New Members Guide Welcome to Quota!
2018 New Members Guide Welcome to Quota! Quota International E m p o w e r i n g w o m e n , c h i l d r e n , t h e d e a f , h a r d o f h e a r i n g , a n d s p e e c h i m p a i r e d i n l o c a l c o m m u n i t i e s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d Washington, DC, United States +1 202 331 9694 | Queensland, Australia 07 3050 1421 Welcome to Quota International! Welcome! On behalf of President Marie Dobson-Dunlop, the international board and staff, we offer you a hearty welcome to your Quota club and the entire Quota International family! Your membership connects you to more than 5,000 caring people making the world a better place. This special group donates hundreds of thousands of dollars and hours every year to empower women, children, the deaf, hard-of-hearing and speech-impaired in 14 countries. As a new member, you’re now part of this. Quota’s award winning programs connect caring people like you with projects that change lives through Health and Wellbeing, Educational Development, and Workforce Development to ensure that all children, deaf or hearing, have what they need: food, education, and a place to call home. Again, we welcome you to our Quota family! Sincerely, Barbara Schreiber | Executive Director Front cover photo: Quota International of Cebu, Philippines Welcome 1 QUOTA MILESTONES 1919 Quota Club International, Inc., is founded by Wanda Frey Joiner in Buffalo, New Quota International becomes the first York, United States, one year international, women-only service before the United States organization in the world.
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