Curriculum vitae

Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi

Humboldt University of Department of Philosophy Chair of Practical Philosophy and Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin

Areas of Specialization Social Philosophy, , Ethics, Philosophical Anthropology, Social Ontology, , History of Critical Theory.

Education 2009 Habilitation from the Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M./Germany, on the subject of "Critique of Forms of Life" 2002 Doctorate from the Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M./Germany, with a dissertation on "Freedom and Indifference – A reconstruction of the Concept of Alienation” 1996 Magistra Artium (Master equivalent) from the Free University of Berlin with a thesis on 's political philosophy

Academic Positions 2009–present Professor of Practical Philosophy with Emphasis on Social Philosophy and Political Philosophy at the Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany 2003–2009 Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Postdoc) at the Institute for Philosophy, Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M./Germany (Chair for Social Philosophy/Prof. ) 1996–2001 Research Associate (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Predoc) at the Institute for Philosophy, Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M./Germany (Chair for Social Philosophy, Prof. Axel Honneth)

Fellowships and international Appointments 2015–2016 Theodor Heuss Professor at the New School for Social Research, New York/USA. 2012 Visiting Professor at the Fudan University, Shanghai/PRC. 2012–2013 Senior Fellow at the DFG-Forschungskolleg ‚Postwachstumsgesellschaften‘, Friedrich Schiller University Jena/Germany. 2002–2003 Visiting Assistant Professor at the , New Haven/USA, Program for Ethics, Politics and Economics. 1999 Visiting Scholar at the New School for Social Research, New York/USA. Rahel Jaeggi – Curriculum vitae


I. Books Rahel Jaeggi, Fortschritt und Regression (Progress and Regression), Berlin (Suhrkamp) (forthcoming May 2018). Rahel Jaeggi, , Capitalism – A Conversation in Critical Theory, Cambridge (Polity Press) (forthcoming April 2018). Rahel Jaeggi, Robin Celikates, Sozialphilosophie. Eine Einführung (Social Philosophy. An Introduction.), Munich (Beck) 2017.

Rahel Jaeggi, Forme de vita e capitalism (Forms of Life and Capitalism), curated and translated by Marco Solinas, Turin (Rosenberg und Sellier) 2016. Rahel Jaeggi, Kritik von Lebensformen, Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp) 2013. English translation: Critique of Forms of Life, (Harvard University Press) (forthcoming). Rahel Jaeggi, Entfremdung – Zur Aktualität eines sozialphilosophischen Problems. Mit einem neuen Nachwort, Berlin (Suhrkamp) 2016. Rahel Jaeggi, Entfremdung – Zur Aktualität eines sozialphilosophischen Problems, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2005. English translation: Alienation, New York (Columbia University Press) 2014. Italian translation: Alienazione, Rom (Edizioni Internazionali Riuniti) 2015. Rahel Jaeggi, Welt und Person – Zum anthropologischen Hintergrund der Gesellschaftskritik Hannah Arendts (World and Person – On the Anthropological Background of Hannah Arendt’s Social Critique), Berlin (Lukas Verlag) 1997.

II. Essay Collections/Edited Volumes Karl Marx: Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik (Karl Marx: Perspectives on Social Criticism), Rahel Jaeggi/Daniel Loick (Ed.), Berlin (Akademieverlag) 2013. Nach Marx: Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis (After Marx: Philosophy, Critique, Practice), Rahel Jaeggi/Daniel Loick (Ed.), Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp) 2013. "Schwerpunkt: Verdinglichung", with Titus Stahl, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 5/2011. Sozialphilosophie und Kritik (Social Philosophy and Critique), /Martin Hartmann/Rahel Jaeggi/Martin Saar (Ed.), Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp) 2009. Was ist Kritik? (What is Critique?), Rahel Jaeggi/Tilo Wesche (Ed.), Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp) 2009. Schlüsseltexte der Kritischen Theorie (Key Texts of Critical Theory), Institute for Social Research, Axel Honneth with the assistance of Sandra Beaufays/Rahel Jaeggi/Martin Hartmann/Jörn Lamla (Ed.), Wiesbaden (VS Verlag) 2006. Editor for the theme “Market Excess”, in: Westend – Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 3/2006.

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III. Journal Articles and Book Chapters "Solidarity and Indifference/ Solidarität und Gleichgültigkeit", in: Anna Jehle/Paul Buckermann (Ed.), Kinship in Solitude, Hamburg (Adocs) 2017, 62–103. "Pathologies of Work", in: Women’s Studies Quarterly (WSQ) 2017, (forthcoming). "Alienzione e libertà in Marx" (“Alienation and Freedom in Marx’s Theory”), in: Pietro Garofalo/Michael Quante (Ed.), Lo Spettro è Tornato! Attualità della Filosofia di Marx, Milan (Mimesis) 2017, 13–22. "Crisis, Contradiction, and the Task of a Critical Theory", in: Banu Bargu/Chiara Bottici (Ed.), Feminism, Capitalism, and Critique: Essays in Honor of Nancy Fraser, Bastingstoke (Palgrave Macmillan) 2017, 209– 224. "Widerstand gegen die immerwährende Gefahr des Rückfalls: Zum Verhältnis von moralischem Fortschritt und sozialem Wandel" ("Resisting the Constant Danger of Regression: On the Relationship between Moral Progress and Social Change"), in: Thomas Gutmann/ Sebastian Laukötter/ Arnd Pollmann/ Ludwig Siep (Ed.), Genesis und Geltung: Historische Erfahrung und Normenbegründung in Moral und Recht, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2017. "Kolloquium 15: Geschichtsphilosophie als Theorie sozialen Wandels. Einleitung." ("Colloquium 15: Philosophy of History as a Theory of Social Change. Introduction. "), in: Michael Quante et al. (Ed.), Geschichte – Gesellschaft – Geltung: XXIII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie 28. September – 2. Oktober 2014 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Hamburg (Meiner) 2016, 571–572. "A Wide Concept of Economy: Economy as a Social Practice and the Critique of Capitalism", in: Penelope Deutscher/Cristina Lafont (Ed.), Critical Theory in Critical Times. Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order, New York (Columbia University Press) April 2017, 160–180. "What, (if Anything) is Wrong in Capitalism – Dysfunctionality, Exploitation and Alienation: Three Approaches to the Critique of Capitalism", in: The Southern Journey of Philosophy, Volume 54, Issue Supplement S1, The University of Memphis, September 2015, 44–65. "'Objektive Kritik' und Krise". Überlegungen zu einer materialistischen Grundlegung von Sozialkritik" ("‘Objective Critique‘ and Crisis. Thoughts on a Materialistic Groundwork of Social Critique"), in: Dirk Martin/ Susanne Martin/ Jens Wissel (Ed.), Perspektiven und Konstellationen kritischer Theorie, Münster (Westfälisches Dampfboot) 2015, 14–28. "Philosophie als Kritik" ("Philosophy as Critique"), in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Band 63, Heft 3, Berlin 2015, 569–576. "Das Ende der Besserwisser" ("The End of the Know-It-Alls"), in: Kursbuch 182, Das Kursbuch. Wozu?, Hamburg (Murmann), 2015. "Das umkämpfte Allgemeine und das neue Gemeinsame. Solidarität ohne Identität" ("The Contested Universal and the New Common: Solidarity without Identity"), Rahel Jaeggi//Ina Kerner/Hanna Meißner/Martin Saar, in: feministische studien, Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Nr. 1, 2015, 99–103. "Towards an Immanent Critique of Forms of Life", in: Raisons politiques. Revue de théorie politique, 57, Paris, February 2015, 13–29. "Il punto di vista della teoria critica. Riflessioni sulla rivendicazione di oggettività della teoria critica", in: Consecutio Temporum, 2014. "Pathologien in der Arbeit. Zur Bedeutung eines gesellschaftlichen Kooperationsverhältnisses" (“Pathologies of Labour. On the Significance of a Social Cooperative Relationship“), Rahel Jaeggi/Lukas Kübler, in: WSI-Mitteilungen, 67 (7), 2014, 521–527. "Reconhecimento e subjugação: da relação entre teorias positivas e negativas da intersubjetividade", in: Sociologias 33. Axel Honneth e a Teoria de Reconhecimento, Porto Alegre 2013, 120–140. "Was (wenn überhaupt etwas) ist falsch am Kapitalismus? Drei Wege der Kapitalismuskritik" ("What (if Anything) Is Wrong with Capitalism? Three Approaches to the Critique of Capitalism”), in: Rahel Jaeggi/Daniel Loick (Ed.), Nach Marx: Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis, Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp) 2013, 321–

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349. "Glück, Freiheit, Rationalität: Überlegungen zum Gelingen von Lebensformen" (“Happiness, Freedom, Rationality: Thoughts on the Success of Forms of Life”), in: Konrad Paul Liessmann (Ed.), Philosophicum Lech – Die Jagd nach dem Glück, Vienna (Zsolnay) 2012, 205–237. "Was ist Entfremdung?“ (“What is Alienation?“), in: Robert Misik/Gertraud Auer Borea (Ed.), Genial dagegen – Die Reihe, Vienna (Czernin) 2011. "Was ist eine (gute) Institution?" (“What is a (Good) Institution?”), in: Rainer Forst/Martin Hartmann/Rahel Jaeggi/Martin Saar (Ed.), Sozialphilosophie und Kritik (Social Philosophy and Critique), Frankfurt a. M., 2009, 528–544. "Was ist Ideologiekritik? (“What is Critique of Ideology?”), in: Rahel Jaeggi/Tilo Wesche (Ed.), Was ist Kritik? (What is Critique?), Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp) 2009, 266–298. "Repensando a ideologia" (“Re-thinking Ideology”), in: Civitas, 1/2008, Porto Alegre, 137–165. "Wie weiter mit Hannah Arendt?" (“On the Actuality of Hannah Arendt“), in: Hamburg Institute for Social Research (Ed.), Wie weiter mit? , Hamburg (Hamburger Edition) 2008. "Autonomie et Aliénation" (“Autonomy and Alienation”), in: Marlène Jouan (Ed.), Autonomie, Moralité, Affectivité, Paris 2008. "Re-Thinking Ideology", in: New Waves in Political Philosophy, Palgrave, Fall 2008, 63–86. French translation: "Qu’est-ce que la critique de l’idéologie?", in: Marx Actuel 1/2008, 96–108. "Die im Dunkeln sieht man nicht: Hannah Arendts Theorie der Politisierung" (“Those in Darkness Drop from Sight: Hannah Arendt’s Theory of Politicization”) in: Heinrich Böll Foundation, Hannah Arendt Center at the Carl v. Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Center for Philosophy at the Justus Liebig University Giessen (Ed.): Verborgene Tradition – Unzeitgemäße Aktualität?, Berlin (Akademieverlag) 2007, 241–250. "Verflüssigung der Demokratie. Zwischen Revolution und Institution" ("Liquefaction of Democracy. between Revolution and Institution”), with Robin Celikates, in: Polar – Zeitschrift für Politik, Theorie und Alltag, 2/2007. "Weder gefunden noch gemacht: Die Nation zwischen Ideologie und gesellschaftliches Imaginäres" (“Neither Found nor Made: The Nation between Ideology and Social Imagination”), in: Antje Weitzel/ Dorothee Bienert (Ed.), This Land is my Land, exhibition catalogue of the NGBK Berlin and the Kunsthalle Nuremberg, Nuremberg 2008, 80–84. "POLAR-Diskussion: Ökonomisierung des Lebens? Ein Gespräch zwischen Axel Honneth, Rahel Jaeggi und Rainer Forst" ("Economization of Life? A Conversation with Axel Honneth, Rahel Jaeggi, and Rainer Forst“), in: Polar – Zeitschrift für Politik, Theorie und Alltag, 1/2006. "Das Zeitalter der universellen Käuflichkeit" (“The Age of Universal Purchasability”), in: Polar – Zeitschrift für Politik, Theorie und Alltag, 1/2006. "Kein Einzelner vermag etwas dagegen: Adornos Minima Moralia als Kritik von Lebensform“, in: Axel Honneth (Ed.), Dialektik der Freiheit, Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp), 2005, 115–141. English translation: "’No Individual Can Do Anything Against It’: Adorno’s Minima Moralia as a Critique of Forms of Life,", in: Constellations 2/2005, 65–82. French translation: "Une critique des formes de vie est-elle possible? Le négativisme éthique d'Adorno" (“Is a Critique of Forms of Life Possible? Negativism in Adorno’s Ethics”), in: Marx Actuel, 1/2006, 135–158. "Weder Marx noch Bakunin" (“Neither Marx nor Bakunin”), Philoktet, Leipzig 2004. "Politische Freiheit und öffentliches Glück: Hannah Arendts Kritik des Liberalismus" (“Political Freedom and Public Happiness: Hannah Arendt’s Critique of Liberalism”), in: Winfried Thaa (Ed.), Die

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Entdeckung der Freiheit – Amerika im Denken Hannah Arendts (The Discovery of Freedom – America in the Thought of Hannah Arendt), Berlin (Philo-Verlag) 2003, 237–256. "Aneignung braucht Fremdheit: Überlegungen zum Begriff der Aneignung bei Marx" (“Appropriation Requires Foreignness: Thoughts on the Concept of Appropriation in Marx’s Theory”), in: Texte zur Kunst19, Nr. 46, June 2002, 66–69. "Standards der Lebensqualität – Ein Problemaufriss" (“Standards of the Quality of Life: Outline of a Problem”), with Stefan Gosepath, Research Report for the “Research Group on the Quality of Life” at the European Academy for Research about the Consequences of Scientific-Technical Developments, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, March 2002. "Solidarity and Indifference", in: Ruud ter Meulen/ Wil Arts/ Ruud Muffels (Ed.), Solidarity in Health and Social Care in Europe, Dordrecht (Kluwer) 2001, 287–308. "Der Markt und sein Preis", in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 1/2000, 987–1004. English translation: "The Market's Price", in: Constellations, Vol. 8 No 3, September 2001, 400–412. "Kritik des Erlebnisparadigmas" (“Critique of the Experience Paradigm”), in: Peter Siller/Gerhard Pitz (Ed.), Politik als Inszenierung: Zur Ästhetik des Politischen im Medienzeitalter, Baden-Baden (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft) 2000, 40–46. "Verdinglichung – ein aktueller Begriff?" (“Reification: A Contemporary Concept?”), in: Lukàcs-Jahrbuch (Lukàcs Yearbook), 1999, 68–72. "Authentizität und Alltag – Die Hannah Arendt-Rezeption zwischen Kritischer Theorie und Postmoderne" (“Authenticity and the Everyday Life – The Hannah Arendt Reception between Critical Theory and Postmodernism”), in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 1/1997, 147–166.

IV. Handbooks and Lexicon Articles "Lebensqualität" ("Quality of Life"), with Stephan Gosepath/ Achim Vesper, in: Ralf Stoecker/Christian Neuhäuser/Marie-Luise Raters (Ed.), Handbuch Angewandte Ethik (Handbook of Applied Ethics), Stuttgart (Metzler) 2011, 260–264. "Entfremdung" (“Alienation“), in: Petra Kolmer/ Armin Wildfeuer (Ed.), Neues Handbuch Philosophischer Grundbegriffe, Band 1, Freiburg/ München (Karl Alber) 2011. “Vita Activa” and "Welt/ Weltentfremdung" (“World/ World Alienation”), in: Bernd Heiter/Wolfgang Heuer/Stefanie Rosenmüller (Ed.), Arendt Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, Stuttgart/ Weimar (Metzler) 2011, 61–70, 333–334. "Adorno: Dialektik der Aufklärung" (“Adorno: Dialectic of Enlightenment”) and “Adorno: Minima Moralia,”, in: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (Ed.), Kindlers Literaturlexikon, Stuttgart (Metzler) 2009. "Entfremdung" (“Alienation”), in: Christian Thies (Ed.), Handbuch Anthropologie, Stuttgart (Metzler) 2009, 316–319. "Kritische Theorie" (“Critical Theory”), with Robin Celikates, in: Stefan Gosepath/Beate Rössler/Wilfred Hinsch (Ed.), Handbuch der Politischen Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie, Berlin (de Gruyter) 2008, 675–679. "Ausbeutung" (“Exploitation”), "Entfremdung" (“Alienation”), and “Hannah Arendt,”, in: Stefan Gosepath/ Wilfred Hinsch/ Beate Rössler (Ed.), Handbuch der Politischen Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie, Berlin (de Gruyter) 2008, 86–90, 270–274, 60–63. "Horkheimer/Adorno: Dialektik der Aufklärung" (“Horkheimer/Adorno: Dialectic of Enlightenment”) and "Marcuse: Versuch über die Befreiung" ("Marcuse: Essay on Liberation”), in: Axel Honneth et al. (Ed.), Schlüsseltexte der Kritischen Theorie, Wiesbaden (VS Verlag) 2006, 249–253, 360–363. "Revolution", in: Erwin Fahlbusch et al. (Ed.), Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon, Göttingen (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) 1991.

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"Leistungsgesellschaft" (“Meritocracy”), in: Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, Mannheim (Brockhausverlag) 1990.

Symposia on my work “Forms of Life, Capitalism and Alienation: Workshop on Rahel Jaeggi’s Work”, University of Turin/ Italy, 21. 02. 2017. "Forms of Life and Capitalism – One Day Workshop with Rahel Jaeggi", University of Parma/Italy, 20. 02. 2017. (Papers and reply to be published in Critical Horizons) "Symposion on the Critical Theory of Rahel Jaeggi", Penn State College of Liberal Arts, Pennsylvania State University/USA, 24. 04. 2016. The papers and my reply will be published in: “From Alienation to Forms of Life: The Critical Theory of Rahel Jaeggi”, Penn State Series in Critical Theory, Amy Allen/Eduardo Mendieta (Eds.), University Park, PA (Penn State University Press) forthcoming April 2018. “Author Meets Critics Workshop on ‘Critique of Forms of Life’”, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg/Germany, July 2013.

Editorial Boards and Memberships Member of the extended Managing Board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie e.V. (German Society for Philosophy). Member of the Editorial Council of Constellations – An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory (Blackwell Publishing). Member of the Editorial Council of Critical Horizons (Acumen Publishing). Member of the Scientific Board of IMES (Internationale Marx-Engels-Stiftung). Member of the editorial board of „Moral Philosophy and Politics“ (de Gruyter). Member of the editorial board of Essex Studies in Contemporary Critical Theory (Rowmans and Littlefield International). Member of the Scientific Board of Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung. Member of the founding committee and editorial board of the interdisciplinary scientific journal "polar. Politik/Theorie/Alltag" (2003–2009). Women’s representative of the area for history and philosophy at the Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M./Germany (1997–2001 and 2004–2006). DFG/ANR-Project „Die Aktualität der Kritik/Actualité de la critique” (“On the Actuality of Critique”), Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M./Germany and Université de Paris IV, Sorbonne (2013–2015). Research Network at the DFG-Research Project „Postwachstumsgesellschaften“, Friedrich Schiller University Jena/Germany.

Invited Lecture Series "Dialectics of Progress", Philosophy Mini Course, University of Essex/Great Britain, 05.– 07.10.2016. (Three Lectures)

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Invited Lectures (Selection) "Pathologies of Labor", Festival Filosofia, Modena/ Italy, 16.09.2017. "Resentment as a Mode of Regression", What Now? Political Thought at a Moment of Crisis, University of California, Berkeley/USA, 07.–08.09.2017. "Lebensformen, Sittlichkeit, zweite Natur: Zwei Formen von Materialismus" (“Forms of Life, Ethical Life, Second Nature: Two Forms of Materialism“), Hegelkongress 2017 – Die zweite Natur, Kongress der Internationalen Hegelvereinigung, Stuttgart/Germany, 14.–17.06.2017. "Ritorno al progresso. Della relazione tra morale e cambiamento sociale” (“Back to Progress. On the Relation between Moral and Social Transformation“), Unione Culturale Franco Antonicelli, Turin/Italy, 21. 02. 2017. "Das entfremdete Selbst" ("The Alienated Self"), 4. Vortrag der Selbst-Beobachtungen – Vortragreihe zu den Frankfurter Positionen 2017, Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M./Germany, 05.12.2016. "A Negative Dialectics of History", Adorno’s Negative Dialectics at 50 Conference, The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge/USA, 18.–19.11.2016. "Pathologies of Labor", Justice at Work Conference, University of Chicago/USA, 14.–15.10.2016. "The Dialectics of Progress", Theodor Heuss Lecture, New School for Social Research, New York/USA, 09.03.2016. "Ethical Explanations: Reconsidering Hegel’s Theory of History", Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore/USA, 09.03.2016. Ideology Conference, Yale University, New Haven/USA, 29.–30.01.2016. "Normativity and Progress in History: With and Against Hegel", The New York German Idealism Workshop, New School for Social Research and Columbia University, New York/USA, 18.12.2015. "Moral Progress, Social Change (and Historical Materialism)", Lecture, Division of the Humanities, University of Chicago/USA, 20.11.2015. "Between Ethics and Social Theory", University of Vienna/ Austria, 13.03.2015. "The Critique of Cultural Practice and Social Forms", Moral Innovation Seminar, Georgetown University/USA, 22.01.2015. "Normativity and History", HSGB Annual Conference 2014: "Hegel's Political Philosophy", Cambridge/Great Britain, 05.09.2014. "Critique of Forms of Life", Conference "Philosophy After Nature", Utrecht University/Netherlands, 03.09.2014. "Criticizing Capitalism as a Form of Life", Conference on "Critical Theory, Critical Times", Chicago/USA, 04.05.2014. "Critique of Forms of Life", 6th International Symposion on Justice, Pontifícia Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 21.08.2013. "Realizing Freedom: Normativity in History", Conference on „Norms of Freedom in Kant and Hegel“, University of Illinois at Chicago/USA, 13.04.2013. "What (if Anything) Is Wrong with Capitalism? Three Approaches to the Critique of Capitalism”, Practical Philosophy Workshop, University of Chicago/USA, 10.04.2013. "Re-thinking Ideology", Conference on „The Concept of Ideology Revisited: Origins, Theories, Lived Experience, Political Consequences“, University Center for Human Values, Princeton/USA, 28.04.2012. "Re-thinking Alienation", Forum for European Philosophy Public Lecture, The London School of Economics and Political Science/Great Britain, 13.03.2012. "Problem Solving: Considerations on the Normativity of Forms of Life", Lecture at the 3rd German- Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposiums (GISFOH), Kibutz Tzuba/Israel, 27.–29.11.2011. 7 Rahel Jaeggi – Curriculum vitae

"Should we (and how is it possible to) Criticize Forms of Life?", University of Florence/Italy, 10.03.2011. "Critique of Forms of Life", Lecture at the International Graduate Conference, Frankfurt a. M./Germany, 30.9.2010. "What is a (Good) Institution?", Lecture at the IV. Simpósio Internacional sobre a Justica at Goethe- Institut Porto Alegre/Brazil, 30.9.2009. "The Art of Establishing Connections: Towards an Immanent Critique of Forms of Life", Conference on Philosophy and Social Sciences, Prague/Czech Republic, May 2007. "Re-thinking Alienation", New School of Social Research, New York/USA, February 2003. "Political Freedom, Public Happiness and the Critique of Private Individualism", Conference "Die Entdeckung der Freiheit – Amerika im Denken Hannah Arendts" at the University of Trier/ Germany, 15.–16.06.2002. "Sein eigenes als ein fremdes Leben leben", Conference of the International Association of Women Philosophers, Zurich/ Switzerland, October 2000. "Ethical Limits of Capitalism", with Martin Hartmann and Martin Saar, Conference "Philosophy and Social Sciences", Prague/Czech Republic, May 1999.

Organization of Conferences (Selection) International Summer School: Critical Theory 2017: Progress, Regression, and Social Change, 17.–22.07.2017, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Critical Theory in Context – The Moral Basis and Expresssive Role of Distributive Principles, Workshop with Daniel Brudney, 17.05.2017, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Critical Theory in Context – Neoliberal Revolution and Apocalyptic Populism, Workshop with Wendy Brown, 30.06.2017, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Critical Theory Roundtable – Forever Resistant? Adorno and Political Protest, Workshop with Maeve Cooke, 22.06.2017, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Critical Theory in Context – Die Abstiegsgesellschaft, Workshop with Oliver Nachtwey, 16.02.2017, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Critical Theory Roundtable – Was ist orthodoxe Kritische Theorie, Workshop with Fabian Freyenhagen, 26.01.2017, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Critical Theory Roundtable – Contradictions of Capital and Care, Discussion with Nancy Fraser, 28.10.2016, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Die Aktualität des Sozialismus, Panel discussion with Axel Honneth, Christoph Menke, Gesine Schwan und Sarah Wagenknecht, 05.07.2016, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Re-thinking Property – Kritische Perspektiven auf ein klassisches Konzept, 24.–25.11.2014, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Gegenwart und Zukunft der Kritischen Theorie – Roundtable at the XXXIII. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, 29.09.–02.10.2014 Münster. Geschichtsphilosophie als Theorie sozialen Wandels, Colloquium at the XXXIII. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, 29.09.–02.10.2014 Münster. Soziale Pathologien – Workshop mit Frederick Neuhouser (Columbia University), 14.–15.07.2014, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Agency, Freedom, and Politics – Workshop with Philip Pettit, 30.06.–01.07.2014, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Market and Morals – A Workshop on Normative Questions about Markets, 06.12.2013, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany.

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Power – Critical Theory, Social Ontology, 03.–04.05.2013, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Capitalism, Crisis, Critique – A Workshop with Nancy Fraser, 23.–24.11.2012, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Authorship and Ethical Living – A Workshop with Sabina Lovibond, 14.–16.06.2012, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Author Meets Critics Workshop on Miranda Fricker's „Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing“, 03.05.2012, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Die Gegenwart der Freiheit – Zeitdiagnose und Gesellschaftskritik in Axel Honneths „Das Recht der Freiheit“, Public discussion with Axel Honneth, Ute Frevert, Christoph Möllers, Heiner Ganssmann, 02.02.2012, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Das Recht der Freiheit – Buchworkshop mit Axel Honneth, 02.–03.02.2012, Humboldt University of Berlin. Kritik der politischen Philosophie – Buchworkshop mit Prof. Raymond Geuss (Cambridge), 16.11.2011, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Re-thinking Marx – Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis, International conference, 20.–22.05.2011, Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany. Immanenz und Transzendenz – Konstellationen philosophischer Kritik, International symposion, 07.–10.09.2006, Basel/Switzerland.