
The Memphis NAACP is throw­ "We urge you to ignore the cri­ 1967.” ing its support behind Roy Wil­ ticism of a few of our members The Lus Angeles blast at Wil­ kins. and continue to serve our people kins came from Celes King HI, Mr. Wilkins, national director of and nation. president of the Bentral Branch; the civil rights organization, has “To back up our words with Charles Thanas, head of the West­ been branded in recet weeks by deeds, we pledge to increase the side Branch, Henry Dotson, pre­ several NAACP branches scattered membership of our local branch to sident of the Southwest Branch. throughout the United States. 10,000 members by December 31, King said NAACP membership Latest attack upon the national which will represent an Increase of is eroding and its "prestige is up leader came from the three branch­ 33 percent of which will reprecent only in the white community. es in Los Angeles. The West Coast an increase of 33 percent over Hie trio claim they represent critis ol Wilkins called him the “No. 1 Uncle Tom in America" and demanded that he resign. In a telegram to Mr. Wilkins ov­ Bill Weathers Is er the weekend Jesse H. Turner, president of the Memphis Branch and a national board member of the organization. said: “The executive committee of the 'Memphis Branch voted unanimous­ UNCF Chairman ly to express its wholehearted sup­ port of you and your service as the W C. iBilb Weathers, manager Roddy superintendent o( building executive director of the NAACP. of Oates Manor in North Memphis and grounds at LeMoyne-Owen: Your wisdom, experience oourage and well known in church and Miss Naomi Gordon, retired stutter and foresight have been of inesti­ civic affairs, has accepted of Universal Lite; Miss Frunkle mable value during the past. The chairmanship of the 1968 demands of the future will be paign for tile United Negro greater, however, we feel that you are the one man who can best lgee Fund. provide the leadership during this The annual drive is already nn- period ahead. derway and Mill continue through

December. Mr. Weathers said tlie goal for the Fund in the Memphis area is $25,000. Assisting him as co- chairman is' Edwin Datetroin, chairman of the LeMoyne-Owen College board of trustees. Working closely with Mr. Wea­ Tlie Tennessee Commission for thers and Mr. Dalstrom are George Human Development and the Real­ W. Cd'x, prindipal ol Walker Ave­ tors of Tennessee will conduct the nue Elementally School; R J. First Annual Governor’s Confer­ ence on Human Rights at the Her­ What promise sto be a glamor­ oft the latest designs as well as mitage Hotel in Nashville FriJhy. ous presentation is "A Fashion what to expect in the future. Nov. 22. Forecast’ ’ scheduled for 8 p m. this Miss Eunice Carruthers, a local This conference is designed to Friday Nov. 22. in the Little The­ school teacher ano owner of a provide an intensive exploration atre of the Student Center at Le­ woman s dress shop, Unis ol Mem­ Moyne-Owen College. phis, Is in charge of models. of the 1968 Fair Housing Law for The event will be staged by the Dover Crawford, assisted by Mrs. those who buy and sell property as well as others who may wish tu The Memphis Branch NAACP is “The (A&AWlINlBtt Memphis Artrtuli, Club ol - the drt- ■Apn L. Weathers. Is flatting to­ legc With Mrs. Le Eleanor Ben­ gether a souvenir booklet for this understand the application of the making an all out effort to set a tire* stitfent response to this week record in membership! by totaling son as general chairman. affair law. • W. C. (Bill) WEATHERS of activity.’’ aid Mrs. Dorothy over 10 000" adult members for 1968 Squash Campbell’s combo will Speakers will include Hubert Harris, director of the center. “We Mrs. Lettie L. Poston is chair­ The Branch is now less than 1.000 provide background music for the arc jalrpflyiMnaklBg plans for an­ man of tickets which are going Jackson pepartment of Housing members from this goal score of models chosen to show other Inquiry Week next year,” for $2 in advance and $2.25 at and Urban Development Atlanta; she aded, ,v ’ the door. Mrs. Postqn is urging Gilbert Merritt. U. S. Attorney, Saturday, November 23. all mem­ Middle Tennessee District. Nash­ "h Li:' U.’ Prominent speakers were pre­ interested persons to purchase tic­ bership workers are being asked to ville; John Williamson. National Bishop J 0 Patt-rson’Sr of sented during the week and stud­ kets early as space in the Little canvas at least one block in an Association of Real Estate Boards. Memphis was elect'd presiding ents were given an opportunity Theatre is limited. Tickets may effort to make sure that each re­ bishop Friday- of the world-Wide to Question and challenge the be purchased from Alumni, at the Washington, D. C.: Galen Martin, sident is a member of the organi­ Mr. Cox is chairman of tlie Church of God In Christ. -Tlie spflakej*. business office of executive director. Kentucky Com­ zations. City School Teachers Division and election took place at tlie de­ Appearing on the platform were Unis of Memphis. mission on Human Rights, Frank­ Mr. Roddy is supervising the Coun­ fort, Ky„ and Richard Fulton, Membership workers witll report ty School Teachers Division. Miss nomination's fllst Convrfatlon Dr. Hugh Ginter, president of Miss Carruthers who is coordi- the reetults of this door to door held in spaoious Mason Teiitylc Morehouse College in Atlanta; Congressman. Fifth Congressional Gordon is in charge of clubs and canvass at the regular Branch Bishop Patterson pastors Pente­ Donald Hopkins assistant to the (Continued on (Continued on Pare Pour) District Nashville. organizations and Miss Itogi'rs is meeting scheduled for 4 p. m. costal Temple at 229 South Dqnny executive vice chancellor of Uni­ A registration fee of $5 is re­ directing tlie Miss UNCF contest Sunday. Nov. 24, at Mt Olive CME versity of California: Rabbi Arie quired to cover the cost of iConttnaed an Page Fflfli) church. I Continued on Pare Fouri Better. Rt. R»v Msgr Joseph E. luncheon Tlie second phase of the Fall Leppcrt and' the Rev. Eddie Cur- Membership Drive will be member- riej all of Memphis; Marlon Barry j ship renewals of all 1967 member­ director or PRIDE. Ihc. In Wash­ Guess Who Visited ships that are to date not renew- ington. D. €., and the Het. Ezekiel i ed. Each membership worker will The unique feature of this carry Magicians ReadyL Bel) pastor of Parkway Gardens Union Protective I be supplied with a list of those un­ out operation is the ethnic origin Presbyterian Church Memphis. Burglars gained entrance to renewed members that he solicited of the menu-fried chicken catfish, Panelists Inofod.-d Orf'Vasco A. Union Protective Life Insurance In 1967. Reports o fthis phase will sweet potato pie, hot biscuits, and Smith Jr. Rtster Marf Ulam Shan­ Co. at 1231 Mississippi early Thurs­ be made no later than the Annual a variety of new specialty items ahan. Preaident C. C. Humphrey day by breaking a window and Meeting scheduled for Dec. 15. that are distinct Innovations to For Cage Opener escaped with a safe containing Workers desiring further infor­ iConttnaed on Page Fouri the fast food industry. $748. four adding machines, three mation on the Nov. 23 March for MJCS, a totally Negro owned typewriters, a radio and a tele­ Memberships are a'ked to con­ Jerry Johnson, the head basket­ and operated enterprise will sell vision. tact the NAACP office. ball coach at LeMoyne-Owen Col­ R«». During King franchise, train management, and lege. will select his starting five establish outlets in Negro commu­ nities throughout the country, from seven proven performers for the opener against Morehouse of providing the first full scale op­ portunity in America for individual Atlanta Nov. 30 here in Brice black ownership of business. Miss Universal Hall. A distinctive archltectual style Johnson who Is In his 11th year at. the college, will find himself has been developed for the MJCS Four freshmen are on the (quad. units which can be adapted to pickin'; the starters from Willie Larry Crawford, 8-4 center, and free-standing buildings or store Taylor 6-8 senior center and re­ Melvin Tuggle fl-foot guarj, both front locations, as required Will Be Crowned bound artist from Byhalia. Miss.; front Caplevllle; T. W. Hayslett. Franchise sales are presently be­ William Meeectt 5-11 senior guard 6-3 forward from Manassag High ing madet In , Chattanooga liom New York City who was cap- The 10th "Miss Universal Life Insurance Company" will and Zeb Thomas' 6-2 forward from Houston and Dallas. Currently op­ lain Inst year, plav-maker and Philadelphia, Fa be crowned ot a dinner-dance-pageant this Saturday night, erations schedule for Chicago in­ high scorer: Jackie Robinson. 6-3 I eMoyne-Owen, a merger x>f M- cludes opening one unit in mid­ Nov. 23, in the Skyway of Sheraton-Peabody Hotel. The affair junior forward who starred at Moyne Collet* and Owen Junior spring. 1968 two more units by is scheduledjo start at 8. Hamilton High: Edward Hoskins, Collerc last summer, is making early summer, 19V. The crown will be placed on the head of Mrs. Doris Tay­ a versatile 6-5 sophomore forward its last stand bi the 16-mmbor former standout at Melrole High; Southern Intercollegiate Athletic lor of Alexandria, Virginia. from Owen Junior College and a Forty-seven other members of the Universal sales s’aff Conference. A member of the SIAC Herbert Carter a sltar-shooting since 1930 tlio Memphis college from 12 of the company's 37 branch offices will be honored 6-2 sonlmmorc guar dfrom Mont­ joined the Velunteer state Ath­ gomery. Ala.; Jerry Dover a tricky for outstanding performances during the year. letic Confergtwe last monk* The Inside Memphis "Miss Universal" is selected ot the end of an all-out pro­ 5-7 sophomore guard trom Owen Magicians will play out thett-ttU- . >g..i ... wlto cut hl steeth at Melrose, and duction drive during the month of September, the month in 69 SIAC sctwfctte. John Blair. 6-5 sophomore center Twelve of the Magicianfl'-'■. H which the company was founded. from Montgomery who stands out Universal is now in its 45th year. as a marksman and a rebounder. 'Cmtiafl* «b Far

TWO MORE SOCIAL BELLE CONTESTANTS - Here are two more of the young ladies competing for the title of Miss Sociol Belle, an annual contest sponsored by the Memphis branch of the NAACP. left to right: Nancy Johnson and Alma Poindexter. The contest will be climaxed with o coronation ball at the Sheraton- Peobody on the night of Dec 6. Mrv^slpf.lllk A phrey, pr5m!aant»Wi tgnolia ctnuMRy,^ unday at Mt. Piwha C Vlffi Me w. rt W

lie Jeffries, now a student at Southside High, left to Patricio Payne (first alternate), lorry Burnett, Carol right: Stanley Harris, Donna Oliver, William Catron, Gibbs (third alernote), Ronnie Edwards, Boyce Ella Shirley Frazier fourth alternate), Tommie Bell, Cor- Richmond and Robert Ewinfl. Mose Walker 3r, letto Davis (second alternate), Derry Harper, Sandra ______l—i ; ■ ■ > 1 . 1 Cox (Miss Lincoln), Hallie Jeffrie*, William McCray, Hamilton' Cats

Gumby Robert Keith Williams, Paul A. Harris, An'liony Wayne Open House at baRoss Elemen­ 8mith. Reginald Roiley. Edward Hobson. Derrick 8prouao and tary Bchnol Sunday, Nov. 10 was Timothy Brown. Gr-r-r-r-r! Here are your soul gracious young lady. rr.e of the highlights of American soul sisters Carolyn Broomfield PEP RALLY Fducation Week. Mrs. A. L Hutchings, president and Mary Brown, with the latest On last week, the Mighly Wild­ of the LaRoss PTA, assisted Prin­ The program will be presented Chairmen of the observance chatter from the Wildcats’ Den cats "rocked rolled, and sucked cipal J L Brinkley Jt„ and As­ Dec. 13. featuring outstanding lo­ LeRoss were Mrs. Geraldine LIMELIGHT soul" as they enjoyed a ewm ln; sistant Principal H H. Oaborne cal talent In the areas of speech Brown and Mrs Geraldine The radiant beams of our blue pep rally in the gymnisiuiu. in putting over the program. and music, at Mt. Vernon Baptist Hunt. and white limelight are glittering Swinging and swaying to tl.e but Church, 547 Miss. The theme of upon a very charming member of of the drums were the Wildcat the festival! will be: “Art Through An assembly featured “A Day our Hamilton family. Miss Rhonda cheerltaders. leading faculty mid The Ages.’’ in the LaRoss Kindergarten," su­ Alexander. She resides with her students in yells such as: "Soul­ For further Information call the pervised by Mrs. L. R. Carr. Chil­ grandmother, Mrs. Ruby Israel at power." Wildcats Go," "'We’re dren taking part In the skit were 1394 East Trigg Avenue. Loyal to You Hamilton" and “Give Ven'ta Jo Carpenter. Betty O. On campus Rhonda Is captain Me That Old Hamilton Spirit.” Brown. Donna L. Hughes. Bherry of the Pep Squad, president of the Some of those seen rocking were: LaVerne Greer. Vali Chrisdla Kings and Queens, secretary ot the Raymond Neal Debra Hardin Sweet. Barbrlller Hampton, LesyU Waterlord Theatrical Guild, and Sharmcen Caldwell, Calvin Davis, Thomas, Carolyn Tribble. Oene parliamentarian of the Les Dames Ben Brown. Linda Simpson. Vicki Charmants Society. Floyd, Diannb Ttnnlal and Ron­ She is a member of Mississippi nie Harris. Blvd. Christian Church, paatored SPORTS by Elder Blair T. Hunt. On last week the CBHS Purple Rhonda presently reigns as our Wave mixed it’s offense and de­ beautiful and charming "Football feats dthe Wildcats. 28-12, In the Queen." MIAA Championship playoff. Ham­ ANNOUNCEMENT Hats off tn a very sweet and ilton. with a record of 4-3-1, de­ feated Trezevant in the MIAA Tabernacle Community Church's consolation game on Nov. 14. well known and remembered by RADIO PROGRAM f FASHION UNDERWORLD many baseball fans and citizens The “Natural Look" Is the look of Memphis of both guys and gals around the “Spiritual Consultation Sa/'vice”,.^ , Wildcats’ Den The mini is being replaced by the midi accented by is heard each Sunday at 4 P.M.-overRodio frilly lace blouses and the he-she SEE JACK shoes. The “little-girl" look con­ Station KWAM, 990 on the dial. sisting ot suspender skirts and (The program was formerly heard at 5:30 P.M.) matching bloses, with knee socks The church is located at: 303 Cynthia, Memphis, Tenwggiee is another catnpu fashion rage. The conservative guy., have chos­ en the turtleneck, worn with the sHk and wool suits or the ever- Dopular "pockets." With the cold days here suede-front cardigan and pullover sweaters are finding their place among the other notice­ All HOGUE&KNOTT Stores able garments. Some of the campus slicks are: Sandra Alston. Karen Seymour. " • r ' l Flcnord Tate Leroy Jenkins. Lln- ALL HOGUE & KNOTT STORES OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 A.M. TO * P.M. CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY •«x TIIBIfEVO T0MS 11 lbs-•"*"to ikfMt 1 UKllt 1 U HfcHS 12lb.#i

CAPE COD - 16-OZ. (LIMIT 3) Street Address Cranberry Sauce 15c ANTI-FREEZE ;• OUR NEW LOCATION (Near Calvary Cemetery) OAT PHONE 94J-9O49 NIGHTS: U 4-0344 PRESTONE 1470 S. BELLEVUE 51.53 LARGE MEATY BIRDS - CUT-UP TRAY PACK"

The Memphis Housing Authority will receive bids for A PLAY­ GROUND LIGHTING SYSTEM ON HENRY E. OATES MANOR PROJECT. TENNESSEE 1-7, MEMPHIS TENNESSEE, until 10:00 AM. Central Standard Time, on the sixth day of December. 1964 at 700 Adams Avenue, Memphis. Tennessee, at which time and FRYERS L> 29c place all blds will be publicly opened and read aloud. FAST CHICKASAW TRAY PACK COURTEOUS Proposed forms of contract documents, including plans and 24-HOUk SERVICE James Butler, specifications, are on file at the office of the Memphis Housing unltation Authority, at 700 Adams Avenue, Memphis. Tennessee man Copies of the documents may be obtained by qualified con­ tractors by depositing ten < M» dollars with the Memphis Housing BACON u. 49c Authority. Said deposit will not be refunded PILLSBURY EXTRA LIGHT _ U>Z CANS A certified Check or Bank Draft: payable to the Memphis Housing Authority, US. Government Bonds, or a satisfactory bld bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an amount equal to five (5) per-cent of the bid shall be submitted with each PHONE: 525-0621 bid. v. BISCUITS 3 > 27c

The Hogue & Knott Food Stores are Authored by the United fates All bidders shall be licensed contractors as required by Chap­ Government to Accept and Redeem Govt. Coupons. ter 135 of Public Acts of 1945 of the General Assembly of tire State of Tennessee, and all amendments thereto The bidder's k CauBona - Ma Stoma* name and contractor's Mcehse number must be placed on the face OLD , of the envelope containing the bld documents W» IO. TWfRDAT WAOH 1 iriHOUYWOOcATCMhSlA CHARTER SUMMER ATjUfllONAL SEGREGATION 1*71 LAMAR AYE V !* \ OnnvAniAnl WW v wVlVH t LociliMs 'VOtCt OF sctmuw" MEMPHIS HOUSING AUTHORITY By. OrcDe Ledbetter Title: Secretary

<• ' ,?r~ ■ J

‘ k’i r P 30 Stolefl Credit Carfp

LARENCEVILLf, Go. - (UM) - Gw’iiwett County Police arrested four perosna for using 30 credit cards to steal ands of dollars worth of merchandise and said there will more chorges.

Police indicated results of > Wednesday night raid in an At­ lanta suburb could lead to at least shotgun were also amqflg occatton vu dated November gth Dr. Gib­ a hall dozen unsolved Gwinnett confiscated. BEUUT MkBODY SHERATON , lmtructor ton said that they were leaving County burglaries and numerous The four aneated Members of the 'NfUa Social at Jackson. TWh., and wife of a the next week for the Soviet Un­ other offenses in DeKalb and Pul­ being held tn Gwinnett Beft" Committee for Lane College profesaor. Mn. Owen ion. We ak know and respect Dr. ton counties. jail in Lawrenceville. dipper,at the%lv took as her subject "Black Power,*' Gibaon who la a fixture at Le- Police detective* Reed Miller and flaw plans 46re made for the Miss as a challenge to the American Moyne and I think tope along Fred Kinsley said they investi­ B^al Ball ao dtheithe -climax ot the Negro.' TJi» central Idea and I with many others..He canted me gated a Tucker apartment with "MBs Social "fl drive* Presiding quote a member was brought out through |n Biology and Heredity a search warrant Wednesday night over the meet I was “Mrs. A. W in the fact, that Black Power and never accept* “I don’t know ” Coterie Is in connection with the fradulent '. b, *» W.Jlis, Jr.i Qe Chairmani who should be a challenge to the use of a credit card at Atlanta’s I Ml, is doing a tertffic 3®'r with the American Negro to become the beat MR. AND MRS WALTER BEC- Rich’s department store. -Vto—’ \ t * I* girls who have agreed i work for and to aid America in becoming TOON had as their house guest They found instead a room full Spreading NAlAOP. Mrs. Ar"ndrenejta------Hawkins a true Democracy. One Nation last week their daughter. Mrs. of merchandise which they said Jonda and Jjfrs. Fannie Taylor under God, indivisible with liberty Thelma Bingham whom I was was bought with the use of 30 made plane tor the ||nner and Justice for all." sorry not to see the St. Louis ma­ stolen credit cards found at the Lose ends were tied up and in­ Taking part on the program were trons spent sometime with other GoodChee^ apartment. A small amount of • .hi -si#. vitations for 'the Ooronatlon Ball Mrg. Mozetta Vaughn and Mrs. relatives, the Northcnwe*. •> I marijuana was also discovered. were given out to ooeteetanta. Mr. Josie Cobb who gave the prelude, I The detectives arrested the lour I rThe Coterie met In the apactoa* ______the LeMoyne-Owen Ensemble, Mrs. Of the...... catarees >•*. GWW&& Wfllis atoo asked members to take We were again shocked last week STUDENT LEADERS AT STONEWALL SCHOOL - James Davis, sergeant-al arms; Nellie Milia'n, 1 persons living in the apartment invttoattone. ' > • Clara Hill who gave the Occasion over the passing of MRS. DAISY "MiKT AmaU The newly elected officers of the student gov­ assistant secretary;' Nikitia Moore, president; and charged them with burglary _j -.erru CONTESTANTS ,.. . the Sigma Chorus Miss Harry LAWS. The popular matron, will andfind possessionnnsfiMBkinn 'ofnf marijuana.ma ri inc no ernment at the Stonewall School, located in Richard Williams, vice president; Rosemary i jolly spriii. especially during th* Contestant* attending the din­ Mae Simon, a member and past known in Memphis was an out­ The four were identified as batt baslleus who led the Dedica­ South Fulton County, show they are together Rainey, secretary, and John Dor 7, reporter.- lovely repast of a variety #fMbf -r.‘ ner given Lor them were Eva May­ standing member at St. Thomas Douglas Estes, 30. and his wife tion services. Mrs. Ophelia Flowers (Lens- News Service Photo by Perry) i clous delectables * 1 * T weathers. Cecelia E*ayne, Venese Church and has been since os they leave the school following their formal Carolyn 21;-last known address Thoma*, Alma Poindekter, Gladys gave the History of Sigma Gamma the beglnnlg of St. Augustine Mrs. Dimple Leviaon of 211 RO- i-‘>7 installation. The officers are, left to right, Warner Robins, and Edwin Steele. Hen*, Majrllgij Jones Dorlene Rho Mrs. Francis Flagg, a when the church was built on thaotor Road, the hoetaas faulty ' ‘-> 22, of Doraville and Penelope Ann occasion, spared nothtaa tn.maUdL . aolo .... and it was Mrs. Clara D Walker venue. Sympathy is ex­ Lynch, Nancy Johnson, Blaine, Farmer. 20, of Scottdale. Samella.CMIey, Sharon Harrison. Hewitt. Regional Campus Coordi­ tended to her son, Mr. Carl War­ Included in the inventory de­ nator at Jackson Tenn., who intro, , me 'nve oegun vw qy- Glaria Jamas, u Gtatta Neal, and ren and to a niece. Miss Erma scribed by Gwinnett police were Linda McCelpin. duced the fine speaker. Acknow­ Laws who also go tp my church. 1 annual chanty wart Bfnc* Ok. oa: thousands of dollars in clothes Other members of the commit­ ledgements were by Mrs. Bernice Dr. and Mrs. James Myas spent Middle Baptist I convening this tali they Rqi'.iT-ihl which were allegedly bought lrom tee, attending ware Mr. “Bill” Wea­ Fowler just before the Greek Me­ last week-end In Nashville where gun by maklDg a liberal dowgloa Rich's with stolen credit cards thers, chairman of the Finance dley was played by Mrs. Cobb and they saw their son, James Spencer to the Glguview YMOA, paid on a Assorted burglary tools, jewelry, Committee, MT- Weathers ,. and Mrs. Vaughn. who is tn his second year at Me- life membership to the N^ACP,tv... with them were their three young­ harry Dental School. Dr. Byas al­ sent around 150 caps of aouy tt / Officers and members of Sigma Presents Recital j ed a B. 8 degree from Rust Col- the Beale Street BapUtt ChiMh * sters Mas,, Nprma Griffin, Mr. so attended a reunion at the Me­ Robert Ratcliffe. Mrs. E. J, Neeley, Gamma Rho attending were Mrs. dical 8chool where he. his father i dred Jackson Elementary School . nunery. an dthey have atoaiW- Bernice Flower baslleus Mrs. 1 Greater Middle Baptist Church, Screening — R. B. Hooks Jr.. Mrs. Gloria Venson. Mrs. Pauline and three uncles (all Byasest were ( m Arkansas for several years. aan ub their annual aboe pro Azalee Makme, First Unit Bui’e- | chairman. Alien and “Your Columnist, all graduated. 821 Lane Avenue, launched its The recital will be lteld Sunday , for the. uudet piiviledged child , Finance — C. H. Jackson. members on different committees. us . Mrs Mattle Anderson Se­ | educational project with a select­ night November 24. at Middle Bap- Mrs. Rubye Spigh( i*.predi cond Anti'Baslleus .. Mrs I Publicity — Walter Moore Contestant* mothers coming MRS. JCHNETTA KELSO and ed permanent committee of 550 , list Church, 821 Lane Avenue. The .'Mrs. Tilth Heiron, secretary. Mary Perkins Grammateus . j Robert Hooks, Jr., is chairman j pulie is invited. were Mrs. TwiHarid Mayweather MRS ANN WEATHERS drove up members from every department Mrs. Or.'e Tardy reporter. Mrs. Vers'.e M. Lipford, First Antl- I of the Educational Department of and Mrs. Jessie Johnadn. to French Lick Indian (the beau­ , of the church. I ------Gremipateus ..Mrs. Erma Jacox Middle Baptist Church, and Dr. Previous meetings have been tiful resort) last week. Riding back The committee seeks to sponsor Second Anti Grammateus Mrs. ! John E. Jordan and Noah W. Bond held at the home of pg. and Mrs. with them was Mr. Bennie Tate. educational projects designed to Willette Bowling, Tamlochus are co-chairmen of the entire LISTEN ! Vasco Smith (she’s Executive Se­ APSS MATTIE BELL was again enrich the cultural life in the i committee. Rev. B. L. Hooks Is cretary in Mr. Jesse turner’s of­ Mrs Eldora Amos. Parllamenterian the gracious hostess Thursday of church and city by presenting to- Mrs. Charles P. Roland, Epistoleus : pastor. , - | fice (and we all know him as Mr. last week to members of Phyllis J cal and national talent, raising Tabernacle Community Church's * and Mrs. Frances Flagg, Keeper of i The first effort of NAlAOP in Memphis and at the Wheatley Club at her Boyd Street necessary funds for much needed this commit- I Records, all graduate officers. home of Mrs. Norma Griffin, ano­ mansion

.it I I A HAM FOR PI06RESS I I i ni?WR Tlwr‘ls * ~ Acd’Q TMRIJJH f»H#® Whan Understanding,^ L0uA>3 CHIC’N I ♦

dttkdttktktkifcdnk dtdtiitliukdttiuk I "Se We Salite” I CHARLES MONGER I |Nilhr if i hi friickin fir i n» kiiliiit) > The Elite with Ice-cold Coca-Cola, Coke HEADQUARTERS FOR LOEB'S BAR-B-Q AND CHIC’N 560 South Parkway (E) THANKS TO WILLIAM "BILL” LOEB (L in iilwesW ii tki klitk ceauaiiHy) "6o nd clock Mr. Monger

•• r a t : w ? - I Elementary School

* Presents Program OHIO A Halloween program was pre­ MY WEEKLY^ tee sented on Wednesday. October 30 U2 to the student body a! Lakeview « -It Elementary School. Each room pre­ SERMON >■ sented a number. The program di­ rected by Mrs. Ruth Hines con­ ar •» sisted of songs, one-act plays, cho­ REV. BLAIR T. HUNT, ral readings, poems and dance numbers. PASTOB, Lakeview School opened American o4tKn»”l»iuta ’ Education Week with a program U BKACCHAMr memphu, ram and open house on Bunday Novem­ * ber 10. Mr. John Flemming, eight “THE FADING AND . God’s voice th grade teacher, was master ot FALLING LEAVES" I we too can ceremonies. Felicia Smith read Text: “We all da lade se a leaf.” by way,^ 8crtpture. Lanett Poindexter in­ -Isa. 64:6 troduced the Glee Club which was « • • ouulf Of J made up of two representatives In autumn there la a rare beau­ fallep to. ,1?1* ' from each room of grades two (ft ckjne. ty, a melancholy beauty. Let us elemehg froir*- ■/. through eight. Miss Mary Jane '•^eternal go out into the open and read This IS kcedrd Cotham, seventh grade teacher, ac­ of God’s; God in nature. Read God as you companied the group in singing iff fallen. gase upon the trees. How grandly these songs: ‘We gather Together,’ t thud true, "only Goa can make a tree.’ But thanks b “Over the River," “Come Ye Thank iteuwta not Read the leaves of your Bible, art to dote ful People Ooms," “America’s Got 7 too, retd the leaves of God's trees. a Good Thing Going-4t's Schools,” There are all sizes and shapes of veMoflhe trees “Battle Hymn of the Republic," # tatosnu, Mme leaves on God’s trees: They are “God Bless America with Marilyn in f W-tte sum­ all God's. House as soloist, and “Tommy the mer. ffleWH nc*-»c autumn Education Should Some of the leaves of God’s trees Thanksgiving Turkey.” The Glee with iUobtaiaM w»te»Mta ’bitiqg are yellow, red, russet biege, brown, Club was directed by Mrs. Mary frost. uat’S'sdrttten ihey indigo blue, myriad sparkling colors L. Pope, third grade teacher. Mias leave uftete Aete MWttpJSune. Jn when touched by the sun. Then Take Priority Lillie Mae Whiter, principal, gave the nrygaten “There It is a divine dazzling picture, a a short talk Literature concerning is a reapers) I death divine art gallery af Heaven. It Wo art happy to note nows reports that two days of student distributed to the parents. seems that artistic angels have left and witto bU (sickle MM he ret* protest at Spelman College has ended. A teacher at Spelman various phases of education was their easels and splllM their paint was reportedly ejected from her class because she referred to fter the program parents were brushes and paint on God's trees, a coed as a "jackass." But a spokesman reported that the pro­ UNITE/ invited to visit the classroomas. Just as the myriad fading and faded test was not a result of this particular incident. Refreshments were served in the falling leaves are God's leaves on the ra cafeteria. whatever thel rcolor may be, so leaves art utiiul. Reportedly a few days prior to the Spelman protest, stu­ Likewise we are God's children. Some are only dent! at Clark College had won some major concessions from The school observed open house brown, biege, russet, red black, when God's only begottau Son all week to allow the parents to the administration of that institution. yellow but we are all God’s chll- Jesus Christ shines upon our lives. visit classrooms while classes were The two-day protest at Spelman was of such proportion dren and He loves us one and all Let us let the light of Jesuk, our being held. Mrs. Geraldine Flynn, that classes had to be suspended. With God’s sun flashing on the Crucified Lord and Risen Savior third grade teacher, was in charge myriad colored leaves, they seem ■r- •?,'., A statement credited to President Albert Manley Tuesday The Time It NOW! of all American Education Week aflame like the burning bush that is nd evening revealed that students and administration officials had activities. Mases beheld. As Moses heard win about reached agreement on the student grievances, compul­ tag Black Policemen ...... sory class attendance, dress regulation and sign-out designation The deUemma of the black po­ time so they bring out their glori­ policies. liceman, who considered himself Inquiry Week ous burners, raitrew arf » part Other portions of the Spelman petition reportedly contained “a tool of the system” and whose ol Goals nraire,’andflk uy bios- s (Continued from Page One) som again##) Jill i$i/toho Ls a" Trial Of Sen. Kennedy’s Accused Job often causes him to be resent­ suggestions for implementation of black related curriculum and ed by his own people, is featured part of God’s nature, know He administration supported social and cultural activities. of Memphis State and Coby Smith, on NUT’S “Black Journal,” on a senior at Southwestern, unaying. Life is continuous. j At this writing we do not know officially just what has Channel 10, Monday, Nov. 25, at 9. There is ite'drith 'jasV!s ttartgi- b4en granted the students, but we feel it would be a mistake p. m. and Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 4:80 Members of tnc s;x>nsor;ng stud­ tion. Killer May Be Delayed Until ‘69 p. m. ent committee were Charles R. Maybe we are ft the sunset of to drop all limitations on students. Diggs, Beatrice Williams, Donnell life. Let!US maker's ftihset that A great majority of college students are not adults and By JACK V. FOX dent. spring. The prosecution has more Another segment on the sixth Cobbins. James Lincoln, Calvin flings to the skies a “gMtious after­ minors should not be given as complete freedom of action which pregram in the “Black Journal than 110 potential witnesses to Herring. James Watkins, Jesse glow with the promise of a clear LOS ANGELES - (UPI)—The The "why” is certain to be an­ series examines the influence of on adult may be granted. call. It has talked to more than Jones, Joy Miller, Johnnie Mae tomorrow '1 “ " lawyer defending Sirhan B. Sir- Black Power on the Negro church. swered in part by the "mental 2.000 persons In following up every Milam, Gwen Williams, Minetta “There is no death, the stars go President Manley is quoted as saying, "I shall do every- han concedes that as many as lOo makeup” ol the 24-year-old Jor­ Members of the National Commit­ lead no matter how frivolous. Hanis, Frankie Rogers. Deborah down to shine upon some other persons saw his client shoot Sen. tee of Negro Churchman discuss tiling in my power to work with the student government repre­ danian immigrant. Such meticulous preparation of Harmon, Veronica Jones and shore, and bright in. Heaven's jew­ their acceptance of Black Power sentatives elected by the students in order to make the necessary Robert F. Kennedy or were wit­ the case plus the alterations made Ronald Parker. eled "rowp .they-shine jpfeuamora,, A court-appointed psychiatrist philosophy after staging a sit-in to nesses to his capture. In the Jail and courtrooms to in­ cl'cnges." We hope the word "necessary" has significance. has examined Sirhan on several protest their treatment at the Yet Sirhan has entered a straight sure security already has cost the 1 We agree that some necessary changes should be made. occasions and he and other spe­ Gateway Inn in St. Louis, where > I plea of innocent in the murder state of California more than a But we do not ogree tbat such changes should be reached at the cialists have made tests but the they had gathered for their natio­ trial scheduled to start Dec. 9, but quarter million dollars. information has been made avail­ nal conference. t expense of a better education. likely to be delayed until after able under law only to the defense. ONLY VISITORS BRASS TACKS the turn of the year. Some students have not learned self-discipline and self- “Black Journal" will also con­ T'.D' Russell B. parsons, the veteran THE PRIME ARGUMENT Parsons, his investigator, Michael tain some reflections on the re­ By THADDEUS T- STOKtl denial. We think in those cases college would be a good place specialist on appeals in criminal McGowan, and the psychiatrists cent election; a study of the murals for such students to learn such traits. cases, is assembling his defense Lynn D. Compton, Chief Deputy are the only ones except jail per­ of Earl Sweeting which trace on the "why” of the assassination District Attorney, anticipates that sonnel who have been permitted stages of ancient African history; Ji ■■ tin . cr If students failto learn such in college we are afraid they of the brother of the late Presl- 8irhan’s mental condition will be DRUG INDUSTRY in the two-cell block where Sir- and a profile of the Afro-lnflu- , ■ ■ d ■ will have to learn it the hard way after they get out into life. the prime argument of the defense. han Is under 34-hour surveillance. enced Eleo Pomare Dance Com­ A report hat been prepared by the National Health Edu­ He notes It still may seek to We realize that students deserve a more sympathetic under­ Even Sirhan’s mother, on her pany. amend the plea to one of not cation Committee, Inc., summarizing the ^rogfreii of tbe nation’s standing, but we hope that in reaching an understanding with visits, has been required to stay guilty by reason of insanity. health during the last five yeari-progrew w^jch .the rfport in­ Walkout On ’Dixie' on the other side of the bars. the students, the administration will take better education as dicates has resulted from federal programs. H notes 491 health Compton believes n u> likely an c major priority as some mutual agreement is reached. Persons says contributions for attempt will be made to demon­ measures have been encated by tjie federal government during ) Sirhan’s defense so far have total­ Bill Weathers strate that Sirhan has “diminished (Continued from Page One) this period. Results In Filing led $105, most of them in small capacity” — not sufficient im­ >iv it; . amounts from Europe. The at­ pairment for acquittal but leading on the college campus. Mrs. Wea­ The report points out that the will offer the students opportuni­ torney says he is working without God Save The State, to the argument he was incapable thers Is an effective general work­ most dramatic of the many health ties to acquaint themselves with fee and does not yet know how of premeditation and therefore not er for the Fund, and Miss Laws advances has been a three per cent basic sclenfflie ' knoWdge and Federal Court Case the overall expenses will be borne. subject to the supreme penalty ot Is in charge of the Co-Ettes who decline in the death rate from techniques tn the fl#W' clinical His investigator, McGowan, says 1963 to 1967. While medical re­ JONESBORO, Ark. - (UM) - death In the gas ohamber. have made, UNCF their annual pharmacology.1; f? Bt eu ’ God Save The President The parents of two Negro students his small staff has interviewed at project. search Is given credit for a part at Joneseboro High School su­ One principal question is whe­ lepst 500 persons and still has “We are very fortunate to have In the improved health picture, The drug industry invests mil- Surely no genuine American would relish the idea of the much work to do. spended for walking out during the ther Sirhan will go to the witness Mr. Weathers serve as chairman the ImDresslon is clearly left that iisauination of Presidents and the idea of attempts to assassi­ playing of “Dixie” are preparing stand. It it one that Parsons is Appointment of a prominent of the UNCF campaign,” Presi­ most of the im­ provement re-I nate Presidents-elect in a free land where every individual is to file suit in Federal District not answering. He says that will second defense attorney to conduct dent Hollis F. Price of-LeMoyne- a resesrtftrorlented'industry. That accorded equal opportunity of taking part in the election of a Court. he decided when the time comes. the courtroom phase of the trial Owen said. “He will make an ex­ suited from fed­ ‘ ) we itote is expected to be announced the eral government ’resident. The suit will name the Jones­ cellent leader.” i.‘ shorten boro School District, supt. Clar­ An Egyptian Journalist writing end of this month. Mr. Weathers, who resides with action and the: The recent threat on the life of President-Elect Nixon, before virtu- ence H. Geis and principal Charles for a Cairo newspaper has quoted his family at 686 Pontotoc. is a “49 health meas-j he full vote pould be tallied should astound every citizen of Sims as defendants It will ask a Sirhan brother as saying the ac­ member of First Baptist CTmrch sures." j he land. The President-Elect is guilty of nothing thus far except the court to prevent “further har- cused has decided to make no (Chelsea) and on the Abe Scharff Magicians Ready The obvious con­ o ascept the office handed him through the mandate of the rassment” of the students and to statement whatsoeer unless the YMCA Board of management. He television networks are allowed to (Continued from Page One) clusion Is that little ironical ilmerican people. enjoin the school officials from is an Elk and a Mason and U film and broadcast the entire has done preventing peaceful protests.” games are with SIAC members. me founder and a past president government must America was not thought of in such a manner as the taking trial. The legal defense fund of the Including the opener with More­ ot The Memphians, Inc. now f the lives of those elected to fill her highest office. That is a make further ef- National Association for the Ad­ house. LeMoyne-Owen will play He Is a graduate of Natchez ch harass- NOT LIKELY forts to Improve : ed position and should be the envy of every qualified citizen. vancement of Colored People Junior College. OUS Ittticies that Considering the court gag on one Volunteer State member, CBC, f' Surely we would not relish a condition of what was once (NAACP) in New York, helping health standards n>llke to.^totao far » publicity and the security meas­ twice. in the suit, said it would claim aid of some of the Argentina countries where it was facetiously ures surrounding Sirhan ever since LeMoyne-Owen will be eligible for — in other words T. 8tokes the students were protesting the the gMphr iliy W oked that they "elect a President on Monday, Inaugurate him his seizure tn the Ambassador Ho­ the Volunteer 8tate tournament. Saints End initiate more far- song because it is "humiliating (Continced on Page Four) reaching federal programs in the ney. 1 >n Tuesday and assassinate him on Wednesday." tel on June 6, this is not consid­ Feb. 19-22, at Nashville, and could I.JY JtfO fltt and Indicative of the past when ered even a remote possibility. participate in the SIAC tourney health care field We do not want to see it come to pass when decent, compe­ Negroes were considered property.” Thomas Boulevard and is a son- Superior court judge Herbert V. at Tuskegee in Alabama the fol­ nt men would not relish a term of prison, guards on every side, John W. Walker of Little Rock, in-law of the founder and late Bo far as improving the nation’s Walker already has announced the lowing week If the Magicians fin­ a Negro attorney, prepared the senior bishop, Charles H. Mason. health through government action and refuse to run for office. jury will be locked up in hotel ish in the top eight of the SIAC suit for the parents of Teresa Ann Sr. is concerned, there are a few facto rooms every night once the actual race. This writer was not on the scene when Abraham Lincoln Tate and Anthony Smith two of The election of the presiding that should be kept in mind. The trial begins in the eighth floor The Magicians will play 12 games existence to the 30 students who walked out bishop and a general board puts first of course is that laws ot and James A. Garfield were slain, but well can it be remem­ courtroom of the Hall of Justice, in Memphis, including a contest organizer when the song was played at a an end to a power dispute that themselves do not Improve health. bered by many in this generation the murder of William Mc­ with the Alumni, Dec. 2. David where sirhan is imprisoned on the developed following the death of tical Mamsfactsii pep rally Nov. 2. Gaines, a former star for LeMoyne Behind the laws, such as medicare Kinley and John F. Kennedy. 13th floor. Foi------The same day three students at and the Harlem Globetrotters is Bishop Mason in 1961. and medicaid, stand all the forces fdks El Dorado High School in El Do- The room is only 40 feet square coming here from to per­ Absent from last week's Convo­ of the medical and allied profes­ let the country begin in all seriousness an education in manpower needs" rado, Ark, were suspended for with seats in the spectator area for form with the Alumni team. cation was Bishop 0. T. Jones of sional Unless the practice of the oWKS- appreciation and respect for those who pawn their lives, their tkm walking ut when the song was 75 persons — the majority of Johnson Is being assisted this Philadelphia who succeeded Bishop medical arts continues to advance Mason liberties to guide the ship of the nation. played. which will go to the news media. year by Robert Grider, head coach as senior bishop but was in the future as in the past, the the power exercised by Walker's secretary said late Walker has decided against one at Owen before the merger. denied foundation of hiher health stand­ May there be no more of these sundry threats, those cow­ Bishop Thursday at Little Rock. Ark., that proposal to insert a bullet-proof MEMPHIS GAMES - Nov. 30. Mason during his lifetime. ards is lacking. Bishop ardly assassinations of those whose lust Is more for money than the Sult was mailed after midnight glass panel between the public Morehouse: Dec. 2 Alumni; Dec. Mason had been the ruler of the church and Bishop Jones As the publicity mills begin to ■ome grudge ogainst an individual they do not even know. Wednesday and had not arrived section and the area to .be occu- 4, Christian Brothers at CBC; had hoped to continue in this role. grind in support of more mass’* 3 NAACP Branch in the Federal District clerk's of­ pied by the defendant, witnesses, Dec. 9. Rust; Dec 13. Fisk; Jan federal action In the field of We wont'no Carranza and Villa order, nor even a Castro fice at Jonesboro by Thursday jury, judge ana attorneys. 4, Dillard; Jan. it Benedict; Jan. Around 1,700 official delegates health it is imperative to presene to sprinkle whiskers among our unfortunate populace. afternoon 25, Alabama A. and M.; Jan. 27, voted In Friday's election. About a sense of perspective. Principal Sims refused to com- It is believed the trial will last CBC in Bruce Hall; Feb. 3, Be­ 5,000 visitors made the annual trek Presidents Ask to Memphis to take part in the ! ------ment on the status of the sturi- for months, possibly into the thune-Cookman; Feb. 7, Lane; colorful Convocation. In nations where government ac­ ents who were suspended. Feb. 10. Tougaloo. tion has taken the ultimate fora Jonesboro schools were com- GAMES AWAY - Dec. 20, Ala­ Five bishops were In the race. Bishop J b Bailey of Detroit of socialised medicine, health stan­ pletely integrated three years ago Family Service bama A. and M.; Jan. 7, Bethune- We Agree With Rabbi Rothchild was elected first assistant and dards have declined as medical when the Unitary school system (Continued from Page One) Cookman; Jan. 9, Benedict; Jan. Bishop 8 M Crouch of Loe An­ men became increasingly enmesh­ We heartily commend Rabbi Jacob Rothschild for his speech was approved by the school board. 13, Morehouse; Jan. 15 Dillard; ed in red tape and their freedom Education, and Welfare, has the geles was voted second assistant. An authoritative source in Jones­ Jan. 21, Rust; Feb. 13, Fisk; Feb of action strangled. They way to to the Hungry Oub session last Wednesday noon. largest administrative responsibili­ Others in the race were Bishops Wilkins was asked1 Monday to boro said all of the suspended stud­ 14, Tougaloo; Feb. 17, Lane. better health tn the U. S. Iles With d* The religionist more or less pointed the way for the Negro ents had been given a chance to ty of any woman in American O M Kelly of New York and sign as director < adherence to the framework of Association fdrthl>______Or any minority group to travel in order to obtain the necessory return to school if they would government, with programs annu­ Wyoming Wells of Greensboro, Agyssie JTOvBnceniFnv fl North Carolina. our traditional American medical Cotore80 p.ee** >MR'-^resMente equality aridI harmonyIjormony desired for all for the general well being bring their parents for a confer­ ally representnig more than (6 Roy Wilkin * |R system. of thnr MAOft Mttoelws. They ence with the superintendent. The billion in Federal Funds. of the nationi os a whole. (Continued from Page One) called Mn '** NooI Utorie Tom original suspension period was for Like most constructive endeavors Also featured On the program In Atoflgc*"^.., w I five days but it was later reduced continued leadership " Fashion Show few people have heard of the The Raiibbi emphasized the necessity of building self res­ will be a dramatization of the to three days. The source said most “Wilkins has become so much a (Continued from Page One) Pharmaceutical Manufacturers As­ Celes.mgjnppWtotot (f pect and self reliance as a strong forte in times of strife. He in­ agency's services produced by Ray of .the students were back in part of the white establishment, sociation Foundation. It was estab­ central Los Angto^^ilWH dicated that the only real power available to man of this day is Hill of Southwestern and Mrs. Oli­ nating the show, said models, both school. representative of the biack people," lished in 1966 “to promote the 6ranch,!)sMI.««*^. ver P. Cobb Jr. male and female, will show off the power to reason together in a sane and Intelligent manner. he to no longer an effective repre- public health through the study clothes designed for comfort as ship was4«a|lntf' «s)$>iti He used the tweent elections as an understandable pattern. Family Service of Memphis, first deciared. "It to time for this form­ and development of the science well as "The Look.” He pointed out that while the chief participants in the elect­ Man, 24, Condemned named United Charities, had Its er great leader to retire." of therapeutics." Mrs. Benson’s co-chairman to munitw’^c t j Jpgnar'iq*- -j ion differed greatly upon some issues, they still found a degree beginning in 1893 when the city, The attack upon Wilkins came Mrs. Rio Ritta Jackson. The work this Foundation to do­ slowly recovering from yellow fever shortly alter the eight-man legal He wsto' of harmony fcr possible co-existance, both working for the gen- To Electric Chair Models chosen for “A Fashion epidemics, was hard hit by the staff of the ntlonal NAACP office ing today in behalf of scientific fit Wllkfta* tnWtLrtV) Otari* eial good of the people of this country. Forecast" are Owen Walton. progress and better drugs for to­ great panic of that year. While resigned to protest dismissal of a Thomas, ■ On Rape Charges Ruthle LaGrone, Betty Rounds, V. its initial service was providing staff member who criticized the morrow, may mean that you or a He did not criticize the Negro minority for showing dis­ WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Britton, Rose Robinson. Johnny food, fuel, and shelter to desper­ U. 8. Supreme Court. member of your family, will be (UPI) — A jury of 12 men found McGraw, Evelyn Vassuer Ruby satisfaction with the present status of the race, but spoke de- ately needly Memphians, the young Lewis M. Steele, a white member able to obtain a presently unheard a young Negro man guilty Wednes­ Purdy, Laura Thomas, Dorothy cde^ again 4 any form of separatism. His direct quote was "one agency’s policy then, as now, em­ of the legal staff, was dismissed of lifesaving drug five, 10 dr IS day of raping a white woman and Sharpe, Carolyn McGhee, Marilyn God above, ibne earth below, one notion, all under this one phasised the need to know the by the NAACP board of directors yean hence. condemned him to the etectic chair M. McFaden, Minerva Jane Johnl- causes and ways of alleviating following pubbeattan last month ot God." by failing to recommend mercy. can Patricia Boyce, Anita Pamph­ troubles. an article in the New York Times To insure that such will Be the He pointed out that to respect oneself is not enough for the Charles Pickney, 24, West Palm Sunday magazine entitled “Nine let, Narvene Aytry Fannie case, ______the Foundation issues grants "Wilkins hM beomhi red achievement is to make others respect you, ond the road to Beach, was convicted of assaulting Men in Black Who Think White" Verna Vaughn, Delores Tolbert for study and research In scientific nart of the white mt. tie the 25 year old woman July 14 this feat lies Mt Iff Wlento, destruction, or separatism. broke into her borne and attacked m the article, Steela criticimd Uh and Rachael Mlles. fields. It has just awarded 20 such U no tonrer an t while she was visiting her grand­ her with a knife before assaulting Supreme Court for not going fat Male models tn the show »r» grants of $1,000 each to studnets aentatlve of Ute' SMbtn^ple?' mother's home here. her. The .jury . returned ______the verdict enough to its decisions in civil Willie T. Mlles, Melvin Bonds and In 16 U. 8. medical schools for a King laid. “Kis time for UdS The woman testified the man1 after deliberating 75 minutes. righto esses. Randy Warren. three-mont period. These grants forms great Itokrfrm* ® ’ WRI »•


Sitting on a table In the re­ ception room of the Sports Arena Disruptive takeovers of universi­ where she would sing, the slim, ty buildings are "Irrelevant’’ and brown-eyed singer said campus BIG PARTY LINE —A sophisticated satellite (top) called “downright silly," the Black Pan­ demonstrations often are “irrele­ Intelsat 3, a powerful, new type radio relay station, will thers In many ways are “schiso­ vant" because to her it seems phrenic” and what happened m real revolution must come off the more than double trans-Atlantic telephone and television Chicago was “filthy," she says. campus. links following Its launch from Cape Kennedy. The 632- "A person has to find what pound satellite is the first of six in a $32 million series, Miss Baez's outrage may sur­ thing it ls to which he is going and It will be parked in a stationary orbit (lower) 22.300 prise some persons. But she makes to pledge his allegiance — his miles above the Atlantic Ocean over the Equator and just clear her attitude does not rep­ school, his Mustang, the flag . . east of Brazil. It will be able to transmit 1.200 two-way resent a change In her beliefs, she said. but instead reaffirms her view of “I think you have to pledge it telephone conversations, or four color .telecasts simultane- herself as a “Very aggressive, but to the people in misery who are ouslv between eround stations in the Americas Europe, Asia. .rWid’ir.n d Ht'i non-violent soldier.” getting napalm instead ot ram By . NICHOLAS : DANILOFF The State Department official­ quoted as saying that "everything LONG-TIME DEMONSTRATOR from above. People are dying all WASHINGTON - (UPI) - U. ly refused to comment on develop­ must be settled with composure and The attractive, dark-toned sing­ over the world. 8. officials indicate^ Sa|uiyiAy,thai ments in the U. S. effort to per­ patience in an open-minded and er, 27, a pacifist most of her life, "Storming the administration they now expected broadened Paris suade Thleu to abandon his critic­ understanding spirit." has participated widely in demon-1 building is downright silly. The peace talk* .Including South Viet­ ism of arrangements for expanded strations for civil rights and I resistance should be the concern nam to begin, ghqrtly,. .but they talks. He added that “all of us have against nuclear weapons and the of every young man,” she said. refused to speculate on the ..exact the responsibility not to allow the Vietnam War. Don’t questioners say non-vio­ date. .. <>it' .(! u o.i si v: Ellswortl. Bunker, the U. S. am­ Communists to reverse the situa­ She refuses to pay the bulk of bassador In Saigon, has met fre­ tion in their favor either at tlft lence is an Impractical way to go her Income taxes in protest against They left the ‘inproeston that quently with Thieu since John­ battlefield or at the conference about changing the situation? the war and production of arma­ President Ngttpen Van Thteti of son ordered the total halt in bomb­ table." "I’m not looking for utopia," South' Vietnam «4s gradually com- ments. ing of North Vietnam, and some American authorities were in­ she responded. "There probably Her marriage this year to draft ing around la Acceptance -of- the of their meetings have been secret terested as well in the flight ot U always will be barroom brawls. But resistor David Harris, 22, has ap­ idea of taking part In discussions to avoid publicity. Due Tho, special adviser to the that is different than organizing parently crystalized her energies that also *>dM inwude the Viet OFFICIALS ENCOURAGED North Vietnamese delegation, to society for international murder." Cong In aafte M ► A against the Selective Service Bys­ Officials here acknowledged they Paris from Hanoi by way of Mos­ tem, and armies in general. Har­ nogu^/UJM were quite encouraged by Thleu's cow. SIGN TREATY ris was one of the first to orga­ Because past negotiating ses­ conciliatory remarks, circulated He was believed carrying new BUDAPEST - (UPI) - The nize the Resistance, a group ac­ sions in Paris usually hj^been Saturday by the semi-official Viet­ instructions for Xuan Thuy, the Soviet Union and Hungary Satur­ tively opposed to the draft. held on Wednesdays, the^qarlier nam press News Agency. chief North Vietnamese negotia­ day signed a treaty for cultural expectable date for the start of She has twice been arrested and As received here, Thieu was tor. and scientific cooperation, the Hun­ sent to jail Tor taking part In garian news agency MTI reported. non-vlolent demonstrations at the The signing took: place at the WATCH ON THE SUEZ, to paraphrase the title of a hit play, Oakland, Calif., Induction Center. conclusion of talks between Soviet finds Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser (right) in­ "You know there really are no Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko pigs,” she said in an interview and Hungarian Foreign Minister specting troop maneuvers along the west bank of the Sues prior to one of her rare folk con­ Janos Peter and Education Minis- Canal On the other side—Israelis! certs. “Calling police pigs is stu­ ter Pal llku. pid.” REIX FIRE SAFETY CAMPAIGN CITES GHANDI Navy questions attempt to re­ BERLIN - rUPT) — Communist MOSCOW 'UPI) - Moscow DETROIT, Mich. — Diana Ross called: “TCB,” which, h7t!te ver­ She believes men must, when trieve Scorpion East G-iman border guards fired traffic police have been equipped and the Supreme*, super stars of nacular of soul, means “Taking in conflict, see each other always about 40 shots and two flares early with helicopters and police cars the entertainment world, will star Care of Business." first as human beings. She cites Rapidly spreading Asian Saturday near Babels burg but it with radar mechanisms installed in their own television special, Joining the multi-talented Miss the non-violent revolution by the causing few deaths. was not known whether they had Monday, Dec. 9, at 8 pm.. EST. Ute Indian leader Mahatma Ghan- succeeded in preventing an appar­ in their headlights to permit sawn Robs and (Mary Io detect spe.'d.ng motorists, the The special will be aired on Wilson and Cindy Birdsong) in di against the British as her Spring fashions contemporary ent escape attempt. West Berlin but nostalgic. police spokesmen said. newspaper Leninskaya Znamya NBC television network, preempt­ TCBlng are their fellow model. ing Rowan and Martin’s “Laugh- artists, the Temptin' Temptations, In.” Paul Williams, , It is another glittering first in , the career of the world’s number- and . Jack Noel: flies 6,000 miles a week on business one female vocal group. The hour- Already, critics are hailing long production is appropriately “TCB” as being “the first major Jack is a first officer, co-pilot with American Airlines. Flying is his business. black television special in history” , > And it’s no coincidence that Coca-Cola is always near. In flight from east coast “TCB" is flawlessly staged u * workers, to west at least twice a week. Or at homo whore he often relaxes with Coke. gala musical. However, In one en­ possible tire segment, Miss Ross, singer ex­ You see no matter where he is Jack knows he can count on Coca-Cola... traordinary. doesn't sing a notel Instead, Diana goes completely ethnic and performs a settee of Coke has the taste you never get tired of African dances against a back­ |«*O( "ASX® ground of flashing stills. An ex­ Motown's founder and president, citing over-all performance bv Di­ served as creative consultant for ana leaves no doubt that slfe is the production. headed for a new pinnacle of star­ dom In television. "TCB,”. is directed by one of television’s freshest talents, Mike Both the Supremes and are cast in some of Warren, who also directed the all­ the television' industry's most bril­ black “SOUL" special aired on liantly-staged and beautifully- NBC last month. costumed song-and-dance se­ Other credits: Ed Friendly, ex­ quences. ecutive producer: Carolyn Raskin, "TCB” is the first televiatan producer; Bill Angelos and Buz venture of Motown Productions, Kohan, writers; Jack Elliott and me., the newest subsidiary of Mo­ Allyn Ferguson, musical dfrecotrs; town Record Corp., in assocUtlon Donald McKayle, choreographer. with George 8chtatter-Ed Friend­ Michael Travis costume designer., ly Productions. Berry Gordy Jr.,1 end E. J. Krause, art director. i

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V tilBerning Gc.od Babies

Ey LOUISE CHASE sirvlie 'ji_4 Uirt J M of Ufa

Women’s Medteal New, Service <« W 4- »nd & , physg:i|Q cwt tq Ufa cu'.U- w!«l Br. Joseph E. Baasley toH Mon that they simply did poj ml. Women’s Medical Ngwa Service to; 4i»i*nd i(us d pjrt w* $yi:l- heads Mie o< this MMona mqaL ape. to JlWfh} e'dudaCuj' pf.d yn«nac expetm^ite in tatady. pjrdical senicys qii^dlf 'Wom­ Ki Uiuruung — the l.ouisiMia Family, en did. r, , ' ” .Igmuiig Proeram Unu-aiici of repi eduction. Igmor- r ' apce oi snny.pfonnmi.-aryu-. jack Concern about the substantial j lumber o>a) iMhiiAbtovhwn ’. born aremaiufe-1 cl servlci l axpiain thwaragie thiM- y and atm tbcthese* who 4Wdi* in ; orarbtor ng tpatterni‘““ oammedawMbed byby ,—ttest chew l«it yar of life, and about' women ajid their husbands. be in«’dence:o( .muntal learda-i. ■<&' w I. iob ana ^tuer serious birth de- Thf ’-tu‘slana Family Planning f...... lefl nr ru^fei as It has rrtutram grew out of the oonvlc- r?W '£ S.S j-»»« i-1 .4 the "w hole broad spectrum ol i •* r“,lt j *oa9n the .eproduetten" and the conditions | * J*"'*4 FORflON kOUCV MAN-Kowrt D. Murphy, s .hder which hav.ng children oc-1 about‘hn"t I am tty planning and family ytara u> tht.fiareer pteeign service, and planning’ metacdg so thkt they filxqn Beam to pit it off well together In Wi' tyuld hake a choice as to whether Nuon named |iii« his personal forgigp policy rupj In studies «i prematurity, dc6rdance wiA.; his rdi- control. W.Ve want to help our poor Orleans; and Region VII — Prank premature. Among the second more Lwd io families 'have the freedom and perpiexing problems confronting grow cwvitttoi*. w V? Tlromp6on, Beat Pleasant. Md. widely spaced premature births Roman catholics because of the the Vatican pledging* .j Import of There wm no nominee from Re­ tell to around eight ot every 100. power to control their reproduc­ qsppl tain on contraception wg$ ,Mi» mJ mu t? wWi I the. use tion.’' ■ " ' gion II. highlighted by'the following ac­ "Now since prematurity is tlie manufacture, sale, and ^jveriising counts. that appeared recently: of all tyes of birth control we.s DCT&MT—Jim Ingram former Youth representation on the number one factor associated both MEASURABLE SUCCESS introduced m the legm .a Hu*-* encourages crime. mente during the Poor People's Board was expanded from three with little babies dying to the Poor artd uneducated though the President of Hrazil, Arthur dg BdltoJ of The Ohetto Speaks, the Jim Ii^ranus ba March to Washington. He is the to seven by constitutional amend­ first 28 days of We and also with target population was. they re- Costa e Silva, complained lately In Rio de Janeiro, there was an black acUxtet newspaper published parts strongly 'from those wno survive being 'mentally first black militant writer to be ments adopted by the Board ot aponded enthusiastically to the ini- that daspote his nation’s spectacu- tial birth control program, immediate run on 'contrncrptive by Frank Ditto’s Eastside Voice of jduthkiistls tratUtipn. hired by a white-owned publica­ Directors last June. Total Board Four retarded in some fashion, or men­ las economic grown rate of six devices and pills bf niiddl • clam Independent Detroit, has joined educated oor health when they gave red. white and blue separates In the Uruled Nmuux translat.un Or random plaid slacks will under­ VATICAN CITY - lUPU - birth to their last baby. They around. Cail it sportswear, call it department, knows fid languages. write a Nehru ‘"'kef toa- ooiorM Treasury Secretary Henry H. Fow­ had high blood pressure, or kid­ livingwear. It's what's happening Schmidt works in a small oilice sweaters in a full range of care­ i ler paid a courtesy call on Pope ney Infection or they had pre­ today, and it’s happening in the written, in go tongues “ DETROIT ^ Hollanrf-Doxier-Hol- Edward Bell, Paul VI Monday and thanked the viously given birth to babies who colors that count. free fabrics are available as a part of this pattern of patterns. land, the Detroit songwriting and pontiff for hts efforts to encourage were born dead or who died in the EASY CONTROL • The* sax grvwigreat excitementmviwuivui in tbls col- producing team recently tagged aa aid to underdeveloped countries. first year of life. Such women, NEW YORK - Ballots .for the lection is the many changes of. It's an individual put-on that’s It's tasy to control your temper the world's most successful pong­ The Vatican saig pope Paul in election of candidates for the he said, were giving birth to about course that are possible. No mat-1 put-together with a sum of parts when the other leilow is bigger writers by a national music publl-' turn thanked Fowler for aid the half the babies who would not ...... I___J >1.______IL. 1____ U„ ...ill j Board of Directors of the National ter how you put these plaids to- i and these are the looks that will than you. cation filed a precedent setting United Nations has given those Association for the Advancement —Oospoit. panxacili f'M Severalmonths ago, Motown fill­ nations. Investigating why women who gether — plain on plaid on get the vote. Anchors Aweigb! 22-million-dollar law suit in of Colored People have been dis- Wayne County ed a 4 million,dollar lawsuit a- Circuit Court on patched to the Association’s 1760 Thursday, Nov gainst Holland - Dozier - Holland 14th, against the local unite throughout the coun­ Motwon Record Corporation; Jo- which the songwriting producing try. There is a total of 23 candl- beta Music Company, inc., Motown team claims wks contrived as a dhtes for 20 vacancies. President Berry Gordy, Jr, Mo­ means to justify the total cessation town attorneys Ralph Seltzer and of royalty payments to the plain­ Six members are to be eleceted Harold Noveck, and accountant tiffs for the purpose of applying at large in a nationwide poll of SWney Nbveok. eoonomic pressure on them. NAACP branches. Units in each The sulk for the highest mount A Main aspect of the injunction of the Association’s seven regions ever requested in a lawsuit of this asks the court to appoint a tem­ will elect an adult and a youth hype, claims that Motown’s acts porary receiver to carry on and member with branches voting tor of conspiracy fraud, decit, over­ conduct the business of Motown adult candidates and the youth reaching, and breach of fiduciary and jobete and to take charge of councils and college chapters bul- relationships have dmaged the all assets, including copyrights, and lotlng or youth candidates. pllnttffs to the amount of 22 mil­ directs Motown and Jobete to The six at-large candidates “e lion tolars. make a full and complete account­ unopposed. They are Dr. Ralph J. The lawsuit goes to allege that ing of all income and earnings. Bunche, United Nations Under- Berry Gjrdy Jr., built his empire- The court was asked to issue an aaeretary. Dr Kenneth Clement of through expkiltat’.on of the famed an order directing reversion from Cleveland, former president, Na­ songFTitlng and producing team, Jobete to the plaintiffs of all oopy*- tional Medical Association; Kivie whom the Detroit Free Press once rights held by Jobete and to. ask Kaplun Boston, retired industri­ sirigled out as one of the major Jchete to pay over to the comt all alist and NAACP president since reasons for the success of the 9u- royalties and other earnings receiv­ 1906; Janies Kemp, Chicago, labor premes and the Motown Record ed by Jobete Including royalties leader; Alfred Baker Lewis, River­ Corporation from public performance rights re­ side, Conn., NAACP treasurer since Edward Holland, his brother ceived from BiC. UM; and Mrs. Margaret. Bush Brian, and toge­ Other aspects of the suit claimed Wilson. St. Louis attorney. Except ther have written and produced the violation of federal and for Dr Clement all are Incum­ seven million selling records for anti-trust and restraint of trade bents. -, . ' the Bupremes. beginning with statutes. "Whore Did Our Dove Go. which Adult regional nominees are: Re­ launahed the phenomenal career gion I - Nathaniel Colley Sacra­ of the Detroit vocal trio.. Based on mento, Calif., attorney; Region II a tabulation of BMI awards Hol- - Henry R. Smith. Pitteburgh, Pa, land-Dosler -Holland have been attorney; Pau! Dennis. New Ro­ responsible for 60 per cent or the chelle, N. Y., former branch presi­ BMI award* received by Pobete. dent and, by petition Littleton p. Holland-Dozier-HoUand has pro­ Mitchell, Delaware City, Del., state duced 26 of the 26 Motown acts, conference president; Region III and were the exclusive producers - Dr. Maurice Rabb. Louisville of the Bupremes and the Four Ky.. physician; Region TV-Miss Tops. Evelyn Roberts, 8t. Louis educator; The 31-page complaint Region V — Rev. Isadore Edwards. by lead coonael Federlck Fort Meyera, Fla.; Region VI — mon of the Detroit firm of Patmon. James Stewart. Oklahoma City, Young and Kirk Professional Northwest Airlines buys 14 DC-10 former newspaperman; and Re­ Corporation, to association with trijets. gion VII - Robert D. Robertson, Norfolk, Va, labor leader. All are iiteumbents except Mr. Dennis and Mr. Mitchell. The regional youth nominees are: Region I - Miss Brenda Hart Pomona, Calif., a student at Ten­ nessee State College and, by pe­ When only the tition, Jahue Nash Jr. Sacramen­ KRAFT to. Calif., student at Sacramento purest will do: City College; Region III - Her­ bert Smith, Cincinnati, Ohio, task VASELINE* PETROLEUM JRIY force worker in the summer of helps prevent diaper 197 to Region V and. by petition, rash...from diaper change to diaper change. ..with a continuous film, provid­ ing a moisture shield. Es­ TOOTHACHE pecially formulated Jor Don’t »uffe< (tony In sKondigtlreHtf tint Inis with ORA-JEl. SpeedvKflw complete purity. No won­ formula vote It to work In- der 9 out of 10 mothers Itontly to itop throbbing toothache poin, sowfeOoc- (8 A Y>'| insixt on genuine ’Vase­ tori reconvene ir fwfSMINTS ) line’ Petroleum Jelly. terihlng.. a You pay a little more than

for other brands of pe­ •lop troleum jelly...hut your baby is worthit!

Kraft American Mtftea or X Kraft MmMto>tia«tea MIMPKIS WORLD * Saturday, November 23, 19U ★ 7

------■» ■ ** I. ■ * Reactivated By Football Scores Mlanla Hawks Views PROFESSIONAL piehie Girrin one of the top NFt stars In Nrii-mri Baske'bri’ As- •winlion listers has teen Witt- tidknla N Hitt tun-Salem Sports Of The World rated by the Atlanta Hawks. Gu»- Chicago 11 shaw L. rn, who last spirci-M ‘n p’avni ore. in the I9J7 poM-s'*<.on play- Dallas 44 Johnsen C. Sm lh ON SOUTHWIDt WHSTIINO CtKUfT >tfs. Washington 34 Fiyatevib Stale at! Green Bay 29 H.ateth C V North mg A I T Univwrsity'* Hormljy Howell-coached Giwv'n IS "hived II 'vara •w New Orneals L" n 't>r.e Aggips, c (jitter* of th* Central 1nlerW1l*geloto Ath- h- NBA wUL New York and St. let* Confer v«ted to reject «n invitation for a re-motgh 1x1*1'. New York ...... 7 recent rash of Injiirlc". to agoimt the A A M Ralflor* in the Dec. 7 Miami Oronge Fh.ladrlphla 6 Braiy Don Ohl and Paul Blortom Clirtsff: ______«by Howell, the forgotten mah trainer of w*« gircn as th* i-o«>n Cleveland 45 C. A. and T. the Aggies who became head coach, told fhe players were ' r Gurr n’s rrlurn to the arllr* FiliUbuigh 24 ’a. State appaled by fye attagk on SIAC official Georg* Jome», who sig­ ♦ ♦ to ijutesota 13 nalled their wjnning field . . . Form* heavyweight champion "J am activating myself just as Dctre t « Joe louis h on a countrywide trek of major cltle*, as a referee a precautlcnary measure." Guerin for. the Notional Wrestling Alliance. san Francisco 29 Mary'ind Slate said. "We have Don Ohl out and Lot Angeles 20 Delaware State BMlng termer boxing gnats Uke Beaty still injured and In the games against CIAA opponents. J*e Lotas Rocky ( Marciano, aad ■vert of an injury to another I I alt more 25! Alcorn A. and M. Oocaalonatoy, Im geU out to see the Jersey Jee Waiodtt •• the smetl- player, we would have some prob- at. Lou * 0 Prairie View prep. Yst, Ute hour* hang heavy 'ems. I don t cxiect to play unless ing circuit may bring agUnhdng on his hands. It to idleness that absolutely have to but I think AFL Grain! I ng memorie* to those who raw these oohfronts him and whittles way at chimptans in their heyday. . .. ( could helup for a few minutes Wiley ,ra' hto want and.will for action. Houston 38 It seems rart ot a down tqt‘j*e In a spot situation. fl' LESLIE C. BAKER to Mke mil­ MORRIS BROWN VS SOUTH CAROLINA STATE- j lino State. While the visiting Bulldog* were Denver 17 Texas Southern T'l only keep myself on the Look, but M Isn’t prismsry **| lions of forced retired people tn the John Dilfian, one of the explosive backfield successful in halting the MBC attack, the Wol------j. — Arkansas A. and M. active list until someone gets Good wre Gene KlnlsU, United Blates. The economists de­ Cincinnati 31 spark*sparkt for the Morri* Brown|rown-CoU*g* College offensive verine* were unable to contain state and went nealthy. We get Skip Harlicka back reorganise lompion of the cree that a man to spent at 85, Miami 21 Lincoln U. tt attach, gel*geh little VunnlngVunnfng room in thistf second down 39-0.-(Lens-News Service Photo by Perry) from the army next week and tliat NW, take * cheek* of in bust no psychiastrist can probe the Central State M exems of a half million a year. quarttv action in Atlanta ogainst South Caro- should help us but it will take Kansas City 31 inner elchallenge of a man _that c him some time to get used to our Boston 17 Morehrad State Klntokl. to a, native of Edmonton, wants to be a part. To be exOed system,” Guerin said. Kentucky State '■ Canada, but hl* purse-safaris are away fnnn what a man holds true r • • • Oakland 43 ------4 1--'- h T almoet totally______oohducted inX r It and dear to sentence to an ELBA New York 32 Alabama State (. 2!) United States, The Brown BotnL. Guerin was picked up In the ex­ of conscience which to almost as 12 pansion draft In the spring of Mile* recehfently wound, up bis political barren as Napoleon knew, la his San Diogo bust 1967 by the Seattle Bonies but he sting and has spare time on hto tragic defilement from France. Football’s Judgment Day Ahead Buffalo Alabama A. and M. hand*. He will referee champion­ retired Immediately afterward. Se­ Let me say this, Baker is reunit­ Allen U. fi attle gave up the rights to Guerin ship matohes on tbe wrestling cir­ ed with his wife in Breendboro and COLLEGE today upon a request made by » cuit in most major cities, eut of it la a homecoming tor both that Albany State the Hawks. B. S. State 39 394 the MtoBWgnl everyone should applaud. It to cull- Savannah State Wrertllng to itow buinera, but mation and a fulfilment that re­ For Clark-Morris Brown Squads In 11 seasons, covering 312 Morris Brown U games, Guerin scored 14 518 points Miss. Valley 16 It ha* kept many a not-qulte-maB* bounds With promise of one view­ tor a per-game mark of 17.9. He Morehouse 32 Bethune-Cookman « It athlete* from the ratten. If ing the BIG Valley and finally You've heard no doubt at some one red cent in this game. Epps, implying that if It takes yea look at the guy* on tbe UBA appeared In 37 playoff games and entering to enjoy its buntiful time or other a religious leader For Morris Brown, a team who until midnight for his team to Howard U. 6 Florida A. and M. 36 wnMitac etretat today you will find averaged 16.7 per game on 618 blessings. speak of judgment day. Well, that boests an all-American every 12- finish then midnight It will be, U points. He participated sit Southern U. that thoy are eolelge educated. INSURANCE ACTUARIES should gredt day Is coming but hopefully months. has lost games to Clark hope he has the formula to make NBA Lane 57 All-Star tames Intelligent, phyaieaUy fit and high­ still probe the growing enigma of not before football's Judgment day with those AU-Atnericans on the his season more successful by win­ - all with New Salem State York Knoxville ly mobile business mm. Moot have the aging. Thanks to high stan­ for this 1968 season which hap­ field and vice versa. ning next Thursday. W. Va. State good businesses for their fall time e • * dards ot living, Increased oppor­ pens to be on Thanksgiving Dey. Although nothing of All Ameri­ There hasn't been a let up in Tuskegee occupation. tunities, better education, botwtog, To be precise, Thursday week is can calibre will hit the field for practice, although Clark has not Richie has a lifetime mark of i Jackson State .416 from the field; .780 irom the THHRaFORE THE DUSTY conditions of employment. Improv­ the day both Clark College and either team this year, the game played a game since November 8, Hampton 61 Bishop line ana was credited with 4100 DESTROYER on the wrestling cir­ ed family relations and a desen or Morris Brown College terminated still promise* to be a “hum dinger." "because we realize we’re young assists. He ranks 10th among the ■j. cuit need* no crocodile tears, for more faots, millions of Americans their football season with a re­ WORKING Til, DARK with a let to learn yet," spoke ail-time NBA scorers and 6th Jog Louis is enjoying meeting can now expect a life span of 65 newal grid friendship that has en­ Clark’s head football coach Le­ Bps. among the active point-makers. He many of his old time buddies of to 80. To east this fertile block gulfed 40 years. onidas 8. Epps have been sending Epps did mt say how long his $. C. State Bulldogs To Play | is fifth among the top 10 in World War II a* will u the great of citizens into idleness can be Followers of this Turkey Classic his troop through routines until Fngthy sessions will go on but sun- dry other departments. championship years of the thir­ one of the blatant seisurce of a vow that records, experience dark, noting that "we’ve got no his temporary plans according to ties. ‘ eWIlized society which views itself depth, veterans, freshmen and all- time to lose” between now and a reliable so. rcc, indicate that his 22-Game Basketbail Schedule ABC WRESTLING. INC., 310 In the froefront of world culture, American prospects don’t mean Thanksgiving. clurges will ba hard at work until ,iir. »./ V. Chester venue. 8. E. has not an­ IN ORIENTAL COUNTRIES, “Every minute for the next eight Wednesday. ORANGEBURGH S. C. - S. C. Home. •'» nounced whether Joe Lou* is to THE AGED ARE LOOKED TO December 17 West Liberty C->1- 1 days are important to us,” Epps "Actually we're not going to let State College will open its new be booked in Atiana but last week FOR WISDOM ND COUNSEL said. Clark generally starts around up until after the game is over," Emory Offers ■oakrtball home schedule in the lege at H;mo. , • -.- on my tour of North Carolina, no­ BUT the United States buries them mid-afternoon and doesn’t stop un­ the source said. gl.4 million health and physical tably, Greensboro, Winston Salem, tn a graveyard of rest homes sani­ 11 Biihunc-Cvuknian TODAYS til Epps says quit. “We're drilling This means that Clark Is going educat.on complex Nov. 30 against January Durham and Raleigh, I saw pla­ tariums, and often times mental H:me. t i on all of our basics everyday and after this game a6 if 364,000 was Clark College of Atlanta. Ga. i Coliege at cards announcing that Joe Louis institutions. Millions of Americans Information . January 13 Fsk University, at we’re not leaving the field until the reward. In addit.on to a new home the would appear to referee champion­ are held captive in mental Insti­ | we're through," he said. —J0HN8ON Bulldogs have a new coach, Ben ; Home ship matches. SPORTRAITS 16 Voyhees College tutions simply because they are January I , j , _ Jobe, formerly of Alabama State. Ukewise, in Greensboro, N. C. I aged. Denmark, 8. C. By CHARLES E. TAYLOR Jobe announced that the Bull­ was greeted by *■« ot Atlanta's Americans consumate passion for I ...... M... In Law Training January 18 Morehouse College at MIAMI - (UPI) - As “the dogs would play a 22 game sche­ most storied athletic perwnaliUe*. keeping up with the Jones, for ac­ Home. fastest human" of the middle I Emory University's law school 1* duled with 12 to be on the home Everybody from everywhere con­ ceptance and affluence has put mil January 21 3avannah State Cql- 1950's Dave Sime held nine world) sponsoring an Informational pro­ court. nected with sports knows him. It lions of senior citizens in virtual kge at Htnee. sprint records, but he runs a good | gram for persons considering at-| wra venerable Leslie C. Baker, re­ captivity because they do not fit in Jobe also revea’ed that the Col­ January 25 Bethum-C -km»n bit slower now. sometimes at the J tending law school. tired athletic director and head the affluent split levels, the high leges of South Carolina basketball College at Daybna Beach, Fla. head of a straggling pack of mid-! Called “Law School — Getting roach at Broker T. Wsstangten rise apartments, the jet set and tournament will be held at 8. C. January 27 Allen Universitj at High School. haunt* mode who false faces are die-aged men and women. in and Staying in" the program Home. LOS ANGELES - The Los An- Thia constant shifting not only will be held Monday. Nov. 25. ini State Dec. 5-7. m bizarre as a Halloween pump­ January 29 Benedict College at It was Baker, who ign ted the The former Duke University geles Rams have been plagued hurts our own blocking it Upsets Bishops Hall at Emory beginning! kin at Christmas time. . *= S. C. STATE COLLEGE Columbia. S. C. spark for scholastic football in Ne­ three-sport man went back to tills season by inability to make the offensive line as well. Every at 7 p.m. Orangeburg. S. C. 29115 February 1 Vorhera College At gro high schools at Booker T, IT IB A TRAVESITY that the running as a jogger, for two good the "big play," particularly with man runs differently and the line­ Designed to provide general in­ —1968-69 Basketball Schedule— Home. Washington High School and con­ (J. S. Commlalen on Civil Rights reasons: to help spread the word tlie run, but Willie Ellison has a men have to hold their blocks formation applicable to all la* | February 3 F'sk . University at tinued u It* conscience will un­ about the benefits to longevity ot ■'"iger for some than others. Dies has not investigated some of these hunch the situation may soon be sclwois. the program will Include! Nuvcmber 30- Clark College at i Nashville Tenn. til hto rftircment in 1967. state prisons where under condi­ running, and to prolong hts own remedied. Bass picks his holes. Tommy V.a- an Informal panel to discuss the February 5 Knoxville at life. He also plays a superior game heme. We rat and talked with L. C. tions of almoat Inquisition Age .sop is a slashing type. Henry various admission reoutramenu> Ki-.xv.l'r, Tenn. "I’ve been this close to breaking D’cember 5-6-7 Colleges of S. C. during the If. . A. 4 T—Virginia morality an denied their place in of club tennis, but there Ills con­ Dyer usually drives sfrainght and such items as significance ol February 8 OgHhorpa Coi'eg? M away.” measuring a couple of Toivnament at Orangeburg. S C. ■. . . >i. State Game in War Memorial Sta­ the eons became the King Lear's tact witli sports ends ahead. I'm more like Mason. It’s the Law Scholastic Aptitude Tests, ■ Home • • • inches with his thumb and fore- December 9 Savannah estate Col dium in Greensboro, He to an el- daughter*’ and the" *7.Merchant 7 of tough for the line to keep adjust­ what to expect. In the first year February 10 J hn on C 8m th linger, "Against the Atlanta-F»I- lege at Savannah, Oa, der statesman note, highly - Venlee sons want to keep them in Sime, 32, is now Dr. David W. ing each1 week." and similar topics. I UnivKsttv at Home. cons last Bunday we were back December 11 Allen University at matte, high Solvent tn diplomacy, the Back Streets of their Lives. Sime, practicing opthamologist — » 0 4 A question session will follow February 12 MoretTOUse Cblt gc around our 20 when (Roman) Ga­ C lumbia. S, C. snd a trflnendou* f Live*. eye surgeon. He turned dawn a Willie feels that lack of playing which can touch on anything and at Atlanta. Ga. briel called an audible and sent December 14 Benedict College at sador for sports. Y. MOST OF THESE SO-CALLED draft call for the Detroit Lions of timr cut down his effectiveness In everything to do with law schools | February 15 Knoxville Cal'oge it I me on a sweep. I had turned tlie wmUnel in Tarhe^ “rest homes" and “mental institu­ the National Football League, and earlier games. "Nothing helps like New Law School social programs Home. comer and Bernie Casey blocked Hnd chairman cl the committee For --one thing, , I* C- !*»'» tions" have captives who are iso­ several major league bonus offers playing regularly. You have tn get such as legal aid to Inmates and on February 18 Tutkcgec Iiwt I'tle at ■ th* couches i^nd he to ne the last man in iront ot me educational poliry. After graduat­ know I lated because their children had in baseball to become a doctor. used to game conditions . . . . third year students practicing in Home. but I was too close to the side­ sodologicalglchl hwkgrtoindhacUrtand ...... into whol other pursuits In life to follow and “I was very aerlous about being leamln where I hr blocks are com­ Georgia will be discussed. ing magna cum laudc from Fisk in February 22 Tuikegcc Institute »t makra the,play* tick. TtmJrt- lines. 1 couldn't keep in bounds. enjoy. I got carried away with the a doctor, and I derided I couldn't ing from, and how the guys on Participants include Denn Ben 1935. hr went to Harvard University Tuskcgree. Ala. I'd have gone 80 yards. clals are blurred fflusions krwhn hopeteauiera of the forlon millions be a good professional athlete and the other trams read. Johnson of the Emory Law School for po.-1-graduate studies and earn­ Feb. 27-28 & Mar. 1 SIAC TbUf. < "A little later we needed long and one time legions wh* made who have been sentenced to obli­ a good doctor, too. I decided medi­ Professors Robert Stubbs and Mi­ ed a doctorate in American history nament at Tuskegee. Ala. yardave and I ran a trap up the ------r.-J i prep football a majestic dynasty vion, because their children knew cine would be more rewarding. I "My biggrst problem was aware­ chael DeVito and several member.1 there in 1941 for acceptance in the Infant yean middle. I made 15 yards, but the ROYAL VISIT ■ ’"-I'l what was tout for them 1! had to feel I was doing something ness of audibles. When they of tbe Student Bar Ann. Subsequently, he taueht history last man got me. That would have off prep oom petition, I put these people on record— useful. It's a different kind of sat­ weren’t called often 1 had a tend­ Moro Information can uc obtain- al Fisk. St Augustine's College LONDON - iUPIi - Constan- TO PUt THE RECORD stralgbt been good for another 80 yards tine and Queen Anne-Marl# of that Marton Jackson read their isfaction than I got from sports." ency to forget them. Now I read ed from Jacob Shader, Emorj North Carolina College at Durham or so. The way I feel, I can't keep to them instinctively, fI also' had Greece flew to London from Brils'- ' Baker views the A & T and N. C. letters even though no one cared 1 ray* the toll young surgean. Law- School. and Howarti University, and was —------'------reA- • » t coming so close and not get away to learn not Io give■ away my chairman of the department of his­ seis Monday for a private visit. , ' 8lme has a lol to look back on. on one.” blocking assignment. I discovered tory at Brooklyn College from • • 4- He went to Duke on a baseball linebackers can often tell where 1956 to 1954. He was Pitt Profes­ McLain of Tigers winner ol Cy Savannah State To Play scholarship, but only played one The smooth speedster from Tex­ tne play is going by walchlnt Elected To NET sor of American history at Cam­ Young Award. full year anq was an All-Amerira as Southern, now In his second vour eyes. Tony Guillory told u>e bridge University from 1962 until center fielder. He also played A re*K>n a* a Ram running hack. oner I was giving thr play away joining the faculty at the Univer­ Sincerity is a great virtue, rarely year as "lonesome end" on the I* the moat likely candidate for by the way I took my stance. It’s sity of Chicago In 1964. exhibited and seldom appreciated. In Georgia Invitational Blue Devil football team the breakaway bonus. A 9.7 sprint a guessing geme between the of­ John H. Franklin He never competed In track In cr in college, he is the club’s fense and defense. to to 4 By MARION E. JACKSON Tue. 1 — rmtrong at Savannah high school but he took II up at fastest ball-carrier and he had L. Atlanta Daily World Sport* Staff Sport! Arena Duke as a conditioner. His long A.'s longest run from scrimmage "Ive had tn gel used to being Board 01 Directors legs and sturdy frame made him last year — a 42-yard gallop hit a lot and still keep my bal­ SAVANNAH - Savannah State Thur. 5, 6, 7 — Georgia Invita­ against the Cowboys tn Dallas. a sprint champion Sime at une ance. Tlie real great runners don't John Hope Franklin chairman College will open the 1968-69 foot­ tional Tournament at Atlanta The best any Ram runner has time or another, held the world go down until they've been tBCkled of the department of history at ball season against Edward .Waters Albany State Clark College Fort done this season was a 20-yarder record in the 100-meters and 100- I wo or three times. the University ot Chicago has been College qf Jacksonville, Fla. The Valley, Jackson State Morehouse by Dick Bass and this lack of ex- yard dash tlie 220-yard duh. 200 "One thing I’m working on now elected to tlie board of dir'ctors Tiger* wul then play Benedict Morris Brown, Savannah State, ploslvenesa is reflected in the lea­ meters, 220-yard low hurdles and is picking my way through the ot National Educational Tele' ’sion. College kt home and /-.mrtfong Tuskegee Institute gue statistics which for the first the 100, 80. 70 and 60-yard indoor secondary. There's a lot more pur­ ""he announcement was maJe by College at the giant SavaBnah time in several seasons fail to show Mon. 9 — South Carolina 'State duh. His record in the 220 dash suit hi pro ball than in college NET board chairman Everett N. Sports Aren*, before traiettoB to a single Ram ball-carrier among stood for 10 years. I’m learning where the pursuit Case. Atlanta Dec. 5-7 for the 17th An­ at Savannah the top 15 rushers. Sime recalls bis best day on the is coming from and when to cut Professor Franklin, 53, * acho- nual Georgia Invitational Baakrt- • • • Fri. J3, 14 - Middle Georjla cbu>- track in a dual meet at Durliam back away from it. Gale Sayers l*r of the American Civil War and ball tournament Oddly. the 49er ground-gainers sic at Fort Valley — Berry Col­ he thinks against North Carolina, ana Leroy Kelly seem to do It the po6t-wv RMonstruction Era are having tlie same difficulty. ’ ' ’ rX lege, Florida A. and M.. Fori he won the 100 and 220-ysrd dash­ instinctively — that's why they becomes the second Negro to serve In Atlanta, Savannah State will Ken Willard, while high in the Valley State. Savannah Btata* es. the 220-yard low hurdles in get such long runs. or the NET board. be trying for tournament hanars rankings, has a best effort of only Thor. 19. 26 - Oglethorpe Tourney world record time, the broad jump “I’ve fumbled twice this, season Th. author of many books and IB yards and his running-mate nt Atlanta *■ Albany State, and the dtwus throw. In the Baltimore game I-just didn’t article*, professor Franklin is weU Gary Lewis, 22 yards. Christian Bros College, Ogle- UNLUCKY IN OLYMPICS have pcasession when I was hit. known for "Land of the Free." an Ellison ha* a good explanation tborpe. Savannah State Sima.missed the 1956 Olympics Iu the first Atlanta ganle I'd M<>ht.h-«rade textbook co-.uthortd ivy. Ga.; Jacksen Stale College. for the Rants' deficiency-. "Injuries because ot tn injured leg. tn 1960 made a good gain, but I tried to with John.Caukhev and Ernest R. Jackson, Mita.; Morehouse College, JANUARY have hit our runners *o hart we lie was beaten by a chest heave stretch for an extra yard and the May which to credited with having Atlanta, Oa.; MMtto Brown Col- Fri. 19 — 'Paine al Augusta rarely have the same pair of sun­ in the 1000 meters and anchored ball slipped out. Our coachgs would brought to. the foreground much legs Atlanta Ga., and Tnakegee Sat 11 — Fort Valley at Savannah ning backs in fu successive games. the U£. 400-metar relay team that ratter we gain 60 yards hold on evidence oenqerntng ,the role, si Iiutitnte Tuakegw, Al* Mon. »-'CiafMn St Orangeburg woh. but wu disqualified because to the ball and make our blocks minority aroupe In Afner'o"” ?*•- ■ ■- .;•• ■ / Wed. 15—Armstrong at Savannah one man ran outside the pickup one thing we know of that can than gain 150 yards If we (amble tory including Negroes and Ameri­ There MI) be » slttgto home date Sport* Arena Dec. 9, Mure the Tigers compete sone. » decrease heart disease and heart and miss a couple of block*." can Indians. Bat. 18—'Paine it Savannah Now Eime jogs two miles every to to to I" the M*. Middle Georgia disease Is our greatest killer.” His moot recent book, publish­ Toe 81-Bouth Carolina at other day around the streets of * • « ( lassie , krsintt Berry Collage. Coach George Allen called Flli- ed last year, is "The Negro in 20th Orange burg Kame (k; florid* A » M. Uni­ Key Biscayne, the residential is­ From hto work with the Heart son’s play In last Sunday's game Oentury America." co-authored by Fri. 24—Benedict at Columbia land where he lives r &ntl "here Institute Sime has seen tome dra- as “perhaps his best of the sea­ Isadora.8tarr. Mr. Franklin's other versity, TtBahauee. Fla and Fart Sat 25-'Morrto at Sumter S. C. president-elect Richard M Nixon matic evidence of what jogging son’’..(he gained 83 yards for a 417 recently published works Include Valley Blate. Mon. If—'Albany al Savannah visits. As chairman of 8 jogging can do: “we had a man, miybe average) but Willie thinks he did "The Emancipation proclamation." Wed. 29—'Florida Memorial at The Tigers will also continue to committee of the Heart Associa­ 48 or 50, who had a fullblown better In the Ms’’ Vsl<*- "Army Life In a Black Reriment ” Sdrannah the Ogktbc*« In Bas­ tion of Greater Miami. Sime also heart attack and blockage of a counter ‘I ran for 89 yards and and ''Reconstruction After the Civil Fri. 31—•Vnorhees al Denmark ketball taerttaraent -36 to runs occasionally With middle- blood vessel. When we began work­ caught four passes for 54 yards War." engage Christian Broth**, Mem­ FEBRUARY aged and even senior citizens to ing with him he literally got more, and I played only three In 1962 President Kennedy ap­ phis TaM,: 'Albany State. Albany, Tne. 4—'Voorhees at Savannah promote vigorous exercise as a winded getting out of bed to go quarters. But I think I brake more pointed him to a. three-year term Oa.; anf Oglethorpe UnftenNy. Fri. 7-'Albaay Mate nt Albany promote vigorous exercise u a to the bathroom tackles last week." on the Board of Foreign Scholar­ Sat 8—'Edward Water! at heart disease preventive. “We started him walking, and to to • ships (Fulbright Grants) and be Thei {oMtete fchedule is u Jacksonville • » • r It took him a year to work up to He had fair suocess running was reappdintxl by PrteRteit Tua. 11—'Morris at Savannah “I started running because my Johnson As chairman of tftt* follows:' I i 1 running. Now he ran* four mile* against the 49ers (he led all Rams BEHIND TNI MAJORETTW-There'* on ovw grootor itory %g SAVANNA Th*. ll-MWIhi at Mrannah father bad * heart attack at 45 without any trouble We looked with 62 yards in the pre-season board ind U I Fella* of the ATS COLLEGE the »c»ne when fhe beautiful, prancing /Aorrh Irown C® KETBALL Mm. 17—AMm at OeiMahia and my mother had some circu­ with X-rays at the occhision — game), but he rates the team high­ American Academy of Arte ud Toe. U-ADen at Bavannah majorettes tpke the field or march along fhe street behind fte - 19N-B9 latory problems. That makes my the blockage — and a whole new ly. They have good Unis, their Science he travels frequently to But. 22-'F1oeida Memorial at chasces of having heart trouble set of blood vessels had simply linebackers are tough and the sec­ Europe tbe Near East and South big Mund of the MBC band. Jamino Dotown and Normo lWI> Mlaal ■ better than average,” says Sime. •Edward Water! al built around It, bypassed It. The ondary to eicellent. Thair big Atta. both faculty member*, ore the uhwng heroine* who train the Mon. U-Fsrt Valley at Ft Valley From Us mra medical knowledge- man licked his problem.” backs are bard runnsr*. I think Mr. nuklin wu born la RenH* high' stepper* and create th* routine*. The twowm» tut aUK' reading and a best friend who is Sprint star Sime hopes to be they have one of the bettor teams vllto. Oklahottt. Ke attended FMt Xfc’l-SIAC Ttonm* 0 figure themselves in their snappy garb, featuring the rhuske- £ fiilM il running tn a king time to coma. In. the league, but they Jut Ain't TTnh'erMj whare he * no*, a leer hal».-Aen*-New* Service Photo by Perry) • OMferenee Games » of the raise rf jogging. It to the (Keg. 11. 8. Pal Off.) put It together." member of the board of trustees '<— *. r.'. ■v WORLD ★ Saturday, November 23, 1968

Twenty-seven members of tile Young Women's Christian Associa­ tion recently taade an exciting week-end tour i New Orleans La. The tour spohsored by the Sarah Brown Branch of the YWCA be­ gan on Friday evening. Nov. I, and GREKN LAKE. Wis. - Leading Interpret each convention to the I power lasted for three days. figures of two Baptist conventions, other. * Congress While in New Orleans, the group one Wack and the other mostly This interpretation could come stopped at the 8heraton St. white, talked together here Oct about, he said, oy joint meeting Charles right in the heart of the 22 about how they could worx together including simultaneous French Quarters Amo.ng the places together to the advantage of each. meeting of the governing councils explored were the charming old Th* Rev. Dr. Gardner Taylor, pas­ of each convention in the sama with the legislative garden district, the French Quar­ tor ol the Concord Baptist Church, city, with one session together. government. Oral argu- ters where some of the ladies treat­ Brooklyn, N. Y, former president Prior to that there may be ex­ the case will be heard ed themselves, to exquisite French ot the Progressive National Bap- changes of visitors tor the winter session and a written cuisine in one of the oldest and Convention presided over the meetings of general councils. Ths most famous French restaurants meeting in which Progressive Bap­ governing board ot the Progressive Antoine’s tists and American Baptists con­ Convention wiu meet tn Memphis One ot the top night clubs on sidered areas of mutual concern, Tenn.. Jan. 22-23, 1969, as an ex­ the famous Bourbon 6Lreet was tween us and common ground on tended session of the annual con­ also taken in, the famous Al Hirt Which we can stand, and leave vention. which met in Washing­ Club owned by Al himself, and the rest to God.” Dr. Taylor said. ton, D. C. last September. The the popular Fats Domino drew a He emphasized that the meeting American Baptist General Council full house. i matter of principal was not called to consider any will meet Feb. 4-6, 1969, in Valley Other points of interest visited e he would be entitled plans for merger. Forge, Pa. were modem New Orleans con­ nd other benefits if he Dr. Taylor reported, that some Dr. Taylor explained that the trasting to what you see in the areas ot possible cooperation the conversations at Green Lake were Vieux Carre the beautiful hardens. committee discussed were camp­ only exploratory, and that they Notre Dame seminary. Tulane. Dil­ manaap- ing social action, communication, were friendly. It was agreed that lard Xavier. Newcombe and Loy­ BducalW joint statements on public issues, one representative from each con­ ola Universities ana many other seniority the preparation of materials for vention will meet at a later date points of interest. Exceeded Authority him MB church administration, in-service to formulate proposals for discus­ The group was escorted by Miss Powell's attorneys argued that training of pastors, rural church Christ Baptist Church sion including suggested imple­ Barbara Neal branch director. The the House exceeded its authority work, and the means by which to mentations for programs, to be following members made the tour- To Observe Men's And because the New York Democrat considered at the next meeting of Mrs. Burnadine Holmes Mi's. Jew- had met the requirements of the tne group in Chicago, IU., tn April. CHURCH NEWS Constitution for membership-age, eldine Thomas. Mrs. Manae Stan­ Women's Day, Sunday 1969. back. Mrs. Helen West, Mrs. Grace citizenship and residence. ‘I’ Christ Baptist Church, 494 S. The two representatives will be Parker. Mrs. Ethel Watkins Mrs. The House countered by citing Parkway East, will observe Men the Rev. H. B. Hicks, Mt. Olivet Lucille Britt, Mrs. Elizabeth Plaxi­ NEW SALEM BAPTIST tribute by Mrs. Ernestine Brown another section of the Constitution Firemen- Saturday and Women's Day Sunday, Nov. Baptist Church Columbus. Ohio,, co, Mrs. Melvine Hunt, Mrs. Wil­ 955 Soath Fourth Street who was escorted by Morriese Ro­ which says that both branches of control a dire that 24. with a special program at 3 p and the Rev. Robert Torbet, di­ lie Pegues, Mrs. Katie McGuire, Rev. Willie 0. Williams, pastor gers. A song tribute was given by Congress “shall be the Judge of m. when the speaker will be Mrs rector of the division of Coopera­ Mrs. Ruth Porter Mrs. Bessie Ed- The congregation of New Salem Doris Gary and Mrs. Mary L. the qualifications of its members.’’ Felicia Sartain Mrs. Hortense Cri- tive Christianity, American Bap­ Miss. Also Mrs. Leora Bradley, honored Rev. and Mrs. Willie G. Bryant. Powell lost in the U. S. Court of r JACKSON Tenn. — Lane Col- vens. wife of the pastor of St. Ste­ tist Convention. wards Mrs. Pinky Everett and Mrs. Williams who have made tremen­ Appeals on Feb. 28 and carried his teee will open its 20-game basket- phens, will served as emcee. Lessye Davis from Hollysprings dous contributions to the church case to the Supreme Court. S* 11 schedule Nov. 30 against Fisk The Progressive National Bap­ ZION HILL BAPTIST Mrs. Frances Neal is the chair­ Mrs. Samanth Howard. Mrs. Cor­ and the community since they Six weeks after the House voted liverslty in Nashville. tist Convention was founded in 14S8 Leland man. The Rev. E. L. Currie, pastor. rie Sliaw, Mrs. Willie Yates. Mrs. came six years ago. Among those to disbar him. Powell was re-elect­ 19961. It numbers 800 churches ed in a special election but never The Dragons will participate In Christine Jackson, Mrs. Inez Gard­ participating were Mrs. Mozella Rev. R. W. Taylor, pastor with a total membership between sought to claim his seat. Instead, the Mayor s Tournament Dec. 2-3 500 and 600 thousand. The Rev. ner, Mrs. Irene Gleeden. Miss Kar­ Hanna Robert W. Malone and The official staff of Zion Hill Mrs. Dtnola Farley. he diclined to pursue his claims at the Jackson Coliseum. Partici­ Dr. E. R. Searcy, Mt. Zion Baptist en Brown Mrs. Estelle Morgan, reminds the congregation to sup­ Giving the message of honor through the courts and spent more pating teams will Include: Lane. Church, Atlanta, Ga., is president Mrs. Georgia Pierce and Mrs. Alice port and attend weekly activities ------.... was the Rev. T. M. Henderson of Union, Southwestern of Memphis of the convention. Minor. that include missionary meetings Mt. Pleasant Baptist on Decatur. and Shorter of Rome, Ga. Prorgessive Baptists who took and pastor's Aid Club on Tuesday Brooks. The Rev. Brack Henderson serv­ The home schedule begins Oec. part in the sessions at Green Lake night and general choir rehear­ Mrs. Ruth Whitsey, -chairman of ed as M. C. 1 against Allen University of Co­ were Dr. Taylor, Dr. Hicks, the sals on Thursday night. On No­ publicity, said donations may be saac Joseph Henderson given to any member of the Mis­ lumbia. S. C. It will be one of Rev. Dr. W. C. Holmes, Beulah vember 20. the'congregation was David Pearson was chairman, as­ sion Circle of which Mrs. Jean P. the 10 home games the Dragons Baptist Church, Memphis, Tenn.: Succumbs In California the guest of the Union Baptist sisted by Mrs. Marie JonqK co- Thomas is president. yiU. play in Merry High Gymnasi­ the Rev. A. A. Banks Jr., Second church and Rev. J. W. West. Zion LOS ANGELES. Calif. - Funeral chairman. W. E. Witherspoon, Mrs. um this season. Baptist Church, Detroit, Mich.; Hill also hosted the ushers of the services tor Isaac Henderson, for­ Alice Martin and Mrs. Daisy Mays The highlight of the season will and the Rev. Dr. V. Simpson Tur­ Brotherhood District ssociation. mer Memphian a graduate of Le- composed the program committee. be 'the Chicago Cltrlstmas Basket­ ner, Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Moyne Normal Institute were held Captains were Mrs. Emma Nun­ ball Classic. Dee. 26-30. It will be Brooklyn, N. Y. Two were absent: CITY FISHERIES Friday November 1, 1968 at the nally. Mrs. Geneva Mountain, an eight team tournament to be the Rev. Dr. Thomas Kilgore, Second Baptist Church, with the Mrs. Nettie Hubbard, Mrs. Carolyn AUTOMA7JC played in ihe International Am­ Second Baptist Church, Los Ange­ Moore, Mrs. Catherine H. Rogers, PLENTY BUFFALO, CATHS^ ANO SHRJMP Rev. Dr. Tbamas Kilgore. Jr., of­ phitheatre. The Dragons first foe les. Calif.; and the Rev. Dr L ficiating. Mrs. Dinola Farley, Mrs. Lula M. irmr.Y will be Detroit College of De­ Venchael Booth, Zion Baptist Moore. Mrs. Julia A. Garbage, troit, Mich Church, Cincinnati. Ohio. Born in Caddo parish in Loui­ Mrs. Cora J. Hall and Mrs. Lizzie . The Lane Dragons will field a American Baptiste in the talks siana Mr. Henderson attended Mcore; Decorations, Mrs. Allonya veteran team in the 1968-69 sea­ were the Rev. Dr Edwin H Tul- school at the Morning Glcry Ele­ Roblnscn. chairman, assisted by son, with nine lettermen returning. ler, general secretary; Dr. Tor- mentary School in Louisiana before Mrs. Catherine Rogers, Mrs. Alma The Dragons only lost two players bet; the Rev Dr Dean R moving to Memphis where he at­ H. Black and Mrs. Ethel Modey: from last year's team that record­ Wright, executive secretary of the tended high school at the former publicity, Nathan Jones and Char­ ed a 19-3. Ministers and Missionaries Bene- LeMoyne Normal Institute, gra­ les J. Patterson, Jr., finance, John duating ih 1923. He later attended Hubbard and James Hwes. Jr. All Fresh and Guaranteed Arkansas Baptist College, Little The pastor and his wife were CORNER OF FLORIDA AND PARKWAY Rock, Ark. where he graduated in recipients of glowing tributes and 1927 with a Bachelor of Arts De­ many gifts. They were escorted to 947-1105 gree tlieir places of honor by Mr. and I Mrs. L. W. Lomax who stood with Mr. Henderson moved to Los An­ them as they were paid special 1 geles in 1920 and in 1S30 married Miss Mary Morris whom he met Fine WedJ:ng Invitations at Arkansas Baptist College. The family jouted the Second Baptist Church where Mr Henderson serv­ Holiday Cards and Announcements ed as a. faithful member. He served at one time as a United States Marshall for the Southern District of California, and MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE later entered the Postal Service where he worked many years. He was a member of the National As­ sociation of Postal Supervisors, Branch 48 and received several ci­ tations from the Post Office De­ LET US MODERNIZE YOUR HOME partment and an honoray recog­ nition from the Post Office upon Licensed, Bonded and Insured his retirement in December 1965. Mr. Henderson was active in many civic affairs, a long time member of the National Associa­ tion for the Advancement of Oalor- GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS -ed people, the Masonic Ledge ALSO REMODELING AND REPAIRS which he joined in 1928. He is sur­ RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL vived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Hen­ derson. two sons, Howell and Car­ ver a daughter. Mrs. Beverly La­ BUILD ROOMS, DENS, CONCRETE DRIVES nier; two brothers Dauglass Hen­ derson and Jabez A. HendersoiTbf 't'sinore, Calif, and four grand­ children. Interment was in Rose Hills Cemetery, with Angelus Fun­ EASY TERMS, UP TO 8 YEARS TO PAY eral Home in charge. GLADYS MONGER 1936 Cheltea, Memphis, Tenn. VERDIE TAYLOR Jewish-Arab ties in Israel are MRS. GLADYS MONGER-Mrs. Monger was recently added MRS. VERDIE TAYLOR Mrs. Taylor has worked in the shift PHONE TODAY 275-7897 or 276-6194 lauded. to the book-keeping and auditing deportment.______deportment since 195

Differences between U. S. and Peru remain.

fit Board. New York. N. Y.; the Rev. Edward Wright old Cam­ bridge Baptist Church Cambridge The Memphis Housing Authority will-receive bids for A PLAY­ Mass.: and the Rev. Atha Baugh GROUND LIGHTING 6YSTEM ON FOWLER HOMES PROJECT. of the American Baptist Home TENNESSEE 1-12, MEMPHIS. TENNESSEE, until 10:00 AM. Central Standard Time, on the sixth day of December. 1968. at 700 'Mission Society, Valley Forge, Pa. Adams Avenue. Memphis, Tennessee, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. slkSC; 'jT-. i Proposed forms of contract documents, including plans and specifications, are on file at the office of the Memphis Housing Authority, at 700 Adams Avenue, Memphis. Tennessee.

Copies of the documents may be obtained by qualified con­ tractors by depositing ten ilOi dollars with the Memphis Housing EMMA BUFORD WALTER BLUE jLuthority. Said deposit will not be refunded.

L-: A certified Check or. Bank Draft; payable to the Memphis [ Housing Authority. US. Government Bonds, or a satisfactory bid k Jxmd executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an amount to five (5) pen-cent of the bid shall be submitted with each

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MEMPHIS HOUSING AUTHORITY By: Orelle Ledbetter Title: Secretary