Innovation and Action for a Secure World

Nuclear Threat Initiative Former Senator , NTI co- founder, co-chairman and chief executive officer, speaks at the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2006.

Joan Rohlfing, NTI president, addresses the Seoul 2012 Nuclear Industry Summit. The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with a mission to strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and preventing the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. Founded in 2001 by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and CNN founder , NTI is guided by a prestigious, international board of directors.

NTI is focused on closing the gap between global threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and the global response to those threats. Recognizing that governments have most of the resources and authority in NTI is a role model the large-scale work of threat reduction, NTI emphasizes leverage. It’s not just “of a private-public what NTI can do throughout the world. It’s what we can persuade others to partnership in do. We use our voice to raise awareness and advocate solutions. issues of security and of survival.” At our founding in 2001, NTI set out to take actions to lead the way and not simply point the way. NTI designs and implements projects that directly reduce Mohamed ElBaradei, threats and show governments how to reduce threats faster, smarter and on former director-general, IAEA a larger scale. These direct action projects demonstrate new ways to reduce threats.

The danger posed by nuclear, biological and chemical weapons is among the most consequential issues facing the United States and the world. Historically, chemical weapons have been, by far, the most widely used and widely proliferated weapons of mass destruction. Today, the threat of nuclear terrorism, fueled by the spread of nuclear materials, know-how and weapons, has brought us to a nuclear tipping point. At the same time, the biological threat looms—and that threat is in many ways more precarious and complex, as it is inextricably tied to the vast, ongoing advances in biotechnology.

Nuclear Threat Initiative 1 Our Hallmarks: Innovation and Cooperation Our operating model is one of our hallmarks: Through innovative field projects that show governments how to reduce threats from weapons of mass destruction on a larger scale, we demonstrate proof-of-concept for our ideas.

As an independent and trusted partner, NTI has been able to transcend traditional thinking within global bureaucracies and expert communities to stimulate new ways to address threats from weapons of mass destruction.

NTI also has a track record of developing persuasive communications What I like about initiatives aimed at a range of audiences, from senior officials around the globe the way NTI “ to ordinary citizens concerned about the safety and security of their children operates, they want and grandchildren. to hear all the views and they try to bring them together in NTI Leadership initiatives that unite Former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn is co-chairman and chief executive officer of us all.” NTI. During his 24 years in the U.S. Senate, Nunn served as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Permanent Subcommittee on Sergey Kislyak, ambassador of the Russian Federation to Investigations. One of his key legislative achievements was the Nunn-Lugar the United States Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which provides assistance to Russia and the former Soviet republics for securing and destroying their excess nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

Joan Rohlfing became NTI’s president and chief operating officer in 2010, after nine years as NTI’s senior vice president for programs and operations. She also directs NTI’s work in coordinating the Nuclear Security Project, led by Nunn with former Secretary of State George P. Shultz, former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry and former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger in their effort to build support for reducing reliance on nuclear weapons, ultimately ending them as a threat to the world.

2 NTI was founded by Ted Turner and Sam Nunn in January 2001. Charles B. Curtis served as president for nine years.

NTI produced Nuclear Tipping Point, a documentary about working toward the vision of a world without nuclear weapons and the steps to achieve it. The film has been screened at the White House, the U.S. Library of Congress, the UK Parliament and other venues around the globe. Signature Projects: Nuclear Threats

Since its inception, NTI has worked to lock down weapons and materials from theft, update Cold War force postures, reduce nuclear arsenals and reduce risks posed by the spread of nuclear materials production. With the end of the Cold War, the chances of global, all-out nuclear war declined significantly, but today, new threats have emerged: Nine countries now have nuclear weapons, and more are seeking them; terrorists are seeking nuclear weapons and materials; and dozens of countries house materials that terrorists could use to build a nuclear weapon. To address these threats, NTI has initiated a host of groundbreaking projects.

NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index In January 2012, NTI launched a first-of- its-kind public benchmarking project of nuclear materials security conditions in 176 countries. The NTI Index, prepared with the Economist Intelligence Unit, has helped to spark an international TerIals NTI Nuclear Ma January 2012 securITy INdex discussion about priorities required


The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) Nuclear Materials Security Index is a uclear m first-of-its-kind public benchmarking project of nuclear materials security to strengthen security and is conditions on a country-by-country basis. The NTI Index, prepared with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) with guidance from an international

aterials s panel of experts, was created to spark an international discussion about Building a Framework for Assurance, priorities required to strengthen security and, most important, encourage governments to provide assurances and take actions to reduce risks. Accountability, and Action encouraging governments to provide ecurity i

ndex assurances and take actions to experts: the international panel oF From members oF

“If countries use this Index wisely … there’s much truth they can learn from it. Even on items that they may not agree with what the reduce risks. Index says, they still can learn something about where the world thinks they are.”

Ramamurti Rajaraman, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Co-Chair, International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM)

“I think this Index will highlight areas where there’s significant work to be done and … at least get a discussion going about prioritization.” Matthew Bunn, Associate Professor of Public Policy, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University

“One of the reasons why it’s so powerful is that countries will want to get further up the rankings.… To do that, they’ll have to be more transparent.” Roger Howsley, Executive Director, World Institute for Nuclear Security

Index developed with

1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW | Seventh Floor | Washington, DC 20006 |

4 Released in advance of the March 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in South Korea, the NTI Index underscores the need to build global consensus about what steps matter most to secure some of the world’s most dangerous materials against theft and recommends actions to hold countries accountable, increase transparency and benchmark progress.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Hoffman called the Index “a very open attempt to hold countries up to the same yardstick” and noted that “the value of such an index is that it can serve as a public early warning system.”

Working Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons In coordination with Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, NTI supports the NTIGeorge goes Shultz, to the flanked White House by photoHenry Kissinger,caption here Sam Nunn work of former U.S. Secretaries of State George Shultz and Henry Kissinger, and William Perry, speaks to former U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry and former U.S. Senator Sam the press after their 2009 Nunn in their global effort to reduce reliance on nuclear weapons, to prevent meeting at the White House. their spread into potentially dangerous hands, and ultimately to end them as a global threat.

In January 2007, they published the first in a series of op-eds in The Wall Street Journal linking the vision of a world without nuclear weapons with urgent and substantive steps designed to reduce nuclear dangers.

The response was dramatic in the United States and around the globe. The New York Times said the op-eds reframed the global debate on nuclear issues and “sent waves through the global policy establishment.” Leaders from 13 countries responded with similar statements in support of the vision and steps, and in 2009, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously for a resolution “to create the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons.” The vote included China, Russia, the United States, France and Great Britain.

Nuclear Threat Initiative 5 To help build on that global momentum, NTI has sponsored conferences in Oslo, Rome, Berlin, Munich and London for political leaders and experts to help advance the vision and steps toward a world without nuclear weapons. In addition, NTI supports new leadership groups whose common goal is to advance the agenda of the four principals, including the:

›› Asia Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (APLN), convened by former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans. Its membership includes five ormerf prime ministers and 10 former foreign and defense ministers. APLN has representation from the nuclear weapons-possessing states of China, India and Pakistan.

›› European Leadership Network for Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (ELN), which includes nearly 60 former senior European political, military and diplomatic figures. In 2009, the UN Security Council voted unanimously “to create the conditions ›› Top Level Group of UK Parliamentarians for Multilateral Disarmament and for a world without nuclear Non-Proliferation (TLG), a group of 20 senior UK parliamentarians from weapons.” all three major political parties, including almost all of the former senior ministers of foreign affairs and defense over the last two decades.

The Project also is focused on the “how” as well as the “why” of working toward a world without nuclear weapons. How can the elimination of weapons be verified? How can we be confident that civilian nuclear materials remain in peaceful use? To address these real-world challenges now and in the future, NTI has gathered a range of international technical experts from inside and outside governments to solve technical challenges and build international capacity for verification. This initiative explores innovative approaches, including “societal verification” or how to use non-traditional, public information—even Twitter—to tap broader participation in what has been seen as a purely governmental responsibility.

The activities of the four statesmen—along with physicist Sidney Drell—are chronicled in The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors and Their Quest to Ban the Bomb (HarperCollins, January 2012) by Philip Taubman.

6 Establishing the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) In 2008, NTI helped conceive and create a first-of-its-kind organization to strengthen the security of nuclear materials worldwide: the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), based in Vienna. WINS brings together nuclear security experts, the nuclear industry, governments and international organizations to focus on rapid and sustainable improvement of security at nuclear facilities around the world. Cited at the April 2010 global Nuclear Security Summit as “an effective forum for sharing best security practices,” The Nuclear WINS has more than 1,000 members from more than 60 countries, including “Threat Initiative has representation from some of the largest nuclear companies in the world. WINS undertaken a large was created with generous support from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. number of practical activities that have Building a Fuel Bank to Support Peaceful Nuclear Energy directly improved international Forty countries have expressed interest in pursuing nuclear power, and many are considering producing their own nuclear fuel by building uranium security and U.S. enrichment plants so that they don’t have to rely on foreign suppliers. But the security. They have same enrichment technology can also be used to create material for a nuclear done things that will weapon. ensure that nuclear material can never To help prevent the spread of uranium enrichment technology, NTI in 2006 be in the hands of announced a commitment of $50 million, backed by NTI advisor Warren terrorists.” Buffett, to the International AtomicE nergy Agency (IAEA) to help create a low- William Tobey, former enriched uranium stockpile to support nations that make the sovereign choice deputy administrator not to build indigenous nuclear fuel-cycle capabilities. for defense nuclear nonproliferation, The pledge required that other nations and entities commit additional funds National Nuclear Security Administration needed for implementation, and more than $100 million was raised by the United States ($50 million), the European Union (25 million euros), the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait ($10 million each), and Norway ($5 million). As a result, the IAEA Board of Governors approved the creation of the fuel bank without objection at its December 2010 Board meeting, and implementation has begun.

Nuclear Threat Initiative 7 This initiative has been widely hailed as a breakthrough in global cooperation to enable peaceful uses of nuclear energy, while reducing the risks of proliferation and catastrophic terrorism.

Nuclear Smuggling: Preparing for Crisis Imagine that Russian forces detained a group of terrorists and seized a significant quantity fo nuclear weapons material that had been headed for the United States. What would be the most efficient joint response by theU nited States and Russia in order to prevent a nuclear attack?

Determined to test and improve readiness for a nuclear crisis, NTI gathered The U.S. team confers during former high-level national security officials fromR ussia and the United States the nuclear smuggling in Moscow in 2011 for a Nuclear Smuggling Table-Top Exercise. The exercise exercise held in Moscow highlighted the ways in which our joint response—if tested now by a real in 2011. threat—might fail to prevent an attack. Issues of habit, procedure and approach could interfere with efforts to quickly share information, coordinate response and act together.

As a result of the project, the U.S. and Russian governments invited NTI to facilitate an official, government-to-government exercise several months later. These lessons reinforced outcomes of the original NTI exercise, and the governments have continued an enhanced dialogue on these critical issues.

8 Securing Vulnerable Nuclear Materials in Belgrade In 2002, NTI helped fund the removal of nearly 2½ bombs’ worth of poorly secured, highly enriched uranium (HEU) from a nuclear institute outside Belgrade. News of the “dramatic, military-style operation” to address “one of the world’s most dangerous nuclear repositories—a large and unusually vulnerable stash of the kind of weapons-grade uranium that would be prized by…terrorist groups such as al Qaeda” on the front page of The Washington Post spotlighted the threat. This operation reinforced the urgent need for action, and the U.S. government created the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI), which has since repatriated more than 40 nuclear bombs’ worth of HEU from dozens of countries. An IAEA inspector applies seals to containers as a U.S. observer looks on.

Nuclear Threat Initiative 9 “Biological threats—both manmade by weapons and bioterrorism and naturally occurring infectious disease threats like pandemic flu—also represent a huge threat to health and security. And from day one, Senator Nunn and Ted Turner were committed to also working in that important arena.”

Margaret Hamburg, FDA commissioner Signature Projects: Biological Threats

NTI works to prevent bioterrorism, improve health security and reduce tensions in some of the most conflict-prone areas on earth. Whether the biological threat is natural or intentional, disease surveillance is a key step in rapid detection and response. Because the response of a health system in one country could have a direct and immediate impact on a This is the neighboring country, or even continent, NTI’s projects foster “strength and the cooperation among public health officials across political and power of NTI: geographic boundaries. At its launch, NTI set out an ambitious as a trust-based, agenda: Create an effective global disease surveillance and honest broker response network to enable the United States and other nations among countries’ to respond quickly and efficiently in the event of terrorist governments and incidents involving biological or chemical agents. To start, NTI intergovernmental focused on creating and developing regional networks. organizations.” Dr. Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Ministry of Health, Thailand Regional Solutions and Cooperation NTI helped create regional networks in the Middle East and southern Africa and supported a network in the Mekong Basin. These partnerships include public health officials and experts from multiple countries collaborating on new mechanisms for data sharing, training and multi-nation exercises to test and practice their capabilities. These partnerships demonstrate that even areas with difficult borders can find common ground to promote health security.

Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan participate in the Middle East Consortium on Infectious Disease Surveillance (MECIDS). Formed in 2003, at a time when cooperative efforts on health matters in the region were scarce, MECIDS has been tested repeatedly, successfully addressing many real health

Nuclear Threat Initiative 11 emergencies, including outbreaks of avian influenza, the 2009 influenza pandemic and various food and waterborne disease outbreaks. Today, NTI is working with MECIDS to establish it as an independent, self-sustaining organization.

Improving Global Disease Detection and Response The regional networks are models for international cooperation that promote flexible and coordinated response to future pandemic and bioweapons threats. Having networks By connecting regional networks, true global dialogue, cooperation and “in place to move response become possible. accurate and useful information among That’s why NTI created CORDS—Connecting Organizations for Regional disease experts at Disease Surveillance—a first-of-its-kind global network that ties together regional disease surveillance groups. CORDS creates a platform for the same speed the coordination and communication among regional infectious disease event is happening surveillance groups, the World Health Organization and other global partners is revolutionary to strengthen international health security. Participants include six networks but essential for based around the world. CORDS is headquartered in Lyon, France, a hub for facing today’s and global early disease surveillance. tomorrow’s global health challenges.” NTI-WHO Global Emergency Outbreak Response Fund Dr. Keiji Fukuda, assistant director-general, World In 2002, NTI worked with the World Health Organization to create the NTI- Health Organization WHO Global Emergency Outbreak Response Fund, which allows the WHO to dispatch teams of epidemiologists, within 24 hours, to disease outbreak sites around the globe.

The fund has been replenished numerous times since its creation, with donations from governments and private philanthropies, and it has supported rapid response to the SARS outbreak in Vietnam and China and to the Ebola outbreak in the Republic of Congo. “The WHO Global Outbreak Response Fund supported by NTI has helped our group react immediately to the [2004]

12 tsunami disaster—moving staff to the regional office as forward deployment to the most affected areas, Sri Lanka and Aceh. As a result of the fund, 100-plus experts are on standby to respond to any outbreak, and to support WHO and affected countries with technical advice, rapidly,” said Dr. Pat Drury, an official at the WHO. “The fact we have the Response Fund is a godsend.”

Ensuring Biotech Progress and Security Biotechnology holds great promise to advance public health and support the economy. At the same time, some technologies that yield medical benefits also could be used to create biological weapons. In 2003, NTI funded, with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a landmark report from the U.S. National Academies which assessed this tension. The Fink Report (named for its chair, Gerald Fink) offered a framework for addressing the potential misuse of life NTI supported emergency sciences research. relief in Myanmar through the Mekong Basin Disease A “bottom up” approach, it sought to reduce Surveillance Network. the threat of misuse by mobilizing the scientific community to police itself. The committee hoped to protect scientific enquiry from excessive government interference and to permit open communication to the maximum extent possible.

Following the publication of the Fink Report, the Department of Health and Human Services created the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity and chartered it in March 2004.

Nuclear Threat Initiative 13 “NTI designs and implements projects that directly reduce threats and help show governments how to reduce threats faster, smarter and on a larger scale.”

Joan Rohlfing, NTI president Signature Projects: Chemical Threats

Even tiny quantities of chemical agents such as mustard gas and sarin can sicken and kill, and these agents could be potent weapons for terrorists. Once used extensively in warfare—in World War I and by Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s—chemical weapons are now met with widespread international condemnation. Thousands of facilities housing toxic chemicals exist around the world, however, and could be vulnerable to a terrorist attack. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has urged adherents to launch biological and chemical attacks against its enemies, and the conflict in Syria has generated deep concerns about reportedly significant NTI’s investment amounts of nerve and blister agents. NTI has sponsored “in the chemical weapons projects related to securing and destroying chemical destruction facility weapons stockpiles like these. at Shchuch’ye will make the world a Securing Poorly Guarded Chemical Weapons safer place.”

In 2002, more than a decade after the end of the Cold War, nearly two Senator million rounds of chemical nerve agents—enough to kill tens of millions of people—sat in dilapidated, poorly guarded buildings in the central Russian town of Shchuch’ye. The site was considered one of the most dangerous chemical weapons arsenals in the world. Both the lethality of the weapons and the absence of security at the site posed an enormous proliferation threat. Recognizing that these weapons could easily be stolen or funneled to terrorist groups, NTI issued a $1 million challenge grant conditioned on being matched by new contributions. Canada and the United Kingdom met, and greatly exceeded, the challenge.

NTI funds supported construction of an 11-mile railway required to safely and securely transport the chemical munitions from the chemical weapons storage depot to the destruction facility. Weapons destruction began in April 2009.

Nuclear Threat Initiative 15 “NTI has shown that private resources can be leveraged to get governments around the world to do more, and I’m pleased to support its efforts.”

Warren Buffett Signature Projects: Public Education

Governments are largely responsible for solutions to the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction, but public understanding and a sense of urgency can prompt governments to act quickly and decisively. Public education is critical to NTI’s mission, and NTI’s programs reach audiences ranging from international experts and elected officials to high school teachers and young professionals. To expand our reach, we have partnered with organizations such as HBO, the It is the Nuclear Families of September 11 and the Council for Christian Colleges “Threat Initiative, a and Universities. non-governmental organization whose Global Security Newswire ideas and money Recognizing a growing need for independent and have been leading well-reported stories on issues related to weapons governments and of mass destruction and terrorism, NTI created nations in keeping THE us safer for the last WHITE HOUSE Global Security Newswire, an independent e-daily GOT ITS DAILY launched just weeks after 9/11. decade.” SECURITY BRIEFING Martin Schram, Scripps TODAY. Produced by the National Journal Group, GSN’s Howard News Service DID YOU? award-winning team fills a unique and vital role From government policymakers and academics to execu- tives and top reporters on the national security beat, people rely on Global Security Newswire to keep them up-to-date on all the latest developments involving nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and terrorism. in online news, reporting on under-covered Gathering overnight reconnaissance from around the world and sorting through the latest updates from the diplomatic, military and technology fronts, GSN’s award-winning jour- nalists put together a complete and concise briefing with vital information every day, via email, RSS or Twitter. The issues and the most pressing issues of the day GSN breaks news that’s covered later by publications. That’s why like our The Wall Street Journal New York Times and readers include staff at the White House, the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. through both original reporting and aggregated Don’t miss your daily briefing. GLOBAL SECURITY NEWSWIRE Sign up now at

by underwritten content. GSN breaks news, later covered by other by @NTI_GSN Free and available online. Sign up today for daily email updates at WWW.NTI.ORG/GSN publications such as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Subscribe to this free publication at

Nuclear Threat Initiative 17 Nuclear Tipping Point In the documentary, Nuclear Tipping Point, George Shultz, William Perry, Henry Kissinger and Sam Nunn share the personal experiences that led them to write the series of Wall Street Journal op-eds in support of a world free of nuclear weapons and the steps needed to get there.

Introduced by General Colin Powell and narrated by actor Michael Douglas, the film includes interviews with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Nuclear Tipping Point was produced by NTI to raise awareness about nuclear threats and build support for urgent action needed to reduce nuclear dangers.

President Obama hosted a White House screening of Nuclear Tipping Point immediately before the global Nuclear Security Summit in April 2010, and Senator Nunn appeared on screenings continue today in various forums around the world. “The Colbert Report,” where the host dubbed Nuclear Tipping Point “a great date The film is available online or on VD D through, movie.” in English or with subtitles in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. A teacher’s guide for the film also is available.

Last Best Chance Five years before Nuclear Tipping Point premiered, NTI produced Last Best Chance. This fictional docudrama stars former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson as a U.S. President facing the imminent threat of nuclear terrorism. The film—aired on HBO and featured on “Nightline” and “Meet the Press”—raised awareness about the threat posed by unsecured nuclear weapons and materials, especially from terrorists. The film is still widely used in training and classroom settings.

18 In-depth Data for Experts, Basics for the Public NTI’s website provides unmatched resources on nuclear, biological and chemical weapons for experts seeking data, as well as for citizens, students and others who want basic, accessible information. With annotated data from the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, the website is a “go to” resource valued by students, academics, media and government officials.

Offerings at include:

›› Basic primers on nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological threats and Print and broadcast media delivery systems worldwide rely on the NTI website’s interactive maps ›› Extensive archives of Global Security Newswire articles with information about nuclear, chemical, biological ›› Reports, op-eds, speeches and articles from NTI staff and leadership and missile facilities.

›› More than 40 country profiles with overviews of activities related to nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, as well as missile programs

›› Interactive maps with descriptions and locations of relevant facilities

›› Databases of treaties and regimes with text, memberships and milestones

›› Nuclear trafficking timeline for former Soviet states

›› Resource collections on nuclear weapons disarmament, reduction and elimination of civilian highly enriched uranium, UN Security Council Resolution 1540 and global trends in the sale and acquisition of diesel- and nuclear-powered submarines

Nuclear Threat Initiative 19 From left, Senator Lugar and Senator Nunn talk with Russian officials at Shchuch’ye, where NTI helped fund a chemical weapons destruction project.

NTI board member Igor Ivanov, a former Russian foreign minister, discusses nuclear smuggling at an NTI event held in Moscow.

20 Board of Directors

NTI is governed by a Board of Directors with members from the United States, China, India, Japan, Jordan, Pakistan, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

R. E. (Ted) Turner, Co-Chairman HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan

Sam Nunn, Co-Chairman and Igor S. Ivanov, former Minister of Chief Executive Officer Foreign Affairs,R ussia

Joan Rohlfing, President and Dr. Jeong H. Kim, President of Bell Labs Chief Operating Officer & Chief Strategy Officer, Alcatel-Lucent

U.S. Senator Richard G. Lugar

Dr. Jessica Tuchman Mathews, Dr. Alexei Arbatov, Head, Center for President of the Carnegie Endowment International Security at Institute of for International Peace World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences Ronald L. Olson, Partner, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP Rt. Hon. Des Browne, House of Lords, United Kingdom Judge Hisashi Owada, International Court of Justice Charles B. Curtis, President Emeritus Dr. William Perry, 19th U.S. Secretary Pete V. Domenici, former U.S. Senator, of Defense, Stanford University Senior Fellow, Bipartisan Policy Center Dr. Nafis Sadik, Special Advisor to the Susan Eisenhower, President of the UN Secretary-General Eisenhower Group, Inc. Professor Amartya Sen, Lamont Ambassador Rolf Ekéus, Chairman University Professor of Economics and Emeritus, Stockholm International Peace Philosophy at Harvard University Research Institute Professor Fujia Yang, Academician of General Eugene E. Habiger USAF (Ret.), the Chinese Academy of Sciences former Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Strategic Command Shirley Williams, House of Lords, United Kingdom Nuclear Threat Initiative 21 Advisors to the Board of Directors

NTI advisors are leading figures in science, business and international security.

Warren E. Buffett, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

Dr. David A. Hamburg, DeWitt Wallace Distinguished Scholar at Weill Cornell Medical College and President Emeritus of Carnegie Corporation of New York

Siegfried S. Hecker, Co-director of the Stanford University Center for International Security and Cooperation

Dr. David Heymann, Chair of the Health Protection Agency UK

Frederick Iseman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CI Capital Partners LLC

George F. Russell, Jr., Founder, Frank Russell Company

22 Funding

With an annual operating budget of approximately $20 million, NTI accepts donations at all levels and is a tax-exempt public charity, under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. NTI appreciates the hundreds of individual, government and organizational funders from around the world, whose contributions demonstrate confidence in our work and mission. Below, we highlight funders who contributed $10,000 or more since 2001.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bill and Melinda Gates George Russell, The Russell P. Anderson Foundation Family Foundation Anonymous Google Foundation The Saga Foundation Franklin Antonio David W. Harding Muneer Satter Armstrong Family Foundation Michael Honigfort Schaffner Family Foundation Bodman Family Foundation Frederick Iseman Diane Schneider and Patrick Wolff Warren Buffett Joan Leidy Foundation Skoll Global Threats Fund Carnegie Corporation of Peter Lewis, Jewish Community New York Federation Alfred P. Sloane Foundation Chung Kin Kwok Education The John D. and Catherine Stephen Stranahan Foundation T. MacArthur Foundation Toledo Community Foundation William Draper Thomas Maddox R.E. Turner Le Roy “Terry” Eakin Jeffrey Marquis, Guest Services The UK Foreign and Edlow International Company Paul Matteucci Commonwealth Office David Epstein Norwegian Royal Ministry of University of Georgia Defense Foundation C. Martin Wood III, William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation Nuclear Energy Institute Robert Weekley James and Dona Fuller Ronald L. Olson John C. Whitehead Russell J. Fuller Anthony Pennock Barrie and Deedee Wigmore J.B. Fuqua Peter G. Peterson Foundation The World Bank Mark Gallogly The Rockefeller Foundation Steve Wynn Martin Zonnenberg

Nuclear Threat Initiative 23 Help Build a Safer World

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24 “Where would we be without it? Ten years of NTI has brought the world to a much more safe and much more secure environment.”

Ellen Tauscher, U.S. Department of State “The day after an attack, what would we wish we had done? Why aren’t we doing it now?”

Sam Nunn, NTI co-chairman and CEO

Nuclear Threat Initiative

1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW | Seventh Floor | Washington, DC 20006 |