
Journal of , Psychology, and Economics © 2011 American Psychological Association 2011, Vol. 4, No. 3, 161–173 1937-321X/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0024688 , -Aversion, and Patterns of Reciprocity

Vittorio Pelligra University of Cagliari, CRENoS, Cagliari, Italy, and UniCa-BERG, Cagliari, Italy

This paper reports the results of an experiment aimed at investigating the link between empathy, anticipated guilt, and pro-social behavior. In particular, we test the hypothesis that empathy modulates the anticipatory effect of guilt in bargaining situations and, more specifically, that it correlates with subjects’ willingness to give and to repay in an investment game. We also control for the effect of individual risk attitude. Our main results show that empathy significantly influences players’ pattern of restitution in the investment game and that risk-propensity weakly affects the decision to trust; we also find a significant gender difference in the distribution of empathy. These results seem to indicate that empathy affects pro-social behavior in a more complex way than previously hypothesized by existing models of social preferences.

Keywords: trust, reciprocity, guilt-aversion, empathy

Recent economic research has indicated that intention-based motives (Rabin, 1993; Dufwen- individual behavior in economic interactions berg & Kirchsteiger, 2004; Battigalli & Duf- can be explained, in many cases, by - wenberg, 2007; Pelligra, 2010). regarding preferences. This evidence has led to Both classes of models include a psycholog- the development of models of agents with “ex- ical element in the extended utility function that tended” utility functions that incorporate both can be interpreted as a guilt factor (Krajbich, material and psychological elements (see, e.g., Adolphs, Tranel, Denburg, & Camerer, 2009; Fehr & Gachter, 2000; Sobel, 2005, and Fehr & Dufwenberg, 2002). When triggered by in- Schmidt, 2006, for recent surveys). Alternative equality or by , the guilt factor pro- theoretical approaches differ with respect to duces a cost whose negative effects agents tend how those functions are defined. In particular, to anticipate and avoid by behaving prosocially. two main classes of models can be distin- In this interpretation, thus, individual sensitivity guished: models that focus on distributional to guilt should , ceteris paribus, the like- concerns (Fehr & Schmidt, 1999; Bolton & lihood of . Ockenfels, 2000), and models that focus on Psychologists from different perspectives suggest that the cognitive and affective basis for guilt is the capacity to feel or anticipate the and distress of others, in other This article was published Online First July 18, 2011. Vittorio Pelligra, Department of Economics, University words, to empathize with others (Hoffman, of Cagliari, CRENoS (Centro Ricerche Economiche Nord 1982, 2000; Baumeister, Stillwell, & Heather- Sud), Cagliari, Italy, and UniCa-BERG, Cagliari, Italy. ton, 1994; Singer & Fehr, 2005; Tomasello, Financial support from the Regione Autonoma della Sar- Carpenter, Call, Behne, & Moll, 2005). degna (L.R. 7/2007–Project CRP3-223) is gratefully ac- knowledged. To Silvia Aresu, Monica Cugusi, Davide El- In this paper we report on an experiment trudis, and Gianluigi Mazziti goes my for their designed to investigate the connection be- invaluable research assistance. I would also like to thank tween individuals’ ability to empathize and Florian Artinger, Martin Dufwenberg, Benedetto Gui, An- their prosocial behavior, supposedly driven drea Isoni, Cristina Murroni, and Fabio Tufano who helped by guilt-aversion, in a simple economic game. to improve the paper in a substantial way, as well as audiences at the 5th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and More precisely, we test the hypothesis that Experimental Economic (Helsinki), Annual CIPESS work- the (EQ henceforth), a shop (University of Turin), and CRENoS Seminar (Univer- widely used and well-validated psychometric sity of Cagliari). measure (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- dressed to Vittorio Pelligra, Department of Economics, Uni- 2004; Lawrence, Shaw, Baker, Baron-Cohen, versity of Cagliari, V.le S.Ignazio 17, 09123 Cagliari, Italy. & David, 2004), is correlated with the sub- E-mail: [email protected] jective sensitivity parameter that appears in

161 162 PELLIGRA models of social preferences, and conse- person’s affective state is the source of our own quently, with players’ tendency to give and to affective state. Condition (a) is particularly im- repay trust in an investment-game (IG). portant as it helps to differentiate empathy from On the trustor’s side we find that players’ mentalizing, which denotes, instead, our ability EQ does not affect trust (the amount sent in to represent others’ mental states without emo- the IG), which is instead weakly correlated tional involvement. with individual risk-propensity. On the trust- Following the perception–action model of ee’s side, the EQ appears to be strongly as- motor behavior and , Preston and de sociated with different patterns of restitution Waal (2002) develop a theory of empathy that (conditional vs. balanced reciprocity). We explains how we can understand what someone also find, in line with the literature on the else feels when he or she simple subject, a significant difference in the empa- such as , , , , or thy distribution across gender. , or even more complex ones such as dis- The paper is organized as follows: the next appointment, , or guilt. They suggest that section briefly discusses the psychological and the mere observation or imagination of another neuroscientific literature on empathy and antic- person’s emotional state automatically triggers ipated guilt and its associations to the economic a representation of that state in the observer. models of social preferences. The following This theory is supported by recent neuroscien- section describes the experimental design, the tific evidence that shows how the observation or hypotheses and the procedures. Subsequent sec- imagination of another person in a given emo- tions present and discuss the results, and con- tional state activates a representation of a sim- clude the paper. ilar state in the observer through an unconscious and effortful process (Singer, Kiebel, Winston, Dolan, & Frith, 2004). In a fMRI study, Singer Relevant Literature and colleagues find that, as hypothesized, the empathic response is automatic and does not Empathy require any form of engagement of judgment about others’ . This study also finds a Game theory is fundamentally based on the considerable level of heterogeneity across indi- assumption that people are capable of predict- viduals in their ability to empathize.1 ing the actions of others. This ability, usually These individual differences measured by referred to as Theory of , has two distinct questionnaires have been found to be highly components: cognitive (mentalizing) and affec- correlated with differences in the activation of tive (empathy) (see Singer & Fehr, 2005; the bilateral anterior insula and the rostral ante- Singer, 2009). In our study, we focus mainly on rior , neural circuitry that is the affective component. If we assume that peo- normally activated in the processing of the af- ple’s actions are, at least partially, emotionally fective component of pain. The same affective driven, the ability to anticipate and share emo- pain circuits that are activated when we feel tions and feelings with others—that is, to em- pain are also active when we observe someone pathize—represents a crucial factor of this more else experiencing pain. That suggests that if general process. another person suffers pain, “our brains also Empathy, or emotional perspective-taking, is make us suffer from this pain” (Singer & Fehr, generally defined as our ability to understand 2005, p.342). It is also important to note that other people’s feelings (Preston & de Waal, 2002; Gallese, 2003). A more specific definition is proposed by de Vignemont and Singer 1 It was already known that higher scores in empathy questionnaires are strongly correlated with differences in (2006). In their view, empathy can be defined prosocial behavior such as volunteering and charitable giv- by a set of four conditions: we empathize with ing (Davis et al., 1999). In economic experiments, Ben-Ner, others when we have (a) an affective state, (b) Kong, and Putterman (2004) and Ben-Ner and Halldorsson which is isomorphic to another person’s affec- (2010) also find that a measure of “” affects giving choices in the dictator game and trustworthiness in tive state, (c) which was induced by observation the trust game. Gunnthorsdottir, McCabe, and Smith (2002) or imagination of another person’s affective find that a Machiavellian scale (which is related with indi- state, and (d) when we know that the other viduals’ ability in perspective-taking) predicts reciprocity. EMPATHY, GUILT-AVERSION, AND PATTERNS OF RECIPROCITY 163 empathy is not limited to known or significant to anticipate feelings of guilt, people are more others but extends also to unknown or imagined likely to comply with a certain prescription, persons (Morrison, Lloyd, di Pellegrino, & precisely to avoid the guilt that would result Roberts, 2004; Jackson, Meltzoff, & Decety, from noncompliance. 2005). This evidence lends support to the negative- Several studies on the functioning of the mir- state relief model, and helps clarify its structure, ror-neuron system and its relation to the simu- which appears to be ultimately based on two lation theory-of-mind have identified in this basic elements: first, anticipated guilt, which is neural circuitry the physiological correlates of induced by a counterfactual reasoning about the this “mental mimicry” ability (Rizzolati, Fo- negative consequences that our potential action gassi, & Gallese, 2001; Gallese & Goldman, or inaction may produce to others, and it is 1998). mediated by empathy. Second, a common ten- In strategic interactions, empathy allows us to dency to avoid such guilt feelings. Thus empa- anticipate others’ emotional reactions to our thy leads to anticipatory guilt, and guilt- perspective choices. aversion, in turn, leads to prosocial behavior. In People can anticipate others’ emotional reac- this framework, the ultimate basis for experi- tions as they consider behavioral alternatives encing anticipatory guilt is constituted by the and direct their choices in order to avoid nega- ability to empathize with others; that is, the tive feelings or to produce positive ones. Thus, ability to feel, share, and anticipate the poten- emotions can exert a strong influence on choice, tially negative emotions that our actions may “by providing critical feedback regarding both produce in others. anticipated behavior (feedback in the form of In the context of an economic interaction, this anticipatory shame, guilt, or ) and actual ability is useful both from a self-interested point behavior (feedback in the form of consequential of view and in motivating other-regarding be- shame, guilt, or pride)” (Tangney, Stuewig, & havior. Empathy enables us to predict and to Mashek, 2007, p. 347). These considerations take into account others’ emotional responses to are the building blocks of the so-called “nega- our perspective actions. This way, a self- tive-state relief model” (Baumann, Cialdini, & interested agent can be able to best reply to the Kendrick, 1981) that posits that people tend to expected reaction of the other agents in order to perform actions that are believed to increase maximize her material payoff. On the other positive affect, while reducing any unpleasant hand, the ability to empathize may also promote emotional state and distress such as feelings of other-regarding behavior by inhibiting courses guilt. In this perspective, guilt, and especially of action that may induce negative emotional “anticipated guilt”, is thought to mediate the states in others and consequent feelings of guilt prosocial effects of empathy (Leith & Baumeis- in the agent. ter, 1998; Hoffman, 2000). Guilt in Social Preferences Models Anticipated Guilt According to many psychologists, the ability As an emotional state arising from the con- to empathize enables people to predict others’ sequences of a certain action, guilt has been emotional responses and, to some extent, their extensively studied; however, anticipated guilt emotionally driven choices. This fact is partic- remains a relatively obscure concept. Some ev- ularly relevant for the game-theoretical model- idence is available in the context of health be- ing of social preferences. In the distributional havior that shows how people’s choice to avoid approach, agents are supposed to have a taste a risky conduct is related to their assessment of for fairness in the distribution of material pay- how guilty they would feel if they performed offs. They are motivated not only by their own that action (Birkimer, Johnston, & Berry, 1993). material gains, but also by how their payoff In a different context, O’Keefe (2002) finds compares with that of the other agents. Inequal- evidence along the same line, showing that peo- ity-aversion models posit that subjects experi- ple tend to avoid actions they anticipate will ence a psychological cost if their joint actions make them feel guilty. Lindsey (2005) collects determine an outcome associated with unequal further evidence that shows that, when induced payoff distributions. If player i gets more than 164 PELLIGRA player j, the difference between the two payoffs, related with trust and reciprocity and in which weighted by a subjective sensitivity parameter, sense we can say that “empathy enhances other- represents a psychological cost for i, that re- regarding behavior.” duces her overall utility. More specifically, Fehr and Schmidt (1999) assume that the utility of a subject depends on The Experiment the difference between her own payoff and Experimental Design and Hypotheses those of the other subjects, so that agents have egalitarian preferences. Bolton and Ockenfels To assess the effect of empathy on other- (2000) assume, instead, that the utility function regarding behavior, we first measure subjects’ of a subject depends on her own payoff relative disposition to empathize using the EQ (Baron- to the average overall payoff, so that agents care Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004), a widely used about their own relative status. In these models, and well-validated psychometric test.2 fairness-related preferences depend only on the The EQ questionnaire was designed to be final distribution of payoffs. short, easy to use, and easy to score. It com- The intention-based approach, on the other prises (in its short form) 40 questions and three hand, models other-regarding preferences by in- subscales focused on the emotional, cognitive, corporating the role of players’ perceived inten- and social dimensions. Responses are given on tions in the form of reciprocity (Rabin, 1993; a 4-point scale ranging from strongly agree to Dufwenberg & Kirchsteiger, 2004) or fulfilling strongly disagree. The total sum of points rep- expectations (Battigalli & Dufwenberg, 2007; resents the individual’s EQ. Pelligra, 2010). Reciprocity theories are built We also measure subjects’ attitude toward upon the idea of reciprocating ; risk with the Holt-Laury algorithm (Holt & namely, the willingness to repay a kind action Laury, 2002). In this procedure, a subject is and punish an unkind one, even at some cost. presented with a series of 15 choices between a Theories of fulfilling expectations describe the lottery that pays either 200 euros or zero with tendency to fulfill others’ manifest expectations equal probability and an increasing amount in order to avoid the feeling of guilt arising from (ranging from 50 to 120 euros in the fifteenth consciously letting others down. choice) paid for sure. The lottery at which the In the guilt-aversion model, if i betrays j’s subject switches her choice from the risky al- expectations, she experiences a psychological ternative to the guaranteed amount is consid- cost that is proportional, given a subjective sen- ered an individual index of subject’s risk- sitivity parameter, to i’s conjecture about j’s (i’s second-order expectations). 2 There are several psychometric instruments used to Thus, a utility maximizing strategy involves, in measure empathy. One of the most widely used in the both models, an attempt to avoid guilt. psychological literature is the Interpersonal Reactivity In- Both models incorporate in their utility func- dex (IRI) (Davis, 1983). The IRI questionnaire is formed by four 7-item subscales focused on “,” “per- tions a subjective parameter aimed at describing spective-taking,” “,” and “personal distress.” Critics, individual differences in the sensitivity to guilt however, argue that the IRI may measure processes broader feelings. The above discussion about the nega- than empathy. In particular the fantasy and the personal tive-state relief model and the role played by distress subscales may assess imagination or emotional self- control, and: “although these factors may be correlated with guilt-aversion and empathy in the theoretical empathy, it is clear that they are not empathy itself” (Baron- models, leads us to Singer and Fehr’s (2005) Cohen and Wheelwright, 2004, p. 166). We preferred to use claim, according to which: “The hypothesis that the EQ precisely to overcome those drawbacks. Validation empathy enhances other-regarding behavior in studies (Lawrence at al., 2004) found a good association between the EQ and IRI’s “empathic concern” and “per- combination with the existence of individual spective-taking” subscales, suggesting concurrent validity. differences in empathy suggests that people The EQ was also shown to have high test–retest reliability who exhibit more affective concern are more over a period of 12 months. Furthermore, comparing self- likely to display altruistic behaviors” (p. 343). reported and brain imaging data, Lamm et al. (2007) found a correlation between the EQ and the activation of brain The empirical value of this claim is what we areas (right putamen, the left posterior/middle insula, the intend to test with our experiment. More pre- anterior medial cingulated cortex, and the left cerebellum) cisely, we investigate whether empathy is cor- traditionally regarded to be central for empathy. EMPATHY, GUILT-AVERSION, AND PATTERNS OF RECIPROCITY 165 propensity that can be easily mapped into the traditional Arrow-Pratt measure of relative risk- aversion.3 We then observe subjects’ choices in a one- shot version of the Investment Game (IG) (Berg, Dickhaut, & McCabe, 1995). In the IG, a proposer has to decide how much, if any, of his initial endowment he should send to the re- ceiver. Any positive amount is tripled by the experimenter and passed to the receiver, who in turn has to decide how much of the tripled amount to send back to the proposer. The amount sent by the proposer and the restitution by the receivers are usually interpreted as mea- Figure 1. Amount sent in the IG (Players A). sures of trust and trustworthiness, respectively. In the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium of the game, both the proposer and the receiver send nothing to the other. the instructions, the Holt-Laury task, the IG, However, deviations from equilibrium be- and the EQ questionnaire. They were invited to havior are commonly observed in experimental write the ID number in the booklet and to keep studies (see Camerer, 2003 for a general re- the card. Instructions were read aloud and ques- view). These “anomalies” can be explained in tions about the procedure and the payment rules terms of both distributional concerns and/or were answered privately. After a series of illus- guilt-aversion. As we said, both explanations trative examples, the choice task begun. After incorporate the effect of guilt: feelings of guilt completing the Holt-Laury procedure, each for determining an unfair distribution in the subject selected his or her preferred strategy inequality aversion-type of explanation and in the game, receiving no feedback about guilt from betraying others’ expectations in the other players’ choice until the end of the guilt-aversion models. session. We adopted the strategy method Our general hypotheses refer to the correla- (Selten, 1967) to elicit B players’ strategy tion between the amount sent and the payback profile for the game. In the end, each subject and individuals’ EQs. More specifically we completed the EQ questionnaire. want to test whether: We rewarded participants using the two- Hypothesis 1: the amount sent is positively stage random-lottery incentive system, which related to the EQ; is increasingly used when the experimental Hypothesis 2: the reciprocal behavior (mea- design presents particular features (Fong & sured as the correlation between the amount Luttmer, 2009; Loewen, 2010; Pelligra & received and the amount returned) is positively Stanca, 2010). We adopted this system to be affected by the EQ. able to present large payoffs and especially to implement the Holt-Laury procedure that in- volves the choice among lotteries whose Procedures prices vary from 0 to 200 euros, in a realistic way. At the end of the last session, all play- Data refers to a total of 106 subjects (53 ers’ ID were randomly paired, one pair was males and 53 females) recruited via posters and randomly selected and one task, among the e-mails, among Economics, Law and Politics game and the Holt-Laury procedure, was ran- students at University of Cagliari, where the domly picked and paid according to the experiment was conducted during six sessions choices made by the selected players. Money from 24 to 28 May, 2010. Subjects were ran- domly assigned upon arrival to one of two large 3 If a subject prefers the lottery (200, 0.5; 0, 0.5) to the rooms, one for the A players and one for the B sure amount (x, 1) up to lottery 7 and then she switches to players. Then each subject received an ID card the sure amount, that subject’s risk-propensity will be equal with a random number and a booklet containing to 7. 166 PELLIGRA

Table 1 Summary Statistics (Players A) Empathy Mean (All) (M)(F) Sent 56.792 (34.124) 62.692 (29.096) 51.111 (38.062) Empathy 44.735 (9.499) 40.807 (7.271) 48.518 (9.966) Risk 7.340 (3.700) 7.438 (3.794) 7.246 (3.676) N 53 26 27 Note. Standard errors reported in brackets. was placed in two envelopes with the ID rank sum test, two-tailed test). Their average numbers of the corresponding players and the level of risk-propensity is 7.34 (see Table 1 for sealed envelopes were distributed to the sub- As’ summary statistics). jects by members of the administrative staff Figure 2 plots the correlation between the to preserve the double-blind design. Player A amount sent in the IG and the EQ. We estimated won 110 euros and player B 490 euros. The a simple OLS model (see Table 2) that shows sessions lasted approximately 90 minutes. No that individual risk-propensity as measured by additional show-up fee was paid. the Holt-Laury procedure is the only variable to affect positively and in a significant way the Results amount sent in the IG; however, it is likely that this result is driven by two outliers that show The data collected consist of the amount that extreme levels of risk-propensity. players A sent to players B in the IG; the We now analyze data for B players. The amount that players B sent back for each sum average EQ is equal to 44.18 with, again, a hypothetically received; risk-propensity and significant gender difference (41.84 for males EQs for both players A and B. and 46.28 for females; Z ϭϪ2.034, p ϭ .004, It is important to note that the design we Wilcoxon’s Mann-Whitney rank sum test, used in this paper does not allow us to test two-tailed test). The average level of risk- causal links between variables. The results, propensity is 6.32 (Table 3 for Bs’ summary therefore, do not yield causal, but rather cor- statistics). relational evidence. Summarizing this evi- Bs’ behavior in the IG is depicted in Figures 3. dence, we can say that risk-propensity ap- As a measure of reciprocity, we are able to pears to be (weakly) positively correlated compute for each subject the Spearman corre- with proposers’ choices in the IG; empathy lation coefficient between each hypothetical of- does not correlate with the amount sent back fer and the conditional amount sent back (see but, instead, it strongly affects the pattern of Figures 4). Only 5 out of 53 subjects sent back reciprocal responses. There is also a strong gender effect in the EQ distribution. We first present the results for players A, then for players B. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the sums sent to Bs in the IG. Only six subjects sent zero, while nine sent the entire endowment of 100 euros. The average amount sent was 56.79 eu- ros. A Wilcoxon’s Mann-Whitney rank sum test confirms no significant difference across gender in the amount sent (Z ϭ 0.932, p ϭ .351, two-tailed test). The average EQ of players A is equal to 44.73, with a significant gender difference (40.80 for males and 48.51 for females; Z ϭ Ϫ2.885, p ϭ .003, Wilcoxon’s Mann-Whitney Figure 2. Empathy and amount sent (Players A). EMPATHY, GUILT-AVERSION, AND PATTERNS OF RECIPROCITY 167

Table 2 Determinants of Trust (Players A) Constant (1) (2) (3) (4) Empathy Ϫ0.111 (0.502) Ϫ0.068 (0.482) Ϫ0.137 (0.505) 0.151 (0.558) (1.244) ءء2.8690 (1.246) ءء2.893 (1.239) ءءRisk 2.874 Age Ϫ0.634 (1.260) Ϫ0.399 (1.270) Gender Ϫ12.133 (10.108) Constant 61.796 (22.944) 38.740 (24.194) 1302.623 (2509.194) 827.035 (2529.220) R2 adj. Ϫ0.018 0.061 0.047 0.056 N 53 53 53 53 Note. OLS estimates, dependent variable: Amount sent (IG). Standard errors reported in brackets. “Risk” indicates the switch from the risky lottery to the certain option (0 ϭ strongly risk-averse,15ϭ strongly risk-loving). .p Ͻ .01 ءءء .p Ͻ .05 ءء .p Ͻ .1 ء nothing, independently of the amount received. 5). These results seem to suggest that subjects The others show a positive relationship between with higher EQs tend to behave as conditional the amount sent and the amount returned, the reciprocators, while subjects with lower EQs average Spearman correlation coefficient is have a propensity toward balanced reciprocity equal to 0.794. (see Figure 5). We estimate the effect of empathy and other To summarize, our main results are two: individual variables on the amount returned in the trust in the IG appears to be weakly correlated IG using a series of OLS regressions (Tables 4). with risk propensity. This first point seems to The results show no significant effects. contradict the findings reported by Houser, However, if we consider the ratio between Schunk, and Winter (2010), who observe that the amount returned and that received (see Fig- risk attitudes do not predict individual deci- ure 4), we can easily distinguish two different sions in the investment game. However, our patterns of restitution: one described by a norm result is probably driven by two outliers with of conditional reciprocity, and a second one that follows a norm of balanced reciprocity. Follow- extreme risk-propensity values; our second ing a classification system introduced first by and more important result refers to the fact Fischbacher, Gachter, and Fehr (2001), we for- that empathy affects trustworthiness in a more mally denote a trustee as conditional reciproca- complicated way than we (and the formal tor if the Spearman correlation coefficient be- models) initially hypothesized. Indeed, the tween the returned proportion and the amount EQ seems to be uncorrelated with the level of received is significantly greater than zero reciprocal behavior as measured by the Spear- (␳Ͼ0, with p Ͻ .001). On the other hand, a man coefficients, but it strongly affects the balanced reciprocator complies to a norm ac- patterns of restitution (conditional vs. bal- cording to which the relative payback does not anced reciprocity) as measured by the ratio of vary systematically with trust (see Camerer & amount received/payback. Our data seem to Fehr, 2004; Greig & Bohnet, 2008). Following suggest that subjects with high EQ are more these definitions we isolate 18 conditional4 likely to be conditional reciprocators, 5 and 35 balanced reciprocators. whereas those with lower EQ tend to be be- A Wilcoxon’s Mann-Whitney rank sum test have more frequently as balanced reciproca- shows that the distribution of empathy among tors. the conditional reciprocators (avg. 49.88, me- dian 49) is significantly different (Z ϭ Ϫ3.065, p ϭ .002) from that associated with 4 Subjects no. 1, 9, 11,12, 26, 30, 31, 37, 38, 39, 41, balanced reciprocators (avg. 42.97, median 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53. 42)6. Furthermore, we use a series of logit 5 Subjects no. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, estimations to test for the effect of empathy 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 51. on the likelihood to comply with a norm or 6 The t test between the two groups provides virtually the another and find a significant effect (see Table same result (t ϭϪ3.415, 51 d.f., p ϭ .001). 168 PELLIGRA

Table 3 Summary Statistics (Players B) Variable Mean (All) (M)(F) Empathy 44.188 (7.475) 41.840 (7.498) 46.285 (6.927) Risk 6.327 (3.417) 6.127 (3.446) 6.504 (3.445) N 53 27 26 Note. Standard errors reported in brackets.

In the following section we discuss the mean- distributions we observe are very similar to ings of these two models of reciprocity and the many others found in the literature, especially potential implications of our results. with respect to gender differences. Second, the EQ is not a good proxy of individuals’ Discussion sensitivity to guilt; in other words, we suc- ceeded in measuring empathy, which, how- This paper presents both negative and pos- ever, is unrelated with guilt-aversion that ul- itive results. The negative results are those timately triggers subjects’ choices. Third, indicating the lack of direct effect of empathy guilt-sensitivity, although related with empa- on trust and trustworthiness. They can be thy, does not directly affect trust and trust- interpreted in at least three ways. First, the worthiness in the IG. EQ Questionnaire that we used is not a good This latter view, which is in line with other measure for individual empathy. However, psychological evidence (see Lindsey, Ah Yun, we tend to dismiss this interpretation, as the & Hill, 2007), would have strong implications

Figure 3. Amount sent and payback (Players B). EMPATHY, GUILT-AVERSION, AND PATTERNS OF RECIPROCITY 169

Figure 4. Amount sent and fraction returned (Players B). for economic modeling, being at odds with the that choice. Risk-loving subjects are, in fact, psychological foundations and the usual inter- slightly more likely to trust than risk-averse pretation (the negative-state relief model) of ones. Furthermore, the absence of direct cor- both Fehr-Schmidt and Battigalli-Dufwenberg relation between empathy and prosocial be- theories. havior in the IG, if corroborated by further On the positive side, our results suggest research, could suggest that the decisions to that the decision to trust is weakly affected by repay trust are driven more by to a subjective assessment of the risk implied by an unconditional categorical norm than by a

Table 4 Determinants of Trustworthiness (Players B) Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) Empathy 0.009 (0.008) 0.008 (0.008) 0.013 (0.009) 0.016 (0.009) Risk 0.028 (0.017) 0.028 (0.017) 0.029 (0.017) Age 0.028 (0.019) 0.032 (0.020) Gender Ϫ0.107 (0.129) Constant 0.110 (0.373) Ϫ0.004 (0.374) Ϫ56.609 (39.468) Ϫ64.016 (39.540) R2 adj. 0.006 0.034 0.054 0.135 N 53 53 53 53 Note. OLS estimates, dependent variable: Spearman Correlation Coefficient (IG). Standard errors reported in brackets. “Risk” indicates the switch from the risky lottery to the certain option (0 ϭ strongly risk-averse,15ϭ strongly risk-loving). .p Ͻ .01 ءءء .p Ͻ .05 ءء .p Ͻ .1 ء 170 PELLIGRA

Table 5 Empathy and Patterns of Reciprocity (Players B) Variable (1) (2) (0.051) ءءء0.147 (0.051) ءءءEmpathy 0.148 Risk Ϫ0.082 (0.093) (2.522) ءءءϪ7.049 (2.458) ءءءConstant Ϫ7.565 PseudoϪR2 0.161 0.173 N 53 53 Note. Logit estimations. Dependent variable: Pattern of reciprocity (Balanced vs Condi- tional). Standard errors reported in brackets. “Risk” indicates the switch from the risky lottery to the certain option (0 ϭ strongly risk-averse,15ϭ strongly risk-loving). .p Ͻ .01 ءءء .p Ͻ .05 ءء .p Ͻ .1 ء

reasoning aimed at maximizing the net effect reciprocal-exchange economies from less de- of material and psychological costs and ben- veloped countries (e.g., Platteau, 1997; Thomas efits. In other words, in similar situations sub- & Worrall, 2002) where contracts are infor- jects obey, in different degrees, to a categor- mally enforced by norms that obligate future ical imperative of the form, “if someone trusts quid pro quo (balanced) repayment of loans and me, I should not let her down.” In particular, gifts. our data seem to show that higher levels of The IG that we considered in our experiment empathy supplement this norm-compliant be- has an intrinsic element of superadditivity that havior, by leading subjects to switch from a leads a positive investment to generate social balanced form of reciprocity to a conditional surplus. This game represents a typical ex- one. change situation where trust and trustworthiness Conditional reciprocity, according to which produce gains from trade. A conditional recip- greater trust is rewarded with proportionally rocator shares with the trustee part of the sur- larger returns, is what is usually found in ex- plus generated in the interaction, providing in periments with students in developed countries this way a good reason to invest a positive (see Greig & Bonhet, 2008). Balanced reciproc- amount of her endowment. Conditional reci- ity, on the other hand, is a form of “no-loss“ procity tends for this reason to promote a trust- norm that induces the trustee to maximize her ing attitude toward exchanges. material gain while refraining from making the In the balanced reciprocity norm, instead, the trustor worse off with respect to the status quo. entire surplus, or even more, is retained by the This norm has been extensively observed in trustee. The problem with this pattern of behav- ior is that a mere “no-loss rule” may not be sufficient to induce the trustor to invest a posi- tive amount of her endowment, and because of this, the potential gains of a successful trusting interaction may be lost. One may speculate that, if corroborated by further researches, our results could link em- pathy, the ability to anticipate and share oth- ers’ emotional states, to the social capital literature. The prevalence of one norm or the other, in fact, may affect a community’s abil- ity to extract gains from trade. Only highly empathic subjects that are willing to recipro- cate in a conditional way are able to induce trust and contribute to lay the ground for the Figure 5. Average fraction returned by conditional and social benefits associated to high-trust com- balanced reciprocators (Players B). munities; notably, the presence of large orga- EMPATHY, GUILT-AVERSION, AND PATTERNS OF RECIPROCITY 171 nizations (La Porta, Lopes de Silanes, Shle- gratification as equivalent responses. Journal of ifer, & Vishny, 1997), a sustained rate of Personality and Social Psychology, 40, 1039– growth (Knack & Keefer, 1997), a higher 1046. degree of financial development (Guiso, Sa- Baumeister, R. F., Stillwell, A. M., & Heatherton, pienza, & Zingales, 2004), and better quality T. F. (1994). Guilt: An interpersonal approach. law enforcement (Zak & Knack, 2001). Psychological Bulletin, 115, 243–267. Ben-Ner, A., & Halldorsson, F. (2010). Trusting and We think that all these possibilities are wor- trustworthiness: What are they, how to measure thy of further research and deeper exploration. them, and what affects them. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31, 64–79. 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