231 Chapter 8 The Dragonfl ies and Damselfl ies (Odonata) of Canadian Grasslands Robert A. Cannings Royal British Columbia Museum, 675 Belleville Street Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 9W2
[email protected] Abstract. The Odonata are energetic aerial predators of other insects; the aquatic larvae are voracious predators of invertebrates and small vertebrates. As of 2010, 5,952 species of the order were described worldwide; 211 species are known from Canada. Grasslands across the country support about 59% of the national fauna. A checklist and systematic overview of 124 species in nine families are presented. Species totals in these families are as follows: Calopterygidae, 2; Lestidae, 7; Coenagrionidae, 31; Aeshnidae, 16; Gomphidae, 15; Cordulegastridae, 1; Macromiidae, 2; Corduliidae, 13; and Libellulidae, 37. The geographical ranges of the species are defi ned and summarized; according to the defi nitions herein, 20 species have boreal ranges, 17 are transition species, 12 are Cordilleran, 1 is Pacifi c coastal, 10 are western, 4 are more or less restricted to the Great Plains, 16 have southern ranges, 38 are considered eastern, and 6 are widespread species. A summary of studies on grassland Odonata and recommendations for inventory and taxonomic research are provided. The geographical scope of the Canadian grassland fauna is described briefl y with respect to lotic and lentic habitats in grasslands of the Cordillera, the Great Plains, and southern Ontario. Résumé. Les odonates sont de féroces prédateurs aériens d’autres insectes ; leurs larves aquatiques sont aussi des prédateurs voraces d’autres invertébrés et petits vertébrés. En 2010, 5 952espèces d’odonates avaient été décrites dans le monde.