups and initiatives (not categorized in other issue areas)

506000 Churches 506001 Orthodox Church 506002 Catholic Church 506003 Protestant Church 506004 Jewish Community 506005 Islamic Community 506009 Other Churches and religious communities

506100 Other actors within civil society

506200 Influential Individuals (intellectuals, artists, etc.)

506300 Clandestine/anonymous groups

506400 (Social) Justice oriented groups and networks 506401 Occupy 50

506402 Indignados 506409 Other (Social) Justice oriented groups and networks




Society / Groups of people

National: Society in Germany (117000)

11700X Societal groups of people in Germany 117001 all Germans/ “the Germans” / “the typical German” 117002 a majority of Germans (not further specified) 117003 a minority of Germans (not further specified) 117004 some Germans, not specified 117005 a specified part of the Germans (e.g. 27 % of the Germans) 117006 Women 117007 Men 117008 Sexual Minorities, other 117009 other group of Germans, not further characterized

11701X Age Groups in Germany 117010 old people in Germany (~over 65) 117011 medium aged people


117012 young people (~under 25) 117013 children 117014 future generation(s) 117015 past generation(s) 117019 other specified age group not yet mentioned

11702X Classes in Germany 117020 working class, workers 117021 capitalists 117022 the poor 117023 the poorest 117024 the rich 117025 the very rich 117026 millionaires 117027 the middle class 117028 average income earner 117029 the disadvantaged/people in need (not further specified) 117039 other class group not yet specified

11704X Ethnic Groups, refugees and immigrants in Germany 117040 “Foreigners” (following the interpretation of the sender/journalist) 117041 people with migration background / immigrants 117042 Turks (living in Germany) 117043 Greek (living in Germany) 117044 Italians (living in Germany) 117045 Spanish (living in Germany) 117046 Yugoslavs, including people from successor states (living in Germany) 117047 Inner German “ethnic” group (e.g. Sorbs) – however see “regional sub- groups” 117048 Refugees 117049 Other specified ethnic group not yet mentioned

11705X Regional Subgroups in Germany 117050 Baden Württemberger 117051 Bayern


117052 Berliner 117053 Brandenburger 117054 Bremer 117055 Hamburger 117056 Hessen 117057 Mecklenburg-Vorpommerner 117058 Niedersachsen 117059 Nordrhein-Westfalen 117060 Rheinland-Pfälzer 117061 Saarländer 117062 Sachsen 117063 Sachsen-Anhaltiner 117064 Schleswig-Holsteiner 117065 Thüringer 117069 Other geographical subgroup, not yet specified

11707X Family groups in Germany 117070 Singles 117071 Parents 117072 Grandparents 117073 Families 117074 Widows 117075 Couples without children 117079 other family subgroups not yet specified

11708X “Collective Characters” in Germany 117080 the honest 117081 the dishonest 117082 the trusting 117083 the distrusting 117089 other group-characterization, not yet specified

11709X Groups divided by political orientation in Germany 117090 Cosmopolitans / supporters of European integration 117091 the Eurosceptics


117092 democrats 117093 anti-democrats 117094 leftists / left-wing activists 117095 rightists / right-wing activists 117096 conservatives 117097 progressives / post-materialists 117098 Extremists 117099 other political stances, not yet specified

1171XX Functional groups in Germany

11710X State actors in Germany 117100 People employed in the public sector 117101 Policewomen, policemen 117102 Soldiers 117103 People employed in administration 117109 Other state actors in Germany

11711X Welfare State actors in Germany 117110 Tax payers 117111 people dependent on social welfare 117112 pensioners 117113 people dependent on help 117119 other Welfare State actors in Germany

11712X Political subgroups in Germany 117120 Politicians 117121 Voters 117122 People in state administration 117123 Protesters 117129 other roles in the political system, not yet specified

11713X Economic subgroups in Germany 117130 Employees 117131 Employers


117132 Owners of enterprises 117133 big business 117134 small business 117135 self employed 117136 the unemployed 117137 people in fear of their working place 117138 people in risk of losing their work 117139 holders of shares 117140 holders of state bonds 117141 bank customers 117142 speculators 117149 other roles in the economic system, not yet specified

11715X Educational Subgroups in Germany 117150 students (at university and similar institutions) 117151 pupils 117152 teachers 117153 teachers at university, professors 117154 child minders, “Erzieher” 117159 other roles in the educational system, not yet specified 117160 Generations

National: Society in Greece (127000) 12700X Societal groups of people in Greece 127001 all Greeks/ “the Greeks” / “the typical Greek” 127002 a majority of Greeks (not further specified) 127003 a minority of Greeks (not further specified) 127004 some Greeks, not specified 127005 a specified part of the Greeks (e.g. 27 % of the Greek) 127006 Women 127007 Men 127008 Sexual minorities, other 127009 other group of Greek, not further characterized


12701X Age Groups in Greece 127010 old people in Greece (~over 65) 127011 medium aged people 127012 young people (~ under 25) 127013 children 127014 future generation(s) 127015 past generation(s) 127019 other specified age group not yet mentioned

12702X Classes in Greece 127020 working class, workers 127021 capitalists 127022 the poor 127023 the poorest 127024 the rich 127025 the very rich 127026 millionaires 127027 the middle class 127028 average income earner 127029 the disadvantaged/people in need (not further specified) 127039 other class group not yet specified

12704X Ethnic Groups, immigrants and refugees in Greece 127040 “Foreigners” (following the interpretation of the sender/journalist) 127041 people with migration background / immigrants 127042 Albanians (living in Greece) 127043 Muslim ethnic minority (living in Greece) 127048 Refugees 127049 Other specified ethnic group not yet mentioned

12705X Regional Subgroups in Greece 127050 Athenians 127051 Cretans 127052 Macedonians 127053 Iporotes


127054 Thraces 127055 Peloponesians 127056 Dodekanisians 127057 Thessaloi 127058 Roumeliotes 127059 Other geographical subgroup, not yet specified

12707X Family groups in Greece 127070 Parents 127071 Grandparents 127072 Families 127073 Widows 127074 Couples without children 127075 Singles 127079 other family subgroups not yet specified

12708X “Collective Characters” in Greece 127080 the honest 127081 the dishonest 127082 the trusting 127083 the distrusting 127089 other group-characterization, not yet specified

12709X Groups divided by political orientation in Greece 127090 Cosmopolitans / supporters of European integration 127091 the Eurosceptics 127092 democrats 127093 anti-democrats 127094 leftists / left-wing activists 127095 rightists / right-wing activists 127096 conservatives 127097 progressives / post-materialists 127098 Extremists 127099 other political stances, not yet specified


1271XX Functional groups in Greece

12710X State actors in Greece 127100 People employed in the public sector 127101 Policewomen, policemen 127102 Soldiers 127103 People employed in administration 127109 Other state actors in Greece

12711X Welfare state actors in Greece 127111 Tax payers 127112 people dependent on social welfare 127113 pensioners 127114 people dependent on help 127119 Other welfare state actors in Greece

12712X Political subgroups in Greece 127120 Politicians 127121 Voters 127122 People in state administration 127123 Protesters 127129 other roles in the political system, not yet specified

12713X Economic subgroups in Greece 127130 Employees 127131 Employers 127132 Owners of enterprises 127133 big business 127134 small business 127135 self employed 127136 the unemployed 127137 people in fear of their working place 127138 people in risk of losing their work 127139 holders of shares 127140 holders of state bonds


127141 bank customers 127142 speculators 127149 other roles in the economic system, not yet specified

12715X Educational Subgroups in Greece 127150 students (at university and similar institutions) 127151 pupils 127152 teachers 127153 teachers at university, professors 127159 other roles in the educational system, not yet specified

127160 Generations

Transnational: Society other (XX7000), Examples Examples use others in analogy, see p.4 and footnote 7

517120 Politicians of the Eurozone Countries 527012 Young People in Crisis Countries 707142 transnational speculators

Social Phenomena as Actors

In reporting and public debates sometimes phenomena are treated as if they were inde- pendently acting. We find sentences like “The market punishes the government for excessive debts” or abstract references such as “globalization forces governments to decrease payroll taxes”. If phenomena such as “the market” or “globalization” or “nature” are presented as actors, we follow these discursive constructions that we find in the press: Phenomena are cod- ed as actors if they are treated as such in the reporting and if they refer to phenomena which are perceived as beyond the control of individual or collective actors. That means, a phenom- enon is treated and coded as an actor if all the following conditions are given:  actorhood is assigned to phenomena according to the text I.e. the phenomenon is the subject of the sentence and is combined with a verb that represents an activity  the constructed actor is not a figurative description of actors (see section 6.4 “collective actors”, “vague actors”, “diffuse actors”). E.g. the sen- tence, “Germany opposes Eurobonds…” is assigning the country “Germany” the sta- tus of an actor, but the context (in and beyond the article) clearly indicates that the journalist refers to the political subsystem which can be coded as such. Another exam- ple is: “German banks urge Merkel to save the Euro” which again clearly refers to ac- tors in the classical sense, i.e. banks as part of the societal subsystem Economy. The 59

same applies to vague actors such as the “majority of Germans” or “the people” (see the section “Society” XX7XXX in the actor list).  the phenomenon is not a normative or moral principle E.g. “Democracy tells us not to ignore…”: democracy might look like a potential actor but it is not because it is a normative principle which is spelled out. The sentence could be rephrased in the way: “Because we want to follow democratic principles we cannot ignore…”. Accordingly, this information is relevant for the coding of impact but not of actors. Use the interpretation of a phenomenon as an actor only if these three criteria can be substan- tiated from the text and context. In the coder list, social phenomena as actors can be found under the codes XX9XXX. Use these codes only if the codes of all other subgroups (codes XX1XXX to XX8XXX) do not apply.

Social Phenomena as Actors

909100 Social phenomena of the economy as social actors / no nationality specified 909101 “The market” or (the) markets 909102 “The Crisis” or crises (the Eurozone Crisis, the financial crisis …) 909103 Globalization 909104 Economic / financial instability 909106 Economic Growth 909107 Recession 909108 Unemployment 909199 other social phenomena related to the economy

909200 Social phenomena of society and the state as actors / no nationality specified 909201 Society 909202 Immigration 909203 Emigration 909204 Demography/demographic aging 909299 other social phenomena related to the society and the state

909300 social phenomena as actors / no nationality specified 909301 Science 909302 Nature/ Global Warming 909303 the past / experience 909304 the future 60

909305 human nature 909306 moral decay 909399 other social phenomena as actors / no nationality specified

Social Phenomena as Actors / nationality specified

If nationality is specified, use nation codes accordingly. E.g. “The German past urges Merkel to save the Euro”: → 119303


PARTY TABLES (incomplete)

National parties affiliated with European Parliament Groups (for parties without code specified here, apply generate codes in analogy)

Country European Parliament Group and affiliated national parties EPP ECR S&D ALDE Greens/EFA GUE/NGL EFD CDU/ CSU Christlich Demokratische SPD FDP Bündnis Union/ Christ- 90/Die Grü- Sozialdemokratische Freie Demokrati- lich-Soziale nen DIE LINKE Partei Deutschlands sche Partei Germany Union Alliance The Left Social Democratic Free Democratic Christian '90/The Party of Germany Party 112861 Democratic Greens Union of 112831 112841 112851 Germany 112811 ND SYRIZA Néa PASOK Coalition of Dimokratía Panhellenic Socia- LAOS Greece the Radical list Movement New Democ- Left 122871 racy 122831 122862 122811 VP SPÖ LIF Die Grünen KPÖ Austria 232811 232831 232841 232851 232861 CDenV LDD PS MR ECOLO PC

132811 132821 132831 132841 132851 132861 Belgium CDH sp.a Open VLD GROEN

132812 132832 132842 132852 GERB BSP MRF Levicata DSB DPS Bulgaria SDS DP HDZ SDP HNS Croatia HSS HSLS IDS-DDI EDEK DISY EDI BKP Kinima Sosial-

Dimokratikós dimokraton Enomeni Birleşik Sinayermós Dimokrates Kıbrıs Partisi

Cyprus YKP Yeni Kıbrıs Partisi AKEL Anorthotikó Kómma


Ergazómenou Laoú Czech Re- TOPO9 ODS CSSD LIDEM public KDU-CSL C SD RADIKALE SF Enhedslisten Denmark KD VENSTRE Estonia IRL SDE KESKERAKOND Vasakpartei Vihreät KOK SDP Keskusta SKP Finland KD Centern SFP RKP Vasemmisto UMP Union pour un PS Parti de Mouvement Les Verts Populaire Parti socialiste Gauche The Greens Union for a Socialist Party Left Party Popular 142851 142831 142861 Movement France 142811 Gauche Unitaire Unitarian Left 142862 PCF


Parti com- muniste fran- çais French Communist Party 142863 FIDESZ MSZDP Munkáspárt Hungary KDNP MSZP FG Fianna Fáil Ireland Fine Gael The Republican Party Movimento PDL Conservatori Comunisti Social Ri- italiani Popolo della PD Italia dei valori Libertà formatori Party of Ital- Partito Democratico Italy of Values The People of Conservatives ian Com- Freedom and Social 152831 152841 munists Reformers 152861 Italy 152811 152821 UdC Rifondazione Unione dei Radicali italiani Communist Democratici Italian Radicals Refoundation Cristiani e di Party Centro 152842 152862 Union of


Christian and Centre Demo- crats 152812 Popolari UDEUR (Unione De-

mocratici per l’Europa) 152813 SVP Südtiroler Volkspartei South Tyrole- an People's Party 152814 Latvia TB/LNNK TS-LKD AWPL LSDP Darbo Partija Lithuania LICS LIBERALAI déi gréng Luxembourg CSV LSAP DP Déi Lénk

PN Malta LP Partit Nazzjo- 66

nalista Partit Laburista CDA ChristenUnie PvdA D66 GroenLinks Netherlands VVD PO PIS SLD UP DEMOKRACI Poland PSL Strona PJN PSD PS Partido Social Esquerda Democrata Partido Socialista United Left Social Demo- Socialist Party cratic Party CDS-PP Portugal Centro Demo- crático e So- cial – Partido Popular Democratic and Social Centre – Peo- ple's Party PDL PSD PNL PASRO Romania RMDSZ PNTCD KDH SMER SAS KSS Slovakia Most-Hid


SDKU SMK/MKP SDS SD DL Slovenia SLS LDS N.Si Zares ICV EUiA PSOE CDL PP Iniciativa per Esquerra Partido Socialista Centro Democrá- Catalunya Unida i Al- Partido Popu- Obrero Español tico Liberal Verds ternativa lar Spanish Socialist Liberal Democra- Initiative for United and People’s Party Workers' Party tic Centre Catalonia Alternative 212811 Greens Left 212831 212841 212851 212861 UDC IU Izquierda Spain Unión Demo- crática de Ca- Unida taluña United Left 212812 212862 PCE Partido Co- munista de España Communist Party of Spain



Miljöpartiet MOD SAP Centerpartiet Sweden de Gröna KD Folkpartiet UKIP LP Tories Liberal Democrats Green Sinn Féin UK Independence Labour Party 202811 202841 202851 202861 Party 202831 202871 UUP SDLP UK Scottish Na- Ulster Unio- Social Democratic tional nist Party and Labour Party 202852 202812 202832 Plaid Cymru



Other National parties not affiliated with European Parliament Groups Country Political Orientation Conservatives Social- Leftist Green/ eco- Liberals EU-sceptical/ rightist other parties democrats logical Germany NPD Piratenpartei Nationaldemokratische 112891 Partei Deutschlands 112892 AfD Alternative für Deutschland 112893 ANTARSYA Oikologoi DIMIOURGIA ANEL ENOSIS Prasinoi XANA KENTROON 122894 Anexartiti Ellines 122851 122896 122891 122892 EEK DRASI XA DHSY Di- mocratiki Ergatiko Epa- 122841 Chrysi Avgi Greece Sumaxia nastatiko Golden Dawn Komma 122898 122893 122895 KKE Fileleftheri Kommounistikó Symmachia Kómma Elládas 122897





Zelena Parti- ja Bulgaria Bulgaria Zelenite

Zelena Lista Croatia

Cyprus Cyprus Green Party Czech Re- Czech public Greens


Eestimaa Estonia Rohelised


UDI NPA EELV MoDem CNI/CNIP France Union des Nouveau Parti Europe Éco- Mouvement Centre National des 71

démocrates et anticapitaliste logie – Les démocrate Indépendants et Pay- indépendants Verts sans 142893 142895 142891 142894 142896 NC LO RAD MPF Nouveau Lutte Ouvrière Parti radical Mouvement pour la Centre (valoisien) France 142893 142891 142895 142896 PU FN Front national 142893 142896 PG LDS Parti de Gauche Ligue du Sud 142893 142896 PRG Parti Radical de Gauche 142893 MRC Mouvement républicain et citoyen 142893 LMP Hungary



Green Party Ireland

FI PSI PRC Verdi NCD M5S Forza Italia Partito Socialis- Partito della 152894 Nuovo Centrodestra Movimento Cin- ta Italiano Rifondazione que Stelle 152891 152896 Comunista Italian Socialist 152897 Party 152893 152892 SC SEL Lega Nord MPA Scelta Civica Sinistra Eco- 152896 Movimento per logia Libertà le Autonomie Italy 152895 152894 152897 Fratelli d’Italia UPT 152896 Unione per il Trentino 152897 Partito Sardo d’Azione 152897




Alternattiva Malta Demokratika

De Groenen Netherlands

Zieloni Poland

PEV Portugal Partido Eco- logista "Os Verdes" VERZII Romania

Strana Zele- Slovakia nych

SMS Zeleni Slovenia Evrope

ERC EQUO UPyD CiU Spain Esquerra Repu- 212896 Unión Progre- Convergència i Unió blicana de Cata- so y Democra- 212892 lunya cia


212893 212891

PSC PNV Partit dels Soci- Partido Nacionalista alistas de Cata- Vasco lunya 212894 212895



Other Non-European Parties

Country Political Orientation Conservatives Social-democrats Leftist Green/ eco- Liberals EU-sceptical/ other parties logical rightist USA Republican Democratic Party Party 422831 422811 China PC 452861