Lytton Strachey | 256 pages | 13 Sep 2012 | I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd | 9781780760483 | English | , United Kingdom : A Life of Contradictions by Matthew Dennison

Culture Trip stands with Black Lives Matter. The newlywed couple left in an open carriage and headed towards Hyde Park, but they had barely left the palace when year-old barman Edward Oxford fired two pistols at the queen on Constitution Hill before the crowd Queen Victoria: A Life him down. Oxford, meanwhile, went on to spend 24 years in the once-infamous Bethlem asylum before deportation to , where Britain had established several penal colonies. Albert reported the incident to royal security, but began to think his eyes may have been deceiving him when he realised no one else in the royal convoy Queen Victoria: A Life noticed the strange occurrence. Albert dismissed his doubts regarding the events of the previous day May 29 until a Queen Victoria: A Life lad who had been in the crowd reported seeing exactly what Albert had described. It was decided that the royal couple would leave the palace in a closed carriage and set off through the parks in an attempt to lure the assailant out for a second go. Sure enough, a shot rang out as the convoy travelled through the parks and a nearby police officer pounced on the shooter. The two-time failed assassin, revealed to be an unemployed carpenter called John Francis, was sentenced to be hanged and beheaded — but fortunately for him, Victoria commuted his sentence to life in Australian exile. Bean loaded a pistol with pieces of broken clay pipe and lurked between Queen Victoria: A Life Palace and the Queen Victoria: A Life Royal, waiting for the royal couple to pass. When they did, Bean went to take his shot — but the pistol failed to fire. A year-old and his brother apprehended Bean, Queen Victoria: A Life hunchbacked news vendor, but the officer they brought him Queen Victoria: A Life just laughed in their faces and the crowd pressured the boys to release him. Bean was eventually charged two weeks after the incident, by which point the police had taken practically every Londoner afflicted with kyphosis they could find into custody. William Hamilton was an Irishman from County Limerick who led a tough, impoverished life. It is said that he was briefly imprisoned for taking part in the Parisian arm of the European uprisings while he was in France. Queen Victoria was leaving Cambridge House following a visit to the sickly Duke of Cambridge when an unemployed former army officer by the name of Robert Pate struck her across the head with his cane. Victoria suffered a bruise on her head, but her injuries could have been worse had it not been for her bonnet, which is said to Queen Victoria: A Life absorbed much of the blow. Pate was transported to Australia for seven years but the motives for his attack remain unclear. Between anda growing republican movement in the UK threatened the legitimacy of the monarchy. After a royal wedding and the recovery of the Prince of Wales from the brink of death, another assassination attempt on the queen secured her position and quelled anti-monarchy sentiment for the rest of her reign. Victoria had just arrived at Queen Victoria: A Life station by train from London when she was attacked by a man who has been referred to as Roderick Maclean in some accounts and Frederick McLean in others. The assailant was stopped by a train conductor and set upon by two Eton schoolboys, who attacked him — in the most British way imaginable — with their umbrellas. Enjoy reading this? Select currency. My Plans. Open menu Menu. Australia Pacific. People who kill powerful leaders tend to be remembered. John Wilkes Booth went down in history for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and Lee Harvey Oswald achieved infamy for his conviction for the assassination of American president John F. But what about unsuccessful assassination attempts? Here are the eight failed attempts to kill Queen Victoria: A Life Victoria. Edward Oxford — June 10, Edward Oxford's assassination attempt on Queen Victoria depicted in an watercolour painting by G. John Francis — May 29, John Francis — May 30, John William Bean — July 3, William Hamilton — June 19, Robert Pate — June 27, Read Next. History The History of Buckingham Palace. History Britain's Most Influential Philosophers. History Investigating the Real Catherine de' Medici. Queen Victoria - Children, Family Tree & Facts - HISTORY

Victoria was born at Kensington Palace, London, on 24 May Warmhearted and lively, Victoria had a gift for drawing and painting; educated by a governess at home, she was a natural diarist and kept a regular journal throughout her life. On William IV's death inshe became Queen at the age of Queen Victoria is associated with Britain's great age of industrial expansion, economic progress and, especially, empire. At her death, it was said, Britain had a worldwide empire on which the sun never set. Albert took an active interest in the arts, science, Queen Victoria: A Life and Queen Victoria: A Life the project for which he is best remembered was the Great Exhibition ofthe profits from which helped to establish the South Kensington museums complex in London. Most of her children married into other Royal families of Europe. Helena born married Christian of Schleswig-Holstein. Louise born married John Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll. Beatrice born married Henry of Battenberg. Victoria was deeply attached to her husband and she sank into depression after he died, aged 42, in She had lost a devoted husband and her principal trusted adviser in affairs of state. For the rest of her reign she wore black. Until the late s she rarely appeared in public; although she never neglected her official Correspondence, and continued to give audiences to her ministers and official visitors, she was reluctant to resume a full public life. She was persuaded to open Parliament in person in andbut she was widely criticised for living in seclusion and quite a strong republican movement developed. Seven attempts were made on Victoria's life, between and - her courageous attitude towards these Queen Victoria: A Life greatly strengthened her popularity. With time, the private urgings of her family and the flattering attention of Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister in and from tothe Queen gradually resumed her public Queen Victoria: A Life. In foreign policy, the Queen's influence during the middle years of her reign was generally used to support peace and reconciliation. InVictoria pressed her ministers not to intervene in the Prussia-Denmark war, and her letter to the German Emperor whose son had married her daughter in helped to avert a second Franco-German war. On the Eastern Question in the s - the issue of Britain's policy towards the declining Turkish Empire in Europe - Victoria unlike Gladstone believed that Britain, while pressing for necessary reforms, ought to uphold Turkish hegemony as a bulwark of stability against Russia, and maintain bi- partisanship at a time when Britain could be involved in war. Queen Victoria: A Life popularity grew with the increasing imperial sentiment from the s onwards. During Victoria's long reign, direct political power moved away from the sovereign. A series of Acts broadened the social and economic base of the electorate. Despite this decline in the Sovereign's power, Victoria showed that a monarch who had a high level of prestige and who was prepared to master the details of political life could exert an important influence. Queen Victoria: A Life was demonstrated by her mediation between the Commons and the Lords, during the acrimonious passing of the Irish Church Disestablishment Act of and the Reform Act. It was during Victoria's reign that the Queen Victoria: A Life idea of the constitutional monarch, whose role was to remain above political parties, began to evolve. But Victoria herself was not always non-partisan and she took the opportunity to give her opinions, sometimes very forcefully, in private. After the Second Reform Act ofand the growth of the two-party Liberal and Conservative system, the Queen's room for manoeuvre decreased. Her freedom to choose which individual should occupy the premiership was increasingly restricted. Inshe tried, unsuccessfully, to stop William Gladstone - whom she disliked as much as she admired Disraeli and whose policies she distrusted - from becoming Prime Minister. She much Queen Victoria: A Life the Marquess Queen Victoria: A Life Hartington, another statesman from the Liberal party which had just won the general election. Queen Victoria: A Life did not get her way. She Queen Victoria: A Life a very strong supporter of Empire, which brought her closer both to Disraeli and to the Marquess of Salisbury, her last Prime Minister. Although conservative in some respects - like many at the time she opposed giving women the vote - on social issues, she tended to favour measures to improve Queen Victoria: A Life lot of the poor, such as the Royal Commission on housing. She also supported many charities involved in education, hospitals and other areas. Victoria and her family travelled and were seen on an unprecedented scale, thanks to transport improvements and other technical changes such as the spread of newspapers and the invention of photography. Victoria was the first reigning monarch to use trains - she made her first train journey in In her later years, she became the symbol of the British Empire. Both the Golden Queen Victoria: A Life the Diamond Jubilees, held to celebrate the 50th and 60th anniversaries of the Queen's accession, were marked with great displays and public ceremonies. On both occasions, Colonial Conferences attended by the Prime Ministers of the self- governing colonies were held. Despite her advanced age, Victoria continued her duties to the end - including an official visit to Dublin in The Boer War in South Africa overshadowed the end of her reign. As in the Crimean War nearly half a century earlier, Victoria reviewed her troops and visited hospitals; she remained undaunted by British reverses during the campaign: 'We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist. Victoria died at on the Isle of Wight, on 22 January after a reign which lasted almost 64 Queen Victoria: A Life, then the longest in British history. Her son, Edward VII succeeded her. She was buried at Windsor beside Prince Albert, in the Royal Mausoleum, which she had built for their final resting place. Above the Mausoleum door are inscribed Victoria's words:. Farewell best beloved, here at last I shall rest with thee, with thee in Christ I shall rise again. Skip to main content. Read extracts from Victoria's diaries. Share this article:. Related content. The Georgian Papers Programme: How to catalogue archives. The Georgian Papers Programme: The story so far. Opening up the Royal Archives. Ten things you didn't know about George III. 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Queen Victoria: A Life Victoria was born on May 24, Both her father and grandfather died inthe year her uncle succeeded as King George IV. When George died without issue inVictoria stood to inherit the Queen Victoria: A Life after the daughter of her second royal uncle, King Queen Victoria: A Life IV, died in infancy. William himself died inand the eighteen-year-old princess became Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland on June twenty that year. Victoria was a virgin queen until February 10,when day she married her cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg Gotha. Albert was an avid patron of the arts, sciences, and burgeoning industries, and he helped organize the famous Great Exhibition of at the "Crystal Palace. The other major influence early in her reign was her first Prime Minister William Lamb, second Viscount , of the liberal Whig party. These early years of Victorian rule saw major reforms in British education, with the Grammar Schools Act of and the founding of Queen's College for women in London Queen Victoria: A Life When Prince Albert died inthe queen was devastated and went into deep mourning. She rarely appeared in public until the end of the s, and during this time Great Britain saw a major movement in favor of republican government and for the abolition of monarchic powers. However, with the help of the Conservative party's Benjamin Disraeli, prime minister in and again from tothe queen eventually reassumed a more public and influential role in the government. Throughout the middle years of her reign, Victoria presided over Britain's involvement in the Crimean War —56non-intervention in the Prussia-Austria-Denmark war of —, and the aversion of a Franco- German war in She also presided over major Queen Victoria: A Life reforms in the British government, including the Second Reform Act of and the Representation of Peoples Act ofboth of which greatly expanded the population of her subjects permitted to vote in parliamentary elections. Victorian also saw great advances in commerce and industry, aided by the spread of railroad lines throughout Great Britain and the laying of the first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable in During Victoria's reign, the British overseas Empire achieved its greatest size and power. The queen added the title Empress of India Queen Victoria: A Life her crown in Queen Victoria: A Life She was a strong supporter of empire, which Queen Victoria: A Life pitted her against the Liberal party's William Gladstone, prime minister from —, —, and again from — She had better relations with her last prime minister, the Marquess of Salisbury, also a strong supporter of empire and opponent of Irish Home Rule, which was one of the most contentious issues of the day. Victoria lived to celebrate both her Golden Jubilee in and her Diamond Jubilee in These events were celebrated as great public affairs, and by this time the queen had achieved great popularity in Britain and she had come to be seen as the great symbol of the British Empire. The last Queen Victoria: A Life of her reign were preoccupied with the Boer War in southern Africa — After sixty-three years as queen—the longest reign of any English monarch—Victoria died on January 22, She was eighty-one years old. Election Day is November 3rd! Make sure your voice is heard. Quiz Study Questions. Summary Brief Overview. Next section Context. Popular pages: Queen Victoria. Take a Study Break.