IDBI BANK LTD RFP For OS Vendor Bid to be submitted (dropped) personally by authorized representative of the respective Bidder. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) DOCUMENT RFP FOR SELECTION AS OUTSOURCING VENDOR (OS Vendor) FOR PROVIDING MARKETING & BACK OFFICE SUPPORT SERVICES TO IDBI BANK LTD. Bid Document may be downloaded from Bank’s Website Date of commencement of issue of bidding documents - To be uploaded on 25.08.2021 website Cost of bidding document, if required in Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) physical form (Non-Refundable) in the form of demand draft/ pay order (Non refundable) from an Indian scheduled bank in favor of ‘IDBI Bank Limited’, payable at Mumbai. Last date for submission of pre-bid 04.09.2021 queries (only through e-mails) E-mail address:
[email protected] Date and place of Pre bid meeting 08.09.2021 at 1100 hrs IDBI Bank, IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade,Mumbai-400005 Last date of the submission of Bid 14.09.2021 at 1500 hrs Place of submission of bid envelop Bids in sealed envelope to be dropped into a sealed Box kept at IDBI Bank, IDBI Tower, Ground Floor, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400 005 Date & Time of opening of Technical bids 14.09.2021 at 1600 hrs Date & Time of opening of Financial bids To be intimated later Note: 1) This Document is not transferable. 2) If a holiday is declared on the dates mentioned above, the bids shall be received /opened on the next working day at the same time specified above.