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30 Anti-Discrimination Educational Program Journal «ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education» №3(36)2020 UDC 316.4’19+305:37.06 DOI: 10.15587/2519-4984.2020.200425 ANTI-DISCRIMINATION EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AGAINST LABOR MIGRATION: CASE OF RURAL SCHOOL V. Kakadіy, O. Marushchenko, O. Masalіtіna У статті окреслено причини трудової міграції сільського працездатного населення до міста та її нас- лідки як персонально для людей, так і для села як громади. Проаналізовано зв’язок між міграцією і шкі- льною освітою. Вивчено один із шляхів попередження міграції – створення недискримінаційного середо- вища школи. На прикладі Огіївського навчально-виховного комплексу визначено роль сучасного педагога, який навчається протягом життя, зокрема в процесі створення недискримінаційного простору закладу освіти як простору рівних можливостей. На прикладі діяльності антидискримінаційного центру Огіївсь- кого навчально-виховного комплексу визначено конкретні напрями і шляхи надання інформаційно- методичної та практичної підтримки з проведення антидискримінаційної експертизи шкільних підручни- ків, гендерного аналізу уроків, зміни візуального простору на гендерночутливий, проведення уроків та вихо- вних заходів без транслювання гендерних стереотипів, проведення гендерного аудиту закладу освіти. Показано як участь у дослідно-експериментальній роботі регіонального рівня «Науково-методичні за- сади впровадження гендерних підходів в систему роботи закладів освіти на 2014 – 2018 роки» сприяла розкриттю творчого потенціалу учасників і учасниць, розвитку їх критичного мислення, рефлексійних здібностей та готовності до сприйняття нових ідей. Адже і педагоги, і учні на своєму позитивному до- свіді усвідомили, що навчання протягом життя підвищує конкурентоздатність як окремих осіб, так і закладу освіти в цілому, формує демократичні цінності. Показано, що наступним кроком ефективної діяльності закладу стало створення екологічного проєкту «Збирай роздільно сміття – буде щасливим життя», який поширився на всю громаду. Отже завдяки натхненній і орієнтованій на сучасні тенденції роботі навчального закладу змінюється свідомість місцевого населення, яке розуміє, що жити в недиск- римінаційному та екологічно чистому середовищі набагато комфортніше. Проаналізовано показники кількості працездатного населення села за останні роки Ключові слова: трудова міграція, сільська школа, недискримінаційне освітнє середовище, навчання впродовж життя Copyright © 2020, V. Kakadіy, O. Marushchenko, O. Masalіtіna. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). 1. Introduction not so obvious: leaving home for the sake of seasonal, Over the last century, urban trends have been one rotational and longer (even permanent) jobs, residents of of the most pronounced in Ukraine, and now they appear villages do not rush to register their new place of resi- inevitable. If according to the census of the Ukrainian dence, and therefore remain "invisible" for an accurate SSR in 1926, the share of urban population was only statistical account of their stay. 19.6 % [1], then in 2019, according to the State Statistics An additional focus of attention on the working Service of Ukraine, a similar indicator (excluding the population “highlights” the scale of the “tectonic shift”. temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Re- In this way, it can be found, that the number of people public of Crimea and Sevastopol) is already 69.4 % [2], aged 15–70, who are considered active in the rural popu- and the trend for its gradual increase is obvious: the an- lation, is currently 5.6 million, of which approximately 2 nual increase of the urban population has recently fluctu- million (!) are migrant workers [3] who seek to realize ated at the level of 0.35–0.40 % [2]. themselves abroad and in Ukraine in cities (above all, in Obviously, the main reason is the internal migra- the capital and regional centers), objectively comparing tion from rural to urban areas, the speed of which has not the labor market in rural areas (respectively, and the level decreased during the period of Ukraine's independence, of wages) with other options. but on the contrary, it has become quite threatening. Ac- The relevance of the problem of internal labor cording to official figures, between 1990 and 2019, the migration of the rural population (this problem is chosen rural population decreased by 24 % (from 16969.3 mil- as the subject of the study, while transboundary migra- lion to 12896.5 million), although its share among the tion is deliberately left out of focus) for modern Ukraine total population of the country decreased uncritically: is explained, of course, not only by its scale on the back- from 32, % in 1990 to 30.6 % in 2019 [2]. On the other ground of other social processes, but also by a number of hand, according to the general statistics, the problem of negative consequences. brought about by mass labor mi- real labor migration of the rural population is hidden, gration from the village. For example, a migrant person which, having become de facto of a huge scale, remains often faces such consequences as the loss of previous 30 Journal «ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education» №3(36)2020 qualifications (often these people are engaged in un- to do here", "Here is the end of self-development, and I skilled labor jobs in a new place or under the pressure, still want to try and learn a lot", "There is no work and they are forced to acquire other professional competen- opportunities to earn enough money", "There are more cies, usually related to service work); the feeling of lone- chances there, a new life … ","There is a little opportuni- liness; break of family and cultural ties (first of all, this is ty for development here, insufficient conditions for keep- the actual reluctance to bring up children, and in case, ing the family" (the wording of the respondents is saved). when a couple migrates, leaving the older generation The vast majority (75 %) of those surveyed with a child in care, there is a phenomenon, called social claimed that the decision to leave the village was made orphanage; besides, in the case of labor migration, there by them on their own. Another 25 % indicated that they is often a communicative break with partners and family were driven by life itself. "We did not decide – the God as a whole, that can even lead to divorce). Of course, commanded", one of the respondents wrote such a philo- most of the problems listed are relevant not only for mi- sophical sentence in the questionnaire. grants themselves but also for their families. What plans do high school students have? Mostly, Other, but also important, negative consequences they want to go to the regional center (75 %), many of of labor migration are felt by the village communities them also consider going to the capital (50 %) or another (loss of the human and economic potential, labor re- regional center (50 %). And only a third of those sur- sources, first of all, skilled workers, break of cultural ties veyed – and this only occupies the fourth place in our and some others), as well as the city where the number of rating of choice of a future place of residence and work – rural migrants has an effect on local labor markets, real seek to travel abroad (which indirectly indicates the pri- estate, social sphere and so on. ority of internal migration for the younger generation of It is obvious that the problem of labor migration the village of Ohijivka). of rural population has to be solved comprehensively at The last asked question was quite significant: "If in the state level. However, some successful steps can also the village, there was a well-paid job and other opportunities be taken at the local level – within a community itself, for development and recreation, would you leave it?" The and local secondary education institutions, which tradi- answers were different: 50 % of the respondents would still tionally have the status of "more than just a school" in follow their previous decision, 42 % would prefer to stay, villages, being some of the most respected educational and one person (8 %) could not answer clearly. and cultural centers that also employ the recognized The hypothesis, stated by the pedagogical staff of staffing potential, and if there is a community support, the Ohijivka Educational Complex, was the assumption they have a great motivation to implement any major that the inability to find jobs and opportunities for self- social programs. realization in the village (or at least within the district) Initiated by educators, by their nature, such pro- is in fact largely related to the various stereotypes, in- grams can focus only on the level of an educational insti- herent in modern youth, as well as with some discrimi- tution itself and have a limited impact on the community natory practices that influence indirectly and dissemi- as a whole, and they also can spread activities to the nate ideas about the secondary importance of rural areas whole village and then the outcome can be expected to to the city to young people. And if they could be effec- be much more meaningful. Of course, the second option, tively overcome (or prevented), the statistics on rural because of its potentially higher efficiency, is more de- labor migration in the village of Ohijivka could be sirable, and the experience of such an educational pro- changed. gram is discussed in this article. In 2019, the mentioned The Ohijivka Educational Complex staff have the program was designed by the teaching staff of the local extensive previous experience of successful anti- educational complex and with the support of the village discrimination initiatives and projects, understanding the council in the village of Ohijivka in the Sakhnovshchyna direct cause and effect of relationship between the stereo- district of the Kharkiv region, and its practical implemen- types, prevailing in the public consciousness, and the- tation is currently underway. choice-of-life (in particular, professional and work) tra- The problem of labor migration of the population jectories. So, they have launched a comprehensive long- is known to the village of Ohijivka: if in 2001 there were term program to create an anti-discrimination environ- 915 people, then in 2019 – 857 people.
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