Rushcliffe Borough Council May 2011 2011 Air Quality Progress Report for Rushcliffe Borough Council In fulfillment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management Date May 2011 Progress Report i May 2011 Rushcliffe Borough Council Local Martin Hickey Authority Officer Department Environment & Waste Management Service Address Civic Centre, Pavilion Road West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 5FE Telephone 01159148486 e-mail
[email protected] Report 2010/11 PR Reference number Date May 2011 ii Progress Report Rushcliffe Borough Council May 2011 Executive Summary This report provides an update with respect to air quality issues within the borough of Rushcliffe over the year 2010 and the progress of implementation of the measures outlined in the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP), published initially in May 2007 (updated 2009) as required by the Environment Act 1995. Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 places a statutory duty on local authorities to review and assess the air quality within their area and take account of Government Guidance when undertaking such work. The AQAP contains a set of measures aimed at working toward ensuring the air quality in Rushcliffe meets the Air Quality Objectives set out in the National Air Quality Strategy due to excessive levels of Nitrogen Dioxide in air quality management areas (AQMA’s) within the Borough. Rushcliffe has two air quality management areas both of which have been declared due to traffic pollution and in particular due to excessive levels of the annual Nitrogen Dioxide above the air quality objective (AQO) level in certain areas. The areas covered by the AQMA’s are the Trent Bridge/Radcliffe Road/Wilford lane areas and part of the A52 ring road up to the Nottingham Knight traffic island.