No 79, 8 October 1941, 3161
jiumb. 79. 3161 THE. NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. WELLINGTON, WEI?NESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1941. Notice as to Men called up under the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940 for Service with the Territorial Force. URSUANT to the provisions of Regulation 16 of the National Service Emergency Regulations 1940, I, P Robert Semple, Minister of NationaJ Service, do hereby give notice that the names of the men whose residential addresses and occupations are set forth in the Schedule hereto, comprising all the men whose names appear in the Register of Classes B 1 and C of the First Division of the General Reserve, have been certified to me in accordance with Regulation 15, and in compliance with a Warrant issued under my hand authorizing and requiring the Director to call up from the classes above mentioned the number of men specified in such Warrant for service with the Territoral Force : And I do hereby declare pursuant to Regulation 16 aforesaid that such men are called up for service with the Territorial Force accordingly. R. SEMPLE, Minister.of National Service. Dated this 8th day of October, l.941. SCHEDULE. NOTE.-This notice includes the names of a number of men who have volunteered for overseas service and also inclu~es the names of some men who are already serving in Home Defence Units. MILITARY AREA No, 1 (AUCKLAND), MILITARY AREA No. 1 (AU!JKLAND)-contirvllet.t. ·(Number of men called up, 474.) 459325 Baillie, George Stephen, clerk, 18 Leamington Rd., J\!Iount • Eden, Auckland. 615136 Adams, George J\!Iaxwell, radiotrician, 65 Smale St., Auck- .
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