P hoto Essay The Lone Star Dispatch Monday, Dec. 14, 2015 Page 12 Culinary cooks for the teachers

Three cooks: Senior Ben Spink, junior Emma Cain, and junior Dakota Valdes place the used pans from the while waiting for the next dishes to go out. The students had to perform numerous tasks in different areas of the during the PTSA staff luncheon. “My favorite part was how smooth everything went, we were all doing what we were supposed to be doing,” Valdes said. Photo by Granger Coats

Chip chop chip: Crisp slices of lettuce and celery collect on the cutting board of senior Angel Reyes. Reyes was also in charge of making sure got refilled and presentation was up to standard. “I was in charge of the side of things and making sure everything went smoothly,” Reyes said. Photo by Granger Coats

Sous : Dishing the beef pot roast from pan to plate, senior Alyssa Mota cleans and preps the kitchen. Working as a sous chef the day of the buffet, Mota was in charge of many crucial aspects of the luncheon. “I learned how to be a leader and take more control over the whole situation,” Mota said. Photo by Granger Coats Holiday luncheon provided by PTSA feeds faculty and staff before break Eliana Lynch “Themes are different Though this is Commentary Editor every year,” Chef Winemi- much simpler than lun- ller said. “Four people de- cheons there are still rea- Bowie Culinary Arts is signed the menus this year, sons for more concern. known for it’s luncheons normally it’s less, and one “We really had to prove and their annual events. person chooses the theme. ourselves this time because This year, Culinary hosted In a perfect world I just last event didn’t go too a Culinary Winter Com- oversee what everyone is well,” Seay said. “There fort Buffet for the PTSA. doing and helping out as were lot’s of problems Kitchen prep: Gathering the fresh cut veggies, juniors Elizabeth Carreon and Alex- Though for the most part, little as I can. Bottom line mainly in the kitchen be- is Nines organize the lettuce and celery before . On the day of the luncheon luncheons are meant to the food has to go out the cause the first years didn’t Carreon also finished up the decorations on the cake. “My favorite thing about working raise money for the orga- door. If a person doesn’t know what they were do- the buffet was the day of the event I got to finish decorating the cakes,” Carreon said. nization, this was a lunch get their work done I’ll ing and us second years Photo by Granger Coats just for teachers and teach- have to end up doing it.” weren’t taking enough er appreciation paid for by Creating the menus is charge of our assigned the PTSA. an extremely challenging first years especially in the “We get hired by the task so the second years kitchen.” school district to make din- split up the different Concerns range from ner for the whole staff,” being served as well as the culinary students all the senior second year Janelle different jobs on the big way to Chef himself. Seay said. “Basically, it’s a day. “I do like seeing the fac- holiday thing for all of the “I was on appetizers,” ulty enjoy themselves and staff members. We want Seay said. “ I wrote all of having a good time,” Chef to show our appreciation the menus for them so that Winemiller said. “How- best we can. It was actually was my service station. If I ever, my least favorite completely free for teach- wasn’t doing appetizers I’d part is that there is always ers. I liked seeing all of my probably be in the dining a chance that something teachers come to see what room working on buffet. goes wrong and service we do in culinary and en- This year I was much more just completely falls apart. joying our food.” in charge, which is excit- I also really hate losing This year, the focus for ing. ” money, because we have a the theme was more on The buffet is a new set budget so it’s even more winter holidays and dec- idea that isn’t normally complicated. But hey, if orations with simple, lik- used at the luncheons. The they hire us, we . It’s able, foods. luncheons have more of a that simple.” “We try to elevate the formal feel to them but the Bowie Culinary Arts classic dishes,” senior An- purpose of the PTSA lunch take pride in the effort that gel Reyes said. “This year was for more of a warm they put into their . we served turkey and ham, and simple feeling. They work hard every year different dips, meatballs, “This year I was in creating fresh and difficult tomato soup, mac and charge of the buffet,” dishes for the satisfaction cheese, and lot’s of vege- Reyes said. “I honestly re- of others. Though students In and out: Junior Ian Good moves fresh pans into the dining area then quickly tables just to name a few.” ally didn’t like it that much and faculty may not be rushes out with the empty pans from before. Good rushed back and forth from the The second years al- because there were too able to see all the work that kitchen to the buffet making sure the food was fresh and ready for the teachers. “I ways take over the menus many people and it was all goes on behind the scenes learned how much harder a buffet can be than a regular service,” Good said. Photo by and making the big deci- backed up. I’d rather be in in the kitchen, they most Granger Coats sions. Though the themes the kitchen making stuff. definitely can taste it in the are different every year, I liked seeing my teachers food that is set in front of the role of the second years happy but I prefer to just be them. doesn’t change. behind the scenes. ”