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F AMERICAN CONSULATÈ Rua Luiz De Camões —r,_ '. ¦_ -.:; ¦¦.""¦ ¦¦ ¦«¦¦ æ.. .¦"¦..'-. _ .':.. :¦.¦¦: . .-:.-- ".¦ kXA:'¦'.,-¦¦. ii A ».¦.-¦¦ The Rio News Y¦* - PUBLISHED ON THE $th% \$th AND 24M OF EVERY MONTH. Vol. XV. RIO DE JANEIRO, f AY i5th, 1888 Number 14 _ .", COfficial Divcctovti litaravie*, ptuocttttto, &t. ILSON, SONS & CO., AMERICAN LIBRARY.—Rua dos Ou- AMERICAN LEGATION.—157, Rua das Larangeiras. BRITISH SUBSCRIPTION (LIMITED) rives, No. 53, ist floor. Bank Note Company; THOMAS J. JARVIS, PRAÇA DAS MARINHAS BIBLIOTHECA NACIONAL—Rua do Passeio No. 48. 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, Minister. RIO DE JANEIRO. BIBLIOTHECA FLUMINENSE. —No. 62, Rua do Ou. NEW YORK. BRITISH LEGATION.—Travessa de D. Manoel, No. 8. vidor. AGENTS OF THE Founded Rua da Bnitness 1T95. H. G. MACDONELL, MUSEU NACIONAL.—Praça da Acclamação,cor. laterporsted under Laws of Stato of New Y«rk, 1S58. Minister. Constituição. Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Reorganlzed 1879. GABINETE PORTUGUEZ DE LEITURA.—No. ia GENERAL—N» 130 Rua do Engravers and Printkrs of AMERICAN CONSULATÈ Rua Luiz de Camões. United States & Brazil Mail S.S. Co., ist floor.H. CLAY ARMSTRONG, BONDS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMPS, Ouvidor, The Gulf Line of Steamers, &c. LEGAL TENDER NATIONAL BANK Cônsul General. AND and the NOTES ofthe UNITED STATES; and for GENERAL.— N'.'8, Travessa Hotels. Foreign Governments* BRITISH CONSULATÈ Commercial Union . de D. Manoel. GEORGE THORNE RlCKETTS, (Fire & Marine) ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, Cônsul Generaj. LLEN'S HOTEL. Assurance Co., Limited. Bank notes, share certifio ates, bonds for governments ani» corporation.), A brafts, ohecks, bills of exohanoe, Coal.sj-Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited) have depôts at St! STAMPS, Ae., tn the finei», and most artlstlo _tylo (Eljurrl) givfttovt) No.. 6 Rüa Humaita (Largo dos Leões) Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevideo, and at the chief Brazil FROM STEEL PLATES, Porls; anil supply coal under contract, at Rio, to: With 8I'ECIAI. 8AKKM! AK1.8 to 1'RKVKST C0UNTKRFBIT1N&. ALBERT ALLEN, Proprietor, The Imperial Brazilian Goveriiniei.t; Mpeclil psperti niaiiufaíturvd oxclnslf ely far CHRIST CHURCH.—Rua do Evaristo da Veiga. Divine iue of tliu Vompsnjr. Service every Sunday at 11 a m. and on the 2iid and 4th Good accominodation for families. IHerllritanuic Majesty's Goverinneiit; SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS. Sundays in each month at 8 p.m. Telephone 1531. 14-22. TlicTransatlaiiticSteamshipCompniiies; Work Exeeuted In Flreproof BuUdlngs. C. N. TANNER, M. A., Chaplain. * The New Zealand Shipping Companies; UTHOQRAPHIO AND TYPE PRINTINQ. N.B.—A1I notices should be sent to &c, &c. BAILWAY TICKETS OF IMPROVED STYLES. ALBERT ALLEN., Clerk. No. 6, Rua Hnmaytd. REITAS' HOTEL Show Onrda, Lubcls, Oitlendun. METHODIST EPISCOPALCHURCH-LargodoCaltete F Insurance. —Fire and Marine Insuraiices efiecte at BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION English services: Sunday School at 10 a.m; preacbing 70 RUA DO PASSEIO luoderatc rates. JAMES MACDONOUGH, President. at 11:30 a. m. on Sundays, and at 7:30 p. m. on Fridays. Depot D. Largo da Lapa. Coal 011 Conceição Island, where a large stock AUG. 8HEPARD, i Vlce-Presldenls.wiM.pM.M.lkt. H. C. TUCKER, Pastor. is kept of the very best description of South Wales TOURO ROBERTSON, at 186 Rua do Cattete ] Steam Coal. f Portuguese services: Sunday School 10a.m., preacbing [formerly H. FREELAND, Sec'y and Treas. Wednesdays ,-HEO. 7.30p.m. Sundays. prayer-meeting, 7 30p.n1. Tug Boats always ready forservice. ¦NO. Ass't Pastor. F. FREITAS, Proprietor. E. CURRIER, Sec'|. J. W. TARBOUX, J. John L. Blsset, Residence: Rua da Princeza Imperial No. 18. Recently enhuged and refitted. Manager. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.—N'.' isTravessa da Barreira. LOCOMOTIVE 11 o'clock, a.m., and o'clock, Services in Portuguese nt 7 Establishments: Wilson, Sons & Co. (Liniittd), BALDWIN p. m., Sundays; and at 7 o'clock p. tn., Thursdays. TTOTEL PALMEIRAS. WORKS, No. 122. London,St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio, Bahia, Pernambuco, BAPTIST CHURCH.—Rua do Conde d'En, PHILADELPHIA, PENN. Services in Portuguese every Sunday at 11 o'clock, a.m. de F. D. P. 11. Parahyba do Noite, Santos, Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. o'clock E. and 7. o'clock, p.m: and every Wednesday at 7. (Established, 1831) ofthe situation and p.m. Sunday School at 10 o'clock, a.çi. This Hotel, from the fine dry climate for invalids and con- HURNUAM.PARRY, WILLIAMS & CO., W. B. BAGBY. Pastor. excellent water, is peculiarly suitable OHN MILLER & C0. valescents, and for rheumatism, bronchinl aflections, diarrhéa, 6. Proprietors. Residence: Rua de Santos Rodrigues N. intermittent fevers, etc. Board and baths 5$ per diem. 175. Rua J These loconiotlve engines are adapted to every variety of ser- FLUMINENSE.-No. discount if for more than a fortnight. IGREJA EVANGÉLICA with vice, and are in Portuguese at 10 o'clock, importeis and Commission Merchants. built accurately to standard gauges and teinplates deS. Joaquim. Services Trains times a day. Return ticket for 8 days 7$2oo. Like every Sunday; and at o'clock, 3 '_ parts of diflereiit engines of same class perfectly inter a.m., and 6 o'clock,p.m., 7 Santos changeable. school at Apply, Hotel Palmeiras, or at and São Paui.o. ) p.m., every Wednesday. Sunday 4:30, p.m. RIO SEÀW.ÊNS' MISSION AND READING ROOM.-!-' Ú ¦¦-.. No. x Largo do Paço. "jÒliN Passenger and Freight Locomotives, Mine Locomo- Open daily. No. 89 Rua da Misericórdia. Divine Service tives, Nanmo Garigc Locomotives, Steam Street Cars ¦- Sailorsfree and H. BELLAMY & Co. ' 011 Sundays and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. etc, etc, easy on T.uesday Evenings at 7 p.m. Gifts of papers, DE PROVENCE. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION AU work thjroughly books, left off clothing, etc, may besent to the above HOTEL Cangallo, Buenos Aires. guaranteed, address, or the Missionary will gladly call for them. 29 Calle J|_ MERCHANTS. lllustmfed catalogue furnished 011 application oi customers THOMAS HjflOPER, Missionary. Fine suits of Rooms for Families, cleanlincss, attendance f* Rua Sole Agents in Brazil: of first order. One of the finest Hotels in town, 1.° de Março, AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETVs-i-General agency at No. and cuisine M K'< Y will find every home comfort. Orders for Nor lon, Megaw Sete de Setembro, 2iid floor. and where visitors RIO DE JANEIRO &• Co. 79, Breakfasts, Dinners, Suppers, Lunches, Pic-nics. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. —Depotat No, 8a, Rua i° de Março. No. Rua Sete de Setembro, Rio de MODERATE. *. CASSELS & Co. 71, Janeiro. CHARGES Rio de Janeiro are BRITISH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY.-Subscriptions NOTE.—The proprietor begs to inform his many (clients w • \ earnestly solicited. Communications should be addressed that the Holel has been completely renovatcd, and is now i 3 Rua Primeiro de Março, OBELS EXPLOSIVES to the Hon. Secretary—D. Robkrts, Caixa do Correio, 75. derfectly new. Co. RIO DE JANEIRO, and LIMITED. jttefriml gHmtonj PAINEIRAS. CASSELS, KING fir* Co. Blasting Gelatine and Dynamite HOTELCORCOVADO. 36 & 38, Calle Maipu, and Surgeon. Residence: Rua In cases of 50 Ibs'. ea., nett weight Dr. Cleary, Physician 37, tram-car line. Trains BUENOS AYRES. 87, Rua do Hospício from Railway from the terminus of Larangeiras Also Detonator do Senador Vergueiro; Office: especially to acconunodale business men. patent caps and Bickford'S palent ia to are rim on week days 3 p.m.- a.m.p.m. Importers anti Agents for Manufacturers. fuse. Kor further infor.nalion and price, apply to the Dr. W. Pairbairn, M. D. Edin; Surgeon and Physician. 10.30 8. J. Leaving: Paineiras7.30 4.30 Ftirtlier Agencies, suitable of business—Hard. , Agents for Hrazil : Office: Rua 1" de Marco, No. 99; from 11 to 1 p.m. and to tbeirlines N. 18, L-ving: 6'3° »¦*> '' >$ 4 to 4:30 p.m. Residence: Rua D. Marianna, j £^Ss°! warc, Domestic goods, Spccialties, etc,etc— arei-cspectfully Watson, (Ritchie Botafogo. 6* Co. The coolest and most easily accessiblc summer resort near solicited. No. 25, Rua Theophilo Ottoni. Rio—1,400 ft above sea levei. Spacious rooms. Good baths. £ntutUev'0 Pimtonj Excellent table. Rio de laneiro. 10 round trip tickets io$ooo; monthly ticket 2o$ooo. Steam Launches Tügs & "pRAPICHE VAPOR. RAILWAYS. Nova Empreza de Bonds Marítimos d vapor. For the OTEL LEÜENROTH. trausporl of passengers &» luggage DOM PEDRO ll.—Through Expresses: Central train on board Steamers. Also towage of Vessels. Pirahy Entre H leaves Rio atsa. m.; arrives at Barra do 7:22, Receive.. Goods in bond according to Table train NOVA FRIBURGO, No. 7 oi Rios 9:3a and Itabira (terminus) at 7:52 p.m. São Paulo For information at the office ofthe Company, No. 6, Praça the custom houseregíilations. leaves Rio ató a. 111 arrives at Barra at 8:15 a.m. and Cachoeira, (Province of Rio de Janeiro) 28 de Setembro, (antigo Largo da Prainha), Telephone 435, From where passengers for S. Paulo must change, at 12:19. with Snr. Valente 011 the Cacs Novo do Largo do Paço, arriving at Porto Novo Rua Entre Rios train leaves at 10:02 a.m. CARL ENGERT, Proprietor. or with? da Gamboa No. io & 12. da Cunha at 11:42. Dowmuant, trains leave Itabira at 5:15 a.m: Cachoeira (S. Paulo branch) 12.29 p.m: Porto Novo This first class Hotel, established 40 years ago, opposite the Swanivick & Gordon, Telephone Call, No. jq. at 1:05; Entre Rios The S. Paulo irai., arrives in Rio railway station, with fine gardens and excellent cold baths, 3.10. 31, Rua General Camara.Telephone No. 427 ai 6:45 and the Central train at 8 p:m. tlie healthy aud favorite summer residence of the nobility ofthe Capital ofthe Empiie.is inagnificcntly situated Limited Express, leaves Rio at 7 a.m.; arrives at Barra and gentry WINES. feet above the sea-level, at hours distance from lhe at 10:25; Entre Rios at 2:23 and Marianno Procopio (terminus) 3000 jA T 1 7KNCKSLAU GUIMARÃES & Co.
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