Sory Purchase of Lands and Houses, and to Vary Or (Extinguish All Rights
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4975 thereof; and to apply for powers for the compul- said Bristol and Exeter Railway crosses the same sory purchase of lands and houses, and to vary or canal, and will also, near the same place, cross the (extinguish all rights and privileges in any manner river Tone, which runs from Taunton aforesaid connected with the lands and houses proposed to towards the town of Bridgewater, in the said be taken for the purposes aforesaid; and also county of Somerset, Taunton Saint James, Taun- to levy tolls, rates, or duties upon or in respect ton Saint Mary Magdalene, West Monkton, Ruish- of the said railway and works, and to alter exist- ton, Stoke Saint Mary, Thome Falcon otherwise ing tolls, rates, or duties, and to confer, vary, Thome Farva, West Hatch, Hatch Beauchamp, or extinguish exemptions from the payment of North Curry, Bickenhall, Broadway, Capland, tolls, rates, and duties, and other rights and Rapp*s, Uton, Isle Abbotts, Stewley, Ashill, White •privileges. Lackington, Ilminster, Town Tithing, Horton, And it is also proposed, in and by the said Bill Hcombe, Church Tithing, Winter Hay, Donnyatt, or Bills, to empower the said company or companies Combe Saint Nicholas, Beetham or Betham, Clay- to be thereby incorporated to let on lease, sell, or hanger, Ham, Wadford, West Dowlish, Chard or transfer the said intended railway and works, or Old Chard, thence under the canal from Creech any part of the same, or the tolls thereof, to any Saint Michael aforesaid, to Chard aforesaid, called other railway company or companies; or persons the Chard Canal, and across the reservoir or feeder •with whose line the said intended railway and of the said Chard Canal; South Chard, Chard Land, works may unite.—Dated this fourth day of No- or Crim Chard, Chaffcombe, Knoll St. Giles other- vember 1845. wise Knowle Saint Giles, Cricket Saint Thomas, Mullins and Paddison, Solicitors, London. Winsham,Wayford, Seaborough, Crewkerne, Mis- terton, all in the county of Somerset ; and Chardstock and Thorncombe, Burstock, Mos- OTICE is .hereby given, that application is terton, Hawkchurch, Broadwinsor, Little Winsor, N intended to be made to Parliament in the Childhay, Dibberford, Drimpton, Stoke Ab- ensuing session, for an Act or Acts to authorize botts or Stoke Abbas, Beaminster, Langdon, the construction and maintenance of a railway or Netherbury, Mangerton, where the same railways and branches, with all proper works, ap- will join and run upon the Wilts, Somerset, and proaches, and conveniences connected therewith, Weymouth line, or intended line of railway, or commencing in a close of land, called Back Close will run parallel with the same last-mentioned pr Croft, in the parish of Saint Decumans, in the railway, towards and unto the termination of-the county of Somerset, situate adjoining to the quay said railway at, or on, or near Bridport-harbour or harbour, in the town of Watchet, in the said aforesaid, North Mapperton, South Mapperton, parish of Saint Decumans, in the said county and Mapperton, West Milton, Poorstock, North Poor- .on the south-east side of the said quay or harbour, ton, South Poorton, Loscombe, Bradpole, Loders, in the parish of Saint Decumans aforesaid, and Allington, Bridport, Walditch, Bothenhampton, terminating at, or on, or within a short distance, Symondsbury, Shipton Gorge, and Burton Brad- and on the north of the quay or harbour, at stock, all in the county of Dorset; and also a Bridport-harbour, in the parishes of Burton, branch railway diverging from, and out of the said Bradstock, and Simondsbury, or one of them, 'first-mentioned intended railway at, or near th« in the county of Dorset, which said said close, called Rack Close or Croft, adjoining, intended railway, or railways and branches, and on the south-east side of the harbour of and other works connected therewith, will Watchet aforesaid, and passing from, in, through, pass from, in, through, or into the several or into the several parishes, townships, townlands, parishes, townships, townlands, hamlets, and extra- hamlets, and extra-parochial, or other places fol- parochial, or other places following, or some of lowing, or some of them, that is to say ; Watchet, them, that is to say ; Watchet, Saint Decumans, Saint Decumans, Old Cleeve, Nettlecombe, Car- Williton, Sampford Brett, Bicknoller, Nettle- hampton, Treborough, and Luxborough ; all in combe, Stogumber, Crowcombe, Lydeard Saint the said county of Somerset, and terminating at, Lawrence, Combe Florey, Ash Priors, Halse, or near the blacksmith's shop, in the village of West Bagborough, East Bagborough, Cothelestone, Pool Town, in the parish of Luxborough aforesaid ; Bishops Lydeard, Creech Saint Michael, Kingston, and also another branch railway diverging from Staplegrove, Bishop's Hull, Norton Fitzwarren, and out of the said first-mentioned intended rail- Taunton, where the same will join the line of the way at, or near to, and on the south-east of a Bristol and Exeter Railway, at or near to the farm house, called Northam, situate within the bridge at- Fairwater, and will run into and upon parish of Stogumber aforesaid, passing from, in, the said Bristol and Exeter Railway, towards and through, or into the several • parishes, townships, unto and beyond the station of the Bristol and townlands, hamlets, and extra-parochial, or other Exeter Railway Company, at or near Taunton places following, or some of them, that is to say ; aforesaid, or will run parallel with the said Bristol Stogumber, Crowcombe, Lydeard Saint Lawrence, and. Exeter Railway, from, or nearly from, Fair- Combe Florey, Ash' Priors, Halse, Tolland, water-bridge aforesaid, unto, or near unto, or Brompton Ralph, Fitzhead, Milverton, Crowford, beyond the said station, where it will cross or de- Okehampton, and Wiveliscombe, all in the county part from the said Bristol and Exeter Railway, and of Somerset aforesaid, and to terminate in a .close will cross the canal called the Bridgewater and of land, in the occupation of Nathaniel Baker, Taunton Canal, at or near. to the place where the situate adjoining, or. near to the bottom or east X 2.