March 2, 2015

The Honorable Jaqui Irwin Member, State Assembly State Capitol, Room 6011 Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: Assembly Bill 171 – SUPPORT

On behalf of the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), I am pleased to express our support for your Assembly Bill 171 regarding payments to county veteran service officers (CVSOs). RCRC is an association of thirty-four rural California counties and the RCRC Board of Directors is comprised of elected supervisors from those member counties.

As you know, AB 171 would provide a continuous appropriation of $5,600,000 to counties to fund the activities of county veteran service officers (CVSOs). Additionally this bill would require that an allocation formula based upon performance standards be developed and would require future funding to be allocated in line with that formula.

The County Veterans Service Officer (CVSO) program plays a critical role in assisting military veterans and their families in receiving the benefits they have earned through their service to our country. Currently, 56 counties have operating CVSO offices (due to low population numbers, Sierra and Alpine counties do not). Historically, the State provides CVSOs with $2.6 million in funding each year, often augmented by additional single-year funding during the Budget process. This bill would make that additional augmentation permanent and remove year-to-year budget uncertainties for CVSOs.

RCRC supports a stable funding stream through a continuous appropriation for CVSOs which allow counties to provide their veterans with the resources and services to which they are entitled. For the above reasons, RCRC supports AB 171. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or (916) 447-4806, should you have any questions regarding our position.


CYNDI B. HILLERY Legislative Advocate

cc: The Honorable , Member of the California State Assembly The Honorable Devon Mathis, Member of the California State Assembly The Honorable , Jr., Member of the California State Assembly Austin Heyworth, Office of Assembly Member Irwin