Description O F Set Pieces for Fourth Fireworks Display
The Belkville News Ä COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SERVINO Vol. XII, No. 45. :4LL OP BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, at Newark, N. J., Post. Office, Under Act of March 3, 1879, on October 9, 1925. PRICE FIVE CENTS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER—TOWN OF BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1937 I Seen About Town There are two young, girls in the Greylock section who dress alike, look alike, are both eight years old with their - birthdays almost coinciding and FOURTH OF J IL T PROGR&M COMPUTE ate both in-the fourth grade. They are M-iss Jean Wallwork, uuu0ater of South End Meeting Athletic Events To Get Under Way Parade Draws 2,000 Mi. and Mrs. J. Harold Wallwork of 18i Linden avenue and Miss* Virginia The South End Improvement Asso Arnselt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Description of Set Pieces for ciation Tuesday . evening, at 248 Mill Promptly at 9:45 A. M. at Clearman field Legionnaires Here Oscar Arjnselt of 240 Little street. street, will hear reports on the pro Their two homes are within a stone’s gress oi the five-cent fare for Belle Over 10,000 Lined Streets throw of each other. Fourth Fireworks Display ville. Plans will be made for the Movies, Awards and Music Starts at 7:30 in Evening at Fourth of July. i Same Place Culminating in Fireworks To See Units in Line ■ Ralph/‘Pop” Jamlin’one of 225-Pas saic avenue with two companions, (Take this- with you to Clearman Field Monday night Display at 9:25 P.
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