Proposed Extensions to Ridgeway Nursing Home Llawhaden, Narberth, Pembrokeshire
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Proposed Extensions to Ridgeway Nursing Home Llawhaden, Narberth, Pembrokeshire Design and Access Statement – Update June 2016 Bank house High Street Narberth Pembrokeshire SA67 7AS Tel: 01834 861162 Fax: 01834 861661 email: [email protected] 1 Contents 1. Background to Proposals Planning Context Proposals Development Motive 2. The Site Site Location Setting 3. The Design Approach Design factors Character and Building Proposals Sustainable design 4. Access and Movement 2 1. Background to Proposals 1.1 Planning Context The Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan was adopted by the Authority on the 28 th February 2013 and is now the current plan in conjunction with National policy for the determination of applications. The application for the development of this land falls within the jurisdiction of Policy GN.1, 2, 11 and 30 of LDP as development detailed below: GN.1 General Development Policy Development will be permitted where the following criteria are met: 1. The nature, location, siting and scale of the proposed development is compatible with the capacity and character of the site and the area within which it is located; 2. It would not result in a significant detrimental impact on local amenity in terms of visual impact, loss of light or privacy, odours, smoke, fumes, dust, air quality or an increase in noise or vibration levels; 3. It would not adversely affect landscape character, quality or diversity, including the special qualities of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park63 and neighbouring authorities; 4. It respects and protects the natural environment including protected habitats and species; 5. It would take place in an accessible location, would incorporate sustainable transport and accessibility principles and would not result in a detrimental impact on highway safety or in traffic exceeding the capacity of the highway network; 6. Necessary and appropriate service infrastructure64, access and parking can be provided; 7. It would not cause or result in unacceptable harm to health and safety; 8. It would not have a significant adverse impact on water quality; and 9. It would neither contribute to the coalescence of distinct settlements nor create or consolidate ribbon development. GN.2 Sustainable Design Development will be permitted where relevant criteria are met: 1. It is of a good design which pays due regard to local distinctiveness and contributes positively to the local context; 2. It is appropriate to the local character and landscape/townscape context in terms of layout, scale, form, siting, massing, height, density, mix, detailing, use of materials, landscaping and access arrangements / layout; 3. It incorporates a resource efficient and climate responsive design through location, orientation, density, layout, land use, materials, water conservation and the use of sustainable drainage systems and waste management solutions; 3 4. It achieves a flexible and adaptable design; 5. It creates an inclusive and accessible environment for users that addresses community safety; 6. It provides a good quality, vibrant public realm that integrates well with adjoining streets and spaces and 7. It contributes to delivering well designed outdoor space with good linkages to adjoining streets, spaces and other green infrastructure. GN.30 Specialist and Supported Accommodation The development, or extension, of specialist residential accommodation will be permitted where a need for such a facility has been identified and the following criteria are met ; 1. In the case of new facilities the development is within or immediately adjoining a Settlement Boundary, or involves the adaptation or conversion of an appropriate existing building; or 2. In the case of extensions, the scale and nature of the original development together with the extension is compatible with its location; and 3. In all instances access arrangements allow for the safe manoeuvring of pedestrians, cars, ambulances and delivery and service vehicles. Land is allocated for an additional care facility at: Site Reference Site Name Area (ha) SSA/089/01 Park House, New Hedges 1.65 Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan - Adopted 2013 119 Chapter 6 – General Policies 6.125 Pembrokeshire has the second highest proportion of older people in its population in Wales, with the population over 65 estimated to be 26% by 2021109. This policy, therefore, aims to provide accommodation for the special needs of various groups, in particular the elderly (but also other groups) for sheltered accommodation, residential care, extra and domiciliary care, or respite, palliative or hospice care (Class C2 of the Use Classes Order 1987 as amended). 6.126 It is important that this Plan provides sufficient opportunity for the development of care facilities, whether private or publicly funded, in order to meet the identified needs of the population. In all cases a clear, quantifiable and identified need for the facility must be proven. Consideration should also be given to how the development complements the character of the local area and protects the amenity of local residents. 6.127 The allocation at Park House, New Hedges, addresses a proven need for extra care facilities in the area. The site is appropriate for an extension as it has good access and is well located to serve the needs of the area. Further proposals for the extension of specialist and supported accommodation must also identify a need for such a facility and must be acceptable in terms of their scale, nature and impact on the surrounding area. 4 The Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan was adopted by the Authority on the 28th February 2013 and is now the current plan in conjunction with National policy for the determination of applications. 1.2 Proposals The application seeks consent for a two separate extensions to the existing Nursing Home at Ridgeway House Llawhaden near Narberth. • A two storey extension of traditional construction on the eastern side of the current range of buildings linking to both areas of previous extensions and enclosing the existing “garden court”; and • A single storey extension in a contemporary design fitting into and complimenting the walled garden of the listed building; and • External works including new drainage treatment plant, extension of existing car parking facilities and extensive landscaping of the site. 1.3 Development Motive Ridgeway House has an established use as one of the major nursing homes in Pembrokeshire and is operated by Mufulira Ltd. It has 47 beds with associated support facilities and can accommodate 42 nursing patients and five with residential care needs. The company is an important local employer with 27 full time and 28 part time employees drawn mainly from the local community. In addition, it is policy within the home to use local suppliers, wherever possible, for the provision of goods and services. This has a multiplier effect on the local economy and fits with the 5 company’s philosophy that the home should be at the heart of the local community for the mutual benefit of all. In response to changing patterns of care which have emerged in recent years, the company needs to expand and develop Ridgeway House to ensure its long term sustainability. One of the main drivers for change is the increasing trend for patients to come into care only towards the end stages of life when they can no longer be cared for in their own homes. Bed turnover is therefore much faster than it was historically and the associated costs are disproportionately higher. Nursing homes which do not evolve in response to societal change will find it increasingly difficult maintain viability. The company’s management has therefore identified opportunities to develop additional services which have synergy with the current offering and build on the home’s core nursing skills. There are a number of care categories which might provide this fit such as elderly mentally infirm, chronically sick young people, terminally ill, for example. This will broaden the offering to a wider client base and will complement existing provision. Part of the proposal is to develop a high dependency care unit within the sheltered environment of the walled garden. Although linked to the main body of home, it will be far enough separated to create a small specialist unit with its own unique and intimate character, ideally suited to patients with very complex care needs. The ultimate use of these new facilities will only be determined as the development progresses through planning and towards completion. The proposed scale of development would create circa 60+ jobs to include nursing, caring, and support staff, many of which will be high value, specialist jobs. Local trades will benefit during the construction period and existing local suppliers will further benefit once the development becomes operational. Expansion of the existing facilities will enable the home to meet a wider demand and broaden and enhance the quality of care provision available in Pembrokeshire. The expanded business will allow Ridgeway House achieve economies of scale to help secure its long term future. 2.0 The Site 2.1 Site Location The site is ideally located centrally in Pembrokeshire 3 miles west of the market Town of Narberth and 0.6 miles north of the main road artery through Pembrokeshire, the A40 which forms part of the European TAN-T major road network. 6 The site has an access on the C class road between Canaston Bridge and Llawhaden, with good visibility in both directions, 120 metres to the north and in excess of 200 metres south. The access onto the road is wide enough at 4.5 metres for two vehicles to pass with ease. The application site area is 1.99ha, which together with land also owned by the applicant, a wooded area of 2.14ha and a meadow known as Style Park at 2.35ha make a total site area of 6.35ha. 2.1 The Setting Ridgeway Nursing Home is located in Ridgeway House, a former Country House residence dating back to the fourteenth century, although the current building is generally an 18 th Century Georgian three storey core to which two symmetrical two storey Regency wings have been added.