Psychosocial consequences of widespread of torture and sociopolitical pressure in Iran

Siroos Mirzaei, Homayoun Alizadeh, Seyed Zarei, Reem Alksiri

Abstract health of a society is determined by multiple fac- Background: Violence and political repres- tors, we conclude from the very limited data avail- sion in general may have a complex psychosocial able from inside Iran that political repression is not impact on societies. Studying these effects in the only such factor, but can be assumed to be at countries with a high grade of repression based on least contributing significantly to the increasing reliable data from inside the country is difficult, physical and mental health problems in the country, mainly due to risks facing researchers. Methods creating a difficult position for health profession- and results: The authors developed a strategy to als especially in detention facilities. Key words: integrate available data from inside Iran, exiled Iran, mental health, torture, repression, trauma. survivors, and reliable international sources to investigate the psychosocial situation in the coun- Introduction try, where torture and execution are used frequent- Violence and political repression may have a ly. Data on human rights violations, including psychosocial impact on different levels of a society. violence against women, persecution of political Studying these effects in countries with a high activists, and torture and execution of teenagers degree of repression such as Iran is difficult from indicate pervasive strategy of repression in Iran in inside the country. A number of international the last four decades. This thereby has caused sub- organizations, including the World Medical stantial long term public mental health impact and Association (WMA) and UN institutions have continue to cause other social and economic prob- nonetheless provided an objective and frightening lems and to create a burden on the Iranian popula- picture of the situation in this country. tion. Conclusion: Although, general psychosocial Iran signed the CCPR - International Cove-

nant on Civil and Political Rights - prior the pre- Siroos Mirzaei. sent regime (4.4.1968) but has after change to the Organization for Support of Victims of Torture and present regime not signed standard humanitarian War, Viena, . documents such as the UN Convention against Correo-e: [email protected] Torture, nor the important OPCAT (Optional Pro- Homayoun Alizadeh. MA. tocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Independent HR expert, Viena, Austria. Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Pun- Correo-e: [email protected] ishment) (1). Seyed Zarei. Hemayat Organization for Support of Victims of The United Nations (UN) has repeatedly Torture and War, Viena, Austria. voiced concern regarding widespread Correo-e: [email protected] indiscriminate use of the death penalty in Iran. Reports from the UN Special Rapporteur on the Reem Alksiri. Independent HR expert, Viena, Austria. Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran indicate that prisoners of conscience, Received: July, 2019. including journalists, individuals with dual Accepted: November, 2020. citizenship, and protesters are being detained Conflict of interests: none arbitrarily on vaguely worded charges, held in Statement of Human Rights: This publication does poor condition and denied access to health care (2). not involve any human participants or animals. This represents a violation of the Minimum

Social Medicine (www.socialmedicine.info) -37 - Volume 14, Number 1, January April 2021. Standard rules for the treatment of prisoners detention or execution. Two physicians, Kamiar (Mandela rules). and Arash Alaei, who provided medical care for Additionally, the Iranian Government has over these prisoners have been arrested (2). Iranian decades denied all nominated UN- Special doctors face a difficult choice between threats of Rapporteurs on Human Rights in Iran access to the persecution and violation of national and/or country (2). international medical ethics. Obviously, there are nearly no research data available on the prevalence and respective impact Historical events with impact on public health of different aspects of persecution in Iran from A total of 30 studies looking for depression in inside the country. In this manuscript, authors nurses were investigated. The overall prevalence follow a review of secondary independent sources of depression in nurses in a review of 30 studies such as UNHCR and Amnesty International, in was 22%, which was higher than the prevalence of addition to selected peer reviewed publications depression among the general population. There is related to the discussed issues from inside Iran and a need for psychologically healthy nurses at from exiled survivors. Available data and observations show that torture and execution are hospitals 6). used frequently (2), and a high corruption index The relatively high prevalence of many (rank 140/180) has been reported by transparency indicators of distress and mental health problems international in Iran might be related to a number of social, (https://www.transparency.org/en/countries/iran). economic or other factors, indicating persecution or a repressive society. Restrictions for physicians in following their The effects of the long-lasting war between ethical guidelines Iran and Iraq (1980-1988) have been partially According World Medical Association (WMA) studied in regard to post-traumatic stress disorder health professionals have been prevented from (PTSD) in veterans and their family members as treating patients, raising concerns about the secondary victims. The authors of that study found veracity of documentation related to the cause of decreased cortisol levels in progeny of veterans death of patients, and physicians have been forced after rearranging the groups to reflect previous to support clinically inaccurate documentation to history of PTSD, possibly indicating to a transgen- hide human rights violations (3). erational effect of trauma (7). On 17 July 1988, Persecution of perpetrators in international Iran notified the Secretary-General of its formal courts will be difficult as Iran has not ratified the acceptance of resolution 598, which was already Rome statute that would permit a court on crimes proposed by the UN in 1987 (8). Until this time, against humanity in situation where the local Ayatollah Khomeini had blocked all attempts to government ignores investigation and prosecution end the war, which Iraq initiated (9). He used op- of crimes, but Universal Jurisdiction might be an portunity of the “forced war” to eliminate the po- effective instrument to persecute perpetrators in litical opponents by numerous executions and other countries (4). planned to expand the revolution to neighbor Ahmadreza Djalali is a physician of disaster countries (10). In 1988 there was a series of execu- medicine who has been wrongfully sentenced to tion of political prisoners. Amnesty Internation- death in Iran. He is an Iranian-born resident of al recorded the names of > 4,400 disappeared pris- Sweden, who teaches at universities in and oners during this time (11). Execution is also used , and whose work involves international on homosexual teenagers and child offenders scientific collaboration. Since his arrest in 2016, against strong criticism by the UN bodies, even in he has been refused medical care despite those with mental disabilities (2). deteriorating health (5). HIV has been neglected in Iran probably Widespread of Torture because of the fact that those at risk for this Data on the widespread use of torture have disease are primarily homosexuals and patients been published by the UN (2) and data of Iranian with substance abuse, groups who are refugees as discussed later confirm the wide discriminated against and are at highest risk for spread use of torture.

Social Medicine (www.socialmedicine.info) -38 - Volume 14, Number 1, January April 2021. Our own data from examining of survivors of and Abdolreza Soudbakhsh, from Kahrizak prison, torture from Iran using the “Istanbul protocol” (12) were murdered after having examined inmates indicate the use of systematic torture methods such who had been tortured and raped (21). as psychological torture, beating the whole body, Members of minorities constitute a significant suspension, falanga, burns with cigarettes, and part of the prison population. Further, minorities sexual torture of women and men. This has been suffer from discrimination in the academics, for confirmed to a major extent in other studies (13- example, many Baha’i have been reportedly 15). expelled from universities or their applications of Busch et al. reported that in a group of Iranian admission are rejected (2). refugee survivors of torture different methods were used, including burning (38%), electrical Systematic Violence against Women torture, and sexual torture (25%) (13). Dehghan In a patriarchal society, with many restrictions recently reported on the high prevalence of sexual on females, economical pressure, physical and/or torture of Iranian and Kurdish refugees (14). There sexual violence threaten women's health. are also reports of anal torture with hard objects in According to the Office of the United Nations men (15). The wide-spread historical use of torture High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Iran, including the time prior to “revolution”, is Iran has not ratified the Convention on the even documented in a dedicated torture Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination (16). There have been elsewhere legal prosecution against Women (EDAW) (1). According to civil of perpetrators and successful reparation for law, women are denied equal rights, including in survivors of other nationalities, but in countries as marriage, divorce, child custody, and there is Iran, such due procedure is close to impossible ongoing repression of them in relation to their since torture is practiced by state officials based on objection to compulsory veiling. Women who do religious codes (17). not wear a hijab in public can be sentenced to As the assassinations of Iranian Kurdish lead- flogging, up to two months in prison, and/or be ers in Vienna and Berlin (18) have demonstrated, fined (2). Several defenders of women’s rights safety is absent for opposition members even in have been imprisoned (22). democratic host countries. Morville followed a In this context, immediate removal of group of asylum seekers in Danish asylum centers. disparities and use of all necessary means, Forty-three persons, largely torture survivors, aged including legislative, administrative, budgetary, 20-50y, including Iranians demonstrated to a con- promotional, and judicial measures in Iran have siderable degree activities of daily living (ADL) been recommended to accomplish decrease impairment secondary to psychological and physi- domestic violence (23), also perpetrators should be cal injuries (19). Priebe et al. investigated long- punished and support for victims accomplished. term mental sequelae of torture in the country, and A recent study revealed that it is essential to explored differences between treatment-seekers improve healthcare providers’ performance in and non-treatment-seekers (20). Thirty- recognizing and treating domestic violence, paying four torture victims suffering from endur- attention to other related factors, i.e., training and ing mental sequelae and living in were codifying guidelines (24). examined. Depression, anxiety, and somatoform In another study, victims of sexual violence disorders were diagnosed with a high degree of had significant differences not only in mental comorbidity, with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder health but also in terms of sexual arousal, sexual (PTSD) being the most frequent diagnosis. Treat- orgasm, sexual lubrication, pain and sexual ment seekers had a higher level of psychopatholo- satisfaction (25). gy, particularly PTSD symptoms of intrusion and Reportedly, among women who participated increased arousal. in the Shiraz Women's Health Cohort Study, the According to the above data and various re- most prevalent disorder was social dysfunction ports, torture constitutes an epidemic problem in (78%), followed by somatic symptoms Iranian prisons. But there is de facto no way to (62%). Mental disorders were 64% most prevalent follow up on these allegations by the justice sys- among married women. In a total group of 265 tem. Two medical doctors, Ramin Pourandarjani participants whose husbands were in prison, 65%

Social Medicine (www.socialmedicine.info) -39 - Volume 14, Number 1, January April 2021. had mental disorders. The results of this study disorder in this group was therefore “essential for showed a considerably higher prevalence prevention of crime”. of mental disorders among this group of women In the following we present some indicators of affected by wide-spread imprisonment, in psychological consequences of repression in the comparison with the general population. Policy- Iranian community: makers were suggested to pay greater attention to the mental health status of underprivileged Iranian a) Suicide women (26). At both the individual and population levels, Additionally, violence against women was the suicide rate has long been understood to studied in the Northeastern Iran. Some correlate with cultural, social, political, and socioeconomic characteristics, such as educational economic forces. In another review the most level, occupational status of men, heavy smoking frequent cause of attempted suicide was family and drug abuse were associated with the conflict (32%). Other related factors included occurrence of violence against one's intimate marital problems (26%), economic constraints female partner (27). Furthermore, there are (12%), and educational failures (5%). It was vigilantes who attack women and activists for concluded that social factors, such as family standing against forced hijab laws. conflicts and marital problems, had a noticeable role in Iranian suicide research (31). Psychosocial health in the society and among Thus, suicide seems to be a growing concern prisoners: in recent years. According to another report, Iran Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among rates third highest among Islamic countries (32). elderly Iranian individuals is generally low. Poli- According to statistics, each day >13 people take cy-makers have recommended HRQoL strategies their lives by suicide in the country; most are aged among the elderly by providing social, economic, 15–35. Economic problems, mental illnesses, cul- and psychological support (28). tural obligations, political issues and social pres- Noorbala et al., studied mental health status of sures are the major factors for suicide in the coun- Iranians and found an increase in suspected cases try (32). of mental disorders among Iranians over age 15 between 1999 to 2015. An interesting finding of b) Children/Adolescents this study was that in 1999, rural residents were There are differences in the prevalence of more at risk of mental disorders, while in 2015, mental disorders among children and adolescents, urban residents were more prone to have them. compared Iran with other countries. Prevalence The risk of possible diagnosis of men- rates of obsessive-compulsive disorder (ranging tal disorders increased with age, and was higher in from 1% to 11.9% among Iranian children and people 65 and above, as well as in widowed, di- adolescents) were higher than other regional coun- vorced and illiterate individuals (29). The preva- lence of common mental disorders in Iran has tries with reported prevalence rates of 0.03% to increased from 21% in 1999 to 32% in 2015. The 2.6%. Social phobia prevalence rates of 8% to authors concluded that it is vital for policymakers 23.5%, and were higher among Iranian children and health officials to act in order to improve and and adolescents than in four non-Iranian commu- maintain mental health status of people who are at nities reporting prevalence rates of 0.08% to 0.9% risk in the country (29). (33). Given repression in Iran, the prevalence of Children on death row face additional stress psychiatric disorders among 180 Kashan prisoners after legal proceedings violating any international- (mean age 32 ± 9y) was 43%. The most frequent ly accepted standards, including fear of their im- disorders were major depressive disorder (28 %), pending execution and the lack of information PTSD (17%) and substance use disorder (17%). regarding the date it will take place. The continu- History of head trauma in prisoners with psychiat- ous anticipation of imminent death result in addi- ric disorders was 52% (30). About half of all pris- tional suffering for alleged child offenders and oners suffered from them. Treatment of psychiatric their families (2).

Social Medicine (www.socialmedicine.info) -40 - Volume 14, Number 1, January April 2021. c) Addiction There are other corporal punishments (cruel The consumption of illegal drugs has in- and unusual punishment as prohibited by Article 5 creased in Iran in the last decades. In 2017, offi- of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, cials claimed that the number of drug addicts had 1948) which are performed on the streets, such as doubled in the past six years (34). Alcohol, opium amputation or flogging (39). All intentional cor- and cannabis are the most frequently used illegal poral injuries must be documented (12) and re- drugs, but there are new emerging problems with ports should be sent to the relevant authorities, anabolic steroids, ecstasy and stimulants. Lifetime such as WMA and UN, as Iran does not permit rates of opiate use is between 1.2 and 8.6% in regular monitoring, i.e., by UN Special Rappor- different parts of the country (35). The phenome- teurs. non of dramatic increase of drug addiction is a very possible consequence of shortcomings in Conclusions social, economic, cultural and political system in As a consequence of the difficulties to carry the community. The Iranian Ministry of Health out social research in Iran, there are very limited and Welfare declared that eight hundred thousand scientific reports from inside the country. However, addicts were registered in the country, with an available reports and studies indicate an increase increase of 100% in only 9 years (36). The UN in mental health problems, such as suicide and estimates that opium-based drugs are abused by substance abuse rates –even in younger individu- 1,7%-2,8% of the Iranian population, compared als– as well as violence against women. Further- with 0,3% of the population in Western more, there is credible evidence of widespread use (37). of torture, execution of teenagers, and other sub- A high percentage of prisoners are drug- stantial human rights problems on the background addicted, and they even have a significantly higher of non-compliance and failure to sign international suicide rate than the already high suicide rate in conventions. the general population (42% vs. 35%) (35). We conclude that political repression can be an important factor in the increasing physical and d) Emotional distress in journalists mental health problems found in Iran. Nonetheless, Another target group under constant political there is hope to educate health care professionals repression is journalists. Iran ranks 173 out of 180 and policy makers on the situation there, to bring countries on an index of press freedom. Recently, local and international pressure to bear on the the psychological stressors on wellbeing of Iranian country’s leaders, to achieve a more just and safe journalists, had 65.8% being in the diaspora, were country. studied. The detected stressors included arrest (41,2%), References: torture (19,3%), assault (10.5%), intimidation (51.4%) and threats to families (43.1%), which 1. United Nations Treaty Database. OHCHR 2020. were associated with intrusive and arousal PTSD URL: and depressive symptoms. Almost a third of Irani- https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/Treaty an journalists used barbiturates regularly (38). BodyExter- nal/Treaty.aspx?CountryID=81&Lang=en. Discussion 2. Situation of human rights in the Islamic Repub- Medical staff inside and outside of Iran can play an important role in defending human rights lic of Iran. Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and re- of prisoners. This can be achieved by documenta- tion of possible torture sequelae, beyond the ports of the Office of the High Commissioner treatment of injuries, as it has been described in and the Secretary-General (A/HRC/40/24, Feb. 2019). United Nations- General Assembly Istanbul protocol (12). Health professionals in Iran can face serious repercussions. The National socie- 2019. URL: https://documents-dds- ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G19/028/77/PDF ties of physicians must report the threats to all relevant authorities and also to the World Medical /G1902877.pdf?OpenElement Association and Amnesty International.

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Social Medicine (www.socialmedicine.info) -43 - Volume 14, Number 1, January April 2021.