CURRICULUM VITAE François LANGOT Personal Data Date of Birth
CURRICULUM VITAE François LANGOT Personal data Date of Birth: September 14, 1965 in Le Mans Family status: Married, 2 children Professional status: Full-professor (“Classe exceptionnelle”, “ 2ème échelon”) Education - September 1989 : Master in Mathematical Economics and Applied Macroeconomics, University of Paris I - Panthéon - Sorbonne, Paris, Grade: Higher Honors. - January 1994 : Ph-D in Economics, University of Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, Grade:Higher Honors. Supervisor: Pierre-Yves Hénin, Professor, University of Paris I. Ph-D committee: A. d’Autume, Professor, University of Paris I, G. Ballot, Professor, University of Paris II, M. Hammour, Professor, MIT. Boston, H. Sneessens, Professor, IRES University of Louvain, A.Trognon, CREST-INSEE. - May 1995 : Professional thesis allowing me to supervise PhD students, University of Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris. Supervisor: Pierre-Yves Hénin, Professor, University of Paris I. Committee: J.P. Bénassy, CNRS, ENS-Paris, P. Cahuc, Professor, University of Paris I, P.M. Larnac, Professor, University of Paris IX-Dauphine, C. Wyploz, Professor, Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris. - June 1996 : “Agrégation des Universités en Sciences Economiques”, Ministry of Education and Research, France, Grade: Full-Professor. Present Positions - Since 1996 Full-Professor, Le Mans University, France. - Since 2002 Head of the GAINS, Le Mans University, France The GAINS is the research center in economics and management of the Le Mans University (40 researchers, 10 PhD students). - Since 2006 Associate Professor, Paris School of Econmics (PSE), France. - Since 2006 Co-Founder and research fellow at TEPP, CNRS, France.
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