The Daily Egyptian, April 28, 1978

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The Daily Egyptian, April 28, 1978 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1978 Daily Egyptian 1978 4-28-1978 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 28, 1978 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 59, Issue 144 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 28, 1978." (Apr 1978). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1978 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1978 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ByJ~... Neu After the romplaints are submitted to Board chairman I Is a law studMlt and SCaUWriter Brian Adams. the I"I«tion official. he his finals start next wm. That makt'S It ~ contested Studftd GOV«lIment IillBt rule 011 them. Beller said that ie kind of hard." election results may be brought to • certifying the vote tallies. Adams If. order to have a fwoarinj{. 5e'Vm J­ hearing .. early as Friday. Robert .utomatically rule1l the complaints ~d. mt'Tllbm5 must bt- prt"it'nt. A J.Board may hear Beller. chairman 01 the Judicial Board, ....alid. maJOl1ty of four Yotes is ~ to ap­ said Thursday. "Thea he (AJexander) can appeal to prove a rulHlff election. an option Beller Minutes after the unofficial result. 1M J.Board.·' Beller said. He said SOI11e admits is possible. election charges were tabulated WedMsday night. ~ .... students also romplained Wed­ •• Anything is possible," Beller said. "If were challenged by ~ Alexander, nesday that the Health Service poll WB'I the board votes far another electim. it presidential eandidaw. who last to not op~ 011 time, aDd mat they covld would bt- proper." Ganick-C1inttJn Matthna by 21 'IOtes. also ap.."'C!!81. In the race lor Student Senate seats. of irregularities AJeundet' claimed the polls ..~ ... "II bas to he !!e!tNod as quickiy lUl It East Campus winners ftre Walter open .. time and that sewral poIliq tan be. Beller said. but added that Matthews. 333; and Mitzi Wisniewski. res were not followed. He saN) they would have to wait until aU parties 319; East side. Phillip Dean. 253; Mary y that he would submit his to ~ complaint ~ ready. He had not Gin. 384; Judith Lynn Hawkins. 334: ~m.,laints to the elKtion com· ftC:elved any formal ec ...1p1aints yet Darrell Henson. m; and Kellie Watts. m..... oner. Thunday. 385; Thompson Point. Jane Baker. 155; =Alexander said he hoped to hay,: tl;e r.mdy Michaelson. a member 01 the J. and West Side, Rich Gig!. 281; Brad SUJIPOI't 01 Sam Dunlllbj :::d Laura Board, said Thursday she agreed the Greenburg. 322; Patrick Heneghan. 2163; Ducey, two other presidential ean­ dispute needs a speedy settlement. Jamt'S R. Murphy. 274; Leslie Scott. 272; didates, mhis quest for • run-off eJemon "We need to get it settled before finals and Debbie Sloan, 315. between the lop three vote-getten. start.," Michaelsoa said. "80 8elleJr IJ. Daily 1igyptian Gus says the election officials must have taken Chicago PoliticS 101. Investigator says Bell undermined FBI probe WASHINGTON (AP) •• Attorney Another former member 01 the task Geueral Griffin Bell unct.nnined the force, Stephen Hom. told the sub­ .h:sticEo Department's investigation 01 ~mittee that Bell pleaded with an FIl! It. FBI and blocked pclBSitNe in­ oCfictal to recant his testimony after the dt:tments against eight mi~ FBI task force told the attorney general it officials. the maD woo headed the probe wanted to indict the official for perjury said Thursday. William L. Gardner told a Senate "He told him he did not ..ant '.0 prosecute him because he was aD FBI -r.~=-:~:~ subcommittee &hat BeD cent," Hom said III Bell. "He Aid it I'll the pc-obe '" reta.iD& woukI be _ diacrace to the FRI." ~e::e:~=;el qaiDai 1IreIlaD ........puifiedJury m- The Just~ Department I't!a!IltIy number 01 FBI OtT"-.... whom ....... *upped its ~ioa 01 .10M J. Kear­ fcIn:e believed were .r.:. ney. a former FBI ~ M New Yorit. whct .... indic:ted a ye.r ago ill C:~ ~~~:r;~ C::1:; coanection with bureau ~ leverage ,..;iD wbich to 101ft agents to .... brnk-iQs. Kearne:Y .... the lint IeIlIhe tr'IJtJ'Iabaut allegedly illegal FBI agent in the BurNu's bistroy to be activities. charges With a felony. Gardner said BeD also refused to let Gardner pnlRCUton seek indictments 01 eight The statements by and &m. mid-level officials on charges of and by two other task force me.lIbers wiretapping, mail theft. break-iDs or yobo resigned }aM rear after a dispute black bag jobs. perjury and false "iUt Bell, prompted Sen. LoweU WeicIter. R-Conn.. to ~_ BeIl's statements to. government agency. , He said the officials., some 01 whom fitnesa for oIfice. Itill work for the FBI. included three ..It seems ~Ieer &hat the attGI'nt"J squad leaders. four special a~ts in general. despite the advice 01 kip Justice charge 01 divisions and one lI!ISistant Department prosecutors, "iIlfull, director. !elected not to ~ a complete in­ Gardner, who resiJned .. head 01 the vestigatian." Weidler said. "What bas ilm!stiptioa tat force last December, transpiftd hen this .,.... riptfulIy Murde,' moil' Jou,l did not name any 01 the oIflciaJs. caDs into question 'Ib.: suitability 01 BeD bad DO iJruMdiate comment Griffm BeD to canth-.ue .. aUGmey general of &be United SQ•. " Duane ~ as M.Mc:beIh FrtdIIy ana Saturday end , p ..... Gardner... ho is sliD with the JlBtice kneels before King Duncan, Sunday at the Main StHa Deparbnel1t. said the task rarce DOt only Iiowf!ftl', Sen. Ernest HoIIings.D-S.C.• found FBI agents imotYed ill burglaries said such t&J1t was "sanctimOllicJqs" and OImenIntlerbutt,· as 8anquo. In Communicanons lheafttr the but I'lso turned up a daM in breaking said ..hat reaDy was at issue WM that William McHughes.. IDc*s on. Building. See rev_ of the play and rutering that was gMD by a '<guest BeD and his subordinates disa8fted· 011 University ThHter presents on Page 10. (Staff photo b'f Mike iee'dlI'eI''' at the FBI training academ, bow to proceed ..ith a difficult In­ Shekespeere's tragedy at • p.m. Gibbons) in Quantico. Va., vestigati•• Construction scaffolding collapses; 51 workers die .y ... ........ concrete falling. t had just sent. basket... up. I looked the '1fIP:r fOf' the 1'OWI!l" company. ~ ...... Writer . over my left shoulder and I could see it falling. I could YononjUlhela Power said the structure .... about sr. MARYS. W.\'a. (AP)-An 51 workers atop a !lee ~ faJUna thraugb the air aDd everything completed. A spokesman said the cJiaJMter scaffold inside • power company cootint tower Wen! falling. at the base was 360 feet and the tower was to be 430 killed Thursday wben the constructioa framework ''1''hey _ fel1lib dominoes." a witness said. '1 feet taU when finished. coUapaed and the crew fell 168 feet to the grOIDId in a looked up and men ~ IIC!'Hming IIIId boIJeru,g." George Morrison. an engiMer. uid: •., .... on the> twisted mass of steel and rubble. ~ said he jumped under • truck nmp i.."\1ide ground when it started making noise. It was just a Scott Widtney«. pn!SII aide to Gcw. Jay Radter... Jer. the tower and the tour other workers with him ratl to roar." ~d.~aftertheaccident. "Tbereare51eul6nned the ceater 01 the tower. AU those • the grr~ Anotber witness said Cll Uie doomed men. "Tttey ~ aeaped iajury. he aid. fmnI what was bappening. but there ..asn·t anytbing RescueN had to puB many 01 the victims frGm under A twisted mass 0( tables.. lumber . stftI and CODCn:1e tMy could do about It ... the debris inside the base of the ci«ulaf' C!CIIII:rete layover the Kene an hour after thecoUapse. Lee Steele. 01 nearby SInJItz.. said he lost fCQ" Cll Ilia tower. h. Just after ";be acridenl 21 bodies were WI'8:ppt'd in five knS, a brother, two brothen-iJt.Ia.. and a A local fire ItatiGa .... prftHd iutG serYice as a kbaki blankets and lined up on plastic sheoe1s at the aephrw. The surviving !ICIft. Robert. :IS. who said he temponll'J InCII'IUtt wtIere relatives came .. ideatify plant site near !Ilia Ohio lvWn ill northwestern was also.mptoyed at ~ site but ....... the dNd. indudinR etght members of one family West Virginia. on the scaffolding. identified his brothers as Gityle 32; working at the site. The cooling towe!' was being built for M~ahe1a ~. 30. Emest, ., ~ Miles, 25. John Peppler. a laborer standinI on the ground in Power Co.. which draws river ..ater to make steaM M h dead lay ~ the dark. var ~ the middle 01 the tower wiIeIt Ute disaster occurred. ud geaerate electricity. When compfeted. the cooling building behind the City Han. state ~ ushen!d in said the sc:aIfold. wrapped areund the inside af Ute . ,tower is flO be .ec:t to cool down the water befOft" it the relauves to 8SSst them in identifying the l-,odies. loWer. began peeIinI away and then leU_ floq bact into the river. 01 most Cll the victims were not ufdnediately ~. 31. Niet, ".,he fint thing 1 heard was ReseardlCottreU 01 Bound brook, N.J. was lJuiIding .J:::L I Top white-collar crimeblisters zero in on cheaters (:H!rAGO (API-A team of special tl'agNy" tIrGuIb abuse and frauct. 'Ie unoua-ed formadon of the unit at several successful white collar mminal : agau" • ...ted and trained by top white­ Tbompaon Hid.. a news eonf'~ which featured u ~tiona under Skinner and "is OIM! j collar mmebusters., bas begun zeroing Estimatalt trakPayerloa utionwid!" arTay :'of .
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